Contacts, calendar & tasks on SD? Screen rotation? - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

I am new to the world of PDA and just got my first one - a qtek1010, I hope someone can help me with the following questions:
1. Is there a way to make files, Inbox, Contacts, Calendar, and Tasks reside on my SD card instead of the memory? If possible, I feel it would be a lot safer for my data; this is assuming that with a full reset data on the SD card will not be lost.
2. Is it possible to rotate the screen of the qtek1010 90 ? It would be much easier to read and serf the Internet on a wider screen.
Thanks for your help.


Backing up before flashing

Hey guys,
First, I want to apologize because I"m about to ask dumb questions. I've spent some time wandering around reading threads and FAQs trying to understand all this, but I'm still fairly lost.
Before i begin, some basic info:
I'm on Sprint, currently on ROM 2.09.651.3
I use ActiveSync to connect to my company's Outlook server to get my work email, calendar, and tasks. However, I sync with my home PC for files and favorites.
I'd like to update to the most recent ROM as i'd like to get the faster web speeds, GPS, and SprintTV if possible.
The only thing I really don't want to lose are my contacts, which I don't have syncing anywhere currently. These are obviously not work contacts...and I don't have Outloook on my home what are my choices as to how I can backup my contacts? Preferably, a free application.
Lastly, am I understanding correctly that I can download the file from this page:
and simply follow the instructions on this page: Instructions_R1 _2.pdf
And that's it?
Sorry for the dumb questions. I'm pretty good with technology, but I've never done any updating or tweaking with my phone. Aside from the HTC Home app, it's mostly stock. Any suggestions and help will be appreciated.
I just asked this question last week. What I discovered are 12 different answers from 12 different people. SO I will just tell you what I found.
SPB backup or Resco Backup. Those cost money tho. I prefer the free options.
I just discovered Dashwire. It's an online site that does the backup for your phone. It only does contacts, messages and conversations, call history, media (video and picture), bookmarks, ringtones, voicemail (but not on Sprint), speeddials, and has some social networking involved (including syncing with Twitter).
It seems to have worked great for me. I haven't noticed anything missing since my upgrade.
It doesn't do calendars, but I use the free version of Goosync for that.
if all you want are the contacts, "pim" in the my device folder contains the contact info. To verify, rename, reset, and see if your contacts are still there. As I recall you cant overwrite directly, you need to rename the original and then copy the old file to that location after the wipe.
Sounds like you have the rest figured out already.
Personally I run exchange for everything important, a UC file for my programs, and dont care about texts/etc. I did save my SPB P+ config, which is one of like 5 things I have to do manually on a hard reset (today screen plugins, buttons, contacts on phone suit, and exchange settings are the others.)

ACTION_SEND mail formatting, w/ tables?

Hey guys,
I am currently developing an app which also populates an Intent.ACTION_SEND (to any email app) and hands over an extra with some text. However, because I want to display a table with data in the mail I am kind of stuck at formatting.
I did try (just to display an example)
.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT,Html.fromHtml(intentcontent+"<br><br>-----------------<br>"+"<i><b>Depot Droid</b> - "+getText(R.string.footer)+"</i>"));
to achieve some formatting, which worked for everything. but not for tables. I'd be populating the "<table>" in some loop but didn't manage to get ANY table shown in the mail....
any workaround or something?
Thanks in advance

[Q] Eternal question, hopefully a new angle: FB Messenger archive

Ancient problem: Facebook messages deleted. Not archived. I know these can't be restored.
BUT an idea popped to my mind. If the conversation took place in the Facebook Messenger app might there be an archive of a sort in the phone (Samsung S7560 Galaxy TREND) storage somewhere? And can it be accessed? I imagine it's not an easy task and most likely requires a computer and copying all of the contents of the phone etc. but I really want to give it a shot.
I must add that I am not programmer or developer so if you have any ideas or suggestions describe them like you would describe it to your grandpa.
Thanks in advance!

SendMe my new app. Beta version.

Hello everyone. Few days ago my new WP app has been posted in Windows Market. And now I have to ask you, could you help test it? Search in market: SendMe
You can easy send and receive messages. Also you can easy copy text to clipboard. For example: You need to text really BIG URL-address, here you can easy do it, just click on message.
App will have a lot of changes, so this is just beginning.
I'm really curious: what the reason and purpose of the app? There are SMS, emails, bunch of different messengers on the platform to "send and receive messages"... Why do you think anyone will install it?
Use device network services, music, media items currently playing, any of sensors, acces browser, send push notiifications, use data stored on external storage device (sd card? ).

LG G5 - Need help to free space and update whatsapp

Hi Guys,
this is the problem:
my mother owns an LG G5 E610v. For some time I have bought her a new phone (an iPhone). She (on the old LG) has some very important chats with messages, photos and videos of her granddaughters. I wish I could transfer the chats to the new phone. But to do that I would have to update Whatsapp. Unfortunately, however, when I try to update, phone tells me that it is impossible because there is no space. There are many applications that I could delete (Google, Youtube, Gmail, Hangouts, Google play Books, etc ...) but I can't delete them because they seem to be pre-installed and there is no way to delete them. Unfortunately I don't know well the android environment and neither the phone.
How can I go about solving this problem?
The phone software is an LG G5 E610v (European) with fw v4.1.2
Thanks in advance
You may not like my thoughts but she needs to backup her photos and vids independently of WhatsApp or they will likely be lost, sooner or later.
I won't allow WhatsApp or any social media app to be installed on any of my phones. They are a big fat security risk especially for those that aren't tech savvy. WhatsApp is a mecca for scammers and hackers, easy pickens.
If I can't login and use a site completely via browser I don't use it. A browser like Brave provides a buffer zone.
All critical data needs to be redundantly backup to at least 2 hdds that are physically and electronically isolated from each other and the PC. Never encrypt, clone or compress media backup data drives. Verify backup by folder count, data size and that the data is readable.
Regular critical data backup and good security practices are the only ways to help prevent data lose. After it happens will be too late...
A phone with an SD card slot would give her all the memory she needs. The SD card is then used as a data drive. It in turn is then redundantly backed up.
Address her backup plan asap if you haven't already...
Clearing app and system caches will free more space. Check the largest disk users of the 3rd party user installed apps to determine if they are really needed, uninstall to free space.

