Dashboard plugin - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Does anyone know where I can find a copy of the Enhanced Mail plugin for Snoopsoft Dashboard?
I've already bought the 1.5 version and as a result i have the v2 on demo on beta, but I think it's a bit naff paying $10 for a plugin for a program that only cost slightly more than the plugin!
Any help would be appreciated.


Best Money tracking program?

Hey everyone, I've done some searching around to find the best money tracking software, and there are alot out there! I was wondering if anyone has a specific one they like? I'm not just looking for freeware, paying for a quality product is worth while
edit: ive been looking at Logi.net v1.5. Has anyone used it before?
spb finance
I am using spb finance and it works great........ The addition of new transactions is simple and the views are good, plus for me the convenience of having it sync with Quicken makes it a must have.
I use iambic Web Money
Whatever happend to Microsoft Money for PocketPC? I used to have it on my Cassiopeia. Actually, whatever happened to Quicken for PPC, I had that too… Strange, it seems that now that Windows Mobile is used more, there's less commercial software for it.
SPB Finance here
you can try my app : Money Lover (can easy search on market)
bookmark said:
you can try my app : Money Lover (can easy search on market)
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He was looking for WM application and yours is only for Android.
he was asking 3 years before

Athena Project 4.0 coming, but needs...

Hello all,
Everyone, including myself, is eagerly anticipating the release of ROM 4.0 for the Athena Project. I'm confident that everyone agrees that the project was an extreme success.
That said, we're recruiting for 4 new team members. We're calling 2 of the new additions "Spotters". We also need an expert designer who will be dedicated to graphics for the project and also an expert audio person dedicated to ring tones, special sounds, etc for the project.
While two of the titles and requirements for the new "positions" are obvious and require no explanation...I feel that the position of "Spotter" requires a bit of explanation to ensure we get the right fit.
What is a Spotter? According to the project's need, this is someone who knows the forum well, is resourceful, has time on their hands, is dedicated to the cause and has a good eye for useful utilities and programs to add to the ROM project.
Utilities should be freeware, lite on resources, enhance the device's functionality either by replacing existing apps/utilities or just provide a new way of doing "something".
Good examples are utilities that fit the description above are: WKTask, QuickMenu, TotalCommander, FTouchFlo and config, HTC Album, Flashlight, and so on.
Feel free to post your questions here.
Please note that not all submissions of art/audio/apps recommendations will be included. Remember, as always, no commercial apps/utils.
If you're interested in any of the positions mentioned above, please PM me and boinger66.
Core team members for Athena Project 4.0 goals:
ltxda: Team leader and tester.
boinger66: Expert tester, support and then some.
PK: Head cook.
Cmonex: Cook/Cracker/ExpertSupport.
Midget: Cook and core provider.
Olipro: Unlocker and ExpertSupport.
My suggestions
pmClean - I like it because you can schedule a reboot
Advanced Configuration Tools - looks interesting, haven't tried it on my Athena
The Wifi profiles and Wifi sharing programs here might be good additions too.
Thanks for all the teams hard work, I am looking forward to version 4
Goatmaster said:
My suggestions
pmClean - I like it because you can schedule a reboot
Advanced Configuration Tools - looks interesting, haven't tried it on my Athena
The Wifi profiles and Wifi sharing programs here might be good additions too.
Thanks for all the teams hard work, I am looking forward to version 4
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Thank you for your suggestion. Keep these coming!
Auto redial helpful when the number you are calling is busy configurable FREE using it on PK 3.0
RotateSE mapping to a hardware button FREE using it also on PK 3.0
SDAutoRun gives customziation to everybody!
I hope these will help
Free Tengo:
VGA keyboard that has an beautiful English Keyboard (QWERTY and T9)and Allows Chinese Characters input (VGA version from this link)
Free Chinese Font to enable correct display of websites containing chinese characters
Opera Mini 4 - better than the regular Opera Browser
SjPhone (VOIP client)
Netfront browser 3.5 (valid until May) - very fast browser.
Device Lock
USB Setting
Ringtone that you can hear but many others can't
Free Phone Profile
Of course, realVGA, wktask, TCPMP with FlashBundles and all the codecs, Total Commander.
Secondary Splash screen: If a person uses safe mode, there will be typically a bottom line which bumps the splash screen upward and distort it. So when designing the graphics, do not use the upper and lower portion of the secondary splash screen for any text. Instead, make it quite empty so that the bump would not distort it visually.
vjsxda said:
I hope these will help
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Thank you. Already in there.
It's a great one indeed!
Netfront browser 3.5 (valid until May) - very fast browser.
Advanced Configuration Tools new version
Enabled all Energy saving settings and got a little boost with AP3.0!
This tool is great and small and everything working. Perfect for Ext-ROM.
Netfront browser is really great, but not freeware.
Netfront releases trials of new demoversions, which run until a certain period. (May 2008)
They can't be activated after this period! The full version is another download.
Could you tell us exactly which graphics you need? (Splash, Background, WM-Player skin,...?), so maybe users can post their graphics here, and maybe we'll get a battle for the best ones.
Addition Recommendations
Evreyday I scout these forums and always find something new.Ive been handling PPC devices for years.
As for my recommendations ..
-Eten G500 FM Tuner (If FM Can Be Hacked Into It)
-FTouchFlo 1.4.1 w/ Schaps Config Tool
-SCLC++ (Slither Plans VGA Version Soon)
-S2U2 0.99c
-S2V 0.33
-Schaps Advanced Tools 2.2/1?
-BroadCom Stack (I Posted A Somewhat Working Version By Helmi In Athena Upgrade Forum While ago, Maybe Helmi can help fully port with simple tweaks)
-Gps Monitor
-Flashlite 2.1/3
-Flashplayer 7
-Storage Manager (Great For Microdrive, can even partition it)
-VOIP Fully Working with Config (This is more likely a request)
-WMStorage 1.8 or newer
WMWifiRouter 1.9.1
If you need links and or cabs feel free to PM me.Wanted to keep thread short so this is to me a brief list, I could be missing things .
I would suggst using the Esmertec Java framework rather than standard midi unless you opt for no midi preinstalled.
Ap 4.0 = 6.1 ??
ltxda: Team leader and tester.
boinger66: Expert tester, support and then some.
PK: Head cook.
Cmonex: Cook/Cracker/ExpertSupport.
Midget: Cook and core provider.
Olipro: Unlocker and ExpertSupport.[/QUOTE]
This new rom will be WM6.1 I guess.
Hi Guys
Can we get a cutoff date
else we will have to wait too long 4 the final product
Maybe we can create a forum with PK4 "approved" apps
Keep up the good work!
bharatrit said:
ltxda: Team leader and tester.
boinger66: Expert tester, support and then some.
PK: Head cook.
Cmonex: Cook/Cracker/ExpertSupport.
Midget: Cook and core provider.
Olipro: Unlocker and ExpertSupport.
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This new rom will be WM6.1 I guess.
Advantge X7510's ROM? Coming out just around the corner in March. May be not. The hardware is different.
But get the Opera 9.5 from the X7510 please.
I have used TouchFLo in the past, but have completely given it up for one reason: it destroyed the audio feedback or the touch screen sound effect. Fo me, sound is too important to be sacrificed.
I hope the touchflo in X7501 keeps the sound. If it does, we should get it from there.
eaglesteve said:
Advantge X7510's ROM? Coming out just around the corner in March. May be not. The hardware is different.
But get the Opera 9.5 from the X7510 please.
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Any info on the x7510? New one to me!!
wgary said:
Any info on the x7510? New one to me!!
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wgary said:
Any info on the x7510? New one to me!!
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Or http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=367704
Confucious said:
Or http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=367704
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Geez. My dyslexia kicked in, didn't notice that it wasn't 7501. This will finally fuel my lust for a new device. I've been happy for 9 months, which is actually 30 years in technology-years. But it doesn't look that much enhanced. I'm surprised.
yes 4.0 will be 6.1 eather build 19174 or 19188. these are the latest aku 1.0 builds(microsoft is playing games with build numbers, u have to have good microsoft sources to know whats new and old ) wont say anything about rest though.

windows office anything like it on the htc hero

hello, have just joined the forum and am looking to get the htc hero,currently i have a tytn 2. I use office sometimes and was wondering if the hero has anything like office on it or can be put onto it.
Quickoffice comes bundled with the Hero.
I think it would suit your needs.
elcom said:
Quickoffice comes bundled with the Hero.
I think it would suit your needs.
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Quickoffice is the answer
Yeah you can also get Docs To Go in the market but its pricey. Works really well tho and there are more options editting and formatting wise that can't be done on Quick Office. Android Docs To Go only does XL and Word.
Occassionally I'll need to quickly re-edit or tweak stuff and email stuff back to the publisher in Word format and Docs to Go lets me, but I don't think Quick office does, cos I cant save in different formats etc.
Daisy xx
You should bear in mind that DocsToGo currently doesn't want to download/install on the Hero from the Market.
Aww annoying - you can get it from Dataviz tho I think - worth a try if you desperately need it.
Hugs - Daisy xxx
Office on Hero
You could try androffice
another alternative should be available soon watch this http://android-unleashed.com/2009/07/citrix-brings-windows-applications-to-android-video.html they had microsoft word running
Screens are from the video
That's full Word running on a Citrix server, which is more suited to Corporate use as most "normal" users won't have their own Citrix server running to serve out apps! Regardless though, I seriously doubt how useful this will really be with the limited resolution of the current crop of Android based phones - it'll be far more useful for Android based netbooks.
QuickOffice Problem
HEllo everyone in my situation - paid app's from MArket not available.. but in QuickOffice are problem with Word document - there are table - and quick office do not show this .. it look's what all file not loaded .. and table is hown as black square with red cross
any suggestion how it can correct ?

mConvert - VGA - Attractive Mobile Unit Converter

After much demand for a VGA version, I finally got around to making this. I have tried to maintain the slick look of the WVGA app in this dwarfed version.
You can use mConvert to convert in the following categories:
This is a powerful converter app, able to rival many of the other converters on the market. And best of all? It's FREE!! Donations are however kindly accepted (on FreewarePocketPC site).
I have tried to make the UI as attractive as possible, as this makes or breaks an app in my opinion. Hope you like it.
I decided to make the app free as nobody likes paying for this stuff, including myself. The aim of mConvert was not only to make an effective converter for mobiles, but to also showcase the potential Windows Mobile has.
For the WVGA version, visit:
[System Requirements]
Windows Mobile (Tested on 6.5)
Windows .NET Framework 3.5
VGA Resolution Screen
Touch Screen
Check out the pics below and download.
Thanks! Much appreciated!
Very nice, thank you
b.t.w your link to wvga is wrong http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=668456 @ mo goes to an o2GRS thread didn't want to edit so just to let you know
stylez said:
Very nice, thank you
b.t.w your link to wvga is wrong http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=668456 @ mo goes to an o2GRS thread didn't want to edit so just to let you know
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Thanks, link problem solved
thank you for the app and the PM, will give it a try in a few and post any issues, if any back.
HTC Touch2 T3333
tried to install this program on HTC touch 2 - shows just half of the screen ( without ability to scroll) , no way to change any settings . Any fix?
Dny posibility to add new units?

[Q] QuickOffice on the Streak

I am in desperate need of a good efficient Microsoft compatible office program on my Streak. QuickOffice came preinstalled, but I cannot seem to upgrade to the full version (so it only reads pdfs). Also when I press the buy now button on their website, it pulls up marketplace and says it was not found. I have a support ticket open on their site, but so far no useful responses.
Is anyone else having this problem? Or can anyone recommend a program for reading word and excel (and maybe powerpoint)?
Another bizarre thing is that a developer (who I sent a message to saying the Streak does not display their app right) came back saying "due
to it's irregular screen size the graphics for the game don't quite fit". 800x480 is not irregular. Maybe the screen does have a higher resolution which is being scaled down like fards mentioned.
Company in Question: http://www.quickoffice.com/
Have you looked at documents to go?
Also I think the screen size is down to the dpi, they are using 160 dpi on the streak, don't think that's too common.
Well i had a good look around the tinternet for you and have to say there is not much out there office wise for the android
Like fards said documents to go is one but it says will not support office 2010 so from what i can see the one we have Quick office seems to be the best
Now i went to the marketplace found the quick office clicked buy now and it took me to the google checkout did you get that far ?
I reckon Quick Office, without copy & paste, is pretty redundant, that's a big & basic hole for a document editor, if it was the only option then I guess it'd still buy it and pray for an update!
Hi Fards, I'm about to purchase documents to go, I didn't know it existed for Android. I need it for creating and editing word and excel documents and then emailing them, do you use it, and are you happy with it for those basic tasks?
Thanks for the feedback. It just seems like QuickOffice is the best solution currently out.
For the time being I may go with Documents To Go, thanks for the suggestion fards
I cannot find it in the marketplace. Likewise, when I use my barcode reader from their website it says the app cannot be found. The same happens when I press the buy now button on the web page from my Android phone.
My Dell Streak is running Android 1.6 build 3562
Still no response from QuickOffice support.
Muo said:
I cannot find it in the marketplace. Likewise, when I use my barcode reader from their website it says the app cannot be found. The same happens when I press the buy now button on the web page from my Android phone.
My Dell Streak is running Android 1.6 build 3562
Still no response from QuickOffice support.
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Muo is it quickoffice that you cannot find,maybe because you are in the us and have a different build to me,
If you still want docs to go PM me and i will show you where to go if you know what i mean
If you still want docs to go PM me and i will show you where to go if you know what i mean
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I have a need for spreadsheet on the Streak and I compared the lite trial versions of both Documents To Go and QuickOffice. I decided that Documents To Go was much better.
Now that I have it I am blown away by its pdf capabilities whereby it word wraps the text so goodbye to terminable side to side scrolling. Amazing.
Having registered my intention to try it out, DataViz offered me the suite for $9.99 which is cheap enough so that I don’t need to compromise my ethics over it. You could say at that price it is a steal anyway - pun intended.
I use the paid for version of Docs to go and it really is good. I have used the word to go to amend work docs on the move and this week discovered the powerpoint viewer was very useful in outline mode as I could access all the notes straight from that view, which was helpful in my meeting as it also means less scrolling
Tbh I haven't used docs to go since my palm days many many years ago, but I was looking at it just before you posted The question.
I can't stand pirated software, especially when he developers work so hard and charge so little for their android stuff.
Sent from my Dell Streak using Tapatalk
Documents To Go
Guest69 said:
I reckon Quick Office, without copy & paste, is pretty redundant, that's a big & basic hole for a document editor, if it was the only option then I guess it'd still buy it and pray for an update!
Hi Fards, I'm about to purchase documents to go, I didn't know it existed for Android. I need it for creating and editing word and excel documents and then emailing them, do you use it, and are you happy with it for those basic tasks?
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I use it on my Nexus One often. I don't create, but edit. I am very happy with Documents To Go.
Pm me if you want officesuit. I know where to download it xxx.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
Although I am a software conterfitting whore for Windows, I do indeed support Android and their developers apps. Plus at such a minimal cost, it is entirely worth it.
Bad news though, I downloaded the Documents to Go shown in my markerplace and when I opened it to press 'buy key' it brings me to the search result for Documents to Go, but does not show the full version
Looks like a may be installing an illegal version after all... Or maybe after I root my phone to a newer build it will be resolved.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
Bad news though, I downloaded the Documents to Go shown in my markerplace and when I opened it to press 'buy key' it brings me to the search result for Documents to Go, but does not show the full version
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I bought it direct from the website using my full win7 computer. This was in response to an email from DataViz as follows:-
"Thank you for registering our Documents To Go 2.0 "Viewer" for your Android-based device. The free Viewer version allows you to view Microsoft Word and Excel files and attachments on your device.
We are excited to offer you a special price, direct from DataViz only, on our Documents To Go Full version upgrade. "
That mail contained a link and I followed my nose from there.
Maybe best to wait for DataViz to respond to your registration after you download and install the Viewer only version?
QuickOffice updated my support ticket saying they updated the installer and to look again.
Now fully functional, purchased the app with no problems
I got an offer email through today as well do bought it, much prefer the pdf reader to the adobe one. worth the 9.99 usd for that, the amount of emails I get with pdfs in..
I used quick office and docs to go on the iphone, docs to go was better. However all the features are not on the android version and I have found the quick office version better and functionality rich (although far from perfect). The main features that made it better was the google docs integration
Sent from my Dell Streak using Tapatalk
I use the purchased ver. of Doc.'s to go on my EVO and just purchased it again for my Streak. I use the PDF viewer a lot. One of the things you can do with the pdf viewer is go to a restaurant's web site, download their nutrition info.. Then next time you wonder how may fat calories the super sized Whopper has, you will have it at your finger tips. You can also make color coded pdf/excell doc's on a pc then email them to your streak. Open them with doc's to go and you are all set.
I discovered today that you can't open encrypted files in QuickOffice, but Docs to go (the full version at least) had no problem with it!
When I say 'encrypted' I use it in the sense that MS office uses it - you put a password on a file and save it.
samstables said:
I discovered today that you can't open encrypted files in QuickOffice, but Docs to go (the full version at least) had no problem with it!
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Ah very interesting information to know, thanks. Never tried it.
Quick office will not install
Hey guys. Like it says, I can't get it to install.
I'm running StreakDroid 1.9 and Steve has HD installed as a system app so I upgraded to the full version so I could create documents and it wouldn't install.
So I deleted it from /system/apps/ and bought QuickOffice Pro and couldn't get it to install either....
any ideas?
I've wiped the cache and dalvik cache just in case and that didn't help either

