Problem with poweroff after burning new ROM - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Hello I hope someone can help.
I have one problem and I am not sure what is causing it. All of my ROM images work great except for one major problem.
The big problem is, when I physically power off or if XDA self powers off it locks and the only way to get it back is to soft reset. Unfortunatly the during this time I have no phone when someone calls it goes straight to VM, quick solution I found is to disable to auto shutoff if unused. But of course that means my power drains very quickly.Any ideas why, I much prefer this ROM to the AT&T 2003 version.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

FYI all,
After several images uninstalling and reinstalling programs. I finally found that KSE Trufax was the problem. Even after installing the original image from AT&T which worked fine until I installed KSE, they it would not power on after powering off. Uninstalled KSE everything works fine.
Enjoy life


Startup Items?

Well my PPCPE has been running fine up till today on a 4.00.21 ENG and Radio Version: A.20.10
Today I was in the middle of talking to someone when all of a sudden they could not hear me. I thought it was the service and called them back, still they could not hear me. I reset the device and called back and still they could not hear me. I then called someone else and the same thing they could not hear me. Few more resets and a few more calls and the same problem no one could hear me.
So I finally did a hard reset as a last resort and called someone and all was well again. THANK GOD! I feared it was a hardware problem and not software but so far so good again.
Anyway, I am trying to get my software installed again and well I remember deleting some items out of startup a while back. Here is what I have in startup and was wondering if someone can shed some light on what the items are and which should go:
Battery Monitor
I believe I had deleted the "Battery Monitor" before. Not sure what these Flashman apps are. I think I can get the gist of the handsfree, poutlook and smsreciever. Not sure abot this USSD though.
Any advice?
Download the update ROM file from, and see how you get on. Version 4.21 is the latest. Backup all your files though as the update will hard reset the device, killing anything in system memory.

O2 XDA II Hangs

Hi guys,
I have just bought an o2 xda ii and am having serious problems
was trying to establish a bluetooth connection with nokia 6600 and it just froze displaying the today screen
now xda hangs after switching on and nothing works only the bluetooth light keeps on flashing
cant try anything as it doesnt function at all.
Can anybody help
Isn't There anyone who can help me...??????
Isn't There anyone who can help me...?????? :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
when you mean turn on do you talk about turn on as in turn on the top power connector
or a softreset ?
if you mean top power connector then that dont reset the pda you need to do a softreset
if you did mean a softreset then i dont know any other way then a hardreset which of cause delete all your data
Inderts the stylus in the reset hole, if that doesnt work then as the man said you will need to do a hard reset and all data will be lost, hard reset is done by pressing power while inserting stylus in reset hole.
Thanks for yr reply
I have aslo tried a hard reset but no luck
The device switches on and freezes on the blue O2 screen or sometimes goes thru the setup procedure & freezes at the today screen
Tried it a couple of times
Is there any other way please let me know.
Thanx again :? :? :?
Which ROM do you use? You can try to flash your ROM. There are plenty of treads on this forum on how to do this. Make sure you don't use a USB hub when connected to flash you're ROM. Your MDA II must be connected to a normal USB connection (I learned it the hard way....)
Sorry for the late reply as i was out of town
Dunno exactly how to identify the rom version but when switched on it shows
R 1.05.14
G 1337.14
D 1.03.00 USA
Can u please suggest what to do
You can see which ROM version you have by going to:
Settings, System tab and then Device information.
Mine says:
ROM version 1.60.00WWE
ROM date: 12/03/03
Radio version: 1.06.01
Protocol version: 1337.16
ExtROM version: 1.60.06
So I guess you can do a ROM upgrade. To find out how to do it, just do a search on this forum for ROM upgrade and you'll find detailed describcions on how to do it. Make sure that your device is not connected via a USB hub otherwise you can have some trouble getting it done.
Thanx for the prompt reply but the problem is that the device starts goes on thru the new device setup programme & hangs nuthing beyong that
So am unable to go to the system settings
Is there any other way i can see the rom version...
Well the colors at the beginning tell you which ROM you have (but are only very short on the screen so hard to read) but you can defenitely upgrade.
No Bluettoth Hardware Installed Error Msg
Hey, this sounds like the same problem I have too! I have just posted a new subject in the "Using It" section of this Forum. Does your device also suffer from the following i.e. when the software ha loaded and you hit the bluetooth icon, does this error message come up "There is No Bluetooth Hardware Installed on this Device"? Pls read my post below.
"I have an XDA II, bought from the UK. I live in E. Africa so sending it back is a hassle. EVer since I bought it, although it was OK for a few days, a msg then came up saying "There is no bluetooth hardware installed on this device". This means I cannot put b/t on or off. Also, it affects the performance of the XDA II as it crashes frequently and loses ActiveSync connections frequently. The odd thing is that SOMETIMES, after a hard reset, it's OK again. But then when I do a subsequent hard or even soft reset the same problem occurs! So it DOES work. But not consistently. I conttacted O2 by email & tel. They were semi-helpful. I returned the XDA II to the O2 repair centre in London by courier (expensive). It came back, apparently repaired, but they had addressed the wrong thing and the problem still persists! I am loathe to sending it back without trying something for it - if you have any suggestions. Perhaps I can try a Rom Update or something to see if it sorts it. Even O2 are baffled, but I do not have the privilege of sending it off again because of where I live. Any suggestions or advice please? Many thanks. "
'Frozen' O2 screen with bluetooth light flashing
Hi to all,
I 've been having similar problems since I got my unit last November. You may be able to relate with my problems.. screen won't respond to any taps.. when you send SMS, the 'Send' button freezes... tried soft resetting, sometimes lucky, gets back to normal... at worst, does a hard reset...
after a few months of no reliable answer from local and foreign XDA help.. i'm used to either removing my battery/sim.. wait for awhile.. try to find a place where there's better network signal.. then, puts back the SIM and battery.. many times a get lucky by doing this... but there are also times that I had to do hard reset.. like two hours ago..
Hopefully, some help will come ...
For those who have yet to develop a routine to address similar problem, you may try mine...
Helpless xda II fanatic(???)
Archel Angeles
I have similar experience too. I got my XDAII last November, it runs smoth without a single hang for the first month until one day in January, while using it reboot by itself, after that day the device will just reboot anytime anywhere!
Thinking that this might be caused by some installed softwae, I hard reset my device. After the initial setup then it hang while running the auto installation from the extended rom saying that some file is missing. I hard reset again and it still hang while running the auto installation but saying another file is missing. On the day alone, I hard reset my device for more than 10 times! Each time it will either hang on the O2 startup screen or during the auto installation. Until finally one time manage to pass through the initial setup and auto installation.
On the second day, I quickly bring my set to the service centre for repair, while I describe and showing the faulty set to the service officer, the device self reboot for another couple of times.
I took back my set two days later, the service officer told me they cannot find the fault of this so they re-flash the rom for me, and they have tested it with internet browsing, mms, sms etc without any problem.
The 'repaired' set works fine for another one month until couple of week ago it start to hang during some incoming calls. When call was received, I press the answer key to answer the phone, the device would just hang with the ballon still showing on the screen, i'm not able to answer the call at all.
Last Friday, I finally hard reset the device again and re-install some my software applicaton and games. Second day morning while I was waiting for my friend, I start to attach photo to my contact, just when I attached the first photo and click on the save, the device hang! I press the soft reset button and the screen goes off without rebooting. I press the reset button again but the screen just won't come back. I even took out the battery and put in my backup battery, still the screen refuse to come back! The screen only come back when I performed a hard reset.
Today i found another problem with the device, the free memory is getting lesser and lesser by itself! Just before I type this reply, I soft reset my device and leave my device on the momory status screen, the allocated momory for the program showing 63.02Mb, in used 16.96MB and the Free momory 46.06MB. Now the in use memory increases to 30.75MB while the Free memory drops to 32.27MB!! I did not run anything in the background, I did not even tough my device!!
Anybody here can help save my device?
I have the same problem now. It is really a nightmare for all of us!!!
Have a very similar problems 4 days in the row. Self-Blackhangs without any knowing reason. Impossible to use device longer then 10 min. HELP!!!
P.S. Some days before I try to uninstall Intellisync, wich I try, but does not use for a long time. Uninstall was unsuccessful cause .exe was "in use". There problems begins. May be. After one of hard-resets I remove .exe manually and then uninstall prog, but problems persists.
Hi guys, Fortunatly I do not have the same problems with my XDA II but I was thinking maby it is a type of software that has been installed on the device, I have noticed that some apps can cuase VERY strange things to happen (Even some THEMES!!!).... LOOK out for this..
Maybe you could try and run the XDA II after doing a hard reset as bare as possible... As in not installing any other themes or thirdparty software for a day or two and see if the device still gives your any problems... Will be interesting to find out.. I have had resets on my XDA II from using some themes avalible from the O2 website (that users have made not O2, but still) and since using the default theme I have not had a crash or a reboot since... (THIS TOOK ME FORVER to find out)... but might be worth a try..
Keep us all informed how you go with things.. Hopfully its just a pice of software or somthing simple like that...
So, guys, I think that there is a HW problem. MDA freezing during initial install or during HardReset before install. Maybe "motherboard" is microbroken or so on.
Week ago I return my MDAII to T-Mobile and they will repair it to some way. I will report this way to you all as soon as possible. Let we see.
Hi all,
I have the following devis info of mine:
ROM version 1.66.00WWE
ROM date: 02/20/04
Radio version: 1.10.00
Protocol version: 1337.18
ExtROM version: 1.66.101
This Rom works great, just search for it and upgrade!!
Wish you all luck!!!
sounds a lot like the problem I'm having.
Can any of you guys install a new rom at all? mine freezes up and activesync disconnects the second it does... So I guess when flashing your rom and having it freeze up on you, you'd be even further from a solution... thoughts pls
I fixed it guys...
seems a corrupted rom was the problem hitting bootloader mode (power + action + stylus) and installing a new rom fixed my problems
let me know how it works out for you guys

problems after upgrading with fantastic b4

hey there!
First of all, a big congrats for b4. It's made my Qtek S200 one of the most complete phones I've ever handled. Using for a while now, I've decided to ask you guys about two problems I've had. First, my phone has stopped vibrating. I know it's not a physical problem since I downgraded to my original rom and the vibration started working again. But once I upgraded to fantastic b4, no vibration.
2nd problem is I'm having trouble activating both bluetooth and wifi. For bluetooth, the only way I can get it to activate is by clicking the bluetooth at the bottom right of the today screen, and that just after I've done a soft reset. There's no way I can get it to activate using the Comm Manager screen. Now for wifi, I've the same problem. I can't get it to activate even after doing a soft reset.
Anybody has any ideas for my problems? Thanks for letting me know.
p.s. I've installed the PCMKeyboard which is an emulation of the iphone keyboard and now my ppc is uniquely thumb dependant!
I installed gulum's Touch v6 and now both the bluetooth and wifi are working correctly. However still nothing for the vibration...

Mogul Freeze/Lockup

I've been trying various versions of dcd's mods hoping to remedy a problem with my mogul. It seems that my unit locks-up/freezes when all of the following are true:
1. Bluetooth is on
2. Phone is locked
3. Goes into sleep mode
When i try to awake phone; none of the buttons work; simply black screen and needs a soft reset. This does not happen all the time, just enough to be annoying.
Any thoughts? Is this a radio 1.47 problem??
Thanks guys.
bump. i have the same problem with DCD 1.6.8 Rom. i thought it was codyppc battery/performance hack so I uninstalled that(still happened), then i thought it was s2u2 so i uninstalled that( still happened today).... so any ideas?
can we verify whether this happens on dcd_titan_1.6.10 rom with NO software, tweaks, etc etc installed? it does not happen for me (i have been using BT lately) but that doesnt mean it wont happen for you guys.
Are you by anychance using S2U2 with the Power Off setting?
I was having this problem, and since I've set S2U2 not to Power off the phone, I have not had this problem. Being going well over 24 hours now.
Mine also freezes/locks up from time to time. I'll make the changes in S2U and see what happens.
Sorry for the newb question, but what is S2U?
got it; slide to unlock.
Is this app worthwhile?
I'm running 2.17 ROM and I get this error, although I'm NOT running S2U2
I have got the same problem. I just flashed to custel 1.1 6mb pagepool (awesome rom for alltel users) had no time to install anything extra paired bt locked phone about 10 mins later tried to make call and it was froze. i did however find out if you constantly use the bt it dont freeze (I finaylly installed ms voice command and if i constantly ask for date or time it stays unfroze.).
edit: I just upgraded to radio v2.13 ( ftp://xda:[email protected]/Titan/Radio_Roms/titan_2.13_CDMA.rar ) totally cured bt reception problem on both ends but once again same problem phone freezes. helppppp!!!!!!

[Q] Vibrate function doesn't work anymore, hardware issue

My SGS2 stopped vibrating. Tried flashing, un-rooting, restoring stock and factory settings. None of these worked.
I am inclined to think that it is a hardware problem.
Has anyone else been dealing with issue? I read some posts on XDA regarding this matter but they were software related as opposed to hardware. Can anyone post instructions on how to fix it or provide any solutions for this issue?
If its hardware, why not flash stock, remove binary flash count with USB jig, and return for warranty?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda
UpInTheAir said:
If its hardware, why not flash stock, remove binary flash count with USB jig, and return for warranty?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda
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Cannot get jig in Palestine. Bought the phone from the UK. Sending it back will be problematic. I will look for a repair shop.
Thanks for the quick reply
That's a "bummer" (bad luck). You could make a jig, but as you said that it would be problematic to return. Hope you can sort it easily. Sorry, can't think of anything of use right now.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
hey there,
i got the same problem. no more vibrating at all. not with calls or notifications and not as haptic feedback. it started today (was still working in the morning), though i did not drop the phone or anything.
i am still hoping too find that it's a sw-problem. but all potential solutions i find do not help. so i guess i have to contact samsung.
but before i do that i have to get rid of all "hacking".
could you plz tell me what i have to do?
i have now cm9 20120402 nightly.
but i still have a cwm-recovery-backup of the original touchwiz (gingerbread).
-so first i make a backup of my current rom via cwm and of all my apps via titanium and store everything on my pc.
-i flash my touchwiz-backup
-i get one of those: , plug it in, wait til its done and remove it again.
after that, samsung will never know i "messed" with the phone??
or do i have to consider/do something else?
I have the same issue.
When I was on my stock 2.3.5, I found a workaround:
- go into test mode (dial *#0*#)
- find the vibrate button, when you press it, it shouldn't work like you expect
- go back
- plug in your headphones and push the cable a bit to the left
- test vibrate again - this time it should work
- pull the cable out while vibrating, still pushed to the left, vibrations should stay on
I know it sounds crazy but it seems the hardware part that controls the vibrations is near to the jack port - excessive use of headphones, like it was case, must have damaged it somehow.
However, now I'm on CM9, so no test mode for me, I'm achieving the same effect by bashing the back button, so I get semi-constant vibration. I know, It's ridiculous.
Have the same problem here, I think it's software related because the shut down vibration stopped working when I flashed CM9 ICS, I can't remember if it was working anywhere else though. But now I'm back to 2.3.5 and it's not working at all. Did a Factory Reset, Cleaned Cache before and after the flash. Also used the Jig to reset my counter. Any clues?
I am experiencing the same issue.
Yesterday, I downgraded from 4.0.3 back to 2.3.5 as I was having a lot of problems with ICS. Now, my phone works fine again except for the fact that it does not vibrate anymore. (Which it did fine in 4.0.3 and before in 2.3.5)
I tried the trick Lechium06 mentioned in this thread but that did not work for me.
Anyone else having this issue? More important, anyone have a solution???
dajomas said:
I am experiencing the same issue.
Yesterday, I downgraded from 4.0.3 back to 2.3.5 as I was having a lot of problems with ICS. Now, my phone works fine again except for the fact that it does not vibrate anymore. (Which it did fine in 4.0.3 and before in 2.3.5)
I tried the trick Lechium06 mentioned in this thread but that did not work for me.
Anyone else having this issue? More important, anyone have a solution???
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I saw something similar on CM9 thread, they said it could be a "bad flash", not a corrupted rom but the lack of proper cleanup before and after the flash. But I cleaned up everything before and after and I don't like reconfiguring the whole phone again for nothing.
it happend again.
dont recall what i did or if i did something last time at all. but it worked for over a year now. and now, my sgs2 doesnt vibrate at all, i tried all possible settings, tested with z-device and rebooted. nothing.
apprechiate any hint!
AW: [Q] Vibrate function doesn't work anymore, hardware issue
since i had that before, i ruled out a hardware issue. it happend when i played with the system settings. but as i sayed, i tried to reverse everything i did. now after i updated to 0206 and wiped cache and dalvik, still no vibration.
is there anything i could have missed?
is there a possibility to reset all settings to default without deleting all my data?
kweso said:
since i had that before, i ruled out a hardware issue. it happend when i played with the system settings. but as i sayed, i tried to reverse everything i did. now after i updated to 0206 and wiped cache and dalvik, still no vibration.
is there anything i could have missed?
is there a possibility to reset all settings to default without deleting all my data?
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I assume since your posting in xda developers that you are rooted?
If so, just back up data with titanium backup app and factory reset, setup system and then restore USER apps and data only.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
kweso said:
it happend again.
dont recall what i did or if i did something last time at all. but it worked for over a year now. and now, my sgs2 doesnt vibrate at all, i tried all possible settings, tested with z-device and rebooted. nothing.
apprechiate any hint!
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Did you install another rom?
My vibration for example didn't work with some cm10.1 nightlies
it started in cm10.1 20130203. then i tried wipe cache and dalvik. nothing. then i updated to 0206 (wiped cache and dalvik again) > still nothing. went to bed. got up. everything ok! its vibration again! i am 100% sure, it did not work, when i left it on my desk last night. this morning, i checked for missed calls and it took a moment until i realized: i got haptik feedback back on patternunlock and keystrokes! checked ringtone-vibration: fine as well!
dont ask me how! would still like to know for myself.
AW: [Q] Vibrate function doesn't work anymore, hardware issue
call me stupid!
suddenly this evening my phone stopped vibrating again. then i realized: quiet hours! i turned off haptik feedback at night.
could slap myself. at least ill find this thread again, next time i screw it again....
Girls can use it again then. Good news for them!
Sent from the little guy

