Soon new qtek rom!!! - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

I sent an angry email to brightpoint here in sweden how distribute the qtek products in sweden.
I asked them why the f**k they didn´t release the 1.6 rom
and this is the answer
for those how await the new rom swedish)
Hej Jonathan,
Vi kommer inte att släppa ROM 1.60.00WWE med tillhörande radio mjukvara. Då det redan finns en senare mjukvara kommer vi inte att släppa denna, inom kort kommer ROM 1.66.00WWE att finnas tillgänglig.
Med vänlig hälsning
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Maybe 2003 se or maybe not definately a brand new rom version coming soon.
P.S the last sentence of his mail reads "Wery soon there will be an 1.66.00WWE ROM availeble."
sorry for my bad spelling
i can't spell!

It's about time! They are very slow!

my qtek2020 which is about a month old came with that rom
and it's not SE (after reading this i may not want SE at all on my xda2 since the ability to rotate the screen without a softreset at the cost of loosing the ability to run tons of older windows CE applications)
the 1.60.00WWE is ok apart from
2 times within 1 week where my qtek2020 died
and would not turn on and softreset dident do anything
so i had to do a hardreset to get my qtek2020 back into the land of the living
not sure if it's the rom itself or the new radiostack though
if it happens again i will try to remove the sim to see if it's a gsm
related issue

Until now i found that the mda2 tmobile 1.60.36 WWE is the best Rom around...what do you think? but i hope this qtek will be worth installing.

it is apart from the issues that i have with it
but of cause those could be related to some 3th party software i have put on
or even a hardware defect

Looking forward to it, getting tired of instability problems.
(Ser fram emot den, är trött på instabillitetsproblem)

Looking forward to it, getting tired of instability problems.
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with 1.66.00WWE i have don 6 hardresets these last 2 weeks
because it refuse to turn itself on
and sortreset dont do anything to wake it
i've tried to take out the sim and to charge the xda
but when it's dead like that i will not charge
so if these issues are rom related which i suppose they are
i would have to have pretty much instalility before i would move to this
rom on purpos


WM 2003 ROM 4.00.05 Stability ?

I been reading through all the post for the past week or so.. and contemplating upgrading to WM 2003 ROM 4.00.05 ENG on my 02 XDA .
I check out ROMkitchen and created my ROM but I deselected all additional software I Just wanted the bare bone WM 2003 ROM 4.00.05 ENG. I have not installed it yet. (BIG THANKS TO XDA-developers )
some users posted that they had good and bad experience with WM 2003 ROM 4.00.05 . The reason why i created this topic is to collate disadvantage and advantage using WM 2003 ROM 4.00.05 ENG (due to not final version if I'm correct).
I check here and the Enhancements are damn good which should of been support by PPC 2002 Phone Edition .
a) Can user posted disadvantage and advantage using WM 2003 ROM 4.00.05 ENG i.e. annoying bugs
b) What's your personnel percentage based on WM 2003 ROM 4.00.05 ENG? i.e. User ability
c) Will you port back to PPC 2002 ? i.e. WM 2003 ROM 4.00.05 Stability dose not meet my needs
Share your thoughts and experience please if possible
Well to be honest with you so far the device and the WM2003 are very stable together.
I am using QTEK 32MB with ROM 4.00.05 and i can assure you that the speed is even better and the performance is great.
Now that doesnt mean its bug free there are still some small problems here and there as any normal ROM.
My advice upgrade it... and then you will see that you will like it allot you wont downgrade.
By the way "Test Not for Sale" screen when reseting the device is great lol 8)
Frankly, my experience with my 02 hasn't been all that stellar. i do get some slowdowns, but i don't think i can go back to SER1.2's smsing... smsing in the new os is spectacular, well worth the other drawbacks.
my 2 cents
I've got 4.00.05 installed. After a soft reset, a white square box with a grey rectangle over it comes up on the screen- looks like some sort of dialog is trying to come up but isn't all there. There's also a (x) in the top corner. Clicking that brings back the today screen.
Has anyone else noticed this? It happened also when I was using the 4.00.01 ROM.
GregP74 said:
I've got 4.00.05 installed. After a soft reset, a white square box with a grey rectangle over it comes up on the screen- looks like some sort of dialog is trying to come up but isn't all there. There's also a (x) in the top corner. Clicking that brings back the today screen.
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This is the SIM Toolkit. If you can still boot, simply remove the stk.lnk file from \Windows\Startup. Otherwise create a new ROM in the kitchen: I added the option to not include that link earlier today.
Sweet. Just took out the stk link.
So far this ROM seems pretty stable. I'm still having some issues with the SD card though.
It seems if I remove the card and add files with my card reader, then put it back in the phone, it's not seeing the changes.
4.00.05 vs 4.00.01
I have a fairly vanilla ROMKitchen 4.00.05.
The SIM toolkit is annoying (empty dialog) that pops up after a soft reset.
4.00.01 was very stable for me. If anything 4.00.05 appears a little less stable on GRPS. It keeps/makes the connection OK, but the network (TCP/IP side) seems to get confused until I power off the radio or reset sometimes.
I'm not going to bother going back to .01, but I won't bother updating any more devices to .05 if they already have .01.
Re: 4.00.05 vs 4.00.01
lgingell said:
4.00.01 was very stable for me. If anything 4.00.05 appears a little less stable on GRPS. It keeps/makes the connection OK, but the network (TCP/IP side) seems to get confused until I power off the radio or reset sometimes.
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Are you on T-mobile ? The whole GPRS network seems very unreliable since Saturday afternoon - I had problems in CO, then CA on Tuesday (though late morning was fine) and again today in CO. My machine ROM is unchanged in the last 10 days.
Hi All :lol:
First of all thanks to the XDA-developers for the ROMkitchen it is a very nice tool, Job well done!! , and also to Jeff for keep updating the site for the ROMkitchen, I Upgraded my XDA from the Jeff's ROMkitchen from XDA-developer ser 1.2 to 4.00.05 En, but i have some problem when trying to answer a call, my answer button is not working, sometimes it work sometimes not, and also i can not find from the previous menu, phone->tools->option->more, which enables the answer after 3 calls and lock all button except the power key. and also when I try to run the Easy Tweaks it hang my XDA, need to soft reset the unit, have you guys have the same problem...Please help me on this problem
And also can Jeff include the Software MyInfo and MyCalendar from JGUI to make the WM2003 looks good... thanks in advance. here is the site
My Unit Now is
4.00.05 EN
4.21 Radio stack
MorePower to XDA-Developers :!: :!: :!:
rpc said:
But i have some problem when trying to answer a call, my answer button is not working, sometimes it work sometimes not
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Confirmed: we see that too. Annoying. But fortunately the 'Answer' on the screen always works, otherwise 4.00.05 would be unusable.
when I try to run the Easy Tweaks it hang my XDA, need to soft reset the unit, have you guys have the same problem...Please help me on this problem
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EasyTweak does all sorts of PPC2002-related registry tweaks. You can't really expect it to be very useful on new OS versions. I've set it to 'PPC2002 only' in the kitchen.
I tried the 4.00.01 and got many bugs ... (bad reception ...)
Yesterday I put the 4.00.05 and all seems going well. Good GSM reception and for the moment no problem.
Thx to Jeff and his kitchen

Orange M1000 update RUU166150WWE_Orange_DK.exe released

I am downloading this update for Danish M1000 units at the moment. Size is 27 MB.
The file is found at:
What kind of Ext. Rom stuff comes with it? (I mean please tell us after you have had a chance to take a look yourself -- :? )
I would be very interested in knowing, as the Imate version is basically naked with nothing really there of value (to me).
Det er lige meget hvilke sproeg det er....
(don't care about it being in Danish)
I am installing now.
On the first attempt, it failed after starting the erase process.
I did a reset as suggested and restarted the update.
This time I had a moving progress bar, the erase completed with no incidents and I am now at 11% during the write phase.
I will report on the contents once installed. Hopefully tonight. Then awaits a very long list of software, I won't restore any back-ups except my SMS database.
Where in the US are you based, I been there many times (NYC, Raleigh, NC, Florida (Miami, Boca Raton, Ft. Pierce and Orland) and my favorite, Austin, Texas.
I work for a decent size IT company who has granted me many trips there, last time 6 weeks writing a technical book in Raleigh. I miss the US..
I am in the Seattle area.... moved here from Vedbaek almost a year ago after being there 8 years. ((Jeg er gift med en dansker))
I was going to take a peek into the file to view the Ext. ROM, but my "file peeker" program is at home.
Not gonna blindly install it "just for fun" as that would be like playing Russian Roulette just for fun.
I passed Seattle in January, having a stop on the way to Las Vegas. Cold and misty at the time.
It is writing the Extended ROM as we speek.
Did you work at a government building in Vedbaek ?
OK, done.
Only the MMS Composer (new) appear new, there were no MMS composer in the previous image.
I have forgot how to make the extended ROM visible, will create a list of the contents once I find the solution unless someone beats me.
I had to do a hard reset (per instruction) after the update. The system then hung at boot time. A soft reset solved that, apps were installed and the system restarted for the usual setup.
I have not, so far, noticed anything new.
Need to re-enter my GPRS settings etc, I guess I will not get much work done tomorrow..
See ya
I worked for another company.
soerg efter i Krak -- Frydenlunds Alle 6 i 2950 post omraade
Jeg vil helst ikke sige det her i forum, naar du kommer til at regne det ud....hvis den ikke er allerede for sent nu.
Lad os bare sige at jeg arbejder for mine rige onkel william nu, men ikke foer vi blev spist af ham.
Is the Orange DK ROM in Danish or English (the file name implies English with the WWE naming scheme)?
Orange Extended ROM
Could you post the extended ROM files for me to download, please. I don't want to upgrade all but part of its extended ROM.
Thank you.
the usual stuff
and these orange specific things:
Windows\Start Menu\Orange Update.lnk
Windows\Start Menu\Orange Backup.lnk
Windows\Favorites\Vi anbefaler.url
Windows\Favorites\Orange World.url
%CE1%\Action Engine\Action Backup\Launch_orangeuk_AEbackup.exe
%CE1%\Action Engine\Action Backup\AEBackup.exe
%CE1%\Action Engine\Action Backup\AEB_orangeuk_en.dll
%CE1%\Action Engine\Action Lock\SMSSend.exe
%CE1%\Action Engine\Action Lock\RemoteNotify.exe
%CE1%\Action Engine\Action Lock\AELock.exe
%CE1%\Action Engine\Action Lock\AEL_orangeuk_en.dll
%CE1%\Action Engine\Action Update\Launch_OrangeUK_AEUpdate.exe
%CE1%\Action Engine\Action Update\AEUpdate.exe
%CE1%\Action Engine\Action Update\AEU_orangeuk_en.dll
%CE1%\Action Engine\AECommon\AERASManager12.dll
%CE1%\Action Engine\AECommon\AECommon20.dll
%CE1%\Action Engine\AEResource\AEResource.exe
%CE1%\Action Engine\AEResource\AER_en.dll
%CE11%\Orange Update.lnk
%CE11%\Orange Backup.lnk
%CE4%\Orange Support.lnk
%CE17%\Orange Update.lnk
%CE17%\Orange Backup.lnk
Could you provide me the
Thank you for your prompt reply.
Anyone know of a suitable version of the M1000 ROM that I could use to flash my UK based O2 XDA2, as I use my Orange SIM with it, and can't help but wonder if flashing it with an Orange ROM image might not be a better idea?
Would this work ok?
Any ideas?
here are the files from the rom
Forgive my sheer lack of knowledge, but can I just install the extended ROM items, on a UK O2 ROM XDA2?
I'm still looking for a way to get an Orange ROM onto an O2 XDA2...
Anyone noticed increased battery power consumption with this upgrade ?
I have a strong feeling that - under certain, but undetermined circumstances, the battery is drained much faster than previously.
One 8 hour night with MSN Messenger loaded only drained about 20%, but during the day the device went from 80 to 29%, and I did not use it that much.
I also had a period where turning the device off had a delay between the key press and screen blank of about 20 seconds. This lasted for some time, right now it happens immediately. This might be related to areas with poor or no signal.
I only used the new ROM for about 24 Hours, but have a feeling it is a bit less stable than the previous.
Only positive thing I noticed is that MSN Messenger now always signs on in the first attempt, prevously it always failed on the first attempt and usualy succeded on the second.
Is is this the best Orange Rom currently around?
Or is there a 1.72 around?
I currently have a 1.52... is there any better Orange UK rom currently around?

phone off and low signal always

can anyone help me with my Qtek please?it's been 4 month since i got it and every person who calls me,must call me more than once for them to reach me coz they tell me my phones always closed but i never closed my phone since 1995,only to change phones when i buy new ones!!! n.b. i have GPRS but that's not the main prob coz when i disconnect it from my line it's the same prob...!anybody? one more thing my signal is always low.places where i could have called with my 6600 nokia now with the Qtek i can't.
thanks for the help in advance guys
my personal experience when i was upgrading throu diffrent ROM's with one i noticed that i had a low signal then i upgraded to another ROM 4.01.16 and it work fine now
mine is Qtek 1010
sevag said:
can anyone help me with my Qtek please?it's been 4 month since i got it and every person who calls me,must call me more than once for them to reach me coz they tell me my phones always closed but i never closed my phone since 1995,only to change phones when i buy new ones!!! n.b. i have GPRS but that's not the main prob coz when i disconnect it from my line it's the same prob...!anybody? one more thing my signal is always low.places where i could have called with my 6600 nokia now with the Qtek i can't.
thanks for the help in advance guys
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Listen bro I can help you with something and try it on your own risk flash it with the newest IMATE Rom and RSU this would help thus the QTEK 2020 has the same hardware as the Imate get the downloads from here:
English Extended Rom:
Arabic Extended Rom:
Use the Arabic Extended Rom for arabic support in your device..Good luck now.

WM2003SE for a UK XDA II

Help, i want to upgrade my UK (English) XDA IIto WM2003SE, having had a quick look at the posts on here ive seen a Dutch version and an Australian version.
I dont want make my XDA into a doorstop so does anyone from UK who have upgraded to WM2003SE have a link to a ROM they have used successfully.
Not a problem at all
I've just put on WM2003SE a few days ago. Few quirks but I can live With them. Mines the Irish model but the Irish and UK upgrades have always been the same so I don't see this being a problem for you.
ftp://xda:[email protected]/HimalayaSE206/windowsmobile2003se.exe
You also might want to upgrade to ActiveSync 2.8 as well. Not sure if you have to, though.
I just ran the setup and it worked. To be safe, don't use your somputer while the upgrade is being done and make sure that your XDAII is fully charged.
Hello, I have the English XDA II, and when I tryied to install this rom it answered me back with a message: error 120, country code error.
does anyone have any Idea of what to do?
That brand it has its pda?
Re: Not a problem at all
ranger said:
I've just put on WM2003SE a few days ago. Few quirks but I can live With them. Mines the Irish model but the Irish and UK upgrades have always been the same so I don't see this being a problem for you.
ftp://xda:[email protected]/HimalayaSE206/windowsmobile2003se.exe
You also might want to upgrade to ActiveSync 2.8 as well. Not sure if you have to, though.
I just ran the setup and it worked. To be safe, don't use your somputer while the upgrade is being done and make sure that your XDAII is fully charged.
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hey folks, I just did the same as ranger did and now have a nice new wm2003se on my Irish xda ii as of 5 mins ago. looks pretty cool. cheers for that ranger. btw ranger, have you put all your O2 specific stuff back on? I see the text messages and all are working grand but what about gprs & O2 active etc? cheers m8
I don't use GPRS. Any internet related stuff I do while I'm docked in work. Got a nice fat 1MB line each way.
O2 Active Sync. I'm glad I got rid of it. It was awful. It was the one Internet 'App' that I could not get working over docked internet. It insisted on a GPRS connection to give O2 more money.
I suppose I should have recorded my GPRS settings before I flashed, but not to worry.
Thanks for that ranger, when u install it does it wipe out all your existing installed programs and data?
It wipes everything.
OS ROM, Extended ROM and updates the Radio stack.
There will be nothing left of the original software if you do the normal install. Then again, if you obtain certain tools from this website you may just be able to flash the OS ROM only.
I didn't bother as I didn't really care either way.
upgrade way back?
If after using your WM2003SE ROM I still wish to return to a regular O2 ROM:
Do you advise me to make an O2 ROM backup (something I should first learn), or can I re-install the regular O2 ROM (WM2003) from the o2source site without hickups?
I'm not sure
That I'm not sure about. There maybe topics somewhere here on the forum that might say if it's possible or not.
I haven't tried it myself but I may do in the future. There are some things I'm not happy about in WM2003SE but the pros far outway the cons.
My device can be very un-responsive at times
There are only 3 alarms rather than the 4 with the O2 source.
It probably wouldn't so any harm to back up your ROM beforehand, though.
WM2003SE Diamond 1.2 Succesfully installed
I tried this
Very complete and it seems to have good support and outlook for next versions
PH10A Himalaya
ROM 2.06.00WWE 06/14/04
Radio 1.18.00
Protocol 1337.38
ExtROM Diamond 1.2se
Serial v0.26b

Tytn (Trion) ROM Update (O2 Germany) - available 17-9-06

did not test it yet - will do when i´m back home and have a few mins spare time
finally! thanks for the headsdup!
give it a try please and let me (us) know if you notice any fixes or improvements
Wiki updated, and ROM moved to safe heaven in FTP:
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Hermes/Shipped_Complete_Updates/O2_1.25.207.1_GER.exe
Thanks guys
okay. it's flashed, i havent noticed anything different tho!
screenalignment issues are still present and there is only one new cab : not sure what it does as i really see no difference.
i wonder why they never release any changelogs..
dutty said:
okay. it's flashed, i havent noticed anything different tho!
screenalignment issues are still present and there is only one new cab : not sure what it does as i really see no difference.
i wonder why they never release any changelogs..
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The screen alignment issue is a hardware fault, about this problem this is the email that I have received by htc europe:
Good Afternoon,
There are now procedures in place for fixing the Screen alignment issue with the TyTN devices. This is a hardware issue that we have identified and we are offering a replacement to owners of affected devices with two conditions.
1: The device must be returned with all accompanying accessories.
Everything that was in the box when you bought the device must be in the box when you return it.
2: The device must be a Genuine HTC Badged device. This means that the device cannot be a Vodafone v1605, an O2 XDA Trion, a T-Mobile Vario II or any other device based on the TyTN, but that is not actually a TyTN. For these devices, you must contact the Network/Reseller for further advice on this issue.
If you meet these two provisions, you may contact your nearest repair centre to arrange the swap. Please place everything back into the original box and arrange to have the device picked up. It will then be tested to confirm that it has the problem, and then it will be swapped for a replacement unit.
If you are unable to return everything, you will be eligible for a repair under the warranty. For this also, you can contact your nearest repair centre to arrange this.
I must note that this email is a standard answer. Other people have received the same email.
does it exist O2 English ROM yet ?
can anyone tell me the version and date from the file SAPSettings.exe in the windows-directory from the new O2-Update?
Mad_M said:
does it exist O2 English ROM yet ?
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No at moment o2 uk doesnt sell the trion.
You can find it only in o2 german
It is possible create a MUI for this Rom?
OK i am again disappointed from this O2 sh*t realease.
The GPRS/UMTS Radio disconnects itself and i have to hard resed my device again. Now i know why i moved away from the O2 ROM. I flashed my device back to the updated O2 ROM in hope the issue was only a temporary problem and will be fixed in the new update but its not.
I am considering to replace my device. With this problem i cant live for much longer time.
Overall i am a lot more unsatisfied with the TRION. The Wizard from Cingular didnt had those major issues and performed very well. It doesnt matter if the TRION has a 400 Mhz CPU inside compared to the Wizard it works more worse and I am going back to use my Wizard until O2 has a stable release of the TRION ROM. :evil:
EXT_ROM keypad .cab
does anybody knows which .cab from O2 Ext_ROM is for keypad (phone dialer) layout and colors ?
here is officail wm 6 o2 germany

