Today Screen and Phone software - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

I would like to know if it is possible to modify the first screen (today screen) and put on it my most used programs like I was used to do on Palm or even my Windows descktop computer.
I also would like to know if there is some alternative to the phone software that comes with the XDA2 since I did not find the one attractive.


Screen Rotation (Protrait/Landscape) on M2K

(Not sure if this is the correct forum tbh).
Anyone know of a utility which I could install on my M2K which will place a small icon at the bottom of the "Today" screen that will automatically flip the screen back and forth between Portrait and Landscape??
A work colleague who has the 02 version of the phone has just this utility - is it an 02 "special item"?
There are a number of today plug ins that help.
The best I have found which includes lots of other useful stuff is SPB Pocket Plus. Whilst it is commercial software it is well worth the asking price. You can download a trial version from Hangango or
Good luck
These utility programs were packaged by SIN for use with the XDAii 2003SE update. Together they may do what you wanted:
Rotate Screen Utility
Tray Launch Utility
See here for further details:
Spb Pocket Plus
I recently installed the trial version of spb Pocket Plus and am suitably impressed. One small problem though. If I try and change the settings (options) I can't exit. I can still move around and go to different settings screens but can't go back with the OK button or exit settings. Have to exit with a soft reset and even then won't reboot beyond the background screen (Qtek 9090 logo) without a further soft reset or two. Any similar experiences or better still ideas to sort ?
I have an O2 xda IIs and have the same screen freeze problems with Pocket Plus. Looking through the FAQ on the SPB web site, I came across a response that said in the XDAIIs there is a frreing problem that SPB put down to the way O2 implemented WM2003SE. Given that you are seeing the same problem on the Qtek 9090, leads me to believe that it may be an HTC/WM2003SE Phone Edition problem....
There is however another product that offers very similar functionality. Its Battery Pack Pro form Omega One and available at Handango. I have just sent Omega One a support question to see if they know of any issues with their software and the XDA IIs. If they say "no", I will uninstall Pocket Plus and try the trial of Battery Pack Pro to see if its more stable. Will post here with more info when I have it...
Since removing SPB Pocket Plus I've had a similar locking/no exit experience when playing around with backgrounds and wallpaper. Can't make it happen today though (not that I want it to !!!).
Battery Pack Pro
I haven't had the freezing problem yet on the MDA III.
However I had to move from Battery Pack Pro as when I installed it for some reason the calendar and contact button mapping went awry.
The issue was odd in that the buttons would work when you initially pushed them but you could not repeatedly press them to scroll through the different calendar/contact views. A feature which I use frequently.
My advice is to tread carefully and try it out carefully before buying. Good product though if it has no side effects.

Pocket PC Notes gone after hard reset

Can anybody help me? I have (what thanks to this forum I now know is) a Wallaby, with the original Windows Pocket PC Version 3.0.12039 (Build 11178). A week or so ago it went into a difficult state with the 'phone turned off, and wouldn't turn on any more, and the backlight only flashing intermittently. I could still use the palely visible OS. A soft reset had no effect on this condition, so after doing my best to copy all the files on the device to the SD card I bucked up my courage and did a hard reset. This restored normal working behaviour of the device, and of course also removed all data and everything I had installed, and also put back a lot of programmes I didn't want and had gone to considerable lengths to remove.
However, one thing I needed was missing from the Programmes: Notes. After synching with Outlook on my desktop I had back an only slightly older version of my Calendar, Contacts, etc., including my notes themselves. However, tapping on a note doesn't open it, nothing happens at all. And the Notes item has disappeared from the Start Menu
Can anyone tell me what is going on? Have I now got a new "improved" version of the OS in which they have dropped Notes? (This is what I fear!) Is there a version of the (presumable) programme executable for Notes for this version of Pocket PC anywhere on the Web that I could download? If anyone can tell me where, or offer any advice, I would be most grateful. Thanks in advance.
it's a pretty old rom why not upgrade to a newer rom it's bound to have piles of bug fix's compared to your iceage rom
Rudegar, Thanks for your rapid reply. I am encouraged. What upgrade would you recommend? What could my old hardware maximally cope with? Would a newer rom give me Notes back?
i dont know you can get 2003SE for xda1's not sure if it have issues
and unless you missing notes is a hardware issue which i doubt very much it should
I got my notes back. What a relief. Once again I can read my shopping list! Looking through what I'd managed to copy to my SD card and browsing the contents of my Wallaby, connected to the PC via the USB cradle (using Windows explorer which, unlike pocket File explorer, allows you to see most files and some extensions, though the option "search" suddenly disappears from the right-click menu when you reach the Mobile Device or Card Reader) I found and got back most of what I was missing.
Many thanks to Rudegar for the help. And all others who have read and perhaps thought along. I'm still interested in upgrading if my hardware can handle it. On the other hand I'm a little nervous about flashing my rom (as I depend on my device for a lot more than my shopping list ). I'm very willing to believe that flashing your rom is dangerous, as is pointed out on the relevant page. I think I need to do a lot more reading on this forum and associated sites before attempting an upgrade. Making a restorable backup of my present OS would be a good start, I think.
I hope this little thread is of help to anyone with similar problems.

Problem with some programs using WM6

When I try to run some programs, the only thing that happens is that the screen changes from landscape to portrait. Then NOTHING else happens. The program does not run and it does not show up in "Running Progams".
Here is an example program: PocketJig:
I don't know if the program will not run in WM6 or if I have a REG problem.
Any ideas?
Many thanks.
Note: PocketJig is shareware and is shown here for example only. I you actually use the program, please register it.
Looked at the PocketJig site and it does not say it supports WM6 then again it does not say it does not I would recommend you contact the author of the software and inquire.
When I bought the program the author wrote to thank me. When I wrote to her about WM6 I never heard back from her.
The registery for that program calls up getrealdpi.exe before it calls up pjig.exe. It may be that pjig.exe is never actually called to run.
Most other programs do not have a call to getrealdpi.exe. That's why I think it may be a REG problem.
Try starting it up in portrait. I have a program that will not run at all if started while in lansdcape mode, but runs perfectly well if I'm in portrait mode when starting it.
Running in portrait MAY have been slightly better. At least the name of the program flashed onto the top of the screen for about 0.1 of a second and then shut down as usual.
Thanks for the suggestion.

[HTC HD2][IPAQ R4100] Unable to install apps - Not sure where to get apps/games?

Hello all,
I have recently purchased a few HP Ipaq PDAs, I believe one is an R4000 and the other R4100 (Or H4000, can't recall) anyway they're running Windows Mobile 2003. I have also purchased a HTC HD2 running Windows Mobile 6.5.
I have got hold of loads of Pocket PC games but only maybe 1 in 20 will run on either of these devices. Normally I get an error of "Not a valid Pocket PC Application" or similar. I found an FTP site with various games/apps for download specifically listed as either "Pocket PC" or "WM2003" but again, only a small selection seem to work.
Am I missing something? Is there a better source I should go to (I appreciate none shall be named here but if someone could hint). I would have thought looking for WM2003 apps would be the ones I need for the IPAQs and Pocket PC apps should work on either but at least one of the devices.
Any help would be appreciated

Language Inputs (IME) for Windows Mobile 6.5 and 2003

Hey guys, This is definitely a LONG SHOT, (it's been long time since), I have old devices which I need to revive and make it function like it used to back in the day (this is symbol/motorola scanner MC75A and MC50) and I need access to Korean Language IME on Windows Mobile OS's. I had full version of Diopen6 back in 2011 or so on my old PC, but of course I don't have any of my old files, i've searched for days hoping I had some kind of archive on my old HDD, also looked high and low on google and naver (Korean search engine) . DIOTEK seems to be gone for awhile too. So i'm not even sure if I'll able to even activate the diopen software if I find it.
I've found language inputs for WM 6.5 on old thread which uses MOAKEY, it works for WM 6.5 however I would like QWERTY if possible just like what diopen used to do. the problem with MOAKEY is it fills up nearly the whole screen, while I need to use the inputs on browser. as for MC50 (WM2003), I bricked it twice trying to install just korean fonts, i wasn't able to locate any cab for fonts on WM2003.
If anyone can point me to right direction for IME on these OS, it would much appreciate it!

