uninstall - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

help! I bought a sx56 but dropped it and broke it.
I had to buy this new one on ebay. (they are so expensive!) Sorry, but I am not real fond of this software. Is there any way of just going back to the normal software it comes with when it is brand new? Please help.[/list]

what software ?
the xda special rom ?
also not sure about in the US but here xda2 are not any more expensive then xda1 so if mine broke i would surely get a xda2

yes, i do not want your software with all the bells and whistles. i need it just plain like when i bought mine new

then maybe you can download the rom from the manufactors site
otherwise you could use the kitchen and uncheck all the extre program and settings


the place where you make those roms which may or may not include bells and whistles


More bad nes for Dopod Users...(Definatly no AKU3.3 ROM)

Well, after the last email i sent to dopod about a newer firmware i posted here, i sent another one, as theres obviously AKU3.3 updates from HTC themselves.
Dear Michael,
The 838pro ROM code is AKU2.3
I checked our schedule again for you and nothing has changed since your last email . There would not be any new ROM update in future for the Dopod 838 Pro.
If you want an updated unit, we suggest buying the newer Dopod 810. I appreciate that the Dopod 838 Pro is our current top PDA, however, we feel no update is needed. If your not happy with not having WPA2, i suggest more care in selecting a PDA next time.
Kind regards,
ANZ Service
Dopod International (Australia New Zealand) Pty Ltd
ABN 48 119 011 639
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Be rest assured, the "CARE" i take next time, will be NEVER to buy, or recommend a Dopod to anyone ever again. Considering they are trying very hard to break into the Australian market, they've done an appaling job at winning customers with crap service like this.
And no offence but its clear they don't care and are employing monkeys with there "engirsh"
8one pissed off Dopod owner8
Gosh That's really bad news...
I will also Inform and Definately NOT recommend to any of me friends/forums on DoPoD Devices (YuCK!)
or you can politely make it known to them that we've a aku 3.3 update for hermes here so they can just put a note in their future sales boxes to inform customers to come here to update a software that they are too lazy to do
:LooooooooooooooooooooL: m8!!
They surely are lazy!
that is fu**n s**t of Dopod as im using a Dopod 838 Pro.... as i stuffed by radio when trying to unlock the CID im now stuck to Dopod... might just have to go and buy the IMEI-CHECK unlocker....
Ahh wells.. At least they are the OEM distributor for HTC. We still can get nice updates.
Thats the bit about it all i don't understand.
HTC own Dopod now. There supposed to be HTC's break into Asia pacific etc.
Even though HTC release newer, needed ROM's, dopod's answer to that is essentially "Go F**k yourself, we want more money from you, so to upgrade buy another PDA"
Rest assured, when i buy a new PDA, especially in Oz, it won't ever be a Dopod thats for sure.
If your not happy with not having WPA2, i suggest more care in selecting a PDA next time.
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Someone interacting with customers and talking like that will soon find out that this can be "career limiting experience".
What is the email for the support or the person you contacted?
I reckon if enough of us ask about it they might respond
If they're owned by HTC, I'd forward that onto them. It is not good customer service to respond like that. A
nyway the problem is that when you are buying a device finding information in that much detail is very hard and it is completely capable of WPA2 and you would assume a market leading device would be capable of that.
-wireless- said:
What is the email for the support or the person you contacted?
I reckon if enough of us ask about it they might respond
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[email protected]
I've fowarded onto HTC. Lets see what they have to say about how there new retail arm treats HTC's new market and potential customers.
Seriously, i can handle them not doing an update (although that in itself is poor customer after sales support, basically buy the unit then we don't give a f**k about you) but the complete lack of respect for me and their own company pisses me off.
Oh well, how ever much i actually love the device, another dopod product will never grace my hands again, thats for sure.
yeah, dopod service sucks in this part of the world. you should pray that the device has no issue. i have a loose stylus issue and would rather not send it in for servicing
I appreciate that the Dopod 838 Pro is our current top PDA [...] i suggest more care in selecting a PDA next time.
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what a tool!
Some people really dont understand how to treat their customers. There are hundreds of better ways he could have gotten his point accross without being rude, and contradicting himself.
Hi, first post here.
I have owned numerous PDA's over the last 5yrs or so and cannot remember any of them getting an upgrade for the firmware. There have been various updates to fix minor bugs but usually if you wanted a newer OS then you replaced the PDA. HTC and Dopod arent doing anything different than any other manufacturer. I dont like it either but can see that if they released a new OS for the product then no-one would buy the newest kit.
It stinks but thats how it is
Umm, clearly you are very mistaken.
PDA's have had continuos updates for bug fixes etc for a long time. The Hermes has bugs that need to be resolved.
AKU3.3 is NOT a new OS. Its WIN CE 5 still, just with latest patches. Nearly all other manufacturers release updates. I don't care what happened 5 years ago, then industry and its problems then are nothing like they are today.
Its perfectly acceptable to expect a third party producer of a product, that the main manufacturer has released updates for, to get of their own lazy arses and customise that update for them.
What your saying, is its perfectly fine to release unfinished, bug ridden hardware/software and then the consumer should just pay for a whole new unit on a hope that that one isn't as bad.
Or, would you expect a simple update that they have to do very little work to customise to be released when its spoon fed to them.
Tell you what, buy a car from me, i won't include wheels with it. Everythign will work, but it will be usesless to you. You'd expect me to supply some simple wheels, but i will palm you off with bad service, **** english and tell you you should buy the newer, better car as that has wheels.
Um, clearly in my post i stated:
There have been various updates to fix minor bugs but usually if you wanted a newer OS then you replaced the PDA. If this is a MINOR update then I stand to be corrected.
You can keep your car by the way
No its not minor, its probably in the same capacity as SP2 was for XP.
However, nonetheless, it is an update thats needed to make the devices function as they are supposed to.
The update has been released by HTC to carriers. Dopod, are simply to tight and lazy to do anything, and beleive it acceptable to shaft its customers, rather than what some of the better carriers are doing (HTC direct, AT&T etc) and releasing an update thats much needed.
Im not asking for them to update to Crossbow for free. Im asking them to release a standard upgrade, to help their device they released to function properly.
you just got the standard Customer Support bugger-off-with-with-new-rom-inquiries reply, it's not up to him to know whether it will be available or not..

Newbie, Bluetooth GPS and other Questions

Is it a bad thing, I ordered the HTC TYTN from my Service Provider and I don't even have it yet and I am looking for tweaks, hacks and accessories.
I found this forum from Howard Forums. The Wiki for my phone (on this site) helped me tremendously. So thank you to all the contributors of that.
Well my first order of business will be getting Streets and Trips Mobil running on it and for that I am going to need a GPS. From what I gather reading other threads a wired GPS is a bad idea if not futile. So Bluetooth it is. I did a quick Ebay search for a few models I saw mentioned here, and came up with some very wide ranges in prices. I am leery of buying a "cheap" one from Ebay as I have made that mistake before thinking I am getting a great deal only to find out what I bought was flaky at best and junk at worst. So I am looking for some feedback from other people running Bluetooth GPS units on there Hermes type phones.
Ok next question,
Rom, Burnt, Fried, Baked, Cooked, I think they are coming to make me away he ha ha, to the funny farm........ (you have to be older (30-40) to get the joke.
Windows Media 6 sounds awesome, however I don't really want to brick my phone on my first tweak. What is the safest way to update from WM5 to WM6. I am on Rogers AT&T in Canada and would like to maintain most if not all of the features that will come with the phone. From what I understand the Rogers Branded phones have some "unique" registry settings that could be altered when you update to WM6. I am willing to loose them if I have to, in order to update, however if there is a way to keep them I would really prefer it. Specifically the new Named Caller ID. (displays the name of people calling you even if you don't already have them in your phone book)
What should my first tweaks be, are there any really good "to die for" apps out there......
My first love in life is (my wife) however for this topic lets just say cars and driving, hence why I want streets and trips.
My second love is computers and modding. I am also into movies and video's, so big storage will be a must. I want to be able to bring along a couple gig of music and video's with me.
I hope I have not driven anyone away with so many questions. If you can answer even one of my questions that would be helpful, if you can answer them all YOU ARE A GOD.
Thanks in Advance for listening to a newbie post.
first off.. welcome to the forums.. believe me when i tell you youll have tons of fun on new your toy..
secondly, i think you should take time knowing your new toy before you delve into tweaking or playing with it...
thirdly, read up and not until then and coupled with you being comfortable with your device should you consider starting messing with it..
hope this helps you for a start and good luck.
oopss. . .forgot addressing your subject line.. (got engrossed reading the body of your post that i do not think mentioned anything about the subject line )
i would suggest you look into BT-818, its small, compact has long battery life (32 hrs. and 32 satellites) and the battery can be replaced by you. i know a lot of members here will recommend something smaller but for me i think being practical without sacrificing functionality is essential..
Thank You Bapski for the quick reply, I have spent the last 2hrs reading through those pages and I don't think I have even scratched the surface of it all. Finding the FTP site link is going to save me a lot of time searching for files.
I hear alot about Black Magic, and CID unlocking. I came across a thread about how to unlock the phone without having to really do much. I guess this is a pretty simple procedure?
Well I have lots more reading to do thanks again for the links. (And I thought I covered most of it in the Wiki)
Well the phone arrived today.
I gave it a charge for about 5hrs and have been kinda playing with it.
Edited because I figured out how to fix my contact issues.
Now next up is upgrading to WM6. I really want to do this upgrade before I spend hours learning and tweaking WM5 which sounds like it will be a waste of time. However I am terrified of bricking the phone. I have downloaded the CID Unlocker and although it sounds as easy as hell, I want to make sure that the unlocker won't kill my phone. What numbers should I get off the phone to verify all this.
Are there any version numbers off of the phone that would / should be added to a database for anyone else to compare with older phones. I skimmed over a database that listed some phones with problems and what phones had what installed. This is a Rogers Branded HTC TYTN phone.
I am not a complete Tech Moron, I just don't know anything about Phones. (I run an Apache Web Server as well as an FTP Server and a separate Media Server)
If anyone has suggestions or thoughts about the safest way to update the phone with the least amount of risk, I would be really interested in hearing about it. I am going to do the update at some point its just a matter of me being comfortable enough with the software to do the updates.
P.S. I found a local supplier for a Bluetooth GPS for $79 which I will be picking up next weekend. Not sure how your board posts URL's so here it is straight up. http://www.ncix.com/products/index.php?sku=23763&vpn=IBLUE737&manufacture=i-Blue
Capt Fiero said:
Well the phone arrived today.
I gave it a charge for about 5hrs and have been kinda playing with it.
Edited because I figured out how to fix my contact issues.
Now next up is upgrading to WM6. I really want to do this upgrade before I spend hours learning and tweaking WM5 which sounds like it will be a waste of time. However I am terrified of bricking the phone. I have downloaded the CID Unlocker and although it sounds as easy as hell, I want to make sure that the unlocker won't kill my phone. What numbers should I get off the phone to verify all this.
Are there any version numbers off of the phone that would / should be added to a database for anyone else to compare with older phones. I skimmed over a database that listed some phones with problems and what phones had what installed. This is a Rogers Branded HTC TYTN phone.
I am not a complete Tech Moron, I just don't know anything about Phones. (I run an Apache Web Server as well as an FTP Server and a separate Media Server)
If anyone has suggestions or thoughts about the safest way to update the phone with the least amount of risk, I would be really interested in hearing about it. I am going to do the update at some point its just a matter of me being comfortable enough with the software to do the updates.
P.S. I found a local supplier for a Bluetooth GPS for $79 which I will be picking up next weekend. Not sure how your board posts URL's so here it is straight up. http://www.ncix.com/products/index.php?sku=23763&vpn=IBLUE737&manufacture=i-Blue
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safest way is to change your bootloader if your going to flash... its pretty much simple if you have a stable computer and dont pull out your USB while your flashing.... if you dont have enought confidents yet, read more about your phone....
best safety precaution we do here is to install hard spl 2.10.. with this installed, it is said youd be able to avoid bricking (unbrick) your phone if something goes wrong.
safest and fool proof way is to read MRVANX GUIDES
follow all instructions to the letter and youll never go wrong.. i know thats how i did it.. just choose whatever ROM there is on the guides for a start and then once you get the hang of it, you can try other ROM's as you please..
Ok my first ever change to the phone, Hard SPL 2.10 v7 has now been installed on the phone. Followed the guids exactly and worked like a charm. I have not ran any "unlocking software" yet. I guess that is my next step and then loading the official HTC WM6 update.
Yee Haw, I am rocking out now.......
Ok I did the Bootload update.
Then followed the guides again
I updated the Radio and then updated to Fara's Super Clean WM6.
Dang I was all paranoid for nothing, most of this is just click through and go.
There was a few times the Phone asked me questions that were not listed on the guides, but I think I just said, Yes Allow every time it asked anything and all went well.
congratulations... good to hear everything worked out well...
congratulations.. good thing your upgrade went well...
I updated to radio ver 1.41 and am having issues with network connection. GPRS does not want to work and when I am connected to my home wireless router it is spotty at best. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. As well as the range seems to be drastically reduced.
Any suggestions?
Capt Fiero said:
I updated to radio ver 1.41 and am having issues with network connection. GPRS does not want to work and when I am connected to my home wireless router it is spotty at best. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. As well as the range seems to be drastically reduced.
Any suggestions?
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try 1.50........
Thanks, I will try that.
if that dont work try 1.50.10/1.51
I installed Radio version 1.50 and everything is or at least seems to be working great. Lots of things that I am tweaking in WM6.
2 things,
When I had the Rogers WM5 installed I had a a type of Windows Messenger Installed locally that worked well, and now it is gone. Where Do I re-download that from. I have done some searching and only came up with a web based messenger for Mobil phones that loads in I.E.
Next question How do I do batch text messaging. On my old Motorola Razr I could simple compose a message open up my contacts and then go through and check off all the names I wanted to send it to and hit send and it would send to all the people. However in the TYTN I have to add each person separately.
Is there a way to send batch text message with the TYTN?
Ya know I think this thread has moved far enough off topic that it is time that I just start a new thread in diffrent section for all my "newbie questions"
I would like to offer a huge thanks to all that helped me out the past few days learning a new piece of tech. I am still going to have a lot of questions as time goes on. So you can keep your eyes out for me in other Hermes sections. If anyone ever has a car question drop me a PM.
For a Bluetooth GPS you seriously cant go wrong with this:
Garmin mobile 10.
Its small, very small.. easy to use. It uses garmins software on your phone. Its not very expensive. has at least a 22hour battery.
It checks traffic when planning routes.. it can tell you gas prices for nearby gass stations, you can check weather, tell it to avoid almost anything.. its just amazing.
Just to update this thread, I did finally buy a Bluetooth GPS. Final price was $61 including shipping. Its a JRT-29 the website, http://www.gpswindow.com/en/picture.asp?idtype=JRT28 kinda sucks, but the unit itself is really nice. About the size of an old slide out tray matchbox. 42ch and works perfect. Came with a car charger USB Cable and software to use it on a PC as well as a mobil phone. (did not need the software for my phone, just my PC)
Thanks again for everyones help.

Petition for XDA-DEV ROM library_Pls SIGN

ORIGINALLY from this thread: ( i just want to help to have more signature )
To: Microsoft
This Petition aims to show the support for xda-developers.com's archive of 'ROM Images'
The Undersigned wish to notify Microsoft Corp. of their strong feelings against the recent demands to remove the 'ROM Images'. We feel that they bring more publicity and support to the 'Windows Mobile' platform and device: without this we feel they would not be as popular as they are to this date.
Please think rationally Microsoft!
The Undersigned
This is an old and sensitive issue. This is not solely Microsoft's decision. Microsoft's Windows Mobile is bundled with Manufacturer's device under operators/distributors specification. This is a three-way agreement. Microsoft can not sell you the OS, because the device drivers is built by third party.
The reason for its removal from this site is the consequences of flashing an unofficial ROM. Some damn users don't know what they are doing... Flash their devices with custom ROMs, brick their devices unnecessarily, claims warranty to operator/distributor, and even sometimes demand support to an unofficial ROM.
Simply stated, if your were in their shoes, what would you do?
In the same manner, we, the users who understand the situation, are left with devices with very little or no support when new devices come out. We were sold with devices that cost like a PC, and NO OPTION to buy an upgrade from them.
And what are we supposed to do? buy again another device with the new software? That's plain bull.
So, your campaign is pointless! In the end, what really matters to them is the bottom line.
jiggs said:
This is an old and sensitive issue. This is not solely Microsoft's decision. Microsoft's Windows Mobile is bundled with Manufacturer's device under operators/distributors specification. This is a three-way agreement. Microsoft can not sell you the OS, because the device drivers is built by third party.
The reason for its removal from this site is the consequences of flashing an unofficial ROM. Some damn users don't know what they are doing... Flash their devices with custom ROMs, brick their devices unnecessarily, claims warranty to operator/distributor, and even sometimes demand support to an unofficial ROM.
Simply stated, if your were in their shoes, what would you do?
In the same manner, we, the users who understand the situation, are left with devices with very little or no support when new devices come out. We were sold with devices that cost like a PC, and NO OPTION to buy an upgrade from them.
And what are we supposed to do? buy again another device with the new software? That's plain bull.
So, your campaign is pointless! In the end, what really matters to them is the bottom line.
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bro this is not my campaign, im just supporting this.
Thanks for the explanation,.
Feh, Microsoft just doesn't want unsupported devices floating around. <_<
And seriously, the custom ROM excuse is... crap.
It's similar to the case of a laptop owner having his warranty voided because he ran Linux instead of Vista (he later got his warranty repair anyway).
I know it's a PDA but I expect the folks who make the stuff to be better than trying to lock people down into a walled garden. -.-"
Especially a brand such as O2 who sell the product then dont provide a decent OS or service to go with it! These are our devices we paid for them we extracted the OS's to build or rebuild a better quality rom, from what I have seen nobody has asked for money or otherwise! Lets face it MS arnt going to break their budget over a handful of ppl cooking and sharing a few upgraded roms.
This was an old thread.. Feb.
It now really does not or really concern as all the rom is for evaluation and testing. As long we agree to flash it to the so-call required version, and even it spoilt, we fix ourself
Mine's out of warranty. The only thing I wish right now is that O2 actually releases the service manual.
Dont forget someone needs to pay for the software
post removed because of my employer
homer285 said:
Especially a brand such as O2 who sell the product then dont provide a decent OS or service to go with it! These are our devices we paid for them we extracted the OS's to build or rebuild a better quality rom, from what I have seen nobody has asked for money or otherwise! Lets face it MS arnt going to break their budget over a handful of ppl cooking and sharing a few upgraded roms.
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Let's see, I have setup the download center for the XDA Atom WM6 AKU0.7 to see the statistics... as of this date, there are 3,349 downloads....
jiggs said:
Let's see, I have setup the download center for the XDA Atom WM6 AKU0.7 to see the statistics... as of this date, there are 3,349 downloads....
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briliant jiggs,.
Hi Guys,
Don't forget that windows mobile is a copy written bit of software. Someone needs to pay for it. Normally the vendor pays Microsoft for the license for your device. That's fine for the initial release. However notice that only products that are still being sold get an updated rom? Why's that.... Because the vendor still wants to sell that device. Once its out of production no rom upgrades... funny that. Its the trend for all consumer electronics. Its all about pushing sku's or stock unit items. Remember that all these company's are in the game to make money.
How can o2 make any money by making a rom upgrade available to a new OS when they need to pay Microsoft for the OS and they cant make any more money as the unit is out of production.
I think the whole thing is silly. I have an atom exec that is still faster than many of the "new" mobile 6 devices with older processors but no officially upgrade option. I am not going to dump my perfectly good atom exec to something else for no reason but I want mobile 6.
What needs to happen, so everyone is happy and gets their $$ is that o2 should offer an upgrade service. I'd be happy to pay for an upgrade rom that way both O2 get their slice and Microsoft get their $ for the software.
*We should be pushing o2 to offer an upgrade service with a price tag to produce the new roms. Its never going to happen for free.* Microsoft don't give software away for free if you haven't noticed. It should be much cheaper than buying a new PDA with pretty much the same(or lower) specs as they haven't really moved in hardware they just keep moving buttons around.....
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Boy. HP used to do this before wm2k3se to wm5. How I wish it existed, then I didn't get to waste 5 mos of my life just to make the upgrade myself. BUT, the bottom line is much better with the new devices...
How much percentage of users really do flash their devices with the 'test' ROMs?
Just that the guy who quoted the above would know... the official wm5 ROM for the Atom really sucks!!!

Used Cingular 8125 Unlocked for Sale

I have a Cingular 8125 that has been unlocked and is running the latest WM6.1 Professional TNT Rom. I was thinking it is worth like $100. Everthing comes with it. The case, charger, and transfer cable. I think I have the box somewhere also.
Hope I am not stepping on any toes selling it here on the forum. I like the phone, but it just has too many features for me. I'll reflash a fresh copy before it ships out. I can take paypal. Thanks!
Ok best offer...it is a great little device. It is just not for me. Anyone?
You might want to try ebay or posting to a different section of the forum, as this section is about WM6 upgrading.
I might be willing to purchase it. I need to check up on the Rom to see if it is what I would use. Do you have a link or something to the software that comes with it? Would you accept $80.00 for it?
just sent you a PM.
i am from india and want to buy it in 80$.
what is the procedure
and guarantee

Looking for a t4242+ (clone) Rom in english

As theattitle i looking for a rom that make my wheel working.
As clone has nothing in common with original Iolite, nobody here will probably help you with that. You must check clone's manufacturer website.
English ROM
Please do not listen to these people. This phone is strongly supported although not officially. I personal bought everyone in my family this phone as it is of high quality and faster than the original.
The following link is WM6.5 English with wheel working and stable for HTY T4242+
Plus I recommend the following website for any software you may need.
This phone may be supported somewhere, but not here. We talk about htc devices, and clones are like Palm/Motorola/LG, they share nothing with HTC devices, except the look. They require specific software (for cooking), and specific methods (soft reset, flashing, hard reset...). How can we help people if we are supporting devices regardless of if they are originals or clones? Even worse, there are even different clones of the same device (T4242+, T4288...), and roms are incompatible between them!
AFAIK, information about clones here are only for the people who buy these clones instead of the original, thinking they are buying the original...
Clones may be good if you know what you are buying, but people buying clones thinking they are buying originals ARE ripped off, nothing else. This is illegal for that reason, selling someone something as being something else. Remove the HTC branding in the announcement (on ebay for instance...), i am ok with it. But i spotted several listings for "HTC T4242" which were instead for "HTY T4242+" or "T4288". This is not good.
And please don't say it is faster. Processor is not everything you know... Clones have half the ram, half the rom...
And finally, what will happen if you have an issue with it? When you buy a device, you also buy support. Buy clones without support (THIS is support, when your device break, you can make it repaired) if you want, but don't advise people to do the same without giving them all the information.
T4242 quality
Look, the argument can go either way. I have personally had this phone for months and purchased many for family and also recommend them. To answer your question, they are not the same. This one has a faster more expensive processor for half the price and I have found that they perform faster. The quality is great. As far as support, there is a community to offer ROM's and warez sites for any software including GPS. As for warranty, cell phones have a life of about 2-3yrs tops. These phones are half the price and perform perfectly. So if you are worried, buy a second one as a back up and you will still be ahead of the original.
FYI: The batteries are exactly the same, so is the charger, and casing so all accessories will work except audio related headphones etc. They actually ship with 2 batteries and 2 stylus's and wall charger and decent headphones. Batteries are $5USD with shipping on eBay and so is the charger. Buy a bluetooth headset and forget about the plug in.
Please understand that there are people on this forum who paid good money, over double for a device which does not have the same specs, ships with half the accessories (batteries) and paid for twice the price. I would be bitter too. These phones are made by Hantel, which is part of a large cellphone manufacture CECT. I have purchased thier phone for 3 years and no problem. I have owned P168, Daxian x999+, HTY Q5 and all high quality.
This one is the best bang for your buck in my opinion.
jaygreene24: Clones might be good, but they still are and will be clones and have nothing in common with original. Just deal with it. But do not ask, how it is possible that kitchens, SPLs and so on are not working for them... Btw. You really think that your clone is faster than mine custom cooked original? I don't think so...
Sorry, but since this is an english forum, you are supposed to write in english...
And why would you write in chinese in a thread asking for an english rom? I just don't get it...
Can anyone post a good link for a current T4242+ english rom?
This is an English wm6.1 rom that I got from a seller in China. Although its wm6.1 at least it is in english..
I am living in Beijing at the moment and I will try to get a wm6.5 english rom from a seller as soon as I can...
I seem to have inadvertently got hold of one of these... Sorry but the build quality isn't a fraction of HTC's. Anyways it seems like I'd better make the best of a bad situation. In the process of trying to flash the rom I appear to have frozen windows so now I can't access anything on the home screen.
Now - I'm vaguely aware of how to do this sd card flashing business but can someone fill me in? I've figured out how to access the usb update mode but nothing beyond that. Failing that, a hardware hard reset would also be great if I could get the button combination - if there is one lol
Any advice at all very welcome thanks!
hard reset turns out to be - middle circle including outside and inside buttons + red button. Now to get a decent rom to flash
I flashed my T4242+ clone with an english 6.5 rom; works perfectly, wheel and buttons included.
If you want to modify the user interface, add a nice plugin, like Iphonetoday ( there are others, too ), and there is not much left I might need.

