Zviratko is back :) - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Are you happy with that? ))
Just bought MDA today sold the last one few months ago and now I'm back!
prepare your lines, I'm horny for the new software

Ehm... anybody willing to share ezos 2.5 with me? Can't find my old CD (

Zviratko!!! Great to have you back! Missed ya!
For those that weren't here in April or so (which is the majority of you...): Zviratko was known to be a helpful and very frequent poster here a while back (posting almost as much as I did sometimes...), until he was abducted by aliens sometime in April...

Hey welcome back bro,
hope u had a good vacation without ure XDA...
i know i did i bought and SPV and used it or 2 month
its good to see you back

Be prepared, 'cos I'll be the one asking now ))))))))))))


Welcome to Flash-a-holics anonymous

"Hello, my name is Jeff and I am a Flash-a-holic"
"Hello, Jeff" - The group says in unison.
So it all started about 8 months ago, when WM6 first came onto the scene, well not actually because it had not yet hit the streets and I was among the selected few (via this forum) in the world to have it up and working on their devices. I later learned that yet again I had a device that would not be among the chosen to receive the new and updated MS-OS, bummer. (Same with my Qtek 2020 not going to 2003SE and then to WM5)
Like many of out there, I have become a Flash-a-holic. I have flashed just about ANY and EVERY ROM out there for my Prophet at least about 100x's, looking for Ms. Right-ROM, heck I have even heard of others flashing ROMs from OTHER devices! Going back to official WM5s and living with its ugliness and slowness and just plain dullness... waiting.
Whether it is from Vietnam, Thailand or Russia - each and every release either b(this) or b(that) or TOUCH this or that - we are always told of how it is NEW and/or Improved - leading us to believe that we will FINALLY have a NICE and (above all) STABLE WM6 on our Prophet and STOP THE MADNESS, but helas after the proverbial "15 to 30 minutes depending on your CPU Speed" of anticipation we have the same as we did before flashing... same symptoms - I am sure that I don't need to list them here, they are ALL the same and surely directly linked to the fact that the image came from a totally different device (Wizard) and thus there are Incompatibilities.
What do we expect? What is it that we seek? I personally would like to have the most up-to-date OS on my device without the powers that be telling me that it is incompatible (purely a marketing decision) with all of the bells and whistles. I personally like the VoIP feature, which ALSO only works depending upon the flavor you flash to - guess ya can't have it all. Some things work in THIS one and not in THAT one... you all know where I am coming from.
So the quest continues on, Flash this and Flash that - waiting for the ONE that will stop the insatiable urge for more and better.
When will it be?
Your comments are welcome here...
OS: 4.0.0 WWE (PDAMobiz Touch Edition (for now))
Radio: 2.47.21
IPL 2.20.0000
SPL Blah Blah Blah
That made my day. you are so totally right. sad, isn´t it?
i'm sorry i'm just here for the cookies and juice...which would be where btw?
Actually yeah, I need to make a decision quick (although I am addicted to PDAViet, but I think I need two things
1. For it to work lol
2. A stable wifi connection (although I don't use it much, but I want to know that is there when i need it)
It's looong road... Enjoy the ride
Hey Jeff,
I frankly thought that this was touch cynical. Yep we’ve had issues, bugs and crashes, but I guess in the end of the day, I loved the feeling of being anew, different, and to an extend personalized…
I’ve tried coupla ROMs till now .4a PDAviet looked good. But I am stuck since coupla weeks on .3a pdaviet ROM… I love it for it’s crispness, speed and STABILITY… The issues I’ve had with these ROM has been worked around( visit http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=308266&page=47 for my workarounds on the issues I faced). One wish though would be the battery drain. In my WM5 my prophet used to last for two day and still gimme 10-15% left. But with this ROM I’ll be very lucky if I could wait to get back home on my second day to charge..
But above all this entire Flash thingi is giving a feeling that I am not tied down any more. I get the familiar feeling of hitting the road on my bike again with wind against my face. I’ll travel wherever I like at my pace at my wish. And I turn to my friends who cook these ROMs for the fuel. I don’t like a particular brand of fuel? I stop over at another bunk. And it’s not the fuel that thrills me but it’s the ride. I’d thank all the ROM cookers for the ride. Great going and wish it'll never stop coz there notheing perfect only perspectives. God bless
PS- Jeff, I like your style of writing...
Well, even though Jeff pretty much described it all, there are many like myself that no matter how cool or stable a ROM is, will continue to try new stuff on our beloved Prophets just for the fun of it.
Actually I'm flashing the FantasticB4 (with TouchFlo capabilities) on my device even though I was pretty happy with my previous ROM.
Check out this link
Hello Jeff,
Are you my missing twin brother that got stolen from the hosipital at birth that even my parents didn't know about?
I went through the same thing with these WM6 ROM's. I just checked, I started doing that about March. I lost numerous precious sleeping hours and sex life.
What do you do for a living? Someday we should meet to have a coffee (not a drink).
Jeff .....
Dont fret .. I too flash my life away . I have been easily thru over 1,000 phones since I began using cells. I have flashed , flexed , seem edit , hacked , chracked , modded and just about tried a little of everything to a cell phone thats possible . I have even blew up a few phones just to see how strong they really are. Ran them over with car , truck , bus bike and who even knows. I even tried to flush 1 from an airplane to see what happens but it got stuck ... LOL Then I thought dammm airplanes dont flush into the open air. LOL . So I guess we in the right place ....
riyazhyder: Thanks for your complements, and yes it was meant to be intra-cynical, if it seamed extra-cynical, my appologies. You are right, enjoy the ride - ya don't know how far the road goes.
Johnston411: Thanks for the link, helps knowing that there are others out there like us. Yes my wife HATES my Prophet!
jychan28: Yo, bro! HAHAHA - Like probably many here I am in IT, a network admin, therefore this stuff is kinda eat and drink for me.
PURESKILLZZZ: You got it bad, man! Blowin' up the darned things! Whoa! Cool!
Jeff said:
riyazhyder: Thanks for your complements, and yes it was meant to be intra-cynical, if it seamed extra-cynical, my appologies. You are right, enjoy the ride - ya don't know how far the road goes.
Johnston411: Thanks for the link, helps knowing that there are others out there like us. Yes my wife HATES my Prophet!
jychan28: Yo, bro! HAHAHA - Like probably many here I am in IT, a network admin, therefore this stuff is kinda eat and drink for me.
PURESKILLZZZ: You got it bad, man! Blowin' up the darned things! Whoa! Cool!
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yup i got it bad ... today was 4th of july and someone lost a cell phone ... dash it was .. I say it was ... We put it with a block buster to see if it was strong and we had a rain shower of dash parts .. Anybody need a key ????
TheProphet said:
That made my day. you are so totally right. sad, isn´t it?
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Can't say it any better than you... Sad But True as sung by Metallica
namco said:
Can't say it any better than you... Sad But True as sung by Metallica
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I have to agree......
Hello, my name is Jester and i'm a flash-a-holic
Jesterz said:
Hello, my name is Jester and i'm a flash-a-holic
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Hello, my name is SeaPea and I joined the flash-a-holic gang just 2 months ago. Each new version costs me at least 3 hours, satisfying my lonely soul for maximum of 2 weeks. Not to count the numerous hours watching xda-developer forum for newbies.
My wife has been a computer widow since 1981.
Jesterz said:
Hello, my name is Jester and i'm a flash-a-holic
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SeaPea said:
Hello, my name is SeaPea and I joined the flash-a-holic gang just 2 months ago. Each new version costs me at least 3 hours, satisfying my lonely soul for maximum of 2 weeks. Not to count the numerous hours watching xda-developer forum for newbies.
My wife has been a computer widow since 1981.
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Hey fellas and welcome to jeff's flash-a-holics ... Chargers and cases are to the right , roms and betas to the left and in the middle burnt phones.
Never ending - perpeptual
thats true--its perpeptual-- Ones effort gives energy to other and others to other and so on.
No one can stop this by any rule, but its matter of self satisfaction.
In my view our devices r primarly used for working not flashing ( just joking), so what i do ( probably most of us)
1) working 5 week days
2) F(**k)lashing 2 weekend days
so this OK ?
hi my name i **** andi am a Flash-a-holics..
nandlal_mk said:
thats true--its perpeptual-- Ones effort gives energy to other and others to other and so on.
No one can stop this by any rule, but its matter of self satisfaction.
In my view our devices r primarly used for working not flashing ( just joking), so what i do ( probably most of us)
1) working 5 week days
2) F(**k)lashing 2 weekend days
so this OK ?
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Its seems as you are doing better than the rest of us .. Only 2 days for flashing ... Keep up the good work ... LOL
Hi my name is Gulli and I'm a flash-a-holic.
I've gone from flashing into coockin and and am now more of a coock-a-holic.
I have I Sony Ericsson too Because my prophet is mostly not reachable
I flash most of the new roms and then I dump the roms to see if I can get new apps working in my rom I even dump roms for other models.
My girlfriend hates my Prophet
gullum said:
Hi my name is Gulli and I'm a flash-a-holic.
I've gone from flashing into coockin and and am now more of a coock-a-holic.
I have I Sony Ericsson too Because my prophet is mostly not reachable
I flash most of the new roms and then I dump the roms to see if I can get new apps working in my rom I even dump roms for other models.
My girlfriend hates my Prophet
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YES you are a true flash-a-holic .. Welcome to Jeff's flash-a-holics .. LOL

Official Ap 4.0 Pre-release Thread

I have started this thread out of frustration regarding all the irrelevant BS being posted in the AP 4.0 coming but needs... and official AP 4.0 release threads.
It seems the team's request to not post in the official release thread is not being heeded so hopefully all the irrelevant and off-topic "I hope it is being released soon" and "Where is it?" type activity will end up here instead.
And when the ROM is released, hopefully the mods will flush this all down the toilet.
I am now putting on my fireproof underwear and waiting for the flame wars...
Thank you.
They'll probably still continue to post in the other 1 million threads anyway, including the one that clearly states DO NOT POST. Sigh.....Anyway, what are some of your expectations in the new ROM?
Hello tootallk, let me ask a question ....
Do you have children ?
Then you know the best way if you want children something to do. Tell them "DON'T DO THAT" or "DON'T REPLY HERE"....
Anyway - live is serious enough, let's have some fun.
Me first
Ok! my turn now! "How much longer? are we there yet?" Ha Ha, only kidding. Im feeling left out. With three daughters, a man needs a hobby.
Awesome job controlfreak! I um, of course I meant toyfreak...
responderman said:
.... With three daughters, a man needs a hobby.
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Looser - I've Full House with 5 children
no kids in my house unless you count me and my girlfriend
irus said:
no kids in my house unless you count me and my girlfriend
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OK - you can use the time until AP4 is released to start production
karneson said:
Awesome job controlfreak! I um, of course I meant toyfreak...
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How about remotecontroltoyfreak? I like it!
I just got fed up and had to vent. I honestly don't see how the team puts up with most of us...
EDIT: Hopefully the ROM will get relased soon and make this thread short-lived.
good thread idea mate. those people posting kinda ****ed me of because why cant they understand "DONT POST IN THIS THREAD". plus, theres people commenting on grammar, and im like wtf? at least if a junior posts there saying will this work on x7501 [a valid, but easily searchable question] and people reply with actually you should have worded your question like this... its a waste of time
My turn! my turn!
I can see the sea from here!
3yr old and a 7th month old is more than enough for me.....
being 17, I have no kids but instead i have cyber kids in facebook and xda! so while you lot can give your kids the attention they need, i just end up being on facebook more.. well at least england are on so im not on computer now lol
rorydaredkign said:
being 17, I have no kids but instead i have cyber kids in facebook and xda! so while you lot can give your kids the attention they need, i just end up being on facebook more.. well at least england are on so im not on computer now lol
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WOW 17 and owning a X7500! Are you some internet wizzkid?
Has anyone noticed the "...coming but needs..." thread has more replies than the 3.0 release thread (and that ROM has been out for months)?
lol.. nope i just have to do something with my time... i think it all started [my ppc obsession] when i was on mobile360.co.uk, looking at coming soon phones, and saw the athena.. i was like wtf, thats huge... then I did some research and picked up a SPV M3100 for about a hundred and fifty quid. Then 6 months later, being dropped loads and loads hadnt done it any good, and after trying to fix it, I sold it. Then I knew the device I wanted, having drawn the athenas outline on some paper, and putting my tytn inside the outline, it really wasnt that much bigger. So I got an ameo with a blocked imei from a guy on here, But circumstances were against me, and 3 weeks later I had to downgrade because of money probs. [the thing was, I sold it, and it didnt arrive in italy, so i ended up nearly 400 quid out of pocket, when it could have been like 130 in pocket, with an ameo] I picked up a touch enhanced, but no keyboard was really a drag. plus gprs and 210mhz made it really slow... so once my debt [thats why i wold mt ameo in the first palce] had been paid off, I got my second ameo... and its as good as the first time
So, am I some kinda of internet whizzkid, nah, im just an engineer, and need something to play with 24/7
By the way, ppc's are the reason I went from 3 A's and a D in my first as modules to like 2A's, 2B's, 2C's and 2D's in my second lot. But my recentest ones werent too bad, 2A's, 2B's and 2 E's, i should probably ban myself from my phone until exams are over on the 19th of june!
[edit] I noticed how the coming soon but needs thread is longer than the pk3 one.. how funny[/edit]
rorydaredkign said:
being 17, I have no kids but instead i have cyber kids in facebook and xda! so while you lot can give your kids the attention they need, i just end up being on facebook more.. well at least england are on so im not on computer now lol
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Wow 17 and no kids? Are you some virgin?
lol nope
but not being judemental, but I go to a catholic school, and I was born in Marriage, and dont live in a council house
[not trying to offend anyone]
I think it's time you take your own advice. When your phone is beginnen to affect your grades. That's BAD.
Get clean, NOW!
im going to get a hammer, and smash my athena with it
[suddenly has second thoughts, and starts to strangle himself for thinking something so stupid]
plus, I now actually do work, whereas last year, i just went on the net on my tytn...
and I have to educate my mate whose a touch owner on the greatness of flashing, hes had it 10 months, and not flashed once
so that kinda waste my time too...

Conclusion = My camera is dead.. HELP PLS!!

Dear fellow xda-devs,
After some discussion with mikechannon in our diagnosis thread, we came to a conclusion that my Hermes camera is actually broken. I can't live without it on my phone as I'm a guy who loves spontaneous photography. I can shoot on practically anything, anytime. A standalone camera is too expensive for me. I'm just a student and my Hermes practically used up my savings.
So here I am, appealing to all Hermes users who have a bricked/faulty/extra/spare/not-in-use to donate/spare/sell me their Hermes camera at a bargain.
Thanks in advance.
P.S - I live in Malaysia
abubakar said:
Dear fellow xda-devs,
After some discussion with mikechannon in our diagnosis thread, we came to a conclusion that my Hermes camera is actually broken. I can't live without it on my phone as I'm a guy who loves spontaneous photography. I can shoot on practically anything, anytime. A standalone camera is too expensive for me. I'm just a student and my Hermes practically used up my savings.
So here I am, appealing to all Hermes users who have a bricked/faulty/extra/spare/not-in-use to donate/spare/sell me their Hermes camera at a bargain.
Thanks in advance.
P.S - I live in Malaysia
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As it happens I have one I could donate, BUT the postage costs might be expensive from UK to Malaysia.
Perhaps wait to see if someone closer has one for you.
mikechannon said:
As it happens I have one I could donate, BUT the postage costs might be expensive from UK to Malaysia.
Perhaps wait to see if someone closer has one for you.
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Hi again,
wow. You're my true hero. Like daylight batman. lol. We'll wait and see...
Any kind souls?
Hmm, maybe cause this thread is in the Hermes accessories section. Not enough exposure. Lol
Check at lelong.com.my u might get sumtin from there..
maybe buy this just posted one for spare parts...
good luck
hey there.
nah, ive checked lelong. every other day i'll browse lelong n ebay to kill time. thanks for your response.
hey hey,
yeah i saw that post too. there are tons of faulty devices out the that i can make use of, but money has always been the culprit stopping me from doing so..
btw mike, i was wondering how much will the shipping be from Uk to Malaysia for small packets? Cause last week, i bought a pair of stylus and the shipping is only a couple of pounds. I was thinking that if you were to donate, i think it is only fair that i cover your shipping cost
mike might not see this post, so u may want to PM him
galaxys said:
mike might not see this post, so u may want to PM him
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i did. thanks
I just happen to have got some kind of problem with my camera, and taking it out has fixed the battery drain issues and stuff, I live in the Uk and if you don't send it off to abubakar, would you be willing to let me knows? I would like to fix my phone too but unsure where to get the part for it.
eyupwolf said:
I just happen to have got some kind of problem with my camera, and taking it out has fixed the battery drain issues and stuff, I live in the Uk and if you don't send it off to abubakar, would you be willing to let me knows? I would like to fix my phone too but unsure where to get the part for it.
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Sorry, posted to him today. There have been a couple of threads parting out TyTns though.
mikechannon said:
Sorry, posted to him today. There have been a couple of threads parting out TyTns though.
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Oks, thanks for replying, I'll keep an eye open.


Dear Friends,
I have sold my Gene Yesterday. As you can see from my signature, I currently have no device.
Anyway, what ever be my new device, its not going to be a Gene... HTC it will be, but not Gene.
Anyway I was planning to upgrade, but not so soon.
Good bye, you all people are awesome.
I would specially like to thank Ankit, Krazy and ramersonw .
Sorry for wasting a thread
what price u sold out ur gene for???
Holy Crap!!
Is that a "Good Bye" Good Bye?
Arn't you gonna keep in touch and help us with some advices maybe?
Go for Touch Pro 2 or Touch HD man, I will be going for one of these with the beginning with new year... But I will never sell my beloved Gene!!
Anyway pal, Good Luck...
Than you for all the help you have been...
Addicted2xda said:
Dear Friends,
I have sold my Gene Yesterday. As you can see from my signature, I currently have no device.
Anyway, what ever be my new device, its not going to be a Gene... HTC it will be, but not Gene.
Anyway I was planning to upgrade, but not so soon.
Good bye, you all people are awesome.
I would specially like to thank Ankit, Krazy and ramersonw .
Sorry for wasting a thread
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y we r losing fReinds one by one?first hareee then u and then krazy?then who will give us backup when we really struggling?
nisalatp said:
Is that a "Good Bye" Good Bye?
Arn't you gonna keep in touch and help us with some advices maybe?
Go for Touch Pro 2 or Touch HD man, I will be going for one of these with the beginning with new year... But I will never sell my beloved Gene!!
Anyway pal, Good Luck...
Than you for all the help you have been... )
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Touch Pro2 or T HD is f*&#king expensive in India . I am planning for either TD or TD2. Will surely let you know...
There are more great members in the forum, ankit, ramersonw, deathgame, besfen, helgee, karan.... [AND I AM NOT HALF AS GREAT AS THEM] just to name a few.
About selling Gene:
Buddy I already have 2 connections... Don't need another one (Already paying nearly 4 K for cell bills ). Sold it for 6 K, one year old (nearly), not bad. My phones are always in mint conditions, since I always keep them as my prized possessions. If You have seen it, you wouldn't believe... It was completely scratchless .
The only phone which I ever had has visible bruises was my Vox, but thanks goes to HTC for a crap of a housing .
Addicted2xda said:
Touch Pro2 or T HD is f*&#king expensive in India . I am planning for either TD or TD2. Will surely let you know...
There are more great members in the forum, ankit, ramersonw, deathgame, helgee, karan.... just to name a few.
About selling Gene:
Buddy I already have 2 connections... Don't need another one (Already paying nearly 4 K for cell bills ). Sold it for 6 K, one year old (nearly), not bad. My phones are always in mint conditions, since I always keep them as my prized possessions. If You have seen it, you wouldn't believe... It was completely scratchless .
The only phone which I ever had has visible bruises was my Vox, but thanks goes to HTC for a crap of a housing .
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i have 1 alternative if u don mind.Apple has introduced free shipping for the iphone 3g and 3g S.(same goes with my beloved palm pre)
go for the 3G S.if u purchase online from AT&T(same 199$ for 16gb & 299$ for 32gb model).u'll get it within a week.jailbreak it.have fun!!!!!!!!
my friend has done the same thing.he also enjoys applications like office in hand(MS OFFICE APP) bluetooth which are not there in the iphone.plus with the 3.0 firmware update u get TOM TOM pre installed.
But if u wannu buy an HTC only.i suggest u wait for atleast this year.next year many new HTC handsets are coming up.(the much awaited HTC LEO too.)next year TD & TD2 prices are expected to fall drastically.
Good luck.miss u personally.
Addicted2xda said:
Touch Pro2 or T HD is f*&#king expensive in India . I am planning for either TD or TD2. Will surely let you know...
There are more great members in the forum, ankit, ramersonw, deathgame, helgee, karan.... just to name a few.
About selling Gene:
Buddy I already have 2 connections... Don't need another one (Already paying nearly 4 K for cell bills ). Sold it for 6 K, one year old (nearly), not bad. My phones are always in mint conditions, since I always keep them as my prized possessions. If You have seen it, you wouldn't believe... It was completely scratchless .
The only phone which I ever had has visible bruises was my Vox, but thanks goes to HTC for a crap of a housing .
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we'll miss u..
ill never sell my GENE..because all INDIANs here and those who r not are also GREAT like BesFen...dont know how members behave in TD2 forum..
BUT IM ALSO BUYING TOUCH DIAMOND 2...and dont want to miss GENE users so im NOT SELLING GENE
karan999 said:
i have 1 alternative if u don mind.Apple has introduced free shipping for the iphone 3g and 3g S.(same goes with my beloved palm pre)
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I will buy anything but an apple phone unless they change their Gullum (TLOR) like attitude. We are buying such an expensive device, so we should atleast have the right to decide whats right for me and whats not.
Addicted we will miss you. Even Im switching to a new phone, possibly TD or iphone.
Anyways, keep visiting.
karan999 said:
i have 1 alternative if u don mind.Apple has introduced free shipping for the iphone 3g and 3g S.(same goes with my beloved palm pre)
go for the 3G S.if u purchase online from AT&T(same 199$ for 16gb & 299$ for 32gb model).u'll get it within a week.jailbreak it.have fun!!!!!!!!
my friend has done the same thing.he also enjoys applications like office in hand(MS OFFICE APP) bluetooth which are not there in the iphone.plus with the 3.0 firmware update u get TOM TOM pre installed.
But if u wannu buy an HTC only.i suggest u wait for atleast this year.next year many new HTC handsets are coming up.(the much awaited HTC LEO too.)next year TD & TD2 prices are expected to fall drastically.
Good luck.miss u personally.
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Hey Karan, wait.
AT & T iPhone comes with 2 years contract. How your friend managed to get it shipped in India??!! Please can you do me a favor? PM me the site link or post here where we can buy iPhone for 199$/299$ without contract?
Waiting for reply.
Xumit said:
Addicted we will miss you. Even Im switching to a new phone, possibly TD or iphone.
Anyways, keep visiting.
Hey Karan, wait.
AT & T iPhone comes with 2 years contract. How your friend managed to get it shipped in India??!! Please can you do me a favor? PM me the site link or post here where we can buy iPhone for 199$/299$ without contract?
Waiting for reply.
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u are 100% right.the 2 years contract is still there.if this was not the case.i would have enjoyed an iphone 3g right 2 years back when i wished to have one but couldnt get it shipped.what my friend's case was - his cousins bought the phone from UK(london) and then fedex it to india.no contract.yes,initially u have to take an AT&T plan(donno the tenure).
i wont get it shipped as im goin abroad next year probably to germany.(not fixed.it was canada a month before ) So i'll either go for a palm pre or an iphone 3g S.depends on the plans both offer me.
Please let me know, if you are going abroad. I would like to buy a pre or iPhone, much cheaper there!
Anyway, one more, who pays the AT & T bills of your friend?
check this out...palm pre available in india??
Xumit said:
Anyway, one more, who pays the AT & T bills of your friend?
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donno man.since its jailbreaked that guy is having dam good fun.i mean who imagined office and bluetooth in a device like the iphone.really cool.if this works out for me,iphone 3g S is definetly the pic for me.since i have a hands on experience of the 3g S now,its mind blowing.extremely fast and worth the price.
Nah, Just their OS
deathgame said:
check this out...palm pre available in india??
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Xumit said:
Nah, Just their OS
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on which device we can install dis WEBos??
So eyes n ears of the moderator wont be here anymore !
Which device has krazy bought?
My old gene is my companion , I doubt I will ever sell it even I buy a brand new stuff.touch HD is my fav.
can someone tell me the price of touch hd in india?
saurabh88 said:
can someone tell me the price of touch hd in india?
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i think its 35K in MUMBAI
deathgame said:
i think its 35K in MUMBAI
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CANT BE DUDE.its 42K in delhi itself !!!!!!!!

Merry Christmas fellow android lovers

I know its not a question, but would like to just say thanks to everyone in this misfit forum for making our phone a better device. Just shows what can happen when people work together. I know I've learned alot about android in the last 10 months & thank you guys for all your help along the way. Let's hope the New Year brings us new possibilities for this misfit of a phone....THANKS AGAIN EVERYONE..MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!
This happens to be my very first post on XDA. I'm one of those silent followers, reading, re-reading, scratching my head, pulling my hair, but smiling in the end bc of you Devs. I went back to stock last night to flash 2.3.5 and it kept saying error "build.prop & verification blah blah". I'm freaking out. Since I'm on vacation, I tether my phone for internet (throttled, of course, bc I've been downloading as much as a middle school boy with the parents out). I spend forever loading pages, too stubborn to ask a question and too afraid of the "dude, have you ever heard of the search feature?" Yes, mister, I have read about that feature. But I deleted it and need you to send me a link So, it's Christmas Eve and I'm sitting in a Chinese restaurant enveloped in a sea of S. Florida Jews that my sister loves to talk with every year. We're the only Catholics in the room, but she feels right at home. Idk. It may have been Moses working, but I realized I was on 2.3.3. Huzzah! As soon as we got back I immediately satiated my flash fix. Thanks Ace for the nandroid. X-mas came early. Thanks everyone for your help. I've learned so much for my first smart phone bc of XDA and y'all. I really fear ppl are going to be moving on soon. I fear that a lot. I don't know how ppl can go through phones like it's an accessory. I got my phone on August 6th and am sticking with this to at least my 2 year update. Don't worry. I foresee our unlock is near.
Sorry for the long post, if you made it this far. My next ones won't be this bad.
Big thanks to DEVS and...Ashlepedia. I categorize you, Ash, with the Devs bc of the amount of work you put in to this forum. I rooted around the same time you did and it's been great watching how much you've learned. I'll get whatever phone you get next.
Happy holidays, everyone from Old Testament to New to none.
Gtg to run to bed so Nicolas doesn't get mad. I heard he's brining me an Otterbox this year.
Sent from my DROID X2 using XDA App

