BTIcon.lnk missing in StartUp - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

Hello everyone,
I'm missing the Bluetooth icon in the tasktray and noticed that I'm missing "BTIcon.lnk" in my "/Windows/StartUp" folder. The registry [HKLM/Services/BTIcon] is in place so I guess the shortcut can be the reason why it is missing.
Can someone check and tell me what file/program the "BTIcon.lnk" is a shortcut to, so I can add it manually?
Thanks in advance!!!

i have the icon but havent got any "BTIcon.lnk" in startup
try doing a search i recall many people reporting that issue
because of bluetooth tools or something and they had a workaround to get the icon back

Hi there!
I don't use Bluetooth tools. I will try searching more for a solution. Any other tips are welcome...
If anyone has "BTicon.lnk" in the "/Windows/Startup" folder, please post a reply.

Go to Start, Settings, Today, Items, unmark everything, make soft reset, and BT icon will return. It returns to mark everything and finished.

Thanks for your tips! The BT-icon appears again if I unmark everything and do a reset.
I then tried to activate the today plugins one by one and found that PocketBreeze (version 4.00.16 or higher) was the problem. I went to their homepage and found that this was a known issue. A fix will be out very soon...
Read this:


Help needed!! cant add contacts/appointment/task!!

I've just upgraded my Atom Life! to WM6.1 but I have problem with Calendar program. When i try to all a new appointment, 'The database for this application has been deleted or is corrupted. Restore the database from a backup.'
When i try to add a task, the error 'No memory available. Tap Start > Settings > System tab > Memory, stop programs that did not automatically stop, and try again.' However, when i went to check the memory, theres plenty of memory left.
I tried hard resetting but to no avail. I flashed my ROM again and its still the same... Can't seem to solve the problem. Please help me! thanks!
By the way, i flashed the rom using the one created by PDAVIET. My apologies for the long thread and if i put the thread in the wrong forum!
sorry everyone! i found out why already... my bad!
mods, please close this thread it's my mistake haha..
my apologies for any inconvinience caused!

Secure website = blank page

When i try to visit my gmail account or any kind of https website, i get a blank page. I've already tried in the setting to erase cookies and cache but nothing really changes.
Anyone has an idea ?
Thanks !
I have the exact same problem!
A factory reset solved the issue so I figured I had changed some settings. However the problem reoccurred after I re-installed the apps I had downloaded before so I came to the conclusion that it was related to some of the apps. Sadly I wasn't able to rule out which since I had to log out and re-log in evertime I uninstalled an application.
Being lazy I once again did a factory reset BUT this time the issue was still there. VERY annoying since I need my Gmail Tasks.
I have the exact same problem!
A factory reset solved the issue so I figured I had changed some settings. However the problem reoccurred after I re-installed the apps I had downloaded before so I came to the conclusion that it was related to some of the apps. Sadly I wasn't able to rule out which since I had to log out and re-log in evertime I uninstalled an application.
Being lazy I once again did a factory reset BUT this time the issue was still there. VERY annoying since I need my Gmail Tasks.
Found this
Thanks for your reply ! I already installed many apps and I don't want to uninstall each app or do a hard reset.
I read the google code page and many users have Orange (french) as their carrier, so am I.
Maybe it comes from there, I'm going to follow this issue and as soon as I have something, I'll keep you posted !
Found a working solution in this thread:
Turns out all I needed to do was delete the proxy and port from my APN settings. I guess they were in the sim chip and then installed automatically during setup.

[Q] Accespoint/APN-Settings aren't shown

I recently rooted my Xperia Pro and after I finally did it, I have a problem now. The mobile internet isn't working. I can activate it, but the E- H- or 3G-symbol isn't shown and the internet doesn't work. I read in another forum, that my APN-Settings may be wrong, so I tried going to "Settings > More... > Mobile Networks > Accespoints", but this menu is empty. I only see the headline "APNs", that's it...
I deleted some apps, perhaps that's the problem, but I did a backup of the system/app folder. If that's the problem, perhaps you can tell me the app I need to reinstall...
I don't want to reset my phone completely, it was complicated enough setting it up once, I don't want to do everything again, so please help me...
Thank you in advance, you're my last hope
PS: Sorry if I got some folder names wrong and at all for my bad english
OK, I got it. I feel really dumb It's normal that nothing is shown there, you have to click the menu button to create a new APN...
Just if anyone has the same problem

[Q] No Service after Install MiniCM7

Need some Help!
I´m new with flashing ROMs and this stuff. I installed MiniCM7 on my Xperia X10 mini using this great guide.
All the requirements were checked, and it starts and works pretty good, but one thing doesn´t.
I don´t get any Service.
My IMEI is still the same, the phone never was SIMlocked, and I already read all the Help-Threads in this Forum.
I also tried to create some new APN´s, because there weren´t any - but after setting all the informations and pressing "save APN" there is no APN shown. It seems not to be saved in any way.
In order to this problem, all my contacts exported on SIM are gone. Checked SIM in another mobile phone - it works and I get service, but the contacts are gone. This isn´t my major problem, but this info might help diagnose.
After checking all options and re- re- re-setup the system i don´t know what to do.
Please please help me, i don´t like setting up the old Sony Android 2.1 again - it´s so ugly!
At least, please pardon my "english" - i tried my very best
I still hope someone might help me fixing this bug.
meanwhile I tried searching manually for service-providers, and it´s disgusting. The result is, that my phone can find each provider you can find in germany but mine.
then i tried to re-install with testing other miniCM (9; 10) - and it´s still the same result with miniCM9. The miniCM10 doesn´t finish the setup-wizzard correctly, and it seems as if the miniCM10 would create the system on my SD-card and not on the internal memory.
so, yesterday i got used to having a broken phone, i tried CM7-robyn (not the mini-version), and the display just showed some kind of "test-screen"...

Notification problem on SK17i- logs attached

Since month I am using my SK17i with always newest nightly, full wiped, freshly installed with sd2ext partition and tons of apps. Everything is fine, expept I cant change the notification sound in "hangouts", "gmail" and "exchange eMail". I go to this apps, settings, tick on "notification" set a new one but its still the "standard" one.
I got some logs and hope someone can help me finding the mistake. Definitely, after so many ROMs/nightlys its not the ROM itself. Als I do always a fresh install and I also tried to not recieve the old settings from google.
thanks a lot for your help

