app. install pops up - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

hi everyone,
when i plug my t-mo ppc into the sync cradle, a application install dialog always pops up asking to if i want to install or remove applications.
this is starting to get annoying since it slows down my sync from outlook.
does anyone know how to fix this?


Calendar Reminders Won't Go Away

I'm using the T-Mobile 2003 edition of the MDA 1. I've attached a screen shot (pc_capture1.jpg) in which you'll notice that my calendar reminders continually place bell icons at the bottom of the screen. The second screen shot (pc_capture2.jpg) shows that I've configured it to not show any reminders for calendar entries. I have not been able to figure out how to get rid of the bell icons that keep filling up my system tray.
Anybody know how to get around this?
Thanks very much...
WM2003 Bug
Notification Clear Fix
Hi - I tried both programs as you suggested, yet I still keep getting my system tray filled with gold bells. Is that one of the things that those programs are written to remove?
Thanks again
Are you synchronizing with Outlook on a PC?
Are you creating your appointments on your PC?
Are the reimders on for Outlook on the PC?
These settings in your screen-shot apply as the default when you create an appointment on your XDA, but when an appointment is created on your PC, the settings there apply.
Just a thought.
Hi Brosenow -
No I'm not using Outlook on the pc - it's actually Steltor Corporate Time by Oracle, for my work's email system. It's a conduit that sends the appointments to the PPC. All appointments are created on the pc, with reminders on.
So it sounds like the reason this is happening is because I have reminder set on my pc. Is there any way to get the PPC to ignore that setting? I would think that if I tell the PPC not to show reminder than it just wouldn't show them.
Thanks again...
Try this -
Start -> Settings -> Sounds & Notifications -> Notifications
Select the event Reminders and de-select all options. I think that may do the trick. Of course, if you are using a profile program like PocketZenPhone, you will want to disable reminders in there as well.
Hope this helps!
Nope, it's already set that way. No luck. This is a strange one!

Windows Live & Verizon TP Notification

Is anyone successfully using Windows Live on their Verizon TP to access their Hotmail account?
I've got the thing set up OK but if I leave the Sync Schedule at "As Items Arrive" my TP will miss e-mails, despite Microsoft's claim to the contrary (note: I don't even have Windows messenger installed so this is not THAT problem). However, when an e-mail DOES come in I get an audible notification.
So I set WL to pull every 15 minutes which works almost always but then the TP NEVER rings when a new e-mail comes in: the D-PAD does flash (laboriously slow, but it flashes), but no audible warning.
Does anyone have WL set up on their TP to pull periodically and also get audible notifications?
Thanks for any info.
I cant even get Windows live to install. I used the fixed cab and whenever I try to even clock on it, it starts to load and then locks up. I tried with TF3D off, I removed the windows live stuff off the home screen.
I've tried everything...
lordshadowz said:
I cant even get Windows live to install. I used the fixed cab and whenever I try to even clock on it, it starts to load and then locks up. I tried with TF3D off, I removed the windows live stuff off the home screen.
I've tried everything...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Well, that doesn't surprise me.
In fact, you might consider yourself lucky.
It's apparent that WL, like the Windows OS, is inscrutable to even Microsoft and has bugs that may never be corrected. As I say, if you DID manage to get it installed you'd have to contend with unreliable push or unusable pull e-mail. You might even run into my latest issue: random lockups a couple of times a day requiring a soft reset.
Better, IMO, to leave well enough alone.
Well I got it work flawlessly on my verizon htc apacherunning wm 6.1 and tf3d. Im very frustrated right now with the touch pro. it seems verizon has made it impossible to get your msn mail except by using the app you have to download. Even when i use opera, i can navigate to hotmail,the main inbox screen will load, but when i click on an email it just sits there. I can put checkmarks on messages but when i select mark as junk or move to folder it also hangs. I did a hard reset and installed the new opera with flash support from xda here and it does the exact same. I tried setting up a new account in outlook on the phone and when i click fin8shed it says it found the settings for msn and then it does nothin does not save the account at all.
Im just so frustrated. Is there a way to make the email screen in touch flo to activate the downloadable verizon mail program instead of trying to open up outlook that I cant get to work?
Well, far be it from me to defend WL but something is weird if you can't get it loaded after a hard reset. Even I can do that (did it directly through PIE).
Opera is evil. Try not to use Opera. Why don't you use PIE and go to This should allow you to access your hotmail through PIE.
From my understanding WM 6.1/Outlook on the TP handles all Hotmail through Windows Live (unless you want to go through the browser). I tried and, if you ask Outlook to detect settings when trying to set Hotmail up as a POP/IMAP account, it will launch Opera.
If you've tried downloading WL through PIE and can't get it to install, then I don't know what to say. If you CAN get it to install but it hangs when you attempt to link it to your Hotmail account I would suggest, just for giggles, creating a brand new Hotmail account. I have a very old one and WL didn't like it at all. You might also try creating the new account if the WL link I gave you above doesn't work. I've heard say that older Hotmail accounts don't play well with WL (as if anything does).
Good Luck.
It works flawlessly on my VZ Touch Pro for whatever reason. I changed the sync settings to manual though due to the horrendous battery drain.

[Q] gtalk won't stop auto loggin in

My Google talk is not set to "Automatically sign in" however, when I open the app it signs in automatically.
Just curious if anyone has a possible fix?
mcmackk said:
My Google talk is not set to "Automatically sign in" however, when I open the app it signs in automatically.
Just curious if anyone has a possible fix?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
"Automatically sign in" is for signing i automatically when the fone starts or when connectivity is established.
it is not like a desktop application since the app is linked to the gmail account on your fone.
alternatively you can choose nimbuzz as an IM client if you dont want to sign in always with the same credentials..
The one thing I was trying to do was make it so it doesn't show that I am always available. No matter if I log out or kill the app it always shows that I am available on gtalk.
Is there a solution to this?
Have you considered meebo or another app instead of using talk? I don't use chat apps but it might do what you are looking for.
I use ebuddy, but that is besides the point.
Here is the thing- since the gtalk is set up with the original google account (the one when you originally set up the phone) it does not let you delete that account off gtalk. But on top of that, no matter what I do i.e. sign out or kill the gtalk app (and even if it shows gtalk is not running), it always shows that I am available and never truly logs me out.
So with the original google account on the phone, I am now always available on gtalk and I can never log out- just really bothers me. Anyone have solution?
Looks like the always available is an ongoing problem, I haven't found a solution yet...
Got it so ebuddy is no longer holding my gtalk hostage (I no longer show always available). I used the solution at the end of this forum:

[Q] Email comes back after delete

OK, so this happened on my Infuse too dont know if its an android thing? But I delete emails and then they pop up new again right after? Is there something I can do to prevent this? It's driving me crazy! I have my own pop email from my website I tried to run it as IMAP too , but that didnt help.

[Q] Cannot Create Calendar Event With Voice?

So I've been loving the usability of Google Now voice commands when I'm wearing bluetooth headphones or in the car, but I've noticed I can do just about everything but create calendar events with it. After the event appears and I press the checkmark to confirm the event, the event card simply shows me an exclamation point with the option to try again, which just leads to a loop of tapping try again and getting the exclamation point. Is Google Now confused which calendar to save it to? Or is something else occuring? I've attached an image of the "error" I'm getting.
Same here
Did you manage to get it going? I'm having the same issue and I can't figure what is going on, are you using gmail or google apps calendar?
Bump. I'm seeing this too.
Just joined to say me too
I feel like lollipop is to blame. I actually formatted my phone just to try and recover this feature. No luck. Nexus 5 5.0.1

