Corrupt calendar item kills the whole device - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

It's been a long five days in my recent Pocket PC history. It's a very long story, but I'll make it as short as possible. Last Thursday my XDA got so ridiculously slow it was unusable. It would take 5-10 seconds to pull down the start menu, 15 seconds to launch most apps, 20 seconds to show the phone and another 10 to dial, etc. It would take anywhere from 2-5 minutes to soft reset. Often it would just lock up totally either while being used or while resetting.
I started by removing recently-loaded apps, which didn't help. I tried lots of common and not-so-common troubleshooting steps. No joy. I finally did a hard reset, and restored a 5-day-old backup. Everything was fine.
Unfortunately, this is where much time was wasted because the problem hid itself. I would drop the device in the cradle and load one app to test, and it would kill it. To the point where many times it would not reset at all, hanging on the boot screen (I let it sit for 30 minutes once, just hung there).
Since this happened with several apps, I was quite perplexed. I wasted a lot of troubleshooting time. Finally after wasting many hours I thought it might be related to sync files, so I turned those off. No joy, but at least now I narrowed it down that the problem would happen with just a sync and no loaded apps.
I kept narrowing down the sync items until it became apparent it was something in the calendar. After much messing around, I seemed to have resolved it. No more hanging, and I could sync the calendar. Until I added a new calendar item, and killed the device again.
This time I tried copying the calendar to a temp PST file and then tried to open that. Hung Outlook every time. Around this time I also noticed some calendar items had disappeared from the desktop, but not the PPC. Damn. I started deleting all the calendar items via the category view. Hung Outlook. Narrowed it down finally to one birthday item that apparently was corrupt. I was finally able to delete that after many attempts in different ways. The crazy thing is that all of the calendar items came back from the PPC on the first sync, including the corrupt item, and still everything is fine.
Now I'm back to normal, and can add items. What a mess. I wasted around 10-12 hours fixing this.
Note that I tried the scanpst.exe repair utility, which found nothing wrong with the PST file. Also the hangs occurred in both Outlook XP and 2000, on two different machines.

You know ofcourse that if you identify the corrupt item, that you could have your 15 minutes of fame on slashdot and/or Bugtraq. Imagine some misguided adolescent mailing this little gem to 10,000,000 adresses (buy now, only $39!!!).
And if this is a buffer overflow, which wouldn't surprise me a bit, you may have yourself yet another gaping security hole, courtesy of Microsoft.

Heh, I tried e-mailing the item to myself, but that came out just fine. It was apparently corruption in my .pst file, since also the item came back from the device just fine after I deleted it on the desktop.
Gaping hole is right, since none of the profided tools could detect the error, yet it would crash Outlook if I tried to do anything with the item and would totally kill the device just by being there. I couldn't even get an AS connection to the device, just locked on the boot screen.


Calkulin/Clemsyn V6 having issues

I've been running C/CV6 for a few months now and for the most part it has worked great. Last week I cranked up the ole gtab after not using it for about a week or so and started having all kinds of issues. I noticed that nearly every web page that I went to I was getting warnings about the cerificate not verifying. I could push through the warnings and continue on to the page but it's getting kind of old after doing it for a few days. I have also noticed that the marketplace that I worked so hard on also doesn't work. Not only does it not work, it flat won't open. It starts to open, attempts to load, gives me the white screen, then closes. I tried it several times in a row. Then restarted the tablet and it still gives the same result. I would really appreciate some help on this if anyone has some information. I'm trying to avoid doing a wipe and reinstall, but I need that marketplace. Thanks for any advice.
Uninstall your browser and reinstall. This is a problem related to the upgrade of the market app. It's been giving a lot of issues to apps other than the ones came with stock.
Go to browser setting and uncheck security warning
GoodIntentions, I did what you said. I deleted my dolphin browser. Nothing changed. I tried to delete the browser that came with it but couldn't. It won't allow it. I went into the market settings and also deleted the cra in it's cache. I restarted, nothing happened. It's still doing the same thing. The market will not open. It tries but closes. I'm also still getting certificate warnings on every site using the stock browser. Note that I haven't changed any security settings to cause this. I had been using my dolphin brwser for afew months with the market installed with no problem. All of the sudden this happened. I can't get it to work at all. Any suggestions?
In the stock browser setting, unchecked show security warning. I had the same issue.
tsukaza, I know that it is possible to change the secrity settings, which will affect how often you're alerted about security certificates. The concern here is why is it suddenly doing this. I didn't change the settings, so why did this start happenning. Something triggered it. This isn't really what has me most concerned though and changing the security settings won't make the market suddenly work. I wish someone knew about the update and how to fix the issue. thanks for you suggestion.
If the warning only shows up on a few sites then mostly likely the cert expired and they didn't renew it.
Check your time and date. I've noticed that my gTablet will sometimes lose these and set them to some point in 2008. Changing the time and date back to current instantly fixes things.

[Q] My phone seriously messed up itself

Yesterday my phone ran out of battery and it took me a while to get back to my charger. I came back late and I put my phone to recharge over night. I wake up and start my phone and it's like it's never been used before. It has done some sort of reset by itself. All these help popups comes up about how to use slides and motion etc etc. My gmail account is not registered to my phone anymore. I go through my applications and now I start to realize that something is seriously wrong.
Some of my apps are missing on my home screen and when I look for them they seem to be uninstalled, so I try to install these apps again and get the "unknown error code during application install -24" error. This is the case for 3 of my paid applications. Portfolio stocks, swift key and maps with me.
I have more problems though, 50 % of all my apps that are still installed will not even start, like all of my games for example, Every time I try to start one of these I get "Unfortunately, application has stopped" This is also the case for some other apps like skype and spotify. Most of my apps have completely dropped the app settings and information. All my whats app conversations are gone for example and my number isn't even registered anymore.
Some apps still have the icon on my home screen but when I try to start these (like googles for example) it says "application not installed" even though the icon is there.
So as you can tell there some major problem has occurred when my phone turned itself of yesterday.
Now I'm afraid my phone ****ed itself up to much to actually be recovered with is a ***** but I'm wondering how the hell could this happen? What kind of information has deleted itself and why is this possible?
And is there anything you guys think I can do except resetting the whole device. My phone is not rooted and I regret not making backups.....
I have a galaxy s3 I9300 with android 4.1.2
factory reset. don't know why it happened

[Q] in Chrome browser

I am getting an annoying spam/popup whatever in my Chrome browser. It's very deceiving and I've tried restarting Chrome, the phone, clearing cache but it still pops up all the time. It's from "" and gives me an initial message about memory being low or something. Attached is a screenshot. Anyone know how I can get rid of this?
If this is an app.
Go to settings > application manager
Find the system ui upgrade app and uninstall it.
Is it a popup? If so try an ad blocker. Or figure out what site's giving you this junk.
If your user agent string is reporting as android (in Chrome it is) they can tailor ads to look like "updates".
If you get the "memory slowed" message hit cancel or the back button.
Sent from my Verizon NC5 Galaxy S4 w/ GEL and Xposed
Fixed this problem on my phone by going into the App Info for the Chrome App and Deleting All Data. Just had to resign into Google, and it has not come back so far.
Update.... Went one week with no pop up. Got one again from app fans world. Com again last night. Not the UI one though. This one said my browser crashed, which it hadn't. Spent several hours trying to get it to repeat, but it never did, nor did it today. Just as a final check, I ran Malwarebytes, and found only one instance of malware on my phone, but not thinking it was actually malware. It was the root uninstaller file for Smart Ram Booster Pro. I uninstalled the app anyway as I don't really use it. Will give an update on this in a week or so. Looking online, this is becoming a widespread issue.
jakel1.jf said:
Update.... Went one week with no pop up. Got one again from app fans world. Com again last night. Not the UI one though. This one said my browser crashed, which it hadn't. Spent several hours trying to get it to repeat, but it never did, nor did it today. Just as a final check, I ran Malwarebytes, and found only one instance of malware on my phone, but not thinking it was actually malware. It was the root uninstaller file for Smart Ram Booster Pro. I uninstalled the app anyway as I don't really use it. Will give an update on this in a week or so. Looking online, this is becoming a widespread issue.
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Click to collapse
Yeah I tried deleting data in the chrome browser but that didn't prevent it from coming back. I'll look forward to a solution if you find one.
After clearing the data under app info it stopped for a week for me. It was popping up every other page almost before that. Now, it popped up again just once, and I did a couple weeks worth of browsing in a couple hours after it did, just to see if I could get the pop up again to inspect it better, but it just won't come up again. I don't know if it is gone, or will pop up again sometime later. Weird.
I have been following a guy on the Verizon forum dealing with this. He was going to run his phone in safe mode, and try activating one 3rd party app at a time, using Terminal to see if he could find an app that was causing this. That didn't work though as while in safe mode with no 3rd party apps activated, it still happened. He is now going to reset his phone, reinstalling apps one at a time to see if he can find an app causing it. This will take more than a week though, as he will take time to test chrome for awhile after each app is installed. One thing to note is that the site was only created 12.18.14. It could be any app you installed slightly before to any time after that date, or even any update installed then. I am almost thinking it is something to do with Chrome, as I don't install anything except from the Playstore, and only a thing or two that I can remember during that time frame. I am going to both uninstalled all chrome updates, and try a different browser, to see if it still happens. If it does, I am going to factory reset my phone, and see if I can fix it.
jakel1.jf said:
I have been following a guy on the Verizon forum dealing with this. He was going to run his phone in safe mode, and try activating one 3rd party app at a time, using Terminal to see if he could find an app that was causing this. That didn't work though as while in safe mode with no 3rd party apps activated, it still happened. He is now going to reset his phone, reinstalling apps one at a time to see if he can find an app causing it. This will take more than a week though, as he will take time to test chrome for awhile after each app is installed. One thing to note is that the site was only created 12.18.14. It could be any app you installed slightly before to any time after that date, or even any update installed then. I am almost thinking it is something to do with Chrome, as I don't install anything except from the Playstore, and only a thing or two that I can remember during that time frame. I am going to both uninstalled all chrome updates, and try a different browser, to see if it still happens. If it does, I am going to factory reset my phone, and see if I can fix it.
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I assumed it was a chrome thing since that's where it always pops up for me. I guess I could try another browser...
I did click on the page (clicking cancel or update does the same thing) as I figured I will be reseting my phone anyway. No matter how many times I click on it, all it does is redirect me to the Dolphin Browser page on the playstore. This makes me really suspicious because the developers of Dolphin Browser wouldn't ruin their extremely good reputation by doing this. I think the redirect is a cover for something else. Maybe a keystroke logger, or something just as malicious. Rolling back Chrome didn't get rid of the page that pops up. No popping up with new browser so far, went with Maxthon, but it is early. Really starting to think a complete wipe and reset is necessary. After all, the pop up is only what we are seeing, what else might be going on we can't.
Quick question... Have you downloaded any (.flv or.m2v specifically) video files during the time frame? Read a recent article about hackers using them to exploit vulnerabilities. Right now it is suggested not to download those 2 file types at all.
Factory reset my phone, which was a small hassle, but it has fixed it, and the other small bugs and slow downs that appeared at the same time. Back up your files... Pics and such you want to keep, and reset. Your phone should automatically re-install all your apps, although you will have to redo some of your settings. After you save your files to wherever you want, I saved them to my pc, just go to settings.. Then back up and restore.... And select factory reset or reset phone, however it is listed. Your phone will then be like brand new, and you will only have to re-set up a few things as most things will reinstall by themselves with their previous settings. Like I said, a small hassle, but it fixes the problem, and you again know your phone and data is secure.
It started doing it again today. Reset didn't work. Talked to the guy on verizon forum, and he is going through all files to locate it's origin. Will just have to wait until he is done. FYI--It started happening in other browsers too.

Chromebook Flip (C302CA) Can't Run Chrome!

I have a STRANGE issue going on that I'm hoping the XDA community can help with.
My Asus Chromebook Flip has been a tank since I got it (warranty ran out 3 weeks ago, of course). Out of the blue it suddenly started rebooting "randomly". After doing a Powerwash and a full OS image restore (from microSD) it was still doing it, but I noticed that it seemed to only do this after Chrome would get re-synced with all my extensions. After I had turned off all extensions and another restore I refused to load Chrome itself and instead watched Netflix via its app, played lots of Android games and then loaded Firefox and browsed that way. So far it's been rock solid again.
I looked over the logs in file:///var/logs/chrome and they are of little help (to me). They show several different errors including something called Gaia login issues, bluetooth issues, devices not existing, etc. Nothing to me is obvious from them. It seems like a corrupted Chrome. Asus is of little use as they want $60 for a diagnostic fee, can't tell me what it will cost to "repair" and will have the unit for at least 10 days. My fear would be they'd send me a bill for like $200 to repair and send me a crappy refurb that wil then fail the same way once I resync Chrome. (My flip is in a clear case and is pristine).
Has anyone seen this sort of thing before? The obvious course (again, to me) is to go into Chrome and turn on extensions one-by-one until I find, hopefully THE culprit assuming that is the cause. Hoping someone here may have gone through this and found the culprit or likely culprit before I begin this hunt, especially since all my extensions are also disabled on my desktop due to the sync. I have extensions for Forecast Fox, Dashlane, Google Calendar Plus, Honey, Color Picker, U-Block, Tampermonkey (to allow a script to check pop accounts more often... now that I type that this seems a good prospect) and others I'm forgetting now.
Logging as Guest or another (new) account works?
lfom said:
Logging as Guest or another (new) account works?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It seemed to, though I didn't spend much time doing Guest as there's a lot of limits on it (for example Netflix won't work as a Guest). I didn't try a new account because I don't really have one, though I could create one just for testing.

Late notifications

I've been battling with this for well over a year and finally broke down to post on xda because I cannot figure it out for the life of me.
Most of my notifications are delayed, sometimes by an hour. They only seem to push through when I turn my screen on or am actively using the phone.
I have tried to toggle every battery saver setting, data setting and permission possible with no positive result. I feel like I'm missing something.
I've reset the phone, soft and hard.
Cleared caches, ran only that app on the phone ...I'm ripping my hair out here.
Biggest offender is the "MyQ" notifications. It will tell me an hour later that my garage door closed or opened.
Gmail is another one.
I'm having the same problem on Note 20 5G with Gmail. It's not just delayed, but doesn't show at all! unless I open the app and refresh it. Every possible tricks that more or less have been working for me on other Samsung phones (clearing data, cache, downgrading apps, unrestricting battery usage, data usage...) fails here. It just doesn't wants to refresh and sync in background or show any notifications at all.
You can try posting on Samsung community, so some "support admin" copy and paste "factory reset guide", mark it as "solved" and ask you not to send repeated posts.

