I upgraded. How do I change my boot screen? - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

I've read the articles about this and that .cab file and this and that .nb file; et. cetera, where they may need to go and a program that everyone was using but the link is now dead. So, how and where do I begin to change the screen? All I want to do is to change my boot screen; that's all, nothing else. Surely it is simple. But I'm not a programmer so please be gentle.
Also a few notes about the latest T-Mobile ROM update:
~If you perform a restore from Sprite and use Resco File Explorer it will no longer recognize the folders for Storage or Storage Card. Neither will ActiveSync. So this is definitely a hard reset without the ability to neatly restore everything quickly.
~Second, the KSE TrueFax program will only connect to very few fax machines. I've only been able to connect to "Brother" style fax machines. None other.
Please help me fix my Boot screen this is horrible.
Thank you,
Monty Gibson


Need help i think i erased my OS on my XDA II

I acidently loaded the firmware for I-mate on to my XDA II and now all that comes up on the screen is HTC engineering mobility V0.23. I also can't get it to sink. What should i do?
This is a Demo phone i got for free so i cant send it back.
Thanks for any help
1. I can reassure you that you really did destroy your OS! :lol:
2. Try search at this site, this sort of topic has been being discussed since...
...I don't remember!
3. Have a glance at threads, discussing SD method of OS flashing + you'll need a ROM image file (for any kind of XDA2) and an SD card (>=64Mb).
Loading a new rom with an MMC or SD card
ok i went to www.romkitchen.de and created a rom for pocket pc 2002. So now all i need to do is load it on to my MMC card, put in into my XDA2 and reboot?
Pocket PC 2002 or Windows Mobile 2003 for a XDA2
Should i use Pocket PC 2002 or Windows Mobile 2003 for a XDA2?
Stop!!! The site you are looking at is cooking roms for the old XDA 1, it is not for XDA 2!
TY, i got a copy of some one elses OS, and im going to try to flash it with an SD card.
That didnt work, I dont think im putting it on the SD card right? Do i just copy it to the card or do i need to do somthing to the .nb1 file to make it a boot file?
Also my Bootloader is V0.23 kinda old.
Does any one know of a place i can send this to get it fixed in the US? This is a Demo phone i dont think i can send it back to O2.
Don't give it up yet.
1. XDA2 ROMs are marked 1.xx (1.60, 1.72...) - you need this ones.
2. How do you put it to the SD? You need OSimageTool or maybe other program to put it to the card in RAW format - not converted by active sync or so...
I tried using the OSimageTool to save the .nb1 into the .img but it tells me "don’t know how to write distinationfile". I was able to convert the .nb1 in to a .nbf but that’s it. Is there another conversion program out there?
Sorry i ment "destinationfile" all one word
xdatools are ONLY for xda1
if you want to mess with xda2 flashing
Is there a way to make a boot disk out of an SD card if so how?
Mine is defiantly wiped if I try to run an update to 1.60 using HimaUpgradeUt.exe it show all my image versions as blank. When I hit upgrade it just hangs on the install screen that says "current software is now being erased from your pocket PC. This will take only a few minutes." The progress bar never advances from there, I've tried to reset and it’s the same thing over and over.

Upgrade to wm2005? newbie

hi all,
I am looking to upgrade my himalaya to wm2005.I was scared to death when i was upgrading my device to 2003se, but with the help of xdajojo& others, I was able to upgrade very easily with diamond1.2 from omegared.Now I have been reading on how to upgrade to 2005 by xdajojo but to be frank, despite the beautiful way everything has been arranged, I cant understand most of it...I did try to upgrade but then I got the country id error(I have no idea what that means), I reffered to certain posts but that was all alien language to me :? .I really wish I could upgrade to wm2005, with all the talks around about how good the feel is i just cant wait, but the procedure seems difficult.I am also concerned about the RAM problem, as I dont understand most of the discussions about that(am I the only fool here? ).Anyway, is there a simpler way to do all this like we did with diamond or I would just be deprived of the cool wm2005?
Please guys I need help on this.Thanks eveyone.
Download these files:
Activesync (Direct Link)
Windows Mobile 2003 ROM Editior ( Direct Link)
Patch (Direct Link)
HimaUpgrateUT (Direct Links)
nk.nbf (Direct link) I made a direct link to a other ftp
Than read this topic: (Tread Url)
It's very easy actually. Remember, Windows 2005 is still very buggy. Don't put your screen into Landscape, If your do a softreset the screen is back to Portrait and the "actually" screen is still in Landscape!!
Check out the XDA FTP folder for Himalaya2005. There is the new version with the full RAM.
Download the .rar file from within this folder, unzipp it on your PC into a folder, then run the .exe file within this folder. Done
Of course, you first have to put your XDAII into bootloader mode before you run the .exe file. (bootloader mode: Powerbutton, resetbutton + directional pad left).
I have upgrade it to WM2005. But my SDIO wifi not working and the storage memory is only left 9mb. Is there anything to be done after the upgrade? What about those people discussing Ramdisk or something like that and those .cab file?
rmhtoh, have you upgraded with the latest FULL RAM version? I think you still used the old limited RAM version. Check out the FTP folder Himalaya2005. The new version is there.
That will solve the memory problem. You don't need the RAM disk anymore.
For the SDIO WLAN, download the SMARTPHONE driver from socket. There is another post in this forum about it.
Is there a way to upgrade without putting the xda into bootloader mode? my power button has broken. thanks
who is the last version of wm5?
demstav said:
Is there a way to upgrade without putting the xda into bootloader mode? my power button has broken. thanks
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I dont think you can land to bootloader screen without pressing the power button.
to get into boot loader mode
just run the setup once with the hima clearcode file and then u will land up in bootloader mode. and then it will give error and then run the setup and it will work..
Yeah, just make sure you put this file (HimaClearJumpCode.exe) in the same folder (on the PC) and execute HimaUpgradeUt.exe.
WARNING: Do not copy HimaClearJumpCode.exe to your Pocket PC!!!
If it fails, try it again and will go through just fine the second time.

System files moving not permitted

Hi to everyone.
Before this HTC device I had others and also had a Motorola Mpx220 (WM2003 SE).
I was used to move the files within "\Windows\Start Menu" (mostly .lnk files to installed programs) into newly created subfolders, to be able to use and/or access the function I needed in a faster way.
I've tried doing the same on this WM5 device, but everytime I try I get an error message reporting it is not possible (File Explorer has greyed out options to cut and/or copy, while TotalCommander just reports it's not possible to "overwrite" ???).
Does anyone have an idea of how this can be done (registry ???) ?
Thank you.
Here is the solution...
Hi Mix, it's Mix answering (yes, I'm the same person...)...
First of all I would like to thank you ALL the people which knew the solution and were fighting to answer to my doubt...
You were so many, I wonder why the message has been read times and so many answers arrived: 0 (yes, ZERO).
Anyway, I came across the solution myself, by chance...
The problems seems being the smartphone versions of WM5 being protected against file modifications. This protection extends also to some files execution and to certificate installations (hence some problems may arise when connecting to an Exchange Server for syncronization).
Some tools are needed to remove this protection, and some experience of registry modification is required too (I will not help anyone beside what is in this message and I take no responsability for any mistakes and/or troubles you may produce or face).
First of all you need a special version of RegEdit (the tool from PHM): you should find an HTC digitally signed copy of it called RegEditSTG.exe.
Look around for it: there are many forums around which do hold a copy of it.
Place it in your phone's memory, not on the MicroSD card...
With this tool you should change the following values:
HKLM\Security\Policies\Policies\00001001 = 2 => 1 (RAPI)
HKLM\Security\Policies\Policies\00001005 = 16 => 40 (Cert)
HKLM\Security\Policies\Policies\00001017 = 128 => 144 (?)
The first is the value you will find, the second is the value you should enter. The third line has a question mark because someone says it should be made, someone not... It's up to you. I made it.
Then you should find another tool (with the same above method) called SDA_ApplicationUnlock.exe which has to be run on your desktop PC with the phone already connected with USB (and possibly with ActiveSync not in the middle of a sync...).
Once you run this, you will get a message that the unlock took place (if not, it may be the first operations did not complete well).
Disconnect your phone from the USB cable and power cycle it (switch it off and then on again).
Opla'... the phone is not APPLICATION UNLOCKED and you will be able to move file around the directories as I was looking to when I first posted my message.
Now I have a very quick Start Menu, as I wanted.
Please, be aware that this operation hacks the security policies of WM5 and then any other application which may be dangerous can now run on your phone.
If you wish to stay on the safe side, it could be useful to restore the registry settings to their original values, but I do not know if this could cause other problems, since I didn't on my phone.
I actually double check every single file by myself before launching it and I do not run anything which I'm not sure it is safe.
So, pay attention... (you have been warned...).
Hope this helps someone else out there.
Thanks for the tips mate! I was searching around for the same problem.
Can a hard reset put all the files back as in the old WM2003? I'm asking that 'cause if you look at the windows directory, many exe and dll files are repeated, with a different code. I guessed they are for the many different languages the phone support and the code is the country code. Maybe when you switch from one language to another those files are renamed so you have the correct exe and dll for the language you need...
If I can erase all the files I don't need (I will never change the language or maybe have only italian and english) I can save lot of space.
Am I wrong? Was that ever tried before?
vbi said:
Thanks for the tips mate! I was searching around for the same problem.
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;-) I knew...
Can a hard reset put all the files back as in the old WM2003? I'm asking that 'cause if you look at the windows directory, many exe and dll files are repeated, with a different code. I guessed they are for the many different languages the phone support and the code is the country code. Maybe when you switch from one language to another those files are renamed so you have the correct exe and dll for the language you need...
If I can erase all the files I don't need (I will never change the language or maybe have only italian and english) I can save lot of space.
Am I wrong? Was that ever tried before?
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In order:
- Yes, I suppose a hard reset of the device completely restores the original factory settings, hence, the device will appear as "brand new".
- You're right: all the localized files present there are just to be able to swithc to other languages (maybe following user's settings and maybe also following user's SIM settings too...).
- Erasing the unused files may appear as a "space saving" job. It is not. First of all you will not be able to remove ROM resident files, but provided you could be able to do this, you will not be able to use ROM space as you intend...
Finally then, it's completely unuseful to try to remove them, just a waste of time trying...
Thanks Michele.
Are you sure the windows directory is in ROM?
I always tought ROM was only to store the "disk" image when you hard reset the device. I was so for the Qtek S100.
vbi said:
Are you sure the windows directory is in ROM?
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Yes it is. On the fact that it is then copied into RAM, well, this is a tecnique which was used up to WM2003 SE devices.
Starting from WM5 devices MS somewhat changed the behaviour of the whole system, hence I'm not then so sure.
Indeed, I have never been sure of anything, beside death, so you can imagine...
I'm not really so "expert".
Having used an MPx220 for over one year (with all its limitations, but exploiting it very much), using a WM5 device now is a much more relaxed experience (faster, more realiable and less troubly in terms of memory).
Just MHO
Thanks Mix - i followed your directions and it worked.
Got my QTEK (running i-Mate ROM) Application Unlocked

error getting connectintype

hi ppl,
today I ve made rom with the romkitchen, it was 2003 final and everything went ok, phone was functional until I used to try to install some newer versin of the programs I previously included in the rom. That didnt work (of course) so I decide to put another rom without those programs so I can install newer versions but when I run the romkithen exe computer report
in the dos window
error getconnectiontipe - unspecified error
error getting connectiontype
and the program for the patching report that he is trying to get the data from the device and after that he reports that
"cannot execute the remote communication program, please make sure that the usb/serial cable is properly connectes"
of course cable is connected, device syncing with the active sync and the icon is green, used to try to soft reset pc and pocketpc, to hardware reset pocket pc, to connect it to other pc and patch there, to install active sync 3.7.1, to reinstall active sync 4.2, to reinstall usb drivers on the pc, to put sim card and sd card out and to patch then... nothing helped...
what can I do ? is that due to the windows 2003 instalation on the pocket pc (had same version on other wallaby without the problems) ? can I solve that some way ?
I ve read before that patching can be performed from the SD card so I found the xda tools and osi image tool but couldnt found rom nd1 file anywhere (was stupid and didnt make copy of my previous rom)... which rom can I use just to enable USB connection and after that I ll patch it with the "normal" rom from the rom kitchen...
Ive checked those roms http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=ROMVersions but didnt find any nd1 file in the files I ve checked, can I use those roms with osi image tool eventually ?
which one ?
Lots of questions ... Sorry people ...
I can use it in this condition too but I d rather have an opportunity to flash it to some other version maybe.
Best regards to the community !
I think it´s just the problem that the ROM prohibits flashing via EXE-file. You have to flash via SD-Card.....
You find the ROm to write on the SD-Card in the EXE-FIle. Just extract the exe using winzip, and then you will find it in a subdirectory (normally english, or dependent on the ROM-Language...)
Thanks a lot Stefan, so I can use some ROM from the page http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=ROMVersions ?
Any advice which one should I take please (Im not using any of the operators noted there, just looking for some rom that will function ok) ?
Thanks m8 !
Yes, you can take any rom of it. Mostly the T-Mobile prohibits flashing via EXE-File, but Flashing via SD-Card is more secure in my opinion. So i´ve done 99,9% of my flashes via SD-Card, and you can believe me, i´ve done it a lot of times.....
By the way, which software has to been updated in my romkitchen?
If you give me the hints, i could try to update them....
thanks a lot for your time and advices Stefan !
Its not a huge problem but probably we share same opinion - most of the tech guys like to see that everything work fine, if something doesnt work then we re not satisfied.
Basically problem is that I included spb pocket plus in the rom and therefore I cant install spb weather which demands pocket plus v 2.5+ and version in the rom is 2.0. I cant upgrade it coz its in the ROM, used to try to remove it from the registry but no luck, used to install latest spb diary coz the spb weather also work with the diary but looks like that the first thing weather perform is checking of the pocket plus version and if the version is not 2.5+ it stops the installation...
Probably for the most of the people spb weather is not a reason for loosing couple of hours in trying to change rom in wallaby but as I ve mentioned I like the things that work 100%, if some electronic/computer stuff work at 99% that usually bother me. Stupid - I know but thats the way it is.
Im going to patch it thru the SD, thanks again for the all your efforts now and before.
GL & HF !
Still need help, using the OSI tool I copyed NK.nbf file from 4.02.04_eng rom to "XDA SD Card Slot -unknown size" - coz I dont have card reader/writer at the present moment so I tought that I can put the file via the cradle connection while the card is in the wallaby...
Checked the card from the wallaby file explorer but nothing is on the card, since I had expirience with direct writing to c64 and amiga disks writing I assumed that file could be written directly to the card without OS instructions but after the reset of the wallaby it report that card shoud be formatted to become writable... Is that normal, or I should wait for the card writer reader to put the file properly to the sd card ?
If possible please help me with the link for the OSI tool patching, I cant find it anymore, checked thru the site but no luck, dont know what I have to press so the wallaby read the rom from the sd card.
Thanks Stefan & all others
success !
No help needed, I ve made it...
So dont have any fears as Stefan told unpack the rom from the self extracting archive and run osi tool, in the source field set nbf as a file type and then select extraced rom.
As a target you can set card reader/writer and also you can put the SD card in the wallaby as I did. Set the XDA SD card as a target in that case.
Its normal that after the writing (no message that writing is successfull, when it is finished OSI tool will stop) SD card become unreadable to wallaby.
Then perform actions as noted in SD card patching info
Hold the power button and soft reset. You'll be taken to the below screen:
Card Type:
Press action to Download
Press REC to Exit
Press action to download and it will start the download/restore from the SD card.
Follow the on screen instructions once its "Completed" which will consist of a " Hard Reset"
Action button mentioned above is middle button - "D PAD"
Works like a charm, now I have o2 win 2002 and later I ll patch it to 2003 SE again but without pocket plus.
Thanks Stefan and community !

New to Windows Mobile

Let's pretend I'm new to windows mobile. (I am). Can anyone tell me HOW I get to these HKEY directories that everything is edited in. If anyone could give me a step-by-step instruction on how to install or modify anything at all in the phone, I would greatly appreciate it.
Please start the steps right after the 'Turn on phone' step, as I am fairly confident I have that under control. Every time I've asked this question on other forums I just get links to different forums with no helpful information below a certain level of expertise. I have never coded or done anything other than drag and drop folders, etc so a dumbed down version of how to start and I can learn from there. Anything! PLEASE!!! I hate having this amazing machine and not being able to utilize it.
oh, Touch Pro, sprint
First you need to install a registry editor. The two most used are PHM (free http://www.phm.lu/Products/PocketPC/RegEdit/) or Resco Explorer (paid http://www.resco.net/pocketpc/explorer/). I prefer Resco, but everyone has their own pref.
And installation, you fire it up and simply navigate it to your registry. Pretty straightforward.
I downloaded the free one but it isn't showing up in my phone. I navigated to its folder on my pc and everything seems to be zipped. when I unzip the file extensions are *.001 and I can't open or access them. am I doing something wrong ?
also, if anyone can explain to me how to install .net framework ?
warrenmrogers said:
also, if anyone can explain to me how to install .net framework ?
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i assume you need the new 3.5 .net compact framework.
You simply download and install the file on your computer (not your mobile device). This file will install the framework on your computer and will activate the add/remove programs on the sync center, so the next time you connect your touch pro it will ask to install the program. Then you just follow any instructions displayed on your touch pro for final installation and you're set to go!
here's on .Net http://www.fuzemobility.com/?p=470
It has an extra app to choose a default .Net.
There's also a Tips and Tricks section and a walk through for TouchFlo3D at fuzemobility.com that you may want to try.
I can relate to this problem.
warrenmrogers said:
Let's pretend I'm new to windows mobile. (I am). Can anyone tell me HOW I get to these HKEY directories that everything is edited in. If anyone could give me a step-by-step instruction on how to install or modify anything at all in the phone, I would greatly appreciate it.
Please start the steps right after the 'Turn on phone' step, as I am fairly confident I have that under control. Every time I've asked this question on other forums I just get links to different forums with no helpful information below a certain level of expertise. I have never coded or done anything other than drag and drop folders, etc so a dumbed down version of how to start and I can learn from there. Anything! PLEASE!!! I hate having this amazing machine and not being able to utilize it.
oh, Touch Pro, sprint
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I have a Alltel HTC Touch Pro. The software that came with it does not work with Vista. I googled active sync for Vista, I got links to Windows Mobile Device Center. I installed that onto my desktop. It syncs my phone to my desktop, but only shows my device memory and the storage card. I have installed downloaded and installed net.frame. When I downloaded Advanced Config Tool and draged and drop (also copied & pasted) into the device memory and tried to click the cab. file it only shows that it will go to the c: drive on my desktop. I do not see anything showing for the windows on my device. Hopefully someone can post some useful infomation about this. Yes I did use search, that lead me here. There are lots of complete noobs. Before we can add useful information for others. ( like showing off the really cool function of these new phones we have to be able to use them ourselves. Thanks for any help.
Here's some tips that might help you:
When plugging your Touch Pro into your PC via USB, you should be prompted on the Touch Pro whether you want to connect as "ActiveSync" or "Disk Drive". You should click "ActiveSync" for installing applications.
If you are using your desktop PC and download an application for your Touch Pro, it will typically be .exe or .cab. The .exe files are intended to run on your desktop PC first, and will then trigger an installation to your Touch Pro through ActiveSync (Windows XP) or Windows Mobile Device Center (Windows Vista).
If the file is a .cab, it is intended to run on your Touch Pro directly and will install the program. To move a .cab to your Touch Pro, you use the explore feature in ActiveSync (or similar feature in Mobile Device Center), and drag and drop. (Alternatively, you can download .cab files directly onto your phone from the source website using the Opera web browser). Once the .cab is on your Touch Pro, you use the file explorer program on your phone to naviagte to the file and then execute it.
When you install programs onto your TouchPro, a dialogue appears on the phone to walk you through the installation. To save your phone's shared memory, you can install programs to your memory card. Unfortunately, some applications work best when installed onto the phone versus installing them onto the memory card.
Hope that helps
Thank you very much for your reply. I'll give this another try. I had the Alltel HTV Touch Flo awhile back and was running XP on the desktop. If I remember correctly, I saw my device in the tree layout with the software running XP. I gave the Touch Flo to a family member and got a BlackBerry Curve. Wanted to go back to a windows platform for the versitilty of programs. I know everything has a learning curve to it. With lots of reading and study, trial and error, and help from generous people here. Noobs like myself can get a lot more use and enjoyment from their devices. Each new version that comes out is getting faster, more powerful, and has more features. Others see these things that we have and want one. It would be helpful if we could help them to see all the possibilities that are there. The I Phone gets a lot of attention with commercials and has opened up for new apps being developed. There are as many, if not more apps for widows. We just have to learn to implement them with our device. I know I did not start this thread, but others can see the original posters title and understand their, and my question. Thanks again to the reply, and to anyone else who comes up with more help for the noobs.

