Problems after 2003 Upgrade - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Hey all,
Some real funny stuff goin' on here. I did the upgrade thing and after
really figuring out what I needed to do, it worked. Here are the problems
I've had afterwards...
1. Browsing the net is slower. Much slower.
2. Can't connect to my email, t mobile did some hokey forwarding through
their servers, and I do receive, but only when "it" wants to, in other words
when I click on send/receive I get an error message that says it can't
connect with my current settings. Nor can I send when I want to, I get the
same error message. So, if you send me an email it could take anywhere from
a minute to hours before I see it. Anything with an attachment is
"truncated" and the attachment goes to my sd card. Two funny things here. 1.
I open the email and it says the message is truncated, "tap edit and select
mark for download", but there isn't a "mark for download", just the
opposite, "do not download" ha-ha. 2. How do I get the attachments? If I go
to the sd card and tap on one I get a message that says "there is no
application associated with this, open the application first and then open
this file" Duh? He-he.
3. I have the dreaded Toshiba "white font" problem now. Tap on start and all
the listings are in a white font. har de har har.
4. The unit keeps turning itself on even when not in the cradle. How do I
stop it?
While not a problem, just an oddity, but when I get an sms, there is a
dialog box that comes up and gives me 4 options, none of which allow me to
open it! roflmao
Just so you know, I've had this for 5 months and before the upgrade
everything worked flawlessly! I was so impressed, and happy with my PPCPE.
It begs the question...why the heck did I do the upgrade??? Now I'm not
laughing anymore

For #3 try this ...

Thanks for the tip. Now, how do I access the registry on a PPC?

Thanks for the tip. Now, how do I access the registry on a PPC?

use any freeware s/w ... PHM Registry Editor is the best

Thanks. Stupid me, I thought I could just navigate to it like in windows. :?


Did you ever fix your attachment issue? I am also having issue with mail attachments and am looking for a solution still

Yes, I just re-loaded the new rom upgrade and everything worked fine after that. Must be me

Wesley I suggest you go back to your previous rom if you are having so many problems. It looks like your xda is almost unusable with that upgrade. I have tried wm2003 and had many problems so I reverted to 2002 with lots of programs burned to rom instead of taking up ram space and I am very happy with the result from Lumpis kitchen.

Well, It's a moot point now. I've sold it. :O)
Now, if I could only sell that dumb 7100T balckberry I bought...LOL


messaging service stopped working

hey guys.
something weird happend on my athena. all of a sudden, the messaging service stopped working. "messaging" wont open. even the sms feature of spbdiary wont load. i cant receive sms. i simply cant send/receive sms. even if i use different applications for sending sms. i dont do rom upgrades. and i havent installed/configured anything today.
anybody knows what i should do first? im hoping there might be a workaround other than a hardreset. i already did softresets a couple of times.
jetherson said:
hey guys.
something weird happend on my athena. all of a sudden, the messaging service stopped working. "messaging" wont open. even the sms feature of spbdiary wont load. i cant receive sms. i simply cant send/receive sms. even if i use different applications for sending sms. i dont do rom upgrades. and i havent installed/configured anything today.
anybody knows what i should do first? im hoping there might be a workaround other than a hardreset. i already did softresets a couple of times.
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Try flashing Mitchy's rom.
the thing is, after reading all through the horror stories here at the forum, concerning flashing roms, im still hesitant to do it myself.
unless maybe you can guide me through all the way tootalk?
i have x7501 bought from the states. also, in a few words, what are the best things that mitchys rom have?
im surprised nobody else had experienced this problem before.
if you installed any of those "lost and found" tools, then that's most likely the problem
since i had exactly your problem, until i removed those programs.
those programs might be good,
but unfortunately, it takes your SMS hostage, and wont release it.
making your SMS useless.
so i opted to have SMS, and well too bad if the phone gets lost, then it's lost.
yay! time to buy a new one the perfect excuse
hey allgamer,
what do you mean by "lost and found" tool? you mean like those security apps that sends messages to the owner just in case the phone got stolen? i have two of those installed, but i installed them a couple of months ago, and i never had any problems concerning them.
i'm now researching on how to flash my rom with mitchy.
jetherson said:
hey allgamer,
what do you mean by "lost and found" tool? you mean like those security apps that sends messages to the owner just in case the phone got stolen? i have two of those installed, but i installed them a couple of months ago, and i never had any problems concerning them.
i'm now researching on how to flash my rom with mitchy.
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Sorry for the delay dude. Shoot me a PM with your yahoo or AIM/AOL id and I can walk you through the steps to flashing with his ROM. To be honest, it's way faster and better than any factory ROM. I'm at the point now where If I don't even want to touch any PDA's with factory ROM's anymore lol.... I suggest you read up on how to CID unlock the phone first before you anything else.
messaging comes back if i remove memorycard
the messaging service works whenever i remove the memorycard, so i'm beginning to think that there might be an app that's messing around with the system.
another problem though, after i put back the memory card, the system created a "memory card" folder on the root file system. and the real memorycard now is called "memorycard2". the inbox folder has been created inside "memory card" folder.
anyway, i'm trying to muster up my courage and am going to accept tootalk's generous offer of helping me up with my very first rom flashing.
i renamed the folder "memory card" which the system created, to "memory card err" and then rebooted. the messaging service is now back to normal.
but i'll still check out on the flashing.

How to download images automatically on windows mobile?

You know when you go onto your e-mail how it NEVER downloads the images contained in the email automatically but u have to keep hitting "download images" and then again when the warning appears?
Is there any way to make this stupid thing just skip this and download the images automatically? its such a pain to do this for every single email...
EdZorX said:
You know when you go onto your e-mail how it NEVER downloads the images contained in the email automatically but u have to keep hitting "download images" and then again when the warning appears?
Is there any way to make this stupid thing just skip this and download the images automatically? its such a pain to do this for every single email...
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Yeah there is. When u set up ur e-mails go into advanced settings and click on download everything or something within those lines, lol. PM me if u have further problems. I still gotta set up my e-mails on my phone. I had to get a new phone.
you goto messaging>options>pick ur account>download size settings>download attachments>all attachments
Oh no I dont mean that, it will "download" the images (my settings are for it download the entire message and download all the attachments) I mean when you are already in your inbox and click on a message, it always blocks the images (the images show a red "x" and theres a yellow message that says " Internet Pictures Blocked") and then you have to click on the the message when it then grows larger and says "To protect your privacy, pictures from the internet are not automatically donwloaded"
Then u must click on the link underneath it which says "download internet pictures" for the pics on the email to then show up (without the red arrows)
Hopefully that explains it better than before haha
Absolutely, this has been driving me nuts. Even if you do download the internet pictures, if you go off of the message and then back to it, guess what.. DOWNLOAD INTERNET PICTURES!!!!!!
Needless to say, would be nice to find a fix for this rather retarted "feature".
ddog800 said:
Absolutely, this has been driving me nuts. Even if you do download the internet pictures, if you go off of the message and then back to it, guess what.. DOWNLOAD INTERNET PICTURES!!!!!!
Needless to say, would be nice to find a fix for this rather retarted "feature".
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Me 2.. i hate to click download pics everytime i open the message. if anybody has any reg hacks..let me know.. The downloaded picture is getting stored to \Windows\Profiles\Default\Temporary Internet Files.. .. Is there a way to change the place where it download the images.. coz.. in built storage is limited.
barathn said:
Me 2.. i hate to click download pics everytime i open the message. if anybody has any reg hacks..let me know.. The downloaded picture is getting stored to \Windows\Profiles\Default\Temporary Internet Files.. .. Is there a way to change the place where it download the images.. coz.. in built storage is limited.
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Did anyone ever get a resolution to this? I have the same problem as I have now setup my WM6.1 phone with Exchange and emails with pictures dont download automatically (that is the pictures embedded WITHIN the emails dont, the actual email does download (text etc)... surely there is a reg hack for this!?!
Many thanks
this is so annoying, i'd love for this to automatically just work!
i was gonna ask the same exact question....basically how do i get my email html to work and show all images automatically, i already have it set to download all attachments which it will like if there is an mp3 or zip attached i can just open it but i'd like to see the images embeded in my email automatically
i too would like windows mobile to automatically download internet pictures. i don't think its going to be very easy to accomplish though.
me 3 this hiccup is driving me nuts please can someone find a way to fix it
Don't know why this is in the CDMA forum, but I'm also looking for this answer. Ideally, I'd want the ability to say "always download images from this sender", although I figure it will be an "all or nothing" type of hack.
was tossing in bed one night this week and it occured to me that there had to be a registry edit to disable that link to download images all the time, i also figured id ask, glad do know im not alone in that its a really busted "feature"
can anyone "save" the pictures into your SDcard from the emails that arent attachments .? holding finger on the photo doesnt have a "save as"
ive been trying to regedit all day on this topic!! GRRRR
haha... I concur as well
I have had this problem for the last 2 years.Surely somebody should have came out with a solution by now, or a registry hack, or even a .cab to solve this stupid repetitive problem. Anyone? maybe I wil mess around my registry some and see if I can solve this problem without bricking my brand new HTC Snap. Pray for me.
Yea it is annoying. I mean the phone allows pictures but just never displays them automatically.
Although I usually just have my settings to download TEXT only anyway because whats the purpose if you can't see the pics anyway.
Its a default 'feature' in Outlook. On a pc you can disable that, but i have looked everywhere and you cant, at least without a hack, on the POutlook. So unless M$ allows us... someone will have to find the hack...
Hi guys. I have the same problem aswell. But even worse. when i click on "download pics", it doesnt do it!!! after i have clicked it, i look at the bottom left handside of the screen(oh...TD2) for the status, it just says "downloadings pics" for about 3 secs,and then nothing happens!
Any ideas?
This is such a stupid feature and it annoys the hell out of me. dont really want to so rude... but the iphone emails are way better and it even looks brilliant!! no download pic, or "tap to scroll"!!!!
Just chiming in that a fix of this "feature" would be great. I just picked up the Tilt 2 and assumed (yes, I know what happens...) that this would have been fixed with 6.5. Now I have to decide if I'll stick with FlexMail.
that's always been a problem with pocketpc

TG01 "Tap-and-hold" Context Menu Disappearing Issue

Just run this past anyone, see if they have the same problem. I am running Novembre5 latest rom, however this issue was occuring with all of the roms I have tried including the official Toshiba roms.
So I have a disappearing problem with my context menu. It has happened to me after I install some programs. I install Resco Registry Editor, Photo Viewer, Swype 2.0, CE-Star for Japanese Input, bunch of games, get my device just the way I want it.... then I can't select anything. I try to "tap and hold" to bring up the context menu so I can cut and paste in an email or delete something in Resco Explorer, however when I click on a blank part on the screen, the circles will show up and the 1 second animation will commence in which the circles will surround where my stylus has hit the screen and then once the circles go around my stylus clockwise then the context menu will for a very-split-second appear and then disappear. To get the context menu to stay, I need to hold the stylus on screen and then remove the stylus from the screen just before the context menu appears, then the context menu will stay.
Needless to say.. this is really annoying... when I initially hard-reset the device, there are no problems like this, however, after installing my programs, then I have this issue. Is there any quick fix for this problem? Does anyone have an idea what is up? I like the programs that I have installed, I especially need Japanese on my device so I hope it is not CE-Star, is there any advice someone can give to me? I guess the next step is, is to hard reset and install the programs one buy one and test them out for a while and then figure out what program it is that is making the issue appear. However even then.... I need the programs that I install... and damnitt I purchased most of them, hehehe so they have gotta work!
Kilihari said:
I guess the next step is, is to hard reset and install the programs one buy one and test them out for a while and then figure out what program it is that is making the issue appear. However even then.... I need the programs that I install... and damnitt I purchased most of them, hehehe so they have gotta work!
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I believe this the best you can try for the moment...
Never encountered something similar...
that was retardedly easy yet frustratingly hard. Ok, CE-Star was the culprit. You must do two things. When installing CE-Star one must uncheck the handwriting component when installing the Japanese IME. If you install the handwriting component then the context menu will disappear. Also, second thing, one you register and activate the program then it loads a service at boot called DynaNls.lnk in your \Windows\StartUp folder. This service causes MANY frustrating issues associated with your device including but not limited to automatically rebooting 3 or 4 times during the boot sequence, and then it will work. Basically CE-Star is totally compatible with Windows Mobile 6.5 however you gotta do a couple of tweaks. Wow, this has solved 2 months of issues. Have a good days pplz.
Kilihari said:
Basically CE-Star is totally compatible with Windows Mobile 6.5 however you gotta do a couple of tweaks. Wow, this has solved 2 months of issues. Have a good days pplz.
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Dear Kilihari, please help to describe the "couple of tweaks" in details..
I did.. I did... I tellz ya!
simoncsk said:
Dear Kilihari, please help to describe the "couple of tweaks" in details..
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I did, I did..... read my post above, I described the problem in detail, if you have any further questions, please ask a more specific question and I will very promptly reply .

[Q] Why Twitter doesn't log in....?!

All of a sudden my Twitter account has stoped to work....
I enter the right name and pass and the "Press here to log in" shows.
What could be the problem? I think it was when i installed DINIK's End key replacement, because now my data is turned off without me doing it... it saves ALOT of battery but it is not the way i want it... could it be this?
Forgot something
Eh.. when i uninstalled my old end key replacement och could not use CHT Wifi switch it said something about a exe file was missing, and now i don't dare to remove the end key replacement i have now
ToddeSwe said:
All of a sudden my Twitter account has stoped to work....
I enter the right name and pass and the "Press here to log in" shows.
What could be the problem? I think it was when i installed DINIK's End key replacement, because now my data is turned off without me doing it... it saves ALOT of battery but it is not the way i want it... could it be this?
Forgot something
Eh.. when i uninstalled my old end key replacement och could not use CHT Wifi switch it said something about a exe file was missing, and now i don't dare to remove the end key replacement i have now
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There are a lot of things that can be going on here. First and foremost, hard reset as you don't want to have error messages about missing files floating around, especially in an app as important as CHT.
Secondly, Twitter is quite problematic when it comes to connections. For instance, when Twitter is "over capacity (their excuse for a lack-luster network infrastructure)", it will kick back a login error from API devices (anything that uses the Twitter API to access it).
I have found that the best way to solve connection issues in Twitter is to revoke access to the problem device in Twitter>Settings>Connections and then revoke access to which ever app you are using (HTC Peep, moTweets, etc).
Then, reconnect with your device and you should be ok.
A new Twitter problem
Hi again!
Now it seems that i can login, but no twitts are showing and when i try to update it says something like "Access to the Twitter server is forbidden for the account"
What the heck is going on?
I've now gotten the answer
Here's the answer:
If they knew, why did they not update in time before this happened?

CAUTION: Launching Android from SD from WM might loose Emails/SMS messages

I use a pretty cool windows mobile app called Note2Self - it records a quick thought, then emails it to you so it will be in your inbox. One problem is that if it is set to email right away, the app will pause for a good minute while it connects to your SMTP server and send the email. So, this was a pain if you wanted to make multiple recordings one right after another. The solution is to have the app instead place the email in the "outbox" of activesync. This way the emails are stored right away (without sending them until you dock with your PC).
But, I just found out that if there are any emails in activesync's "outbox" and then I run Clrcd/Haret.exe to launch Android. Then reboot back into Windows mobile - ALL of the email in the AS outbox are gone!
I also discovered that any recently received or sent SMS/Text messages your had before the boot into Android will also me missing when you reboot back into windows mobile.
It seems the CEmail.vol file is "forgetting" these messages when android is run.
Anybody have a fix for this?
Wrong session dude wrong session, it must posted on general q& answer
imanh said:
Wrong session dude wrong session, it must posted on general q& answer
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Since this issue is only applicable to "SD Development" (and not applicable to "NAND" or "Themes"), that is why I thought this would be the appropriate spot.
JohnCody said:
Since this issue is only applicable to "SD Development" (and not applicable to "NAND" or "Themes"), that is why I thought this would be the appropriate spot.
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but this has absolutely nothing to do with development
JohnCody said:
I use a pretty cool windows mobile app called Note2Self - it records a quick thought, then emails it to you so it will be in your inbox. One problem is that if it is set to email right away, the app will pause for a good minute while it connects to your SMTP server and send the email. So, this was a pain if you wanted to make multiple recordings one right after another. The solution is to have the app instead place the email in the "outbox" of activesync. This way the emails are stored right away (without sending them until you dock with your PC).
But, I just found out that if there are any emails in activesync's "outbox" and then I run Clrcd/Haret.exe to launch Android. Then reboot back into Windows mobile - ALL of the email in the AS outbox are gone!
I also discovered that any recently received or sent SMS/Text messages your had before the boot into Android will also me missing when you reboot back into windows mobile.
It seems the CEmail.vol file is "forgetting" these messages when android is run.
Anybody have a fix for this?
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People are indeed rude. what Winmo rom are you using cause i dont have that problem. i wish my messages would disappear i hate alot of messages stored or kept i like to have everything cleared. but maybe its the windows build you are using.
[email protected] said:
People are indeed rude. what Winmo rom are you using cause i dont have that problem. i wish my messages would disappear i hate alot of messages stored or kept i like to have everything cleared. but maybe its the windows build you are using.
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I am using NRGz28 Energy ROm 6/1/2011:
I seems that the lost often happens with an emails in Outlook's (ActiveSync's) "Outbox" and any Text messages in the SMS/MMS "inbox". If any messages are in there, then booting into Android using clr/haret then rebooting back into WM6 will loose those messages
i experienced the same problem often when i started (SD-)Android from my WinMo stock rom. Later, when i reboot into WinMo i can see, that it losts the last mails and SMS.
I made some tests and my solution is simple: When you want to start Android, shut down your WinMo and start it again and then start Android! (When you press and hold your bottom right On/Off-button, you can shut down the device and then all datas will be saved.)
The problem with the Android-bootloaders (or the using of CLRCAD.exe and HARET.exe) seems to be, that they not regular shutdown WinMo before Android starts. Its only like a Softreset. And then unstored datas get lost.
It's the same way like you want to shut down your Windows-PC. You dont just pull the power plug but you choose "Start / Shutdown" and wait till it finishes to save all datas.
Hope, that helps.
Btw: sorry for my poor english...
Spiogent said:
i experienced the same problem often when i started (SD-)Android from my WinMo stock rom. Later, when i reboot into WinMo i can see, that it losts the last mails and SMS.
I made some tests and my solution is simple: When you want to start Android, shut down your WinMo and start it again and then start Android! (When you press and hold your bottom right On/Off-button, you can shut down the device and then all datas will be saved.)
The problem with the Android-bootloaders (or the using of CLRCAD.exe and HARET.exe) seems to be, that they not regular shutdown WinMo before Android starts. Its only like a Softreset. And then unstored datas get lost.
It's the same way like you want to shut down your Windows-PC. You dont just pull the power plug but you choose "Start / Shutdown" and wait till it finishes to save all datas.
Hope, that helps.
Btw: sorry for my poor english...
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Try mskip android loader. I don't have Winmo 6.5 any more (moved to MAGLDR) but from memory mskip has shortcuts you can add to your home screen to either launch Android straight away (it runs CLRCAD and HARET for you), or reboot and launch into Android automatically (which would solve your problem!)
Hope this helps.
aww ****, this happened to me just on sun night! i was wondering wth was going on. i even use the mskip app so what am i doing that somehow made my msgs disappear? damn, i really prefer the 3 sec option. i guess i got to get rid of it and select none.
but i have used that option for a long time now and this is the first time that i have encountered this problem.
knote said:
aww ****, this happened to me just on sun night! i was wondering wth was going on. i even use the mskip app so what am i doing that somehow made my msgs disappear? damn, i really prefer the 3 sec option. i guess i got to get rid of it and select none.
but i have used that option for a long time now and this is the first time that i have encountered this problem.
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Hmmmm... I dunno mate. As my sig says, I don't have Winmo any more so I can't test it.

