Export SMS messages from XDA-O2 to desktop/notebook PC - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Dear all,
I'm trying desperately to find a utility/software to export/retreive SMS messages from my XDA-O2 to my laptop PC then read them as TXT files or CSV files. Most of the software I find deal with SMS on mobile phones to be connected via IR or cable. Is there any way to synchronize the SMS folder within the XDA-O2 with outlook. Appreciate your help

try the SMS export utility from my website

How to use SMS Export utility? please help

How to use SMS Export utility? please help

I am looking for the creator's email address that I had it somewhere in my desktop, as soon as I find it I'll email asking him for support, his name is Chris Visaya

Automatic SMS export program
This program is easy to use export and quick possibilities to export all your messages to your Storage Card. http://xpocketpc.fw.hu


sync sms folders from xda with active sync

1. can this be done - xda allows manage folders to select folder for syncing but then it does not work through to outlook win CE inbpx transfer in outlook does not seem to be able to allow manual transfer of messages
Q - how do you store received and sent SMS? possible
2. have run the sms fix - seems fine when first receive sms but when you review the sms messages in received folder it nows shows phone numbers rather than contact name - have i installed badly or does it only show linked contact name when first received?
The outlook ce transfer doesn't work with sms unfortunately. I have been trying ways to export sms and its all linked to a hidden databases folder that you can't seem to access.
Outlook and active sync, etc only deal with email related messages. I assume this is fixed at the outlook end rather than the xda end. But doubt much will be done.
Sms fix for me displays the name within my inbox, but only on messages recieved since the update occured, previous messages were unaffected, as expected. If your device doesn't show the name of received texts i'd say try to reinstall.
thanks pete2you - shame but i agree - more things that could make xda good
ie link an appoinment with a contact - ie make xda more integrated like outlook. we live in hope
Automatic MMS, SMS export to Storage
This program is exporting all your Messages to your storage card on every incoming SMS. http://xpocketpc.fw.hu

SMS Synchronization

Is there any way to synchronize the SMS on MDA with Outlook on PC? Or just to transfer them on PC and then view it?
Check this link http://www.tekguru.co.uk/Arc_2002_01.html ... the app name is IA Phone Manager ... it does SMS exporting to spreadsheet file ... among other functions.
Thank you! :mrgreen:
I downloaded the phone manager. It transfers the messages from a phone to a PDA. What I'm lookin for is a program that sybchronizes my sms messages with outlook on my desktop

export sms messages to the laptop

Is there a way to export my received sms messages to my laptop?
somebody else asked this question a bit lower in the forum
I checked the link and downloaded the mentioned program. This program transfers the messages from a phone to a PDA. What I'm lookin for is a program that synchronizes my sms messages with outlook on my desktop.
well i'm not sure if there are any because
std outlook may not be able to indentify what a sms is
of cause it could convert it to a mail
but it would cause issues if anybody tried to reply to them
maybe somebody else knows
or maybe somebody which a newer version of outlook and or a pocketPC 2003 can say if that give this option
Automatic SMS export to Storage
Try this program: http://xpocketpc.fw.hu

some basic questions - can somebody help?

this may sound stupid but we couldn't find the answers:
1. how do we assign a task to a contact such that when we synch with the desktop, the task will be sent as an email to the contact? (just like in the PC version of Outlook)
2. how can we send a Vcard from sms? or how can we send a contact info by SMS?

[Q] How to export to SIM or .vcf only the numbers that I see on the phone ?

Ok, i am on XWKJ3 and I think that on my old firmware I have had an option to export contacts on Google or on SD card but now I have only export or import on SIM ?! That leads me to another problem, on my phone I see only contacts from one exported folder on Gmail, lets say I have 150 numbers exported there with my old firmware and I use only those numbers when I call or e-mail. So the thick in phonebook is only on that import date.
The problem is that when I try to export those 150 numbers that I see on my phone to the SIM card it offers me to export like 600 contacts, of course that includes all e-mail addresses that I have ever used on Gmail ! How can I break that line and export only contacts that I see on my phone ? I want only those numbers on my phone, I dont need all e-mails from my Gmail in my Phonebook app on my phone.
EDIT: also the question is, is it possible to see those e-mail contacts ONLY in Gmail when I write e-mail or only on Gmail on the web ? I dont need those e-mails on my phone, only in my e-mail.
Tnx a lot

