Ringtones - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Any body know where i can download ringtones for the XDA
and what types of files it accepts I know WAVs for one but anything else

for PPC2002 it's only WAV and for WM2003 you can use midi file too

WM2003 supports WMA files too.

WM2003 supports WMA files too
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WM2003 can play WMA files but supports MIDI as ring tones ... at least I got that when I tried it myself

swifty ... great thnx for the link
Swifty said:
WM2003 supports WMA files too.
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regards, monika

OK ive found some decent ones that I know will play on my XDA ive sync them to the "rings" folder but how do I assign them to work
Ive tried the settings pannel part and none of the ones ive sync will apear
So is there another way or is there a problem
Edit-Ive got it but ive noticed certain wav files wont work hmm

how did you sync them with your rings dir....?

isn't it better to copy it to the desired location ??
regards, monika

Replace exsiting unused Ringtones!
I simply copied out the existing ones in 2003 to a directory on my PC (using activesync) than replaced them with my personal sounds and ringtones and copied them back using activesync. This let me over write the original ones and save memory. Now my PPCpe sounds like a P.A.D.D. from Star Trek! :twisted:
I even figured out how to replace the esiting BootScreen with a StarTrek boot I designed!


QTEK / P800 / Ringtones

I own the Qtek 1010 and the SE P800 but my favorite is the QTEK and using it most of the time. But i was wondering while the SE P800 can support WAV and MIDI ringtones the QTEK can only support WAV tones.
I have allot of MIDIs and good ones on the P800 and was wondering if there is a way to make the QTEK support MIDI tones.
Please advise me guys ...
In my case i had to convert *.mid to *.wav using Mid2Wav program and use them on all devices, i know its taking time and space but its working
Its going to be fantastic if there is a direct *.mid player.
I'm not sure if this will work, but try to install this .cab file that comes in the exteded rom portion of my MDA2.
Extract file from the attached .zip and place the .cab file in your My Documents folder in your Pocket PC and execute from there.
Good luck!
I believe this cab file is to support the Album s/w which is part of the MMS Composer 1.6.xx which comes into the XDA II ... it plays midi files perfectly, however it doesn't update the phone rings capabilities.
ARZLEB, you may consider using wma files as ring tones for WM2003 ... it gives very good sound quality and relatively small size than wav ... of course never like the midi size
If you must use mid files, make sure it has only one track ... the usual mid files come with 4 tracks at least.


hello all i got my phone today.
How can i put my own ringtones on it.
I am not sure of the file types i need or anything. I dont even know where to go to select what tone i want. please help
if you want to use ringtones for specific contacts (e.g. a sound will play and when you hear it you'll know it's from your friend joe) then you'll need third party software such as ringtonex (mtux). ain't free though; i forgot how much i paid for it but i've been using the app back when i started with my xda1. still using it up to now. like the ringtone i use for my boss is the pacman sound when he dies...
for ringtone types; wav files are the ones you need...however you can also use midi and wma if i remember. if your unit is on activesync with your pc; simply copy and paste the wav file you want into the xda's windows folder. this will allow the ringtone to be used by other apps such as alarms or sms notification. or you can also paste it in the window's "rings" folder where the phone will automatically recognize the file as being a ring tone option. then just go to settings for the phone and click on that file you want to use.
hope that helps.
thanx a million worked like a charm
hey its not finding wma files though
i read somewhere in the forum that you can use wma files as ringtones...just don't know how to do them and never really tried. not sure about this but most wma files i know are associated with mp3s as well. wma is a lower quality sound alternative to mp3s; i have wma files for songs and they range from 800-900kb as oposed to 3+ meg mp3 song files. so the way i see it (and i could be wrong about this) to use a wma file the xda would have to be able to get it from the memory or the storage card (?). but that would mean having a wma ring tone which is around 900kb in size...something that you don't really need coz eventually you will answer the phone after like 10 seconds. so no point in having the whole song as a ringtone really since you won't get to hear it to the end. that is if the other chaps in the forum are doing something different that is wayyyy easier than i really think it is
what i did was record bits of a song i have on storage; then use that as my ringtone. example; i have an mp3 of fernanda porto and i like the opening sequence. what i did was use my notes app; ran the song through media player and when the part i liked came i then recorded it. the file is in wav so it was easy to use it as a ringtone....
it need to be 2003 before it can use wma
they need to be put in windows\rings
you then add them with the program called add ringtones
in settings
ahh i dont have 2003, i was told 2003 is better not to have cause it messes up alot or something i dunno.

change alarm sounds

how can you change the alarm wav files in wm6 as they are very limited and short what folder could you import a wav or mp3 into
IMHO it's the same as in WM5 - put your WAV (not MP3) files into windows directory...
works atreat good work on charmer wm6 ...... thanks
you can use .wma files as well btw.
lol thats pretty stupid why only wav files and wma?
hmmm has anyone thought of a quick fix for this?
i want all my mp3s to be shown without having two copies, which is really stupid of microsoft
How can I add more melodys to alarm directory???
vlodeck said:
you can use .wma files as well btw.
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Really? On my HTC Artemis (O2 XDA) I was only able to get .wav files (PCM Uncompressed) to work for alarms, and then they must be less than approx 2.33mb (as reported by XP or ~2,450,000 bytes). They must be stored in the windows directory.
There are .wma files also in the windows directory but none of them appear in the clock & alarms drop down list. So I assumed .wma's can't be used for the alarms.
The .wav files must be 8bit or 16bit and either 8kHz, 11.025kHz, 16kHz or 22.05kHz (32kHz does not seem to work).
It's a bit annoying as I had a good .mid file as an alarm on my old Sony Ericsson and they are tiny (28.3kb). Converting it to .wav made it 2.5mb!!! So I had to trim it down to 2.33mb before it would work.

Assigning WMA as ringtone in touchv6

Just copied my original ringtones (wma) into the windows folder (Touchv6) but I cannot find them - means system does not show them?
I am sure it is only a silly thing.
BTW: Do you have a nice source for WMA ringtones? I searched in the internet and get only nonsense displayed.
\My documents

Alarm - how to set mp3 for alarm

I tried everything i could think off but i coldnt set mp3 for alarm
any ideas?
tnx odklop
i am using klaxon a wonderful program, you can browse to your fav music and add it to your list.
Also g alarm is a good program BUT i get an error on my htc hd 2. So sorry for that i can not explain further...
Hope this was useful.
Google the cab for klaxon. very nifty program.
i know the galarm i used it on my HTC HD but now on my HTC HD2 u vould like to use integrated alarm...if that is possible
odklop said:
I tried everything i could think off but i coldnt set mp3 for alarm
any ideas?
tnx odklop
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You don't need 3rd party software for this. The native alarm app will play your mp3 files.
There is a file-size restriction, but I don't know what it is. I remember getting a file of mine to below 3MB before it would list it. Try that.
They need to be in the windows folder on your phone. You do not have a windows folder on the storage card (you certainly shouldn't have, anyway!)
Alarm Rings
Tried your suggestion but it did'nt work. Brought the file down to 186 kb but did'nt show up.
gr fred
Must admit I'm interested in this too and have been working away for the past few days trying to find a solution.
So far all the files I have are converted to wma, have been reduced in size to match some of the other ringtone files in windows, have been named using the same naming convention as the windows mobile ringtones, have been checked to make sure that the properties of the files are identical, have been copied into the windows folder and /or the ringtones folder and.......
Still can't get this to work.
If anyone has been successful doing this please share your method exactly with us.
For alarms, it has to be a WAV file, in the Windows folder of device memory (not storage card).
Very detrimental to the memory space, I know....so I only have 1 custom alarm tone. Size wise I have a 3.5mb file, and it works fine. No need to care about naming conventions.
This is old...but still relevant. Iirc mp3 doesn't work as alarm file.
All you need to do is copy the mp3 file to your Windows folder and then set that as your reminder. Set your alarm sound as something short and the reminder will play as your alarm.
you need to convert ur mp3 to wav n place them in the /windows folder of ur phone memory....i didnt get any size of length specific issues, but hey i wasnt specifically looking for one.
I didn't need to convert it, I just copied the mp3 to the windows folder and it worked no problem.
Bunglechunk said:
I didn't need to convert it, I just copied the mp3 to the windows folder and it worked no problem.
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Yes...this is a workaround, and saves putting a WAV file into Windows directory.
so far i tried:
1. putting mp3 in windows directory - didnt work
2. renaming mp3 to wav - didn't work
3. converting the mp3 from 192kbps to 128kbps - didn't work
4. converting mp3 to wav - works but file is huge
5. converting mp3 to wma - didn't work
6. renaming wma to wav - works like a charm
so conclusion - convert your mp3 to wma, rename to wav and put in windows directory.
Bunglechunk said:
I didn't need to convert it, I just copied the mp3 to the windows folder and it worked no problem.
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i'm guessing there is a way to make mp3s work maybe a specific format bitrate etc. but since it's not determined yet mp3>>wma>>wav is as easier a solution as any
Converted mp3 to wma. File size 681KB. Renamed to wav and copied it into the Windows directory (not the "Rings" subfolder but the Windows root folder) and finally showed in the alarm sounds list but I'm unable to select it it choose "default" sound then. May be its too large.
I have no problems using any MP3/WMA ringtone by putting them in \My Documents\My Ringtones.
And if that matters, I always use mono instead of stereo (2 channels aren't exactly useful for one speaker).
EDIT: Just confirming WMA works in the My Ringtones folder here; wasn't sure about this. I use a 243 KB file of about 40 seconds (ring is 30 seconds anyway).
If you want to use a custom sound, i.e for SMS/Email received, connection established or any other notification, you'll need to make a WMA or WAV file and drop it in \Windows\.
EDIT2: ...and I'm using Dutty's rom (WM 6.5).
The HTC alarm aplication(cover up the ugly windows version thingy) doesnt allow you to select MP3s. not sure why.
Open the windows mobile alarm app and you can select mp3s if they are in your my documents folder . Might need WM 6.5.3 though.
Wierdly when you select it in the windows alarm app, it shows the file in the HTC app.
Again, all my custom sounds are in mp3 format dropped into \Windows\ and I have no problems applying them. I'm just using the standard ROM Version (70315) WWE.
Bunglechunk said:
Again, all my custom sounds are in mp3 format dropped into \Windows\ and I have no problems applying them. I'm just using the standard ROM Version (70315) WWE.
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Because you're using the reminder workaround, not actually changing the alarm sound.....it's different from what the rest are trying to do.
I see what you're saying, but it's not just the alarm. All my sounds, ringtone/sms/email are all in mp3 format.
Finally after converting it to wav (not just renaming wma to wav) and placing it in windows folder it worked. Unfortunately the file is 2.8MB, no matter it's a mono

