battery won't charge and won't activesync - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

:?: i got my xda at the begining of the week and it charged once, then i unlocked it and upgraded the radiostack. now at the end of the week, it won't charge from the wall charger or from the cradle. charge light does not come on. it just blinks red at me, can anyone please help me out before this thing dies and i go back to my ole' 3650.

as far as I know, the RSU part of the device controls the battery charging as well as the USB port.
it seems the RSU upgrade wasn't successful ... i wouldn't advice you to take the risk of re-flashing the RSU as it may end up with a permanent damage. it's better to take it to a repair center.
... or to wait for a post from cgigate who will pop up offering a fix for a fee :lol:


Power problems-dead battery

Hi ,well I ve bought a 9 month old sx56;I charge it for a few hours ,and when I reconnect the phone fm the crandle,after 20 seconds switches off.I try to switch it on but doesn't respond to the button ,soft reset nor hard reset.What should I do?Now f.e. the sx56 switches on only when you install it to the crandle ,when I reconnect lasts on for a few secs.
Thanks guys.
PocketPCTechs ( ) offers a Do-It-Yourself kit to replace the battery. Find it here.
dead battery
Thank you
Take care.
My sx56 doesn't respond on battery power
But I'm thinking that ,even if the battery is dead it will notify me or at least swich on for a m.second .Dunno what to say.
100% battery
Hello ,
The battery indicates 100% but the device switches off.Even if I uninstall it from the crandle it lasts a few secs ,but when I push the on/off button doesn't switch on again.
Dead Battery
I too have exactly the same problem. Let me know if the new battery fixes it.
Hope it works out
xda lasts off the crandle a few secs
Ok,will let you know ,and where to buy the battery ;if that fixs the problem.By the way ,is your xda a 2nd hand too?The battery costs $80 +$24 for shipping.
Dead Battery???????
Yes i brought it off ebay! Not sure what the problem is!
If you can post what fixes yours that would be appreciated
Thanks tedd, good luck!
Has NOT been repaired
-With the new battery used to work perfect for many hours but the same day died(after I left it charging for a few hrs).
- When I first installed it , the on/off button didn't respond so I had to switch on by plug it instantly to the crandle.
I first unlocked it by using the rom kichen from maybe it's a software or hardware matter,who knows...
XDA Battery
I actually desoldered the SIM door switch and bridged a wire across the terminals! The switch was broken you see! The XDA now thinks the door is always closed 8)
Still wouldn't work properly though so I'm going to order one from the same place as you. Hopefully it will then work!
Thanks for your help
Same problem occured!!!Oh my god!
Everything seems ok .For instance,went out and was working perfect for many hours.
When I got home charged it for a three hours.Then before I go to sleep uninstalled it fm the crandle and opened the reader to read a book,and guess what :switched off by itself!.
XDA Sim Door Switch Fix
Tedd: I just sent you the email with the pic in.
For everyone else this is what is did to stop my XDA from resetting all the time!
1) Desoldered the sim door switch and binned it because it was broken!
2) Used one strand of copper wire and bridged over both terminals to trick the XDA in thinking that the door is closed!
3) Remember to tin the wire first as the terminals are very small!
4) FINALLY! Don't take the sim card out when the XDA is switched on!
My XDA still won't hold charge though! Must get a new battery and hope nothing else is faulty!
Here is the pic!
My new battery wasted.
Thank you,Mark for the email. I 've tried everything.
I bought a new 1800 mAh battery but the problem insists.Don't buy another battery yet.
Guys I think that is not up to our hands anymore,we must send it for a repair.I have to ship it to TX .Will post you back again when the diagnosis comes up. Will take some time.
But I insist that the 2 day new battery,I bought, DID NOT solve the problem.Think about it ,which battery does not last even to switch the ppc on for at least 1/4 of sec?
XDA Battery
My battery lasts a few seconds!!!! Had all the same problems as you!
It works fine when the XDA is connected to external power, but when it is removed it dies!
It also used to reset alot, even with external power! The switch fix has solved that now though.
My power feed to the XDA is from a PC via a BRANDO USB cable. I measured the output from it the other day and it is kicking out 350mA. I don't know if this is even enough to charge the XDA battery!
Someone said between 500mA and 1A is needed to charge the XDA, so this might also be the problem.
No charge even with the 1A charger
I get the same problem with dead battery. If it has a power source, it works nicely. If unpluged from power source, it dies after 20 seconds. I use the original T-Mobile power adapter 1A and it does not charge the battery. I also use another adapter 600mA and does not charge battery neither.
I would love to know how to fix this problem.
My problem started when I upgraded the RS from Tmobile from 6.24.0 to 6.24.1 . The upgrade failed at 1% and then the battery drained and never recharged. I have not try to solder or replace the battery yet.
Does upgrading the radio stack cause a charging fault?
There have been many posts now with this problem and one thing has become apparent - no-one knows what causes this fault.
After alot of thought i now believe that either upgrading the rsu/ruu or unlocking the xda may cause it not to charge. Many people have reported that failed installations which hang on 1% result in the battery never charging up.
One thing that wories me is that i perfomed an upgrade to 4.21 and that failed at 1%. Thing is though my phone actually still works and recognises it is running the 4.21 version, strange! It still does not charge though - it only runs on power from the USB sync cable.
When i brought my phone off ebay the power button didn't work or the battery wouldn't charge so i couldn't test my theory out
If anyone knows what is going on here i would be glad to here your views cos this problem has got me stumped for sure!
The Final result .
Hello guys. The fault is very expensive to fix it.At least on mine unit.
The special technicians couldn't fix the unit.
They said that I have to replace the whole motherboard for $200.That what the diagnosis showed,a faulse motherboard omg!And they tried many different sources and batteries to charge it.
The phone is useless now.Donno maybe I will pay for it.Maybe not,sell it as it is or for spear parts.
I think one final solution to go for an SD card copy of the ROM and GSM through the bootloader from a new working XDA1 then flash it into your non working XDA
otherwise as mentioned in another thread telling that the service for the device informed the user that there is a damaged motherboard due to radioStak failure, so he had to purchase a new motherboard for about 300$ as I remember.
I think one final solution to go for an SD card copy of the ROM and GSM throw the bootloader from a new working XDA1 then flash it into your non working XDA otherwise as mintioned in another thread telling that the service for the device informed the user that there is a damaged motherboard due to radio Stak failure, so he had to purchase a new motherboard for about 300$ as I remember.
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Good idea!
Has anyone got or know where to find a copy of a working ROM and GSM that i can try on my xda.
Currently running
3.17 ruu and 4.21 rsu
Failing that i am going to link the xda up to some high power AA batteries and fool it into thinking that the battery is full. This should allow me to install a new rsu.
I still believe that the non charging fault is software related as i have tried everything! I even bridged a wire across the fuse F0 like aquasesh did! Still not charging though.
If none of these work my xda will surely be dead forever
Fooling the XDA with another battery
That won't work either. I've tried to fully charge an external battery on a different XDA, then connect it to the one with failed RSU upgrade, and it still didn't work (failed at 1%). Some RSU corruptions are just not possible to fix without a serial cable and ceratin software. A user from Russia has observed technicians in a service center fixing failed RSU upgrades using some terminal emulation software, but could not get them to share a copy.

Charging Problems after 2003SE rom upgrade

I went away for xmass, and the last thing I did before leaving (this is stupid i know) was to upgrade my XDAII to 2003SE 2.02 rom.
I brought only my USB charge cable because i didnt want to carry too much.
Now, when I plugged it in to charge on my PC it said charging and the light came on as usual. However, it seems it wasnt charging. I left it overnight expecting to have a charged unit, only to find it completely dead the next day.
Now, when I plug it in, the charge light comes on RED for about 2 minutes, then the unit comes on from a hard reset and shows both charge levels at ZERO.
It stays on for about 10 minutes pretending to charge, but only the backup battery charges, the main one doesnt charge at all. Then it goes off totally and the light goes red again.
If I turn the unit off while it goes red straigh away and wont come back on.
After a few minutes it comes back on and pretends to charge again. The Backup battery reached "100 %" but the main battery will not charge. its still at 0% and wont charge.
Ive connected it to a 5v2amp psu as it requires but this was via a powered usb charger so using the same lead, not the official cradle.
Im worried there is something wrong but dont have access to the cradle.
Has anyone else ever had experiance of a total discharge state on an XDAII ?
I travelled 50 miles today to get to the nearest charge cradle for an XDA2, put my battery in and it charged fine. I put it back in the XDA and it worked. However, when I got home I plugged it into the USB charge lead, and it came on and said charging again, with the yellow light and all seemed well. I left if for a bit and the battery was then dead again with no charge and back to showing the red light. it wont come on at all now.
This is the same lead i used previously and the only change is the 2003SE rom, has anyone else had a problem charging after doing this rom upgrade? Can I revert back to 172 ? how? help please.
Please help. IM screwed unless I can find a solution, has anyone got any idea?
Dude, I have the same problem on my 1.72 version. I have (of course) dropped by xda2 several times on the floor, but it works charging from the cradle (which again has a adapter connected to it) but not from my brand new USB sync+Charge cable. I have also tried another cable and even on a different PC. Only thing that happens, is that it says it is charging, but nooooo... it's all flat after a little while. It's as if the cable uses my XDA power to change the PC instead of the other way around
It's funny. So now I have to drag that big-ass charger along with me to work every day instead of that neat little USB cable.
Life is unfair!
As for your problems, I can only say that you're not alone.
Hi, thanks for the reply.
I havent ever dropped mine, ive taken good care of it, so I dont think that is the cause. It does sound like the same issue however, I dont have my cradle here to test it though, just a usb sync+charge cable.
Does it work with the charge adaptor and psu alone? I mean the little thing that goes on the end of the mains psu to connect directly to the XDA without the cradle. How about on the cradle without the PSU plugged in?
I think this may be a hardware fault that needs repair, so its off back to o2 for mine if it is, you may find they would repair yours too.
Anyone else got an idea?
With my charger alone, it charges perfectly. In the Cradle with the charger connected, it works too. I havn't tried to use the cradle alone using only the USB cable to the PC.
I think I might bring it to the repair-dudes when it's so trashed that it is not working at all Until then, i will keep on using it.
I have exactly the same problem. i am not sure if it was because of the upgrade, but this is what happened to me, I upgraded to 1.72wwe from the factory 1.66wwe and it was working fine when I noticed that sometimes when it was charging after pulling out the plug, the unit will display 0% charge from the external battery and then after plugging it again the power is at 100%, It happened twice and was ok again, I presumed it was just a glitch from the system and promptly dismissed it as such. After a week, it was hardresetting everytime i got it out of the plug. I brought it to the service center and they replaced the battery (it was under warranty) It was working fine then I upgraded to 2003se the unit was ok for about 3 days then i noticed that the unit was loosing charge and hardresetting everytime. I brought it to the service center again and they said they replaced the motherboard this time and was back to 1.66wwe. So far its ok and working fine.

Wallaby does not charge

I have an O2 XDA 1. This morning I noticed the battery was empty so I tried plugging it in to charge. The orange light does not come on and the battery does not charge no matter how long I leave it on. I have tried it both in the cradle and with an adaptor but still nothing happens. I even changed the internal battery but it is still the same.
Any ideas as to what i can do?
i have the same problem. can anyone help me with this problem.
thanks b4.
best regard
Charge problems
Hi! i don't know will it halp you or knop. I am not a profi with pda...
but i had the same problems before.
I used car charger. next day battery was almost dead. u put usual charger. not results. u put it through cradle, the same not result.I scared. then i tryed to put car charger,then wall charger,then car charger and wall charger again and it started !!!
i guess the problem is in pda power logic <program didn't switch different power from charger and stop receive a charger in general >
may be u have this problems bc in the wall power were shortly powered down <may be shortly it jump from 220 to 200 voltage>
u can also try to put it to 220 and 120 voltage wall power.
sorry if my english is awful. hope it will help u
Hello Guys..
I've same problem with you guys..
The last day i charge my Wallaby was 2 days ago, and this morning i try to re-charge it with USB but cannot recharge, i try the cradle but it doesn't recharge too.
I think the battery was good because my O2 was powered on and running normal, just cannot re-charge.
I try to remember what i have done before... then.. i remember..
Before i try to recharge, my friend was try to connect his Universal USB Cable for his HP IPAQ (I forget the series) to my Wallaby and his PC detect and try to Synch my Wallaby but the charging indicator doesn't lite.
I Think, Maybe.. something wrong with the electricity, amphere, voltage, or whatever that comes out from his Universal USB Cable.
I have been hard reset and go to boot loader to see the Battery test, but doesn;t help..
Any body can help us??
alitkeren said:
Before i try to recharge, my friend was try to connect his Universal USB Cable for his HP IPAQ (I forget the series) to my Wallaby and his PC detect and try to Synch my Wallaby but the charging indicator doesn't lite.
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That´s the problem. Ipaq has other Pin layout, so you have damaged something in your device. I´m giessing, that the fuse is blowen away...
Oh my..
My Wallaby was physically broken because the shortcircuit, right?
I affraid the money i must to spend to repair will be the same like i buy it (second hand)..
Nothing i can do but go to repair shop, right?
You can try fixing it yourself. You can check if the fuse is not working any more and you can replace it, if you´re kind in soldering....
Hello LumpiStefan,
It was a long time no see.
Still use the wallaby with ROM cooked by your ROM Cooker until now.
I just wan to give my credit to you LumpiStefan.
same problem here....
Wallaby charging problem
Hi guys,
I have a charging problem too. I have a wallaby. when i put it onto cradle led turns to amber and then immediately to green. Settings > Power section says the battery full of 100%. But when put off it from cradle, 1 minute later, it goes off. I changed the battery with a new one. still same problem. I also checked two fuses located on both side of the main board. They are OK. No fuses blowned.
So, don't know what to do. it actually works very well but charging problem. I don't want to throw it away. any other external charging device is OK for me.
I need your helps. Thanks.
LumpiStefan said:
You can try fixing it yourself. You can check if the fuse is not working any more and you can replace it, if you´re kind in soldering....
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Hello all. This is my first post.
I've used my Wallaby for many years. Yesterday it doesn't start anymore and if I put it into the cradle no light is displayed.
Last change I did was to replace my GSM SIM card with a UMTS one; since that moment it doesn't work anymore.
You were talking about fuses... Where are they located exactly ? What kind of fuse are they ? How can I check if they're blowned ?
Moreover.. I've a backup of my Wallaby... eventually is there any emulator where I can resume/restore all my contacts ?
Looking for replacement Wallaby
If anybody is interested, I have a few Wallabys for sale.
May be cheaper than trying to replace broken screens or paying for repairs.
Wallabys for sale

Odd Charging issue ...

Ok, so at 1am I plugged my phone it ... I verified the other end was connected to the wall (it was glowing blue) ... so I go to sleep thinking "it'll be fully charged when I wake up, oh boy oh boy!"
I wake up, and check my phone - it's warm as if it's been charging. But there's only 10% battery life left ... I was like "WHAT THE HECK?!"
This never happened to me with the Treo 650, 700wx / p, Pro, or HTC P3050, P4000, P3540 ... so is it just this battery, or just this phone?
I COULD take the phone in, but I don't want to because I'll get a refurb unit - even though I just spent $700 on this one this month - so I don't want to do that. Ideas folks?
P.S. I'm using stock Telus 6.1 ROM
Same here man, and it freezes when its done charging, or the charging light [the ring light] keeps going on even when its 100%? any help would be greatful ;(
also keyboard keeps freezing lol..
Since I hadn't had a response from anyone here, I went to Telus wh ile I was in the mall ... they say it's probably a charger issue, and not a phone / battery issue ... They will exchange, free of charge, my battery OR charger, but if I want to swap a unit, it'll be a refurb ... I told them "I just spent $700 on this phone, I WILL NOT take a refurb."
Ah well I'll take the charger tomorrow.
The world is out to get my TP!
eh? I went to sprint and they said i should leave the phone and they can check whats wrong with it.. but i cant if its OEM, and since its OEM we all cant have the same problem? sorry i researched and everyone says different things. Some say to much flashing to you got a defective devise or you need to update your radio or something something i duno i quit!
I posted a similar issue (have a sprint touchpro) about the activesync just dropping or the phone just disconnecting from the computer while charging on the USB charging cable, they claim "we've never heard of this issue". I wonder if this isn't exactly like the Mogul that had bad pins in the USB port that would disconnect that device while connected.
So far, haven't been able to find a satisfactory answer.
I had the same issue
When I received my first TP in February, I experienced this 3 times. I took it back into Sprint and they sent me a new in-the-box replacement. I kept all the accessories and just sent back the mobile itself (as I was instructed). Consequently, I've been using the OLD charger (never unwrapped the new one) for almost 4 months without experiencing the same issue. So, I'd have to say it was the handset. Also, once I noticed the charger cable fell out of the phone very easily after experiencing the heating-but-not-charging issue, so perhaps it has something to do with the fit of the male/female mini-usb.

HTC HD2 problem

Yesterday something strange happenend to my HD2. (Artemis V24)
I forgotten to charge the battery and the battery was toltal empty.
After charging the phone the phone started like a start for the first time.
I had to make all settings again.
During the day I had to reset my phone serveral times, because the phone freezed.
Later that day i flashed the ROM to Artemis V26.1 but the phone kept freezing.
I did a hard reset and now the phon doesn't start any more.
The white screen with HTC with the red numbers are shown and after that my screen becomes black/gray striped.
What is wrong with my phone ? How can i solve this problem.
Hopefully someone can help me !
Thanks in advance !
black/grey stripped?
could you share a picture with us pls?
maybe your hw is damaged...
if so, revert you spl to you stockspl (normally 1.42.00000) and your stock rom..then you can send it to htc or bring it to your shop.
DN41 said:
black/grey stripped?
could you share a picture with us pls?
maybe your hw is damaged...
if so, revert you spl to you stockspl (normally 1.42.00000) and your stock rom..then you can send it to htc or bring it to your shop.
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My HW damaged ?
After an empty battery ? Is that possible ?
its just a guess...but what is impossible?
maybe its just a bad fortune
I have two batteries fror my HD2 and have discovered that batteries can do strange things. For example, one of my two batteries WILL NOT charge from a car charger (the charge light goes off, red, green in a continuous cycle and the battery continues to drain). I've tried several different car chargers, same problem. The other battery charges fine from a car charger. Both batteries charge fine from AC and USB.
My point is, maybe it is worth trying another battery before sending for repair. Perhaps the battery has not been able to properly regain charge after going flat. Replacements can be bought cheap on ebay.
Another possibility is to charge via a different method. I had an Asus PDA that wouldn't restart after going flat (just endlessly reset itself). Charging it from a USB cable connected to a computer instead of from the AC charger fixed the problem (must have been slightly different output voltages).

