Live Chart viewing - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

I wondered if there is any way to modify the XDA or any software that can be added to the the device to enable it to display live charts from the internet?
In particular i want to be able to access the following site:
Any advice or pointers would be helpfull


[Q] Searching for a proper bike companion app

Hey all,
I am planning to do a lot of mountainbiking after this winter. Therefore, I want to have some sort of companion app which can run on my Galaxy S II while it's in a mount on my handlebar.
The last few days I've been searching for such app which meets these requirements:
Overview with map and speed/distance related information
Current speed, avg. speed, trip distance, total distance...
So, essentially, I want a single-screen, hands free, reference app, which displays my current position on a Google Map / Satellite overview (preferably the latter) and an overlay or a dedicated part of the screen with information mentioned in the second point here above...
For your reference I created a quick mash-up to make it more clear what I am looking for:
http:/ / u/ 7263747/ MTBmashup.jpg
Sorry for the spaces but as a new user I am not able to post images or links yet...
If anyone is aware of something similar, please let me know!
Give Locus a try
Please use the Q&A Forum for questions Thanks
Moving to Q&A

Android/IOS developers

Hey there,
I had an idea for an app and since I have no programming skills or experience I wanted to see if anyone could recommend a developer or resource they have used to hire a developer.
The idea behind the app is to provide users of said app with the ability to communicate information about their motorcycles. For example,
in talking about clarifying what actions the program is intended to perform
• Search for a motorcycle by color, model, make, location, year, etc.
• Should be able to filter by location
• Should be able to receive and send messages
• User A should be able to upload photos for users B,C,D
(if this is in the wrong section, sorry in advance, I can move it.)
thanks for your time

[Q] Casting/Mirroring but hiding Information

Does anyone know how to go about casting/mirroring your android device to a TV? While you are hiding information?
For example, say I wanted to cast/mirror a custom app from my phone, but I wanted some stuff to only be visible to me from my phone. How exactly would you go about doing this?
(My thought of approaching this)
Is there a way to configure a custom app so it will zoom-in in a specific area? Which only zooms-in on the app from the TV to hide all of the exterior stuff I ONLY want to see from my android device.
Is there a specific software or device you need to use to accomplish this?
I work with Android Studio just in case this helps. I hope I explained it well enough and provided enough information.

Newbie to development....

I have a programming background but I'm new to android dev. so may I ask:
How difficult would be to implement an app that returns the GPS location of a specific phone and what tool would be the easiest way to make it? Will App Inventor do it? Another tool would be RFO-BASIC. Could someone be kind enough to describe the steps involved?
Reason for this kind of app is a friend of mine who has a 15yo child with health problem and needs to monitor it. I know there are apps in the market but: 1) Most are not free and 2) Does not want to (or can not) get his child's email details to use it for this purpose.... What he can do is take the phone for a while and install an app.
I suggest you check the official website of android development, where there are documents and tutorial for android app & GPS location development.

Need help with an app

There is an app on android/ios that has a live feed. I want to know how I can fetch those via http requests. Is there a way to reverse engineer the app and find out the part in the ipa/apk which will allow me to read the code and find out what I need to do to get the data I need? it has the iOS and Android version downloads and the feeds are right on screen

