IE6 displaying bunched to the left - Touch Pro, Fuze ROM Development

I'm sure someone knows the answer. I've been searching the threads for several weeks now, hoping that I could find the answer myself. I even used...<gulp> Google to attempt to narrow down the parameters. REad the Wiki, read the moderators warnings about search...even used CTRL F in threads to attempt to find strings....I am a failure.
So now I am willing to take the Noob flame for not being able to find, what everyone else must already know...
Using various ROMs....PRoven, DA-G, NAFT, RRE, RSW and now Energy, when I display MSN Mobile home page, it is aligned to the left....all content within an inch on the left. No other page does this...nor does any other site do this.
Occassionally the page will display correctly....usually when I flash back to an older ROM. This seems to indicate that I have totally missed the post about a settings change in the newer ROMs. Can someone point me to the fix for this....I am allowing a certain amount of flame for this answer....

IE6 does that on some pages, download diamond tweak and dissable ie 6 your phone will then use the older internet explorer and it will display properly. there is also a registry edit to do this also somewhere in the forum
found it


Help to enable ir beam for file transfer.

Newby question from someone just statring off and not brave enough to enter into registry land....yet.
I have the HTC Hermes (SPV M3100) which has been upgraded to WM6.1 Rom version TNT. 19199 and have found like may others that although i can send files via bluetooth i cannot receive any. due to the donor machine being unable to establish a connection.
I have searched countless forums and discovered that the problem lies with the installed upgrade which would appear to have had a slight error/ommission with the irda/comm manager settings. I have found over 10 similar threads on the same subject, all of which remain unresolved.
A similar problem on a HTC Prophet was answered with a registry fix titled "IRDA fix" however as i'm not ready to dive inside my machines workings just yet.... does anyone have the fix in CAB format.
Im sure that if posted the cab fix would make a lot of people a little happier.
Did as told to do and searched a bit more....
Found the answer here.
It was a fault highlighted in the initail build of
TNT.19199 Series UC (Vanilla/Official/Professional)HighQuality.
and as instructed i installed Dr Yar Bluetooth app and all is well.
Ill post this in the other threads i found and see if it makes people happy.

Help, program for wm6, dont know how to explain SOLVED PDMProject

As per the subject. i tried using searches but nothng worked, so here's the question in full.
There is this program that comes with a lot of the roms now a days, it lets you download other software like a 'nix repository. I dont know the name and i dont know how to search the forums for it. but im sure someone knows what it is, the icon has an arrow on it i think and a globe maybe and it connects to a server to get a list of apps for wm etc. any help would b appreciated.
update PDMProject, i remembered i got an email from them with an activation key. few thousand emails later found the app.

Noob alert, issue with eclipse drag and drop

I know this is the wrong section but I dont have enough posts to get into the right section , and I cant make 10 posts without creating spam, as a webmaster I know how much spam sucks and users saying "cool post, kthxbai" 10 times.
I'm brand new to android development, I just got eclipse set up and working. When I try to drag and drop any buttons to the emulated screen, the orange lines prevent me from dropping and buttons or elements. I have no idea why the lines are there because I used to be able to drag and drop just fine.
here is an image of my screen, apparently I need 8 posts to have a picture link
How do I get rid of these orange lines, and what do they mean?
I very much appreciate any help I can get and I greatly appreciate you for your time. Thank you

Common questions thread.

Im comming from another manufacturer so im not familjar with sammy and their phones. Im making this thread for those who have any questions on some how to things in hopes some people can answer.
How do you change the order of your bookmarks and actually have them save the way tou like them. Everytime i click save it reverts back to factory way.
Also is there a way to share a photo while being on the web without downloading the pic first.
When on the internet, do i have to scroll all the way up to the top of the page to see the www bar?
Is there a way to set all default dialing numbers to mobile?
It also seems like such a long process to search for someone in the phone tab and then to actually call them. Im use to sense, the process was much shorter and simpler.

[Q] WM 6.5 Connection Status Icons

Could anyone please point me to a comprehensive explanation of what individual connection status icons mean? I am talking about the G, E, etc. at the top of the screen.
I know that G stands for GSM, E for EDGE, and so on but what perplexes me is the fact that sometimes these icons are painted in solid white while other times they are sort of greyed out. What does this greying out mean? Is it that the device is reconnecting to a different cell tower at the moment? Or that no data link is currently available? Or something else altogether? It started happening recently after I changed service provider.
I would very much like to know what's going on. Please advise -- this ignorance is killing me... :-/
your assumption would be correct.
solid white shows available service, grey is limited service or unavailable.
Mister B,
Thank you for the clarification. Still, could you please be more specific as to what exactly those limitations might be?
Or better yet, could you please provide a link to a thorough explanation of all the connection status icons? That would be fantastic. I was trying to find any such document on the internet but -- unfortunately -- without success. I only found manuals to various HTC phones listing some of the solid white icons. The greyed-out ones weren't even mentioned there.
Yes I can't find solid mention of it in manuals.
an MSDN thread on this is no longer active as redirects to Windows Phone support.
seen it on several windows mobile devices going back as far as WM2003se
Definitely related to service not optimum.
If I find more relevant facts on grey icons I will update this thread.
Images below are added just to be complete in this thread for others who may stumble on it when searching
Yes, that is exactly what I have been finding on the web. Nothing more, though. :/
an MSDN thread on this is no longer active as redirects to Windows Phone support
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Do you perhaps have that thread saved in bookmarks in your browser? Maybe we could get to it via
Thank you for the link, however, I am afraid that none of the four cached snapshots at contains the actual images (that is, the images are no longer available at the referenced locations). What is more, the list does not even seem to mention any additional information compared to what is available in the manuals. In other words, I am back to square one.
I will continue searching and will post here if I find anything.
If I find anything I will do same ...

