Active Sync inbox error - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

My XDA shows an email in the Active sync inbox.
There are no emails in my Desktop Outlook inbox.
I cant open the mail on the XDA, I cant delete it. Nor can I move it to any other folder.
It's not an email I want to keep.
I've tried soft rest but dont want to do a hard reset.
Anyone got any ideas?

I had the same problem as well as a email counter problem i.e -2 in the unread. The only way i could fix it was a hard reset. That did the trick and its not so bad the reloading of software is no big deal.

Probably caused by restoring (via SD or activesync or flash rom).
This seems to especially cause if you restore after a rom upgrade.
Solution: don't use backup/restore - just reinstall your apps from fresh and setup your mail accounts etc. again

Thanks to you both.
I dont like to hard reset if I can help it but it seems even if I do, I cannot use Restore because the same problem could occur again!
Typical microsoft bug!
If anyone knows whether this can be rectified any other way (such as database manipulation) I would be very gtateful.


Retaining SMS, Contacts and Appointments

Background: My Imate PPC (ie Himalaya) is starting to get a little unstable with the apps etc that I run, so I've been debating upgrading it from WM2003 to WM2003SE (the Sin Merged version).
The problem is that I really don't want to lose my contacts, SMS and appointments.
I back everything up on a regular basis with Sprite ... but I realise that I won't be able to restore across ROM versions.
It occurs to me that I could install Outlook (which I loathe) and sync my contacts and appointments to that ... but that doesn't help with my SMS messages. As far as I know Jeyo still can't deal with sub-folders in SMS ... so that's no help.
I experimented with syncing to Thunderbird, which I use, and Sunbird (which I installed for that purpose) ... but given that I don't sync in normal circumstances the results were hideous - I don't see that as a solution.
So guys - who's got any suggestions?
Doormat said:
Background: My Imate PPC (ie Himalaya) is starting to get a little unstable with the apps etc that I run, so I've been debating upgrading it from WM2003 to WM2003SE (the Sin Merged version).
The problem is that I really don't want to lose my contacts, SMS and appointments.
I back everything up on a regular basis with Sprite ... but I realise that I won't be able to restore across ROM versions.
It occurs to me that I could install Outlook (which I loathe) and sync my contacts and appointments to that ... but that doesn't help with my SMS messages. As far as I know Jeyo still can't deal with sub-folders in SMS ... so that's no help.
I experimented with syncing to Thunderbird, which I use, and Sunbird (which I installed for that purpose) ... but given that I don't sync in normal circumstances the results were hideous - I don't see that as a solution.
So guys - who's got any suggestions?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hey, you can use Sprites Device Upgrade mode to restore to a new ROM but you have to read this first:
As there are things you need to do before you upgrade your ROM
freemans said:
Hey, you can use Sprites Device Upgrade mode to restore to a new ROM but you have to read this first:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I've had a good look at that option, and read a lot of comments on the net and to be honest, I'm not sure if I trust it.
Out of desperation I installed outlook and have synced my contacts, appointments and tasks to that.
It still leaves me with my SMS's to be dealt with. Jeyo STILL can't handle sub-folders, after all this time - so it's worthless.
I'll keep at it though

How do you reconcile contacts with Outlook! ARGH!

i already have PIM backup, i also backed up using Outlook itself. so i have 2 copies, one on my SD card from hermes and one on hard drive. both copies of contact listing are the same.
everytime that i switch computers/laptops or if i upgrade ROM on my cellphone, it is a HUGE problem trying to sync contacts between outlook and cellphone. i'm using activesync 4.5 for wxpp. it's the latest software that i can see.
i have set both the cellphone to be the masterlist or outlook to be the masterlist. neither works.
i'd usually end up with a sync error.
does anyone know how to resolve this once and for all? everytime somn changes, there'd a huge deal to get it all working again. i'd like detailed step by steps.

Phantom Email accounts after sprite restore

My phone broke so i got a replacement. I flashed the new phone with the same rom i was using and then did a sprite restore from the old phone.
as i mentioned in another thread, the gps is now not working at all, but that is another issue....
My email accounts still show in tf3d. With unread mail and everything. but i cant open them. outllook is not showing them at all. no new mail is coming in and when i try to reconfigure the accounts it says that i cant because they already exist.
check ur registry and delete the account in there and then reboot the phone and see if that works...
Hard reset..
This time i did not restore "email" in sprite back up
My phone is now perfect (except s2u2/galarm conflict & voice command not announcing calls)

[Q] Disappearing email accounts

Anyone point me in the right direction here? I'm pretty sure there are some threads covering this but I can't find them.
Mines a standard HD2 from O2. I've had it for a while and every so often after a soft reset, a load of my email accounts are deleted - just leaving the hotmail and outlook account (my pop 3 account disappears) If I restore the previous night's backup data (I backup daily), they all re-appear, but it's a pain because then when I then try and sync it with AS, I get the message 'there's been a change on the server that requires the whole of your device to be re-synced' (or something like that) Which takes an age
Wondered if anyone else had experienced 'disappearing email accounts' and whether there's a fix?
AFAIK I've always had this problem - but in the past it only deleted them occasionally. This week, after almost EVERY reboot, the email accounts have been deleted
Thanks guys!

Contacts disappearing after reboot on ICS

I've got an HTC Desire HD that's been rooted and have tried out several ROMs, the last couple have been ICS. I would like to stay with an ICS ROM but there seems to be an issue with contacts. I sync my contacts (and calendar) with Outlook via MyPhoneExplorer, Google isn't in the running here. On GB all is fine and both contacts and calendar go into a 'phone' memory. With ICS this 'phone' memory has gone and you have to sync with your gmail account locally. With ICS the calendar is fine but if I reboot the phone (it gets switched off most nights) this causes all contacts to disappear. I usually use Contapps as my contacts app but the stock People app also shows the same behaviour. Tried all the settings I can think of, and SEARCHED the forums (and further afield) so far, but still the same.
In all cases I've set up my Google account but then turned off ALL synchronisation, as I want to keep things local to my phone and PC. The calendar works fine, it's just contacts. I've checked with my gmail account online and it does NOT have copies of my contacts or calendar so it would appear that 'not syncing' is not the issue as my phone's calendar keeps it's data intact.
Also, call history doesn't seem to get deleted either but you obviously just get the phone number in each entry, with no contact details.
Using the stock People app to check (though other contact apps show the same lack of contacts!). I've tried 3 different ICS ROMs and at least two have shown the problem (the 3rd may have done but that was the first I installed and may not have checked). I've seen other comments both on xda and the wider interweb that indicate that I'm not the first to see this but there doesn't seem to be a consensus on the solution, if any.
Can anyone shed any light on the issue? Or at least have details on how Google changed contacts operations in ICS?
Oh, I know that I "could" sync with Google, but I don't want to. I know all the arguments for and against and I'm in the "against" camp on this one so comments along the 'just sync with Google' line aren't that useful. No disrespect to those that think differently ....
OK. More information. I've noticed that the contacts database file .... /data/data/ ... gets overwritten on the 2nd reboot. (File Manager tells me its a smaller file AND the timestamp gets updated). I've deleted ALL files in ... /data/data/ ... and they get re-created on a reboot but after syncing they still get overwritten on the 2nd reboot.
I've also tried to 'fix permissions' from ROM Manager but no change.
Anyone any clues as to what could be going on?
Thought I'd sussed it. Did a factory reset, re-installed all my apps via Titanium Backup then used Rom Manager's 'fix permissions' (and rebooted obviously). Reinstalled my contacts and it took until the 3rd reboot before they disappeared again ... :crying: However, I now have a 'Me' profile I created and this does NOT get deleted. As the file is in the same directory and has the same permissions there has to be some boot process "amending" the contacts2.db file. But what the heck is it? Anyone point me to docs. that describe the supposed Android boot sequence?

