Dead T-Mobile XDA - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Hello: I need urgent help (I hope that this message follows
All of a sudden, my T-Mobile XDA dropped dead. Here are the symptoms:
a) The unit will not power on unless it is plugged into AC power (even though it was fully charged just before it died).
b) When plugged in, it will freeze at the "Welcome to T-Mobile" screen. I have the trial WM2003, so it also says "Test only not for sale" as usual.
c) In this welcome screen, it only shows the ROM Version (4.00.10). The "G" and "R" fields are empty.
d) I cannot soft reset or hard reset the unit; it will not respond.
e) This unit has the PPCTechs 64 MB Ram upgrade on it since over a year (I don't think this has anything to do with it but I mention it just to complete the specs of this unit).
Any clues from you gurus out there are appreciated.
Thanks in advance,

A brief update: the unit "resuscitated" for a couple of minutes and went through the typical "after a hard reset" motions.
I tried to use the phone (pressing the green button) and it the phone screen wouldn't pop up. I decided to look at the device information under settings.
It seems the unit has the ROM (4.00.10) but it shows no radio settings.
All of this happened within 2-3 minutes. Then the device died again. I am looking at it right now: the welcome to T-Mobile screen, showing the 4.00.10 ROm version, with the "G" and "R" fields empty.
Does this add any clue to the puzzle?
Thanks again.


My XDA has stopped turning on after a day :-(

I bought my xda in working condition a few days ago from somebody I know. It's a month old, and worked fine for a day. I left it on while I went out and when I got back it was off. I assumed the batteries were dead and placed it in the charger.
When I got back, it was still dead. It wouldn't turn on. I have not tried to flash or tamper with my device in any way...
Here's what i've discovered so far:
- Soft and hard resets do nothing.
- When in the cradle, the charge lights do not come on.
- Bootlogger works, so the screen is alright and there is power to the device.
- I don't quite understand the stylus in the sim card issue, and how it damages the device. Since it's been broken, I have put the stylus in and pressed down the switch (I was told to and even the woman in the O2 shop did it when i took it in! lol). But as far as I can tell the reason you're not meant to is because you can break the switch - however the phone will only go into bootlogger mode with the switch depressed (the sim card door closed) so I assume that means I haven't broken the switch in any way. Also, I didn't touch the switch before this trouble started.
- I can connect with my device via activesync and browse the windows folder, etc.
So as far as I can tell - it isn't the sim card slot switch, it isn't the screen, it isn't the cradle, it isn't the battery, and there is no problem as far as connecting with my computer.
But my device still won't turn on when I press the on/off switch and hard and soft resets have no effect.
Please help me/give me suggestions/tell me if it's truly french connectioned so i can go batter the guy I got it from for my money.
This phone cost me 2 months wages and I waited forever and drove 600 miles to get it. And it stopped working after a day. It's proper depressing lol.
Oh alos, if the phone is fc'd, will the factory be able to repair it for me if I pay (i'm not sure I have the receipt for guarantee). If anyone knows, thanks.
Thanks a lot in advance;
i don't understand how you can browse the windows folder via active sync if you cannot turn it on.
have you tried a different sim card. ie was your 'friend' using it on o2 or something different.
the switch beside the sim card slot is a detector ie if the door is open - no power if the door is closed - power. possibly if the switch is broken - no power.
as to a factory repair - pass. it depends on the damage.
cheers - but the switch doesn't seem to be broken - because i can boot into bootlogger mode with the door shut, but not with it open. which suggests to me that the switch is alive and well. i've no idea what's wrong with it. gonna have to be a factory repair unless flashing the rom from bootlogger mode might help... that's the only thing i can see might be wrong with it.
There's no sim card in it, i haven't bought one for it yet. I don't know what network he used it on, but the phone came from europe.
I can browse the folder via activesync on my pc - when i go into the connect mode on bootlogger.
mr_mat_cool said:
There's no sim card in it, i haven't bought one for it yet. I don't know what network he used it on, but the phone came from europe.MaT.
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this is the answer to your problem, no sim card no power, if the 'phone is unblocked then any will do if not try any anyway, you never know.
phone always worked before without a sim card. i'll try it though, thanks.
no mate, still not working with a sim card - the phone is unlocked..
:-( thanks anyway;
What is being displayed on the screen during your resets soft or hard (details please)?
You say the bootloader is working, Right! So do us a favor and check your GSM and report what it says.
To get to the GSM settings "while in bootloader mode" just press the Calender button.
Looking forward to your reply,
sorry, i'm slightly technically challenged, but i'm getting there.
if i take the device from its cradle and perform a soft reset, the green and red hang up/answer lights come on together for a few seconds and then go off. nothing else happens and i cannot turn on the device. if i try to, nothing happens at all.
If I perform a hard reset, aboslutely nothing at all happens except that I have to put the device back into its cradle and take it out again if i want to do a soft reset. If i do a soft reset straight after a hard reset, it does nothing (the lights don't even come on).
if i load bootloader, it says "GSM ERROR" where it says "GSM OK". I assume this is because I have no sim card in my device.
Well, i'm finding out things as I write -it seems to behave differently every time. I put it in bootloader mode to find out my gsm settings, and placed it in the cradle whilst it was loading... and it said "GSM OK". I soft resetted, the lights came on for a couple seconds and i'm back to where i started.
Confused!! Thanks for all your help though
note: for some reason, after taking the device from its cradle or placing it in, after a period of about a minute, the device chimes. i've no idea why or what it's trying to tell me. (the red and green hang up/call lights also come on for a second when this happens)
alright, update...
if i go into bootloader mode, and at the screen where it says "wait" i put the device into the cradle, and take it straight out again, the device says "GSM OK" (maybe it confuses it.)
Otherwise, the device says "GSM ERROR".
i managed to get onto the flash menu, and copy "BOOT TO SD", and then i went into bootloader mode and downloaded it from the sd card and it said succesful, cold reset to complete...
my device is now in the cradle, the buttons are doing nothing when pressed and the call.hangup lights are permanently on.
if i press the calendar button, a menu comes up saying...
===GSM OFF===
GSM 900
GSM 1900
GSM 900 / 1800
this is really confusing me. i think i need to take this thing to O2.
yes? no?
thanks again;
"GSM Error" seems to indicate there's something trashed with your radio stack. I had this same problem this week with a failed update to the T-Mobile 6.24 radio stack. Even with no SIM card inserted, you should still get "GSM OK". The only time I saw "GSM ERROR" was while the radio stack was hosed.
Try this: First, take out your SIM card, and in the menu you describe above, choose TURN GSM OFF. Then, reflash the ROM via the SD/bootloader method (look for the thread in the ROM Updates forum for help). I recommend the 4.00.05 ROM (Windows Mobile 2003 from 02). Once that's done, you need to get it to boot into the OS. With a corrupt radio stack, this can take 15-20 minutes or more. Do a soft reset, then let it sit for at least 30 minutes or so, and see if it boots into the OS.
Once you are in the OS, you should be able to connect via activesync, and re-flash your radio stack. I don't know what carrier you're on, but I'd suggest getting the latest radio stack update for your carrier's network, and not using a radio stack for another network.
It's a long shot, but I think if you can successfully re-flash your radio stack, you might be back in business.
Good luck!
you are god mate :wink: .
First thing i'm gonna try is squaling like a girl for somebody else (O2 or an independant company) to fix it for me. Failing that, i'll try your method and anything else anybody suggests... Failing that i'll tell people it's some kind of space age weapon and hold up a bank for the money for a new one :lol:
here's what technical support said:
"It doesn't sound like anything I've come across before in the past. What I would suggest is for you to call the XDA warranty line anyway on the off chance that they can give you some advice."
Thanks a lot;
NEWSFLASH! Took my phone from the cradle, put it back in and the orange charger light came on... This is weird as i've done nothing to it. It seems to be recovering bit by bit as if it got wet and is drying out or something... but it didn't get wet. I hope this helps somebody, someone else must be having the same problem. I read about one other guy who's phone has gone tits up, and even though his problem is different from mine, it seemed to be caused by the same thing - just leaving the phone on until the batteries died.
aaaannnndd it's gone again. no charging light. it's weird, like my phone just decided it didn't wanna work for me any more and stopped.
i'll take it to get it repaired, see what they say. if not, it'll make a nice paperweight or maybe i can flog it to some blind kid

i really need help :( a n00b here but really need help
ok...i tried upgrading my SX56 to 2003 thru siemens website. I followed directions like it told me. I put the phone in its cradle, didnt pick up any calls (nor did i recieve any calls), and then got stuck at 10% for like 30mins - 1 hour. so i was like, umm ok. it froze?
i then took it off the cradle and did a soft reset hoping it would fix the problem....but yet, i was doesnt show anything. so i proceed to make a Hard-Reset. now its totally screwed.
is my device gone for good?
well, i then reinstalled my ROM using the Program i found here at this site. I used the SD-Card method. I put the files in my card, insert it into the device, and held down the power button while performing a soft reset. This is where i got to the FLASHING screen where i think its copying the files to my phone? well, after this was finished, it told me to make a COLD reset. i assumed it meant soft reset, so i did.
now, here the window screen shows
all it is showing is
that's it? and it stays like that. can sumone help me plz
I got the same problem. Check my posts, I'll check yours. It sucks not having the P/PC and only the bootloader. I still have not fixed my phone and my day of optimism is comming to an end. My fear of having a dead phone is slowly creeping up. Anyway, good luck with your problem. Val.
A cold reset means you unscrew the top of your stylus and insert it into the tiny hole on the bottom right of your xda, the one with the red mark on, press once which will disconnect battery power, leave for one minute, press again will switch it back on. This always needs to be carried out following rom upgrade.

[Q] Help please !! frozen at "stick together screen"

Hi all, 1st off, this forum is amazing. Please provide your input.
My device: HTC HD2 from Tmobile STOCK, out of the box, no mod has been done.
Problem: frozen at "stick together" screen for unknown time
Situation: the phone was used for 2-3 weeks, then sat in the box for approx 6 month.
Attempts: during all my attempts i didn't have the SIM CARD installed.
1/i tired to do factory reset, the 1234 then pressed yes -> frozen at sticktogether screen. took out the battery. then
2/Called Tmobile help support, we did hard reset by holding the volup and voldown plus power button, after I got to the animated screen.....stuck at "stick together"
3/Tmobile tech told me to take out the battery again, take out the micro sd card, and start the phone normally ....guess what ? stuck at stick together screen !!!! at this point, i was like **** should have not given away my iphone4
4/ while being stuck, the tech guy told me to use a pinpoint pen to activate the little yellow button next to microsd card, the device kinda turn off, then again ...stick together appeared. I thought to myself, i should have stuck with my Iphone4.
turning point: So, anyway, took out the battery, then turn on the phone normally, of course stuck at stick together...then let it sit for about > 3 hrs while watching "RED" from redbox...haha i came back, the phone logged in , kinda like the fresh start from out-of-the-box setting. I went through the initial tutorial, and all that good stuff. Seem to be functional. I turned the phone off, then do the vol down, and power button to check SPL version, mine is 2.4.1000000 or sumthing like. then it stuck at the tri color screen. took out the battery, then started the phone ...GUESS what ? stuck at stick together again.....I feel miserable.
I have two option,
1/ is to send the device back to tmobile and have them replace it.
2/ writing this thread and hopefully someone knows what's going on !!!

Phone stuck in bootloop

Good day everyone,
My problem started a month and a half ago, but in a different form. The battery of my Motorola Razr (Non-US) went too low, and it only showed the bright white light whenever I tried to charge it. This is an error code that means that the battery ran so low that it is now in a protective mode that you can only get it out with higher amounts of amperage, using a cable that I don't have myself. I returned it to the store, they sent it to the motorola factory, and I got it back yesterday. Now, it might be important for me to note that I live in the Netherlands; the nearest Motorola factory was the one in Germany. It took a solid 5 weeks for me to get my phone back.
Right, so today/yesterday I tried to turn on my phone, excited to have it back after such a long time. It got stuck in a bootloop. All it does is show the red/white M, with dual core below it. This is the first screen you normally see when you boot the phone. After a second or 5, the screen goes black, only to be replaced by the red/white M, this time without the dual core text. After a while ripples start to show around the M, but without vibrations. The menu buttons also do not light up. Normally the same happens, but it vibrates rather violently and the menu buttons do light it; it means that the phone is booting the firmware.
The phone keeps this up for a few minutes, after which it starts all over again, from the red/white M with the dual core text. It does does indefinitely, until the battery runs out. It doesn't shut down in between, so this takes quite a while. I tried forcing it to reboot with the volume down + power button (which is a hardware reboot), but that just makes the cycle start over again. Very, very rarely (usually after looping for about an hour), the phone DOES go on. However, it soon crashes again, being on between 10 seconds and 5 minutes.
Now here is what I think happened. Before I sent the phone to the factory, I was running an old version of android, still in Gingerbread. I don't know exactly what firmware it used, but it was rather old, maybe half a year at least. However, now that I have it back, I appear to have been updated to ICS 4.0.4. The firmware running on the phone is also new (obviously), version 672.180.41.XT910.NonEFIGSRetail.en.EU (EU for Europe obviously, and NonEFIGS for non English, French, Italian, German and Spanish) as I live in the Netherlands. Now what I figure has happened is that the factory tried to flash my phone to the new firmware after they had fixed the issue, and the update didn't take.
Now, I could obviously return the phone to the store again and have them repair it, but that will take another month. Also, the store is very disappointing to say the least; they will not give me a replacement phone in the meantime, which is very bothersome. So I'd rather try and solve the problem myself.
However, I don't know how to flash 672.180.41.XT910.NonEFIGSRetail.en.EU again. All the instructions or guides that I have found so far only refer to the American version of the phone, or require me to be able to access the phone (turn it on). I can however access the boot menu with volume + volume - power held together, which lets me access the AP Fastboot menu.
Could anyone give me instructions what to do from there? I already did a factory reset, which did nothing to fix the situation.
I did find this link
But I'm not sure how to proceed with that.
Note: If I'm on the wrong path with trying to fix it all, please do say so! By no means do I want to screw up the situation any further, as I could still have it repaired for free, it just takes a long time and I'd rather not.
Note2: If I am missing any crucial info, please let me know too!
Edit/Delete Message
Alright, so maybe I should modify the title.. I tried using the method in
But I'm afraid that only made the situation worse. My phone now automatically boots into AP Fastboot, giving the message that the flash has failed.
Now I understand that I should be able to just re-flash it, but I would be very thankful if someone could point me to the right files/procedure, as almost everything I can find is for the US version, and I'd rather keep the EU version with my language pack and all.
Thanks in advance
Resolved Bootloop problem
Hi Dazm;
I had the exactly the same problem and i resolved it yesterday. You need to flash a custom ROM for in order for it to work again, but you battery is to low to do this e.g. if you hold both volume+ - down and keep power button for 10sec and go to fastboot ap, it would indicate this.
So what i did was the extreme lol, i created my own factory cable, I bought a usb data cable cut of the one end (micro usb) stripped the red and black coded wires, removed the back cover of the Motorola Razr XT910, and you will notice at the bottom corner of the phone is a positive + negative - with screws. I connected the red wire to the positive + and the black wire to the negative - and the other end of the usb to my computer. This will charge for 1 hour 15min, once this is done, you will need to download RSD lite 5.7 and install on pc, download stock ROM and flash the ROM with RSD lite and there you go. Mine work 100%, sorry if im not to clear, was in a rush.
arendshp said:
Hi Dazm;
I had the exactly the same problem and i resolved it yesterday. You need to flash a custom ROM for in order for it to work again, but you battery is to low to do this e.g. if you hold both volume+ - down and keep power button for 10sec and go to fastboot ap, it would indicate this.
So what i did was the extreme lol, i created my own factory cable, I bought a usb data cable cut of the one end (micro usb) stripped the red and black coded wires, removed the back cover of the Motorola Razr XT910, and you will notice at the bottom corner of the phone is a positive + negative - with screws. I connected the red wire to the positive + and the black wire to the negative - and the other end of the usb to my computer. This will charge for 1 hour 15min, once this is done, you will need to download RSD lite 5.7 and install on pc, download stock ROM and flash the ROM with RSD lite and there you go. Mine work 100%, sorry if im not to clear, was in a rush.
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Thanks for the reply! I'm not sure this is the issue though, I can still charge my phone (It's at 100% now), and it says Battery OK in the fastboot menu. However, exactly which custom ROM I need to flash is the main part of my problem, I think.
Interesting, I'm going to have to keep my eye on this thread.
I am experiencing the same thing, after an OTA update to 672.180.41.XT910.Retail.en.FR from GB. I also experiencing a rebooting loop with the occasional boot that last about 5 minutes. Clueless about what to do at this time. Maybe flashing with a fastboot file found here.
Hopefully you can resolve your problem and help me solve mine in the process. Unlike you, it's improbable at this time to have my phone service by Motorola; Moto US won't touch because it has French software, Moto FR would fix the phone (after I cover the service and postage) but will not sent it back to me because I have an American address.

[Q] phone will not start up

I got the lumia from a friend, it was working flawlesly under his account,
I went and did a full clean up for the phone through the menus.
the microsoft "wheels" started spinning for a while, it didn't seem to end, I must have pushed the power button assuming
it will just power up again.
well, it does not,
I tried soft and hard reset but the outcome is withe a NOKIA logo centered in the screen it stays there foreever (I gave it a good 15 minutes to try to see if its doing anything),
on another occation it now shows a lightning sign (no nokia sign) with a smaller "wheel" near by. again stays for good 15 minutes and nothing happens.
its now connected to the power, but I have no idea how to try to proceed.
frustrating, all I did is a clean up and the phone won't boot..
ANY help mostly appreciated,
tzurs said:
I got the lumia from a friend, it was working flawlesly under his account,
I went and did a full clean up for the phone through the menus.
the microsoft "wheels" started spinning for a while, it didn't seem to end, I must have pushed the power button assuming
it will just power up again.
well, it does not,
I tried soft and hard reset but the outcome is withe a NOKIA logo centered in the screen it stays there foreever (I gave it a good 15 minutes to try to see if its doing anything),
on another occation it now shows a lightning sign (no nokia sign) with a smaller "wheel" near by. again stays for good 15 minutes and nothing happens.
its now connected to the power, but I have no idea how to try to proceed.
frustrating, all I did is a clean up and the phone won't boot..
ANY help mostly appreciated,
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I am in the same boat after trying to flash an Australian ROM onto my Rogers Lumia 920. If you don't live in North America you should be able to download Nokia Care Suite and use the Product Support Tool for Store to refurbish or recover the phone. If you live in North America then you will need to wait for a North American ROM to be available. Hopefully soon! Now that the phone is officially released by AT&T I have been checking, almost every hour, for the ROMs. Still nothing. Hopefully with Rogers official release on Monday we will see something.
I'm struggling to understand why would a "factory" out of the box phone will fail to boot.
I have not flashed or rommed anything,
I'm sure I'm doing something wrong because its not logical,
any other suggestions?
Is it charged?
Well, hard to tell,
The situation is that it stays pretty much put on the NOKIA logo in the center of the screen.
Sometimes, with some key sequence I'm yet to "nail" I can get it into a mode where it briefly shows an image of a battery with some red, and an image of an
electric outlet (not sure if it says "connect me" or "I'm connected") but this shows for 4 times (each time disappears) and then the phone goes back to black
then the NOKIA logo in the center.
I've connected it to various computers, charges etc. nothing seem to make an impression on this crazy issue.
hints very welcome,
A short update, and not a very cheerful one,
I handed it here to a local mobile tech shop to try fix it, the guy worked on it (not opening just trying to charge it etc) and
came back to me saying that their (hidden technition forums I guess) forums say it will take a month until they fully understannd how to fix
these devices,

