system utility software - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

can anyone recommend a utility....maybe one that runs on pc, that will clean up registry and rom memory.....kinda like sys mechanic for windows...and preferably freeware!

Read this thread at Sharewood Pocket.


Package a CAB file

I have a list of my favourite apps that I like to expand and delete from as new apps come out and old ones get replaced.
I have done a search and can find a nice amount of info on cooking a ROM based on an open ROM, such as Gullums. But I dont want to do that really. I'd like to keep my Apps seperate from my OS.
Is there a way of packaging a bunch of CAB files into just the one?
I've done something similar with EXE on my PC, so in theory its possible, oui? non?
cheers all.
Well I had a bit of a better dig around in my Lunchbreak.
I've found this program which creates an executable EXE for a PC desktop install for multiple CABS, easy to use too
but I'd still rather have just one CAB file which I can install from my Prophet.
any other Ideas?
In the program
goto : "builder"
Now click on "add redistribution modules to include". You can select cab, SQL or .net files.
It will include those files to the cab how is created
cheers for the reply, but Im unsure what program you mean?, can you let me in on your riddle.
PocketSetup Creator is very very basic.
I've found a better version which creates compressed PPC EXE files but its $60 to knock that one on the head, I dont need this that badly, for those who are interested its called.
pocketpc Installer
Any other ideas, Gullum how do you do this for your cooked roms, some of your releases had a 2nd install once the ROM had been updated, with a few roms coming down e.g. Gullum Custom CAB ect.
Sorry, I speak from less basic but 29€ (app; 36$US).
Very usefull app, so you can search for cabarc.exe (or enything how is approximtly that) for free and command line cab creator from M$

UC vs. OEM

I'm currently running DCD 3.0.1, and looking to upgrade to 3.2.2, so I'm trying to figure out whether to use UC or OEM to install my apps. I've read through lots and lots of threads related to both UC & OEM, but can't find any definitive answer as to which is the better method. I would imagine it depends, but depends on what?
From what I can come up with:
UC - pro - easy to change without having to rebuild the ROM
UC - con - need to have SD card in (yes, a minor con, but I had to write something)
OEM - pro - get back to your "optimal" setting quickly - doesn't require installation of apps
OEM - con - need to rebuild ROM to make any change, whether large or small, then reflash
note: I did try searching, so I apologize if there is a post/thread explaining this...
I think that you having a hard time finding a con for UC shows that it is the strongest most stable solution.
OEM is good for some things and installs those things a bit quicker being that they are included in the ROM. UC is a bit slow, but I know that if my sdconfig.txt file is written right things happen the way they should. It is also always there on your card when you need it. This way you can flash everything from your phone without ever needing to connect to the PC (if you have wifi or data plan).
Use UC and post your sdconfig.txt file for us to review if you need more information. Learn more here.
UC is better.
What happens when your favorite program gets updated? With cab installs, you can just overwrite the older cab.
Also, with OEM's, yes you don't have to install anything after the flash, but the more OEM's you include in the ROM, the bigger the ROM. It'll take longer to flash than a clean ROM.
If you don't know what you're doing with OEM's and initflash files, you could also end up with a crap ton of bloat in \Windows bogging down the device even further.
Once UC is setup, and your config file is written, it's very easy to make simple changes to the config. In the long run, it's much more clean, efficient, and easier to maintain.
Looks like I'll be going to UC route, then...thanks for the replies.
(and I've had Sleuth's UC thread bookmarked since he posted it )

HyperCore Athena ROM Kitchen

Now introducing... the HyperCore Athena ROM Kitchen!
First, though, props to anchillus and his HyperCore kitchen. I took it, and made a few small modifications so that it's built for the Athena instead.
Feature Highlight:
Since this is a full-blown ROM kitchen, you can tweak your own ROM however you like. You can do anything that you've seen other people do with their ROMs! All that customizability is at your disposal.
Prepopulated with Windows Mobile 6.1 from the HTC Diamond (5.2.19915).
Prepopulated with applications from the HTC X7501, HTC X7510, and HTC Diamond.
Pictures are not being posted because you already know what Windows Mobile looks like - it's up to you to make it look pretty.
Unzip. The "Core" folder goes in as C:\Core. The "HyperCore" folder can go wherever you like; the default HyperCore installer puts it on your desktop.
If you're on SPL 1.2, you'll need to copy an SPL 1.2 OS.nb on top of HyperCore\Build\ROM\OS.nb.
If you want to get your hands dirty right away without reading through the HyperCore instructions, here's the extremely quick version (if you already know how to handle a ROM kitchen):
Make changes in HyperCore\Build. SYS contains the base Windows Mobile 6.1 files, while OEM contains folders that HTC or you provide.
Once you've tweaked SYS and OEM to your heart's content, under HyperCore\Panel\Build, run BuildOS. You'll need to run [1] and [2] to build OS.nb in HyperCore\Build, and then [3] to convert OS.nb to RUU_signed.nbh.
Flash your ROM onto your phone.
Profit! (j/k)
If you encounter the endless customization loop problem, edit HyperCore\Build\OEM\OEM_Lang_0409\initflashfiles.dat, then find and remove the section for AutoRun.
Known issues/concerns:
The XIP is the XIP from AP 5.0 beta (build 19588.1.1.4, which was from the Sony X1 Xperia ROM). I've tried to generate a matching XIP for the ROM, but it won't boot. Anybody around here know how to create a good XIP?
There seem to be some issues with the Bluetooth OBEX service not being able to start. That's true of this ROM as well. It's able to send files to a PC without a problem, but it can't receive files (although it can copy them).
Even though screen rotation works both in the operating system and in HTC Album, HTC Album's screen rotation has the chance to screw up the operating system's screen rotation. A workaround is to use an application that can restart services (such as the FdcSoft Task Manager) to restart HTC Sensor Service (Athena).
Although the phone skin does work on 128 and 96 dpi, the speed dial application can act flaky and start drawing itself off-screen, which can trigger an error. One workaround is to dial a single number, then rotate the screen, which forces a redraw, after which it functions properly.
The VGA HTC Home plugin could be in slightly better shape. The TabSetting registry entry doesn't seem to work (or at least nobody's responded to me here yet), and the Profile tab shows a keyboard vibration option that, naturally, doesn't work.
The enlarged start menu has some icon overlap on 128 dpi.
The nifty System Status popup on 96 dpi seems to trigger just to the left of the connectivity indicator, while not triggering on the connectivity or signal strength indicators. It does work, just a little strangely on the other dpi settings.
Sym-A now generates the _ character instead of the $ character.
During phone calls, the number keypad is active instead of the alphabetic keyboard.
Much as with Athena Project Kitchen, this ROM kitchen is not to be used for releasing ROMs. It's for personal use only. We really don't need twenty-billion ROMs flooding this forum from everybody who wants that one little tweak.
Exceptions can be made for people who have demonstrated a solid history of producing ROMs. Ask if you feel like you have a strong case for why your ROMs need this kitchen. The current exception list: irus.
Download links:
Other file sharing site suggestions welcome.
Attached to this post. Replace:
HyperCore\Tools\RUU\Athena_RUU.exe with the one from
Core\ACK\Settings.txt (Updated: July 20, 2008)
I'll be adding additional information to the next few posts over the next several days as time permits (and questions pop up).
P.S. The restriction about personal use isn't about elitism. It's about keeping the forum organized. I just don't want to see every other thread in the forum being a ROM release thread, and there's no reason to make sergiopi's job harder by making him keep track of dozens of minimally different ROMs.
Additional OEMs
NOTE: If you're add OEM packages with modules, you will want to run G'Reloc in your HyperCore\Build directory before you run BuildOS.
HTC EzInput 1.5.31226.0/HTC XT9 1.5.31232.0:
A keyboard designed for use with fingers. There are two large button keyboards (portrait and landscape versions), along with a phone keypad keyboard. The portrait/landscape keyboards swap automatically with the screen orientation. Only works properly in 192 dpi.
HTC LongPressEndKey 1.1.33562.2:
A nifty quick menu program that provides a number of convenient functions. A little less useful on the Athena due to, well, the lack of an end key, but potentially useful regardless. Not tested in other resolutions yet, but likely only works properly in 192 dpi.
Microsoft .NET Compact Framework 3.5.7283.00:
Required for running .NET Compact Framework programs. Meant to replace SYS\NetCF.
A task manager that alters the taskbar to function more like that in traditional Windows, in addition to providing a battery bar and task launcher.
If you would like to change your extended ROM to add packages there for automated installation upon hard reset, you can use the extended ROM editor. You can then convert that with Dutty's NBH tool (available in the kitchen in HyperCore\Tools\Convert) and reflash.
Kitchen Tweaks/Suggestions
Additional OEM Packages:
It's quite possible to find OEM packages out there for quite a bit of software, in order to save yourself time in making your own. If you can't find one, though, there are a number of links on how to assemble your own OEM package - for example, there's a wiki article about making your own OEM package, which also has a bunch of links to existing OEM packages. Just be aware that most of the OEM packages you'll find out there are designed for 96 dpi, and thus may not work on the Athena the way you might expect - the Spb applications are a pretty good example of these, as they come with separate VGA resources.
Package Recommendations:
If you're going to make registry changes, it's usually a good idea to make a custom EM package to contain them. I would recommend using the UUID ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff, as that will force it to be the last registry file processed (ensuring that your registry entries "win" over those in any other OEM packages).
Package Dependencies:
PACKAGE_Diamond_Album_HTC_ALL can't function properly without PACKAGE_Diamond_HTCGesture, PACKAGE_Diamond_SensorSDK, and X7510_GSensor
PACKAGE_Diamond_VolumeControl depends upon resources in Diamond_LargeTitleBar
RealVGA_DPI_96 depends upon the *_DPI_96 directories in SYS
RealVGA_DPI_128 depends upon the *_DPI_128 directories in SYS
X7510_AudioManager refers to X7510_AudioBooster (menu option)
X7510_TouchFlo depends upon PACKAGE_Diamond_SmartTouch
PROVXML Changes:
If you want to change how your ROM thinks of itself, change HyperCore\Build\OEM\OEMVERSION\mxipupdate_OEMVERSION_100.provxml. ROMVersion is currently set to "Athena_6.1", but feel free to change that to whatever you like.
Registry Changes:
Here's a starter list of potential registry changes.
[HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders]
"Cache"="\MicroDrive\Internet Explorer\Cache"
"History"="\MicroDrive\Internet Explorer\History"
Move your Pocket IE cache and history to your MicroDrive.
[HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings]
Increase the number of simultaneous connections Pocket IE makes to servers to 8.
Prevent Windows Mobile from screen-locking while plugged in.
[HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Navigation]
"4-Way Nav"=dword:00000000
Have Pocket IE-based widgets scroll by screen, not by link.
Enable the Today Screen Wireless plugin.
Go back to sleep faster when auto-waking (60 seconds).
Increase the graphical caching. A good size has not yet been determined, although this is the value often recommended for QVGA devices (a VGA device likely needs more).
Increase font caching.
Disable window animation.
Disable Start Menu animation.
Kitchen History
To be filled in.
Good work!
But...the xip version is after 5.2.thisisxipver and system build is there (Build xxxxx.x.x.x)
You have got a little error
michyprima said:
Good work!
But...the xip version is after 5.2.thisisxipver and system build is there (Build xxxxx.x.x.x)
You have got a little error
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That's the thing, though - it doesn't matter much to me that it displays the XIP/system version there. Now, if other people care enough to go and change that, it's entirely up to them.
Sogarth said:
That's the thing, though - it doesn't matter much to me that it displays the XIP/system version there. Now, if other people care enough to go and change that, it's entirely up to them.
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But...i have my kitchen because previously there arent one...
I can download it for oem packages...
XIP and SYS porting Guide
Here a tutorial and many info... from ababrekar, witha a pictorial guided step by step to download
Thanks for introducing this kitchen
When I unzipped the download, I had more than 4000 error displayed. Could I ignore them?
Also, you mentioned that for spl1.2, I need to replace the os.nb in the HyperCore\Build\ROM\ directory. But I found that directory to be empty to start with. Is there supposed to be an spl3.5 os.nb there already?
Is this base ROM the same as the one we have been testing in the base wm6.1 thread?
sergiopi said:
Here a tutorial and many info... from ababrekar, witha a pictorial guided step by step to download
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xipport is old...i use dump rom and build xip by bepe... + ervius pkgtools&buildos
been waiting for a good kitchen for ages. thanks a lot. what build is actually included?
Nice job sogarth, I was looking foward to this all week. i will be giving this a try today
eaglesteve said:
Thanks for introducing this kitchen
When I unzipped the download, I had more than 4000 error displayed. Could I ignore them?
Also, you mentioned that for spl1.2, I need to replace the os.nb in the HyperCore\Build\ROM\ directory. But I found that directory to be empty to start with. Is there supposed to be an spl3.5 os.nb there already?
Is this base ROM the same as the one we have been testing in the base wm6.1 thread?
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i am having the same problem is anyone else having this problem
irus said:
i am having the same problem is anyone else having this problem
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Yep , same here!
michyprima said:
xipport is old...i use dump rom and build xip by bepe... + ervius pkgtools&buildos
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That's exactly why I haven't linked the first post only but the THREAD address, 24 pages of Q&A, links and files
I have the same problems with sogarth kitchen, the file could be corrupted
Blah. I guess that's what I get for using 7-zip + .zip + BZIP to try and keep everything uber-small. I'll rezip everything and re-upload. *sigh*
works for me if you open in the latest 7zip beta proper, rather than right click and extract here.
Sogarth said:
Blah. I guess that's what I get for using 7-zip + .zip + BZIP to try and keep everything uber-small. I'll rezip everything and re-upload. *sigh*
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Megaupload kitchen re-uploaded. Rapidshare kitchen in progress.
fards said:
works for me if you open in the latest 7zip beta proper, rather than right click and extract here.
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I'm pretty sure it works for 7-zip - I think it just doesn't work for non-7-zip .zip supporting programs.
Sogarth said:
I'm pretty sure it works for 7-zip - I think it just doesn't work for non-7-zip .zip supporting programs.
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well it's about time they started using proper software then

New to Windows Mobile

Let's pretend I'm new to windows mobile. (I am). Can anyone tell me HOW I get to these HKEY directories that everything is edited in. If anyone could give me a step-by-step instruction on how to install or modify anything at all in the phone, I would greatly appreciate it.
Please start the steps right after the 'Turn on phone' step, as I am fairly confident I have that under control. Every time I've asked this question on other forums I just get links to different forums with no helpful information below a certain level of expertise. I have never coded or done anything other than drag and drop folders, etc so a dumbed down version of how to start and I can learn from there. Anything! PLEASE!!! I hate having this amazing machine and not being able to utilize it.
oh, Touch Pro, sprint
First you need to install a registry editor. The two most used are PHM (free or Resco Explorer (paid I prefer Resco, but everyone has their own pref.
And installation, you fire it up and simply navigate it to your registry. Pretty straightforward.
I downloaded the free one but it isn't showing up in my phone. I navigated to its folder on my pc and everything seems to be zipped. when I unzip the file extensions are *.001 and I can't open or access them. am I doing something wrong ?
also, if anyone can explain to me how to install .net framework ?
warrenmrogers said:
also, if anyone can explain to me how to install .net framework ?
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i assume you need the new 3.5 .net compact framework.
You simply download and install the file on your computer (not your mobile device). This file will install the framework on your computer and will activate the add/remove programs on the sync center, so the next time you connect your touch pro it will ask to install the program. Then you just follow any instructions displayed on your touch pro for final installation and you're set to go!
here's on .Net
It has an extra app to choose a default .Net.
There's also a Tips and Tricks section and a walk through for TouchFlo3D at that you may want to try.
I can relate to this problem.
warrenmrogers said:
Let's pretend I'm new to windows mobile. (I am). Can anyone tell me HOW I get to these HKEY directories that everything is edited in. If anyone could give me a step-by-step instruction on how to install or modify anything at all in the phone, I would greatly appreciate it.
Please start the steps right after the 'Turn on phone' step, as I am fairly confident I have that under control. Every time I've asked this question on other forums I just get links to different forums with no helpful information below a certain level of expertise. I have never coded or done anything other than drag and drop folders, etc so a dumbed down version of how to start and I can learn from there. Anything! PLEASE!!! I hate having this amazing machine and not being able to utilize it.
oh, Touch Pro, sprint
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I have a Alltel HTC Touch Pro. The software that came with it does not work with Vista. I googled active sync for Vista, I got links to Windows Mobile Device Center. I installed that onto my desktop. It syncs my phone to my desktop, but only shows my device memory and the storage card. I have installed downloaded and installed net.frame. When I downloaded Advanced Config Tool and draged and drop (also copied & pasted) into the device memory and tried to click the cab. file it only shows that it will go to the c: drive on my desktop. I do not see anything showing for the windows on my device. Hopefully someone can post some useful infomation about this. Yes I did use search, that lead me here. There are lots of complete noobs. Before we can add useful information for others. ( like showing off the really cool function of these new phones we have to be able to use them ourselves. Thanks for any help.
Here's some tips that might help you:
When plugging your Touch Pro into your PC via USB, you should be prompted on the Touch Pro whether you want to connect as "ActiveSync" or "Disk Drive". You should click "ActiveSync" for installing applications.
If you are using your desktop PC and download an application for your Touch Pro, it will typically be .exe or .cab. The .exe files are intended to run on your desktop PC first, and will then trigger an installation to your Touch Pro through ActiveSync (Windows XP) or Windows Mobile Device Center (Windows Vista).
If the file is a .cab, it is intended to run on your Touch Pro directly and will install the program. To move a .cab to your Touch Pro, you use the explore feature in ActiveSync (or similar feature in Mobile Device Center), and drag and drop. (Alternatively, you can download .cab files directly onto your phone from the source website using the Opera web browser). Once the .cab is on your Touch Pro, you use the file explorer program on your phone to naviagte to the file and then execute it.
When you install programs onto your TouchPro, a dialogue appears on the phone to walk you through the installation. To save your phone's shared memory, you can install programs to your memory card. Unfortunately, some applications work best when installed onto the phone versus installing them onto the memory card.
Hope that helps
Thank you very much for your reply. I'll give this another try. I had the Alltel HTV Touch Flo awhile back and was running XP on the desktop. If I remember correctly, I saw my device in the tree layout with the software running XP. I gave the Touch Flo to a family member and got a BlackBerry Curve. Wanted to go back to a windows platform for the versitilty of programs. I know everything has a learning curve to it. With lots of reading and study, trial and error, and help from generous people here. Noobs like myself can get a lot more use and enjoyment from their devices. Each new version that comes out is getting faster, more powerful, and has more features. Others see these things that we have and want one. It would be helpful if we could help them to see all the possibilities that are there. The I Phone gets a lot of attention with commercials and has opened up for new apps being developed. There are as many, if not more apps for widows. We just have to learn to implement them with our device. I know I did not start this thread, but others can see the original posters title and understand their, and my question. Thanks again to the reply, and to anyone else who comes up with more help for the noobs.

[Q]Maybe just a newbie question, dumping and reconstructing?

Hello guys i have just moved from HTC Wizard Thread because i have sold my old Wizard and have bought my brand new T-Mobile MDA Vario IV. Flashing, Dumping, etc on Wizard was really simple. But in Touch Pro i cant get through the all things. Maybe it is my not very good technical english or something. All i do is just reading and reading and cant get through. So I have still my stock ROM for Vario IV wich is even slower than Wizard custom ROMs, so its annoying a lot and it is still slow after i made all the registry tweaks! I would like to flash new faster ROM but i do not want to do it until i am sure i could reconstruct my stock ROM in case of some warranty isues. First thing i want to say is that i use Windows Vista Bussines x64 so maybe all my problems are in the case of 64bit drivers, but i did not find any compatibility information about all the utils.
1. I went to the thread how to dump and reconstruct Touch Pro ROM. I made all the necesary things but i cant even extract any raw file still get ITReadDisk error which i find in the thread but i did not get any solution.
2. I have downloaded T-Mobile ROM from czech T-Mobile official pages extracted the file RUU_signed.nbh, but i do not know how can i extract it. ROM kitchen did not help, or even if i can use it to reconstruct :-(
3. I tried NBHextract file but i think it is not usable for Touch PRO. I got few files SPL, 2x MainSplash and OS image, all *.nb, but i am not sure if i can use it to reconstruct original ROM.
Point of this, why i want ot do it is: I want to load HardSPL but i want to have backup of my stock SPL if i need to revert my warranty. Any help would be appreciated
I use Calkulin's Kitchen, which makes it easy to extract the RUU_signed.nbh and rebuild it. See the thread here or download the kitchen.
What program did you use to extract the ROM from your device? I used pdocread which worked great. Not sure if that works on Vista x64.
rsw686 said:
I use Calkulin's Kitchen, which makes it easy to extract the RUU_signed.nbh and rebuild it. See the thread here or download the kitchen.
What program did you use to extract the ROM from your device? I used pdocread which worked great. Not sure if that works on Vista x64.
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I used pdocread.exe file but anytime i tried to dump rom i got the ITReadDisk Error, and any RAW file was not made just the first one with 0B size. Also i have downloaded the Raphael kitchen from and my Symantec endpoint security reported Trojan Horse in RaphaelCustomRUU.exe in Tools directory.
Sounds like it is not 64bit compatible. Any reason your running 64bit Vista? Unless you have a need for it your not going to see much performance difference on a desktop, just a hassle of compatibility problems with hardware that doesn't have 64bit drivers.
If you use Calkulin's Kitchen you will need the imgfstools from the Raphael kitchen you downloaded. They have been patched to allow ROMs to be larger than 128MB.
reason i run 64bit vista is that i have 8GB of RAM because i need to run multiple os in vmware. Will try it from win xp in vmware...
Anyway. Can i flash original ROM with all its parts shipped from T-Mobile to a device which has HardSPL applied? If i did that on HardSPLed HTC Wizard, i would have brick it...that is why i am asking.

