miniGPS for the XDA - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Does anyone know if there is a XDA version of miniGPS. A utility that picks up the GSM cell number that your phone is currently connected to. In that way you have a sort of GPS function in the XDA.

There are some projects ongoing in germany regarding this question. Below you'll find some links, where you'll find some more details - but in german :


Always enable SMS delivery report?

Hi ,
I am using the XDA O2.
I found the 'Request SMS text message delivery notification'is very useful
when I send SMS to others. But I have to enable it everytime. How can I
always open this function ? maybe to modify the XDA O2 registry to get it?
Are here anybody with rich knowlege can raise a solution for me?
[email protected]
Great Thx
you can put
as the first part of the subject. It's not permanent, but only takes a few seconds to type.
It's very annoying that you can't set this as a default, but I haven't found a solution. Even the PPC developers at MS say it is not possible at this time.
The *0# trick doesn't work for me, however. I'm on T-Mobile in the US.
this code is operator specific... it can be *n#, *0# or DREQUEST
I figured it probably was. I can't make it work. If anybody knows what the code is for T-Mobile, please post it.
Thx for so much idea.
I am in China Mainland and I tried *0#, it's useless. So could somebody can raise more special command cold here?
In Germany for T-Mobile, receipt request is *T#
Here in Norway it's *k#
Doesn't work for US T-Mobile.
For T-Mobile U.S. i beleive it's *noti#
Excellent! That's it!
And for France, SFR operator, which code???
Orange Netherlands = .... ??
does any body have more suggestions i need the UAE one but i believe it should be like france
Enable SMS Delivery Report on your PPC
Hi everyone,
Hope this tip is useful.
Click Here
or copy and paste the following url in your browser.

XDA displaying Network Information

Hi there,
is there a chance of displaying any GSM Network Informations on the XDA, like Nokia mobile Phones with special Software do?
Like Channel, BCCH, TCH & CellID information.
thank you, bye from berlin!
Take a look at IP Dashboard it might do what you're looking for.
IP Dashboard
thank you, but it is not ...
thank you, but it is not ...
Hi, does nobody knows it?
Hi, does nobody knows it?

GPS map for o2 whallaby

as I'm new too this forum, can anyone tell me if it's possible to get maps for uk or europe anywhere?
Thanks Cam.
Im not sure about free maps, commerical are available of course.
I have IGO with maps for my and surrounding countries.
yep, try
register and dowload (via pay server) tomtom 6 (included maps of UK and Europe)
Good luck
xda maps
There didn't seem to be much available for xda unless I haven't used the site correctly. I'm sure I'll find something somwhere.
Thanks for your help guys.

Australian Accent Support for Voice Commander

Hi everyone
I recently bought a dopod 838 pro from Malaysia and with the help of xda developers I've updated to CRC's r13.5 and it's going great! The guides have been extremely helpful for a phone noob like me
However, I seem to have hit a brick wall. I want to download the Australian accent support for Voice Command offered on the HTC site ( but it won't accept my serial because I have a Malaysian serial rather than an Australian.
I've tried setting my location on the site to worldwide, but the download is only available to Australia and I've tried entering other serials from other countries that I've found on the net, but to no avail. And after searching both these forums and the net, it seems the only way I can access the download is with an Australian serial
So I was wondering if anyone with an Australian serial could pm me? Or if privacy is an issue, they could download the update themselves and send it to me?
I would be extremely grateful!

[App] meinVZ / studiVZ / schülerVZ (officially released now)

Hi Folks!
Here is an official and free App for the users of SchülerVZ/StudiVZ/meinVZ services (german region):
Original credits go to XDA-Member "l3b3r"!
----Original post-------------------------
Im wondering if someone would be willing and able to create a studiVZ-App. StudiVZ / MeinVZ / SchülerVZ is a community based service like Facebook. It is mainly uses in countries using the german language and focused on students.
While there is an app for iphone the developers made a comment they will not release a Windows Mobile version:
So maybe one of you great guys is able to do this?
Thanks for listening!
great idea ... i'd love to have it
there it is
yeah i can't post links but you know the trick don't you?
I dont understand why that freaks begging they will not never make a WM version and then come out with that App...!
Thanks anyway!

