SMS Confermation always on - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

Is there away to get the sms notification to stay on all the time. I think this is a very handy feature and its anoying havig to request it all the time. Any idears anyone or programs out there ?

Excellent question..... I have also been looking for a way to do this. Hope someone out there will beable to sort this one out... Please :wink:


Questions about verizon specific software

maybe someone can help me. I flashed nuerom 2.0 build 5044 and everything is working beutifully. And before i get flamed i am not able to use the search function as it never finds anything regardless of what of what i search for.
However i cant seem to receive pics mail. now im figureing that since this is a sprint specific software that the proper files are not in place to make this work. does anyone know where i can get them or if there is something i can change to make it work. kind of annoying not being able to recieve pix mail.
Also my GPS seems to be working, sort of. I cant seem to get a fix but it will search for satellites and usually finds 2. I am using googlemaps. is there a better software or a patch or fix to make this more consistent.
And lastly i am receiving a popup prompting for a username and password when i got to access the web. I can click cancel and it lets me go right through but its an annoyance and really bothers me. I wasnt given a u/n and p/w and it doesnt appear i need one. Can i stop this from happening.
Keep up the great work everyone who is contributing.
MMS is not cooked in to the nueroms. I don't know of a way to add it without it being cooked in to the ROM.
You can use another software like Live Search or TomTom.
Just put a check mark in remember password. It should stop asking.
thanks appreciate all your help. your previous posts helped with my phone as well.

Different sound for SMS delivery report

could anybody help me with changing of sound for SMS delivery report?
I've already tryed SMS Report Eraser from JGUI witch is'nt working on my LEO.
Anybody can sugest me solution?
I'm sending loads of texts everyday so I desperatly need to sort this problem.
Please help ...
this bugs the hell out of me, would love to find a way around it
Search for SMSDR Fix.
unfortunetly SMSDR Fix isn't workin as well ...
Anyone who has a solution for this?
it's really bugging me out...
I want to hear it when I have an SMS message, even if the phone is far away from me.
But why does the delivery report tone need to be the same? this I do not need to hear, just a pop or even silent would be more than enough
matthiasdeblaiser said:
Anyone who has a solution for this?
it's really bugging me out...
I want to hear it when I have an SMS message, even if the phone is far away from me.
But why does the delivery report tone need to be the same? this I do not need to hear, just a pop or even silent would be more than enough
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
i think, you people dont know your phone well
go to settings/menu/all settings/sounds and notifications/notifications/events: (there is a dropdown from phone:incoming call.. here)....message:send succeeded....change sound to whatever you you did not see this...
actually there was some reg tweak or cab to enable more hidden notifications and sounds to be displayed for that also
some people just don't respond makes me wonder....did they sell off their leodroid..??
pakure said:
i think, you people dont know your phone well
go to settings/menu/all settings/sounds and notifications/notifications/events: (there is a dropdown from phone:incoming call.. here)....message:send succeeded....change sound to whatever you you did not see this...
actually there was some reg tweak or cab to enable more hidden notifications and sounds to be displayed for that also
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
pakure said:
some people just don't respond makes me wonder....did they sell off their leodroid..??
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I WAS ABOUT TO REPLY THE SAME !! most ppl don't know their phones cuz they most deal with sense settingsnot original WinMo settings
But i assume most people ask for solutions, when you give it to them if it worked they never come back, but if it didn't they return and ask for another solution .. IMO

[Q] Forwarding App Source?

Okay, right now im in this club, i really dont want to explain much about it as i try not to reveal my personal info to the internet but there are ranks and stuff (similar to Boys Scout), so far, im managing alot of things but one of the most tiring and annoying things are forwarding any reminders/events/etc.... You see, our teacher sends me a text message about an event/reminder/etc... and i must forward it to others. The fact I got to keep clicking through each person annoys me since the list gets bigger and bigger
Im creating a blank app right now, just to make it run 24 hours in the background (Im very new to this and im trying to make it work).
If anyone can make me a source that whenever i receive a text message from my teacher, it automatically forwards it to others. Now, im looking for the source only, I can add the numbers and rest later, im trying to play and test as much as I can and this can be a good start
ONE THING THOUGH! If my teacher sends me a text message, i want it to forward AND appear to me also but i dont think thats a problem right?
If anyone can whip up a source for me to add to my app, that would be really helpful. If this works out well, i can probably make a good app out of it and give it out to others who come across my position.

[Q] Possible for Swipe to Clear Notification Count as READ Message?

Hey guys!
As you can see my first post here although I frequently come to xda to fix any problems I have or to browse roms, I love this website! This is the first time that I couldnt find a thread relating to what I am looking for (I hope I havnt missed it). I was also told to post my question here, originally I had it in Q/A but was told ppl may be able to give me an answer here.
At the moment I am using CM 7.1 on my Desire HD.
I was wondering if it is possible that when I swipe to clear a notification (in particular messages, I used GO SMS for text messages and Whatsapp) that it counts as a 'read' message. At the moment it just removes it from the notification bar although the message is still unread.
I hope I made clear what I am trying to get across.
Any help would be grateful. Is what I am looking for even possible?
Is it possible to develop somthing like this in an app/kernal/Rom?
Sorry..dont mean to spam but could someone just say if this is a feasible idea?

[Q] Zoom and Tasker Issues

Hey everyone. I have been searching the internet for 2 days for a solution to this. I have not been able to find anything that helps. I'm curious if its a phone issue rather then an issue with the app. I am getting to know Tasker and love it so far. Used minimalistic test to set my unread SMS count. Then i ran into Zoom. So I have been trying to figure out how to set my unread SMS count as a simple text display in Zoom. It started out as a simple test widget to get used to the controls. But i simply cannot get it to work!
Can someone please walk me through step for step what I should be doing? It is probably a very simple step that I am missing but I would really appreciate the help. I'm the kind of person that is obsessed until I know how something works.....:crying:
Thanks in advance!

