need a number - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

is there a number where i could contact the maker of xda2 prodcut

Look Here
you can try here at the manufacturer site to get your info
Hi tech corporation in taiwan

still they dont provide me with a number

i'm pretty sure that htc dont offer support for the devices
i mean it would be like people contacting them when they have
issues with their ipaq which they also makes
the support is left to the company who oem the device
like tmobile, o2, qtek(carrierdevices) ......


HTC Says It will not distribute RUU upgrades except through Distributors!

I wrote to HTC asking when and where They would be distributing RUU upgrades for the HTC branded TyTNs. They replied with the following:
"Thank you for contacting HTC Europe support, Regarding your query, the official ROM update can be downloaded only from the distributor website, and the last version can be seen from their web page.
From you IMEI we can tell you which is the distributor webpage you will need to look at. Dangaard is the distributor of your phone so please look at
Thank you for your enquiry, Should you have any other problem, please do not hesitate to call us. Your Local number can be found at
Kind regards
Carola Rezza
HTC support
[email protected]"
I did not purchase from Dangaard. i purchased from someone on the web who may have purchased from them. Nonetheless, i checked their site and they don't even show that they sell this branded version fo the TyTN. They sell the QTEK branded version.
I have written back to them to ask what now since i purchased an HTC branded product because i wanted HTC direct support, not Cingular support. They are a major pain when it comes to support.
Is this possible? Has anyone else heard anything more reliable that suggest that they intend to provide updates directly? The Dangaard site doesn't show any support options of any kind as far as I can see.

T-Mobile (UK) leaves business users High and Dry!

OK I was a little harsh when I sent this to T-Mobile this morning, bad day, but it does reflect my feeling about T-Mobile’s attitude towards its business customers.
I will of course be flashing my phone with a ROM from this sight but when I visit clients and they comment on my phone I shouldn’t need to tell them that they can only use the phone with all it’s features if they burn the warranty... We are seeing quite a few clients make the transition to Office 2007 and Exchange 2007 so telling them that to open files on their phone they must stick to saving files in 2003 mode and that they will not notice many improvements on their phone using WM5 and Exchange 2007 (only real benefits are administrative) is totally unacceptable and will mean that both T-Mobile and HTC lose out as we will be recommending the i-mate Ultimate range of phones in future (anyone have a good supplier?)
Good morning, I have just been informed by a colleague that whilst I was led to believe that a Windows Mobile 6 update for both my Ameo and Vario 2 were imminent, T-Mobile UK has now decided that it's business customers do not require the advantages offered by this upgrade and that having just invested a not insignificant amount of money in a new phone I will have no choice but to void the warranty in order to get the upgrade that other colleagues in other countries will receive from T-Mobile direct! Might I suggest that if you are unwilling to provide this upgrade you at least extend the warranty to cover the upgrade released by HTC as without this concession I will find it very hard to justify renewing my contract with T-Mobile UK in 18 months when it expires! Nor will I be able to continue recommending T-Mobile to my clients. As a VAR and IT Managed Services provider I often recommend to clients their next phone upgrade to be integrated with their Exchange servers, I am now installing Exchange 2007 which specifically takes advantage of new features added in Windows Mobile 6 not to mention continued compatibility with Microsoft Office 2007. The AMEO is one of your flagship corporate products to treat your customers with such disregard is unacceptable!​
“Hello Martyn
Thanks for taking the time to contact me regarding Windows Mobile 6 and T-Mobile Uk's decision to not to release the software download for existing devises. I can understand how disappointed you must be with this decision especially if you bought the Ameo in the hope that you?d be able to download this software in the future.
T-Mobile have decided to bringing in new MDA devices that make best use of the features of Windows Mobile 6 rather than rolling it out on existing devices that work perfectly well with Windows Mobile 5.
Unfortunately we?re not in a position to extend the warranty to cover the upgrade offered by HTC and I?d recommend you would have to take this up with HTC. We?re also advising customers that downloading this software from other locations could damage the handset and invalidate the warranty as it?s not designed for UK devises.
I?m sorry you?re unhappy with our decision on Windows Mobile 6 Martyn but we do feel that our customer still have full use of all the features on the devices with Mobile Windows 5.
Kind regards
Ami Usher
Business Customer Services
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Wow, that really sucks. I guess they figured they already have your money and you are stuck in a contract with no other options. Also, they probably thinking you will forget about this soon before the 18 months and you will renew with them again when another device hit market within that time frame.
that is kinda sucky!, i upgraded mine to wm6 anyway so
F**K tmobile.
and you cant beat webnwalk plus for £3 a month which is what it costs me
I am a private customer but use my Ameo for work too - therefore I just wrote them this:
I have just heard that unlike ALL other carriers of the HTC X7500 (the phone from which the Ameo is cloned) , T-Mobile UK is not releasing a Windows Mobile 6 upgrade. Even the manufacturer is doing this which PROVES the device works well with WM6! The american version indeed comes with WM6 as standard. Why is T-mobile UK leaving customers of its FLAGSHIP telecommunications device without the latest software update which allows the latest integration with MS Office and Exchange server? It is outrageous to crippple a device which has only just been launched. Please explain as I am appaulled that you are not going to properly suppport this device. If the upgrade is available (which it is minus the T-mobile branding) then it shoudl be branded and offered to us. It feels like now you have got our money and tied us to a contract you no longer care. I was previously with O2 and they offered upgrades to many of their HTC devices as and when they were released by HTC. I require a definiitive answer on this matter as I am frankly disgusted.
I'll see what comes back! Blasted T-Mobile UK!
I think all of their customers with Athena started complaining (flood the gates with hate mail and e-mails), they probably would reconsider their decision.
Ithink you're taking slighty the wrong tack here.
A few people need to approach t-mob as if they were a Smb and looking to purchase several (say 30) devices that havw a seperate keyboard large scren etc and the ability to link with exchange 2007. Say that the ameo fits the bill perfectly and is available already in the US with WM6 and when would t-mob be offering it, as it would dictate whether said company was going to go with t-mob or o2!
Would be interesting to see the response.
Good idea - if they lie etc and say they will be releasing then we can use that as ammunition!
Seems like T-Mobile has no clue what they are talking about. WM6 is a vast improvement in every area over WM5 and the Athena didn't work perfectly under WM5 either. Furthermore, even the new devices coming out...including the iPhone...are no match for the Athena so to say that WM6 will be better or other devices will make better use of the WM6 features is totally ignorant.
I have T-Mobile in the US and haven't run into this problem. They are all willing to work with me. I've always had the latest phones and never had a problem getting support from the US team. I do help them a bit by breaking it down and letting them know that even though the phone is different, the OS is supported so I tell them not to get distracted by the fancy hardware. ;-)
I can't believe T-Mobile isn't releasing the WM6 update. Damn shame. They are just trying to save money.
They have any right under the european laws to refuse to relase an upgrade, but they DON'T have any right to say that your phone could be damaged
"We're also advising customers that downloading this software from other locations could damage the handset" bull***t!
THIS IS A STATEMENT FROM AN IDIOT!! Downloading this software from other location you will damage WHAT?
May be you could have problem INSTALLING, FLASHING, RUNNING but not just downloading from other location!
This is the T-Mobile UK average manager's knowledge? Good for the competitors!
Just had another pathetic reply from T-Mobile - cant uderstand what 'resources' they need anyway - they only put their crappy badging on it anyway! Anyway here it is:
[FONT=&quot]Thank you for your response to Gemma's email. I'm sorry you're not happy with the answers you were given.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]As you rightly say there are numerous forums out there discussing devices, operating systems etc. People put their points of view their opinions and experiences. It may well be the case that many people have put the X750 1firmware successfully on their UK Ameos. There are also a number of cautionary tales from people who have bricked their device. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]You are then in a position where you can make an informed decision and choose whether or not to upgrade to WM6. As Gemma said this could both damage the device and invalidate your warranty.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]As Gemma said T-Mobile have decided to use their resources to bring in new MDA devices developed on and preloaded with WM6 rather than rolling it out for existing devices. I don't believe it is about saving money but rather allocating the available resources for development purposes, there are finite resources available and the decision not to offer a WM6 upgrade will have been thought long and hard about. I can understand why you aren't happy with this decision on a personal level and I'm sorry about that.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]HTC seem to be launching numerous devices currently and I'm sure that by the time your contract comes to an end there will be a viable alternative to your Ameo that perhaps better meet your needs and wants. Another option may be to try and find out whether HTC themselves will be releasing a WM6 ROM.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]We are certainly not saying that we have your money and that is tough - you still have exactly the same device with the same specification and operating system that you originally decided on. If you would like to discuss this further my details are below (calls to this number are chargeable. Please check with your service provider for further details).[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Thank you for giving me the chance to address your points Mr Elphick. I hope you accept the reasoning behind our decision whilst I understand that you don?t necessarily agree with it. [/FONT]
these companies are pure rip off merchants don't expect anything else.
I get unlimted hSPDA in uk for 3 pounds per month . when I go abroad next week it will be 7.50 pounds PER MB!!
the govt has to stop these c**ts sooner or later
adamelphick said:
Just had another pathetic reply from T-Mobile - cant uderstand what 'resources' they need anyway - they only put their crappy badging on it anyway! Anyway here it is:
[FONT=&quot]Thank you for your response to Gemma's email. I'm sorry you're not happy with the answers you were given.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]As you rightly say there are numerous forums out there discussing devices, operating systems etc. People put their points of view their opinions and experiences. It may well be the case that many people have put the X750 1firmware successfully on their UK Ameos. There are also a number of cautionary tales from people who have bricked their device. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]You are then in a position where you can make an informed decision and choose whether or not to upgrade to WM6. As Gemma said this could both damage the device and invalidate your warranty.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]As Gemma said T-Mobile have decided to use their resources to bring in new MDA devices developed on and preloaded with WM6 rather than rolling it out for existing devices. I don't believe it is about saving money but rather allocating the available resources for development purposes, there are finite resources available and the decision not to offer a WM6 upgrade will have been thought long and hard about. I can understand why you aren't happy with this decision on a personal level and I'm sorry about that.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]HTC seem to be launching numerous devices currently and I'm sure that by the time your contract comes to an end there will be a viable alternative to your Ameo that perhaps better meet your needs and wants. Another option may be to try and find out whether HTC themselves will be releasing a WM6 ROM.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]We are certainly not saying that we have your money and that is tough - you still have exactly the same device with the same specification and operating system that you originally decided on. If you would like to discuss this further my details are below (calls to this number are chargeable. Please check with your service provider for further details).[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Thank you for giving me the chance to address your points Mr Elphick. I hope you accept the reasoning behind our decision whilst I understand that you don?t necessarily agree with it. [/FONT]
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...........................Good for HIM......................................
Bad For ME-----------+-------------------Good For ME
................................... !..................................................
..........................Bad for HIM..........................................
This is a well known graphic in Bunsiness Schools.
It is used to help to judge a company, a person, a strategy,... analyzing the effects on HIM (or his company, ...) and also the effects on ME (or over my products,my Company,...)
Good for HIM, bad for YOU = They are BANDITS! Looking from another side, may be his strategy will be bad for him also, reducing sales.
Bad for HIM and bad for YOU = IDIOTS
Beware from BANDITS and from IDIOTS, also IDIOTS are the WORST force in the world, not even GOD can stops the stupidity!
You aren't loosing... anything? We are in a fast and competive business enviroment and if your company will move to exchange server 2007... your T-Mobile AMEO will be OUT (just to give him a simple example) IDIOTS !
if resources are the problem, not the money i would do it for them
I will suggest to send to him something about the importance of having an up to date software in the business environment, explaining the differences between PHONE and COMPUTER business.
ATHENA is part of the COMPUTER business and I have never seen a computer company refusing a major software update after less then one year for a new model.
May be they won't offer it for FREE, I could agree, but they could offer it for money...
Just give him the last chance to demonstate his stupidity, then prepare a petition, put it on line and post in every T-mobile UK phone forum your problem, their answers and ask for petition signing.
Update the 3d you opened in Uk with infos, news, jokes, the message coul be:
Wrote to newspaper, to consumer associations, make a LOUD noise, using Internet Power, I've seen many success stories..., wait the end of summer, you will have more power, now the newspapers are full of... topless stories!
OK Guys, they are NOT going to back down! What do we do next? It's a disgrace!
Heres what they replied to me:
Thank you for your prompt response to my previous email. I apologise that you don't agree with T-Mobiles policy on upgrading your Ameo with WM6.
I suggested you check with HTC as an alternative means of finding the ROM update you want. I have however checked for you and the upgrade for your device will be available this month. As stated previously it is not something we at present support or offer .
You mentioned a possible problem with the case provided. Every fault report or warranty claim would be looked at on its own merits and it would be wrong of me to try and offer you a blanket answer to what is as yet a hypothetical question.
I do understand and appreciate that you are not being awkward as such. Is there anything that makes you say that T-Mobiles customer care regime does not in fact care? I'm sorry if any of your dealings with us have made you feel that way and I assure you that is not our intention.
I'm afraid I'm still not able to give you the answer you'd like. As you say the software will be widely available and as a consumer you can make an informed decision as to whether you wish to use it or not. At this stage we have no plans to support or officially offer it.
I can only repeat my previous point you still have the device you initially chose loaded with the operating system and running the same applications. I am sure you would have looked into the merits of the Ameo as compared to the alternatives available at the time and made your decision on the strength of that.
Thank you again for your email Mr Elphick and again for taking the time to let me know your views. I'm sorry that I'm still not able to give you the answer you would like.
adamelphick said:
OK Guys, they are NOT going to back down! What do we do next? It's a disgrace!
Heres what they replied to me:
Thank you for your prompt response to my previous email. I apologise that you don't agree with T-Mobiles policy on upgrading your Ameo with WM6.
I suggested you check with HTC as an alternative means of finding the ROM update you want. I have however checked for you and the upgrade for your device will be available this month. As stated previously it is not something we at present support or offer .
You mentioned a possible problem with the case provided. Every fault report or warranty claim would be looked at on its own merits and it would be wrong of me to try and offer you a blanket answer to what is as yet a hypothetical question.
I do understand and appreciate that you are not being awkward as such. Is there anything that makes you say that T-Mobiles customer care regime does not in fact care? I'm sorry if any of your dealings with us have made you feel that way and I assure you that is not our intention.
I'm afraid I'm still not able to give you the answer you'd like. As you say the software will be widely available and as a consumer you can make an informed decision as to whether you wish to use it or not. At this stage we have no plans to support or officially offer it.
I can only repeat my previous point you still have the device you initially chose loaded with the operating system and running the same applications. I am sure you would have looked into the merits of the Ameo as compared to the alternatives available at the time and made your decision on the strength of that.
Thank you again for your email Mr Elphick and again for taking the time to let me know your views. I'm sorry that I'm still not able to give you the answer you would like.
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In my understanding they changed something .... Now they said.."please use the HTC upgrade". This seems to me a big difference from the first statement..,"don't even try to modify the rom supplied".
Now you have material to make a loud noise all around internet about the lack of update support from T-Mobile. Wrote a petion and ask for signers, not only for AMEO but for all unsupported T-Mob UK devices
Following this thread from the start I can surely say that the initial good impression I had from T-Mobile has been severely tarnished.
I think their blatant lack of support and stupidity are going to be at the cost of business customers. Already I can't sync with my company server (if I had stayed on T-Mobile WM2005, but fortunately now on WM6 ROM from this site).
I for one will be fully supportive of any petition drawn up. If they don't change their tact, come upgrade time it will be byebye T-Mobile.
I am SHOCKED that anyone ever had a good opinion of T-Mobile !
The only people worse than T-Mobile are Phones4U.
A few years ago I bought a Tmob contract/phone from P4U. Not a good experience, it was broken out of the box, unusable. P4U refused to take it back despite being within 7 days of purchase, they wouldnt replace it and told me to go to TMob. TMob said it was P4U's problem, when I went back P4U told me it had been TOO LONG and said I should go to Carphone Warehouse as they do Nokia warantee Repairs.
It was 2 months before I had a working phone, I paid £200 to P4U for the phone and was paying monthly during this time, neither of them wanted to help me in any way.
I gave TMob a chance recently thinking maybe they had mended their ways, but to be honest, they are as bad as ever. I will never however buy from P4U again and suggest nobody else does either.
Pyrofer said:
I am SHOCKED that anyone ever had a good opinion of T-Mobile !
The only people worse than T-Mobile are Phones4U.
A few years ago I bought a Tmob contract/phone from P4U. Not a good experience, it was broken out of the box, unusable. P4U refused to take it back despite being within 7 days of purchase, they wouldnt replace it and told me to go to TMob. TMob said it was P4U's problem, when I went back P4U told me it had been TOO LONG and said I should go to Carphone Warehouse as they do Nokia warantee Repairs.
It was 2 months before I had a working phone, I paid £200 to P4U for the phone and was paying monthly during this time, neither of them wanted to help me in any way.
I gave TMob a chance recently thinking maybe they had mended their ways, but to be honest, they are as bad as ever. I will never however buy from P4U again and suggest nobody else does either.
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The issue you've posted has nothing to do with T-Mobile, it's all Phones4U. Phones4U are in a position where they don't supply T-Mobile stock handsets. They have their own stocks which they source independantly. Hence why their phones generally aren't branded and are supplied network unlocked.
T-Mobile will support you if the handset is "one of theirs". If it's a "SIM free" model then your support should come from your place of purchase.
Its amazing that a major telco can't be bothered to upgrade people to WM6. I suppose its best for them, as they've got no problems with bricked devices and it encourages upgrades from existing subscribers to new handsets at contract renewal time. When mine does become due (another year or so yet) I shall be cancelling my contract, and asked the reason why, I shall state that by not offering an upgrade we know they have (hence the leaked rom) that I believe them to be a profiteering supplier only interested in encoraging upgrades and not offering the support their customers demand.
I can understand why they don't do it, and on the whole, I like T-Mobile, but the sell and forget attitude smacks of poor customer service. Not that I think any other Telco is any better, but might as well spread my £££ around to whoevers doing the best deal at the time.

Trion Imei

Is it Possible to change the imei number on a o2 xda trion ? if so is it software based thing or is it Hardware as in do i need to buy a clip.......
any advice on this i would be very grateful.......
I no its illegal here in the UK but what i also no is i brought the phone direct from O2 for £350 so i dont care what "David im a prick Blunkett" says ....
i also have two wizards which were on contract with O2 which i'v sorted using various tools off this site...... Now when i say were on contract thats ment as in i'v now left them ......... & for those who really want to no why its because there are WANK after two years with them there just toss ........ now on making this point yes i understand everyone as got there own opinion & this is just mine..... So what O2 did after "my im going leave you wankers" phone call is barred all three phones........ now i brought my trion direct from them not on contract or nothing just wanted the phone & they wont lift the bar this is why i just want to no Is it Possible to change the imei number on a o2 xda trion ? if so is it software based thing or is it Hardware as in do i need to buy a clip.......
any advice on this i would be very grateful.......
NO, no and NOOO
Now funny you should say that coz i said the same when the f**kers turned them off .............
This just to say a Very Big thankyou to a certain Member here for all his help, not to sure if i should name names so i wont, but he knows who he is......
"Nice one your a f**king star Thankyou very much"
BowFinger said:
This just to say a Very Big thankyou to a certain Member here for all his help, not to sure if i should name names so i wont, but he knows who he is......
"Nice one your a f**king star Thankyou very much"
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I am not sure if you expect any further replies to your questions because of your answers do not really motivate anybody ... !
You should not attempt to change the IMEI number in your device because especially in the UK this is a very important thing (at least on O2 and Orange).
Whenever you make a phone call your IMEI will be checked to see if the phone was reported lost or stolen. If you insert an invalid IMEI number it will have just the same effect! The IMEI contains special information and is sorted in blocks. If you go ahead and change some values then you soon will figure out that network providers just can't identify your handset and do not allow you to call on their network.
You have 2 (legal) choices:
Work out things with O2
Change your network provider (as example switch to T-Mobile UK)
How would change network provider solve the imei problem,o2 have blocked it so t-mobile wont be able to unblock it. As far as i remember t-mobile lease mobile lines from o2 anyway?
The IMEI is only blocked (black listed) on the O2 network but not on others, meaning: you can't use the O2 network any longer but any other! As nice as it would be even for anti-theft protection - unfortunately network providers do not work together!
Junner2003 said:
The IMEI is only blocked (black listed) on the O2 network but not on others, meaning: you can't use the O2 network any longer but any other! As nice as it would be even for anti-theft protection - unfortunately network providers do not work together!
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It might work like that in the US but in the uk,once the imei is blacklisted it is blacklisted on ALL networks. So the only place you can use the phone is abroad. Why do you think he wants to change the imei,so he can go back on O2 he has already stated what he thinks of them. He wants to change it so he can use it on another network.
So i am sorry to say it ,but you are wrong
Junner2003 said:
I am not sure if you expect any further replies to your questions because of your answers do not really motivate anybody ... !
You should not attempt to change the IMEI number in your device because especially in the UK this is a very important thing (at least on O2 and Orange).
Whenever you make a phone call your IMEI will be checked to see if the phone was reported lost or stolen. If you insert an invalid IMEI number it will have just the same effect! The IMEI contains special information and is sorted in blocks. If you go ahead and change some values then you soon will figure out that network providers just can't identify your handset and do not allow you to call on their network.
You have 2 (legal) choices:
Work out things with O2
Change your network provider (as example switch to T-Mobile UK)
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No im expecting nothing more it was a "Thankyou Post" ok, looks like I'll have to bargain with O2 then
scousemartin said:
It might work like that in the US but in the uk,once the imei is blacklisted it is blacklisted on ALL networks. So the only place you can use the phone is abroad. Why do you think he wants to change the imei,so he can go back on O2 he has already stated what he thinks of them. He wants to change it so he can use it on another network.
So i am sorry to say it ,but you are wrong
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Congratulations! I am glad to hear that providers work together in the UK!
Well, they must have 'joined-ventured' pretty fast because of I used to live in the UK until a couple of months ago!
Do they still SIM lock devices by default in the UK? This is one of the most things I hate here in the US ... Germany was better, they only locked PREPAY ...
Now with the supposed AT&T media net plan sweep a IMEI changer might actually be useful. I mean I'd love to upgrade to the AT&T Tilt (Kaiser) but am afraid they will transfer to the much more expensive data plan. I'd love to stick in am old IMEI number off of the many old phones I got lying around to avoid this. This is really a stupid rule it should be based on data useage not device type.
Junner2003 said:
Congratulations! I am glad to hear that providers work together in the UK!
Well, they must have 'joined-ventured' pretty fast because of I used to live in the UK until a couple of months ago!
Do they still SIM lock devices by default in the UK? This is one of the most things I hate here in the US ... Germany was better, they only locked PREPAY ...
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It has been like this since 1998 ,because of the dramatic rise in muggings for mobile phones, the idea being, it stops people stealing phones as they become worthless, but now you find they just unlock them, then sell them abroad
As for sim locking all the networks lock phones over here, unless you buy them from the carphone warehouse where they sell them on payg sim unlocked. But all contract phones are locked for 12-18 months depending on contract length, but they will unlock them for free after the contract ends.

Virgin Media UK Rom

Ok, is it possible to get the official hd2 new rom on my virgin media hd2, im currently running 1.66. It says my serial number is invalid on the site because its a branded phone (but its not network locked). Also, does flashing a custom/new rom thats not correctly branded void warrenty? thanks.
I contacted HTC about this as I am also on Virgin and they said they don't support Virgin mobiles :S Bit off considering I got this as a contract deal from Virgin
"...bit off considering..."
of whom? htc? not really, it means virgin chose to support their own phones, rather than let htc do it, which would have cost them (virgin) more.
same with most networks, they lock the phones and handle issues themselves, and in return their purchase price is reduced.
goldcard is currently the only method to get a working 3.14 rom on our provider locked phones, gimme a cid and i'll make you one.
Thanks strange, I'm on Virgin and dont have any issues at all
I have gone back to cooked roms and have HSPL on the phone
Have you looked for a wwe serial to use instead of your own?
johnerz said:
Have you looked for a wwe serial to use instead of your own?
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not that that would be any use, because if it wont download using your serial, it wont install on a phone with that serial, unless you use hspl, which makes 3.14 roms not work.
Besides, if you are gonna use a different serial, you might as well just download it from somewhere that doesnt require a serial, , the leo stock roms thread for instance.
samsamuel said:
"...bit off considering..."
of whom? htc? not really, it means virgin chose to support their own phones, rather than let htc do it, which would have cost them (virgin) more.
same with most networks, they lock the phones and handle issues themselves, and in return their purchase price is reduced.
goldcard is currently the only method to get a working 3.14 rom on our provider locked phones, gimme a cid and i'll make you one.
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Unless Virgin have made their own ROM for us (which they obviously haven't) then it is out of order.
They shouldn't sign a deal unless they can keep phones maintained, especially buggy ones like this.
Billy the Puppet said:
They shouldn't sign a deal unless they can keep phones maintained, especially buggy ones like this.
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heh, dont get me wrong, im right behind you, god bless the capitalist way,,, everyones a winner except the consumer.
Well after speaking to Virgin tech support, they have not stopped you flashing to the latest ROM - they encourage it!!
Go figure it out
In fact I have just entered my serial number - they are Zero's not O's
and it allowed me to download and run (I aborted at the last option) so its not Virgin is it?
I also work for them and vouch for the info
Well I've just been on the HTC website to once again try to upgrade my ROM, it won't even let me download it as it says the software is unsuitable for my device.
I'm looking at putting my phone onto Windows 7, are there any tutorials on how to do this? I've never flashed this phone before.

[Q] UK Titan - no US region settings

Hey everyone, sorry if this has cropped up previously but I've searched to no avail and no one from Microsoft has an answer either.
I've got a new HTC Titan sitting here, completely unused. I won it at the Windows Phone Inner Circle event in Denver weeks before the device's US launch, but I still haven't switched over. This is because the device is a UK phone. The phone does not appear to have any US settings at all, is unlocked, and even comes with a UK plug instead of a US one. Presumably, this is because I won the device before the US version was ready for release.
The issue is that even when I switch my region settings over to "English (US)", nothing actually changes on the phone when it restarts...everything is still English (UK). For example, "synchronising", "favourites", "colour", etc. At first I thought that this wasn't a big deal, but it might be if other region settings persist. So I have three related questions that I'd love to find out:
If/when a custom bootloader is released for the Titan, can I use it to flash a US ROM to my device?
I have to switch carriers to AT&T in order to fully use the Titan (hence my hesitation), but will bringing the phone to AT&T and letting them activate it have a chance of loading US settings onto the phone? I know that will load AT&T app marketplace options, which is why I was curious.
Most importantly, even if none of this can possibly change, will I at all be restricted by UK region restrictions for Zune, Marketplace, etc.? I have a US-based Zune and WLID account, but this is my main concern because of the phone's region.
If anyone can share some insights on this, I'd really appreciate it.
CAVX said:
Hey everyone, sorry if this has cropped up previously but I've searched to no avail and no one from Microsoft has an answer either.
I've got a new HTC Titan sitting here, completely unused. I won it at the Windows Phone Inner Circle event in Denver weeks before the device's US launch, but I still haven't switched over. This is because the device is a UK phone. The phone does not appear to have any US settings at all, is unlocked, and even comes with a UK plug instead of a US one. Presumably, this is because I won the device before the US version was ready for release.
The issue is that even when I switch my region settings over to "English (US)", nothing actually changes on the phone when it restarts...everything is still English (UK). For example, "synchronising", "favourites", "colour", etc. At first I thought that this wasn't a big deal, but it might be if other region settings persist. So I have three related questions that I'd love to find out:
If/when a custom bootloader is released for the Titan, can I use it to flash a US ROM to my device?
I have to switch carriers to AT&T in order to fully use the Titan (hence my hesitation), but will bringing the phone to AT&T and letting them activate it have a chance of loading US settings onto the phone? I know that will load AT&T app marketplace options, which is why I was curious.
Most importantly, even if none of this can possibly change, will I at all be restricted by UK region restrictions for Zune, Marketplace, etc.? I have a US-based Zune and WLID account, but this is my main concern because of the phone's region.
If anyone can share some insights on this, I'd really appreciate it.
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1. US ROM must be considered. Because the AT&T version Does use the different Chips for different Radio version. It might get the phone bricked. The Goldcard tecnique is not available on Titan, so Official AT&T Rom to flash on the phone is nearly impossible. It need to be done by 3rd party.
2. No. Your Live ID will determine which content you can access. Don't ask why people at Asia can still submit and buys apps that are for US only.
3. The region of the phone could be changed, but not the agent inside. So, don't be surprise that you have the English voice comeout from Tellme and Turn-by-Turn navigation from Bing maps doesn't work at US. You can change, the Region Format, System Locale and Browser &Search Language to English (United States) but it can't change the fact, that this phone is built for Europe user. I will ask HTC if they can bring the custom language pack (if possible) to Windows Phone. I am still talking to HTC Tech Support about this.
I contacted HTC Support several times and they didn't give me any solution (apart from doing a deadly mistake of telling me to search the Android Market for an application :S)!!
I'm still hoping we find a different ROM to flash. Is there an Australian version maybe floating around? I'm dying to use voice navigation and Tellme (which doesn't understand anything when set to English UK).
Thanks for the replies...starting to think maybe I should just sell the thing and use the money to buy a US Titan - especially due to the points about navigation and TellMe. Of course, I'd probably want to sell it to someone in the UK so no one else has region problems. Maybe I'll start looking into that.
In the meantime, if any encouraging news pops up about this, let me know
CAVX said:
...starting to think maybe I should just sell the thing)
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How much do you want?

