Setting call devert delay for voice-mail XDA WM2003 - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Hi All,
I'm sure this has been raised before however i couldn't find in search.
Is it possible to increase the delay on call divert for un-answered calls, at the moment my xda forwards the call through after only 3 rings....quite short.
Or is this a network controlled setting? I've gone through the options in the voice mail setup.
I'm running WM2003 .21 release, on the Australian Telstra network.
Thanks for your help

Delya before VMS
On Orange in UK, it is network controlled. To change it I have to drop my SIM back in Nokia phone, change it and put back in XDA. I guess this probably applies to all networks.

Hi Pete, thanks for that....put my SIM into a Nokia and changed the settings.
It's strange this is missing from the XDA!
PS - For others stuck in this situation you can call your operator and they can set the delay for you.


Why dose it not ring for longer

A simple question (I hope!)
It seems that my XDA only rings for about 3 rings before going to the voice mail. Does anybody know how to tweak the settings so that it rings for longer to give me a chance to answer the call.
Thanks in advance.
I'm also interested in knowing this even if I suspect its a carrier setting and not a XDA one...
Like Dragonli said, itś a carrier setting. There are special codes to do so. Don't know if they are different from carrier to carrier. Normaly the values are between 5 and 30 seconds.
Just take a look at your providers homepage and search for the string.
You can also try
**61*Phonenumber**Timevalue in sec (5,10,15,20,25 oder 30)# to turn it on
##61# to turn it off
*#61# to check.
This are the numbers for Germany. Hope that it works...
In the US for T-Mobile it is:
**004*+15203319999**_ _#
Instead of _ _ put in time before forwarding, 10-30 seconds in increments of 5 seconds
Instead of 5203319999 put in the lead number for your voice mail (varies by location).
Thanks LumpiStefan!! Same for Belgium...
Thanks All.
I checked with my network and it's exactly the same for TMobile UK as it is for Stefan in Germany.

Can SMS Message Centre numbers be manually added

I have got my SMS message centre number from my network provider and now want to be able to enter the info into my XDA. I cannot do it automatically by 'Get Voicemail & SMS settings' in Phone as it keeps returning an error.
What I want to know is, is there any way or any software that will allow me to be able to manually enter my networks SMS message centre number into my unit.
Any help would be MUCH appreciated.
Can you be more specific with the type of error message you receive?
Go to Start->Inbox. Take Tools->Options and touch and hold on SMS. Lo and behold, the Message Centre(er) number.
The error message I am getting is 'Network Error - Unable to read setting from the network'.
In response to your post "Auldg" I did that and entered in the Message Centre Number for 3 (my network provider) and pressed OK. My understanding is that this would have saved the number. Trying to send a text didn't work and I still got the error message "The sim card is invalid. Please contact your service provider for a new sim".
I know there is nothing worng with the sim as it works fine the phone supplied by 3. I have tried 02's message centre number following a conversation with them and this resulted in a failed SMS send as well. I know it is not the XDA as this sends txts using an old T-mobile sim.
When I looked at the SMS centre number again after entering two different numbers neither of them were there. Trying to select a network doesnt give 3 as an available network.
Does the XDA store the SMS centre number in the SIM card or the phone. If its the phone is there a way to hard code my sms centre number into it?? This is driving me mad as I can do everything else with my 3 sim as normal just not send texts
This '3' network, what is it? Is it a GSM provider or a 3G Networks Provider?
Ah "3" !
Are you in the UK on 3? This is a new GSM/UTMS network and I wonder if the SIM card has new fancy stuff on it the the XDA doesn't know how to handle. You are clearly a VERY early adopter, bless you.
I didn't have to enter my MC number (or Voice Mail number) when using my XDA on Orange so these must be picked up from the SIM. Maybe the 3 sim holds these details in a different place from the rest of the networks?
One for the xda-developers firmware gurus to take a look at I think.
And so can one of the XDA-Developer firmware gurus shed any light on this matter???
I didn't really switch for the new technology that 3 offers, quite the opposite in fact as I din't really need to use it. The reason being was the deal on free mins they offered, but that's by the by. I can still use the 3 sim in my XDA and make / receive calls using the 02 network (this is what it uses if it cannot pick up the 3 network) and also receive texts. Just not send them.
Can any development guru's PLEASE shed any light as to this situation and may be even be able to offer a solution. If its even only that its something that can be addressed in an upcoming firmware ROM.
Some divine inspiration from the gods would be hugely appreciated.
So, let me make sure I am getting this right. You currently have no way to set your SMS service center number in the device, and if you do using the normal options the number does not stick?
OK that said you can do a registry hack telling the reg to override the SIM and use "# you choose" number. See my thread towards the bottom on how to novice level write a reg key
I haven't yet looked up where the reg key for SMS service center number is but I’m going to guess it is located right above or below the location specified in the thread.
I'm just going to guess but I don't think forcing your machine to use a SMS service center number from the device end rather than the SIM end is going to solve your can receive but not send problem. Given the service center, number is what is used to send your SMS. If your device is not reading it from the SIM and you are hand putting it in and it's not sticking this sounds like SIM network problem not device problem, could be wrong though:? Let me know overriding the SIM works. Can you use that service center number to send SMS on other Mobile Terminals (handsets/cell phone) Does a regular cell phone see the SMS service center number from the SIM? If the software set the XDA uses to talk to the GSM network is failing, but works talking to other GSM networks...sounds like a service provider protocol or provisioning problem (the way they have their GSM network set up i.e. do they have their own towers or are they ridding on someone else’s footprint but have or do not have their own switches etc.)
You might also try un-checking or checking the use Unicode option under accounts SMS in Inbox, but this should really make no difference as this is only when necessary protocol anyways, but who knows. I still think it's on your service provider’s end/SIM. The XDA just talks to the network using GSM "Standard" agreed upon protocols for GSM. Now the provider can do whatever they like. These are just suggested standards so problems (maybe) like this from occurring. Anyway, let me know if this makes any difference. Always learning :lol:
You have hit the nail on the head exactly. When I try to enter the number manually it does indeed not stick. I have tried the sim in the original phone that it came with and it works as per normal. All the functionality is there.
The network I am on in the UK is a new network that is giving the 3G technology but this is only being rolled out and is not nationwide. They do piggyback onto another providers network (namely 02) when you are not in a 3G area so that you are always able to make voice calls / send tetxs.
I have no idea as to whether they have there own switches etc as its like trying to get blood out of a stone when talking to there customer services.
I have looked at the thread about editing / creating registry keys and did look at the key that you mentioned. Above the vmail key is an SMS key but opening it led onto all sorts of other fields and protocols which threw me. I am not sure which of these (if any) would be the correct one to start entering SMS Message Centre numbers into or what I would need to hard code it as a new registry key.
To this end I cannot see if hard coding it to make it stick works or not. Can you shed any light as to this??? Would be much appreciated if you could.
With thanks
I'm going to see if I can get my XDA to overide the SIM SMSC, I'll post success or
many thanks for your help

[Q] Call divert conditions

Hi all,
I have a HD2 on O2. I have a really poor signal in my house and was wondering if it is at all possible to setup a call divert to my landline when my mobile is connected to a particular cell and cacel when registered to a different cell?
I have Ageye's G-Profile which enable me to run / close an app when registered with a cell but nothing to do with call diverts. I have googled my ass off on this so any hints / tips would be greatly appreciated.
Henri Flection
3 days in, lots of looks but no responses - c'mon guys.

[Q] Disabling Conditional Call Forwarding

Hi all.
So I have this great SI4G from AT&T that I rooted and unlocked to my network, Rogers. However I've noticed that the 3 conditional call forwarding options are set with (I assume) the previous owner's number. If I try to disable them, or change the number I get an "unsupported" or "unexpected answer" error message.
I can still make and receive calls, but if I miss them, they will not go to my voicemail. Rogers does not support those options so I really don't know how to kill them... Any ideas?
I've seen this around and about the forums, but no solution really...
This is not meant to bump the topic, but I just flashed a new ROM and I still get those settings. This would mean it's stuck in the SIM card... which doesn't make any sense to me.
call rogers tech support, they should be able to help. My best guess.
*sigh* yeah thanks chrisrotolo, I forget to do that too often... and guess what? The forward thingy was a bug actually; they reset my VM and now it works fine. Turns out all the numbers that appeared are the numbers that the network puts in to compensate for these unsupported options.
+1 for me on the duh scale...

[Q] Calls, numbers and long distance operators

Just got my HTC Ultimate (Brazil's for Titan) and I'm experiencing some problems while dialing and returning calls...
For the details below I'll use a number (9999-8888) from Brazil (country code 55), with 31 as area code.
I store my numbers in international format (+55 31 9999-8888, for the number above) and Vivo (my mobile carrier) sends incoming calls identified as 03199998888 (same number).
I can't call none of them, as I need to dial (according to Brazil's standards) a number in the following format:
0 15 31 9999-8888
The leading ZERO identifies a long distance call, the following "15" tells them to use a especific long distance provider, 31 is the area code and the rest is the number.
In android I've used several apps to do this "translation" in real time, while calling, like "Operadora DDD", "Profiler" or Right Number...
Is there anything like this in Windows Phone 7?
I've checked the "International calling assist" thing too...
I believe it's good to match incoming calls with different number patterns from my contacts.
In fact, no matter where it's on or off, my phone matches 03199998888 for "+55 31 9999-8888", so I believe it would deal with more strange patterns...
While receive a call and match a contact is OK, calling is still a challenge...
Anyone with tips?
Hi, rgmarques. I'm from Brazil too. I have the same problem. Send email to [email protected].
Antonio Marques
Hi guys, i'm a former owned of a HD7 and now I own a Ultimate too.
All my contacts use the pattern: +5511XXXXXXXX, for São Paulo as an example. All working now.
The fallowing patterns also works: 011XXXXXXXX, 0YY11XXXXXXXXX
As an example, if you use a TIM SIM, the match option when someone calls you will not work, at least never worked on any imported device I own previously. This is because when your recieve a local call, TIM does no put the DDD before the number! This is done nice by Vivo.
Please, don't keep information on your email, share it with forum. Since the Titan is a brand new device here in Brazil, more people will come to find solutions for their problems.
---------- Post added at 09:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:30 PM ----------
Try this: Go to Settings and then choose SIM application.
Click on "show application", click on "Facilidades" and then "Vivo DDD". Activate it.
Give feedback please.
Well, seems like my SIM card doesn't have a "facilidades" option...
Here in minas Gerais, we've moved from Telemig Celular to Vivo 1,5 years ago and some stuff hasn't changed completely yet... SIM apps seems to be the case...
I've seen different behaviors in incoming calls matching on my Motorola Milestone,depending on the ROM I used. Never tried different carriers, as it was never an option. But I believe they might send different numbers as originator of the call, resulting in different results.
But my problem relates to originating a call...
Vivo won't let me call +5511XXXXYYYY... I need to call 01511XXXXYYYY...
Well, while no alternative solutions come up, I've changed my contact numbers to match our (Brazilian) pattern... Regular expressions made this reasonable while nothing else shows up... If anyone needs any specific help with the process, just let me know...
I'll keep looking and will report here if i find anything useful...
rgmarques said:
Well, seems like my SIM card doesn't have a "facilidades" option...
Here in minas Gerais, we've moved from Telemig Celular to Vivo 1,5 years ago and some stuff hasn't changed completely yet... SIM apps seems to be the case...
I've seen different behaviors in incoming calls matching on my Motorola Milestone,depending on the ROM I used. Never tried different carriers, as it was never an option. But I believe they might send different numbers as originator of the call, resulting in different results.
Well, while no alternative solutions come up, I've changed my contact numbers to match our (Brazilian) pattern... Regular expressions made this reasonable while nothing else shows up... If anyone needs any specific help with the process, just let me know...
I'll keep looking and will report here if i find anything useful...
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Call VIVO and ask them to enable this for you. Or, if your have an old Nokia, try you SIM on it and see if the option appears there for you.
But can be different SIMs for each State.
When you DIAL without the DDD Operator, nor the AREA, does it completes the call? If not, this is the problem and this service from VIVO will 'add' the DDD Operator when you do a long distance call.
Hi Cris,
I have a Titan with Tim, and I save the contacts with 04121XXXX-XXXX, so when I receive a call from my contacts I don't see the contact's photo or name, only the tel number XXXX-XXXX without area code. But when I save the number like XXXX-XXXX without area code and Tim code, the photo appears on screen.
I had a Htc Diamond with Tim and photos appears well.
cpimentel said:
Call VIVO and ask them to enable this for you. Or, if your have an old Nokia, try you SIM on it and see if the option appears there for you.
But can be different SIMs for each State.
When you DIAL without the DDD Operator, nor the AREA, does it completes the call? If not, this is the problem and this service from VIVO will 'add' the DDD Operator when you do a long distance call.
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I used to save my contacts in the international format, +55 31 9999-8888.
With that, I'll need a transformation instead of a simple addition of the carrier code...
If I call 03199998888, the call completes when it's a local one. If it's a true long distance call, it will fail, requiring me to explicitly inform the carrier code.
Well, I will try to check if Vivo has any hint for me.
I'll call them tomorrow.
Thanks again.

