Dead xda2 stuck in seril v 1.06 - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

Hi ,
I had 1.72.00wwe on my phone but i was tryin 2 upgrade it further but it got stuck while upgrading and its showing seril while not on cradle and while on cradle its showing usb 1.06
plz hlp me iam newbee and not good in programmin .I also have asecond Xda2 with 1.66.00wwe plz tell if it can b of any help

Reset your device, place it in the cradle and re-run the upgrade.

thanx i tried it already from 2 computers in one its showing error 103 no rom image found and in another its showing error 101 country code problem

Which ROM are you attempting to upgrade to? Which one exactly had you previously upgrade to? What operator do you use?
I'm asking all this to try and get a better picture. Normally, people in your situation can recover by applying the same upgrade again, or, at worst, re-applying the one they are upgrading from.
Make sure you are in bootloader mode (by pressing Jog button and Power button at the same time as pressing reset) before retrying any upgrade. Also make sure the USB cradle is plugged directly into a USB port on your PC and not through a hub and that the power supply is connected to the cradle. It may help to make sure that Activesync isn't running also.

active sync
in the active sync tray it shows that not connected

Well i had 1.72.00wwe rom image 1.14 earlier and iwas tryiong to upgrade to 1.72. something can't remember exactly but it was with rom image 1.17 it was downloaded from t mobile and my current phone is from o2
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Activesync is not needed for upgrades. The upgrade process looks after its own connection. I suggest you follow the procedures in my post here to overcome the Country ID error problem. You will need to know what the device's operator and language IDs are currently set to, which is why I asked you above. I suspect you won't have Devicedata.txt, so it becomes necessary to know what operator and language the previous upgrade was.

to revive your XDA2 again
The main point is what is ROM 1.66 come from (e.g. i-mate ot T-mobile)
If you doesn't upgrade 1.66 ROM by yourself or it came from factory ,you must tell us which operator did you buy from.
If you try upgrade across operator ,it will hang on boot loader screen.
And again, which 1.72 ROM did you try to upgrade from?


help upgrade failed & imate died¡¡¡

I tried to upgrade my imate with bluetooth (instead of cable, because it is in my job)and now the only thing i see in the screen is "Serial v1.02" I have tried to do a full reset but nothing changes. What can i do??? Thanksss
:lol: not buy serial cable!!!
there is an OFFICIAL UPGRADE ready and existing, but not yet PUBLIC,
it is one nice 40 MB RUU file which will uprgade your unit to english language:
Microsoft Pocket PC version 4.20.0 (Build 13252)
ROM version: 1.60.00WWE
ROM date: 12/03/03
Radio version: 1.06.01
Protocol version: 1337.16
ExtROM version: 1.60.06
What you may try to do, for a start, is to reinstall the ROM upgrade once again, USING THE USB CRADLE and nothing else. Better remove the SIM card before installing the upgrade. Also, make sure that the battery is fully charged. All through the upgrade process, do not touch the device.
Next day When i was in my job put my imate in the cradle, ran the upgrade and it worked.....I am happpppppy ¡¡¡¡
Upgrade failed
I had the same problem as dherrero. However, I have no luck as him. My XDA II still dead can not be boot. Anyone can help? Thanks.
I have a MDA from T-Mobile for 3 weeks now. I find out about the rom update (RUU16006WWE_T-mobile_NL.exe), tried it and got the message that the update failed.
On my MDA screen therse is only the message "USB v1.01".
Running the update again doesn't help.
Is there a solution or do I have to contact T-Mobile?
Hi all ,
One of my Friends had the same problem , he tried another computer and it works , then guess what was the problem ???? We found that it was ZONE ALARM !!!
So please check You'r computers guyes ,it might be another software makes the upgrade failed .
Hi all!
We have to be aware, that the upgrade program says "NO PROGRAMS RUNNING ON THE PPC AND NO PROGRAMS RUNNING ON THE PC ITSELF"
It's a hard lesson i learned years ago while flashing a BIOS..... if possible, do it at an UPS equipped PC (or notebook btw) to reduce your chances of killing your device.
Windows XP has many more programs running than one would suspect. As a first measure, kill all the ones you can in the right side of your taskbar, shut down your Anti Virus and Firewall, and cross your fingers while upgrading.....
Should we also shut down Activesync? Or is it needed for the upgrade?
I am in the same boat this day. Please help !!! I tried to upgrade the imate threw the club imate ... i downloaded ok i believe ... i did not use the cradel just a mini sync usb cord ... i used this before many times to sync... but when i tried to run the official update it stopped and now it says only serial v1.02 when i put it in the cradel it says usb v1.o2 its dead... no light for batter scharge nothing???? no sync at all please help
ActiveSync is not involved in the upgrade process. The upgrade program runs out of this, with it's own connection and settings via USB.
I haven't used the mini cord, so I'm of no help about it.
Try the upgrade program again, looks like it failed to fully flash your ROM. (That's why you don't see the charging light, it's Software controlled)
Good Luck!
Try to update your imate using a cradle connected to a pc(usb). It should work
i have the exact same problem as highlighted by the others here, USB and v1.02 screen. Question is, how do you continue to flash your rom after it fails and you put back your unit into the cradle and activesync does not sync it anymore
the upgrade doesnt use activesync so it doesnt matter. Just put the imate in the cradle(in other pc, if possible) and run the upgrade
qtek rom update problem
hi guys. my qtek only says USB v 1.02. I cannot do any rom flash. what rom should i use. where can i download it from?

OMG I Have Killed my XDA2

Hi All, Please please could anyone help me I have just tried to update my xda2 with the o2 update software (latest) and all the screen will display is serial v1.6, I cant do any reset Hard or Soft!! Should I buy a body bad and call the undertaker?
Let it on the craddle and start to update it again!!!
Hi, I tried that and get ERROR 100 Message?
sorry, bro !,
but from where you have tried to update software latest from 02??. (website)
Hi Yeah from o2 UK.........
Thanks for your reply
still problem bro ???
try this :
- push together (power+navikey+reset)
-put your device in to cradle
-start upgrade again (from original 02 rom)
- wait 2-3 minutes.
hope this helps !!
which one version to upgrade !!
1.60.50 ???
@soulexpress: Don't forget to kill activesync before yoy retry the update.
Does the 'serial' change into 'usb' when the device is in the cradle?
Just had to hard reset my XDA II as it died and wouldnt respond. I have the message above.
If I put it in the cradle, it says ' USB v1.01' if I take it out it says 'serial' other than that I cannot get it to do anything!
mmm, seems youre in bootloader mode.
Only way out I know of is to reflash the device.
Dont forget to kill activesync before you do that btw
ok - thanks
but i dont understand, if i download the rom to my pc, surely i need activesync connected to transfer the file to the xda?
what do you mean by kill it?
also what version should i download?
sorry for my lack of pc skills1
The upgrade package takes care of communicating with the device.
Activesync is not used and would only interfere.
To kill it: ctrl-alt-del, then end "wincemanager.exe" (not exactly sure of the name) process.
The rom you should use is preferable one of your current supplier: 02, T-Mobile, Qtek or CDL (iMate).
I would advise a non-beta 1.72 rom
These are officially available for iMate and QTek devices (search on RUU172*).
I created a good (to me!) 1.72 rom for T_Mobile devices, search on RUU172901*
Is it worth upgrading
I am running 1.60.00WWE on my XDAII is there any real advantage of upgrading to 1.72 ? What are the advantages?? If so which should I use? I Swapped over to the TMobile one a while and I believe it is difficult to change back to the O2 version, have you any comments?
Thanks Adam
Is it worth upgrading
I am running 1.60.00WWE on my XDAII is there any real advantage of upgrading to 1.72 ? What are the advantages?? If so which should I use? I Swapped over to the TMobile one a while and I believe it is difficult to change back to the O2 version, have you any comments?
Thanks Adam
What's going on?
you wouldn't get that for your body!!!

XDA1 with GSM ERROR on bootloader 1.51

I upgraded a TMobile XDA1 got the main ROM upgrade then went and tried to upgrade the radio stack. As I see from the many posts a bad thing to do. But this leaves me with a broken unit. The radio was T310. I can not see how I can solve this problem. I have an SD card, I have a friends German unit with an ENG Rom and the orignal radio which I will leave alone. How can I fix mine?
GSM error on Bootload 1.50
Looks pretty much the same as my problem. By pressing the joystick after the error message, I get one step further, but no contact or upload of the ROM. I hope some wise person can supply an answer, :roll:
I have the same problem...
XDA O2 on Wallaby BootLoader v5.15 I see the error : "GSM ERROR"
my pda don´t start good I only see the rom version (3.17.03) and a blue wallpaper of O2..
I already update my rom but it don´t work yet !
Where can I find a GSM rom update? I'm from Portugal
What more can I do ?
Please, help me !
Joao Afonso, from Portugal
GSM Error
I have tried a number of solutions. None seem to work. If someone has the GSM rom and a solution to upload it let us know. I have tried coping a new radio version to the windows dir on the PPC, this fails. I have removed the back cover and battery again this does not work. The only alternative is to send it back for repair (expensive) or get a new one. I have looked at the solutions in the forum area and on the web but can not find an answer. The unit is an old TMobile (GERMAN) Xda. Upgraded the OS OK then messed up the radio. So as I say let me know if someone has a proven solution. Thanks.
How to fix GSM Error Problem ....
Download the XDA-Developers ROM Version 1.1.
Install the ROM on your Device via SD-Card and bootloader.
The phone should start up and give you the screen allignment and the whole menu!
Download an Upgrade for your device. This depends ont the model you are using. Check the sticker at the back of your device.
If it is a PW10A-Model download RSU Version 4.16.
If it is a PW10B-Model download RSU Version 6.24.20.
Extract the downloaded ZIP-File and copy all files to the /Windows directory of your device.
Copy the RSUpgrade.exe additional to the /windows/startup directory.
Make an soft reset of your device.
Maybe the upgrade will stop again at 1%, this may occur when you have an empty battery.
Place your device in the cradle. Run Active Sync on your device.
The RSU Upgrade will run in the background.
Wait for about 10 Minutes. The upgrade should complete in the background....
Afterwards all should work again...
Good luck....
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GSM Error
Many thanks for the information. I have tried this but to sorry to say this does not work for me. I can get the RSUgrade.exe to load on the PDA, it stops at 1% and then hangs. The XDA was a TMobile GER unit with 32Mb. I have two units the same, I attempted to upgrade the radio on one and it failed at 10% rebooted and hung with GSM error. Since then I am at a loss as to the next step apart from throwing it in the bin.
same here
it always promt me failed flash device restart press ok. wat the hell is dis . does my gsm rom id basted?day i cant upgrde it tnx
Same problem..
.. and no solution for the GSM Error. There is no possibility to get a connect (O2 germany) and the RSU-Utility stops after 1% - always.
Please help!
Have you tried leaving it for 24 hours with the 1% on screen?
Flash failed
The problem is that there is a message "Flash failed - press ok to restart."
No possibility to leave the program..
same w u
ya i wish someone can find any sol 4 our prob. same problem w u guys.

Please Help

I tried to flash radio on to my hermes and it got to 0% and had an error (error had a 2 in it and was 3 numbers i think) I now have my hermes with tri colour screen
i had updated to scaps rom using mr vanx's online tutorial and installed the rom, hard spl and radio version provided there. I'd had a bad install though and it left me with a damaged security area i think which meant i was given the original imei and it was barred.
I then tried to install radio but it failed as i said before i now have the tri colour screen and i tried to plug it in to the usb and the text changes from 'serial' to 'usb' but nothing happens on the pc or when i try and charge it.
I have read through the wiki on bricked hermes but did not undestand which type i had and even then how to fix it.
Please help! Thanks in advance
What I did was download the original WM5 ROM from AT&T (MY provider). As long as your tri-color screen says usb you should be able to run the rom update just fine.
I cant remember if I went to file / connectionsettings/ and unchecked "allow usb settings" or not. but long story short you can not load a cooked rom while its in this state. Reload the Rom then the Radio and you should be good to go.
thanks ill give it a try
legend nice 1

Problem with At&T 8525 mobile

Hello Everybody,
My mobile at&t 8525 alias HTC 8525 is stuck in windows operator logo.It would not boot further. It happened while I tried to upgrade it from Windows 5.0 to Windows 6.0.First I got a tri-colour screen,but in a hurry I tried to backgrade to windows 5.0 again.
Other problem the mobile cannot be synced. I have installed Microsoft Active sync 4.5. Even then it could not be synced.
I tried to read all the posts ,but could not understand anything.
So please help me in getting my mobile repaired
Don't worie.
I had somewhat the same issue with a bad ROM flash.
Just disconnect the USB and boot to the bootloader screen (the tricolour screen) and you should be able to reflash the phone again.
Problem in syncing the mobile
I am not able to sync the mobile to the laptop.I have installed Microsoft Active sync 4.5. Even then it is not syncing.So how could I run the hermes upgrade if the mobile is not helping.
Please help
In Activesync on PC - Untick "Allow USB Connections".
Put the Hermes into bootloader (tri-colour screen) and connect by usb. Run the RUU_Wrapper.exe file you want. Follow onscreen instructions.
You need to have installed Hard SPL V7 for this to work...
did not work
Hello Boss
I tried to follow the procedure you suggested me. but it did not work. I tried with Hard SPl 7.0.
Please give me some suggestion
you dont need an active sync connection to flash it. Enter bootloader(tri colour screen) as you were told in the previous posts and Just click on the boxes that you do have a connection(even though you dont) and then flash the rom.
@ultramag69 i hve never had to untick allow usb connections and i have cocked up loads of rom flashes, saying that i have never had a problem flashing in vista either so maybe i am lucky
If you still cant flash doing it this way, then maybe you should try flashing from sd card instead, just make sure the battery is fully charged. Full instructions of how to do this are found in the hermes wiki, which i advise you to read anyway.
Oh and good luck anyway, you should be able to recover the phone from this ,so i wouldnt fret too much
Guess he isnt hardspl'ed... then his batt is death... must to flash a shipped rom.
correct me if im wrong.
Problem with upgrade At&T 8525 mobile
I'm having problems with my Cingular 8525, after I made the upgrade to WM6.1 (FARIA-R32-XDA2_WM6.1.rar) for WM 6.5 (FCWs_stock_like_6.5_v3.rar), and slowed my device does not work anymore. He died.
I need help please. How resurrect it?
Excuse my English.
english is not the problem here cause we need more info... device info SPL IPL hardSPL? you go from 6.5 to 6.1?
Do you try to flash first the Stripped?
Does your batt has charge enough to boot?
There are many many things to say so... start to tell us all your history!
I tried to Hard spl with Hard Splv7. But I got a error. I even tried the Sd Card method.Its says loading and I get the tricolour mode. If I press the Power button its not showing the status of upgradation.
Where can I get a shipped rom. Actually my Spl is 1.11.
I tried to Hard spl with Hard Splv7. But I got a error. I even tried the Sd Card method.Its says loading and I get the tricolour mode. If I press the Power button its not showing the status of upgradation.
Where can I get a shipped rom. Actually my Spl is 1.11.
check the wiki pages for your device in the upper bar of this web forums
there are many official roms.
I also am currently using an 8525 (Herm100). It was received from an Ebay deal with WM5. I flashed it with the ATT OEM WM6pro (aka shipped wm6). Once it hit the three color boot screen, it sat on that for a couple of minutes then started cooking. Once it showed a progress bar, it took about 3 minutes to cook the WM6 over the WM5. It also showed a popup that stated going back to WM5 was not an option.
I would suggest running the installer again and going down to 7-11 for a refreshment. You may not have let it percolate long enough to set itself up for the actual ROM overwriting.
gorkalraghavendra said:
Hello Everybody,
My mobile at&t 8525 alias HTC 8525 is stuck in windows operator logo.It would not boot further. It happened while I tried to upgrade it from Windows 5.0 to Windows 6.0.First I got a tri-colour screen,but in a hurry I tried to backgrade to windows 5.0 again.
Other problem the mobile cannot be synced. I have installed Microsoft Active sync 4.5. Even then it could not be synced.
I tried to read all the posts ,but could not understand anything.
So please help me in getting my mobile repaired
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