ROM 1.60 and GPRS - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

Has anyone figured out a fix for the GPRS connection with the new T-Mobile ROM 1.60.07? My GPRS used to always be connected and now everytime I turn off the phone, the GPRS disconnects. In addition, I think some of the battery life problems come when the phone turns itself on (screen and all) to check e-mail (as set up in the Inbox settings). It used to check the e-mail silently without turning on the screen and then sound a notification tone.
I wasn't sure if anyone knew if this was a simple registry setting or a problem only solved with a Phone Stack upgrade?
Any help would be appreciated.

I've just upgraded to 1.60.00WWE (the radio stack is 1.60.01) and noticed the exact same thing. I did a lot af searching on Google and these symptoms are not mentioned anywhere, in general everyone is saying that the upgrade went fine and the device runs better than before, so it seems we are in the minority. Hopfully this is good news, and there's just something dumb that is not configured properly.

I also have the same problem ( and my friends with xda-2 ) all was fine befor the upgrade, But now the GPRS disconets , No good for MSN Messanger

I heard this from several users on several forums.. a lot didn't notice, but there was enough who did to make me not upgrade.. once the imate update came out i asked around for people that used that if their grps disconnected.. it didn't, so i upgraded with that ROM instead of the t-mobile one. Sorry for you guys =/

See the post above this one. Apparently if you delete the file from the extended ROM and hard reset, the GPRS stays on. You do lose the little GPRS timer but who cares!
I'm going to try it tomorrow and will report back.

Success! Sort of...
Well, I took some advice and changed my Ext_ROM. I took out all of the T-Mobile stuff and put in a bunch of the programs I always have to re-load myself. Then, the Hard Reset!
Bam! Now I have Always on GPRS again. However, apparently, one of the files in the Ext_ROM must also have the Bluetooth Fix with it. Now, I don't have the option of COM4 and COM5 for Bluetooth communications from before.
Does anyone know which of the files in the Ext_ROM this might have been? I am reluctant to try them one by one for fear of messing up the GPRS again.
Any help is appreciated!

Bluetooth Fix for Serial profile
I believe is between this two
CAB: \Extended_ROM\
CAB: \Extended_ROM\

Total Success... finally!
Well, thank you thariman for your help. I am very pleased now. I installed the two files from the ext_rom:
The first gives Bluetooth Settings the option for in and out COM ports. The second assigns these ports to COM4 and COM5.
Now, I have the Bluetooth fix to use my GPS and wireless sync AND the always on GPRS.
I hope everyone figures this out. I guess T-Mobile does not want users to have the always on GPRS connection. In seems to be disabled via there customization. Seems strange though considering their pricing is for unlimited use.
Anyway, I'm happy with my set up now! Good luck to all.


ROM Update (O2 Germany) and GPRS/UMTS does not stay connected

As i had this problem after having updated to the new german O2 ROM, maybe it is of help for somebody else:
The problem was that everytime i activated DirectPush on my xda Trion, it connected just fine and synched my device.
But after some time (10-30 minutes), the data connection (GPRS or UMTS, no matter) dropped and could only be re-established after a soft reset of the whole device.
I GUESS that it could be the CAB: \Extended_ROM\PP_Suspend_Resume_Null.CAB in the extended ROM of the new O2 ROM.
Judging from the filename it is setting the following registry entry to NULL.
This MAYBE causes the problem described above.
Nevertheless, the fix for me was to enter the following in the registry:
This is of course an old tweak from former Windows Mobile Versions - it works nevertheless also on the new Trion ROM - at least for me!
Has anybody else had the same experiences?
If so, maybe this is worth to put in the WIKI, as it took my some time to find this old tweak again somewhere.
Best regards - and have a good start into 2007!
Yes i had this in a similar way. It worked for some hours with some reconnects. But then a reconnection was not possible. So once or twice a day a reboot of the device was needed. I set the connection to alwayson to solve the reconnection problem. That works too. But I think this is now responsible for calling problems.
I have to do telephone calls twice to get a connection. Or in UMTS networks (mainly in one special location, could be an HSDPA problem) it happens, that the connection freeze. So I can't hear anything from the otherside and other way round also. I also can't close the connection.
Maybe that tweak from you is a better solution.
After having testing it for nearly a week now, all i can say is:
It works!
No disconnects, no failed reconnects, no calling problems.
Device runs even more stable as with the previous ROM - and, although this maybe is only misperception, it also runs faster!
So if you have problems with your GPRS/UMTS connections to stay connected - try this tweak!
Maybe somebody could add this to the Wiki?

New vodafone uk firmware for the v1605??

Ken Barwick is reporting new offical firmware release for the Vodafone UK V1605. His blog is here:
And the software is on rapidshare:
Can any of you more techinical minded folk check it out - is it an offical upgrade? (can't find anything on the offical Vodafone websites). Too nervous to try it myself as my phone is a company phone. Anyway if someone wants to look into it and report back.
Well I have gone ahead and done it - got too impatient to wait for someone else to check it out.
The upgrade went smoothly -
Stats as follows
ROM Version
ROM Date 02/06/07
Radio Version
Protocal Version 32.65.7020.09W
AKU 3.3
Now will rebuild with software I had before and test. Will keep you informed but all seems to be working ok so far.
It's the same rom that came (installed) on my 1605. It's very good. Battery life is very good. BT on, wifi with a fair amount of use, backlight up full, 30-60 minutes of calls etc... and the battery lasts around 48 hours. Beats my T750v by around 36 hours.
I own a sim free TYTN and use a Vodafone sim. If I update my TYTN with this ROM, will I then be able to install the iminent HTC ROM update without any problems? Will the Vodafone ROM lock my phone to their network?
adambern said:
It's the same rom that came (installed) on my 1605. It's very good. Battery life is very good. BT on, wifi with a fair amount of use, backlight up full, 30-60 minutes of calls etc... and the battery lasts around 48 hours. Beats my T750v by around 36 hours.
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Sounds like it is an official ROM then - can someone let an admin know to possibly update the relevent WIKI page. Wonder why Voda are using it for newer phones but haven't issued it as an update for exisiting phones?
Must say - no problems so far - all software seems to be working ok.
Yostin said:
I own a sim free TYTN and use a Vodafone sim. If I update my TYTN with this ROM, will I then be able to install the iminent HTC ROM update without any problems? Will the Vodafone ROM lock my phone to their network?
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Sorry not expert enough to help - possibly someone else can?
Since upgrading I had a problem with accessing my storage card. Appears this is a known problem with newer ROM upgrades (doesn't happen with AKU 2.x version) Have applied a reg workaround posted in other threads. If that works great if not I will go back to my previous ROM (AKU 2)
Well the issue with my storage card is still happening therefore I suspect I will revert to my previous Vodafone firmware AKU 2.3 - Anyone know whether reverting will be a problem as I read somewhere that the bootloader or something like that will not allow you to revert to a previous rom. Anyone know if this is an issue?
Loaded this on my v1605. (Well, actually I extracted the ROM, Ext ROM and Radio so as to continue running with Hard-SPL.)
Anyway, works fine for me. But the protocol version is actually 32.65.7020.09H (i.e. with HSDPA). I think the previous Vodafone radio had a protocol ending in W.
Also I had some problems with my storage card but I found that putting into a card reader and re-formatting as FAT32 on a Windows computer did the trick. The card was originally FAT16. (Curiously a FAT32 format on my Mac failed to fix it...)
Initial impressionis AKU 3.3 is fantastic and I'll be sticking with this ROM. New radio also seems to give me much better reception and call connection reliability, so far. I might try radio 1.38 in due course once I have a better idea of how this one is performing.
ma499 said:
But the protocol version is actually 32.65.7020.09H (i.e. with HSDPA). I think the previous Vodafone radio had a protocol ending in W..
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Thats weird because I just checked and mine definately has a "W" at the end not an "H". Wonder how that can be?
As for reformatting it as FAT32 - how long has that been workign for now. Seems some of these fixes like the reg fix or the FAT 32 fix work for some people and not for others
Okay, I found my first problem with this firmware: Vodafone Mail (242) voicemail icon alerts no longer work. The SMS alert doesn't seem to come through either. So no audio/vibrate alert either. D'oh!
On the other hand there is a new "VMail" Today screen plugin which does show you how many voicemails you have waiting. I guess the software is automatically processing the SMS alerts rather than treating them as normal voicemail messages. Which is an improvement (I always resented having to delete the old SMS notifications) but I'd still like to have the option of having an audio/vibrate alert for new voicemails (useful when you have call waiting disabled) as well as the spool icon which saves on Today screen space.
The protocol version thing is wierd. I definitely have HSDPA now - an "H" logo appears in place of the 3G one when I use data. Are there perhpas two variants of this ROM image circulating? I got mine from the Rapidshare link above.
Hey guys...
Sorry I was late on responding to this...
I can say that this ROM IS the official one, Vodafone are still trying to work a way on advertising and delivering you the ROM's...
On the case of the H and 3G logo's on the top bar. This is to indicate that you have HSDPA enabled coverage or 3G coverage.
I personal haven't updated to this version due to a number of reasons, so you'll have to let me know if you can make calls when the H is shown, in the States I could with the old ROM but not over here...
As for the Voice Mail, if that is the case removing them after delivery is a school boy error!!! tsk, tsk!!!
ma499 said:
Okay, I found my first problem with this firmware: Vodafone Mail (242) voicemail icon alerts no longer work. The SMS alert doesn't seem to come through either. So no audio/vibrate alert either. D'oh!
On the other hand there is a new "VMail" Today screen plugin which does show you how many voicemails you have waiting. I guess the software is automatically processing the SMS alerts rather than treating them as normal voicemail messages. Which is an improvement (I always resented having to delete the old SMS notifications) but I'd still like to have the option of having an audio/vibrate alert for new voicemails (useful when you have call waiting disabled) as well as the spool icon which saves on Today screen space.
The protocol version thing is wierd. I definitely have HSDPA now - an "H" logo appears in place of the 3G one when I use data. Are there perhpas two variants of this ROM image circulating? I got mine from the Rapidshare link above.
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Did you allow the Ext ROM to run? I believe that VF use a cab in there to turn on the voice mail notifications (part of the service indiciation security policy)
doedoe said:
Did you allow the Ext ROM to run? I believe that VF use a cab in there to turn on the voice mail notifications (part of the service indiciation security policy)
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Yes, I installed the new VF Ext ROM and allowed it to run. I might take a look at it's contents to see if I can manually run it again. (Not keen on doing a hard reset as it took me a couple of hours to reconfigure all my apps and seetings after the ROM update.)
keni said:
I personal haven't updated to this version due to a number of reasons, so you'll have to let me know if you can make calls when the H is shown, in the States I could with the old ROM but not over here...
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You're right! I can't make calls when the H is shown! After several attemps H is replaced by 3G and call goes through.
Incidentally it only seems to go into HSDPA mode as and when I initiate a data connection. During the course of the connection it will often switch back to 3G and, without fail, does so after the connection is dropped (manually). Is this normal behaviour?
Previously (with the factory-provided Vodafone ROM) I didn't get an 'H', and my ROM version ended in W, implying no HSDPA. Nevertheless I did have SetHSDPA enabled using the fit4cat HTweakC and there were often times (in 3G coverage) when I couldn't make calls until after several attempts.
I definitely have the W version. Got it from rapidshare, no idea why it is different to yours. No problems with making calls. I used set hsdp to on but the icon still says 3g however downloads at 1.2mb so definitely switched on. No problems at all with voice mail icon, works completely as normal. Only issue is still with the storage card. Drives me bananas.
I rang Vodafone about the voicemail problem. They've said they'll send me a replacement handset on Monday! Will be interesting to see what the firmware version on that one is.
Okay, this is really wierd. I tried doing a hard-reset and now the voicemail problem is gone! Plus I checked the Device Information and the Radio ROM version has changed to the 'W' version. As with Barneyabz there is no 'H' icon to indicate HSDPA but now calls can actually be made when HSDPA is enabled.
Why should the hard reset have made any difference?
And the VMail today screen plugin no longer works now that the spool icon and text alerts are working again. I really don't understand.
Okay I've done some more investigating... I flashed another Radio ROM (1.43, Protocol 'H') and found I had the same voicemail and HSDPA calls problem. I then did a hard reset and found it was fixed with the protocol (and behaviour) had changed to 'W'.
I can only assume that there is some customisation in the extended that changes this. Yet I ha dprevious tried manually running the auto-customisations from extended rom without any joy.
I might do some further digging. (Probably not just yet, however!)

Wireless (Mostly) Not Working

Hi all,
Got a problem that I can't seem to find any suggestions on how to fix here on the forums.
My i-mate Jamin's wireless doesn't automatically detect wireless networks, and even when I specify the configuration manually, it won't connect either. So, there is no detection of wireless (the wifi does turn on alright), and the 'wifi on' tower icon appears, but doesn't try and search or connect.
I was starting to think this was a 100% hardware problem, but I found that if I try and create an ad-hoc network with my Jamin, other devices can see it. However, when actually trying to connect to the ad-hoc network, the Jamin still keeps trying to connect unsuccessfully.
This problem existed on WM5 (my original rom) and has still been the same on all WM6.1 roms I've used (ShadoW, iProphet etc).
Any suggestions on a software angle, or what to look for in terms of 'broken' hardware if I were to pull the device apart?
try to update the ROM and the SPL, but be carefull
Thanks for the suggestion, but I've done both. I've got the HardSPL on my device, and I've got CloudyFa's WM 6.1 rom (and as I mentioned, I've tried about 3 other WM6 and WM6.1 roms too)..still no luck though.
It does, however, come up with the signal strength icon (like it can almost see the network) if you try and manually configure a network you know exists (eg my home network). It doesn't manage to connect to it though - just comes back and says 'unavailable'.
check if it is encrypted with WPA2. I think that version of cloudyfa is not compatible with that kind of encryption.
Zero|Cool said:
check if it is encrypted with WPA2. I think that version of cloudyfa is not compatible with that kind of encryption.
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Definitely is only WPA here at home. Tried disabling it to no encryption, and likewise it doesn't work at my university (WPA) or at public wifi hotspots (no encryptions) or if you use WEP either. I've tried every setting on my router - and like I've mentioned, tried it in various other locations and routers...
Definitely something wrong with my device..but who knows what it is
RockDJ20 said:
Definitely is only WPA here at home. Tried disabling it to no encryption, and likewise it doesn't work at my university (WPA) or at public wifi hotspots (no encryptions) or if you use WEP either. I've tried every setting on my router - and like I've mentioned, tried it in various other locations and routers...
Definitely something wrong with my device..but who knows what it is
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Try updating the radio ROM.
same problem here...never found a solution....
thycpt737 said:
same problem here...never found a solution....
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Try a WM5 official ROM with a different Radio ROM.
l3v5y said:
Try updating the radio ROM.
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Any suggestions as to the best version? I've upgraded from the base one to 2.20.21.
Also, how does the main memory go during this update (can't remember from last time I did it) - does it get erased / should I back things up?
RockDJ20 said:
Any suggestions as to the best version? I've upgraded from the base one to 2.20.21.
Also, how does the main memory go during this update (can't remember from last time I did it) - does it get erased / should I back things up?
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Main memory should be fine, nothing is wiped.
As to the best version, I'd suggest trying a few, personally, I think 2.19.21 is the best, but that may just be me and my Prophet...
l3v5y said:
Main memory should be fine, nothing is wiped.
As to the best version, I'd suggest trying a few, personally, I think 2.19.21 is the best, but that may just be me and my Prophet...
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Yep, main memory was fine. I've upgraded to the latest radio rom on that page, but still no luck.
So I've tried that one, your one was my original one (2.19.21) and my last one (2.20.21). Doesn't seem like it's a fix unfortunately..
Thanks for the help all the same. Anything else I could try?
Have same problem after I installed :touchflo 3d look.
RockDJ20 said:
Hi all,
Got a problem that I can't seem to find any suggestions on how to fix here on the forums.
My i-mate Jamin's wireless doesn't automatically detect wireless networks, and even when I specify the configuration manually, it won't connect either. So, there is no detection of wireless (the wifi does turn on alright), and the 'wifi on' tower icon appears, but doesn't try and search or connect.
I was starting to think this was a 100% hardware problem, but I found that if I try and create an ad-hoc network with my Jamin, other devices can see it. However, when actually trying to connect to the ad-hoc network, the Jamin still keeps trying to connect unsuccessfully.
This problem existed on WM5 (my original rom) and has still been the same on all WM6.1 roms I've used (ShadoW, iProphet etc).
Any suggestions on a software angle, or what to look for in terms of 'broken' hardware if I were to pull the device apart?
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Same problem here
Hey there, as I said befor I had the SAME EXACT PROBLEM (Vodafone S200 initial firmware - flashed several ROMS with no succes on wifi and finally decided to stay with bikertibi's 23102).
I think I somehow came across the solution (or the solution came across me) about the "when I turn on the wifi..."
It does:
1) look like its turned on as the upper icon appears and it says "on" on the display.
2) beeps the green led on the front speaker (or whatever is that)
It does not:
1) beep the radio signal (two waves) on the "wifi on" icon.
2) Find networks available
warning: my level of knowledge on PDA's is somewhere over the bottom limit so basically my interpretations of the solution will be more of that (interpretations) than it should be. So I beg for someone that knows what he's doing to try it and explain again.
Okay, after searching the unsearchable and MAKING SURE that it was DEF. NOT the USB cable, decided to give it a try to that icon "ADD NEW". That icon appears instead of the available networks, 'cause as I said my prophet wasn't detecting them.
So, I "added" a new one with ad-hoc (that is: tab on "add new", select ad-hoc, put a silly name and say yes to all) and then INSTANTLY and MAGICALLY (yes, Im THAT lamer) it all started to find networks all over the howse.
Other thing that might have been something on the process is that I was having my laptop with the wireless connected. At the first moment I connected the adhoc with the laptop but then tried to connect to another next door network with SUCCEED.
Finally, deleted the new added silly named network and it is still recognizing networks available.
Hope it helps
Maybe you should check your network to see anything wrong with it...
There's nothing wrong with the network you guys. I've been having the same problem for over 3 years? Couldn't quite remember.
I STILL have my Qtek s200 with me now. Alive and kickin'. I still have a problem with my wifi. I can connect alright, and browse alright. BUT only if I'm 2 feet near my router. The reception is extremely poor 3 years back, still is extremely poor now. This is not a coincidence. I think something's wrong with our devices. Tried doing everything. cooked, uncooked, stock. original radio, ALL radio. Still the same. Same exact distance, the reception weakens after 2 feet. AND 2 FEET is way to short for WIFI browsing.
To add more that there is nothing wrong with my network at home:
1. got no password
2. I have a old Nintendo DS lite. Works Fine.
3. Got a Wii
4. Got an Old Xperia X1 (not quite old)
5. Wifey's on C905
6. Got a China Iped
7. Using an HTC HD7
8. My OLD MSI Laptop has WIFI connectivity.
9. My Sis got an Aino.
that's basically it, an everyday home WIFI activity connectivity. AS for my Prophet. Still looks black good. but still connects no good. everythng else connects fine though, beaming IR things, bluetoothing things. pretty much normal. All except WIFI.
3 years ago, I thought it was just me.

Xv6800 no gps at all i think i have tried everything

Hey everyone i know alot about this phone from your forums. I have done the gps update on my phone using the wiki you had and Worked for some time. So after some time the gps wont pick up any satellites. Ok so i thought well i would hard reset and resintall the carrier cab and gps cab nogo. Ok so i reverted to stock rom and redid to dcd rom and radio added the carrier cab and gps cab again nogo. I even tried the mr1 update with gps cab via your wiki and still google maps and live search wont pick up the gps. Does anyone other than a defective gps unit have any other steps to try would be appreciated. thanks
Did you even search to see if others had your same problem. Look in the last 10 pages here.
have you applied the aGPS fix? and if you have, did you update with the new information? im not sure when it happened, but verizon changed the IP address and port you should be using. i lost gps for a while and didnt even realize that a hard reset made me lose all my gpsOne settings (when i lost my akey). if you have the aGPS fix set up correctly, you should have no issues at all.
I've been having a similar problem. I am not sure what the definitive ip address settings for verizon users should be (ip/port, that is). I think I've seen at least 2 or 3 different settings, including Telus ones. Does anyone know, definitively, which ip address and port we should be using?
kflipproductions said:
have you applied the aGPS fix? and if you have, did you update with the new information? im not sure when it happened, but verizon changed the IP address and port you should be using. i lost gps for a while and didnt even realize that a hard reset made me lose all my gpsOne settings (when i lost my akey). if you have the aGPS fix set up correctly, you should have no issues at all.
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When you mean the ip address change do you mean using qpst and if so i might not have changed the ip i will give that a chance i saw in a previous post a different ip didnt think anything of it. I will try and if someone has the new ip can you please send it to me.
I found
Or is it
ServerIP =
ServerPort = 8889
And one thing i looked at my phone and when i pull up qpst i dont see the usb ports listed i do see unknown i would try those but if anyone has anything on that would be great thanks
Guess i have to revert back from mr1 to dcd rom hope this works i loved my gps. my omnitech with igo and navigon is ok but i like google maps better.
you should be using DCDs rom anyways. the correct settings are the second block that you listed. your ports may not match the same numbers as the wiki, but add them both and open whichever one has SURF next to it
Use the telus servers. The verizon ones are hit and miss if they work without VZ navigator.
drewcam888 said:
Use the telus servers. The verizon ones are hit and miss if they work without VZ navigator.
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whats the settings for telus doing rom update right now
68 to 69
Ok so i had the xv6800 and got it working with gps. Then i decided to get the xv6900 because it has more ram and i knew my software i had would work on it. Plus i knew about this hack so....I gave it a shot.
Well I turned on the XV6900 as soon as i had power running to it, and it came from verizon with 6.1 on it. Which saved me some time having to install it later. The first thing i did was install the vahalla cab that i had on my 6800.
the registry settings were automatically set at
Mode 2
PDE address 5C8BC6D8
PDE port to 8889
I then installed the Serf telus agps deal....
Mode 4
server ip
server port 8889
then i install Franson gpsgate2.6
and it shows me a lite green icon on my today screen then when you go into settings it says "getting gps data, but no position"
I couldn't get gps to work in google or live. Maybe because i was impatient. I sat here at work on the 8th floor of my building and still couldn't get it to work. So finally I when i was leaving for work, i called my wife to let her know i was on my way home, and when i hung up the phone....there it was. The light green was now dark green which means gps position. And it works now. So i installed tomtom and that works (btw i use gpsgate for this to fool tomtom into thinking that the installed gps is a real tethered gps, because built in wouldn't work). So now gps works great, until I turn on my phone on the 8th floor. So my guess is, the gps has to get a lock outside with clearview of sky while you use your phone. once you do this the agps helps out and then you can go inside and still have location.
Try it let me know if this works for you.
btw- has anyone been getting text msgs saying a free software update available by dialing *228 then 2? this updates the roaming area. I wonder if this is tied in with us hacking the gps. Just a thought.
Telus server info.

GPS Issue, could use advice

R 3.42.50
D 3.3.4
Verizon Service
I've been running on this awhile. A few weeks ago, I noticed that my GPS just stopped working. Ie meaning that it was working before, and I made zero changes and now none of the GPS applications can detect that there is a GPS.
I'm looking for the most painless recommendation that I can do to get it working.
A. Do I need to flash a new radio rom and then do another set of the GPSFix using the windows tools again?
B. Do I need to upgrade both the rom and radio at the same time (ugh ...)
C. Is there another reason for the fact it no longer works, such as the IP address changed for assisted GPS or anything and I could just change it?
Anything you can offer would help. I went through a few pages of the 70+ page posts here on these subjects but couldnt find anything relating to prior working phones randomly stop working.
I will say that my friend is also on Verizon, has a mogul, I think he has a similiar radio and firmware and his has stopped working as well, so my guess is something has change carrier side and we're just not in the know =)
Thanks in advance for any points, and no flames for not being magical and finding the right post with the answer already in it ..
I just went through the latest updates to the AGPS article at:
I have updated the IP address to the one listed there (mine was different), and still no luck.
Working now. Had to restart it twice, turn location on and off and on again, and then let it sit for awhile. I just didnt have the patience.

