Sending sms replys - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

When replying to sms any further reply from the originating sender just says something along the lines of "stop sending me blank msges". Why, no matter how much I write is it doing this, & how can I prevent this from happening again... I know it's a simple thing but it's just pissing me off.


Hiding Text Messages

I don't particularly want to have my phone locked and needing a password to get in, but at the same time, there are messages from some people I would feel better that someone who found my Hero couldn't read.
Is there any way to 'hide' messages received from certain contacts?
Did you ever get this sorted? As I am trying to do the same thing.
This apps purports to do what you want:
I've no idea if it works as advertised.
Thanks for suggestion, having looked at it I realised I miss read the original post.
I was trying to stop the first line of the text mesage showing on the lock screen or task bar when it is received. For example, on Winmo there is a checkbox for 'display message on screen', I have it unticked so I have to go into messages to read it.
Dont suppose anyone knows how to do that?
Just in case there was anyone else wanting to do the same as me, I found an app on the marketplace called SMS Popup that does it.
Actually Handcent SMS does a better job.

SMS delivery report spoofing

Ok, I've looked around and what I'm looking for doesn't seem to exist, I was wondering if it was because it is technically impossible/very hard to do or because nobody try it yet.
This is my understanding of how things work:
After receiving an SMS message, the recipient mobile phone will send back a message delivery report to the SMS center to inform whether there are any errors or failures (example causes: unsupported SMS message format, not enough storage space, etc). This process is transparent to the mobile user. If there is no error or failure, the recipient mobile phone sends back a positive delivery report to the SMS center. Otherwise it sends back a negative delivery report to the SMS center.
If the sender requested a status report earlier, the SMS center sends a status report to the sender when it receives the message delivery report from the recipient.
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What I'm thinking about is way to do this: Once a phone receives the SMS, it sends a spoofed "Storage full" or "Message format not supported error" to the SMS center instead of a positive delivery report.
That way you could receive and read SMS but to the sender it appears you haven't received it. In short this gives you plausible deniability.
I've had it happened to me recently because my phone memory was full. My phone sent a "Memory full" message to the network and the sender did not receive a message report. If a phone can legitimately refuse to receive a message it means it could also be possible to fake that "memory full" message.
Any thoughts?
I love the idea, but the only time I would see having the need for this kind of plausible deniability (i.e. a court of law), the person questioning the receipient of the text message could simply ask for a record of the phone bill which, in most cases (if requested), could provide the time and date of all text messages sent and received. lol. Just curious, but do you mind if I ask what you would use it for? (sorry for the run-on sentence)
I like this idea..maybe a reverse engineering hack of SMS Counter or another counter type widget/app?
t-mo123 said:
Just curious, but do you mind if I ask what you would use it for? (sorry for the run-on sentence)
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There would be several uses for that kind of app.
One of the scenarios (the one that got me thinking about it) is someone receiving unwanted messages from a specific individual, for example from someone abusive. Even if the victim trashes the messages without reading them (they are several apps available that allow you to do that), through message reports, the abuser is still able to know that his messages were at least received by his target. If he keeps receiving "undelivered" statues, he'll simply stop sending texts.
I know that in those kind of situations the victim is expected to change her/his phone number, but that's the whole idea, not having to change your phone number just because of unwanted text messages.
Still no way? Any app to do this?

[Q] "Online Album" when receiving an MMS

Every time I receive an MMS, a new message thread is created with "Online Album" as the recipient. When opening the thread, all I see is the text "Message not found".
Is there a way to disable this? I have no idea what made it start happening, but it's annoying to have to delete this thread every single time I get an MMS from someone.
anyone have any idea? I'm sorry it's just something I'm at my wit's end with.
I don't know how to fix this but I can tell you that it happened to me today. I was testing sending a picture to myself from computer to phone and got the message. I then took same picture and decreased the size/resolution and then had no problem, straight to phone. So it has something to do with message/picture size restrictions. Where is this on line album???!
This happens to me almost every time I get an MMS. And the contact info is always one of my contacts and never the same person, however it says "To Online Album"
Is there a copy of my MMS messages on the internet somewhere? If so, cool. However I would like to know where it is.
I get this from time to time when my wife sends me pics from her 3gs... i think it probably does have to. Do with the size
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App

Having text message issues with only one of my contacts?

So for whatever reason, whenever I text my bestfriend (only happens for his contact so far), the message I sent does not appear threaded into the message stream. I "create new message" and send something to him, and I get the screen that should have all our messages back and forth, but it is 100% blank. Anything he sends back to me threads in another message also under his contact info, but none of my responses will appear.
So far this is only happening to this one contact, any thoughts?
I dont have this problem with Handcent.

A simple SMS redirect? So confusing....

I have read and read and read apps just for a simple redirect of the text of the sms to my gmail email account. It's confusing. I would like one that does not require the phone to be on. I have it off most the time while home, battery issues. But if someone did send a text message would be nice to know by coming to my email. They all are so confusing. I tried several and they didn't work. One worked but the cell phone needs to be on? How does that help. If I get a text I'll just read it from the phone. But what, as I said, if you want to leave the cell phone off and get them in your email. Anyone know of a simple solution via and app? Thanks so much! jackdashack

