Byte Counter - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Looking around the site and forums, a lot of great information and help. I must admit that I do not own an XDA, where I live they are available but for way too much money (also only the 32MB/32MB ones sold under QTEC). I found another version by a different maker - the ETEN P603. Most of the information available here is applicable for me, with exception to the build-in ROM programs.
But quoting from the page covering the new ROM:
"'Byte Counter' is merely a link to a handy traffic-measurement utlity that was already present in the Windows directory, but that few people knew about "
I have looked in my Windows directory and havn't found anything that would seem to verify this. Could anyone please advise?
One only assumes that this could be due to the fact that I do NOT own an XDA, if this be the case, my excuses for this post - would anyone like to give me a copy of theirs so that I could test it on my own devise? I would greatly appreciate to know my connection speed and stats when connected without shelling out €20 on software if it is already present on the devise.

Normally,in XDA at least, the ByteCounter.exe is located in the Windows. If you cannot locate it anywhere in your device, I think the problem is much attributable to your unit's specification :?


XDA as Lap top replacement ?

Does any body knows if the XDA can access like a usb harddisk ?
Because I'd like to use it as a file server for digital camera. Unfortunately
most digicams need special driver to transmit information via usb cable.
They simulate a hard drive. Does any body knows in wich way connection is possible ?
Thank you !
XDA is an USB slave device so it can't 'access' a disk, ..., etc.
If you would have browsed this web you would have found:
It's not to flame you but you could save yourself some time by spending some time on searching this website
XDA Developers, or people that hve managed to take this site to a new frontier. I think that something is cropping up time and time again. Which can be looked at in one of two ways..
1. Peoples lack of effort to look around the forums to find what they want.
2. Lack of a search engine, in order for things to be easily found.
If opttion 2 could be solved, I think that this will please a lot fo people. It also stems well for the future. When this site gets a thousand posts a day..
But I'll agree we need to put more effort in telling newbies where stuff is.
I guess both are ok...
being a newbie I like the search function but I started using it first at my third (or later?) visit. I guess newbies are (out of my own experience ):
- new to XDA lingo
- eager to ask something and act before thinking
Maybe a solution is to have:
- new users
- guests
- .... ???
... enter the search screen BEFORE they ever get to the 'new post' screen and kinda sorta force them to do something with search before they type in their question. It will at least let them look further than hitting that post/reply button that seems to be more present than the other screens.
I don't think the search screen has to be improved. It works very well according to my standards (if that counts)

Cry for XDA help

Just wondering if someone can give me some information. I have just got a new XDA, and to be perfectly honest i have not got a clue what i'm doing. I have never owned a pocket PC before, and i am a bit lost.
I have active sync and an IRDA port to install stuff, but none of the software i install works, be it emulators, pocketdivx, or anything else for that matter. I know it has an ARM processor, but that doesn't seem to make any difference.
Also, can anyone give me some hints on unlocking. Do you have to have a serial cable or can you do it with an IRDA.
Please could anybody give me some tips, or afew links to some decent resources so i can read up on this.
Start here look at the possibilities, links to other web sites are on the left of the page.
Those links will probably have other link sites etc. etc.
Microsoft - who else - have a web page with some useful info. This site has very useful pointers on unblocking.
have fun.

Byte Counter

Looking around the site and forums, a lot of great information and help. I must admit that I do not own an XDA, where I live they are available but for way too much money (also only the 32MB/32MB ones sold under QTEC). I found another version by a different maker - the ETEN P603. Most of the information available here is applicable for me, with exception to the build-in ROM programs.
But quoting from the page covering the new ROM:
"'Byte Counter' is merely a link to a handy traffic-measurement utlity that was already present in the Windows directory, but that few people knew about "
I have looked in my Windows directory and havn't found anything that would seem to verify this. Could anyone please advise?
One only assumes that this could be due to the fact that I do NOT own an XDA, if this be the case, my excuses for this post - would anyone like to give me a copy of theirs so that I could test it on my own devise? I would greatly appreciate to know my connection speed and stats when connected without shelling out €20 on software if it is already present on the devise.
Ok I'll do it!
Where woukd you like it sent?
BTW its a very small 10KB file.

WM2005 etc. Newbie Questions

I'm the proud owner of a T-Mobile MDA II with vga camera. Half an hour ago I happend to find this interesting forum.
What is this Windows Mobile 2005? I've never heard of it. I searched the Microsoft website, but I didn't find anything.
I have no idea which OS is installed on my MDA... the ROM version is 1.72.01GER (in case that helps).
So... in case I want to upgrade my MDA.... what do I have to do, where do I get the files from etc. And, what is this upgrade all about? Is it a totally new OS, or what is it? I have no idea
Thanks for your help
Hi Bauer,
I too am a newbee. Just joined this forum about a month ago. If I may give you a clue ( though I'm not an expert in it), the Windows Mobile 2005 is supposed to be the next mobile phone OS from Microsoft. It is said to have many more user-friendly features than the one you are currently using. However it has not yet been officialy released in the market (I even doubt if its ready yet). But thanks to our great Buzz Lightyear ( we are fortunate to get the taste of the new promised features. Buzz had managed to create his own version of the said OS and named it the Magneto. Why don't you try to drill further into other area of this forum or go to I'm sure you'll get the idea, and as it happened to me I'm sure you'll like it too. Good Luck.
Hi again Bauer,
Regarding the question as to where to get ROM upgrade, you can try this link to get the copy of the new ROM upgrade. However you are supposed to register yourself first to be able to access the link. There (and in this forum too) you will get a clear description & instruction for the ROM upgrade.
I would also like to get this opportunity to apologize to the forum (especially to Buzz and the development team) for not being polite enough to say 'thank you' for all the work you've done. I've had no significant problem with either the upgrading process or the tweaking around with both hardware and software (incl. 3rd parties). Everything works fine with my machine since day one I did the upgrade. I love the work. Thank you all, and have a nice day.
Hi Bauer,
Spend time reading the wiki site too which will provide you with a lot of background about your new toy and the sort of things you can tweak/ develop or pick up that others have done.
Also learn to use the search function of this website as you can find most of the answers for yourself without relying upon good folk to give the same advice to the next newbee in the queue asking the same questions ('nuff said, we've all been newbees at sometime).
Once you've read relevant parts of the wiki and are comfortable that you want to risk changing your ROM (there are numerous pitfalls you risk (e.g. warrantee invalidation) and ultimately totally killing your machine if you have two left feet/ power surge/ massive bad luck etc) search these forums will educate you to the experiences of others developing/ beta testing/ exploring. Buzz's versions of WM5 are narrated a:
Remember to pay due homage to all his hard work.
Beyond that enjoy.
Viel Glück - Mallow1

[Q] Tapas / DimSum (Crippled) Android on Sharp 72xxU Thread

Sharp has made a pretty nice Keitai-style Android phone: sh7218u , but has crippled the OS only to run chinese apps. (They call it DimSim)
What would be the best way on approaching a potential "uncrippling" of this software.. and installing a full blown Andorid on it ?
All suggestions welcome, (I don't wanna hear any "buy a HTC instead" replys) 'cause they don't make clamshell androids)
Thanks ,
The Keitai'ist
bump for you! Would like to know this as well.
Rooting software available.
Found a WHOLE bunch of software for the Sharp 72xx on a Chinese BBS, PM me for files... & guides
Anybody has more info on functioning of the SH7218U outside China, namely in EU? Been thinking about this phone as my second (private phone), I'll be able to order one from China in August... Is it worth the hassle and the risk?
Alright everyone, I'm in love with this phone, anyone feel the same? Well, you're about too.
Here's a link to install and enable Gapps, use a translator if ya want.
Also, anyone familiar with the SH-01B? And it's really nice-looking big clock for the external display? I have the files for making yours look like that as well. Just PM me if ya want. Or just get it from this link.
Oh yeh, z4root roots this device fine btw.
Now, I don't really know how to read Chinese well so Ive gotten all this info from lurking Chinese forums searching for keywords or just finding these because of others. So, if anyone can help me out with translating this link I'm about to give, ALOT of helpful things will result since it's basically a thread on SH7218U optimization.
Also, if you check out this vid, ,this guys SH7218U is modded so the notification and virtual android buttons have a different look to them. I asked the guy and this is what he said, "It is similar to how to modify the status bar is other android phone (which you can search from google or XDA forum), but the tricky part is instead of modify the frame-res.apk. you do the modification on dianxinos-res.apk". Now that seems simple enough but I can't find any guide on HOW to do this, and him not replying any further didn't help me out.. SO yeh, if anyone can read/write Chinese lets look up on how to mess with the SH7218Us framework.apk and dianxinos-res.apk, as for now Ide rather not mess with those important files without a clear English guide.
So let's try and get something going here possibly maybe perhaps?

