qtek1010, data and screen questions - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

I am new to the world of PDA and just got my first one - a qtek1010, I hope someone can help me with the following questions:
1. Is there a way to make files, Inbox, Contacts, Calendar, and Tasks reside on my SD card instead of the memory? If possible, I feel it would be a lot safer for my data; this is assuming that with a full reset data on the SD card will not be lost.
2. Is it possible to rotate the screen of the qtek1010 90 ? It would be much easier to read and serf the Internet on a wider screen.
Thanks for your help.


MsgQueue Map File Microsoft Status Message SMS Protocol

Hello all,
i have around 10 Files with the name above in my XDA some of them with a size of 260k and some with 1,65Mb. What are they good for or where are they from.
I can´t delete them and I don´t see them in the memory usage.
Huge MsgQueue.. files in Windows directory
I have the T-Mobile Pocket PC with just the built-in 32MB of RAM (256MB SD card on order...)
In my case there are a bunch of MsgQueue-blah-blah files in the Windows directory, 7 of which are 1.65MB each. Plus a 3.83MB file called "rsupgrade.cp64". That's about 15MB.
Unfortunately I don't have an answer, only an additional question... hopefully someone can answer us both.
Are these eating into my RAM or am I seeing files from ROM? I suspect RAM since they change periodically. Are they critical or can I delete them? If the latter, is there a way to limit their size or prevent them from reappearing?
T-Mobile Customer Care level-3 support was relatively clueless as usual, but they did suggest that I could do the following to determine how critical those files were:
1. Perform a backup
2. Do a hard reset
3. Check and see if the offending files went away
4. Restore from backup
If the files went away, then supposedly you should be able to delete them yourself if/when they reappear later. But realize that's just the CC guy's theory, and he didn't sound too sure of himself. I'm sure the regulars in this forum could provide a much more intelligent analysis.
Any help?
(some?) T-Mobile MDA's have an rsupgrade as part of ROM, as they perform a phone upgrade as part of a ROM upgrade. Which has really surprised a few people with the 'wrong' phone (900/1800 as opposed to 900/1900) as they then had to struggle to get phone functionality back.
You can try deleting the file, it no longer serves a purpose after the phone is upgraded. But if it won't delete, I would suspect it's in ROM, and in that case it's not bothering you.
Emboldended by your advice (Peter Poelman) I prepared to delete the rsupgrade file by first backing up through ActiveSync. However, after doing so, the offending file was gone. Stranger yet, I don't think I reclaimed any memory as a result... (hadn't recorded "before" amount yet - was going to do that after backup. But I think I would notice a 4M difference)
Well, either way, that's one down... Could you (or someone) comment on the MsgQueue* files? They all seem to be SMS related. How MicroSoft could justify allocating nearly *half* of the unit's available ram for some SMS caches is beyond me... Well, for M$ I guess it's not surprising, given the alleged unholy alliance between M$ and the RAM industry.
these files are actually in ROM, not RAM but it's impossible for the end user to know that from the properties of the file. Likewise, according to microsoft, those files are not reporting what is actually being used, it may say 1.7megs but it's not really. Per MS, do not try to delete these files as doing so would render the device broken. I think they have to do with the messaging portion of the PPCPE.
Useful info, thanks.

pictures on XDA I

well, I disliked the in-built functionality of wm2003 picture programme from the very beginning
when you ask the soft to SD storage card it opens up all of avaialable pictures no matter which catalogue there are, if I have let's say 200 familiy photos but want to show only a few of them I am stuck ... I can not open just one catalogue on SD card, uffff
is it a way to disable that or what other picture programme you advise, I'd care about three major funcionalities:
- slide show
- opening up only specific folders and not all of the files on SD card
- changing the size of thumbnails (like in ACDsee)
thanks for response, monika
DAVA pic viewer is so good and free
and just Where do we get That from??
google knows
google is wise in the way of where things are found
thank you All for answers, in the meantime I have just discovered that ACDSee can also do the job ....
regards, monika

Pocket PC Notes gone after hard reset

Can anybody help me? I have (what thanks to this forum I now know is) a Wallaby, with the original Windows Pocket PC Version 3.0.12039 (Build 11178). A week or so ago it went into a difficult state with the 'phone turned off, and wouldn't turn on any more, and the backlight only flashing intermittently. I could still use the palely visible OS. A soft reset had no effect on this condition, so after doing my best to copy all the files on the device to the SD card I bucked up my courage and did a hard reset. This restored normal working behaviour of the device, and of course also removed all data and everything I had installed, and also put back a lot of programmes I didn't want and had gone to considerable lengths to remove.
However, one thing I needed was missing from the Programmes: Notes. After synching with Outlook on my desktop I had back an only slightly older version of my Calendar, Contacts, etc., including my notes themselves. However, tapping on a note doesn't open it, nothing happens at all. And the Notes item has disappeared from the Start Menu
Can anyone tell me what is going on? Have I now got a new "improved" version of the OS in which they have dropped Notes? (This is what I fear!) Is there a version of the (presumable) programme executable for Notes for this version of Pocket PC anywhere on the Web that I could download? If anyone can tell me where, or offer any advice, I would be most grateful. Thanks in advance.
it's a pretty old rom why not upgrade to a newer rom it's bound to have piles of bug fix's compared to your iceage rom
Rudegar, Thanks for your rapid reply. I am encouraged. What upgrade would you recommend? What could my old hardware maximally cope with? Would a newer rom give me Notes back?
i dont know you can get 2003SE for xda1's not sure if it have issues
and unless you missing notes is a hardware issue which i doubt very much it should
I got my notes back. What a relief. Once again I can read my shopping list! Looking through what I'd managed to copy to my SD card and browsing the contents of my Wallaby, connected to the PC via the USB cradle (using Windows explorer which, unlike pocket File explorer, allows you to see most files and some extensions, though the option "search" suddenly disappears from the right-click menu when you reach the Mobile Device or Card Reader) I found and got back most of what I was missing.
Many thanks to Rudegar for the help. And all others who have read and perhaps thought along. I'm still interested in upgrading if my hardware can handle it. On the other hand I'm a little nervous about flashing my rom (as I depend on my device for a lot more than my shopping list ). I'm very willing to believe that flashing your rom is dangerous, as is pointed out on the relevant page. I think I need to do a lot more reading on this forum and associated sites before attempting an upgrade. Making a restorable backup of my present OS would be a good start, I think.
I hope this little thread is of help to anyone with similar problems.

How to move Mails and Attachments to storage card ?

It’s possible to move all Mails (Outlook folders…) and Attachments’ to storage card, because don’t any memory place in my phone.
Any Help is welcome…
Just look at this site:
"Low Memory Warnings on with Windows Mobile 5 Smartphone?"
Not every tip on this site is working, but I think your question is answered.

[Q] New android phone, multiple questions

Hi all, I just received my new handset, a Sony Xperia Z3 Compact as an upgrade to my Samsung Galaxy S4. I'm not a noob per se, but these are noob questions I have, any answers for which I would be most grateful. My otherwise stellar google-fu has failed me these past two days and some clearer, direct advice and answers would be immensely helpful.
- A general question re: the Play Store. If I purchase a paid app, does it remain available to me to re-download and update forever after? Does it last between multiple/new devices? I want to buy Navigon Europe, but wanted to know if it's a once-only deal or remains available to me to download permanently.
- Contact syncing. On my past android phones, I've always somehow managed to import all my contacts from various online accts (eg. FB, GMail, etc). I have all my contacts (up-to-date) in Outlook on my PC and ideally want them, and only them, on my device contact list. I don't want the phone to synch anything with anything except my Outlook contacts but don't know what steps I can take to avoid that.
- Battery: I've had mixed messages about the first charge (currently in-progress at the time of writing!). Do Li-Ion batteries need to be charged for 16hrs or just until they're full?
- Converting the SIM Card: My S4 uses a MicroSIM, the Z3 Compact a NanoSIM. I heard they can be cut manually...is it safe to do that, or should I wait 3 days for TMobile (UK) to send me one?
I have two last questions that are more general advice than anything, but answers still appreciated!
- What apps/services are best to transfer my data over from my old handset to the new one? I can figure this out, but any recommendations from experience in doing the same would be welcome. I can figure out how to use them, just a general idea of apps/services to make sure I don't miss anything (texts, calendar, apps). Presumably I can download an app, *export* a file to my SD card, install the app and SD card on the new phone and "import" the file?
- This is a tough one...I have Barclays Mobile Banking app and kept my S4 stock since it apparently stopped working on rooted phones. I'd like to root my Z3 Compact but would have to stay stock for the Barclays app alone. Is there a good way to like trick the phone to believe it's not rooted, or stealth it, etc?
Any advice would be most gratefully received. I think I've answered the battery question but am still concerned about the rest. Many thanks in advance.
KingsGambit said:
Hi all, I just received my new handset, a Sony Xperia Z3 Compact as an upgrade to my Samsung Galaxy S4. I'm not a noob per se, but these are noob questions I have, any answers for which I would be most grateful. My otherwise stellar google-fu has failed me these past two days and some clearer, direct advice and answers would be immensely helpful.
- A general question re: the Play Store. If I purchase a paid app, does it remain available to me to re-download and update forever after? Does it last between multiple/new devices? I want to buy Navigon Europe, but wanted to know if it's a once-only deal or remains available to me to download permanently.
- Contact syncing. On my past android phones, I've always somehow managed to import all my contacts from various online accts (eg. FB, GMail, etc). I have all my contacts (up-to-date) in Outlook on my PC and ideally want them, and only them, on my device contact list. I don't want the phone to synch anything with anything except my Outlook contacts but don't know what steps I can take to avoid that.
- Battery: I've had mixed messages about the first charge (currently in-progress at the time of writing!). Do Li-Ion batteries need to be charged for 16hrs or just until they're full?
- Converting the SIM Card: My S4 uses a MicroSIM, the Z3 Compact a NanoSIM. I heard they can be cut manually...is it safe to do that, or should I wait 3 days for TMobile (UK) to send me one?
I have two last questions that are more general advice than anything, but answers still appreciated!
- What apps/services are best to transfer my data over from my old handset to the new one? I can figure this out, but any recommendations from experience in doing the same would be welcome. I can figure out how to use them, just a general idea of apps/services to make sure I don't miss anything (texts, calendar, apps). Presumably I can download an app, *export* a file to my SD card, install the app and SD card on the new phone and "import" the file?
- This is a tough one...I have Barclays Mobile Banking app and kept my S4 stock since it apparently stopped working on rooted phones. I'd like to root my Z3 Compact but would have to stay stock for the Barclays app alone. Is there a good way to like trick the phone to believe it's not rooted, or stealth it, etc?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Paid apps are transferrable between devices, assuming you use the same Google account that it is linked to.
When you sign into Google (and your other accounts) it will ask if you want to Backup and Restore. Just leave it unchecked and then when finished importing Outlook contacts, you can go into your Google account and just make sure to only sync the options you're interested in by checking/unchecking whatever boxes you need.
I find a good way to transfer texts, call logs, apps, etc from device to device is by using an app like Go Backup. You were on the right path with the idea of backing up on the phone, transferring to PC, and switching it to a new phone. If you don't have access to a PC at the time, you can use something like Wifi File Explorer Pro to connect to it, assuming you have access to wifi or can wifi tether between the 2.
Cutting of the SIM is possible manually, but if you don't have access to a good SIM card cutter tool (obviously you don't have one in your possession, but any respectable repair shop or cell phone provider will have one. It only takes 5 seconds, but still there is a slight risk of damaging the card. It is best to get a new one. It is possible to cut with a sharp Exacto knife or something of the sort, but when going to nano, the margin of error is so small that I don't recommend.
As far as root and Barclay's, I don't believe it is an option. There have been attempts to bypass this restriction, but I believe that it has been without success. See:
Thank you for your helpful reply! I've moved most of my data over successfully, installed/copied most apps and setup most accounts. I did however ruin my MicroSIM in my attempts at converting it to Nano size. Have ordered a replacement but currently unable to call or text. Ah well!
I took the plunge and blew some money on the Play Store. I have the apps working now, and hope that they will remain available to me hereafter.
Thanks for the info on the Barclays App. I think I will skip rooting again *sigh* It's very annoying. There's a bunch of bloat I cannot freeze/quarantine, the ability to move apps to the SD card isn't available...all for one app If I found an APK of an old version, from back when it worked on a rooted phone, that might be an option?
Only issue I now have (apart from getting used to a few changes!) is with Email. On the S4, I set up my email as follows: Email: Forwarding Address - Incoming Server: BT Internet - Outgoing: Gmail (Set to send using my forwarding address). It worked fine. Now on the Z3C, I no longer have a box to enter my "Email address". Only "Username" and "Password". I can get my Emails from BT, can send via Gmail but it comes with "On behalf of..." in the sender field which is driving me mad! These are the little things that reallyget aggravating. Spent 2 hours already trying to work it out

