I'm using my XDA for about 4 months. This morning when I turned my device on, the wireless radio didn't worked :-(!
Even after a couple of soft and hard restarts, the wireless radio won't turn on... Can some one help me (have pocket pc 2002)

Can i point you to here
and also if you read through the rom section you will see other messages http://xda-developers.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=815


Hermes radio problems (device stuck)

as already written in one of the WM6.5 threads I have some serious problems with my Hermes and it's not getting better.
I have tried to search a bit but I couldn't find the right answer to my problem so hopefully someone can help me.
I will try to write down as many details as I remember regarding the problem!
- Hermes was running fine WM6.1 till some days ago until GSM began to get crazy (not logged into network properly, device hang up etc)
Can't remember which ROM I installed before but GSM was
- Today morning I switched to Tai's Golden Globe V14.
Before I put the AT&T "fresh" ROM onto my device to make sure everything will run smoothly
After flashing to GG V14 I did a HW-reset and synched my Outlook stuff - everything looked fine so far
- Later on I tried to make some phone calls but the device stuck and did not react
I did a SW reset and from now on the journey began - the device did start sometimes till a blank startup screen and sometimes it just hang up while booting
I recognized it behaved differently e.g. if AC was connected it did not boot up till Windows but also HW reset did not solve the problem
- Back to the PC I tried to flash my device with different OS and Radio ROMs but without success
Finally I found the Vodafone DE ROM and it seemed to work fine again but just for one phone call. I tried to switch on my device approx. 5min after the call but it didn't work - I only saw the green indicator (GSM) but there was only the possibilty to do a SW reset
From now on the device got crazy again and if I try to make a phone call the device tells me a kind of error "Cannot make a phone call" or something like that or the antenna indicator disappears or the antenna shows an exclamation mark
Additionally maybe some more information:
- Herm100 device (originally O² Trion)
- Oli HardSPL 2.10 (did it a while a go)
- GSM often showed an exclamation mark and sometimes good reception but phone calls couldn't be done (sometimes yes, sometimes no, totally crazy)
I really appreciate your answers and if I forgot something to say don't hesitate to ask me.
Sounds like the radio is fried or is dying. Have the same problem on my HERM200 (TYTN). Bought the phone used and it froze often. Never really installed a SIM card when I got it. Installed WM6 and I had trouble with the upgrade - got stuck a few times - lucky I had HARDSPL installed. When the radio appears it initially would only work a few minutes at a time - running applications and time seem to get the same errors you experienced. Took the phone apart and cleaned it with electronics cleaner. Left on desk on in standby for a week - checked it occasionally and still showed active radio. Rebooted a few times still ok. Took the phone out of the house for two days still worked. Battery drained down during period. Now have no GSM errors and I was only able to get it to get a radio 1 or 2 times. Reboots and hard resets do not improve. Reflashes won't improve situation because it can't find the radio or the chipset is fried and it can't flash.
Hi and thank you for your answer!
Sounds like bad news and I sadly can confirm my device is more or less nearly unusable!
Yesterday I was not able to make a phone call and even flashing AT&T ROM did not bring any improvements even my SIM was taken out of the device. Seems like the radio influences the whole device even it's inactive. I will try some other radio ROMs... it can't be worse

WIFI time out issues...

Hi Folks
My Hero connects fine to a wifi network(home and at work) but after about 5 mins it drops the connection(this is whilst browsing etc not when in active). It then takes several mins to reconnect or I have to disconnect then reconnect and works fine for yet another 5mins.. have reflashed the phone with original UK orange rom still happens and have flashed with mrc 3.2 and still happens This is getting to the point of being useless and an other reason to ditch andriod/the hero..
does anyonew out there have and advise as hjave tried everything I know of to resolve the issue. Also just incase you ask ALL other netbooks and wifi enabled devices work perfectly with the networks and the hero is on orange now using mrc 3.2 rom...
I would suggest you need to update the radio.
Radio is what controls things like wifi not the actual rom itself.
yep flashed the latest,then the oldest then several others to see if that was the fault. Seems the hero(read else where on line) suffers from wifi problems and not always router depended....

Phone Can't Detect Wireless Networks Anymore

Problem still persists, unfortunately.
TL;DR: Wireless networks cannot be detected, tried some common remedies (listed below)
I've been having a really peculiar problem that's left me scratching my head since last night.
Yesterday evening, after my Legend had completed its charge, I briefly disconnected the Wifi to take a shower. When I had finished, I went into bed and turned on the Wifi for some evening use. What happened next was completely strange: no networks could be detected at all. I was in a location where many wireless networks could be detected, from neighbours and offices. Hell, I even had two routers in the room I was in! It's left my Legend completely net-crippled since its happened and I've been depending on mobile data. A bit bad, because I only have 250mb a month.
Things I've tried:
*Manually connect to the network (as if i had a hidden SSID)
*Reboot many times
*Toggle Airplane Mode many times
*Wipe cache and dalvik cache
*Reset the routers (which is stupid)
The only thing I haven't tried is a hard reset, something I'm avoiding until I purchase a new SD card.
Can anyone help? It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all in advance!
Sent from my Legend using XDA App
well, i have 2 suggestions for you:
1. delete all the wireless networks that phone saved in the wireless settings (that solved it for me), restart the phone and try to connect to a wireless network.
2. upgrade the phone's Radio.
You haven't posted what ROM you are using. Are you using CyanogenMod, stock (HTC Sense), or other ROM's?
My bad, I'll post more details if anyone needs 'em.
CM7, latest nightly (#176), it's been fine for a week now, 'til this.
Well that's the problem, you are using a nightly build. I've yet to have a problem with the wireless with the RC1 build. Yes, yes, I'm giving CM a go again.
If you want to use your phone for daily use, I would not use a nightly build. Those are strictly meant for testing and feedback purposes.

Touchpad wifi issue

(Posting here as i cant post in the wifi thread in the dev forum)
Last week I tried Bricked ROM with the 0.4 and 0.35 kernel and wifi was bad. Once it went I had to do all sorts of things to get it back up and it used to go many times a day.
I'm on ClassicNerd 0.1.0 now and it is much better. I'll lose connectivity maybe once a day but can get it back usually straightaway by turning wifi off and back on.
With both roms i did ACMEUninstall, webos doctor and multiple wipes of data, cache and system.
Sent from my Touchpad using Tapatalk
I've resorted to never resetting my touchpad. lol.lame I know but when it works it stays fine .....only until I reset.
Had a similar issue when my ISP upgraded my router to a virgin super hub ( its a re branded netgear one ) my solution was to disable the router function and connect my old belkin n600 play and now my wifi works and never disconnects even on the 5Ghz mode.
In my case I don't think it was a router issue. Both ROMs were used with the same router/channel as well as at the local Starbucks. BrickedROM had the problems I mentioned above with both routers and similarly ClassicNerd is pretty much problem-free with the same two routers.
It seemed that for whatever reason the WiFi would go to 'sleep' even though the OS thought it was working. So I would get the WiFi signal icon but it would never go blue or show any activity whatsoever. Once it had gone to 'sleep' though, it wasn't straightforward how to wake it up. Sometimes it needed some 'rest' so I was turning it off and back on after a few minutes, other times it would persist even after rebooting. I would even forget the network, turn it off, reboot, etc and repeating a few times but I never found a pattern that would work consistently! Very-very frustrating experience!
You talking about the bricked rom from feb02? I am currently running that (upgraded from cm7) with v0.35 kernal and don't seem to have any issues at all. Just a silly question, but can you connect in webOS

Htc One doesnt turn on!!

Hi guys, sorry if already posted, but i recently updated to 4.4.2, and, after my first full cicle, i was letting the full battery go, than I it stuck in facebook. I tryed to force turn of, and couldn't boot anymore. I put at computer to charge (it makes a noise), but the led doesnt flash. Same on the wall charger. All original..
I push the power button while connected to PC USB and it doesn't work. Any ideas? please please. I'm outside USA (brazil), and have no suppport here...
thanks in advance
Had the same thing happen to me about 4 months ago ended up having to send it back to htc for a replacement. Luckily it was covered under the manufacturers warranty.
Sent from my HTC One using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

