Hardware Fault? - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

I have an 18 month old XDA1 that I believe has developed a hardware fault.
It has recently demonstrated the following faults (no new software added for several months):
1) Most common - It fails to alert me to appointments when the unit is turned off and reboots to the splash screen when turned on.
(I’ve seen this even with no user data or third party apps loaded).
2) Occasionally the XDA doesn’t know how much charge it has and doesn't charge when connected to a supply (I have to turn the battery off and on again).
3) SD card gets erased.
4) Running incredibly slowly (for example the start menu takes 10-20 seconds to scroll down, and switching between applications takes ages).
5) Sometimes the backlight flashes on briefly every 15-20 seconds, until the unit is reset.
I have tried numerous resets, and several complete power downs (which mean the unit needs a lot of setting up afterwards).
ROM Version: 4.00.11 ENG
(from Jeff's Kitchen, worked fine for 6 months)
ROM Date: 06/23/03
Radio Version: 4.21.00
Protocol Version: 32S54
Has anyone seen these problems before?
Is it a hardware fault or ROM / software?
Could it be that the backup battery is failing?
Any help appreciated, thanx in advance,

I could think it's ROM related issues especially with such outdated beta release. I would recommend flashing 4.01.00 or 4.01.16 which has fixes for both the slowness (clear_notify.DB) and the wake up bug.

I've upgraded to 4.01.16.
I've had it 'crash in its sleep', and reboot to the splash screen when turned on, about once a day (3 times in total) since then.
Also, writing to the SD via ActiveSync is problematic, and I have to reset the XDA to gain write access.
I've not seen the other faults so far.


Switch off delay

I recently upgraded the ROM on my XDA and now there is a long time lag in between pressing the power off button and the screen actually switching off (5-10 seconds). Power on is instantaneous.
Has anyone else encountered this and know what's causing it (and how to fix it?!?)?
Rom Version: 4.00.05 ENG
Rom Date: 06/05/03
Radio Version: 4.21.00
Protocol Version: 32S54
it happens to me, but no idea why
sometimes, when i push the power button, theres a delay also
and other times, when iv clearly marked in the settings that when i press a button or tap the screen, the backlight should turn on, but it doesnt
its very odd
I had the same problem and after a couple of days the the system froze. After doing a soft reset, the radio unit would not come to life anymore and i had to do a hard reset. Very annoying!!!
As late as yesterday evening the delays when switching the XDA of started again, so I´m very curious if history will repeat itself......
Yeah, I've noticed the delay... It's annoying.
Yea me2, it can be annoying, espiecally when all you are turning it on for is to check the time

MicroSD card disappears randomly

Ever since I upgraded to the new cingular rom and 1.27 radio, I've had great success with the phone, with a few issues.
1) The radio sometimes doesn't respond to 'hang-up'... I've once had to reset the phone to actually disconnect the call!
2) My SD Card will sometimes show no content. When I go to run a program that is installed to the card, it will not run and I get a 'file may not be signed' error. When I load up a file manager, it shows the directory structure of the card, but, not the files. Removing and re-inserting the card fixes everything and I can go on my merry way. Very annoying.
3) The phone will often not turn itself off. When I set the backlight timeout for 1min, and the power-off to 2mins (battery), I will get the backlight to turn off, but the phone itself doesn't turn off... Even stranger, if the device is doing activesync and I manually push the 'power' button, the device will *turn itself back on* within about 1 second.
Also, I had purchased "Ultimate Theft Alert", and for some strange reason it's decided that I'm using a different phone and runs only in non-registered mode. I'm guessing the change of radio threw off the serial # check. Just a warning for those who have the UTAv3.... Upgrading the radio *will* cause you to need to get a new activation code.
Otherwise, very happy with the new radio, and OS. On another note, the new radio shows 'E' for Edge correctly now (instead of a 'G'). I haven't gone to a 3G area yet to know how to works, but, the radio was upgraded after the OS, and with the old radio, I'd get the 'G', as soon as the new radio was installed, I got an 'E'. So, the radio has something to do with the G, E and 3G graphics.
LegolasTheElf said:
Also, I had purchased "Ultimate Theft Alert", and for some strange reason it's decided that I'm using a different phone and runs only in non-registered mode. I'm guessing the change of radio threw off the serial # check. Just a warning for those who have the UTAv3.... Upgrading the radio *will* cause you to need to get a new activation code.
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I use UTAv3 and I've changed the radio version a several times without problems....
I have upgraded to the cingular rom and it seem to reformat my sd card, I tried tor recover it.
I have now gone back to the HTC Test rom to see if I get the same issues
Ive been lurking for a while, about time to have my say! Upgraded to the test rom a couple of days ago and all seems fine. I have experienced the same behavior from my memory card too (1gb sandisk) but a soft reset sorts it. I havent noticed many other differences but everything runs fine, have yet to get things working with my Parrot in car handsfree and gps receiver.
Upgraded last night to the 1.27 radio, so far so good - I am now getting an "H" for hsdpa which is cool. Signal seems about the same as previous (1.18), waiting to see about battery life.
Thanks to all the "experts" that gave me the confidence to do the upgrade via the 1.01 bootloader and saved me from ending up with my radio rom stuck with 1.08!
I just love playing with this thing!

Titan unresponsive using DCD's 3.01 or 3.04

I find that my Sprint titan is, at times, very unresponsive. Usually it will happen after having not used it for a few hours. After I wake the phone up, I'll notice that most tasks require multiple inputs before sensing the touch. (ie: if I wanna open the start menu I might have to touch it 3-6 times before the phone opens the start menu) It is not just the touch screen; the buttons are just as unresponsive when the issue is present. After a about a minute or two of use while I'm having this issue the phone will become more and more unresponsive, finally I might have to press an item 10-20 times before the phone opens it. At that point I need to reset the phone in order to restore normal functionality.
This used to happen to me using DCD 3.01 and I hoped it would not happen on the newer 3.04 but same issue remains.
Something that is unique to my situation is that I'm in the US navy and currently deployed, thus my titan will never get a signal. Being that I can't find anyone else with this problem it leads me to think that it might be related to never having a cell signal as most people who change their ROM probably are on the network.
Just to let you know, I have had this problem. I think I limited it down to IM+. With just the included applications running, this did not occur.
I've never used IM+
I'd suggest that both of you list ALL apps that you added to the ROM.... That way we can cross reference what you both have in common when the issue happens, and can eliminate OEM's one at a time....
I didn't add anything to the roms. Just donwloaded the rom and flashed it.
I installed Mortplayer and HTC home 2.0 + HTC home customizer 1.0. Those are the only two programs I have on my titan.
Then it could be HTC home. I found what specifically lags me about IM+ is the home screen plugin. Try disabling the HTC home screen plugin.
I'm having this same problem. It started after updating to the new Rev A/GPS Rom from Sprint. I've just recently noticed that when the device becomes unresponsive, the signal strength icon is showing data transfer. The device is acting like it is becoming bogged down while sending or receiving a large amount of data. The last time it became unresponsive, I hit the Com manager button, triggered airplane mode (thereby killing the data connection), and the device instantly became responsive again.
The only thing I have running in the background is Outlook which is checking my Gmail every 15 minutes.
I do have HTC home and Home Customizer on it though. Anyone seeing a pattern here??? I do not use IM.
I ran across Spybot Search & Destroy for WinMo standard and PPC last night. was thinking of installing it and see if it discovers any possible malware. I highly doubt it though since I never surf to unknown websites or open unknown mail.
I should also say that I did make some reg edits for better power management. But they were done with the previous Sprint Rom AND after the new Sprint Rom was installed. Never had a problem when running the previous Sprint Rom.
Anyone else noticing this happening when data seems to be transferring? Anyone try disabling the HTC home and Home Customizer?
HTC Home is a huge memory leak, the worst of any PPC application I've ever run
it dumps tons of useless info to the kernel log which may be the cause
I would suggest rltoday, there are htc home clone themes available
Thanks so much for the info DCD!! Checking out rltoday right now. Possibilities look endless.
I'm bumping this thread because I have the same problem all the time. The issue appeared on No2Chem's ROMs and DCD's roms. I have many programs installed, but it sounds like this occurs even with no programs installed. Did anyone figure out a fix for this?
It is quite annoying to find my phone randomly very unresponsive to any key press (touch screen or hard buttons).
By the way, could it be our radios? I'm using 3.42.30.
Interesting - I've been a user of DCD roms since pre-3.01 on my XV6800 and have never had any problems. After installing 3.3.4, however, I did experience these exact same symptoms. I tried removing applications, today plugins, etc., but the issue persisted. As a last resort, figuring it was just some incompatibility with my configuration and not the rom, I rolled back to 3.2.6 and all has been fine so far.

Help!!! Random freezes

I am experiencing random lock ups and freezes. It happens especially when I receive texts and incoming calls after about 30 minutes of no use. WiFi does not work either. It is very annoying and frustrating as I lose the text or miss the call. I have to reset the phone to get it working again. Sometimes it takes several resets.
EDIT: Other random tidbit...after playing with the phone a bit more, I have found that the phone functions perfectly when plugged into the power outlet-WiFi, texting, incoming calls...Maybe it has something to do with the power settings when not plugged in?
Is anyone else experiencing this?
Does anyone have a guess at what might be the problem?
I am running:
SPL 2.47
2.42.50 radio
DCD Custom 3.2.6
I have never had this problem until about a week ago. I am wondering if it is a hardware issue as I have tried re-flashing several times. It will work well for a few hours then act up again. I am thinking about relocking my phone and taking it in for service, but that is a last resort.
Thanks in advance for any help.
same thing happened to me. It started ever since i switch out for a new battery though. I seriously think it's my battery that causes these random freezes.
hmmm...it does seem to be a battery issue as it works while plugged in. Is there any way to reset the battery somehow?
Freezes here too
I've had my phone freeze twice in the last two days. Yesterday at work, connected via activesync, when I disconnected the screen wouldn't come on. Then today I was connected to the wall charger, disconnected and the screen wouldn't come on again. Had to remove the battery both times to get the phone working again.
My experiences
When the 6800 came out I liked it so much that I hooked my entire family up with one and I have seen more problems than a lot of people. I just thought I would share some of the freezing problems I've seen and what I've dont to replace them. And if the device is not freezing when it is plugged into the wall is the screen off like in idle, or is it real dim and still up? And one great thing you can do to reduce daytime freezes is to leave the device off at night when you charge it (if you can stand to do that), or at least soft reset when you grab it to start the day.
1) The most common reason for lock ups that I've seen is memory drain. It is caused from programs you've installed that continually run in the background. The biggest killer is recieving calls when the phone has been sitting at idle too long or trying to run activesync or an internet browser.
Fix: You can try to go back and remove the programs that you've recently installed till you lack this problem, but the ultimate fix is to hard reset.
2) Some registry edits have poor efects on the way the phone performs and this is when it seems everything is good, you are keeping the memory clear with a task manager, yet it still freezes in the middle of doing something.
Fix: Every titan seems to act a little differently than others. The only time I hack the registry is when one of my family members phone is having an issue, or when I get bored and I want to mess around with my own's performance. The remedy for this is installing the stock carrier rom and then moving to a rom of your choice. Read the posts too. Make sure the radio is compatible with the rom. Trust me in this forum you can find anything.
3) Memory boosting software like memaid or oxios close apps are great, however, with some programs they interfeer with each other and cause problems.
Fix: Forget this memory programs. Find a rom with good memory management.
Animez: That is how mine started...now it does it at least 6 times a day.
Sweeny: Thank you for your detailed response. I do not think it is memory drain as I use x-button and maintain my task manager quite frequently. I have not made any registry edits except for the DCD kitchen (3.2.6), arcsoft, and carrier cab I have installed...
Question: Does the registry get wiped on a reflash or do I need to hard reset to wipe the registry? I don't really trust myself all that much fiddling with the registry unless I know what all the strings do.
bdlane said:
Animez: That is how mine started...now it does it at least 6 times a day.
Sweeny: Thank you for your detailed response. I do not think it is memory drain as I use x-button and maintain my task manager quite frequently. I have not made any registry edits except for the DCD kitchen (3.2.6), arcsoft, and carrier cab I have installed...
Question: Does the registry get wiped on a reflash or do I need to hard reset to wipe the registry? I don't really trust myself all that much fiddling with the registry unless I know what all the strings do.
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A hard reset or rom flash will wipe your registry since it's included in the new rom and also stored in the hard reset rom. So if you screw it up, worse case you hard reset, or reflash with a new rom/same rom, doesn't matter.
You can also back up your phone prior to making any changes, and if you screw up, hard reset and then restore the backup.

[Q] Leo freezes, reset brings back last boot date&time

I've been struggling with a problem for about 5months and finally rationalized what happens and now seek a fix. Yes, sometimes the device is slow. It can go about 3days w/o need for reboot, but if I sense it slow, I bounce it cleanly.
My HD2 will freeze, by itself left alone, or after charging, or while in use. A battery pull reset will only get me past this. At first I thought it might have to do with low storage space but it occurs even after clearing space and bouncing.
When the device boots from the pulled battery, it gives the time & date of the last time I had to pull the battery (say 3 days ago). This is consistent on each occurrence. It seems on the battery pull, the device looks to the registry or some other pointer to the date/time rather than the device hardware clock.
Once the unit boots, if I don't notice, it want to attach to my phone provider, and in the logic of the negotiation, the unit freezes as it cannot sync with the phone provider as the date/time is not in line with their connect criteria.
FIX is boot device, do not enable phone radio, set time & date manually, enable radio for phone and a sync can be done to enable phone system time synced.
The question is, What can I do to stop this sloppy phone from going back in time, or crashing on me when I want to make a simple call?
I think a tweak of some sort has to be in place to enable the negotiation with the phone provider as well.
using WM65, the boot screen gives:
D 1.66.76641
device program storage now: 180MB free
device storage now: 50MB free
card storage now: 350MB free
I've had this unit a year now, and recently started using the LeoCpuSpeed at 998MHz thinking it might help functionality.
thanks in advance,
still happens, any fix?
hyphe said:
still happens, any fix?
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SOrry if you already mentioned it, are u using custom or stock ROM?
Sometime, registry tweaks might cause those problems.
I would suggest you to flash the CORRECT STOCK ROM and see if those problems still persist. If yes, there might be defect/damaged to any of the components of your device

