Cry for XDA help - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Just wondering if someone can give me some information. I have just got a new XDA, and to be perfectly honest i have not got a clue what i'm doing. I have never owned a pocket PC before, and i am a bit lost.
I have active sync and an IRDA port to install stuff, but none of the software i install works, be it emulators, pocketdivx, or anything else for that matter. I know it has an ARM processor, but that doesn't seem to make any difference.
Also, can anyone give me some hints on unlocking. Do you have to have a serial cable or can you do it with an IRDA.
Please could anybody give me some tips, or afew links to some decent resources so i can read up on this.

Start here look at the possibilities, links to other web sites are on the left of the page.
Those links will probably have other link sites etc. etc.
Microsoft - who else - have a web page with some useful info. This site has very useful pointers on unblocking.
have fun.


Byte Counter

Looking around the site and forums, a lot of great information and help. I must admit that I do not own an XDA, where I live they are available but for way too much money (also only the 32MB/32MB ones sold under QTEC). I found another version by a different maker - the ETEN P603. Most of the information available here is applicable for me, with exception to the build-in ROM programs.
But quoting from the page covering the new ROM:
"'Byte Counter' is merely a link to a handy traffic-measurement utlity that was already present in the Windows directory, but that few people knew about "
I have looked in my Windows directory and havn't found anything that would seem to verify this. Could anyone please advise?
One only assumes that this could be due to the fact that I do NOT own an XDA, if this be the case, my excuses for this post - would anyone like to give me a copy of theirs so that I could test it on my own devise? I would greatly appreciate to know my connection speed and stats when connected without shelling out €20 on software if it is already present on the devise.
Normally,in XDA at least, the ByteCounter.exe is located in the Windows. If you cannot locate it anywhere in your device, I think the problem is much attributable to your unit's specification :?

Byte Counter

Looking around the site and forums, a lot of great information and help. I must admit that I do not own an XDA, where I live they are available but for way too much money (also only the 32MB/32MB ones sold under QTEC). I found another version by a different maker - the ETEN P603. Most of the information available here is applicable for me, with exception to the build-in ROM programs.
But quoting from the page covering the new ROM:
"'Byte Counter' is merely a link to a handy traffic-measurement utlity that was already present in the Windows directory, but that few people knew about "
I have looked in my Windows directory and havn't found anything that would seem to verify this. Could anyone please advise?
One only assumes that this could be due to the fact that I do NOT own an XDA, if this be the case, my excuses for this post - would anyone like to give me a copy of theirs so that I could test it on my own devise? I would greatly appreciate to know my connection speed and stats when connected without shelling out €20 on software if it is already present on the devise.
Ok I'll do it!
Where woukd you like it sent?
BTW its a very small 10KB file.

Can Someone Please Direct me to the TouchFlo and Cube downloads?

Can someone please direct me to the TouchFlo and Cube downloads? I have searched and I have found the iCube but I want the same program that is on the Touch not the one that is mixed with iPhone.......I tried to download one before and couldn't get it to work right. Could someone please send me the downloads and give me some steps to follow and where to place the programs and stuff on my device? Thanks
i hope no1 helps because they are all over, quit being lazy.
98classic said:
i hope no1 helps because they are all over, quit being lazy.
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I hope no one helps you..ever again..
the above question is valid.. I have been searching all over for them as well, they seem to have disappeared , I find all of the 3rd party and dev stuff, but none of the HTC downloads anymore.
so.. like the above poster, I would love to be able to find these downloads again.
Othelious said:
I hope no one helps you..ever again..
the above question is valid.. I have been searching all over for them as well, they seem to have disappeared , I find all of the 3rd party and dev stuff, but none of the HTC downloads anymore.
so.. like the above poster, I would love to be able to find these downloads again.
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ok then tell me why i found it on the first search? tell me that. huhuh?!?!
also found about 239847238947928374 other threads about people asking the same question.
98classic said:
ok then tell me why i found it on the first search? tell me that. huhuh?!?!
also found about 239847238947928374 other threads about people asking the same question.
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I bet you found Ftouchflo.. and not touchflo... its easy to find...., a search for touchflo or gets no usable ( IE, downloable ) software other than Ftouchflo on here or internet in general
and what makes u think they ever ripped the htc touchflo software? I've got every single htc software and there is no htc touchflo or htc cube. maybe you guys should first find out what you guys are looking for and then go in a search to find it.
Sorry, all I found was the Slither cube that the guy on ppcgeeks pointed you to.
I really hope 98classic never needs help from anyone... he's very likely not going to get any.
(LOL @ myself for unintentional and likely accurate double-meaning...)
In the time it takes to tell someone that they should search first, we could just help them in their search if we know where it is.
As a Data Specialist for a large research company, I find that many people do indeed search, but they are not good at searching. They often use the wrong words in their search queries and limit themselves by putting too much information in.
Why get negative with people?
Just ignore the question and move on if it bothers you.
Seriously, it's not a big deal that they asked for some help - we didn't all do this completely on our own, so take pride in being able to help someone that isn't as good at searching as yourself.
We have enough negativity in the world, let's leave it out of the forums that are designed to help everyone - beginner to advanced.
Beggers cant be choosers
Ftouch with config cab...Works perfect... Dont use cube (useless imho) so cant help there....Searching you have found these within minutes. Not sure why you need to have Genuine HTC...Your better off with "dev" software anyway...They offer better support....USE IT AND BE HAPPY..Or step up your game a "dev" a usalbe version of HTC TOUCHFLO and share it with the Community

Help/advice about live wallpapers

Hands up, I have to be honest, this thread is basically a duplicate of one I already started elsewhere but it's just gotten buried in that section and I doubt I'll ever get any help with it.
As I said in the other thread, I'm wondering if it's possible to embed switches/toggles for functions like bluetooth into a live wallpaper.
I mean, I know that live wallpapers can respond to touch input, I'm just not sure if they can be used to control other functions within the handset itself.
If that is possible, the next problem is that I have no idea how to create a live wallpaper.
Any/all suggestions, advice, etc would be greatly appreciated.
Quick bump in case anyone can help...
Top two work best bud, good luck! That would be pretty cool if you incorporate that though.
Because, of course, I'd never thought to actually try finding out the answer myself(!)
Pretty much every link on the first page of that search I've already looked at.
But answers aren't hugely forthcoming, especially about being able to control the bluetooth status, and the guides aren't the clearest for someone who has no idea what he's doing like myself.
I asked here in the hope that someone with some expertise might be able to help.
Try that
Thanks for the link, I'll look into that.
One guy mentions 'livemake' which I've not encountered so far.
The second one just uses 'Custom Creator 2.6' which I'm already familiar with and isn't remotely capable of what I'm trying to do - it can only produce basic animations.
I'll definitely chase that up though, thanks.

My tumblog for reviews and whatnot...

Just wanted to throw this out there...
I started a tumblr account to start reviewing ROMs, kernels, themes, etc...I like to think I can offer some pretty good insight. I will also post tutorials and such, but a lot of that won't pertain to you guys, as most of that is just taken (and credited) from here.
Along with the reviews, I also mirror whatever I'm reviewing so I can provide a direct download link (with
Check it out, tell me what you think...just started a few days ago, so don't hammer me too hard.

