GSM band switch SE ROM - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

I upgraded my T-mobile ppc with se rom and it works fantastic. This though a 900/1900 phone. I live in sweden and use the 900 channel only. But my provider has dual band (900/1800). Can I try the band switch utility in SE rom without risks?

Although sometimes it takes an awful long time for the phone to realise new settings for the band. You may need to open and close the SIM cover and then soft-reset for it to recognize the change.

Thanks, and for generous activity at this side!


GSM 1800 or 1900?| Network loss

I don’t know how to find out what band my smartphone uses. It’s T-Mobile, so it should sell in US, where GSM band’s 1900. But my T-mobile was in box, designed especially for Russia. The letters are in Russian, a GSM band indicated on the box in big black font is 900\1800.
But device information tab in WM 2003 displays "Hardware Version: PW 10B1" (as far as I understand that means 1900 band). In spite of this on the back of my device is a sticker with PW10A2 sign. Where's the truth?
Maybe my device uses 1800 frequency?
But anyway in the band selection tab there's only 2 bands 800 and 1900 (
If my device supports 1800 band, how can I activate it?
The seller’s support tells T-mobile MDA supports 1800… But they can’t explain how to enable it.
I don't know whether connected my second problem with previous. I think it is.
Sometimes my device doesn't find network after it lost it. Example: after leaving an underground subway station. To find a network I have to turn the phone off and then to turn it on.
My radio version is T310. If this problem doesn't connected with the first, maybe I just should change a radio version to a newer one?
The sticker tells the truth normally. Are you going in to bootloader to choose your band?
How can I choose GSM band through boot loader?
Enter bootloader by holding power button while pushing stylus in reset hole, when bootloader appears push the button below antenna, you will then have all gsm options, choose 900/1800.
You may be S O L!!!
You better hope your XDA is not a 900/1800 MHz one otherwise you're going to be SOL unless you plan on living overseas because here in North America, the wireless carriers like AT&T Wireless, Cingular Wireless LLC and T Mobile USA use EDGE/GSM/GPRS on the 850 and/or 1900 MHz GSM aka Next Generation network. 900/1800 MHz GSM is used overseas and is considered the international GSM bandwidths. Cheers!
You may be S O L!!!
You better hope your XDA is not a 900/1800 MHz one otherwise you're going to be SOL unless you plan on living overseas because here in North America, the wireless carriers like AT&T Wireless, Cingular Wireless LLC and T Mobile USA use EDGE/GSM/GPRS on the 850 and/or 1900 MHz GSM aka Next Generation network. 900/1800 MHz GSM is used overseas and is considered the international GSM bandwidths. Cheers!

Working with 1800MHz

I Got last month one SX56 from Siemens, stated by the store to be use it worldwide.
However, it never connected with cell company in Los Angeles, which I
didn't bother with it since I was planning to use with TIM in Brazil, and the chip that I was using is from over there. I have arrived in Brazil two days ago and still no connection.
My question to you is that the band switch program(from XDA, installed by the store) shows that 900/1800Mghz band is possible, however the reference guide booklet only mentions dual band 900/1900;Is the intermediate band 900/1800 a software function commanded by the band switch program or the actual hardware must be triband in order to work the 900/1800?
Please note that under automatic configuration, it gives a choice of choosing TIM Italy telecom, which operates 900/1800.
Any suggestions or advices on your part are welcome.
Your hardware is not capable of working on 1800 band.

Working with 1800MHz

I Got last month one SX56 from Siemens, stated by the store to be use it worldwide.
However, it never connected with cell company in Los Angeles, which I
didn't bother with it since I was planning to use with TIM in Brazil, and the chip that I was using is from over there. I have arrived in Brazil two days ago and still no connection.
My question to you is that the band switch program(from XDA, installed by the store) shows that 900/1800Mghz band is possible, however the reference guide booklet only mentions dual band 900/1900;Is the intermediate band 900/1800 a software function commanded by the band switch program or the actual hardware must be triband in order to work the 900/1800?
Please note that under automatic configuration, it gives a choice of choosing TIM Italy telecom, which operates 900/1800.
Any suggestions or advices on your part are welcome.
Your device is NOT capable of working on the 1800 band, when they stated the sx56 as worldwide use they must be referring to the 900 band which is used here in the UK and other countries by some service providers.

how do you use the bandswitch selector?

hi there...
i bought a Siemens SX56 from ebay while i was in the US. i downloaded the bandswitch selector so i can use it in my country, which is a gsm 900/1800 country. however, when i try to click on the bandswitch selector icon, the phone icon on the upper right side of the screen disappears!!!
can anyone please explain to me step by step how to install this valuable tool? i'm a bit dumb when it comes to techy stuff...
I am sorry to inform you that you probably have a phone that is capable only of 900/1900, no amount of switching will enable it to work on 900/1800. On the label at the rear of your device you will see the letters PW10B1 or PW10A1, if you have the label with the first figures it will not work on 1800 but will work on Vodafone or O2. Orange/T Mobile/Virgin will not work. Hope this helps.
When you make a hard reset, and press the "calendar" button, you can switch to 900/1800 band....
My XDA it's PW10B1
Hope it help you.
thanks for all the info guys! really appreciate it.
As i am still travelling right now (i don't have my xda with me ) i haven't tried the bootloader method. did it work for you? if it worked for you, then chances are it will work for me as well. my sx56 is also PW10B1.
What do you think?
The bootloader will switch the radio but you will not be able to use 1800 networks, your phone is not physically capable of doing so regardless of the bandswitch feature so really there is no point in doing it.
I was able to try my sx56 back home (philippines - gsm 900/1800).
It works just fine!
Wicheslady, are you claiming that your phone which is not capable of working on 1800 is in fact working on 1800. Choosing 900/1800 in the bandswitcher does not endow the phone with new hardware, it will work only on the 900 band in a country that uses 900/1800.

HELP after unlock, 8525 connects to 1900 gsm, but not 900 or 1800

I bought a new att 8525 about a month ago it came with an ATT 3G sim card
I have a Thailand phone and SIM card(the network is AIS)with international roaming. Before I bought the 8525 when i would be in the U.S., I would just use my thai cellphone, an old tri- band nokia and when in the states It would automatically conect to Tmobiles' gsm network(1900 frequency I think)
On the 8525, The phone was locked of course so that the thai sim would not work. I ran Pof's program Auto unlock v3a. I put the AIS sim back in the phone and it worked and automatically conected on Tmobile's gsm network . I was exstatic!!!
Then... I caught a plane back to thailand. While between planes in Taipei I turned on my phone with the Thai sim and it connected !!! I was still exstatic!!!
THEN...I landed in Bangkok thailand. Turned my phone on and it will not recognize any netwoks other than some weird 1900 gsm network that I have never heard of. It does not recognize either AIS or DTAC or Orange which are the big three in Thailand.
I took my Thai sim out of the 8525 and put it back in my old nokia phone and it immediately conected to the AIS gsm network.
So it appears my new 8525 phone is not recognizing 900 and 1800 gsm networks. Pof's program definately ulocked the sim because it doesnt ask for an unlock code. I read the NO gsm issue but I am not sure that is this issue because the phone does appear to recognize 1900 gsm both here and remember it did conect to Tmobile 's 1900 gsm network in the states.
So the issue is recognition of 900 and 1800 gsm.
What can I do? Can someone please help?
Thank you in advance
Here are my device info after runing pof program, I am not sure what the info was before I ran the program:
ROM version: 2.15.502.3
ROM date: 04/09/07
Radio version:
Protocol version: 32.53.7018.01H
Have you checked to see what is enabled under the bands tab in the Settings > Phone panel?
Possibly, something is disabled there. It is possible that you have a resricted setting. If you do not have the "Band" tab visible, the registry hack is in the wiki or certainly somewhere. Try the google search link in my signature.
registry tweaked to add band tab but still havea problem
Thanks for the advice.Sure enough the band tab was not visible so I tweaked the registry to ad the band tab.
However when I try to change the gsm band from"auto" to 900/1800 I get a messsage that says :
"Warning unable to change gsm/umts band, please try again later."
regardless ofhow band setting are changed, auto./gsm, my phone still only detects the 1900 gsm band. arrrgh!
I have since my last post also updated my radio to 1.50,still nothing.
any elpis gretaly appreciated.
"Warning unable to change gsm/umts band, please try again later."
This ussually means there's a live connection somewhere. Make sure your disconnected from gprs, internet, etc., then your manual band changes will take.
thank to everyone that makes this forum possible
Problem solved after i shut down the phone, inserted my att sim, then phone all of a sudden starting recognizing all the 900/1800 networks here(asia/thailand). I then shut off the phone, inserted my thai ais sim and it also started picking up the networks. Not sure why I was geting the warning message .If it is due to having a live conection somewhere, my gprs was not configured on the new phone yet for thai/ais simand would not connect.
Anyway thanks you all for this forum.Now I will read , read read some more on the best 6.0 ROM for my phone.

