Newbie! - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Hi there people,
Boy have I found the right site ! This is just what I needed ..
I bought my 02 XDA last week (UK) and thought it was the dogs danglies ... and being a little technically minded, just knew it was gonna be upgradeable and have some really cool stuff. But this takes it into another realm...
I've downloaded the 1.1 exe file kindly supplied on this forum, but as I'm still getting my head round the machine and Active Sync, haven't had the balls to upgrade the ROM - not being funny but is it really as good as it sounds ? Can I get into difficulties with warranties etc if it goes wrong ?
Also, is the exe file really all I need ? As I said I'm not afraid of a technical challenge, but I ain't done this before, and would probably shy away from getting to far into the guts - if ya know what I mean ?
I'm going to continue reading every bit of this site, so apologies if these questions have been answered before, but I'd be grateful if one of you good people could reassure me before I do anything dangerous !
Oh and by the way I'm not connected to the big bad world yet, still waiting for number port, so I'm just playing at the moment, but I can see where the desire to change certain things comes from !
One last question - Something is really bugging me, why do the programs stay running in memory when I've closed them ?
Thanks and keep up the good work !

Yes, the exe file is all you need. Yes, you can get into trouble with warranties, but only if you don't flash your old ROM back in before returning it.
You can create a backup of your old ROM using an SD-card, a PC based SD-card reader and our program XDArit. But if your provider offers an upgrade available on-line, you can also flash that when something breaks.

oh fantastic - thanks
sorry for all the stupid questions but does your ROM still contain Active Sync ? I'm using it and find it really useful - or is there something better ?
Oh and I upgraded the version of pocket office to 3.17 the other day as I was getting connection problems while synchronising. Does anybody know anything about the new ROM version ?
I'm also on Radio 4.20.00
and Protocol 32S54 (whatever that is

sorry it was early when I posted that and my brain wasn't functioning - the process of "flashing" the ROM actually requires Active Sync doesn't it ? i.e. the unit needs to be in the cradle attached to the PC via USB - that's how I upgraded to 3.17 - I had active sync running and then executed the download/install exe, which took control of the link and upgraded the ROM.
Does your ROM install work in the same manner or do I need to do something else/uninstall active sync or anything ?

No, you just connect the unit via ActiveSync, run Jeff's exe, and life is good.

excellent ! Thanks a million - looking forward to the changes..
great site and great ideas chaps - well done !!


Windows Mobile 2003 HTTP Exe download for ALL

Hi Guys,
Just to say THANKS to everyone out there, not only the developers but the normal mortals too - who put in effort to help people here.
I have uploaded the Windows mobile 2003 to my site. Its on a super mega link (great words :wink: ) I get 1meg a sec+ when i download from it at work !
Cheers Guys
You are my hero....... :lol:
Your welcome !
Thanks again XDA-Developers
Any "gotcha's" in this release. Is it pretty stable?
Keith Burke
other than can't turn off gprs easily... its fab
system wide cleartype
excellent sms + contact management
generally more polished release !
Well I have taken the plunge already and it upgraded like a dream.
Although you cannot initially see massive changes it just feels better and looks a bit more appealing (only subtley though). Its a bit like when XP (without the god awful new nav system) was released, everything felt a bit crisper.
All in all I am chuffed with it and look forward to getting to grips with whats underneath.
Cheers again Ali, and although I am VERY grateful I cannot wait for a SE Rom to see just what weird and wonderful things the development gods bring us.
Just as and addon to this post - I am an EXTREMELY happy bunny now as I have been having major issues with my XDA not recognising my SMS message centre number previous and not allowing me to send texts. This happened no matter what Rom I used. U/g to PPC2003 and lo and behold shove the sim in and its all sorted.
For once (even though I dont think its down to the OS) I will take my hat off to MS and say ta.
HI Ali,
Great work.
Does this exe file work with windows 98?
Anyone out there had used win 98 with this and no problems?
hello mate,
To be honest, I have never tried it with Win98, only XP.
I would defiantely make sure before upgrading !
Btw, do you happen to have the 4.005 release?
I like the direct approach :lol:
no :roll:
I want it though !... anyone care to share and I will upload it for all
I really hate people that have the release and yet publish on the forum and yet giving reason that cannot be understood.
It would be better not to share what you have if you do not intend to let the public to enjoy it. :?
Whats the point of talking about it and then keeping it yourself?
we should share !
or find a 'loners' community :wink:
GPRS Disconnect????
I think its good but how do i dc from GPRS? This sucks. I still love the se 1.2. I love pocket console.
XDA Asian version
what if I use the latest version of Windows Mobile 2003 Ali uploaded on my XDA ? Current versions are:
ROM version: 3.14.17 ENG
ROM date: 10/11/02
Radio: 4.17
Protocol: 32S54
Will I have problems with the radio version ?
So what now ?
:lol: So what now ? :?:
Downloaded Installed Working some kind of GREAT !
Is it the latest version ?
Ali-Butt posted the same release as was posted here 2 weeks ago. its 4.00.01. it just works via activestink. as Xda-developers posted before, updating through programme A is not the safest thing to do. just in case have ur sd card reader ready. also there is a slight chance that ur bootloader might get corrupt. they said it happened. that's why safest way to do it is via SD card.
WOAAAH, i'm downloading it with 2300 kb/sec. Nice connection dude! :shock:
WOAAAH, i'm downloading it with 2300 kb/sec. Nice connection dude!
its raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapid !
Hi tried the download got Winzip can not open file.
Peter T
I had the same problem at first. I set it off downloading twice and each time it didn't complete the 15.2MB (or whatever), one around 3.4 and another 1.7ish. Even though the file seemed to complete on both occasions.
What I did in the end was sit and watch it, whilst leaving the original screen with the download link loaded...rather than closing it once the download began. That time it worked a treat.

Theft Protection on Xda Removal!!!

Please could someone offer a bit of advice. I have recently decided to purchase an xda2. so i have decided to sell on my xda1.
The problem is that the theft protection is enabled and i was wondering how i disable it or alter it to the new users details.
I have nevered altered the details before as it was done for me buy the previous owner.
Many Thanks
You cannot alter the details unless you burn a new rom.
You can disable it by deleting "IIWPO_startup.exe"
from the startup directory (but it will come back after a hard reset). Hope this helps.
Thanks for the reply m8,
no i have a problem, do you know how i change the detail for a new user??
Because i dont know how to burn a new rom or has the files to do so??
please can you help me m8
Thanks alot
You cannot change the details for a new user, that is the whole point of it, if it sees that the user has changed or no name is entered it will keep informing the "owner", the only way to get rid of it is to burn a new rom to the device.
Thanks alot for your help.
I have tried reloading the original rom from the O2 website, but because the one on the xda is newer than the rom on the O2 website so it won't load it onto my xda.
I have contacted the previous owner who is a well known member on these forums to see if he can help me (gazzaman2k), i'am awaiting his response, so hopefully he can help me.
If anyone has any ideas of loading the original rom back on i would be grateful.
Many Thanks
very simple. search the regestry for the old user name and you will find 3 variables, old user name, new name and the phone to send sms. in your case change the first and last so you can use it or delete the phone to stop the option.
you need regestry editor program and I think it is with this ROM.
HI M8,
I tried that but when i did a hard reset, it replaced it with the original number????
ah mate got your emails and found the thread lol.
It is my old XDA1 what i donewhen i sold it you was just locate the reg string and change it over to your details each time you hardreset it itll just come back the olny way you can do it is to:
burn a new rom and place it over it theres no other way and since jeffs kitchen burnt down theres only yorch's one :\ left but that does mostly american roms and i think it isnt as good as jeffs one
on the dvds i gave you there is the original v3.17 or whateer cant remeber its numbers you could try downgrading it to that as thats just a bog standard rom.
but im not too sure about downgrading roms :\
what ever you do just dont try to downgrade the radio version as that can lead to killing the phone.
only way might be to flash it using a sd card. its all i can think of at the mo.
hi gaz,
I when i changed the name, i think it says last user, current user & mobile number??? i can put another number in there, is that what you did for me when you added my details???
this will work providing i don't hard reset it??? it will be ok. but i have done a hard reset and now your details are in as last owner, new owner and a mobile i don't recognise????
I have tried putting the rom from the O2 website but it won't update because the xda rom that is on it is newer (v4.00 i think) the one on the O2 website is v3.17....
does anyone know the procedure to put the v3.17 (o2 basic rom) on. when you have v4.00 already on....
I really need to sort this out tonight so i can sell, it as i really need the money...
Please can someone please help me i don't mind if its a basic rom. as i just want to sell it on....
Thanks to everyone who has replied
shizzer thats my dads mobile :| youll have to do what i said with the developers v1.2 thing i sent you via email. as my dad will go mad getting thousands of texts and im sure the guy you sell to will get upset too that his credit is draining every second.
if you cant do it send me the cradel and XDA + the ruturn P&P and ill get it back to normal for you but downgrading to xda developers v1.2 will put it back on pc2002 which i think is a crap version of windows mobile.
i have the files for v4.00.05 but they require to be written by bootloader way which is very scary to try lol
Thanks for the offer m8, i may take you up on that if the person i sold it to can wait..
i have emailed you about resending those files m8 and i will try and do it myself. I don't mind if the pc2002 is put on it as i just need to sell it m8...
I have been having a look around for a later version than v4.00 that is on my xda but i have been unable to find one, if anyone can point me in the right direct in a .exe format that would be fantastic just to get over my problem....
Thanks alot
only later versions out are yankee versions mate putting that on and youll loose the 1800mhz band so that means no orange/one2one
anyway sent you an email on how to do it:
ahah ! i know
get DVD 1 i sent you.
go into progs p-z
copy it from the cd onto you desktop.
then dont unzip it...
just double click it it will then begin to self extract a dos box will pop
b4 you do this make sure the xda is in its cradel and plugged into the mains
wait about 30 secs for it to stop doing activesync crap....
after then double clci kthe file and wait for the dos box to come.
then a windows box will pop up telling you about it all.
make sure you read it thorugh very very carefully and follow everything it
good luck mate
thanks alot m8, it now sorted..

a couple of stupid questions and hopefully a few good ones...

hi all,
i'm new to the whole WM world....i just got my mogul before new years and i have to say i love it...i have been envisioning the days when computers would be carried in our pockets ever since i got a beeper in high that day is here...
before i ask my questions, i want you guys to know that i am no dummy when it comes to computers...i am a software engineer and have completed and am currently working on multiple government contracts. if i had to declare specialization, i guess i would be considered a J2EE guy....but i'm very sound in theory and can/have adapted to numerous langs and platforms. hopefully, if i get a lull sometime soon, i can contribute to this community.
ok, here we go.
1. what is prl?
2. i remember reading somewhere that something(i want to say it was relocking after flashing a custom ROM) was either not possible or very hard to do with windows only windows box is running i going to run into trouble down the line if i move to DCD's clean wm6.1 rom and want to , say, flash the official sprint release when it drops next month?
3. what is the pagepool? WM version of swapspace?
4. i've read a lot about kitchens and cooking roms, but i'm still missing something....i understand cooking a rom is essentially building an image...but i'm still a little hazy on what the OEMizer is...if i had to guess, it takes normal installs(CABs) and groups them for a post flash install in the "Sprint Customization" that executes after flashing an official sprint rom....correct?
5. for all you devs and hackers that are putting together custom roms, do you have an emulator/vm for our phones that you test you roms in before flashing? i just missing the fact that that is part of a "kitchen"?
i'm sure i'll have more questions in the future, but this is a good starting point...please only answer the questions you KNOW the answers to. no information is better then false information. thanks in advance.
no takers yet?....
1. A google search for PRL turned up this.
2. I'm running Vista and have no problems. You might need to uncheck the enhanced services bos in USB to PC to be able to sync but other then that I do everything from my Vista box.
3. Another Google search for pagepool turned up this.
4. No. It creates files that able to be used when making a kitchen. This way your programs are in ROM and dont need to be installed again when you hard reset. A search of this forum would have lead to several threads to read about this.
5. Nope. You flash your phone. If it doesn't work you try again.
Please do a little searching on the forums and a lot of reading before you start doing this. It will prevent newb questions and make your life a whole lot easier.
a couple days ago i was asking the same questions.
i have my phone working now, but i didnt bother with vista, i used my dads pc, which was running xp, worked first try without playing with any settings.
thanks for the answers blaze!
sorry for posting Qs that were seemingly so simple to find the answers too, but the disclaimer was in the title...i knew i could find them with some searching, and believe me, i've been reading about this stuff on my free time pretty much non-stop since i got this phone....unfortunately, free time is scarce right about now....
anyways, thanks again....your info/links have saved me tons of time and it is greatly appreciated!

New to the Pocket PC's

Well im not actually new to the pocket pc's. i have just wanted one since i was like 13 but couldn't afford the 650 bucks at the time...LOL. I have the Titan Phone from Alltel and would like some info and guides on how to flash it to some of the new mods i have seen. Im not sure how to go about flashing or backing up my phone just incase the inevitable happens as we all have experienced before...UGH..LOL. Any help would be appriciative, and mod ideas would be great too, especially the a new internet browser i have been hearing about, instead of using this damn IE. Thank you
I need to know what i need to install first, such as a radio, the new rom and where i can find some mods that may fit my personality. Thank you for all the help you guys can give.
mneo8 said:
Well im not actually new to the pocket pc's. i have just wanted one since i was like 13 but couldn't afford the 650 bucks at the time...LOL. I have the Titan Phone from Alltel and would like some info and guides on how to flash it to some of the new mods i have seen. Im not sure how to go about flashing or backing up my phone just incase the inevitable happens as we all have experienced before...UGH..LOL. Any help would be appriciative, and mod ideas would be great too, especially the a new internet browser i have been hearing about, instead of using this damn IE. Thank you
I need to know what i need to install first, such as a radio, the new rom and where i can find some mods that may fit my personality. Thank you for all the help you guys can give.
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Look at the sticky at the top of this page and read the Wiki - it tells you everything you need to know. Once you have read it, come back and ask questions if you are stuck.

noob retard needs help

ban me now.
i know i know, any hi! i'm new thread deserves beatings, and whilst i'm fully aware i'm tempting the wrath of you all by doing this....... but i don't know where else to look.
i got a htc hero 24hrs ago on orange (uk). upgrade from a sony k850i so i have never had a smartphone before. i have no idea what i'm doing with it.
i've looked but not found a RTFM page yet, or i am that retarded that i can't even find it. what i can find contradicts what i've previously read so i though i'd ask you lot....
anyway - grovelling apologies aside:
1) rooting - is there one simple way to do this, so far i have found 4 processes and don't know which ones to trust.
2) ROM's - finally found out how to get software for the phone-(shouldn't there have been a disk with the phone?) and have installed active sync. i have just downloaded:
is that the best/most recent ROM? if not, what is?
i guess i dont know enough about the phone to know the differences and therefore where to start. does rooting your phone allow you to get access to other apps like cydia and icy for the iphone do for example? whats the point, apart from to enable read/write access on the SD card (whats the biggest SD Card a Hero will take by the way?)
3) radios? what difference does it make if i'm listening to queen or queens of the stone age lol. seriously, whats the score here and where do i look for noob info?
help me. people with iphones are telling me i did a bad thing getting a hero. make me wise in the ways of the droid.
please and thank you.
Hi mate,
I am no expert as I have only had my Hero a week and have come from winmo. But I have rooted my phone and installed a rom and it was dead easy.
1. Follow this video - where he says to unzip or extract the cm-hero-recovery.img file all he means is find it on your pc and just copy that file to the SDCard.
I would also recommend doing a backup after rooting your phone from that video. To do this turn ur phone off, then hold the home and power button together and that will get you into the recovery area, then just select the nandroid backup option.
2. I have used the Modaco rom and have had no problems at all with it, not sure if its better than the orange one though sorry.
3. When people talk about the radio file for the Hero they are talking about a file that enables the phone to recieve the mobile phone signal, it also enables the phone to recieve a wi fi signal etc. I even think it does GPS, basically these can be tweaked to get better reception, thus you can update them. I really hope that made sense lol and hope you get what i mean.
4. Oh and if you want to put a new ROM on ur phone then follow this video -
If not just pm me lol.
brilliant - thank you.
is there a list of available ROM's for the hero anywhere and a list of what they do? ie benefits rather than a bunch of files names that have tweeked - they make no sence to me.
i dont know how you'd weigh one ROM up against another, to me it's like comparing chinese and japanese when you speak neither !
also is there an alternative marketplace, i know apple iphone has icy and cydia. i dont want warez just wondering if there's an alt. community as apple have out there (i'm thinking you guys are 'it' lol)
Don't think there is a list of ROM's as tbh the only good one around is the Modaco one. There is an Orange one out but I think people still rate the Modaco one as better, but I could be wrong in that. If you go for the Modaco one though you won't regret it.
As far as I know there is no other marketplace.
If you get into any problems in rooting and putting a ROM on ur Hero just pm me.

