Dead XDA2 with bootloader v.23 - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

hello as i am new to the community. Ive been reading up on all posts in the forum and ive seend methods to revive my xda2. It has v23 and can detect when in serial or usb. Ive tried redocking and doing reinstall of rom to no avail. Ive also tried to do sd method the way you guys have described it but nothing happens when i do hard reset or press camera button, it just doesnt do anything. Can anyone help me? Im in california, is there somewhere i can send it to get fixed if i cant do it myself?

Hi maester_squall,
1. Get this ROM:
2. Get this modified upgrade utility:
3. Unpack ROM and modified utility into same directory on your PC
4. Delete "HimaGetDeviceData.exe" and "HimaClearJumpCode.exe"
5. Connect XDAII's craddle directly to your PC. Not through any USB hub.
6. Put XDAII into craddle
7. Run HimaUpgradeUt.exe
8. Wait and pray...

thanks, ill try anything right the very least ill have a really expensive and nice looking doorstop.

Still getting same results. Message says its erasing current software from pocket pc and just stays a 0 percent. and is the device supposed to turn off? any other suggestions? Are there any service centers i can send it in to? I bought this off of my friend.

did you try to flash it with SD card yet?

For some reason flashing with sd card in bootloader wont work,(unless im doing it wrong or didnt make the sd card right)

you will need SD card reader and WinHEX...

i have sd card reader, i dont have winhex. i dont really know how that works, but ill give it a try. can you give me a step by step on it?

you will need SD card reader and WinHEX...

ok, i just downloaded winhex and its now registered, what do i do now? sorry to keep asking all these questions.

one more thing, you must download mtty.exe if you don't already have it...

i have that too. but what do i do with them?

one more thing, you must download mtty.exe if you don't already have it...

ok, i have mtty.exe, winhex, an sd card reader and the rom you told me to download. What do i do now? or is there a forum topic on this as i havent seen it yetthru searching all the pages.

Alive again!!!
I was able to fix it using mtty program, i did another search on bootloader commands and worked like a charm! thank you for helping, this community is the best!

cool!!! was too late yesterday. we went to sleep..
i would suggest to put it one more time to bootloader mode and to make your own SD ROM backup. but not just OS. do radio and bootloader as well.
then save it on some safe place. just in case...

Alive again!!!
will do, not gonna mess with the rom,ex rom, or radio this time, i like my xda just the way it is. unless someone comes out with a way to put se on it.

what do you mean with bootloader v.23 ?
i only know of bootloader versions up to 1.06. if you have a newer one, can you post it to the forum?

cool!!! was too late yesterday. we went to sleep..
i would suggest to put it one more time to bootloader mode and to make your own SD ROM backup. but not just OS. do radio and bootloader as well.
then save it on some safe place. just in case...

about bootloader v23
actually i looked arounbd about this bootloader, and found out this is one of htc's unit demos. I think these were out before the others, dont know for sure though.


Ipaq rw6828 users::Need some big help here

im facing another problem again...
this time i changed the file extension EBOOT0502_MNT_01.01.03.nbf to EBOOT0502_MNT_01.01.03.nb0
(file from HP official WM5 SP34074, inside the installed folder )
and copy to memory card and put in 6828 then started to go bootloader screen
few minutes later my screen goes blank, and i tried with the revive methods
which is
-press the 2 softkey " - " and reset button
-put in the battery ,
-release reset, then release softkey
but didt work out!!!!no repsponse at all..tried many times..possible dead ad???
plz help me abit ..big troblem!
p.s srry for my bad english
Did you rename it to eboot.nbo ? Have any files in root folder of your miniSD ?
Who make you try this way ???
i rename as i mentioned above with the long name only change the .nbf to .nb0
i also regret now coz cant even see anything from the screen >> althought tried reset eith all the mothod..
izzit my 6828 dead ad?
cant even repair by myself and have to send it back to hp for repair?
williamSun said:
i rename as i mentioned above with the long name only change the .nbf to .nb0
i also regret now coz cant even see anything from the screen >> althought tried reset eith all the mothod..
izzit my 6828 dead ad?
cant even repair by myself and have to send it back to hp for repair?
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If you don't rename to eboot.nb0 => Your device didn't flash it => Your device not dead. Have another files in the root folder of miniSD card ? List for me!!!
--Try this way :
Press both softkeys (two "-" keys) and remove battery then insert battery again (don't unpress two softkeys) and softreset, wait 2-3 seconds. It'll go bootloader mode. You can flash your device again.
hmm, tried u way ad didt make it to boot screen..>.<
in case i rename to eboot.nb0 >>i not really sure<<
>>izzit case sencetive?
>>izzit 6828 dead??
williamSun said:
hmm, tried u way ad didt make it to boot screen..>.<
in case i rename to eboot.nb0 >>i not really sure<<
>>izzit case sencetive?
>>izzit 6828 dead??
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What is your current bootloader, 1.01 or 1.05 ?
If you follow that menthod but it didn't go to bootloader, your bootloader was dead.
You can send it to HP to repair, or try this way :
I recommend to sent it to HP.
while the PDA is still can open and bootloader screen
is 1.01
and im trying to use the EBOOT0502_MNT_01.01.03.nbf which found in the
HP official RUU PC flash ROM
and rename to EBOOT0502_MNT_01.01.03.nb0
then put in the root of memory card
then start to flash ..
now the PDA wouldn't reapond to any button HR, SR, soft-key + reset ...etc
only can charge and orange LED indicated
williamSun said:
while the PDA is still can open and bootloader screen
is 1.01
and im trying to use the EBOOT0502_MNT_01.01.03.nbf which found in the
HP official RUU PC flash ROM
and rename to EBOOT0502_MNT_01.01.03.nb0
then put in the root of memory card
then start to flash ..
now the PDA wouldn't reapond to any button HR, SR, soft-key + reset ...etc
only can charge and orange LED indicated
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You was flash wrong bootloader due to make your device dead.
Now you need restore bootloader.
If you send to HP, they will replace board you must pay for it.
But you try the JTAG menthod to restore bootloader it'll make your warranty expired.
thx for all ur answer, i really appreeciated.
btw, for sure hp center will replace a board in it and that will be expensive rite?
if i sent to other shop which is not HP official service, will they do the same?
izzit juz flash using tools they hv>?
and expensive?
Here is what I did ... might help you
Make sure your phone is powered, it would be wise to charge the phone via AC power at least for 1-2 hours before you try to install anything.
I finally managed to install WM6 on my HP ipaq rw6828. But it wasnt easy, it took me 1 full day to get it installed. Just to help other people who are installing this, here is my experience -
What all I did and how I finally got there -
Tried to install it via PC. When I already had a higher version of the Bootloader installed. Best way is to install it via 1GB mini SD card.
After reading other posts I managed to downgrade the bootloader to version 1.0.1 (not sure of the version number...but its the version you get after installing the HP SP34074).
Once I managed to downgrade. I got into the Bootloader mode on my device( its pretty simple to get into BL mode, make sure you ask someone to help you with it, its easier with two people, to get into Bootloader mode - a)press the two "-" buttons on the phone together. b)While the two "-" are pressed have a second person remove the battery. c) Wait for a few seconds and ask the person to insert the battery back. d)Once the battery is in place ask the second person to use the stylus and push into the soft reset hole (its hole on the left of the USB connecter on the phone). e) Wait for a few seconds and then phone should go into the BL mode. f) release the two "-" buttons after it enters the BL mode. Sometimes for me it entered the BL mode after I released the "-" buttons also. But dont release the "-" buttons till you have pressed into the hole with the stylus.
With my phone now in the BL mode and showing the older version 1.0.1 (not sure but it should not be 1.0.5) I clicked the Device Software Update Utility.exe. I got the screen where you get a combo/dropdown with "ALL" pre-selected. The install step clearly says choose "OS" only and not "ALL". But I made a mistake here, for some reason using the mouse I didnt see any other option in the dropdown accept for "ALL". so I selected ALL and did a next. The setup kicked in and I got different screens showing status of install. But on the final screen it got stuck at 6% and stayed like that for well over 6 hours...I didnt touch the install as the instruction clearly say not to disconnect or stop the exe. But after 6 hours I realized that something is wrong and i killed the Device Software Update Utility.exe file.
I did a soft reset on the phone and to my surprise after a while it loaded WM6....but that was it. Has the install failed in between the WM6 on the phone was totally screwed up...nothing worked properly. I coudnt even get ActiveSync to recogonise my device or connect to it.
I tried the whole sequence mentioned in step 4 again but no luck now Device Software Update Utility.exe would error out I assume it could be because of the BL version 1.0.5. So I thought let downgrade and install the older BL version....but with no active sync i coudnt downgrade the device.
Then i read somewhere SD card boot method to copy the EBOOT0908_MNT_1.00.05.nbf from the SP34074 and rename to eboot.nbo. This didnt work either, am not sure if I renamed the file correctly to .nbo(Orange) or .nb0(zero). Well I dont know whats correct eboot.nbo or eboot.nb0. But since this step didnt work. I was really upset as I felt I was stuck...then GOD had mercy on me and I did something which simply worked ...
I took my mini SD card out connected to my Laptop in the SD card slot with the SD adapter. Did a quickformat to clean it up...if you have data its a good idea to back up the SD card in a seperate folder.
Now I had a clean SD card with no files I downloaded the 1.0.5a (for 68x8) for miniSD. I copied the diskimg.nb0, size : 64,000 KB to the SD card root folder.
Since I was trying the SD card method, I connected the mobile to AC power instead of the PC just to make sure I had enough power for install.
I popped the SD card back into the phone. Removed the phone battery. Then entered into the Bootloader mode (refer to step 3 for getting into BL mode). Well nothing seemed to be happening...but I decided to stay on the BL mode .... to my surprise after 10-15 min i got a message asking my reset and goto factory mode. I wasnt sure if it was asking me to do something or was just a message. While I was wondering...the phone restarted automatically and it loaded WM6 ..asked me to do the tap thing to configure like the initial factory setup .. after all this I poped my SIM inside. Connected the phone to my PC. Active Sync finally recognized my device and synched everthing. Now everything WORKS!!! Though there are some issues like the camera flash doesnt come on.. etc but more or less everything seems to work. I havent tried other applications like email SMS wifi bluetooth etc.. I will post soon my experience weather all main applications work without a glitch...but am so happy my patience paid off..
Thanks to nhocbanme for WM6 version for HP ipqa rw6828, my biggest mistake was not to properly follow steps listed by nhocbanme. For people trying to install WM6 on HP ipaq rw6828....please please use the SD card works and takes less then 30 can follow my steps 8,9,10,11 to have a trouble free setup.
Good luck
Amit Reddy
Hi... my bootloader is dead any I cannot locate the fin out to flash my ipaq rw6828... please tell me where exactly are the pin out for rw6828
Thanks you.
Hi WilliamSun,
if you can go to boot loader it mean you can repair your device. You should download WM5/WM6/WM6.1 ROM that design to flash via mini SD. you can download it from nhocbanme's or hellowordl1's thread, and flash your device again.
Good Luck.
my device is HP Ipaq rw6828.... i have this problems twice, but ican solve it, now i had a same problem.... now i can't resolve it....
now my device still (dead) only LED indicator when i charge it...... i use anything method, but it's not work.... except JTAG, cz i can't use this method.... please, any other way except JTAG mode????????? many big thanks.................. if u have an opinion, email me, [email protected]
in this case i cant solve my problem
downgrade with SP34074 from PC (like intruction on screen PC)
1. run SP34074 from PC
2. remove battrey from device for sec, and put back to device
3. connect the device via USB, n make sure the PC is respon that
4. follow the instruction in screen
its work for me

Sim Free Tytn Upgrade To Wm6 Help Please

Hi, Let me honestly admit that I am a newby and have read the threads over the last few weeks so much that I'm really confused now. I read one thing which then asks you to click and read another, but the answers I want are only partly found.
So I hope someone can please take pity on me and answer the following:
I have a TyTN SIM FREE phone which has a Orange sim card. In fact, Virgin & o2 cards have been used on it but Orange seems the best at the mo'.
Does that mean its unlocked?
I am trying to upgrade to WM6 (without even thinking about WM6.1), but "Error 260" comes up each and every time. I have tried 150+ and its still the same.
Please believe me that I have tried every way mentioned on these forums. I've tried on a xp (I have Vista) and its still the same.
My phone screen just goes black when trying to install, then the error comes up.
What exactly is "OPEN PORT" ? I cannot find a thread that actually EXPLAINS that. What do I have to do when it says:"Reset your computer"? Which one, the desktop or the TyTN? If the latter, I have reset so many times. If the desktop, what do I have to reset?
My TyTN tells me that its a HERM 200 IPL- 1.00 and HERM 200-2.03.
If someone can just list in a order what I have to do in order to get this upgrade I would be for ever grateful. HTC do not want to know & London HTC Support Hotline was a washout.
I do hope to hear soon, cos' its started to drive me mad now.
reset both, try unplugging usb cable and plugging into another usb port if prob persists...
1). download and install Hard SPL ver 7. Here
This makes it easier or possible to unbrick your phone if something does(will) go wrong. THIS IS A MUST!!!!!!!
2). Once you have Hard SPL on your phone, you can either use the pc to flash OR the sd card method. I personally prefer the sd method as its harder to brick your phone. To do this, download the HERMES rom of your choice. Unzip(rar) the file and generally there are 2 files. RUU_Wrapper.exe & RUU_signed.nbh. Copy the RUU_signed.nbh onto a fat 32 formatted memory card and rename it to "HERMIMG.NBH". Put it back in the hermes and go to bootloader( hold power and OK button(above the flywheel) and then reset with the stylus. hold ALL the buttons down until it goes into tricolour screen. It should automatically detect the flash file and start the upgrade process, follow the prompts... Please remember to either delete or change the name of the .nbh file else it will upgrade next time you go into bootloader.
Hope this helps... Cheers...
Hi. Thank you for your reply and at the mo' I'm trying to get the Hard SPL7 file on my pocket pc. I've never come across something which sounds easy but being very difficult! The file is on my phone, but "will not unzip 'cos .net compact framework is not on my pocket pc" when I am staring at it in the face in my downloads.
What I've decided to do is to do a hard reset and start afresh. I'll let you know how I get on....
download it to your computer, not the phone
pls see the guides here:
Sorry not been able to try anything yet due to illness. Going to try tomorrow & I hope it works. Not tried for a while and already dreading it.
I'll let you know how I get on. Thanks for your replies.
Hi everyone. Just letting you know a friend of mine upgraded my pocket pc. He said it was "hard work" but he did it!
The phone works great and is much faster, but now I have another problem. It will not sync with WMDC.
It is possible a new thread will be following soon. I am at present, following other people's advice.
Thanks for everyone's help.
beegeebopper said:
Hi everyone. Just letting you know a friend of mine upgraded my pocket pc. He said it was "hard work" but he did it!
The phone works great and is much faster, but now I have another problem. It will not sync with WMDC.
It is possible a new thread will be following soon. I am at present, following other people's advice.
Thanks for everyone's help.
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Letting us know what ROM you had flashed with would help. As the different ROMs have different solutions in solving that WMDC problem.

Phone will not flash, please help!

Please fogive me for the noobish question. I've read several threads and followed all the steps in the wiki andam still having problems.
My 6800 locked up so I hit the reset button. The phone quickly flashed "No image file!" and then went to the red-green-blue screen.
As per the wiki, I downloaded the appropriate ROM image and proceeded to follow the directions. Unfortuately, when I attach the phone to the USB port, Windows reports it as an "unknown device". I ran titan_excitbl.exe and I get an error that is can not open the USB port.
My finace has the same phone and her phone is recognized by my computer just fine.
So I decided to try the micro SD method. My laptop does not have a micro SD reader so I used her phone (attached to my laptop) to copy/rename the .nbh file to the mico SD card. (I am hoping that the factory format of the card is already FAT32). I put the card in my phone, hit POWER-CAMERA-RESET and still the same... "No image found!" and then the tr-bar screen.
The screen reads (in the red bar):
and reads (in the white bar):
Serial (will change to USB when I plug the USB cable in)
Also, then connected to power, the power/chargin light does not come on and pressing/holding the power button does nothing.
Don't assume it has the right format. Make sure it is not a high density card as well and less than or equal to 2gig and format it per the wiki and then put the NBH file back on there. I would check to see if that phone will work with any USB on other computers. It might be a hardware problem.
the device won't recognise on any of my three pc's. as for the card, it's the factory 512mb that came with the phone. still trying to get my hands on a micro sd reader.
htc seems to think it's a hw problem but i'm hoping someone here is familiar with the issue and has some additional insight.
You may have the wrong bootloader what Rom are you trying to flash?
worldwidepmp said:
You may have the wrong bootloader what Rom are you trying to flash?
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Again, forgive my ignorance as I am an IT guy, but when it comes to phones, I'm a total newb. I extracted the .nbh file from 3.56.651.0 - (Radio 3.42.02) that was found linked on the wiki for flashing to the factory Sprint ROM.
Given the info I listed in my orginal post, if this was the wrong file to use, PLEASE let me know.
I picked up a micro SD adapter tonight found out that the factory installed card is formatted as FAT. So I reformatted it as FAT32, copied/renamed the image file once again and WHALAH! It loaded the image and re-flashed the ROM.
Now the new problem...
It still only boots to the tri-bar screen but now is says:
Ok, so obviously something new took as the information is now different. But what am I missing?
Thanks!... again!
*** UPDATE ***
Ok, I flashed it once more and this time it boots and appears to be working! It took FORVER to get past the Windows Moble 6.1 splash screen but so far so good.
Thank you!!
sounds like your bootloader is whacked, but with the USB not working it might be hard to get a good one on there. I would recommend nueSPL-2.47 but I am not sure if there is a NBH file to do it from the SD card or not. You might want to search around and update the bootloader. Also make sure that you take the SD card out once it has updated the phone and it resets. I think it is take it back and get another phone time.
I added an update to my post above... I got it working. For whatever reason (I'm sure there is one, I just don't know what it is, lol) I had to run the flash twice. After the second time, it booted right up
Now being an IT geek, all this "cooking" stuff has perked my curiosity. I'm going to try to flash this thing with one of the custom ROMs that seem to be pretty popular
joestop said:
I added an update to my post above... I got it working. For whatever reason (I'm sure there is one, I just don't know what it is, lol) I had to run the flash twice. After the second time, it booted right up
Now being an IT geek, all this "cooking" stuff has perked my curiosity. I'm going to try to flash this thing with one of the custom ROMs that seem to be pretty popular
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When you do be sure to use Nuespl 2.47....
flyers2114 said:
When you do be sure to use Nuespl 2.47....
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Thanks for the heads-up!

HTC HD2 Flashed Rom, Stuch on Htc Boot Screen

Ok I am a really big noob and need some help. I Flashed My rom using Miri_HD2_WM65_21893_Sense25_V6.0.rar, I extracted in and it completed 100% and loaded up perfectly to home screen. I didnt have my sim card in or Sd card so I took battery out and put my sim card and sd card back in. When I turned it back on it was stuck on the HTC screen. Just the Green HTC writing and white screen and thats it. I have read some forums that have had the same problem but i just dont get it. they say get into bootloader ( which i can do) and then flash with radio or something... I am uncertain how to do this. When I downloaded one of them Customruu or whatever it is and open it it says I have to connect through active sync which i cant do because I cant get my device to turn On... I really need some help but it needs to be explain to me like explaining to a handicap person.
Put into bootloader, not necessary to connect to Activesync as you can't in bootloader mode. Flash the radio the same way as you flashed the rom. put the radio.nbh file in a folder, rename it to RUU_Signed.nbh and copy a CustomRUU.exe in and flash.
You'll find radios and steps here.
jaza20032000 said:
Ok I am a really big noob and need some help. I Flashed My rom using Miri_HD2_WM65_21893_Sense25_V6.0.rar, I extracted in and it completed 100% and loaded up perfectly to home screen. I didnt have my sim card in or Sd card so I took battery out and put my sim card and sd card back in. When I turned it back on it was stuck on the HTC screen. Just the Green HTC writing and white screen and thats it. I have read some forums that have had the same problem but i just dont get it. they say get into bootloader ( which i can do) and then flash with radio or something... I am uncertain how to do this. When I downloaded one of them Customruu or whatever it is and open it it says I have to connect through active sync which i cant do because I cant get my device to turn On... I really need some help but it needs to be explain to me like explaining to a handicap person.
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hi had same thing myself just rename ruu_sined.nbh to leoing.nbh
1. Make sure your microSD is Formatted to fat32 (you dont have to delete all files but it is safer if you do)
2. Download your prefered Rom from the LEO Rom Develpoment Page and unzip/unrar it to your PC
3. Goto the Roms Folder and rename the .nbh file to LEOIMG.nbh
4. Copy the LEOIMG.nbh file to the root of your MicroSD Card
5. Plug the MicroSD Card into the phone
6. Reset the device while pressing the volume down button to enter the BootLoader screen, you will first see a tri-color screen with the phone and SPL Information at the top
7. Follow the On Screen instructions to start the update
8. After flash has completed, press the reset button with the stylus to reset the device.
where do I get the Customruu.exe from? What do you mean flash the radio same as the rom? how can i do that if i cant get connect to active sync? So does that mean I have to download Miri_HD2_WM65_21893_Sense25_V6.0.rar again? which radio file do I choose? I am so confused. Dont get annoyed its just i dont understand all this...
do NOT do it via SD card - flash the radio using activesync as mentioned in first reply. SD card is dodgy as hell and the quickest way to brick your phone for good
You can get CustomRRU from any ROM file - use the one from Miri's ROM
might've been worth reading the n00b flashing thread first as well as well as the first thread of Miri's ROM as all the info is on there...
how come you can't use activesync? what version of Windows you using?
in future i suggest you read the relevent threads and make sure you can flash a stock ROM before jumping into cooked ROMs...don't wanna brick an expensive phone do you?!?!
amma2005 said:
hi had same thing myself just rename ruu_sined.nbh to leoing.nbh
1. Make sure your microSD is Formatted to fat32 (you dont have to delete all files but it is safer if you do)
2. Download your prefered Rom from the LEO Rom Develpoment Page and unzip/unrar it to your PC
3. Goto the Roms Folder and rename the .nbh file to LEOIMG.nbh
4. Copy the LEOIMG.nbh file to the root of your MicroSD Card
5. Plug the MicroSD Card into the phone
6. Reset the device while pressing the volume down button to enter the BootLoader screen, you will first see a tri-color screen with the phone and SPL Information at the top
7. Follow the On Screen instructions to start the update
8. After flash has completed, press the reset button with the stylus to reset the device.
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I can't use the SD card because I dont have the adapter thing to be able to hook it up to my comp only way i could access it was through my phone in hard drive mode. So basically i cant put any files on it without using the phone... Any other suggestions?
futher info from Miri's ROM thread...
"You MUST use radio or"
read this thread...
all will become clear - or it should do!!
EddyOS said:
do NOT do it via SD card - flash the radio using activesync as mentioned in first reply. SD card is dodgy as hell and the quickest way to brick your phone for good
You can get CustomRRU from any ROM file - use the one from Miri's ROM
might've been worth reading the n00b flashing thread first as well as well as the first thread of Miri's ROM as all the info is on there...
how come you can't use activesync? what version of Windows you using?
in future i suggest you read the relevent threads and make sure you can flash a stock ROM before jumping into cooked ROMs...don't wanna brick an expensive phone do you?!?!
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If you read my post I cannot get into the home screen... My Phone is stuck on the HTC boot up screen therefore making it impossible to use activesync... I did read all the Noob and Miri **** and it worked. I got to the new rom, but when i took the battery out and put sim card and sd card back in it is just stuck on the green htc screen and wont go past it...?????????
jaza20032000 said:
I can't use the SD card because I dont have the adapter thing to be able to hook it up to my comp only way i could access it was through my phone in hard drive mode. So basically i cant put any files on it without using the phone... Any other suggestions?
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i would say buy one only cost about £5 to £10 uk pound
It just sounds like you've got the wrong radio on your device...
Turn off your phone, and turn it back on holding down just the down button. It will go into the bootloader screen (red green and blue one). You can then connect it to your PC and it should say 'USB' at the bottom instead of serial.
You can then run CustomRRU (found here: with the radio file from this link:
and it should allow you to flash the radio and work...(put both the CustomRRU app and radio file in the same folder)
EddyOS said:
It just sounds like you've got the wrong radio on your device...
Turn off your phone, and turn it back on holding down just the down button. It will go into the bootloader screen (red green and blue one). You can then connect it to your PC and it should say 'USB' at the bottom instead of serial.
You can then run CustomRRU (found here: ) with the radio file from this link:
and it should allow you to flash the radio and work...(put both the CustomRRU app and radio file in the same folder)
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Where do I get jus the CustomRRU.exe..?? For miri?
Edit: Just read post again you included link in last quote, yes i know i am retard
I put a link for it in brackets (found here: ) - use your eyes!! lol
if you're not prepared to read what people put then don't ask for help
EddyOS said:
It just sounds like you've got the wrong radio on your device...
Turn off your phone, and turn it back on holding down just the down button. It will go into the bootloader screen (red green and blue one). You can then connect it to your PC and it should say 'USB' at the bottom instead of serial.
You can then run CustomRRU (found here: with the radio file from this link:
and it should allow you to flash the radio and work...(put both the CustomRRU app and radio file in the same folder)
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I am using a HTC LEO (HD2) with EnergyROM installed in it. Now I was tryin to flash updated version (11th march update), But I am having trouble with Activesync which somehows is from last few weeks. It connects & syncs the device too once USB is plugged in, But disconnects when I try to flash a rom using customRUU..It gets disconnected on the bootloader screen & activesync status turns to Disconnected from Connected..I pull out my battery & restart the device again. This is highly irritating & I wish if there's some other program instead of Activesync that could be used to flash a rom.
I tried doing it with bootloader screen, Turning the device off, then turning it on while pressing down the volume button, It sure goes into bootloader screen, but shows Serial at the bottom & not USB..So any ideas for what could be the alternative for people who face the same problem with activesync, Instead of wasting time to rectify this error, Its better to find some other alternative. My PC is running Windows XP 32 bit, I re-installed my windows when i had trouble almost a month back & activesync worked fine then, But just can't afford to do it every other week or so
amma2005 said:
hi had same thing myself just rename ruu_sined.nbh to leoing.nbh
1. Make sure your microSD is Formatted to fat32 (you dont have to delete all files but it is safer if you do)
2. Download your prefered Rom from the LEO Rom Develpoment Page and unzip/unrar it to your PC
3. Goto the Roms Folder and rename the .nbh file to LEOIMG.nbh
4. Copy the LEOIMG.nbh file to the root of your MicroSD Card
5. Plug the MicroSD Card into the phone
6. Reset the device while pressing the volume down button to enter the BootLoader screen, you will first see a tri-color screen with the phone and SPL Information at the top
7. Follow the On Screen instructions to start the update
8. After flash has completed, press the reset button with the stylus to reset the device.
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when i do this hd2 says NOT ALLOW What should i do??
sbugra said:
when i do this hd2 says NOT ALLOW What should i do??
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Flash via pc
ClydeB1 said:
Flash via pc
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done it. thnx
vicky_crispy said:
I am using a HTC LEO (HD2) with EnergyROM installed in it. Now I was tryin to flash updated version (11th march update), But I am having trouble with Activesync which somehows is from last few weeks. It connects & syncs the device too once USB is plugged in, But disconnects when I try to flash a rom using customRUU..It gets disconnected on the bootloader screen & activesync status turns to Disconnected from Connected..I pull out my battery & restart the device again. This is highly irritating & I wish if there's some other program instead of Activesync that could be used to flash a rom.
I tried doing it with bootloader screen, Turning the device off, then turning it on while pressing down the volume button, It sure goes into bootloader screen, but shows Serial at the bottom & not USB..So any ideas for what could be the alternative for people who face the same problem with activesync, Instead of wasting time to rectify this error, Its better to find some other alternative. My PC is running Windows XP 32 bit, I re-installed my windows when i had trouble almost a month back & activesync worked fine then, But just can't afford to do it every other week or so
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It's not possible to connect to Activesync while being in the bootloader mode (The hd2 says "USB" on Windows without activesync too), so it has nothing to do with Active sync. Try another USB-Cable or use the sdcard to flash (see amma2005's Post, but as far as I know, there is no need to format the card again).
amma2005 said:
hi had same thing myself just rename ruu_sined.nbh to leoing.nbh
1. Make sure your microSD is Formatted to fat32 (you dont have to delete all files but it is safer if you do)
2. Download your prefered Rom from the LEO Rom Develpoment Page and unzip/unrar it to your PC
3. Goto the Roms Folder and rename the .nbh file to LEOIMG.nbh
4. Copy the LEOIMG.nbh file to the root of your MicroSD Card
5. Plug the MicroSD Card into the phone
6. Reset the device while pressing the volume down button to enter the BootLoader screen, you will first see a tri-color screen with the phone and SPL Information at the top
7. Follow the On Screen instructions to start the update
8. After flash has completed, press the reset button with the stylus to reset the device.
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Great advice mate.
Been a rom junkie for weeks, bouncing around several releases to find the one.
turned towards Dutty, flashed and got a wihte screen for my trouble. Followed your advice and now running CDLC V2 "dutty" without a hiccup.
eng.mohammad said:
Dear Friend;
i faced the same problem and thanks my ALLAHH, i found that the connector copper pin that connect the battery with the phone is not in its right direction so i used my hand to redirect it to can connect with the battery
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Hi. Can you help with this? or anyone?
leo70 said:
Hi. New here. Done this magldr 1.12 and leo70 rom but my phone playing up badly after a lot of droid and 6 and other flashes. I can't install hardly any rom any more without it - ie: stock, wm6, android, wp7 rebooting constantly for no reason etc.
Done mtty and have bad blocks - about 16 and 16 reversed. done task 28 and task 28 55aa, and task 29 as read in other threads. tried everything with different radios, different nand droid. multiple wp7-hd2 installs. but still reboots.
Any thoughts? If go back to stock+spl1.66 and send back under warranty anyone know/think if they will fix it and/or replace it? they still have old sealed replacement hd2 stock or boards much? do they do diagnostics and look at bad blocks properly on warranty return? Even on stock-rom and stock-spl still does this reboot although not as much. Worried that stock-rom wm6 will "work" too well and they won't check blocks. What about task2a? etc? Any way to install wp7/magldr and partition right so no bad blocks counted in?
Thanks very much.
Will pay for fix that works - $.
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I am stuck on DFT boot screen after hspl, htc, magldr- for windows phone 7 on hd2. Sometimes get thru to windows phone 7. but generally reboots. Done spl back to stock and leoimg on sd back to stock and tried task28s, 29s, etc but just reboots constantly and randomly.
Any thoughts here? What is warranty process? DO they replace at all with NEW? or new BOARDS/RAM? Gone back to 1.66 spl and sent in for repairs. because - the stupid recommended Romupdateutility HTC stock rom 'upgrade' did this damage.
and yes, was Windows Phone 7 and activated with marketplace & xbox/live.
leo70 said:
Hi. Can you help with this? or anyone?
I am stuck on DFT boot screen after hspl, htc, magldr- for windows phone 7 on hd2. Sometimes get thru to windows phone 7. but generally reboots. Done spl back to stock and leoimg on sd back to stock and tried task28s, 29s, etc but just reboots constantly and randomly.
Any thoughts here? What is warranty process? DO they replace at all with NEW? or new BOARDS/RAM? Gone back to 1.66 spl and sent in for repairs. because - the stupid recommended Romupdateutility HTC stock rom 'upgrade' did this damage.
and yes, was Windows Phone 7 and activated with marketplace & xbox/live.
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Did you check the battery pins ? Sometimes they do get bent out of alignment and simply pushing them back into place gently does the trick.

[Q] Unbrick HTC Mozart

Hi everyone ! My sister bricked her phone after an update. I don't know which update it was. And now, the phone still stuck on the bootscreen.
I saw that you can reflash a ROM to repair it, but when I do it makes an Error at 1%
I don't know if I took a wrong rom .. :/
By the way I'm french, I tried a Orange FR Rom but still not successful :/
Please help
Kalasboy said:
Hi everyone ! My sister bricked her phone after an update. I don't know which update it was. And now, the phone still stuck on the bootscreen.
I saw that you can reflash a ROM to repair it, but when I do it makes an Error at 1%
I don't know if I took a wrong rom .. :/
By the way I'm french, I tried a Orange FR Rom but still not successful :/
Please help
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Hi Kalasboy, could you tell me which carrier are you on? If it fails to flash a rom using software method, you should probably try the Y-cable method which is going to certainly let you deploy an unlocked europe rom for the Htc Mozart.
HtcGamer said:
Hi Kalasboy, could you tell me which carrier are you on? If it fails to flash a rom using software method, you should probably try the Y-cable method which is going to certainly let you deploy an unlocked europe rom for the Htc Mozart.
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Hi there ! Thanks for the Quick reply ! I'm on Orange FR. I heard about the Y cable and Goldcard but I didn't understand really :/ I'm New in Windows Phone world.. I have to open up the phone to change SD Card ? And the Y cable.. I really dont get it.. :/
Kalasboy said:
Hi there ! Thanks for the Quick reply ! I'm on Orange FR. I heard about the Y cable and Goldcard but I didn't understand really :/ I'm New in Windows Phone world.. I have to open up the phone to change SD Card ? And the Y cable.. I really dont get it.. :/
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Ok.. ill help you in all i can...
first.. you are talking about opening the phone to change the SD card,
that doesn't have anything to do with installing a brand new ROM on your device, you only need to do that process if you want to increase the storage on your device from 8GB (default on htc mozart) to 16 or 32 gb (which i think is the limit)...
There are quite a lot of video-tutorials in the internet and youtube explaining that process very detailed
on the other hand, about the Y-cable, there is also alot of posts here in xda that explain the process for people new to windows phone, so im sure you can search for them and find the information quite easily =)... but basically, what you need is a y-cable which i think there are some already premade in ebay and other webs , or you can proceed to do one for yourself (as i did ). The objective of the y-cable is to connect it to the phone, to the pc and to a memory sd card/ usb drive/ etc etc... which will write from scratch the rom inside it into the htc mozart... but as i said, there are alot of posts in here which explain it
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HtcGamer said:
Ok.. ill help you in all i can...
first.. you are talking about opening the phone to change the SD card,
that doesn't have anything to do with installing a brand new ROM on your device, you only need to do that process if you want to increase the storage on your device from 8GB (default on htc mozart) to 16 or 32 gb (which i think is the limit)...
There are quite a lot of video-tutorials in the internet and youtube explaining that process very detailed
on the other hand, about the Y-cable, there is also alot of posts here in xda that explain the process for people new to windows phone, so im sure you can search for them and find the information quite easily =)... but basically, what you need is a y-cable which i think there are some already premade in ebay and other webs , or you can proceed to do one for yourself (as i did ). The objective of the y-cable is to connect it to the phone, to the pc and to a memory sd card/ usb drive/ etc etc... which will write from scratch the rom inside it into the htc mozart... but as i said, there are alot of posts in here which explain it
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Thanks man ! By the way, I was trying to make a gold card with a usb stick. Failed it. And I saw that you can make an Goldcard with your android sd card.. I've tried it but wasn't able to choose my android device .. Any suggestions ?
Kalasboy said:
Thanks man ! By the way, I was trying to make a gold card with a usb stick. Failed it. And I saw that you can make an Goldcard with your android sd card.. I've tried it but wasn't able to choose my android device .. Any suggestions ?
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I did the process with a Samsung Galaxy S2 sdcard, got the CID code from the sd card with an app inside the Play Store (which i dont remember the name), but search for goldcard in the market and it should appear.

