XDA Screen Rotation... - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

I've been wondering about this a little...
And I dont know how many friends have asked me about using IE in landscape mode rather than the one provided...
soooooo while I was browsing the world wide wibbler I've came accross this little thread (more concerning the XDAII and emulation)
but it also gives links to utils that let you rotate any application...
hope its of use to someone


IE6 displaying bunched to the left

I'm sure someone knows the answer. I've been searching the threads for several weeks now, hoping that I could find the answer myself. I even used...<gulp> Google to attempt to narrow down the parameters. REad the Wiki, read the moderators warnings about search...even used CTRL F in threads to attempt to find strings....I am a failure.
So now I am willing to take the Noob flame for not being able to find, what everyone else must already know...
Using various ROMs....PRoven, DA-G, NAFT, RRE, RSW and now Energy, when I display MSN Mobile home page, it is aligned to the left....all content within an inch on the left. No other page does this...nor does any other site do this.
Occassionally the page will display correctly....usually when I flash back to an older ROM. This seems to indicate that I have totally missed the post about a settings change in the newer ROMs. Can someone point me to the fix for this....I am allowing a certain amount of flame for this answer....
IE6 does that on some pages, download diamond tweak and dissable ie 6 your phone will then use the older internet explorer and it will display properly. there is also a registry edit to do this also somewhere in the forum
found it

R6.1 MiCHy + RealVGA

O have my Athena for just a couple of weeks now and I am using MiCHy R6.1 ROM. I like it so far and everything works, but one thing annoys me:
With 196dpi (default), the phone skin is OK. But everything else is so big on my screen. I come from the Universal and I just want to make more profit out of the huge screen of the Athena.
At 96dpi, or 128dpi (which I like more), however, the phone skin is not working correctly. I tried checking and unchecking the "Disable Phone Skin" option in RealVGA, but the truth is, that none seems to work.
I am using the device always in landscape mode. What happens is that dialing a number, it seems to be displayed above the screen...
The only workarounds I have found is to either search the contact in Contacts or switching to 196dpi, which obviously is not a reasonable solution.
I have searched the forum and did not find any usable clue, apart from a tool for WM5 to fix the phone skin, but it did not work.
Any ideas or did I overlook the relevant thread?
I think, all your problems can be fixed with this wonderful program.
-REMOVED WAREZ VERSION-- (final warning)
It works well in all dpi modes.
WBR, Draco.
The link is dead.
Please repost or advise what the software is.
The software mentioned above is "Phone Extension" A phone software replacement as well as a minimal Com manager (enough for most of us).
It is themable, and there's many screenshots in the screenshot section.
The official web page for this product :
I've been using this software and it is a nice app. It fits perfectly with Rea VGA. And more importantly, the price is really reasonable.
Thank you for pointing out this application!

Zoom doesn't work on Hero Browser

Hi All,
I've been searching the whole forums and looks like everyone else got no problem except mine.
I can't use multi-touch or double tap to either zoom in or out on Hero browser. When I use two fingers to squeeze in, the brower was squeezed in. But, it'll back to normal when I released.
The font size is too small. I changed text size in properties but, it doesn't change apparently. Even after refresh the page.... it's still the super small font.
It doesn't have zoom functions in properties either.
Should I send my Hero to service center after 2 days of use.
I live in singapore and just bought it 2 days ago. I've been logging into this forum for so many times to find answer about android.
Really thinking of exchanging with HTC Diamond 2.
I was Omnia user previously and Hero doesn't turn out to be the way I want.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks all.
Are you on a mobile website?
I have found the infos by watching one youtube clip. I used to surf only mobile webs and it can't be zoomed. Thus, I tried to surf destop version of Yahoo! and boom it can zoom by multi-touch.
But, it's really small font to see for mobile websites. Text size in properties doesn't change the view either.
To JBNAquatics: If you don't want to help, just skip my post. Your msg helps no one.
first of all daniel.winn.android don't be rude cause what you said about JBNAquatics is plain rude! second mobile website are just the mobile versions of the website for example if you go to urbandictionary on your phone and look at the url when viewing it in your hero you'll see www.urbandictionary.com/iphone << that is the mobile version that has been optimized to be view on mobile phone and you can't multi touch it, to stop viewing websites in there mobile versions youu'll need to do this
open the browser/menu/more/setting/ untick mobile view
To JBNAquatics: So sorry. I misinterpret your msg. Yeah, I was on mobile site. I thought you were trying to insult me as if I was saying sth wrong on my first post. After kalairn posted, then, I realised what you were trying to ask.
Thank you, kalairn.
What I was trying to say is that in Omina, I can still zoom in and out even when I view mobile version sites. But, Hero lacks in it.
But, anyway, I think I have to bear with this small font in Hero as long as I'm using it.
hmmmm text size hmmmm, well to increase the text size you'll need to do this
open the browser/menu/more/setting/ scroll down to text size
Hopefully this will make it more comfortable for you
Just check, in your post you said 'Squeezed in', in the hero this is zooming out (move your fingers closer together). to zoom in move your fingers away from each other.
I know you might flame me for that but just checking.
barryallott said:
Just check, in your post you said 'Squeezed in', in the hero this is zooming out (move your fingers closer together). to zoom in move your fingers away from each other.
I know you might flame me for that but just checking.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That is actually a good point to make since it does fit the description but I highly doubt Daniel does not know the difference.
barryallott said:
Just check, in your post you said 'Squeezed in', in the hero this is zooming out (move your fingers closer together). to zoom in move your fingers away from each other.
I know you might flame me for that but just checking.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yeah... That was what I was trying to say... Just don't know how to put this in words...
Sorry for my poor english...
kalairn said:
hmmmm text size hmmmm, well to increase the text size you'll need to do this
open the browser/menu/more/setting/ scroll down to text size
Hopefully this will make it more comfortable for you
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Okie... I played around and found out another thing.
For mobile site, there isn't anyway to change text size since it's already optimized for mobile.
The test size does make difference only on desktop version sites.
Thanks all... I think I need to play with my Hero for another 1 or 2 weeks to know better how it works.

UPDATED dec.20,09 Freeware for windows mobile WVGA and 3G only mobile TV ,games,etc

The 1st is a TV app called the channeler which you can watch free TV with over hundred station and many languages.
The 2nd is a game called chipperx , a freeware game I found with 4 levels. Its a run and jump type game which is really fun , plus a very responsive on arcade screenpad check out the photos . If what I posted here you already have let me know , I try to find newer items.
does it work on o2? for the channeler?
downloaded it to my wing doesnt play says something about broadband width
Ok sorry i forgot to mention that the channeler works better over wifi or 3G . I have touchpro2 which is a 3G cellphone.
Ok here some more downloads for WVGA with 3G devices
HTC clean ram---clear running memory on your phone great app
VWD-- download videos and short movies for free ...and porn lol!!
Cabxpress--this is a super app , this lets you go thru a long list of games and apps cab. style. Instead of going to sites that have exe. this put you were you only download cab items.
Some website with cool stuff!!
deleted saving space
Not to break the initiative or anything, but you've made four posts in this topic, containing nothing that's not yet on xda-developers. The applications you mention all have their own topics, except for chipperX, which if I recall correctly, you've opened a topic for yesterday, asking for opinions on the on-screen gamepad?
Ok hello welcome to the thread tomasz. To answer your question is very simple. Iam new to this , so what I have done was download some games and apps and tested them out. After I tested them out I will put here what works. This way a thread could be made with already tested downloads , not just downloads that might not work. And no the chipperx game download is only here.
Pocket pc pong 480x800
This is a simple game just for fun . Shoot the ball to the top beat the opposing paddle. Little pac-man type charactors pop-up after you score , hit him and your score jumps high. I thought the game was fun but easy at the same time
ok you have anything to add
tomasz said:
Not to break the initiative or anything, but you've made four posts in this topic, containing nothing that's not yet on xda-developers. The applications you mention all have their own topics, except for chipperX, which if I recall correctly, you've opened a topic for yesterday, asking for opinions on the on-screen gamepad?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Well I never posted this game online but in this thread,check it before you accuse.
So do you have anything new to add?
tomasz said:
Not to break the initiative or anything, but you've made four posts in this topic, containing nothing that's not yet on xda-developers. The applications you mention all have their own topics, except for chipperX, which if I recall correctly, you've opened a topic for yesterday, asking for opinions on the on-screen gamepad?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
-> My Words!
You shouldnt make always new posts, edit your old ones!
Just make a list of good freeware with links, otherwise its impossible to find usefull software fast in your thread.
Take this as an example, it might help you to get a sence for the existence of this the threath.
(sorry if I said it too rough, but i dont want to search for the right english words.)
thanks i misplaced my cabxpress when i flashed new and ram cleaner happens to be elusive right now. as far as the downloader.... bonus =-)

Gilrs Gallery =] (800*480px) [rar pack ~45Mb]

Hi All DS5 users
I've just finished making of a few wallpapers - about "girls" =] <no porn!> and decided to share with u.
All pix are landscape [i prefer using my DS5 as a teblet "mode"] Cutted to Size: 800x480 px,
So if u r using an app like "MultiPicture Live Wallpaper" (my favorite one) they'll look wonderfull - and could change automatic/random in time. (eg. from one folder form sd)
Above app want cut/shrink/ext. your bg image - it will display it as it shoud (but - there are so many options...)
I hope u'll enjoy it =D
Greets !
The file is rar packed, and need pass to unlock it,
use: xda
Explain to me just why password protection would be needed when you've given the password in your post?
Simple, this file is exclusively for XDA (DS5) users...
Its "protected" from "others" =)
Except anyone can see the link, so it does not matter if the file is password protected. XDA removed the requirement that people register to see links quite some time ago.
Question: did you limit your work to simply resizing and cropping images you found on 4walled.cc?
I have impression that you're not nice.
You dont need to download this file - no one tells you so...
I think, that your comments are too superfluous - are generating unnecessary forum traffic.
Probably, you are not understand policy of goodwill, because I have made this file with such intention, and "YES" cropping each picture to a certain size. [only source is different]
If you have nothing nice to say then I suggest you steer clear.
I must not explain you the problem of password, it is just as it is and apparently have to be so.
Sadly, I was being nice in trying to let you know that password protecting your archive was a useless gesture for the reason stated (XDA removing the requirement to register to see links). I also wanted to know whether you had done the work yourself or simply cropped existing images that you found for a reason: some of them were badly done and one of them actually shows parts of the female anatomy that I suspect you didn't want shown.
Instead I get nothing but whining from you because I pointed out that everyone can see the links whether they own a Dell Streak or not, and asked you whether you did the work yourself or simply cropped images. You have my sympathy since you seem unable to handle legitimate criticism and questions. I would recommend that you remove your link and host it somewhere that does require registration to see images. Android Central or MoDaCo might be a good bet.
Have a nice day.
I think it's cool he made the wallpaper/s, I think it's cool he posted them here for others to download, he likes the fact there's a password involved and there can be no doubt that he is aware anyone can access the password
I don't think it's cool I came in to see what he's posted and find unnecessary drama
Spoken by someone who revived a nearly three-week old dead thread.
Yep, 3 weeks

