Broken XDA Vibra Motor - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

My Virba Motor is broken, one of the pins snapped off inside the XDA (I not II). I need a replacement motor but I can't find one anywhere on the web. I've even phoned O2 to see if they could help. Does any have a spare they could sell me, or know of a site that supplies them? Any help would be appreciated.

Please help!!! Anyone??? My girlfriend keeps killing me because I don't know she is ringing me!!!

Yeah! Girls do not like it when the vib is not working! :?

I think the vibra motor for the nokia 3210 might do the trick.

I know a person in my country most possibly capable of ...
fixing that motor, and according to his words it is to be very simple task (we had a talk specifically on that subject the other day) .... but my wild guess is that a hell far from where you live
regards, monika

Thanks for replies. I'll look into the nokia motor. The original motor is beyond repair, one of the connection pins snapped off inside the XDA, couldn't even solder it back on due to position of the break and how small it is.

can you make some pictures of scans pls ??
i'd post it to my friend and we see what he says
regards, monika

Success! I had an old Nokia 6210 which I nicked the motor out of and I managed to fit it (not easily) into the XDA. It works! I would still like a proper XDA motor but I'm a happy chappy for the moment.


Dropped it, lost Sound

I just dropped my xda , and I seem to have lost all sound since then. Therefore cant use as a phone anymore .
I plan to take it to a well known phone repair outlet hereabouts, but since this is an entirely different piece of equipment it would probably help if they had a circuit diagram or something, with pointers as to what to look for.
Would anyone be able to help out with this, so that I can then take it to these guys with some indication as to what they should look for and where it is likely to be?
ANY help is welcome.
I have had this problem but without dropping it :wink: just using it regularly like a MP3 player in my car thru the jack connector on it (same thing if you are using offten the headphone :?: ). So my problem was on the jack and I fixed it myself with a shortcut, and sence then my sound volume has become even better, :lol: suppose it vas galvanized a bit before :?
All the best

I finally killed my Blueangel I did it! HELP!

Well after 1 year of use and abuse.. i manage to produce the first phisical damage to my Blueangel
Just received a Car mount with external speaker and while fiddling with it the suction cup lost grip and the whole thing fall off the table (1mt +or-)
Well the mini jack for the hands free (which at that time had connected an enormous plug to convert 4pins 2.5 mm to 3.5) got torn off from the soldered points and was completetly loose... So hands on i managed to open the darn beast with a jewler tool set and much to my relief the 10 pin's connector (only god knows what they're for) has enough space to use my soldering iron to fix it back...
The problem was that one of the contacs in the board got torn off and for much i tried to recreate i think i didnt succeed as i only have audio from the headset now and not from the phone itself...
I am posting as maybe one of you guys could provide a connection diagram for the darn think so i can try to isolate the problem.
Please dont let me down...
Sounds like you've a short in the connections for the microswitch *inside* the headphone jack - this is there to detect heaphones being inserted and switch the mode over. I would think default state isn't hot so a short would seem the logical answer.
edit - possibly the headphone jack's microswitch itself is broken?
That's why i need a diagram....
Yeha that's what i think, If i knew the pin out i could try to override the short....
i did a long research and it isnt posted anywhere....
Please help!!!!
I know that when u insert the jack in the hole it "pushes a lever that overrides external sounds... i just need to know which is !!!
Found solution... see there...

needed: Pinout diagram for the stereo 2.5mm jack (board conn

I am not spamming just realized my first post wasnt clear
other post
Well after 1 year of use and abuse.. i manage to produce the first phisical damage to my Blueangel
Just received a Car mount with external speaker and while fiddling with it the suction cup lost grip and the whole thing fall off the table (1mt +or-)
Well the mini jack for the hands free (which at that time had connected an enormous plug to convert 4pins 2.5 mm to 3.5) got torn off from the soldered points and was completetly loose... So hands on i managed to open the darn beast with a jewler tool set and much to my relief the 10 pin's connector (only god knows what they're for) has enough space to use my soldering iron to fix it back...
The problem was that one of the contacs in the board got torn off and for much i tried to recreate i think i didnt succeed as i only have audio from the headset now and not from the phone itself...
I am posting as maybe one of you guys could provide a connection diagram for the darn think so i can try to isolate the problem.
Please dont let me down...
Found it (well mostly)
Found in the Wiky this: Pinout!! , for the wallby and altought on the BA is 10 pin the position seems to be right.... only 6 pins used ??? or was I lucky ??? I dont care... tried to isolate the problem by testing continuity on the pins that work for the wallby and one of them (the one that was destroyed ) was not giving it..
a lot of patience soldering iron and support from my wife.. i managed to create a bridge and now it works!!!

JACK conector and another JACK for Phone??

First of all thank the Comunity and this site for their tremendous efforts throughout the development of roms, more than once because reading and reading and reading I have resolved all doubts!
I will try to explain as best as possible, to have if anyone can help.
I'm happy owner of a HTC Shift for over two years, which is purchased in a thrift store and everything has been perfect so far.
The problem must be the JACK audio, initially plugging and unplugging the headphones when you restart and some tricks but everything was going perfectly, until one day no longer heard the speakers.
Putting the headphones the sound is coming in windows 7, but in Windows Mobile not heard anything (before it was heard ringing through the headset intense ).... I assume that JACK CONECTOR is a failure, the case is that I have completely dismantled the shift and is the first time I see a JACK of this kind and are not where they compare, ask at several shops in Barcelona and do not know what kind it is.
If somebody could help me or tell me where to buy.
My idea if I fix this problem is put in the hole next to that Jack, another for connecting the headset and microphone and boring windows mobile housing for output and thus be able to use it as mobile and able to speak and hear for the handsfree
Well, if anyone can help me would greatly appreciate it, thank you for your attention and greetings from Spain
Thank you for your attention and greetings to the entire community
pd: Sorry if my English is a little poor...
Connector Jack Pictures
I think you should post pictures of jack. There're many people would like to help you.
You mention that you dismatle it. Could you please share pictures of every part.

[Q] Speakers not working on Archos 101

Hey guys Zoid here,
This has actually been an ongoing thing for me but after constant searching I have hit a wall . About a week after I bought my Archos 101, the speaker on the thicker side (with all the ports) went out. It first started to crackle a bit then it just gave out... Now I didn't strain it with obnoxiously loud sounds or anything, this was just normal use. A week later after constant attempts to contact Archos, I found out that I have no warranty because I bought it from an "untrusted seller" at Amazon. Even though It was still in the plastic when I got it, but that's another note. The question I want to ask (the question in question I guess) is since I cannot send this back does anyone know where I can get a replacement speaker myself? I'm pretty tech saavy and I can install it myself even if it's from a broken A101. Since apparently I have no warranty I don't mind opening it up... Any suggestions?
If u donĀ“t worry about opening it, then do it and you can check the cable first.
same to you
my archos 101 speaker dameged olso, and i find smiler buzzer and i changed my self, now it is working well
I've opened it, but everything seems to be in working order. The speakers aren't blown either... I'm pretty sure replacing it would fix it of course. Anyone know where to get spare parts?
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I would open it up, look on the speaker for a part number or model number and then trust in the awesome power of Google to find an exact replacement.
Thanks for the suggestions guys.... @Kakkuk where did you find a replacement?
***Edit** Nvm, I found it on Ebay... $32.00 from Hong Kong
Just received the speakers... now to do a little soldering. Ok these actually look like better quality speakers than the originals!
Sent from my Evo 4g using XDA-app
Let us know how it worked!
The new speakers sound like a dream! If anyone needs new speakers I recommend this guy I got em from on ebay. They're even better quality than the originals!!
Sent from my Evo 4g using XDA-app
Ebay Link?
Here ya go
Sent from my Evo 4g using XDA-app
archos 101 speaker
i get buzzer from mobile phone reparing shop and tryed several model and i used similer this one
price is 2 usd
it is working great since i changed
How big is the diameter of the speaker? I would replace them with x-mini max 2 speakers, but their diameter is 40mm.

