I just tried out the new OS for the XDA - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

I know a couple of friends who work at Microsoft Windows Mobile department and got to play with the XDA-I with a completely redesigned OS. The next OS for the XDA is going to be almost the same as the 'smartphone'. Meaning its not going to be a PPC base, but a totally new OS. Anyways..... I thought everyone here liked to know. Also if you guys have ideas what you want on the new OS, let me know and I'll tell me friend.

Can you get a copy of the code from your friend?


Testing ROMs within Windows Desktop OS

I've been looking other this forum and other sites and cant find anythin of use.
Basically I'm wanting to know if there is a way to test a ROM without having to install it onto a phone/PDA.
As I've been looking at buying a new HTC QTEK 8500 (StrTrk) for my girlfriend as she's sick of her phone and wants a new one. The phone comes with WM 5.0 on but I have found a few ROMs for WM 6.1 and before I buy the phone I want to checkout the ROM to see what it'll basically be like to use the phone.
What software do I need to be able to emulate a phone to test run a ROM?
This would be useful for others as well if its a generic way as then everyone can test out a ROM and then decide if they want to flash it to their device.
Thanks alot for the help,
i don't know how useful emulating the rom would be since the experience would differ based on hardware. Most developers post what apps their rom contain so users know what their getting into before.
Yeah you are right, just my girlfriend is a bit picky about her stuff and I don't want to spend £70 on a new phone for her not to like it lol.
Just thought it would be useful tho, I'm pretty sure you would be able to do it with the Windows Mobile 6.1 SDK kit and Visual Studio just don't have a clue how lol.
I also think that with the SDK and visual studio you might get an idea although based on my very little experience with programming, the only way to know the output is testing it on the real thing. I would say that if she likes the phone originally with WM5 then you can test a WM6 or 6.1 ROM and if you don't like it then flash back to WM5. Many people (including myself) flash all the time to find the best ROM for them.
Lol, thats the thing, I aint bought the phone yet so she can only go off my Kaiser to see what WM6.1 is on there (She aint gettin as good a phone as me lol!)
She likes the look of the phone but I think she wants drivin lessons instead lol, see wot it goes for on ebay lol, was £15 I saw last night!
Thanks anyway!
Any solution?

htc hero sprint running windows mobile??

it is possible? my htc hero can runn windows mobile??
smokeeboy said:
it is possible? my htc hero can runn windows mobile??
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No you can not.
Why would you?
"There's so many ways for me to say this to you - Never, Not in a million years, absolutely not, no way hose, no chance Lance, net, negatorie, mm, nah, aa, and of course my own personal favorite of all time - man falling of of a cliff, Nooooooooouuuuu...!"
AdrianK said:
"There's so many ways for me to say this to you - Never, Not in a million years, absolutely not, no way hose, no chance Lance, net, negatorie, mm, nah, aa, and of course my own personal favorite of all time - man falling of of a cliff, Nooooooooouuuuu...!"
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in french: NON lol
It's Jose.
*Slaps forehead*
That's what you get for copying quotes off facebook pages, peeps.
wow y would u even want to run windows mobile... I had a tmobile wing once - - - dont get me started on that phone lol.
lol im sry but even if i knew how i wouldnt tell ya cause its stupid idea.
why would you want windows mobile on your phone, well for decent media play back i.e films that you don't need to convert before you put on the phone, I've got both a android and windows phone, and personally I find the experience better on android, but converting films is a drag.
I don't see why you want to downgrade your phone
knowledge is power
I don't think this is such a bad idea actually it's kind of good for us having someone asking this...IS NOT ABOUT DOWNGRADING your beloved hero it's about the challenge it would be to do it and the KNOWLEDGE we would get by doing so...
Currently a lot of our great developers at XDA are focused on bringing android to our WM phones and they have done a great job so far using only reverse engineering methods, patience and a certainly huge amount of cups of coffee...so how about seeing things from a different angle? just imagine the possibilities if we can make WM work in an originally Android designed phone ,i bet you if someone dares to do it,not only the android porting project will benefit from this but several other open source mobile platforms that are already here[Maemo] and others to come [MeeGo], They all have one purpose bringing the end user a better and richer mobile experience which is the same reason i believe this forum was created for so...
Why not giving it a try?
up up up
android is a open source OS
windows mobile is not
so you can change android kernel to run on other device
windows mobile nope
I love android for this
I hate windows mobile for this
with a boot loader : you cant
and i know you don't want windows mobile on your brilliant android phone
One time I saw a thread in the Rhodium forums where they were trying to find evidence of an Android user trying to port Windows Mobile to their phone. I didn't think it would ever happen...
Hmmm a challenge
Sounds like a great challenge, something to really upset the a few people who wander around bragging about they're "completed" operating systems (yeah right, 15 years as an IT Consultant and I've yet to hear Microsoft claim to complete anything).
Android is a PITA and not as flexible as I was told it would be - nowhere near as flexible as linux was meant to be - I wonder if its possible to go the rest of the way and compile a linux for our android phones that runs natively. Then we can really put windows phones to shame.
doofah said:
I wonder if its possible to go the rest of the way and compile a linux for our android phones that runs natively.
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Well, of course it's possible, seeing how it's already been done. I don't know about your phone, but my CDMA Hero is most definitely running Linux natively.
So it's already running on a Linux kernel with a reasonable command line environment. It might be useful to compile a more complete set of GNU utilities for it.
Android is, in basic terms, just the GUI that's running on top of Linux. There are plenty of other GUIs designed for small devices with limited resources. Porting one of them over to run on top of the existing Linux environment shouldn't be too terribly tough.
The real trick, I would guess, would be getting all the hardware bits to work. Writing apps that can access the phone radio, gps, audio, etc.... All of those things are currently accessed through APIs that Android provides. If you remove Android, and those APIs, then there's a great deal of work to be done to make those things functional again.
So if you just want a handheld Linux box, that's easy. If you want all of the hardware features to work, and to still be able to use it as a phone, just with Android stripped out, then you've got a LOT of work ahead.
they have already ported android to win mobile it is possible to reverse see as win mobile does not have alot of anti piracy safeguards
wnathanball said:
they have already ported android to win mobile it is possible to reverse see as win mobile does not have alot of anti piracy safeguards
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Maybe if you wrote complete sentences with proper punctuation, this might parse.
well am with original poster on this I for one would love and prefer to see Winmo on my hero.... I find android such a dam pain.... I have both winmo(on my kaiser) and android... But only use droid for a toy and playing games. where as I much prefer my winmo for Work and navigation... At least with Winmo theres no reliance on flippin data, Which isa pain in the butt with droid..
So come on you tech Geeks show us what you are made of...Port Winmo to hero... let us have the choice...
WM On Hero.......
say what you will about Android Vs WM but I believe WM is just perfect for me. If hero could support WM then please someone anyone help me get it on mine. I loved the convenience of WM. On my Blackstone Sync was not a problem. I get all my emails and my contacts in the same place. With Android I have to sync via G-Mail. For being open source this is a huge price for me to pay. Now I have to change my email address and redirect all my clients to G-mail so I get all my mail.

[Q] Can anyone awnser this for me?

I am not looking to be flamed my rabid fanboys please if thats all you have to say just keep it to yourself. I am an avid android fan i wont own anything else but I was wondering if its posable and if it is if anyone is working on iOS or winmo that can be booted for the Vibrant. Like how the HD2 can boot into android. My reasoning is that there are certian iphone apps and a couple for winmo that I wish I could run but I cant afford to buy an itouch or a second phone.
zDisturbed1 said:
I am not looking to be flamed my rabid fanboys please if thats all you have to say just keep it to yourself. I am an avid android fan i wont own anything else but I was wondering if its posable and if it is if anyone is working on iOS or winmo that can be booted for the Vibrant. Like how the HD2 can boot into android. My reasoning is that there are certian iphone apps and a couple for winmo that I wish I could run but I cant afford to buy an itouch or a second phone.
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unfortunately neither windows Mobile or I Phone OS are open source.
so while android can feasibly be made compatible with other phones hardware, the opposite happening is extremely unlikely without an open source.
firefly6240 said:
unfortunately neither windows Mobile or I Phone OS are open source.
so while android can feasibly be made compatible with other phones hardware, the opposite happening is extremely unlikely without an open source.
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^ what he said.
firefly6240 said:
unfortunately neither windows Mobile or I Phone OS are open source.
so while android can feasibly be made compatible with other phones hardware, the opposite happening is extremely unlikely without an open source.
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Duh I should have thought of that about the ios part I know its not publicly open source but I thought there might be enough out there for the winmom part I dont know a lot about winmo but I know there is enough out there for custom rom building
Ever since I switched form windows mobile to android 2 years ago I never looked back, but found this thread interesting and thought...
would it be possible to create an emulator type thing for .cab files to run on android?
Unfortunately, like they said above, because they are not open source, there's not much we can do right now.
It would be pretty cool to have the option to switch back and for though; I used to do it all the time when I had the HD2.

[Q] droid instead of wm7

Hi guys
Please help is there a droid os to load on my Mozart ?
I feel wm7 is not user friendly
I am new to windows and feel it is less superior ,therefore I'd like to get a new os
Please assist
You have to buy the phone with the OS you want... There is no Android available to HTC Mozart and i don't believe it will be available soon or ever
I dont understand people. Buy the HTC Desire if you want Android. Its basically the same phone.
I actually traded my Desire HD for my new Mozart and feel it's more superior as a phone. For all my other Android needs, I do that on my tablet, where it should be.
I didn't buy this phone got on contract, my friends have the HD and their apps are excellent.
1.Where can i find?buy this new os?
2. what do you suggest as an os for it?
t's just you not knowing how to use the phone / which apps to buy. If you asked, we might help you, however noone is gonna help you screwing the phone with Android.
You cannot change the OS on the phone. The one present is the most suited anyway
the apps are as follows that i would like to install
whatsapp _what do you suggest i do
the phone says for every thing id like to download
cannot download this file
WP does not support.jad files
can i perhaps install java?
You cannot install java/jar/jad (they're the same thing) on WP7. You can only install apps from the Marketplace or if you have unlocked phone you can deploy apps from your PC. (xap files)
just passing by. i wouldnt swap my mozart for an iphone or an samsung galaxy s2 fyi. i dont like lag. i like smooth and buttery. i kid not.
but no. you cant load android on it. get used to it and youll love it. especially mango
@jesly69, android is coming very soon, i would think in the following 2 months
check this threads
and yes, android is more mature and better, it will take at least 2 major updates after mango, for wp7 to come close to android
jessenic said:
You cannot install java/jar/jad (they're the same thing) on WP7. You can only install apps from the Marketplace or if you have unlocked phone you can deploy apps from your PC. (xap files)
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Sorry for being ignorant /un informed can you suggest how do i unlock this phone
please suggest

[Q] Newbie on Windows Phones (from Android)

Hello there
I'm an Android user, and I like switching between many ROMs, manipulating a bit (even if I don't know much).
But a friend of mine has a HTC Titan, and I was wondering what could we do about those phones. I mean, can we change to custom ROMs ? Are there as many as there is on droids, is it as easy (or kind of) as Androids, or is it dangerous, are there any risks, etc. What are the possibilities ?
Thank you in advance for your answer
pef6000 said:
Hello there
I'm an Android user, and I like switching between many ROMs, manipulating a bit (even if I don't know much).
But a friend of mine has a HTC Titan, and I was wondering what could we do about those phones. I mean, can we change to custom ROMs ? Are there as many as there is on droids, is it as easy (or kind of) as Androids, or is it dangerous, are there any risks, etc. What are the possibilities ?
Thank you in advance for your answer
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The simple answer here is...No! There are three variants of the Titan; the first one was a coon's age ago and the last two might as well be from different planets. The "Eternity" variant is the one you want; the "Radiance" variant is a lesson in futility as are all future Windows Phones. In an earlier life the Windows Mobile 6.x platform could be customized in every way Android is today. Windows Phone 7 comes along and the braintrust at every carrier and Microsoft decided to make life hard for us who enjoy customizing our phones and you'd think common sense would win the day...oh no...despite a 3.1% marketshare and royally pissing off every WP7 phone owner along the way they continue to lock these phones down and as more than a few Lumia 920 (WP8) owners will tell you the latest update now won't allow them to edit their mobile data speed and most are now stuck on LTE and what do we know about LTE boys and girls....one, not everybody has it; two, a lot of folks don't have it; and three, you can't edit the device to HSPA+, 3G or 2G as we Eternity variant Titans can. To answer your question head on - The Titan II cannot be tinkered with and no device since can on WP7 or WP8 platforms. Prior to Titan II...you bet; the HTC HD2 is the device you want for tinkering on any platform known to man; one look at its XDA main page will tell you its your device of choice for customized flashing of any ROM on any platform and it is extremely doubtful there will be another device like it ever made again, but one can wish...hopelessly. All that said, I love my Titan I, the Eternity. There are multiple level of locks...there's Interop, Developer and HSPL and you need all of them to play. It is not for the faint of heart, this is not Android....I can tell you I successfully HSPL my phones but I can also tell you I was scared to death I bricked them too, but there is a world of difference between a WP phone you can install your own apps like the Windows Mobile days or be so locked down there's no joy in any of it. Today, I'm on the fence as to whether to remain with Windows Phone despite what appears they finally got right with WP8 but I'm sick of this attitude that our devices have to be locked down that you're left to their whims not your own. One look at the WP pages will tell you development is little compared to Android. I ordered my wife's HTC One from HTC for $649.99, the 64GB Developer Edition and the next thing I did was install Launcher 8. Yes, under the hood it's different but it made for easy navigation of apps. I expect someone on Android is going to create a "live" tile for a WP8 skin of Android and likely I'm gone from WP. I'm not aware there is any further development going on over at WP7.8; there is some rumor that across the pond there is to be a WP7.9 release but as to what that is likely to entail; I don't know. Rumor is begging for a better bluetooth interface which is sorely missed even on WP8...what were they thinking? If you use Skype, it doesn't run in background on WP7.x. It's a mix bag...I love the platform, I'm sick of how the powers that be have really ruined it for us who enjoy it for what it is...different and I'm not kidding when I say this, it runs as smooth as butter; I simply do not understand the brain trust behind it and why they made it so damn hard for those of us who have been loyal to them for years.
Well said, even a rooted titan with a custom rom is not in the same league as a HD2 running WM.... its a real same those days have gone!
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
rowlie50 said:
Well said, even a rooted titan with a custom rom is not in the same league as a HD2 running WM.... its a real same those days have gone!
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
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Or an HD2 running WP7.8 or as I am currently the NexusHD which I'm about to update to NativeSD with his most recent release. I am so fet up with all the obstacles that Windows Phone owners have had to put up with and even if you are HSPL and Developer and Interop Unlocked there are still obstacles and Android there is none and I simply don't understand the logic of what Microsoft and carriers are trying to accomplish; you'd think they'd welcome what contributors at XDA have done and maybe flashing my Titan today is a good example trying to setup Straight Talk with MMS, make Bing Map and Windows Phone Marketplace play nice and nope, no can do! Android? No problem. Throw my HD2 into the mix and despite only having EDGE; it all works but the bottom line is, you shouldn't have to pay for what you benefit from using W-Fi not mobile data.
Thank you guys for your answers. So I suppose there is no advantage of customisation with Windows Phones ^^
Take a look in the Titan ROM development, i,m running Dynamics 2.0 by ultrashot.... best ROM in my opinion. I edited the registry so it thinks its a Nokia, this way I get all the nokia apps. Read the thread to get a good idea of what a custom ROM gives you. Rumour has it that version 2.2 coming soon so keep an eye out. Rooting the Titan really is risky so read up on it before you take the plunge!
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
Thank you ! I'll check that

