Pet Peeves in Poket PC 2002/2003 (And Hopefully some fixes) - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

I know I'm probebly going to get heapz of people complaining in this post, but I guess someone has to start one,
I'm looking for peoplez bad experience with poket PC 2003 and/or Poket PC 2002.
Whats my Peeve you ask?
Well in Poket PC 2002 I had a wav file assigned when I connected my XDA to my pc, it played merrily, but when I flashed my XDA to Poket PC 2003, I couldn't get the connection sound to work anymore, I se it to both the on Activesync connection and on just connection, but the only time a sound will play is when I disconnect my devide or ANY of my other sound alerts.
Maybe someone knows how to fix this?
Anyone else having probelms with any other fields?

Has anyone managed to fix the sound on the connection of the XDA/XDA 2 to the activesync program?


Bluetooth Dialling from Laptop

I am using an XDA2 with a newly upgraded 1.60.00WWE ROM and was really pleased to see the update to Bluetooth to allow serial connections in this release.
I have a fax application on my laptop and want to connect the comport on the laptop to the BT comport on the XDA2
I click on the new checkbox 'Inbound Com Port' and everything seems well.
If I set up a dialup networking connection to an ISP, or try to fax, the port opens successfully but no data is passed from the XDA back to the PC, so the PC always thinks there is a hardware failure.
The same connection works well with a Nokia (but who wants to use a Nokia?
Anyone else having this problem, or can anyone offer some advice to get this running?
O2 XDA2 on Orange

WIFI instead of GPRS

Hello i have PDAVIET and i have a problem when i m connected to a wireless spot, and i want to signin to msn it uses my GPRS connection although i am already connected to the internet.
Any suggestions?
click cancel on baloon tooltip,and i'm not sure about your rom version,pdaviet maybe?
yes sorry
))) did you solve the problem ?
nope sorry
I'm with rom and I also experience this. I tried using Live messenger connected to activesync through usb cable connection, but instead of using the activesync connection, he tries to connect over gprs!!!! Argghhhhh!!!
Beside iassael, the others who run are also experience this bug??
i think so and i also had the same withh
well, I don't have wifi by my computer, but I soon will, so I'm interested in this issue...what about trying what this guy says;
It is a solution to a different problem, so maybe a bit of a long shot, but something he says there;
The beauty is that Windows mobile knows it needs to use the "GPRS Internet", only when other connections are not present.
Now you don't have to mess with selecting a proxyless connection when connecting to a WiFi source, or using activesync
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made me think it could be worth a try.
did you fix it?
I dont see how this will work. If default is set to not GPRS, you have to have wifi or connected to computer. it will not use GPRS as backup. at least i havent been able to get it to think that way on WM5 and WM6.
any solutions to the login problems using ? I still couldn't access MSN with PDAVIET ROM

WM6 Bluetooth sync with WMDC Vista how?

Guys, I've waited to find a solution, it's been almost 10 months, and I wonder if I'm the only one with the problem. I can sync via USB cable, but not via Bluetooth. My setup:
Computer: Vista Ultimate 32bit running WMDC v 6.1
PPC: Dopod 181pro G3 WM6 PDAViet 4005b.
Any help appreciated. Thank you.
You must change AS config. on your PPC for BT connection
What do you mean? Under my BT in my PPC, I have ActiveSync checked. It does try to connect with WMDC, but it just never actually connects.
Has anyone gotten bluetooth sync to work under Vista and WM6? I'm starting to think there is either something missing on the WM6 PDAViet, or the Vista BT stack is missing something.
So, find the bluetooth settings in Vista. I can't help you much here since I'm using a german version.
Systemsteuerung\Hardware und Sound\Bluetooth-Geräte
(Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Bluetooth-Devices?)
Open the panel and select COM-Ports, and add a Port for an incoming connection. Don't forget to pair the devices and tell the WMDC its allowed to use Bluetooth connections.
hope it works for you
p.s. I can't get my WM5 device to connect, its an hx4700. My Hermes works fine (WM6). Any suggestions on that maybe?
Ok thanks all, I finally got it kinda working. Kinda, cause it doesn't work all the time for some strange reason. The only thing I did to finally get it to work is, after I paired the PPC and computer up, I went to the BT icon on my desktop and clicked it open, and selected the 'HTC Phophet' icon, and under the service tab, I checked off Activesync. Then it was able to connect. It took a while to connect though, and also sometimes, it would not connect. Also, the speed is really slow, for example, to browse my PPC folders takes a very long time. I wonder if it's my upgraded radio rom. I will see if rebooting or soft resetting the PC/PPC would solve anything. Thanks again.
BT Sync with Vista Home Premium and X7501??
exe said:
Guys, I've waited to find a solution, it's been almost 10 months, and I wonder if I'm the only one with the problem. I can sync via USB cable, but not via Bluetooth. My setup:
Computer: Vista Ultimate 32bit running WMDC v 6.1
PPC: Dopod 181pro G3 WM6 PDAViet 4005b.
Any help appreciated. Thank you.
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I could use some help with this too....
Been trying unsuccessfully to sync my Athena X7501 via BT with my lil' Kohjinsha SH6/Vista Home Premium but no go...
No problems syncing with USB Cable...
I can get both to 'see each other' but nothing happens either in Sync Center/Mobile Device Center in terms of connecting or when I click 'Sync' in ActiveSync on X7501...
Any suggestions????
ArchiMark said:
I could use some help with this too....
Been trying unsuccessfully to sync my Athena X7501 via BT with my lil' Kohjinsha SH6/Vista Home Premium but no go...
No problems syncing with USB Cable...
I can get both to 'see each other' but nothing happens either in Sync Center/Mobile Device Center in terms of connecting or when I click 'Sync' in ActiveSync on X7501...
Any suggestions????
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if you see "serial port" instead of "active sync" during getting them to 'see each other' you may check "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows CE Services\SerialPort" key using regedit.
you have to change it to your bluetooth stack's incoming COM port (usually COM7). You will probably see "Bluetooth" in that key. just change it to "COM7" and restart the computer then rebind the devices.
it worked for me on my vista.
gokhanmoral said:
if you see "serial port" instead of "active sync" during getting them to 'see each other' you may check "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows CE Services\SerialPort" key using regedit.
you have to change it to your bluetooth stack's incoming COM port (usually COM7). You will probably see "Bluetooth" in that key. just change it to "COM7" and restart the computer then rebind the devices.
it worked for me on my vista.
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Thanks for that input, gokhanmoral!!
Will check that out....
OK, did a search in RegEdit for
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows CE Services\SerialPort"
but it didn't find this....
I do see
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows CE Services\" with several subfolders in it....
One folder is called 'Extended Serial' and another is 'Services'....
Can you be verify the path to the item I should edit???
ArchiMark said:
OK, did a search in RegEdit for
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows CE Services\SerialPort"
but it didn't find this....
I do see
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows CE Services\" with several subfolders in it....
One folder is called 'Extended Serial' and another is 'Services'....
Can you be verify the path to the item I should edit???
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it is not a path but it is a REG_SZ (string) key.
sorry, my mistake. I should have written SerialPort key under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows CE Services.
see the attached image.
it was "Bluetooth" before I change it.
I had no option to select COM7 in WMDC because it is marked as "used" in another registry but changing it and reinstalling the bluetooth stack is a harder way to fix. so just change it to whichever port your stack is using for incoming serial. you must have an option to check it in control panel.
gokhanmoral said:
it is not a path but it is a REG_SZ (string) key.
sorry, my mistake. I should have written SerialPort key under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows CE Services.
see the attached image.
it was "Bluetooth" before I change it.
I had no option to select COM7 in WMDC because it is marked as "used" in another registry but changing it and reinstalling the bluetooth stack is a harder way to fix. so just change it to whichever port your stack is using for incoming serial. you must have an option to check it in control panel.
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Thanks for the clarification...edited that key....
Weird thing is that my X7501 and laptop can 'see each other' but still doesn't sync....when I click on 'sync' in ActiveSync on X7501 nothing happens and on laptop Mobile Device Center says 'Not Connected' and Sync Center shows the partnership with my X7501 as 'grayed out' looking.....
Not sure what you mean by 'you must have an option to check it in control panel...
Any suggestions as to what to check now???
Why Don't I See 'ActiveSync' Listed in BT Services List?
Seems that the problem I'm having getting my 7501 to sync to a PC via BT has to do with no having ActiveSync show up in the list of available services in BT partnership settings.
I just see Serial Port listed, not ActiveSync.
Could it be that I need to install ActiveSync again?
I'm using Vista on PC so I thought it uses Mobile Device Center and Sync Center which comes built-in to Vista. So didn't install ActiveSync myself...
Does ActiveSync install anything onto a mobile device like the X7501?
Frustrated X7501 BT Sync'r.....
GOT BT Sync Finally!
Just thought this might help someone else down the road to know what the problem turned out to be on why I couldn't BT Sync my X7501 and my laptop....
I called HTC this morning. They were actually extremely helpful!
Turns out that my laptop was using BlueSoleil BT software instead of MS BT Stack...deleted BlueSoleil and restarted and voila! MS BT Stack installed and then I could see ActiveSync service on my X7501!!!!
Who would of thought about that.....
Still troubled with bluetooth sync via WMDC/Active Sync
exe said:
Guys, I've waited to find a solution, it's been almost 10 months, and I wonder if I'm the only one with the problem. I can sync via USB cable, but not via Bluetooth. My setup:
Computer: Vista Ultimate 32bit running WMDC v 6.1
PPC: Dopod 181pro G3 WM6 PDAViet 4005b.
Any help appreciated. Thank you.
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I have the same problem. Seems to be a fairly common one. My WM6 PPC (with Active Sync) will not sync via bluetooth to my Vista Ultimate "powered" machine with WMDC. No trouble syncing via USB. Also no trouble with bluetooth pairing of the PPC and my machine or sending files (directly) from one to the other via bluetooth. Just no syncing of Calender, Tasks, etc. over bluetooth. Kind of infuriating.
Also possibly worth noting---I had no trouble syncing same PPC to my old XP powered machine with Active Sync. Why did Microsoft insist on "improving" on something (Active Sync) that worked just fine and was straightforward to use? Vista and WMDC in particular are steps backward in my view.
Pointless griping aside, the symptoms suggest that bluetooth stacks are working, that active sync and WMDC are talking (over USB), just no syncing, suggesting something is inconsistent in the way the ports are set up, just as others have implied in this thread.
Incidentally I tried everything listed in this thread, including the Regedit modification (all of this made a lot of sense given the problem) and still get no response when I try to sync over bluetooth.
On my ppc the only options for com ports are COM2, COM4, COM6 and COM8. Does this matter?
Help!? Please.
Thanks in advance for any input.
Well, as for myself, it tured out that my problem had something to do with the pocket pc ROM I installed, as posted in the first thread. It would sync a few times at first, then never again. So, all this time (years) I've just done it with USB wire.
Now I just got done upgrading my Prophet to Ultimate v 2 ROM. And my BT active Sync is now working like normal. I knew from the description of the first paragraph there was something wrong with my flash of the new ROM or the ROM itself. Anyway, now it's working like normal. It's now time to go fix my headphone jack that is stuck in headphone mode lol. I need a new PPC!

help req, Fao: anyone using ameo for usb internet sharing

hi Guys ,
I come to you as a friend in need, I have a serious problem bwith the internet sharing on my ameo, as you can see I am on it now typing this, but I can't for the life of me get it to share the connection, I don't have a bluetooth dongle for it, so its usb all the way, here is what happens:
my pc running windows xp doesn't have a modem attached, only thing connected to it network wise is my playstation 3, I don't have the interet at home, hence wanting to use the ameo for the connection.
plug the ameo in, bink active sync goes on, leave it to sync, then I have tried a couple of things to no avail, just hitting internet sharing then, ameo dumps the usb connection then restarts it, nadda no I-net explorer, nothing pinging
I have tried starting the sharer before connection the usb lead nadda,
is there a set of setup needs I am blatantly missing? everyone seems to jus say they plug it in and it works, but I can't seem to get over this hurdle.
perhaps its simply a network setting on windows?
Can anyone thinks they can help suggest something I am doing wrong? even if it sounds obvious to u I might just be missing something simple
ps I am running pk dual touch
Many thanks in advance
hmm, just did a soft reset and now its working....hmm...
would still like to know what caused it, i turned off advanced usb features could that have made it start working?
whats that for anyways?
I get this sometimes, the ameo acts as a DHCP server and assigns the computer an IP addy, sometime however it does not assign an addy and so there can be no data transfer !! a simple reset of the ameo appears to sort it every time !!
i always found that the modem link, Wireless modem and Internet sharing applications always worked better if you activate them BEFORE connecting the USB cable.
Either that or the dodgy power supply on my USB hub is causing the problem!!! :-D
rhedgehog said:
i always found that the modem link, Wireless modem and Internet sharing applications always worked better if you activate them BEFORE connecting the USB cable.
Either that or the dodgy power supply on my USB hub is causing the problem!!! :-D
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I completely agree, connecting the service before connecting the USB is much more reliable
PS did you guys know that we aren`t supposed to be able to do this, apparently to connect to your laptop you are supposed to use web and walk pro at £12.50 per month not just web and walk my mate can`t do this through his nokia cos it does not support internet connection sharing
well this problem happened to me today..what i did was right click my network places and disabled the LAN.coz win xp was choosing my LAN as default.once i disabled it it chose my athena and wala i got internet sharing.hth

Use the computer's connection to internet

Is there a way to connect to the internet using my computer's connection via USB?
That is:
I don't want to use too much 3G data and my Wifi isn't strong enough to get a good signal in my room.
Back in my WindowsMobile days you could very easily. You had to install MS Active Sync on your PC, but then you could simply plug in the phone to the PC and have internet access there. I used that at work to run my personal PDA.
I don't know if there is similar for Android, yet. I hope so, as that would make me extremely happy.
That's exactly what happens to me.
My previous phone was a WindowsMobile (rubbish) and I used this feature quite frequently.
I hope I can do it with Android.
By the way, I'm using Ubuntu.
mellojoe said:
Back in my WindowsMobile days you could very easily. You had to install MS Active Sync on your PC, but then you could simply plug in the phone to the PC and have internet access there. I used that at work to run my personal PDA.
I don't know if there is similar for Android, yet. I hope so, as that would make me extremely happy.
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Here's one method:
Here's a second:
I won't be able to implement either on my Work PC (which is the only time I'd really use it) so it won't be much of a help to me. But maybe you can.

