Hi all,
Im confused (slightly) When i select a different regional setting ( ie Netherlands US etc) I am able to see the Day,date, Month, Year on the Clock view on the Todat screen (not the topmost startbar) i have tried to search the registry but cannot see how to enable this for teh UK english setting.
Not urgently important, but i do like to glance at the Day Date Month etc..
Yeah ... stupid question .... I can't figure out how to change my pocket PC back to Standard Time (AM/PM). Is it possible ...?
This is done by the language selection in PPC, select countries which use this time format.
go to settings: system : regional settings: tab- time
time style: h:mm:ss tt or
hh:mm:ss tt
Thanks for Answering my dumb question ...
Greetings to all,
Does anyone know how you swap the the vertical list of recently open programs in WM5 Start Menu (Buzz's 1.6b version) for the horizontal list? I know it is possible (as below; FYI I switched to landscape using True Toolbar)
In the registry I can find the list of recently used programs:
but I can't locate a registry or setting for how they are displayed (if indeed controlled via the registry). I'd thought about dumping the pre and post change registries and trying to compare them but I'm a newbie at this and the whole thing looks massive to try and spot changes visually.
Anybody take a stab as I'd like to be in portrait view but with a minimalised start menu. I've searched all hacks/tweaks/registries (forums and wiki) without success, perhaps someone out there may be able to help.
Suggestions very much appreciated.
did you get any other info on this hack??? I would really like to have my recent programs displayed in this manner rather than the other way.
Not yet... still looking without success
Guys, this is not a hack, this is what happens when you switch from Portrait to Landscape.
Hi Pat (nee how ma?),
Thanks for your reply. A defined variable must be controlling the style toggling (horizontal v vertical list) and it looks just too binary a choice not to have a tweak (even an unknown one yet to be identified), especially since this used to be how the list was displayed back in earlier versions of WM (even when in portrait). Yep I'm completely guessing that there's a tweak, but if you don't ask/ try you don't find out. If not, Buzz may be able to code it in as one in his next version of WM5 if this thread generates enough interest. Do you speak with authority on this or were you simply commenting?
The other approach I'm exploring is via the latest WisBar Advanced beta. When switching from portrait to landscape instead of producing a horizontal list of icons only (my desired outcome), it groups the list into a vertical submenu (variation on a theme). Therefore since I'm a WA user achieving it there is equally valid for me (if not more desireable). I'm awaiting feedback from Lakeridge (though the beta developers have far greater priorities developing WA2 to run more smoothly under WM5 so I'm not holding my breath just yet).
Regards - Mallow1
Hi All,
I am not sure if I am too dump or if it really does not work also the saerch function in the forum did not give any threads for that.
I want to change the items on the today screen. But I get only a small choice of the actual installed programs.
So how can I put program icons or shortcuts on the screen (not on the pull down menu under start.)
I flashed the dopod WM6 HK english on it.
Thanks in advanced
cheers iso
Only thing i can think of is HTC Home Plugin, which has a laucher tab (9 spots). Try it out.
I have searched for a long time, but I can't find answers and maybe it soesn't work.
This is my issue. Most of the time your calendar entries are short, but on today the calendar always show 2 lines, no matter if you appointment can be short or long. (see pictures). Does anyone know how and if you can change to 1 line, such as 12:00-13:00 Lunch with boss
I don´t know a way to change this...but what are the important things on the display? Battery Usage you can also see, if you look at the top, free space you can see in Settings/ System/ Memory. For the most Users it´s good, if dates are shown in this way. You can try it with http://tiews.info/index.php?show=software/todayagenda&lang=en (it is freeware), there you can change manually many things. Also the height of the plugin and the size of the letters.
this is my favorite
it's free and cabfile is avalibe
have fun
I second Schaeferreiner in his 'vote' for todayagenda, made by Marcel Tiews. It is the most compact yet functional agenda-plugin. I use v1.0 beta, which works fine.
Hey guys, I will try to be concise.
I decided to do an Android app for my final degree project. I followed all the bucky's videos and I have been playing for a couple of weeks with some additional material (text to speech, external databases, creating my own server, php...). So I think I've got the basics.
Okay, here's the problem. I decided to make an app which, basically, includes 3 types of "exams". I will follow the users progression thanks to a learning algorithm and I will purpose different kind of activities according to his/her weak points. The exercises idea is pretty basic (because I want to make it really easy for anyone to afterwards add their own exercises). It will be an image with four options, and just one of them can be selected as the correct one. Each exam will be composed of 20 exercises, and each "individual screen" will have the following elements:
- The image (different for each question)
- The possible solutions (different for each question)
- A dropdown menu (The same for all questions)
- 2 arrows for going to the next and previous exercise (the same for all questions, except for the first and the last)
- Two rows, with 10 cells(squares) per row, as a navigating tool for the user ( so if the user clicks on the third cell, the third exercise of the exam will be displayed. I will probably change the colour of the cell if the user has already selected an option or not) (The same for all questions, except for the color probably)
The squeleton of the APP is more or less done. Users can register, login, my DB is working perfectly, the "selection screen" is done, with different ways of receiving help (text and audio). In other words, the next step is necessarily making the exercised themselves. I have enough time, but I really want to know which is the best way to proceed. I don't mind failing a couple of times (as long as I learn), but I would love to know your opinions.
Each exercise is a different fragment? I mean, all of them have the same structure, is there anyway to create a kind of "base" class for an exercise, as only the image and the options do change from one exercise to the other? The menu, the arrows and the navigation bar are the same.
Any opinions and ideas are totally welcome.
PS: Sorry for my terrible english, is not my mother language.