a couple of stupid questions and hopefully a few good ones... - Mogul, XV6800 ROM Development

hi all,
i'm new to the whole WM world....i just got my mogul before new years and i have to say i love it...i have been envisioning the days when computers would be carried in our pockets ever since i got a beeper in high school...now that day is here...
before i ask my questions, i want you guys to know that i am no dummy when it comes to computers...i am a software engineer and have completed and am currently working on multiple government contracts. if i had to declare specialization, i guess i would be considered a J2EE guy....but i'm very sound in theory and can/have adapted to numerous langs and platforms. hopefully, if i get a lull sometime soon, i can contribute to this community.
ok, here we go.
1. what is prl?
2. i remember reading somewhere that something(i want to say it was relocking after flashing a custom ROM) was either not possible or very hard to do with windows vista.....my only windows box is running vista....am i going to run into trouble down the line if i move to DCD's clean wm6.1 rom and want to , say, flash the official sprint release when it drops next month?
3. what is the pagepool? WM version of swapspace?
4. i've read a lot about kitchens and cooking roms, but i'm still missing something....i understand cooking a rom is essentially building an image...but i'm still a little hazy on what the OEMizer is...if i had to guess, it takes normal installs(CABs) and groups them for a post flash install in batch...like the "Sprint Customization" that executes after flashing an official sprint rom....correct?
5. for all you devs and hackers that are putting together custom roms, do you have an emulator/vm for our phones that you test you roms in before flashing?....am i just missing the fact that that is part of a "kitchen"?
i'm sure i'll have more questions in the future, but this is a good starting point...please only answer the questions you KNOW the answers to. no information is better then false information. thanks in advance.

no takers yet?....

1. A google search for PRL turned up this.
2. I'm running Vista and have no problems. You might need to uncheck the enhanced services bos in USB to PC to be able to sync but other then that I do everything from my Vista box.
3. Another Google search for pagepool turned up this.
4. No. It creates files that able to be used when making a kitchen. This way your programs are in ROM and dont need to be installed again when you hard reset. A search of this forum would have lead to several threads to read about this.
5. Nope. You flash your phone. If it doesn't work you try again.
Please do a little searching on the forums and a lot of reading before you start doing this. It will prevent newb questions and make your life a whole lot easier.

a couple days ago i was asking the same questions.
i have my phone working now, but i didnt bother with vista, i used my dads pc, which was running xp, worked first try without playing with any settings.

thanks for the answers blaze!
sorry for posting Qs that were seemingly so simple to find the answers too, but the disclaimer was in the title...i knew i could find them with some searching, and believe me, i've been reading about this stuff on my free time pretty much non-stop since i got this phone....unfortunately, free time is scarce right about now....
anyways, thanks again....your info/links have saved me tons of time and it is greatly appreciated!


WM2005 etc. Newbie Questions

I'm the proud owner of a T-Mobile MDA II with vga camera. Half an hour ago I happend to find this interesting forum.
What is this Windows Mobile 2005? I've never heard of it. I searched the Microsoft website, but I didn't find anything.
I have no idea which OS is installed on my MDA... the ROM version is 1.72.01GER (in case that helps).
So... in case I want to upgrade my MDA.... what do I have to do, where do I get the files from etc. And, what is this upgrade all about? Is it a totally new OS, or what is it? I have no idea
Thanks for your help
Hi Bauer,
I too am a newbee. Just joined this forum about a month ago. If I may give you a clue ( though I'm not an expert in it), the Windows Mobile 2005 is supposed to be the next mobile phone OS from Microsoft. It is said to have many more user-friendly features than the one you are currently using. However it has not yet been officialy released in the market (I even doubt if its ready yet). But thanks to our great Buzz Lightyear (http://buzzdev.net) we are fortunate to get the taste of the new promised features. Buzz had managed to create his own version of the said OS and named it the Magneto. Why don't you try to drill further into other area of this forum or go to http://buzzdev.net. I'm sure you'll get the idea, and as it happened to me I'm sure you'll like it too. Good Luck.
Hi again Bauer,
Regarding the question as to where to get ROM upgrade, you can try this link http://www.buzzdev.net/index.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_download&gid=124&Itemid=32 to get the copy of the new ROM upgrade. However you are supposed to register yourself first to be able to access the link. There (and in this forum too) you will get a clear description & instruction for the ROM upgrade.
I would also like to get this opportunity to apologize to the forum (especially to Buzz and the development team) for not being polite enough to say 'thank you' for all the work you've done. I've had no significant problem with either the upgrading process or the tweaking around with both hardware and software (incl. 3rd parties). Everything works fine with my machine since day one I did the upgrade. I love the work. Thank you all, and have a nice day.
Hi Bauer,
Spend time reading the wiki site too which will provide you with a lot of background about your new toy and the sort of things you can tweak/ develop or pick up that others have done.
Also learn to use the search function of this website as you can find most of the answers for yourself without relying upon good folk to give the same advice to the next newbee in the queue asking the same questions ('nuff said, we've all been newbees at sometime).
Once you've read relevant parts of the wiki and are comfortable that you want to risk changing your ROM (there are numerous pitfalls you risk (e.g. warrantee invalidation) and ultimately totally killing your machine if you have two left feet/ power surge/ massive bad luck etc) search these forums will educate you to the experiences of others developing/ beta testing/ exploring. Buzz's versions of WM5 are narrated a:
Remember to pay due homage to all his hard work.
Beyond that enjoy.
Viel Glück - Mallow1

I don't have the Hermes yet, but I'm already so lost on this forum...

I have an AT&T 8525 arriving tomorrow and I'm so excited by the possibilities... but at the same time I'm just by all the different jargon and things that everyone seems to know about. I'm coming from a Blackjack which I've hacked the crap out of but this just seems so much more complicated. Anyway, hello, if you have any suggestions for someone who has never had an HTC before, please post them up for me, because I really just don't know where to start.
Start here, read and learn
welcome to the club, please read all the Sticky topics on the main page of HERMES Upgrading ect...
if you still have any questions or concerns then post your next question...
happy reading
Oh god... come in sucker.
First of all, before you even start using your phone, SIM unlock it, super CID it, install Bootloader 1.11 but not 1.04 unless you have Olipro 1.02b or you have acces to KITL, then flash every ROM you can find until sleep deprivation affects your marriage your job and you forget the name of your eldest child.
Then after two months of owning a phone that almost never is in a working state, you'll get it stuck in bootloader mode just after you suffered your first white screen of death, and in desperation you will call your carrier with a string of lies and send it back for a replacement.
Then you start the whole process again...
Have fun... not.
esseff said:
Oh god... come in sucker.
First of all, before you even start using your phone, SIM unlock it, super CID it, install Bootloader 1.11 but not 1.04 unless you have Olipro 1.02b or you have acces to KITL, then flash every ROM you can find until sleep deprivation affects your marriage your job and you forget the name of your eldest child.
Then after two months of owning a phone that almost never is in a working state, you'll get it stuck in bootloader mode just after you suffered your first white screen of death, and in desperation you will call your carrier with a string of lies and send it back for a replacement.
Then you start the whole process again...
Have fun... not.
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LOL - that is funny, but a little pessimistic.
If you have hacked your Blackjack to shreads, you will have no problem.
Start with MrVanx Upgrade Guides to see the process.
Then, once you have a feel for the bits and pieces of the process, read through the wiki and forums and you will be able to sort through the threds of relavence. It is really not THAT hard once you have done a little homework.
Most important thing - the first thing you should do is upgrade the SPL to Olipro's HardSPLv7 - do that first - that way you can recover from just about anything.
Rest assured, if you have a little experience, educate yourself and follow the guides to get started, your device will work 99% of the time. Don't fret.
I am also one of those new users and my 8525 is coming in a few days but i'm a bit technical about computers so i tend to grab it quickly, i DON'T want to play around with my mobile, i just want to unlock it, then put it to some good windows mobile 6, and then forget about it till windows mobile 7 comes, does that mean i use pof's sim unlocker v3a to unlock my phone...
alternative is Hard-SPL, if thati have seen that making your phone supercid seems dangerous and the safer s true i simply apply hard-spl on my phone? (though i don't even know what it does if its a utility or a piece of code integrated into your phone or a custom bootloader ), after applying hardspl, i simply follow the legitimate official instructions to install TyTN Mobile 6 official rom as if my 8525 was a HTC TyTN?
I just want my final goal to be Mobile 6.0 Unlocked in the safest go...
encryptedmaniac said:
I am also one of those new users and my 8525 is coming in a few days but i'm a bit technical about computers so i tend to grab it quickly, i DON'T want to play around with my mobile, i just want to unlock it, then put it to some good windows mobile 6, and then forget about it till windows mobile 7 comes, does that mean i use pof's sim unlocker v3a to unlock my phone...
alternative is Hard-SPL, if thati have seen that making your phone supercid seems dangerous and the safer s true i simply apply hard-spl on my phone? (though i don't even know what it does if its a utility or a piece of code integrated into your phone or a custom bootloader ), after applying hardspl, i simply follow the legitimate official instructions to install TyTN Mobile 6 official rom as if my 8525 was a HTC TyTN?
I just want my final goal to be Mobile 6.0 Unlocked in the safest go...
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How do you know that WM5 isn't good enough for you? If the only thing you want on your phone is WM6, why didn't you buy one with this pre-installed? Maybe you should spend some more time reading before you get, and break your new toy - all the best links are already posted above and if you'd read them you wouldn't be posting these questions.
todd_jg said:
LOL - that is funny, but a little pessimistic.
If you have hacked your Blackjack to shreads, you will have no problem.
Start with MrVanx Upgrade Guides to see the process.
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That link lists no fewer than five operating systems, for one device, all WM6!!!
Which one works??? This is ridiculous!
This is worse than linux!
Thanks for the advice to everyone who gave it... I got my Hermes at 1 this afternoon and it's been sitting on my desk, charging and keeping me from really getting any work done all afternoon. I'm going to assume that all the acronyms y'all are throwing at me will be explained in the wikis...
Don't freak them out guys , get it unlock it install official go to bed happy, if you want to go crazy over installing different versions of roms all the time do so but check the safety steps first (many guides here, Mr. Vanx's is a great place to start) mind you there is no 100% safe option and most of the roms are more or less the same, you can always add cab files of things you want, it's better to stick to a clean rom. If you play with it there might be a chance you screw it... badly (even if you know what you're doing)
Me I just updated the official WM6 (which was released sooooo long later) thankfully in your case you don't have to wait.
Either way congrads on the phone and enjoy it, some small issues aside you have a great piece of hardware there.
CSMR said:
That link lists no fewer than five operating systems, for one device, all WM6!!!
Which one works??? This is ridiculous!
This is worse than linux!
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Nothing is worse than Linux!!!!!
d.butters said:
I have an AT&T 8525 arriving tomorrow and I'm so excited by the possibilities... but at the same time I'm just by all the different jargon and things that everyone seems to know about. I'm coming from a Blackjack which I've hacked the crap out of but this just seems so much more complicated. Anyway, hello, if you have any suggestions for someone who has never had an HTC before, please post them up for me, because I really just don't know where to start.
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welcome... i was like you for a while... i'm a new hermes 8525 owner too... read and learn before you really dive in... understand the terminology and jargon for a while... get used to using your phone in stock mode for a while before moving forward... being familiar with it is important... then the first thing you should install when you decide to is hardspl... good luck...
thanks again to everyone! I have to say that the MrVanx Upgrade Guides link was the best, most helpful thing anyone could have pointed me at - step-by-step instructions to flash my hermes with a new ROM. It was great. The forums also yielded CABs and all sorts of other helpful links that have set me up with a near - perfect phone.
Of course, now I'm bored. what's the next step? 'cooking' my own ROMs? where do I start with that? what are 'kitchens'? I know there's lots out there. thanks again for the help y'all have given!!!
esseff said:
Nothing is worse than Linux!!!!!
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hey now hey now, that's a bit mean. Linux does after all give you the whole house, while Microsoft only gives you the Windows
ok, maybe i'm just causing a bit of trouble hehe... just ignore me hehehe
d.butters said:
thanks again to everyone! I have to say that the MrVanx Upgrade Guides link was the best, most helpful thing anyone could have pointed me at - step-by-step instructions to flash my hermes with a new ROM. It was great. The forums also yielded CABs and all sorts of other helpful links that have set me up with a near - perfect phone.
Of course, now I'm bored. what's the next step? 'cooking' my own ROMs? where do I start with that? what are 'kitchens'? I know there's lots out there. thanks again for the help y'all have given!!!
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So, I can't read your nick without thinking of the Lethal Weapon movie with Chris Rock. He was detective Butters or something. Anywa, I digress...
I think your next logical step is one of two paths:
1. Cooking and coding - either for yourself or for a new release, if you come up with something you think is different or cool for the community - home cooked customization apps are quite popular - settings backup/recover solutions too - fewer options out there for that right now
2. Documenting - maybe something you could work with MrVanx on if you want to pick up an area that is not well documented adn try to document it for folks
For cooking, start HERE IN THE WIKI and see what you can figure out. I am not sure if all the latest kitchen releases are in here, but it is a good start. Follow the links then do some additional searches - lot's of cool stuff... enjoy...

Newbie questions for updating xv6800

I have been preparing to update my 6800 to the DCD roms and I have a few questions:
1.I downloaded the DCD Rom for Verizon but I am confused as to the need or the function of the kitchen rom. Do I need this?
2. where would I get the extra programs (games, adobe reader etc) back from after the update?
I am using the ppcgeeks guide in preperation to update
I have updated all kinds of equipment over the years but never a phone so I am just trying to err on the side of caution.
if you use the kitchen to create a rom you can choose to install the entertainment oem (games) and to install adobe pdf reader as well as many other apps.
The kitchen will create a new rom for you so no need to use the precompiled one.
dcd's kitchen is pretty straight forward just follow the instructions
Best advice
Take a couple of hours, and READ, READ, READ these threads ad nauseum!!!
learn from everyone else's mistakes, know what to expect, and how to fix any challenges that come your way before you sweat bullets thinking you've bricked your phone.
Then read some more...the first flashing is always the bullet sweater... you will flash many many many time after that.
JerrytheGreat said:
Take a couple of hours, and READ, READ, READ these threads an nauseum!!!
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The best advice! The worst mistake one starting out can make is looking for shortcuts and listening to one saying how easy it is, you just have to do this.....It can be easy -- very easy to dig yourself a hole and return seeking help for very familiar issues..
Take the time to learn for yourself, don't limit yourself to a single option, and remember that there is not a single ROM/kitchen to choose from. There are choices ranging from the cuttng edge and experimental, pimped (won't forget that thread), to the relatively mundane that are as stock as possible.
Also, check out the fundamentals in the XDA-Wiki for the Titan.
......We really should have a sticky thread for this upgrading forum to inform the newbies of the generalised basics..

NEWB needing help to upgrade

I have been less than pleased with my verizon Titan ever since I have had it. It runs very slow. At least twice a week, I have to remove the battery to unfreeze. The other day, I was in a patients room and noticed that her husband had a phone just like mine. I asked him if he liked it and he said that he loved it. I expressed some of my frustrations and he directed me to this website, telling me that he had installed a new radio and kitchen etc and that it now worked great. Looking at some of the websites, I have only become confused and a bit scared to try and tweak my phone. I do not know where to start.
Will somebody give me or direct me to simple idiot proof instructions on how to unlock/unleash the powers of this phone? I need instructions written for someone who knows nothing about altering smartphones.
Thanks in Advance
Not to be rude, but did you even read the stickies on the forum? Plz read the wiki's gather as much knowledge as you can about the subject and then take the plunge. You will find that the wiki's are most helpful. I would update to DCD's latest ROM and get the latest radio.
You will also find out that alot of basic apps don't come with his ROMs. Make sure you get a list of what you need on your phone before you take the plunge. Get a backup program like PIM backup.
Do searches. Research on your own. nobody here is going to do that for you. People created these wiki's for a reason. USE THEM.
In all truthfulness you should not hack your phone unless you know what you are doing. The wikis and threads are very daunting even to those who have some knowledge of what is going on.
Not trying to be rude, but maybe you need a different phone. One that works the way you want it to work right out of the box.
Best case scenario, even if you manage to fumble your way thru the wikis and then later flash your rom, are you going to be able to recover if you get stuck in the bootloader?
The wikis have the info that you need. But like learning medicine you have to apply yourself.
You may want to try this one first, to see what all this cooking stuff is all about
gc14 said:
Yes, this is the official sprint 6.1 update with 3.42.02 radio. Non sprint customers can use it to flash the radio only (if you can't via sd card), but again CAN'T let customizations run. Non sprint customers will have to wait until the custom rom is released.
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There are different methods to flash your rom, and different choices for rom updates. Read up on all of them. Trust me, you will need the info sooner or later.
Like it says in the DCD thread you need to unlock your phone, you need a rom, radio, and a carrier. I just flashed my sprint titan for the first time and just about cried when it got stuck in the bootloader.
oh looky what I just accidentally found in the forums.
Boomstick said:
oh looky what I just accidentally found in the forums.
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What an amazing concept, you read the forum.
Unfortunately that many guides offer what I feel to be short-cuts. It may be fine if everything goes perfectly, but the problem with such simplifications is that new people can find themselves stuck in unfamiliar territory.
People should be take the time to be aware of background to what they are doing to their phones. Personally, I'd rather recommend taking care to understand the Wiki as myself and others have made the effort to cover many possibilities and recovers when flashing.
Hysterical that the poster identifies himself as a trauma surgeon. Lets hope that if any of us is ever unlucky enough to find ourselves on the other end of the scalpel from this joker, that he isn't standing at the table saying "how do you do this?", and might have taken the time to read up first.
There is no correlation between Surgeon and Computer literacy. My wife's cousin in finishing up Med school and is as bright as they come yet not computer savy beyond common tasks.
As for the actual question he needs not to worry. Using the link with Step by Step to the Verizon upgrade will go easy for you. I only suggest doing the radio via SD card and Rom via USB.
Big Dawg 23 said:
There is no correlation between Surgeon and Computer literacy. My wife's cousin in finishing up Med school and is as bright as they come yet not computer savy beyond common tasks.
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Its not the correlation, its the attitude.
Interesting attitudes here
I will start of first saying thank you to those of you who actually are trying to help. For the rest of you, yes I did search the forum and yes I did read the Wiki. I still did not feel like I understood things well enough to run the risk of "bricking" my phone. (That is new lingo for those of us who don't spend all of our time on computers) Of course I could spend 10 or 20 hours or more, learning more about the phone, which would mean that some time in October I might have it figured out. My job simply does not give me the time to spend hours and hours trying to tweak my phone. I am in the hospital 110 to 120 hours a week (not a month). I feel lucky when I get a few minutes with my wife and kids. But rest assured, when you crash you car and you are bleeding to death, I am there for you just as I am for everyone else. So for the rest of you who are too cocky and to much of a smartass to help someone else out, I ask what in the world are you doing in this forum anyway. I would predict that you are only in here to take what others are here to give OR just here to try and belittle or make others feel stupid.
traumasurg, well aren't you special?
(That is new lingo for those of us who don't spend all of our time on computers)
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Get off your high horse, exceptional ego, relax, and take the time to respectfully learn. Only a single comment here may have generalised and only slightly went over-board, but none were as bad as your absolute swipe against this community -- your second post to XDA.... ebb pegged it, as you do have a horrible attitude. You may have made a far better first impression by not posting your introduction to the forum as a request for a short-cut to flashing your phone without also stating that you had paid notice to the Wiki and current threads concerning flashing guides.... If you had trouble understanding, then why did you fail to state exactly where you went out-of-depth? If terminology is "new lingo" to you then did you at least cover the basics of basic in our Wiki's Titan for Beginners?
You come in here looking for help yet some of us were quite polite, accurate and specific in warning that you should not rush forward with short-cuts before being aware of what you are doing and how to recovery. Links to help were provided to you before in between your two posts. Your phone is possibly your critical property so you should avoid messing with it if unsure upon ensuring that you can maintain its function.
Warning for you in the future -- don't join a tech forum insult all as shut-in computer geeks who owe our life to you. This is an anonymous forum, and therefore all are potentially equal here. What distinguishes members is their decorum of respect and a display of an effort to learn.
Keystone said:
Warning for you in the future -- don't join a tech forum insult all as shut-in computer geeks who owe our life to you. This is an anonymous forum, and therefore all are potentially equal here. What distinguishes members is their decorum of respect and a display of an effort to learn.
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Look, I in no way implied that everyone in here is a shut-in computer geek, although I have no doubt that some are. If you look back over the replies to my original post, there were a couple of members who showed anything but respect. In fact, two of them even posted twice to my original question without any useful information and replied only to in effect say "look how stupid this guy is." If you were on the other end of that reply, what would you think of those here in this forum? There were however several other responses, yours included, that were helpful. Yes I did read through the Wiki and I also had previously looked at two other websites given me by my patient's husband. It was mostly greek to me. That is why I posted.
I must say, I have been in several different forums, dirtbiking, cycling, climbing, trauma, as well as other computer forums and I have never met such attitudes that I met in here this week.
I'll probably just get an iphone next week.
traumasurg said:
I am in the hospital 110 to 120 hours a week (not a month)
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sucks to be you...
and since there is only 168 hours in a week and you say 120 of it is for work... that leaves you with 48 hours of sleeping time... which would be a little less than 7 hours of sleep a day... how do you eat? how do you shower? how do you get laid? no wonder the attitude... if no one else understands... I do
It is tough for some to answer the same questions that are (I promise) explained in the wiki. The hope is that most people would understand and be able to follow through with the instructions, but this is not for anyone, similar to HAM radio and FTA satellite.
I encourage you to go for the iphone, it seems more your speed.
Alright traumasurg, I can understand being a noob sucks. So here is a breakdown of what you should do if you want to get your phone with a new rom and gps radio.
That stock rom wont work with GPS radio. You need a non-stock rom for it to work.
Get this rom: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=402920
Get this radio: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=403280
use this as a guide: http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=TitanRecentHome
Once the rom is installed assuming you have verizon, run the carrier cab.
Get carrier cab here: http://www.lifesnotsogood.com/dcd1182/carriers/dcd Verizon Carrier 20080706.cab
Remember you will need to install the new boot loader first. Then do the rest according to instructions there.
Also, make sure you have another phone handy or a land-line handy for when u call verizon. To get it re-authenticated. You will need to do this whenever u go from a non-gps radio to a gps one. (I reccomend doing this during business hours so u dont freak and wont be able to contact them until they open in the morning)
Oh yeah make sure you backup your contacts to outlook(activesync) or use Pimbackup or your gonna be pissed off.

help me help myself

hi all,
so ive been using pdas for a few years now, had a kaiser loved it learned loads ie how to flash different roms to it apps etc great stuff,
moved over to the touch pro, wow amazing device again rand some roms on it found one i loves (we miss you Romeos!)
now im deciding that i want to learn a little more about the under the hood actions in terms of cooking, the os, all the weird terms ive read in different posts which totally overwhelms me with info,
now allot of people will say "search the forums" which indeed is the way i need to go, my only problem is working out where to begin, again the wiki is a great place to start, but unsure of what to read up and understand first
could some one give me a few pointers, i come from an IT background mainly networking but have done a few different things so im pretty confident i can pick it up quite quickly (i run linux at home at managed to pick it up really quickly)
so my question is. for some one trying to learn about the operating system in terms of cooking one for them selves, where would be the best place to start?
if any one of you amazingly gifted people could point me in the right place that would be amazing,
thank you very much
Download a kitchen and start playing. I used Proven kitchen the first time. It was very easy to use. I have also used Da_G's kitchen. Again, very easy to use and both contain many packages to get you started. It's just a matter of playing with the options then.
thanks for that yeah am now looking to do that however i was looking for maybe threads discussing it i see things like aku mentioned and builds etc and dont really understand, im a reader and like to read up and understand technical info before playing however sometimes you just need to do it so will take your point
I assume you have a GSM Raphael. I would suggest starting with the following Wiki page(s):
HTC Raphael
I started off with the following kitchen:
Da_G's Simple ROM Kitchen
http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=Da_G's Simple ROM Kitchen
I put a tutorial together for that kitchen to help other newcomers "ramp up" quickly. The tutorial includes several links to important threads that will help you get better acquainted with some of the aspects of Windows Mobile.
hi thanks for the links ive read the wiki page earlier but am at work so mearly glossed however thats not enough so will sit at home and divulge,
will also check the link out for the kitchen
thanks allot i appreciate the help

