Impossible error in TMobile 1.60.36 upgrade - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

I found ALMOST everything i needed to know in this single thread:
As far as prepping the files are concerned, there's no problem . . . but flashing it is where my problem started (or wouldnt start rather).
I followed the forum, and got the announced T-Mobile ROM upgrade in the above thread, and extracted the files.
I then decrypted them using xda2nbftool. I actually used the batch scripts (which were all over the thread), that's where I found out about the decryption / modification / reencryption etc. etc. of the nbfs.
Everything was going smoothly, until I got that blasted COUNTRY ERROR thingie. And what's worse is no matter what "countryID" I put, it still gets the error. I viewed the different threads posted about the country error thing, but I dont think I have the same problem. For example, they say you can fix the country error by matching it to the CountryID of your unit (or proabably current flashed ROM) using xda2nbftool. So the syntax looks something like this:
xda2nbftool -so <ID> -v
xda2nbftool -so <ID> -v
xda2nbftool -so <ID> -v
for an O2 is probably
xda2nbftool -so O2 -v
xda2nbftool -so O2 -v
xda2nbftool -so O2 -v
Usually it just rotates between, TMOBILE, QTEK, O2, O2ASIA, etc. etc. as mentioned in the other thread (the nbfs of the official upgrade obviously start as TMOBILEs)
I've tried redoing the whole process with all these different codes (by modifying the bat files and trying out the bat files posted, but the damn error is still there.
Finally was able to spot a post about DeviceData.txt. And upon opening it, this is what I saw:
U S B 3 2 1 . 5 2 . 0 0 W W E P H 1 0 O 2 A S I A W W E 1 . 5 2 . 8 2 1 . 0 5 . 1 4
Obviously, the ID should be O2ASIA right? But i've already tried O2ASIA and I still get the country error. I wonder why it wont work. last thing I suspect would be the PH10, cuz i checked my unit via device information and it was listed as "PH10B" (but the DeviceData.txt says PH10 only)
Basically that's my dilemma. . . as far as modifying the extrom etc. etc. I seem to be getting it already, only thing to do is figure out how to make the flashing WORK.
That's it for now i guess. Hope someone can help me out

For an O2ASIA, you should use O2 and not O2ASIA.

OH ic, i could've sworn it didnt work with O2
it seems to accept it no
so last question i guess would be as of today, is this the newest rom upgrade available? (aside from SE) or should i wait for that
and lastly i should have no problems with a Himalaya regarding the radio right since it's a triband phone (so it should still work with my carrier)

nargalzuis, I recently upgraded to the latest t-mobile rom and it works fine...

nargalzius said:
so last question i guess would be as of today, is this the newest rom upgrade available? (aside from SE) or should i wait for that
and lastly i should have no problems with a Himalaya regarding the radio right since it's a triband phone (so it should still work with my carrier)
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It's the last update, should work with any provider.

Ey guys,
Thx for all your help. I've successfully upgraded the ROM (even with a modified ExtROM)
A few problems I just ran into that i should share with you to hear your comments about them.
When I first flashed, everything went well and I noticed that I cooked the ExtROM not quite the way I wanted (some orphan cabs i had no intention of using ever), so I wanted to reflash a corrected version.
What I did was like was said in the forums (to just leave ms_.nbf, so it'll flash only that) and ran himaupgrade . . . the dialog was fine, it confirmed the ID, etc. etc. (which was strange since the nbf was set to O2 (but after flashing I believe it would be a TMOBILE now (as i confirmed when checking the DeviceData.txt)
Question there is: is the whole changing of operators merely a spoof trick? or does it really change the countryID?
I ask this since the upgrade started, but when it resetted to bootloader to flash, it got the id error again . . . which rendered my device dead.
I was thrashing for a bout an hour, when I tried to use an old o2asia rom, which failed at 10% . . . BUT allowed me to reflash the TMOBILE upgrade (but the works, meaning the OS, ExtROM and Radio)
took a pretty long time . . . but at least now everythig is fine now . . . and I corrected the ExtROM before I tried flashing everything.
Next question is the splash screen . . . I WASNT able to change it to the O2 screen i wanted, BUT i included a cab there in the ExtROM which had the splash screens . . . my question is, whenever the cab puts the new splash1 and 2 .nb files in the unit, will that erase the previous splash screens forever more EVEN after a hard reset?
Cuz if it does then I probably dont have to reflash the ExtROM since i have an O2 splash screen now (and based on the problem I had earlier, I think I dont want to try it again), but that is only confirmed for soft resets. I want to confirm that if i HARD RESET will it still be O2?
Lastly, cam you use folders in the ExtROM? Just to be organized, I was wondering that my "custom" CABS which I didnt set to install automatically be grouped in an orderly fashion.
that's about it for now :wink:

nargalzius said:
When I first flashed, everything went well and I noticed that I cooked the ExtROM not quite the way I wanted (some orphan cabs i had no intention of using ever), so I wanted to reflash a corrected version.
What I did was like was said in the forums (to just leave ms_.nbf, so it'll flash only that) and ran himaupgrade . . . the dialog was fine, it confirmed the ID, etc. etc. (which was strange since the nbf was set to O2 (but after flashing I believe it would be a TMOBILE now (as i confirmed when checking the DeviceData.txt)
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I had the same thing. I used xda2nbftool.exe -so O2 but the second time I flashed I could not use the same nbfs anymore. I had to change to -so TMOBILE, which was also reported by DeviceData.txt (although I used O2!).
Problem I have now is that my radio is dead. I will not log into EPLUS who is my provider. I get endless searching with "..." running to the right of my antenna sign.
HELP: What is needed to get the radio connected again?
ROM 1.60.00WWE
Radio 1.10.00
DeviceData.txt has "T M O B I L E" in it
My provider is EPLUS.

Just figured out that the trick with the provider is just to make the update work. So for the first time you have to make the flasher believe it is actually a O2 patch, because you have O2 on your system at that point in time.
After the first flash you should be fine with TMobile all along.
Still tracing down the Radio error. It is a file in the O2 extended ROM which causes this. And I figure it sits in ""...

What I did was applying the original O2 extended ROM files on top of the TMobile 2003 update. That was a bad idea.
Next thing I did was take the entire TMobile update and left out some CABs that do the customizations (like the ugly pink phone). This is a list with CABs I used for the extended ROM:
Radio worked fine after that.


Change O2 UK XDA2 ROM to M1000 Dutch Orange ROM fails at 99%

Having found the excellent walk-through post on how to amend the nbf files so that the correct country code is set, allowing you to change ROMs to a none country ROM, I set about to try it.
And in fact, changing the files, and re-packing them, was not too bad.
Then I ran the upgrade program for the M1000 Orange Dutch (but WWE version) ROM, on my UK O2 XDA2.
And lo and behold, it no longer failed the country check, and proceeded to upgrade!
It managed to erase the current ROM no problem...
Then it started to install the new ROM...
And it got right up to a lovely 99%, and then hung for a while, before the installer program coming back with an Upgrade Failed error, and telling me to soft re-boot and try again.
Soft re-booting brought up the O2 'water' boot image, but with the ROM details etc re-written for the new verison 1.66 instead of 1.60 - but no backlight would come on, and it wouldn't get any further than this.
I had to go into Bootloader mode, to get it to try again.
And after three attempts, it ALWAYS fails at 99% of the ROM install.
So, does anyone have any ideas?
In the meantime, I am back to my O2 ROM, but I was led to beleive, from the tutorial, that ANY ROM could be used, as long as they were meant for a Himalaya device.
So, why does the Orange M1000 Dutch WWE 1.66 ROM, always fail at 99% when run on a UK O2 XDA2 1.60 WWE?
i think that other have don it without failure
could it be the file you downloaded which is a bit corrupt ?
try downloading it again
Sorry for the offtopic question but where did ya get the Orange Dutch rom?
I really would like to get that one...
maybe dutch == danish
both starts with d and ends with h could be a mistake
from what i know the danish orange rom is the only one out yet but of cause i could be wrong
That would be the answer yes...
I am Dutch and check Orange once and a while and for as far as I know the m1000 isn't even released in Holland...
I just rang Orange because I can't get GPRS to work and I told them I have a XDA II, same as the m1000. But they couldn't help me because they don't have any settings for the m1000 yet...
Pretty g*y they couldn't help me
well what you need is really only access point
and depending on orange login and pass
I meant Danish.
Second time I have done that this week.
Copenhaagen and Eindhoven - it's becuase they are so close together maybe *lol* ;-)
Rudegar, any ideas who the users were that got it to work, so I can ask them for the patched ROM files and try that?
I got it to work!
Just download the update from the Danish Orange site.
Click here!
Panja said:
I got it to work!
Just download the update from the Danish Orange site.
Click here!
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I do what exactly?
If left as is, it won't work, as it fails the country check (er remember, it's a UK O2 XDA2 I'm trying to install it on here).
On the other hand, if I use xdatools to alter the nbf file, it allows me to run the install, but constantly fails the process at 99% of the first ROM install...
So, any ideas?
What device did you install it on?
i think he followed this guide
That's the very one I refer to earlier, that taught me how to change the country info.
The install fails on 99% though.
So Panja, have you got your extracted files to share if you put it on an XDA2 O2 as well?
Well I've downloaded the ROM upgrade again, and worked through the tutorial steps to change the device settings.
Can I just check something...
I currently have an O2 XDA2, and I am upgrading it with an Orange ROM.
When I enter the device settings, it IS "PH10 O2" I enter as the settings, NOT PH10 Orange, as I want the device to end up as it were. I do enter the device's EXISTING settings Panja, yes?
That's what I have done anyway - entered PH10 O2, so as I speak, it is busy wiping the ROM from the device, connected to my other PC.
I'll be sure to post back here if I manage to get past the 99% new ROM install this time, with a new ROM download, and a new attempt at altering the nbf files...
Wish me luck folks.
NEVER one to tempt the hand of fate, so I will start by saying it's not finished YET...
But it passed the ROM update ok, and now is onto the Extended ROM.
Keep wishing me luck folks...
Weh hey!
Nice new Orange XDA2, if I say so myself.
It looks a bit better, the proper Windows Mobile Boot Screen, than an O2 one, especially with an Orange SIM in...
So now I've saved the amended .nbf files on my PC, so that if needs be and a re-upgrade is needed, I can just run the installer, then delete the real nbf files and replace with my altered ones.
It's just busy doing a Sprite backup restore now - quality. Thanks everyone!
I'll repost back with my experiences of reliability and speed soon if I notice anything untoward...
Oh blast...
I've noticed something straight away...
The new implementation of Cleartype is TERRIBLE.
I can see blue edging to letters all over the place as it attempts to anti-aliase the font.
Previously with the O2 ROM and Cleartype, the letters were smooth, but black throughout...
I seriously think I will either have to forego using Cleartype, or do a ROM re-upgrade back to O2 at this rate.
Thanks for nothing Orange...
After all that, going back to O2 ROM.
Cleartype as per Orange's idea of it, is terrible. Blue all over black text, yellow on the white menu text, and sore eyes all round.
So now I have to go through it all over again to change the Country Code, to get the O2 ROM back on...
Sorry I couldn't help ya in time.
I'm sick @ home and didn't check the board till now...
Nice you got it finally to work.
Did you find the Cleartype as per the Orange ROM, to be unreadable, and full of colour cast?
Also, now that I have gone back to the O2 ROM becuase of the terrible Cleartype with the Orange ROM, do you know if you can just do an Upgrade whereby you only install the Orange EXTENDED ROM onto the O2 current ROM?
I have both ICQ and Messenger, if this is better for you...
I didnt use the cleartype on the Orange rom.
I swapped the Orange rom for the QTek rom.
Happy with the Qtek to be honist...

02 XDA2 correct country code upgrade 1.72WWE

my first post and contribution.. hopefully it would be alot of help to other people..
this is the official IMATE 1.72 ROM...except that it was encoded to work with O2 XDA2 units
added the O2 splash screen to retain the O2 bootup image -just load into your XDA2
the upgrade utility shouldnt show you any more country ID error for O2 XDA2 units.. if there are problems.. holler me ASAP!!
feedbacks would be nice, coz i would like to make upgrades for other Network providers as well..
Thanks for that.
Can you show me a step by step guide on how to upgrade O2 xda 2 1.60.WWE version to this?
Thanks again.
ok... im not an expert yet, coz i just had my XDA2 for a week, but i do enjoy tweaking and playing with it.. besides, the knowledge i gain thru reading this forum is more than enough..
ok.. here goes..
1. create a full BACKUP your XDA2.. (but i dunno if this is helpful should you fail to upgrade your ROM)
2. download the above file and extract it.
3. you should see it extract 7 files.
4. put your xda2 in the cradle connected to the PC
5. run HimaUpgradeUt.exe
6. wait around 30-60 mins. then follow the procedure as shown on your computer. (a hard reset would be required)
7. after the upgrade is done, you should see the IMATE screen upon booting up (instead of the O2 bubble screen) if you wanne be extra sure, check your XDA2 version.if everything is ok, then you should have upgraded it correctly
8. if you want to revert to the old O2 splash screen during bootup, then copy to your XDA2 and run it there. Do a soft reset, and voila, it should be back to the old O2 bootscreen.
I suggest that you contact your NETWORK PROVIDER because you will need to manually configure GPRS, MMS, and INTERNET settings on your xda2 after doing the upgrade.
WARNING: i wont be held responsible or liable for failed upgrade of your unit. Please understand that by agreeing to upgrade your XDA2, you are taking full responsibility of whatever untoward incidents that may occur to your XDA2. Flashing the rom might lead to DATA LOSS, SYSTEM MALFUNCTION, and even DEVICE MALFUNCTION.
but.. the rewards of upgrading it is sweet!
Many thanks for all of these description.
BTW, how do you feel the upgrade?
What you really get from this?
Can you share with us?
Thanks again.
Cheers mate.
i dunno, im just a week old newbie in using XDA2 :wink:
i just enjoy tweaking the far, no problems here.
My xda2 currently is 1.66wwe. after upgrade to 1.72wwe, what's the different between it? anything increase? sorry because i'm a new bird
did a lil research.. so far, came to this...
The 1.72 ROM eliminates the majority of problems from the 1.66 ROM such as:
Increased battery drain
Device slows down
Bluetooth GPS devices don't work, even with Pocket Bluetooth Tools
Can it be downgraded back to O2 xda2 1.60WWE Rom?
Many thanks.
i doubt that it can be downgraded... i havent personally tried to downgrade my ROM to a lower version.. but there are other threads related to this, and they claim that when they tried downgrading their ROMS, their XDA2 died....
you can try searching for other topics if there are information about downgrading... .so far, i dont have any problems with my 1.72 ROM...
except that there is no running program application which enables me to switch off any running program in the background.. but i easily remedied it by downloading TASKMANAGER.... its quite the same with running programs...other than that, so far, so good.
Error 121 Language ID Error
after running HimaUpgradeUt.exe I get the message:
Error 121 Language ID Error (N-2-1-0-1), the ROM image that you are trying to use is not designed to work with your Pocket PC.
I ran ERedit2003 Version 1.2.20 and opened the file ms_.nbf using the password 0x20040305. I saved the file with the different language settings WWE, ENG and GER. Always the problem remains the same.
My XDA2 currently has ROM 1.66.01GER.
Thanks for help.
try to change the operator name , too! or use other hymalaya upgrade files, from other roms!
Re: Error 121 Language ID Error
GentleMan said:
after running HimaUpgradeUt.exe I get the message:
Error 121 Language ID Error (N-2-1-0-1), the ROM image that you are trying to use is not designed to work with your Pocket PC.
I ran ERedit2003 Version 1.2.20 and opened the file ms_.nbf using the password 0x20040305. I saved the file with the different language settings WWE, ENG and GER. Always the problem remains the same.
My XDA2 currently has ROM 1.66.01GER.
Thanks for help.
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hi, i tried encoding with it again.. please download it, replace the other files and try if it still gives you errors or not. thanks... ill be waiting for your feedback
Re: Error 121 Language ID Error > Error 120
Waxx said:
hi, i tried encoding with it again.. please download it, replace the other files and try if it still gives you errors or not. thanks... ill be waiting for your feedback
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Thanks. But now I get the message:
Error 120 Language ID Error ( N-1-8-1-8 ), the ROM image that you are trying to use is not designed to work with your Pocket PC. I tried with settings O2 WWE, O2 GER and O2 ENG.
When specifying CDL instead of O2 the error code changes to Error 120 Language ID Error ( N-1-8-8-8 ).
So the problem remains the same
Thanks for help.
Help for beginners: upgrading O2 Xda II to ROM 1.72
New to Forum-sorry to be slow on the uptake. I am trying to undersand how to upgrade O2 Xda II (ExROM 160.50) to ROM 1.72 without losing the machine. Waxx says you need to reconfigure the ISP settings (I assume because they are lost in the upgrade). I cannot find O2 settings for GPRS Interenet and MMS on the net. Talking to O2 is a waste of time.
Does anyone have a step by step description that results in ROM 1.72/Radio 1.18 (or lower if 1.18 still in beta) working on O2 Xda II?
Has anyone reported doing it sucessfully. Have non recoverable failures been reported?
Just copy the attached CAB file across to say, My Documents on your XDA, and run it via FileManager.
It will customise your O2 XDA II with all the correct settings.
Once it has done that (and you've tested it works), just uninstall the O2 Active bit and your settings will remain (well they did on mine)
BTW - I upgraded to the new ROM, and have had no problems at all ! Very sweet
Thnx Mark, just to make sure before I jump in: the steps are:
(1) upgrade to 1.72 using Waxx's attachement (is that the file you used?) (2) follow the procedure you described and I will get O2 customised Xda II (same as where I started) but with ROM1.72 and later Radio Stack. Right?
2 questions:
(a) are the GPRS setting for MOBILE WEB (post paid)
(b) what benefits should I expect from the upgrade? (other than the satisfaction that it succeeded, l if it works?
Yep I used the attachment from Waxx ...
The procedure you mentioned is correct ... I did have a few heart stopping moments after the upgrade because (like you) I couldn't find the necessary settings for GPRS etc .. but the O2 cab file re-installs everything back to what it should be for the UK.
You are prompted to choose relevant settings - in this case you get a choice from either post-paid (MobileWeb) or PrePay ...
As for benefits, people are reporting better bluetooth support, and better battery life. Only upgraded mine yesterday, so can't comment on either yet !
Has anyone else had problems charging overnight with the ROM version?
Got Error 120: Country ID error N-8-1-1-1
Hi all,
I am new member here. I did upgrade to ROM 1.72WWE and seems working fine. Because the PDA is idle, I try to roll back to ROM 1.60.44 eng. and got the country id error N-8-1-1-1. I tried to set the regional to English (UK) and English (US) but failed. Any comment? My XDAII is bought from Asia-HK. Thanks a lot.
Mark thnx for your help. For all those undecided souls I can report that Waxx's ROM 172 upgrade works fine for O2 Xda II. (BTW: it takes 3 times as long to upgrade as they say it does - it's 30 min for each of ROM ExROM and Radio modules).
Mark, did not work as exepcted for some reason. When I ran it, it simple created a text file with O2 network config info and did not actually configure the Xda II. The info was correct and a manual config worked first time. Puzzled, I ran the O2 cab again but from another directory. This time I got the O2 spiral (I may have gotten the network configed again I can't know as I had previously configured it manually . The upgrade did lose the O2 dialer screen and reverted to the iMATE one. This is trivial. the Net is full of free attractive skins. e.g
Mark Peters- I thank you again.

ROM upgrade/downgrade Country ID errors - an investigation

IMPORTANT: Updated 28th September - I now know that if you have bootloader v1.06 on your XDA II, you cannot downgrade your ROM (at the moment). We will see if we can find a way round this but cannot promise anything.
Hi everyone!
Just wanted to share the experiences/conclusions with upgrading my XDA II ROM with you all.
I have split this into two posts for ease of reading and clarity. This post is the first of the two and contains the background and conclusions. The next post contains the solution (hopefully) and can be found here:
Fix and prevent ROM upgrade/downgrade Country ID errors
So the impatient ones amongst you can skip straight to it if you wish , although it is best to read this post first.
Some months ago, I bought my XDA II which had the 1.03 USA ROM in it and shortly afterwards, successfully upgraded it to the latest official release from O2 (1.60.50WWE), using their supplied executable package Xda_II_Upgrade_v16050.exe obtained from here.
Last week I upgraded to the i-mate 1.72.00WWE version using the .nbf files and HimaUpgradeUt utilities extracted from the RUU172126WWE_imate.exe executable supplied in this post.
I configured the .nbf files for operator O2 and language WWE using softworkz ER2003Edit tool obtained from here.
The upgrade went smoothly enough - all seemed well, so last week-end, fired up by this success, my friend came over (merlin_uk on this forum) and wanted to upgrade his XDA II to the same version, but containing the 1.17.00 radio, using the files extracted from the file obtained from here.
These .nbf files were already configured for operator O2 and language WWE.
I decided to do the same. merlin_uk upgraded with no problems, but I hit the notorious 'Country ID' error :shock:. This didn't make sense, so I tried re-running the exact same upgrade I had done the day before and it also reported Country ID error. merlin_uk re-ran the upgrade he had JUST performed and it also reported Country ID error. Something strange was afoot :?.
We looked at the information in the DeviceData.txt file produced on the device by the HimaGetDeviceData utility used by the upgrade process and saw that the operator was specified as 'CDL' even though we had configured 'O2' as the operator in the .nbf file headers. We therefore suspected that the XDA had become a 'CDL' device somehow. To confirm this I ran the i-mate upgrade without changing the headers to 'O2' so they were set to 'CDL' and it got past the initial check and would have continued if I had chosen to do so.
Now we were on a quest :evil: - something OTHER than the information specified in the headers was setting the XDA's operator code to 'CDL'. Our first thought was that it was the upgrade program itself.
We spent the next 15 hours or so using disassemblers, etc. to look at the HimaUpgradeUt.exe program trying to see where it was doing it. We even managed to get past the initial check, thanks to merlin_uk, by forging the DeviceData.txt file on the device (produced by HimaGetDeviceData) and setting it to read-only, but it still failed when trying to do the upgrade itself. At 6am we had to stop (work committments got in the way ).
Yesterday, I continued the quest and turned my attention to the .nbf ROM images instead. Eventually I found the problem. There is an extra block of information contained in the Operators ROM (ms_.nbf) image just after the nbf header. This extra block contains a language code and an operators code - and guess what? - yeh you got it - it specified 'CDL' as the operator code! EUREKA!! nailed it at last This extra block is documented in the ROM layouts described here.
I then manipulated the ms_.nbf file so that the nbf header contained 'CDL' as the operator (to match the DeviceData.txt) and so that the extra block contained 'O2' as the operator (to match what my operator should be) I ran the upgrade and it ran successfully .
Predicting that my XDA II was now back to being an 'O2' device, I ran it again immediately, and it failed with Country ID error. This confirmed everything. I then reconfigured the nbf header to operator 'O2', ran the upgrade again and voila, I have a 1.172WWE O2 XDA II. .
Since then, purely for experimentation, I have downgraded to the original O2 1.60.00 release and upgraded back again.
The information specified in the extra block of data in the operators ROM image (ms_.nbf) is used to set the device/operator/language in the device. It doesn't need to match what the device is set to already. It is this information which HimaGetDeviceData will retrieve at the beginning of any subsequent upgrade and return via the DeviceData.txt file. I assume it is updated to the new values towards the end of the upgrade process.
The information specified in the nbf headers of all the ROM images (NK.nbf, ms_.nbf and Radio_.nbf) is used to set the device/operator/language in the software of the device. It must match the device/operator/language currently specified in the device.
Neither the ER2003Edit tool nor xda2nbftool, obtained here, update the extra block of data in the ROM image.
The limitation of not being able to downgrade does not exist in any devices with bootloader versions earlier than v1.06. The limitation was caused by the device operator code being unwittingly updated to a 'wrong' value, which affected any further attempts to upgrade. Devices with bootloader v1.06 cannot downgrade, even if the operator code is correct.
The Country ID error could be a thing of the past, as long as anyone upgrading checks and amends, if necessary, the information contained in the extra block of data in the operators ROM before performing the upgrade. This should be done even if the nbf headers are already correctly configured.
In my next post I describe the steps I took to upgrade my XDA II. I believe it is now possible, using those procedures, to upgrade/downgrade the XDA II to/from ANY version/language/operator, as long as you don't have bootloader v1.06 installed.
I-mate pocket pc dead
Hi, my name is roderick i'm new at this site!
today i've tried to upgrade my i-mate pocket pc with wm5. It has Bootloader v1.06. I downloaded this update "ruu172751ger_e-plus_shipping.exe" and prompt a Country ID error. now my i-mate is dead...stays only at the bootloader. When
i did some research i found that i cannot downgrade. I dont have any backup...So i have to put away my pda??
Is there any way to uninstall the Bootloader v 1.06 on my device coz' i think this is the main reason why i can't upgrade or downgrade my Xda2.
Pls. help.
hello sir
need help about error when upgrading radio.nbf
what should i check 1st?
my PDA O2 XDA II+bootloader v1.03
phone come from costumer in hang condition,then I try upgrade using this rom from c_shekar
ROM: 7.0b.40CS (WM6 AKU 7.0)
dated: 30.Sep.2007
OS 5.2.1620 (Build 18125.0.7.0)
upgrade....extended rom...ok error)
please need help?thanx...
error show like this picture:
so now my XDA just PDA cannot use phone when start 1st boot show
no gsm
please need solution thanx...
How does this upgrading of the ROM work?
I have an IMate PDAL WM5 phone and running on TF_WM5_PEAN_VER_03.00
What is a bootloader?
Can I make use of just about any ROM updates available here?
Is it possible to upgrade it from WM5 to WM6?
Obviously now,,,, I AM CLUELESS!!!!
Thank you should you help!!!

Errors Upgrading to WM2003SE WorkAround

A splinter topic from DCS's post Fix and prevent ROM upgrade/downgrade Country ID errors.
Okay here's the skinny. I believe there are two parts to this problem.
One the user is not complying to the procedure in changing the codes.
Two the user has previously upgraded using a foreign Extended ROM ms.nbf file (filled with own modified CABs).
I have included the ms_.nbf files of various operator IDs. They do not have any Extended ROM CABs or Splash screens (to be inserted by user according to your locale and fancy later when upgrading to the WM2003SE ROM).
Begin the repair.
Run HimaUpgradeUT.exe together with the ms_.nbf, HimaClearJumpCode.exe and HimaGetDeviceData.exe files. Do not add any nk and radio_ *.nbf files.
After completion of the fix you can start with your WM2003SE upgrade.
Or you can simply remove HimaGetDeviceData.exe and upgrade if you can live with the foreign ID in your Himalaya.
I need help!!!!!!!! :? :? :? :? :?
My freind upgraded my imate to win2003se. After booting the imate gives only black screen with the word serial or usb when cradled.
We tried to re-upgrade or re-downgrade but no hope. Always the same error message: Error 120: Country ID Error.
is that any way to find out which rom I have now on my mashine or to do anything to get it back booting.
Thanks in advance.......
Remove your battery for awhile.
Pop it back in and hard reset.
Then try to flash with the four different ms_.nbf I attached.
Thanks Dr.Stein
I did what you described in you reply but no chance.
I am getting the same Error 120.
Do you have any idea what to do?
Thanks in advance
when you get stuck in boaltloader screen, thing you can do is soft reset and continue to upgrade again. but if still can't work just downgrade with base rom (1.03 for boatloader 1.02) and (1.60.44 for baotloader 1.03)
Well I have the bootloader 1.02.
Where can I find this rom
Thanx. :? :?
What did this error means: N-O-N-8-N after Error code 120
:lol: Thank you Dr Stien i somehow managed to change my country id.
But Thanks to you its all how it should be Thanks Again
Thanks guys, I solved it.
Mabrook... :lol:
your friend "Roaydak" :wink:
if I understand correctly :
these file will set your country ID /operator ID to O2 so the WM2003SE upgrades (which all have O2 has operator ID ) will work.
depending on if yours is now Qtek, CDL, TMOBILE or O2 you have to start from the right file.
Which means that afterwards when you want to downgrade to your original Qtek, CDL or TMOBILE ROM you will get Country Id error ?
unless you have manipulated offset 74 in the WM2003SE upgrade.
plz correct me if I'm wrong
M4io said:
if I understand correctly :
these file will set your country ID /operator ID to O2 so the WM2003SE upgrades (which all have O2 has operator ID ) will work.
depending on if yours is now Qtek, CDL, TMOBILE or O2 you have to start from the right file.
Which means that afterwards when you want to downgrade to your original Qtek, CDL or TMOBILE ROM you will get Country Id error ?
unless you have manipulated offset 74 in the WM2003SE upgrade.
plz correct me if I'm wrong
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No Bro these files will set your Himalaya to it's original state - select Qtek, CDL, TMOBILE or O2 accordingly.
Afterwhich you should alter the WM2003SE ROM to your individual Himalaya - Qtek, CDL, TMOBILE or O2.
Only then can you do your upgrade.


Hi guys, I'm VERY new here
I have a UK Orange SPV M1000 with the following details:
Operator Version:
ROM Version: 1.66.00WWE
ROM date: 02/20/04
Radio Version: 1.10.00
Protocol Version: 1337.18
ExtROM version: 1.66.230
I want to upgrade to 2003SE because of what I've read about improved battery, improved BT and widescreen use (and cos I just do )
I've downloaded the ROM and ExtROM from the massive 26 page topic further down the page but ran the .exe and got ERROR 120: country ID error.
I looked through the forum but to be honest a lot of the stuff went over my head and 30 pages of topic is a lot to read through...
Can someone PLEASE put down a step by step 'idiots' guide to upgrading my ROM with links to relevant things i would need to download/install/whatever
I know I'm asking a lot but it would really help me and I suspect many other people who might look at the forum and leave after a few minutes with spinning heads.
Also, I've not been able to find any posts in reference to the M1000, only O2 branded and original HTC devices. Does this mean I'll have problems connecting to Orange and will need to set up GPRS connections, etc myself?
One more thing.... I have an original Orange 1.66 ROM (downloaded from the Orange UK website). If I mess things up, don't like it, have to send it back to Orange, will i just be able to run that ROM update and everything will go back to how it was?
Phew, long 1st post!
Thanks for reading!!!
I upgraded mine yesterday with the help of a post on getting round the country id, however bluetooth and camera didnt work so had to go back to old rom, so yes you can go backwards.
Hi, I'll try to help you.
Now unrar the files you have. There you'll find "HimaGetDeviceData" file. Copy this one in your PPC.
> Then run it from there. HimaGetDeviceData won't do anything.
> then go to Windows directory and search for file called "Device Data". Copy it to your PC and open it.
there you will found data for your USB, Rom version, this meen 1.66.00wwe, PH10, and the last two are very importaint.
They can be ...
first one O2, Qtek, CDL, TMOBILE. Remember your. This is your Operator.
Second one can be ... WWE, ENG, GER. This is your Language.
After this, you need to download ER2003Edit. You can find it in the forom.
When you install this run the program and open ms_.nbf file first.
You will se the operator and Language. Change them if they are different from yours. ( this is the O2, QTEK, and WWE, ENG ).
Save the ROM file ( CTRL+S ).
Do this with the other two NK.nbf and Radio_.nbf files.
Then run " HimaUpgradeUt " and wait for " Congratulations " and you're ready.
Oh, when you get the Congr... Do hard reset.
(dont wory if you see on the screen of your PPC Radio stack or something like this isupgrading "Please wait" do your hard reset. )
Sorry for the bad English.
If have any questions ask
Hope this will help.
Ok, I have ER2003EDIT installed but when i tried to open ms_.nbf and it said i had the wrong password and asked me to enter one.
Any idea what it could be??
I think that you must not use the autodetect ROM, but the specific filetype: ms_.nbf. This worked for me...

