export sms messages to the laptop - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Is there a way to export my received sms messages to my laptop?

somebody else asked this question a bit lower in the forum

I checked the link and downloaded the mentioned program. This program transfers the messages from a phone to a PDA. What I'm lookin for is a program that synchronizes my sms messages with outlook on my desktop.

well i'm not sure if there are any because
std outlook may not be able to indentify what a sms is
of cause it could convert it to a mail
but it would cause issues if anybody tried to reply to them
maybe somebody else knows
or maybe somebody which a newer version of outlook and or a pocketPC 2003 can say if that give this option

Automatic SMS export to Storage
Try this program: http://xpocketpc.fw.hu


sync sms folders from xda with active sync

1. can this be done - xda allows manage folders to select folder for syncing but then it does not work through to outlook win CE inbpx transfer in outlook does not seem to be able to allow manual transfer of messages
Q - how do you store received and sent SMS? possible
2. have run the sms fix - seems fine when first receive sms but when you review the sms messages in received folder it nows shows phone numbers rather than contact name - have i installed badly or does it only show linked contact name when first received?
The outlook ce transfer doesn't work with sms unfortunately. I have been trying ways to export sms and its all linked to a hidden databases folder that you can't seem to access.
Outlook and active sync, etc only deal with email related messages. I assume this is fixed at the outlook end rather than the xda end. But doubt much will be done.
Sms fix for me displays the name within my inbox, but only on messages recieved since the update occured, previous messages were unaffected, as expected. If your device doesn't show the name of received texts i'd say try to reinstall.
thanks pete2you - shame but i agree - more things that could make xda good
ie link an appoinment with a contact - ie make xda more integrated like outlook. we live in hope
Automatic MMS, SMS export to Storage
This program is exporting all your Messages to your storage card on every incoming SMS. http://xpocketpc.fw.hu

SMS Synchronization

Is there any way to synchronize the SMS on MDA with Outlook on PC? Or just to transfer them on PC and then view it?
Check this link http://www.tekguru.co.uk/Arc_2002_01.html ... the app name is IA Phone Manager ... it does SMS exporting to spreadsheet file ... among other functions.
Thank you! :mrgreen:
I downloaded the phone manager. It transfers the messages from a phone to a PDA. What I'm lookin for is a program that sybchronizes my sms messages with outlook on my desktop

Export SMS messages from XDA-O2 to desktop/notebook PC

Dear all,
I'm trying desperately to find a utility/software to export/retreive SMS messages from my XDA-O2 to my laptop PC then read them as TXT files or CSV files. Most of the software I find deal with SMS on mobile phones to be connected via IR or cable. Is there any way to synchronize the SMS folder within the XDA-O2 with outlook. Appreciate your help
try the SMS export utility from my website
How to use SMS Export utility? please help
How to use SMS Export utility? please help
I am looking for the creator's email address that I had it somewhere in my desktop, as soon as I find it I'll email asking him for support, his name is Chris Visaya
Automatic SMS export program
This program is easy to use export and quick possibilities to export all your messages to your Storage Card. http://xpocketpc.fw.hu

Outlook 2003 sync with ROM 1.72

I could not sync SMS message from ROM 1.72 to Outlook 2003. Does anyone come across this? Please help. Thank you in advance. :?:
Outlook works only for e-mails not SMSs
That is interesting, my Outlook 2003, had SMS function. Yours don't?
bzkat said:
That is interesting, my Outlook 2003, had SMS function. Yours don't?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
My Out2K3 hasn't this feature too. How did you get?
I bought the Office 2003 package, just install Outlook 2003 with it. It is embedded the SMS function.
bzkat said:
I bought the Office 2003 package, just install Outlook 2003 with it. It is embedded the SMS function.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
As I said, I have Outlook2003 too (from Off2K3 Pro version), but it only synchronizes e-mails to "account" ActiveSync on my XDA2.
Could you post some screenshots, please?
Would you try to Open your Active Sync then "Tools" --> "Options..." --> select Inbox --> "Settings..."
You will find there is an check box for SMS sync. I had check that box but nothing happen after sync.
With Outlook 2K3, when you select Mail, you will easily found there is a SMS folder under Personal Folders :?
Sorry for I do not know how to capture the screen for you.
Hm... My ActiveSync will open window Opening settings when I click on Settings button, after while it's closed and nothing happens... :? :x
Have you installed the Out2K3 after instalation of ActiveSync or before?
As far as I can remeber, I installed Outlook 2K3 before Activesync. :roll:
I finally capture the screen for you
I have Office 2003 (with Outlook) as well. I do not see SMS in ActiveSync Inbox Settings either. In fact, it has never been there.
I do not believe this can work with ActiveSync alone. What ActiveSync is showing you are the folders in your server mailbox. It would be possible to create a folder named SMS and sync that, but it would not contain the SMS messages from your mobile . . . the SMS account in your Pocket Outlook is just that, another account. This can not be synchronized with a folder - it's an apples vs. oranges thing.
There may be another tool that can do it, but I do not believe ActiveSync can do it.
OK - I guess your screenshot has proven me wrong.
What server software are you using for your email (connecting Outlook 2003 to)?
Is it MS Exchange, Lotus Notes, something else?
What version?
Sorry that I am not so good in software. I do not use a server for email. I just using a stand alone Outlook 2K3 in my personal computer.

Problem Syncing Active Sync 4.0 and WM2k5

I get this error
"Either there is no default mail client or the current mail client cannot fulfill the messaging request. Please run Microsoft Outlook and set it as the default mail client"
I am running Office XP sp3 and i really want to make this work. I posted this in the himalaya upgrade forum and so did another guy but he got no response and neither have I as yet but i rely really heavily on my PDA as both my phone and appointment manager and it is not allowing my contatc s, appts and tasks to sync with the PDA.
Please help :? and TIA

