please help - cant charge the xda.... - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

My xda cannot be charged anymore. As soon as I plug in the power supply unit the charging indicator does not light up. The PocketPC, however is running without any problems. What can I do?
another thing that u should now that - i was plug it in to my old cable of my ipaq 3800 to the gps mouse car by mistake
because i now there is a special cable for the xda
but it is look the same cable
but can i still solve the problemm ?

don't worry...
try with an hard reset...
I had the same problem and I solved it in this way.

Well I also had the same problem, using a wrong (IPAQ) power/gps cable but my XDA was damaged so badly it had to be repaired! Even a hard reset was no help. I cannot understand why XDA and IPAQ use the same connectionplug but have the powerscheme switch damaging the device this way

It's because.....
It forces people to buy the accessoires of brand of the product. Every vendor will try to endorse their view of the world en make it difficult for others to enter their market. Only when a LARGE chunk of the market starts to complain and the vendors start to have more benefits from standards will they try to persue them. But even then they try to get as much benefit out of it. So they use the same plug because it's there and cheap, but change the connections.
It's all about market control.
Where does it leave us here? Be careful what you do in messing with the hardware.
I am sorry to hear your XDA was damaged.

Hi Robert, did you get your 64 MB upgrade in Maarssen(broek)? Is it oke and do you now have 48 Mb ROM?

yes, yes and ehm???
To answer your questions:
Yes in Maarssen
Yes it is oke
Ehm....48 MB Rom???
Device information shows the following
Speed 206 Mhz
RAM size 64 MB
Flash size 32 MB
I posted a 'review' of the people in Maarssen on the dutch site

ROM is same as Flash size and so it is 32 MB, I was asking this because it seems Pocket PC 2003 wil need 48 MB. So XDA owner and obviously more PDA owners wil not be able to upgrade

Unless you have an early xda (prior to official launch) or a very unusual iPAQ they are not the same chargers - look more closely.


Newbie help: I cant connect my 2nd hand XDA1 to pc......

Please help, i bought my xda off ebay for £117.
it works great, but when i set it in the usb sync cradle and get pc to look for it, nothing is found on any serial/usb connections.
is there something im not doing right ?
i have not got the original xda drivers disks, so perhaps i need that ?
please help, as i cant use this till i get it sorted....
You need Active Sync from Mircosoft .......
Take a look at their side and download it....
ive done this, i even tried 3.5 and 3.6 to see if any difference.
but the pc can not detect the xda at all.
unknown usb device comes up on the screen when i connect it to the docking station however, so it appears to be connected to pc hardware wise..
ive tried it on 2 diff pcs to rule that out, and its still the same.
is there a specific driver i need on the windows machine, or is active sync ALL i need..
like.. whats on the official xda cd u get with it? no drivers or anything ?
is it possible the xda/docking station are faulty ?
If you have windows Xp, u dont need any driver. For windows 98 etc, you may need a driver wceusb or so on the original cd that came with your xda. if you dont have, ask a friend.
Do a soft reset, plug in the xda to the usb cradle or lead, wait for the new hardware found message, it should say "htc blah blah", if it is saying unknown hardware try a different usb port, if you are plugging the cable to a usb hub, try plugging it direct to the pc usb port.
hi there, i originally had it plugged into a usb2 PCI 4 port card....
this did not work, so i then plugged it straight into the usb socket that was on the motherboard, but this too made no difference....
what i intend to do now is go to o2 shop and explain it to them and see if they will sell me an xda to usb cable .. not a cradle.. so i can eliminate that from the problem....
it SHOULD all work however, as it was bought from a shop that re sells used phones. ratings of over 5000 on ebay! lol
even have support on 0800 number.. ill give them a ring on monday and see what they can do for me.
thanks for all ur help.
XDA1 / 2
Have had exactly the same problem with computer (XP) not recognising the xda2 cradle through usb or seriel. After many hours of pulling at my hair I have found due to me having a PDA connected a year ago through a similar process, that your system registry still holds the details and that one conflicts against the other. The only way I could connect was to re-format my hard drive (computer) and it then worked first time a bore I know but it's worth it! GOOD LUCK....
i think the cradle was faulty in my case. either way, it doesnt matter now, as the xda is dead... :/ 2 days old..
returned to place i got it.
XDA1 /2
Sorry to hear that. I think you've been very unfortunate, the XDA 2 is a superb bit of machinery. I change my mobile/pda every 6 month and I think this is the best model to date. I've had the Sony Erricson P800 + P900 - both great phones etc. but not as good. Go out and buy yourself another one fast - if you can find one that is!
too dear.. o2 were able to get me one as an upgrade to my contract phone, but it was £350
too dear..
on ebay they are like 450 2nd hand..
ill wait a while.
is it MUCH better than the xda1?#

htc mouse

hello, i have wokred out how to plug my ibm compatible serial mouse into the xda and get a ittle pointer on the screen. i will make a webpage on how to do this but only if enough people are interested? please request weather i should make this page or not. thankyou
sounds good to me, always great to see how much the xda can do...good luck then, mate.
Cool - are you using DeJe's drivers?
Note - I have done / do this with my Sigmarion III (currently) and a Toshiba e7xx (past) - however both are USB and not serial.
I'd definitely be interested in how you did it too!
hi jmbneaf - sorry a bit off topic;
your profile show :---- current: XDA-I WM2k3 w/ PPCtechs 64MB & Battery Upgrade - ROM 4.01.16 cooked / RS 6.24.01. So it is possible to upgrade the XDA-I? and what do you mean battery upgrade, to what (did not know it was possible)???
raptorz2003x said:
hello, i have wokred out how to plug my ibm compatible serial mouse into the xda and get a ittle pointer on the screen. i will make a webpage on how to do this but only if enough people are interested? please request weather i should make this page or not. thankyou
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do it! do IT!! i always wanted such a device! to play my games without piercing a hole in my screen from tention
also... can u perhaps workout a keyboard? and a joystick??
iggy said:
hi jmbneaf - sorry a bit off topic;
your profile show :---- current: XDA-I WM2k3 w/ PPCtechs 64MB & Battery Upgrade - ROM 4.01.16 cooked / RS 6.24.01. So it is possible to upgrade the XDA-I? and what do you mean battery upgrade, to what (did not know it was possible)???
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yes iggy, u can upgrade the OS to 2003 on the xda1.
and the battery pack is a backpack of sorts that snapps on the back of xda1, makes it thicker, and heavier, but long and behold, i can surf the net for 12 hours with it
search ebay for sx56 battery pack.
good luck.
COOL,i wanna play with my mouse too..!!!
ok ill start working on the webpage, also in answer to the drivers. i didnt need any. just poped up fter a soft reset. i had to make te serial interface cable myself easyly done ill provide full deatiles on making this cable on the webpage.
iggy said:
hi jmbneaf - sorry a bit off topic;
your profile show :---- current: XDA-I WM2k3 w/ PPCtechs 64MB & Battery Upgrade - ROM 4.01.16 cooked / RS 6.24.01. So it is possible to upgrade the XDA-I? and what do you mean battery upgrade, to what (did not know it was possible)???
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ntabikha & iggy - mine doesn't have that bulky external battery thing ... :?
The guys at Pocket PC Techs did the upgrade 8) - physically added another 32 Mb of SD RAM to the motherboard and then changed out the internal battery for a bigger better more efficient one. So, I have 64Mb of usable RAM, same 32 Mb ROM + a 1800 mAh battery (stock battery is a 1500 mAh with less efficient charging). I go about 1.5-2 days between charges depending on my usage habits.
So to the naked eye mine appears stock, but is anything but. Check out the upgrades here:
Tell Mr Wesson and the guys I referred you to them - you'll be glad you did. :wink:
Re: ok
raptorz2003x said:
ok ill start working on the webpage, also in answer to the drivers. i didnt need any. just poped up fter a soft reset. i had to make te serial interface cable myself easyly done ill provide full deatiles on making this cable on the webpage.
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No drivers - just a hardware add on. This I want to see.
jmbneaf, i know that upgrade too, but... my battery now is 3300 mah
average use 12 hours of always-on mp3, radio steaming or chatting.
i wish there was a way to mount an sd card internaly though .
why not use a bluetooth mouse and keyboard?
Possible ?
Busch38 said:
why not use a bluetooth mouse and keyboard?
Possible ?
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If you look carefully you should see that the discussion is about the XDA1/Qtek1010/SX56 or whatever they call it. Not the XDA2. Hence no bluetoth.
How is the documentary going? Do you have any pictures or additional details to share?
This is a neat project I agree.

Can I display presentation from Wizard to Video projector ?

I want to play Power Point presentation using my Qtek 9100 on video projector ...
Does anybody know is there a way to do that ? Maybe using some accessory or bluetooth connection if present on projector?
You can't
No I am afraid you can't do that.... they haven't given that possibility I really wonder why. When one pays so much this is the one thing that is really missing. A direct TV out.
kull said:
...When one pays so much this is the one thing that is really missing. A direct TV out.
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For an additional $10, you'd expect it to fetch your newspaper
SOTI pocket controller
You can do this from the PDA via a PC hooked to the projector using Soft Object Technology's Pocket Controller. I bought it originally for my Wallaby, recently got a Wizard and am using it there now. Nifty application, you can do everything with the desktop image that you can do with the touchscreen, and I think it lets you record a movie of you doing stuff on the PDA.
More info here:
Well worth the registration cost IMO
Not sure if it will work with the MDA though.
bendog2784 said:
Not sure if it will work with the MDA though.
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That's prety cool I'd get one to try but I keep my presentations on the SD card... LOL kinda hard to show the presentation if I have to take it out...heh. Currently I just transfer the presentation to someone's laptop and use theirs. Kinda "old tech" and not "high tech".
this looks like what you need
hmmmm... would this do the trick???
hanmin said:
For an additional $10, you'd expect it to fetch your newspaper
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Maybe, why not... I am sure it would be more than 10 $!
I see that SpecTec has upgraded to 1024x768. Any other newer options out there?? Thanks!
I remember seeing that a projector supported bluetooth to transfer images. Wouldn't it be a solution for that, meaning you buy a bluetooth adaptor to hook to your projector and use the internal bluetooth to transmit your presentation? This way the SD port would remain available for the SD memory cards with the presentation.
If one finds it, please share...
you guys are trying to find a complex thoingy for simple thingy
here in pakistan they sell cords modified ofcourse that fit in the usb at one end on the wizard and on the other they go into the TV having that yellow white cords thingy heheheh and itsa for like 300rs making it a bit less than 5 us dollars
hope it elps heheh
where??? give us a link pliz
lolz shops in pakistan arent as advanced as thet are in us or europe im afraid
but if u have someone u know in pakistan u can ask them to get it from hafeez center in lahore pakistan.
mony114 said:
you guys are trying to find a complex thoingy for simple thingy
here in pakistan they sell cords modified ofcourse that fit in the usb at one end on the wizard and on the other they go into the TV having that yellow white cords thingy heheheh and itsa for like 300rs making it a bit less than 5 us dollars
hope it elps heheh
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I really wondering what you are 'lolz'-ing at. I'm not sure if you are ignorant or the Pakistan people (who sell the cords) are ignorant. As I have said a million time in this forum, getting the cable (cord) into a socket doesn't mean it works. You can connect a USB to 240V socket, doesn't mean you can charge your unit directly onto the phone (kids, dont try this at home).
How much do you understand about the USB connection, and the video connection (the yellow thing you've mentioned). Not to mentioned that one runs on digital and one runs on analog signal (at a different frequency), they probably runs at a different voltage anyway. And also, the fact that, a Wizard phone doens't have USB host to it, it wont do the job in the way you've mentioned.
You may want to read these as well
Get your facts right and dont burn your phone

Successful recover of dead qtek9100 via jtag

Hi All
We have re-lived a totally dead qtek 9100 via J-tag following the turotal, however the configuration of H-JTAG (from PDA.RU) have a some errors.
I glad to recover my QTEK
The Procedure that i have follow is:
1. Make a Wiggler Jtag interface with this circuit that have a 1 dollar less cost to made.
2. Conect the proper Jtag Pins from de wiggler to the Qtek board
3. Power Up the Wiggler and the Qtek Board via USB Charger and proper connection of the battery.
3. Run H-jtag with the proper configuration
4. Run No-ICE acording to the PDA.RU tutorial
5. Reflash the IPL/SPl with a RUU
However i have troubles to upload the screenshots of my configuration, if anyone has interested, mi msn is [email protected]
Thats All, enjoy your QTEK
Configuration Screenshots For recover Wizard
At this point i attach the proper files to recover the wizard
Another Screen Shots
I upload directly the screenshots and ths sspl imageflie
Upload Another PICS
Ths Wiggler, and NOICE
Will try ASAP on my second deadwiz
G4 rom
Please i need to know where to get the rom used for this solution. I was able to use jtag to boot to bootloader mode i think i need a good rom to flash it with
Please, could you just show me what a Jtag wiggler for Qtek 9100 looks like?
I've seen many models on eBay, but I just can't figure out which one to buy...
For my solution, I make a Wiggler accordingto the scheme (see my attachements), I have electronic knowledge, and I make my own circuit. In your case I can't help you to chose a commercial circuit, because i don't have tested none.
Best regards
My Wiz iss bricked, too, so I'm searching for a solution to recover it again.
Can somebody tell me, if it's possible to use this Wiggler to connect via J-Tag? I mean, of course I'd have to connect the pins to the Wizard with this one. But that would be it, right? Otherwise i'd try to build my own one.
Btw, are there adapters which work via USB? I don't have a parallel-port on my pc....
Thanks for help
I did a quick look on the datasheet you mentioned and cant find the pinout of the LPT side (Needed to connect to H-JTAG).
On the manual of the H-JTAG ( MANUAL (EN).pdf) are the compatible devices listed. The JTAG interface is a standard interface, I think all of them must work. If you can get the wires successfully on the wizard i'm shure you can make the circuit mentioned as attachment or on the manual (page 27).
btw. songokumanjimaru thanks for the tutorial, my wizard lives again. I was to lazy to go to a shop for the HC74244 and connected the wires with only some resistors, but its not recommended if you don't know what your doing. The LPT-port is very sensitive.
sorry for answer so late.
Well, I made my own wiggler, even with the 74hc244, but j-tag won't connect to the Wiz. It always says that it cant find a device and i should connect it. I really don't know where i made a
Maybe i should try your version with only the resistors and no 74hc244....How does that work exactly? just switch 100 Ohm resistors between the LTP and the Wiz?
btw. how do i know that the wiz is on?
ok, update:
now i get a connection to jtag, but it always says that it is an unknown target. and he shows me always different types of adresses. sonetimes it still tells me that it doesn't find a target anyway.
I've no idea....
As you can see below in this datasheet the 74HC244 has 8 inputs and 8 output:
This is another schema for Satellite STB :
You can compare both of them.
Hardware :
IMPORTANT : Some JTAG sofwares don't drive the JTAG interface to
the same pinout !It means that the pin A1 A2 A3 ...are driven by the software
and must fit the TDI, TDO ,RST ... signals.
Also Check the power supply : 3.3V.
the right software with the right hardware is required to flash the Qtek.
Thanks for help.
I'm sure, i connected the pins right.
My problem could be that the Wiz doesn't turn on, when pressing the Power and Camera Button. I measured the current between the wiz and the battery and there is no change when holding the buttons. its around 0.01mA all the time. onyl when i press the small soft-reset button with a pen it goes down to zero. When I disengage it, it goes up to 0.01mA again.
So i think that's my problem and now the wiggler itself.
But how to turn the Wiz on???
Hi ,
Is the power supply on the 74HC244 correct ?
check the Vcc+Gnd pin with a digital voltmeter.
Are the grounds pin connected together ?
Which software do you use to drive the JTAG hardware ?
Hi again !
I'm sorry to tell you that my jtag chipset is a:
74HCT244 and not a 74HC244
the difference between HC and HCT is important.
HC is faster than HCT but
HCT = compatibility reason between signals for nmos & cmos or TTL and cmos
the threshold for 74HCTxxx is at 1.4v
power supply must be 5v.
the threshold for 74HCxxx is 2.5v
power supply must be 5v
It COULD be the reason of your problem.
If so buy a 74HCT244.
This small detail could be important , I met this kind of problem
on a frequency generator I build one year ago.I just replaced the 74HC by
a 74HCT and everything was ok.
Good luck.
i get a connection to jtag, but it always says that its unable to find target and show 0x00000000 and when i change the pin it show 0xffffffff
rascalmike said:
i get a connection to jtag, but it always says that its unable to find target and show 0x00000000 and when i change the pin it show 0xffffffff
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0x00000000 means you only read zeros (data line to GND) and 0xffffffff means ones (data line to Vcc). So I don´t think you have any JTAG readout. One of the problems I met, was the low battery of the wizzard, I charged it manual.
songokumanjimaru said:
3. Power Up the Wiggler and the Qtek Board via USB Charger and proper connection of the battery.
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What exactly voltage you used to power wiggler 3.3 or 5 volts?
Hey.. I have some problems with flashing a ROM containing SPL.. Could anyone help me? I flashed all kinds of SPL's found on This forum, even on Google, but non of them seems to be working.. After flashing, I can't turn on my device, it only powers on with with JTag.. Any ideas? Thanx

SDHC in Hurricane

I'm new here and I wanna get my 8GB SDHC card working in my SDA II.
I already tired several ROMs and several SDHC drivers for the Hurricane, f. e. hxxp:// or hxxp:// , but at anyway none did work after all
So I have a SDA II with inside a microSD 8GB Kensington with miniSD Adapter and atm hxxp:// that ROM (WM 6.1) patched with some SDHC drivers but my SDHC card is not recognised by the phone...
Anyone got an idea?
Thanks in advance
Ouw and btw: is there any ROM for this phone with WM5 or WM6.5 in English? I only found the 6.5 Chinese version... or how to change it to English?
I doubt you will find anything for SDHC on this device. Only for Tornado - after a long wait - someone found out that OMAP850 drivers for the Startrk could also be used for the Tornado.
I don't know how the Startrk drivers were created, but for sure there are HTC devices using OMAP 850 which have SDHC support on WM6. So it was sure that the Tornado can support it as well from HW point of view.
If you do not want to create a low level driver for OMAP 750 yourself, you could invest in finding a device with OMAP 750 (like the Hurricane uses) that has WM6 and SDHC support. It is however not likely you find one :-(
If you like your Hurricane - don't worry. You can replace the PBA inside the Hurricane with a Tornado PBA without any other change to the device. They are 1:1 compatible (mechanically: identical size in any regard and electrically: LCD, keyboard, Camera).
So if you find a broken Tornado (no matter how worn or cracked) where the PBA is still alive - get it and give it a new live in your housing of the Hurricane.
Hey tobbbie!
Thanks very much for your reply! Und ach ja, ich bin auch Deutscher :-D
Hmm soooo, it would be very hard to find/create a driver for the Hurricane, right? But why are there topics with drivers made for the hurricane?
And otherwhise I'd have to open the phone and change the PBA with a Tornado one, right? But can I take that PBA out so easily? I won't have to solder or anything like that?
Again, thanks for your help!
There are no Hurricane specific driver threads. It is a re-use of generic WM 6 variant drivers on top of the low-level drivers.
And yes - if you manage to open the case (be careful when opening not to rip away the flex cables for camera and keyboard) then there is no soldering required.
Look up the service manuals for either Tornado or Hurricane (even Typhoon will do) to get an idea which screws to remove and how to remove the antenna cover. Challenge is to swap the LCD if you need to - some delicate handling of the flex connector as well there.
No impossible mission, but you need some mechanical skills and a rainy day without time pressure if you do it the first time.
Depending on your budget the cheapest solution may be to wait for a good opportunity on ebay to buy a used Tornado - they get sold for 20+ euros. If you do not need WLAN, then go for the SPV C600 (France) or the O2 XDA phone - but these are rare species these times.
Hmm at anyway I don't find anything in ebay I could need...
So you also said it could be possible to write my own driver? Is that true? And you know any How-To's that could help me a bit by this?
And really thank you for your help!
Finding this on ebay will require a few weeks - so be patient and keep on looking. How much would you want to spend for a Tornado (XDA phone - no WIFI, or the 8310 with Wifi)?
Regarding the drivers: Seems like you did not get the irony in my comments Writing low level drivers is something very special. It is virtually impossible to write a driver on your own - so forget this option!
Ouw okay, and yes I didn't exactly understand it
So I have only one choice
I think it shouldn't be more than 20€, max. 30€.
And could I really have also WiFi in my Hurricane, or why you ask all the time about WiFi?
I don't really need it, but if the price just change about 5-10€ I'd rather buy one with WiFi
And again: thank you very much for your help!
Did you get it? If you replace the PBA - then you may still have the case of a Hurricane (despite in the US or China the same case carries a Tornado) - but the device is a Tornado then - bye bye Hurricane.
The Tornado was built in two flavours with and without Wifi - more common in Germany was "without" as the O2 XDA phone has no WLAN. The other device is the Qtek 8310 (also in silver as Vodafone VDA 2) which has WLAN. It will only rarely happen that broken devices are sold (people just put them in the waste or return them to the shop for recycling) - but keep on watching.
If you get a fully working Tornado I would not bother to replace the PBA but use it as it is - unless you disassemble it for fun and learning.
Okay thank you very much for all your help!
Now I got it
...just to close the query: It IS (!) possible to have SDHC in the Hurricane working. read about it in my related kitchen thread (post 4)
Kitchen is not updated yet - but who cares anyway...

