Slave drive - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

hi i wont to fit my XDAII with a back pack and 2gig mega drive, So i can install all programs on CF card and be able to hard restall the xdaII then just put my card back in the back pack off i go again. Is there any way of doing these please
Thanks mucker

well not really because even if all your programs are on the CF card or a sdcard of equal size if you dont want to bother buying the backpack
then a installed program put tons of stuff in the windows dir's and in the regestry
so you need to use some backup restore program before you can do that
of cause if the program you want to put there dont require any form of setting and extre files in windows then it's not problem but most programs does


Need Help!!!!

OK I used the ROM Kitchen to mave a .eve of the upgrade to WM 2003. In the middle of the process my device lost the connection. Now my device is sitting at the upgrade screen telling me it will be done in 5 min.
What can I do?
i had that happen to me today!
usualy, you restart the .exe and insert the xda,
it will restart the process on its own.
if not, go it the SD card method, as described somewhere in this forum.
good luck.
Because I always use the SD method, I have never used the exe files. My guess would be to soft reset the device and hope that when you put it in the cradle again it will let you run the exe. You may try putting it in the cradle while its in bootloader mode if just a soft reset doesn't work. Only other thing I could offer is to write it to an SD card for you - but that would require you mailing me the SD card + rom, me mailing it back, and a lot more than 5 minutes.
Let us know how it works out.
I am trying the SD way. However, program that is suggested does not appear to be writing anything to my SD card. I have a 6 in 1 USB card reader. Any the program ask you to pick drive 2-4. I have tried all drives and can not see the image file when I try to view the contents of the SD card on my PC
You're not going to see the contents when you try to view it on your PC - your PC will tell you the card isn't formatted.
I have resolved my problem thanks for the help!

Pc card flash and atadisk.dll

I have an iPAQ 3660 with a pcmcia/battery sleeve. The sleeve works perfectly with pc card modems, network cards etc, also when using a pcmcia to cf adaptor I am able to plug in cf memory cards, all no problem. I bought a pc card type 2 ata flash storage of 1024megabyte by Kingston technology. Part number DP-ATA/1024. Now this is claimed as an ata compliant device and when I plug it into my laptop it is seen right away and formats to the correct size. However when I plug it into the ipaq sleeve, I get nothing, no recognition, no prompt for a driver and not visible in the system. I downloaded a program called cardprobe, this program actually was able to interrogate the card and give me all the info. I thought there must me a problem with the ata driver and so I downloaded a copy of atadisk.dll for microdrives, as soon as I copied this to the windows directory the card was seen, but only HALF the memory, exactly 50%. Can anybody throw any light on this. I have tried the original 1.77 rom, the wm2002 rom and also the upgrades and none can deal with this card until I use the microdrive dll which is modified from the original. I would like to use all the memory. :?:

[Q] chunkydroidROM and 2.2 pc can't read SD card

So, here's my problem. My sd card reader won't read something as large as 16gigs and I've installed the stripped down winmo version chunkydroidrom so I can run android 2.2 smoothly. Everything works great, battery hasn't gotten hot yet and I'm loving it. But, I can't read the SD card with chunkydroidrom through activesync because that is stripped out of the the build, and android 2.2 doesn't allow the sd card to be read since the ROM is running from it. I run ubuntu on my laptop as well as windows. And I can't get ubuntu to read the sd card through chunkydroidROM either. It's not that big of a deal, i might go out and buy another card reader. But I would rather be able to transfer files easier. Is there a way to connect the laptop and phone wirelessly? Like ftp the stuff over or something?
match417 said:
So, here's my problem. My sd card reader won't read something as large as 16gigs and I've installed the stripped down winmo version chunkydroidrom so I can run android 2.2 smoothly. Everything works great, battery hasn't gotten hot yet and I'm loving it. But, I can't read the SD card with chunkydroidrom through activesync because that is stripped out of the the build, and android 2.2 doesn't allow the sd card to be read since the ROM is running from it. I run ubuntu on my laptop as well as windows. And I can't get ubuntu to read the sd card through chunkydroidROM either. It's not that big of a deal, i might go out and buy another card reader. But I would rather be able to transfer files easier. Is there a way to connect the laptop and phone wirelessly? Like ftp the stuff over or something?
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Android does allow you to read the sd card via USB while running it. Did you try it, or you just assumed it didn't?
Also, try the WinMo ROM is my sig. Stripped down, but allows you to connect your phone via USB and r/w on your sd.
You have to enable it before you can use it. On most builds I've tried (non-sense), when you connect it notifies you, and asks if you want to enable. If it doesn't ask directly, it's usually available if you drop down the top toolbar.

[Q] noob wondering how to mount sd card. please help have searched for hours

hey guys, I just got the hd2 yesterday, and it alread was loaded android miui onto it. I was just wondering, how do I mount a sd card from windows mobile so i can see the contents of the card on a computer? What I'm trying to do is, use a sd card that doesn't have android on it in windows mobile, but i don't have a card reader. I know thres a way to put my micro sd into my hd2 and connect it to my macbook ( i dont have any virtual machines for windows so the sync software won't work ) so I can view all the files and put the necessary files for android on it. I have the clarity rom 6.5 and in the settings in connections/usb it just says allow usb connection or something like that. everytime I connect to my mac it doesn't recognize an external device, but my hd2 charges. When i boot it into android i can mount my sd card, but the problem is i dont have android on the other sd card that i want to modify, so I can't go into android and mount my sd card to modify files. So to make a long question short, HOW DO I VIEW/MODIFY THE CONTENTS OF MY SD CARD ON MY MAC WITH ONLY MY HD2 AND USB CABLE? This is my first post, so please go easy on me.
if you set the hd2 to disk drive mode the mac should see it as a usb hard disk. shouldnt it? (in windows mobile, not android, dunno nuffink about android)
how do i do this? I have never used windows mobile. ever. thanks for the help!
well when you plug in the usb cable, normally you get a popup (on the hd2) asking what you want, actyive sync, disk drive or (sometimes) internet sharing.
if it doesnt, you can go
settings tab menu all settings connections usb to PC
or settings tab other usb to PC
select disk drive, connect (or reconnect) USB cable.
you sometimes have better luck with switching usb mode if you havent already connected the device that session. try it from a fresh phone and pc reboot, put the phone in disk mode then connect usb.
(just as an added point of interest, you can use the hd2 in usb disk mode to boot a PC from a suitably formatted bootlable sd card, so it is using real usb hard disk mode. I use it to boot to ubuntu when im testing faulty machines.)
I only have one usb to pc, and it says when i tap it,
enable advanced network functionality.
no other settings. is something wrong? I am on clarity rom.
oh and im on clarity rom, but for some reason its not doing anything when i plug it into the mac
dunno what to say then, you are looking for the screen as my image.
G'nite, good luck.
you might claim to be a noob, but you certainly know what you're doing and you're on the right track!
here are the facts:
1. the HD2 is TOTALLY capable of what you require, i.e. usb disk mode
2. point 1 is true in both WM6.5(.x) and android (and you have already used the feature first-hand in android!)
3. point 2 is true only for WM ROMs and android builds in which the chef has chosen to provide the ability to toggle the usb disk mode option (this feature is present and fully usable in 90+% of the available ROMs/builds and in 100% of the ROMs/builds i've tried personally!)
4. given point 3, i find it hard to believe or understand why the chef of this "clarity" ROM you speak about left out the option! maybe it is there but moved to a different section of settings as samsamuel has suggested. maybe it WAS there but somehow something got corrupted/screwed and now the option has been wiped out? maybe try hard resetting your WM.
my honest and humble suggestion to you is to post in the thread of the "clarity" ROM and ask the chef/users of the ROM.
you seem very comfortable with the tweaking and ROM scene, so why not try a different WM ROM (i suggest NRGZ's "energy" ROM series)? you are already using android, and changing the WM ROM is a whole lot easier and straight forward if your primary OS is android (like yours truly!); nothing to backup/restore, no apps to install/configure, no contacts/messages backup/restore, etc.
i am happily using an old NRGZ ROM from june 2010, i keep WM in flight mode and simply use WM as a "bootstrap" into android. my WM is properly tweaked and configured to my liking just in case android ever screws up and i end up having to rely on WM until i get android sorted. hasn't happened yet, but fingers crossed!

[Q] Music file transfer issue with new sd card

Hello xda peeps
I recently bought a new 32gb Kingston, class 4 sd card for my SII (ics)
I put the card into my phone, connected my phone to my desktop through the usb, and no matter how many different ways i try to transfer my music files onto the card, it fails. I have tried connecting through the USB mass storage utilities option, i have tried through MTP (although this wasn't available as an option until i downloaded and installed Kies), and i have also tried through Kies.
With each option, the files will transfer up to a certain point - around 15 albums or so, then after that, the files either don't copy across at all, or when i do manage copy them, they are totally corrupted, and they sound like they are skipping almost how a cd would skip if it is scratched or something. The actual files are fine (checked on my desktop) and i have copied files across in the past using the same computer (different sd card - 16gb Sandisk), same usb cable (although i have tried using a different one just in case), ao i am at a bit of a loss as to what is happening?!
I may still be in the dark ages somewhat with my desktop as i am running XP, but i didn't think this would be a problem really if i was simply connecting with USB mass storage or MTP and just dragging and dropping files.
Any ideas? The last thing i can really think of is that it is a dodgy sd, but does anybody here have any idea of any other issues which might be the problem?
Many thanks in advance!
Sounds like the card to me. A way to check would be to find a PC (or buy a cheap one; I can pick one up for <$20 here) with a card reader & see what happens trying to transfer files that way & then putting card in the phone.
If that works OK, you could always try a full format of the card in Windows as well & then try transferring files again.
MistahBungle said:
Sounds like the card to me. A way to check would be to find a PC (or buy a cheap one; I can pick one up for <$20 here) with a card reader & see what happens trying to transfer files that way & then putting card in the phone.
If that works OK, you could always try a full format of the card in Windows as well & then try transferring files again.
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thanks for the reply, and yeah, i suspect it most likely is the card - the last thing to try really is what you suggest - trying to copy the files through a card reader in a laptop. I'll also try formatting in the pc as previously i've been formatting in my SII
One thing that was puzzling me a tad though and i did find a bit curious was that until i installed Kies onto my desktop, the option of MTP was not there. When the 'action' dialogue box popped up on screen, there was no option to open the folder to explore - it just gave me options to either transfer files using WMP or Photoshop. Similarly, when i opened up 'My computer', it was not showing as an external drive.
This was leading me to think that maybe there was some kind of conflict that i was unaware of using an old XP
Thanks again!
Installing Kies would have installed up to date drivers which probably activates MTP; Samsung may not have supplied M$ up to date drivers for XP directly/to include in Windoze Update maybe ?
No worries Hope you get it sorted, if it's still giving you dramas after trying those couple of things, post to this thread & I'm sure someone will have other ideas to try.
Edit - Had a lightbulb moment. If your phone is rooted/you're running a kernel with CWRecovery, you could try formatting the external SD card from there. One thing to be aware of if you try this, make sure you know the mount points for external/internal SD for the particular rom you're using; make sure internal is internal/external is external or whether they're swapped around like they used to be (might still be on some roms ?) on some roms. Last thing you want to do is accidentally format your internal SD
willdogon said:
thanks for the reply, and yeah, i suspect it most likely is the card - the last thing to try really is what you suggest - trying to copy the files through a card reader in a laptop. I'll also try formatting in the pc as previously i've been formatting in my SII
One thing that was puzzling me a tad though and i did find a bit curious was that until i installed Kies onto my desktop, the option of MTP was not there. When the 'action' dialogue box popped up on screen, there was no option to open the folder to explore - it just gave me options to either transfer files using WMP or Photoshop. Similarly, when i opened up 'My computer', it was not showing as an external drive.
This was leading me to think that maybe there was some kind of conflict that i was unaware of using an old XP
Thanks again!
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MistahBungle said:
Installing Kies would have installed up to date drivers which probably activates MTP; Samsung may not have supplied M$ up to date drivers for XP directly/to include in Windoze Update maybe ?
No worries Hope you get it sorted, if it's still giving you dramas after trying those couple of things, post to this thread & I'm sure someone will have other ideas to try.
Edit - Had a lightbulb moment. If your phone is rooted/you're running a kernel with CWRecovery, you could try formatting the external SD card from there. One thing to be aware of if you try this, make sure you know the mount points for external/internal SD for the particular rom you're using; make sure internal is internal/external is external or whether they're swapped around like they used to be (might still be on some roms ?) on some roms. Last thing you want to do is accidentally format your internal SD
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Cheers! And yeah i'm sure i'll be back later if things don't work!
Phone isn't rooted - just got stock 4.0.4 running, and all i've tried is formatting it through the phone so far - I'll try through a laptop later
Just an update on this.
Seems like it was a card issue. Put the card into a laptop, formatted, opened it up, tried to copy files over & the same thing happened. It told me all files copied successfully, but when i put it into my phone, the majority of the files were missing.
Thanks for the help!

