Outlook setting: Automatic profile switching - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Hi Zendrui,
would it be possible in the outlook settings to change the condition
"When category is" <selected category>
"When category contains" <selected category> ?
Reason: in my outlook appointments I use several categories at the same time (list of categories seperated by ";"). Therefore the automatic mode switching does not work for me.
Thanks in advance
P.S. : attached to this post I added my PZP icon set. Perhaps it is interesting for other users


Display of names in Contacts

The default behaviour of Contacts is to display the entries with
<Lastname>, <Firstname>
I prefer
<Firstname> <Lastname>
Is there an option or registry setting to change the default display mode?
I had the same problem, you have to change your settings in outlook. then the xda just follows suit.
When adding a new contact I have to use outlook then sync it, or the xda does the last, first name thing again.

HTC home screen sliding panel improvements

I like the HTC home screen sliding panel, but some things I am missing and some things I dont need on it in the standard configuration which is delivered with the Rose.
I was missing:
- graphical notification of all sms, mms, missed calls, voice mails and emails like in the normal windows panel and working with these events from this row
I didnt need:
- sms/mms and email notification in separate rows (wasting of place)
- favourite homepages
- music player
All you need to do it, is to change one row in the HTCSlidingPanel.home.xml located in the folder AplicationData/Home/:
<Plugins Order="CClock;CHome;CWindowsLive;CAppointments;HTCWeather;Settings" CPRFileName="HTCSlidingPanel" SMSMMSOverride="false" EmailOverride="false" >
You wil find this row easy.
Beside this I removed the "background picture changing option" and the "ringing tones changing option" from the Setting row of the HTC home panel. I really dont need it so much, not necessary to be on the home screen.
You can do this by changing the registry in:
Registry field called: Pages - simply delete the names of the pages you dont want to have in the Setting row on the homescreen (in my case the backgroud picture and ringing tones), it is very easy.
Hope this will help.
search icon ???
Dear members !
Does anybody know how to put search icon to desktop ? Like HTC-diamond or touch-pro has it ! One guy sad that edition for smartphone doesn't have it, but sorry, I am not happy with that answer?! If I demonstrate for example: I search aplication to search surname "Novak" client through outlook calendar and contacts and notes....and all other aplications which phone has! It would mean a lot to me!
Best regards, Dejan U.
search icon ???
Dear members !
Does anybody know how to put search icon to desktop ? Like HTC-diamond or touch-pro has it ! One guy sad that edition for smartphone doesn't have it, but sorry, I am not happy with that answer?! If I demonstrate for example: I would like desktop search aplication for ROSE to search surname "Novak" client through outlook calendar and contacts and notes....and all other aplications which phone has! It would mean a lot to me!
Best regards, Dejan U.
Apparently this is not built in.

[App][June 24 2009] iContact Avian Edition 7.0.6

Submit bugs on CodePlex: http://www.codeplex.com/iContactAE/WorkItem/List.aspx
Request features on CodePlex: http://www.codeplex.com/iContactAE/Thread/List.aspx
I will not fix bugs that are NOT in CodePlex (maybe). Sorry, but CodePlex just makes life much easier!
If anybody out there wants to help me, please PM me. I can easily add new people as contributors to the codeplex project. I really want help with this project!!! Thanks!
iContact AE is a branch of iContact, specifically branched from the final code by truburt that belonged to iContact BE.
iContact AE development is hosted on Microsoft's CodePlex. http://iContactAE.codeplex.com
Coming soon...
Skinning Guide
Needs to be updated and moved off Burt's site, but until then, here it is!
User Contributed Skins
Voyd Black (VGA) - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=543255
To Do
- Finger friendly configurator: Make sure all options are available in it
- Consistent number formatting (maybe) so it all shows up as (xxx) xxx-xxxx
- Suffix in details view too
- More actionable details items (google maps for address?)
- Category selection menu is not very friendly...
- Make use of HTC sensors - maybe the wheel can quickly scroll through the list and swiping left to right can change which number is in the list
- Customize order of items in bottom menu
- Details view needs a scroll bar just like the main view
- When doing a keyboard letter jump and then immediately going into a T9, it will still jump around by scrolling instead of being instant.
- With the "exit on action" option checked, calls initiated thru iContacts AE will INTERMITTANTLY cause the in-call screen to disappear
Current Version: 7.0.6
SEE SECOND POST (not enough room in top post)
Full changelog is included in installation
CAB Installer: http://www.codeplex.com/icontactae/Release/ProjectReleases.aspx
Source Code: http://www.codeplex.com/icontactae/SourceControl/ListDownloadableCommits.aspx
If anybody out there wants to contribute to this edition, I'm very open to it! We can use CodePlex as a central source repository and all develop on it to make this the best version of iContact! Contact me if you are interested.
Latest changes
Current Version: 7.0.6
- You can now disable iContact's ability to dial using the hardware phone dial key (the "green" button) and quit/minimize when pressing the hardware hangup (the "red" button). If, like me, you remap all your hardware buttons, including phone buttons, this will be most welcome. It is enabled by default since most people expect default behavior from those buttons. See below for information about the setting.
- New setting: EnablePhoneKeyHook = Enables hardware phone key support above (enabled by default) <-- Anybody who can add this to the help for other language files (non-english), please PM me the new .clng file.
- Added USSD support for dialing star (*) numbers on phone systems that support it. THIS IS ENABLED BY DEFAULT since it is supported on most networks. Contributed by Constantin Lushnikov.
- New setting: EnableUSSDStarDialing = Enables USSD support (above) <-- Anybody who can add this to the help for other language files (non-english), please PM me the new .clng file.
- Added better birthday / anniversary support. Contributed by Constantin Lushnikov.
- Added the ability to set the ringtone from within iContact AE. Note: Press and hold to clear a custom ringtone. Contributed by Constantin Lushnikov.
- New language file entry (.lng file): selectringtone - Text displayed when selecting a custom ringtone <-- Anybody who can add this to the help for other language files (non-english), please PM me the new .lng file.
- New language file entry (.lng file): ringtonesavefailed - Text displayed when a ringtone cannot be set <-- Anybody who can add this to the help for other language files (non-english), please PM me the new .lng file.
- New language file entry (.lng file): noringtone - Text displayed when the default system ringtone is being used for a contact (no custom ringtone) <-- Anybody who can add this to the help for other language files (non-english), please PM me the new .lng file.
- There are new skin icons associated with the custom ring tone, anniversary, and birthday. All built-in skins have been updated. These are "small icons." Look at the bottom of the default.skn file for skinning info on these icons.
- New skin contribution: OSX Colored.
- If you add a number to a new or existing contact after receiving/making calls from that number, the entry in the call history will now be updated with the correct name in the main list (it always did link to the correct item in the details). This overrides the entry that is actually in the call log. If there is demand, I'll make an option to toggle this, but I can't see why anybody would want out of date information in the call log.
- Call history now updates its entire call log cache after you make changes to contacts. Previously, you had to toggle through call log modes or restart iContact to get certain details in the call history updated, such as pictures.
- Call history now correctly labels all unknown numbers as UNKNOWN in the detail view. There were cases previously where the number would appear in the title.
- Using a new method to detect the SpeedThresh. The previous method used a timer and there was a variable performance depending on when you let go of your finger versus where the timer was in its ticks. The new method uses tick counts during the finger movement events. It seems to be a much more consistent user experience.
- Fixed a bug where when you looked at contact details from the call log view, frequently the details bottom menu buttons would be unresponsive.
- New setting: CallLogDetailsBackToCallLog = When enabled, when you press the back button on contact details from the call history view, it will return to the call history view (as opposed to jumping to the contacts list) <-- Anybody who can add this to the help for other language files (non-english), please PM me the new .clng file.
- In some cases, the SIP would still show if a stubborn 3rd party process made it appear after iContact received activation, but before the user gets a chance to interact with iContact. So, a timer now waits a second after receiving input focus and makes sure the SIP is hidden.
- The installer will no longer ask if you want to use the existing settings.ini on upgrade. If your existing settings.ini is corrupt, then uninstall and reinstall in TWO STEPS where you will be given a chance to use the default settings.ini.
- The installer now sets the registry setting needed by idialer so idialer knows how to find iContact AE when you select iContacts from within iDialer. (This is untested as I don't use iDialer! Please let me know if it works!)
- Added BMP as a valid file type for assigning a picture to a contact.
- Call log database update notifications are now buffered, so that if four or five updates fire in succession, only a single reload operation will occur. This should improve call log responsiveness in certain circumstances when reloading would unnecessarily occur several times in a row.
- Long-tapping bottom menu items now uses the same delay in the settings. It was previously hardwired to 700ms. The main reason for this change is that long-tapping bottom menu items will increasingly do alternate functions in later versions of iContact AE. Currently, most of the time a long-tap is nearly always the same response as a short-tap.
- Fixed a bug where iContact (and possibly the entire phone) would freeze if an empty category is opened. Contributed by Constantin Lushnikov.
- Workaround contributed by [kab] on xda to fix Samsung call history problem.
- New setting: SamsungHistoryWorkaround = (disabled by default) Changes the way the call database is read to workaround a call history bug on certain Samsung models. <-- Anybody who can add this to the help for other language files (non-english), please PM me the new .clng file.
- New setting: OpenSettingsOnLongTap = (enabled by default) Open the icontact config application by long-tapping the contacts button on the main window <-- Anybody who can add this to the help for other language files (non-english), please PM me the new .clng file.
- New setting: MinimizeOnAction = (disabled by default) Causes iContact to go to the back of the window z-order after performing an action. Normally, iContact hides (goes right behind the dialer or whatever). Minimizing will put iContact to the back of the z-order, so it is not the first window to appear after completing an action. This is an alternative to exiting after action if you want iContact to go away, but not close. <-- Anybody who can add this to the help for other language files (non-english), please PM me the new .clng file.
- New setting: UseClearTypeFonts = (enabled by default) Specify whether you want iContact to render fonts using ClearType smoothing. The default is enabled, which is the same as previous versions. Contributed by Constantin Lushnikov. <-- Anybody who can add this to the help for other language files (non-english), please PM me the new .clng file.
- New setting: ShowRingToneInDetails = (enabled by default) When enabled, the ringtone of each contact is displayed in the details view. Clicking on the ringtone allows you to change it. Contributed by Constantin Lushnikov. <-- Anybody who can add this to the help for other language files (non-english), please PM me the new .clng file.
- New setting: T9EnglishAsPrimary = When enabled (disabled by default), T9 search will always use English as the primary keyboard (user language becomes the secondary keyboard). Please note in older versions English was ALWAYS primary. Contributed by Constantin Lushnikov. <-- Anybody who can add this to the help for other language files (non-english), please PM me the new .clng file.
- New language: Swedish. App translation only (no config translation). Contributed by Lilleolov.
- New language: Greek. App and setting translation (no help translation). Contributed by acrocosm.
you are our superman!
ok, i wish you luck with this.
I think that if this Avian edition were to combine BE with the other version's new ability to retain the windows titlebar, it would be the absolute perfect version.
Keep us posted.
chavonbravo said:
I think that if this Avian edition were to combine BE with the other version's new ability to retain the windows titlebar, it would be the absolute perfect version.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
B.E. *IS* able to retain the windows titlebar.
It is much simpler than the other version, since in BE you just have to say so in the config program.
Can you please remove the advertisment
iContact Burth Edition 7.0 beta
strings from the program.
can you expect a date for a first release with wich new implementation?
Hey, this is great news!
I was just looking at the Trubert thread today, disappointed that another new Supbro version had just been released and Burt's edition falling further behind... and was very happy to see you are taking over the development.
Best of luck, and looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
aliumalik said:
Can you please remove the advertisment
iContact Burth Edition 7.0 beta
strings from the program.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Less branding would be wonderful.
I have my hands crossed for you.
Thanks for sharing the source code.
Best Wishes,
aliumalik said:
Can you please remove the advertisment
iContact Burth Edition 7.0 beta
strings from the program.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, that will be one of the first things I do.
Sorry, Burt!
spupuz said:
can you expect a date for a first release with wich new implementation?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The first step will be finishing the nearly finished Burt's 7.0. He says it's 90% done. Actually, from my testing, the app IS done, it's the finger-friendly config app that needs to be finished, which shouldn't be hard since its mostly just filling in settings. It looks like the engine is (mostly?) done.
Unfortunately, I'm slightly embarrassed to admit, I'm not a super-savvy C++ developer. I'm a super-savvy .Net developer, so getting a handle on some of the C++ stuff will take me time. That's part of the reason I want to solicit as much developer help as possible from others. I would love it if this could be a project with four or five developers working in tandem to add lots of cool new features at a faster pace than in the past. Plus, obviously, having the source code publicly available helps "keep it in the community" should I disappear someday and somebody else want to create their own branch. ;-)
As for an exact date, I don't want to say because then people will say "HEY YOU HAVEN'T RELEASED YET" hahaha. ;-)
Give me some weeks to get a handle on this. I'm working on other projects as well, so my time committment will vary. But if we get more developers, the development will go quicker. That is certain.
Talk to Daniel Herrero (the CommMgrPro guy)...
thx1200 said:
Yes, that will be one of the first things I do.
Sorry, Burt!
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Click to collapse
But please keep showing the version number.
Me personaly I had no problems that at the end of the list there is listed who made it.
But Burt didn't make it. Burt took over the old source too.
Of course this must remain in the documentation, but I don't see why it should be mentioned IN the program.
dingolino said:
But please keep showing the version number.
Me personaly I had no problems that at the end of the list there is listed who made it.
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Click to collapse
It will be a configurable option.
NLS said:
But Burt didn't make it. Burt took over the old source too.
Of course this must remain in the documentation, but I don't see why it should be mentioned IN the program.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You are right. I should have been more clear on that. But for the version coming out, the NEW stuff will be 99% Burt, so we should remember who did the work! The version number will be optional on the screen (default: on), so you can keep it or not. The version number will also be available in the config.
thx1200 said:
You are right. I should have been more clear on that. But for the version coming out, the NEW stuff will be 99% Burt, so we should remember who did the work! The version number will be optional on the screen (default: on), so you can keep it or not. The version number will also be available in the config.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Most programs list this stuff on an about screen. Never saw any reason to have it cluttering up the most commonly viewed screens.

[APP][30-Oct-2010] SenseTasks v1.1.1

SenseTasks is an application to manage your Outlook Tasks
This application intends to replace the original Windows Mobile task application, utilizing the SenseSDK to create a HTC Sense Look and Feel.
I created this application because the Windows Mobile task application is not very finger-friendly to use. Furthermore, the WM application didn't allow me to create new tasks on my HTC HD Mini with Windows Mobile 6.5.3. After experimenting with eboelzner's SenseSDK, I decided to create this application.
Many thanks to eboelzner for creating the fantastic SenseSDK!
CHT 1.8.5 Addon created by Co0kieMonster
to allow for an individual task to be directly opened for editing (instead of the tasks list) in the program you have chosen.
Download here (See original post in CHT topic)
For problems with this addon, please consult the CHT topic.
For support with how SenseTasks behaves, please use this topic.
Thanks a lot, Co0kieMonster!
New Version 1.1!
Translated files need to be adjusted to include new application strings.
Windows Mobile 6.x
.NET Compact Framework v3.5
Tested resolutions
Full Outlook/Exchange Synchronization
Task List View
Task Agenda View
Task Details View
Add Task
Edit Task
Delete Task
Co0kie's Home Tab automatic updating (thanks MichelDiamond!)
Editable Properties
Start Date
Due Date
Version 1.1
English (fallback language)
Czech (thanks xMareXx) - [download]
Dutch (thanks jan-willem3) - [download]
French (thanks thejameskiller) - [download]
Greek (thanks jolas) - [download]
Hungarian (thanks spamerr) - [download]
Italian (thanks steami) - [download]
Russian (thanks wire083) - [download]
Spanish (thanks icecubix2 / flipado) - [download]
Version 1.0.1
English (fallback language)
Czech (thanks xMareXx) - [download]
Dutch (thanks jan-willem3) - [download]
French (thanks netdrg) - [download]
Italian (thanks steami) - [download]
Polish (thanks mabussg) - [download]
Polish (thanks dmkpoznan) - [download]
Russian (thanks tor04) - [download]
Spanish (thanks flipado) - [download]
Turkish (thanks techmania) - [download]
To use additional languages, put the additional files into the "Localization" folder.
If you are interested in translating the tool, feel free to do so. Simply grab a language file from the "Localization" folder and replace the last to letters for the file name with the appropriate two-letter-ISO language name.
The list of categories is built by reading existing categories from all contacts, appointments and tasks. If a specific category is not parsed by SenseTasks, you can do the following:
1) Create a temporary task in Outlook and assign ALL categories to it
Insert them manually into the "Categories" section of the settings.xml of SenseTasks
2) Launch SenseTasks and go to Settings -> Reload Categories.
Command Line Parameters
SenseTasks.exe Command Line Parameters only executed on startup,
not when SenseTasks is already running
SenseTasksLauncher.exe Preferred .exe to start SenseTasks with command line parameters
and also control a running instance
-addtask Opens SenseTasks in "Add Task" Window
-oid [OID] Opens the task with the specified OID
-list Opens SenseTasks in List View
-agenda Opens SenseTasks in Agenda View
-nomainwindow In combination with -addtask and -oid doesn't show the SenseTasks main screen
Known Issues
OutOfMemoryException when there are too many tasks (I mean a lot of tasks). Nothing to do here except remove some tasks by, for example, filtering them.
Change Log
* CHT support compatible with v2.0
* CHT support - automatic updating of CHT tasks upon task changes. Thanks a lot to MichelDiamond for his support and expertise, as well as the CHT team for their cooperation!
* Category support - Grouping, filtering and assigning existing categories to tasks
* Startup Parameters - launch in "Create Task", "Show Task", "Agenda View" or "List View" - running instance controllable as well
* Sorted Agenda View by Importance
* Improved handling of start/due/reminder dates in "Edit Task"
* Application minimizable
* Cosmetic changes
* Bug fixing
* fixed start/due date conflicts
With new features there come new language strings. Translated language files will need to be updated in order to have full translation.
CHT 1.8.5 Addon created by Co0kieMonster
to allow for an individual task to be directly opened for editing (instead of the tasks list) in the program you have chosen.
Download here (See original post in CHT topic)
For problems with this addon, please consult the CHT topic.
For support with how SenseTasks behaves, please use this topic.
Thanks a lot, Co0kieMonster!
Co0kieMonster said:
Here's a little addon for CHT v1.8.5 that allows for an individual task to be directly opened for editing (instead of the tasks list) in the program you have chosen.
A little bit of manual reg editing is required though, read the instructions below.
1) Install the cab
2) [not required for SenseTasks]
3) If you're using SenseTasks or pTasks, they will be recognized by CHT, so the rest will be done automatically and you can finish up: restart sense.
4) [not required for SenseTasks]
5) Now restart sense.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
See original post
If you like this software
Donations are appreciated!
You can also use the Donate button in the application under the About menu.
Please let me know how it works for you and how you like it!
Great program! Thanks for sharing!
Much better then TasksManila, very good Sense-interface!
Look first!!thanks!!!
Thanks for share!
Is there any option to add a parameter to open SenseTasks in 'New Task' screen (I want to use it in action screen)?
Thank you all!
jolas, no, for now I haven't included any parameters. But it's definitely a good idea. I will add that in the future.
Tumys said:
SenseTasks is an application to manage your Outlook Tasks
This application intends to replace the original Windows Mobile task application, utilizing the SenseSDK to create a HTC Sense Look and Feel.
I created this application because the Windows Mobile task application is not very finger-friendly to use. Furthermore, the WM application didn't allow me to create new tasks on my HTC HD Mini with Windows Mobile 6.5.3. After experimenting with eboelzner's SenseSDK, I decided to create this application.
Many thanks to eboelzner for creating the fantastic SenseSDK!
Windows Mobile 6.x
.NET Compact Framework v3.5
Tested resolutions
Full Outlook Synchronization
Task List View
Task Agenda View
Task Details View
Add Task
Edit Task
Delete Task
Editable Properties
Start Date
Due Date
English (fallback language)
If you are interested in translating the tool, feel free to do so. Simply grab a language file from the "Localization" folder and replace the last to letters for the file name with the appropriate two-letter-ISO language name.
Known Issues
OutOfMemoryException when there are too many tasks (I mean a lot of tasks). Nothing to do here except remove some tasks by, for example, filtering them.
Change Log
Fixed start/due date conflicts when editing
If you like this software
Donations are appreciated!
I'm not yet allowed to post outside links, so that I can place my Donate button here. If you want to donate, please use the Donate button in the application under the About menu.
Please let me know how it works for you and how you like it!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Definitely I like it!
I attach the Italian translation
Thanks a lot for sharing, steami! I can't yet post links, but I referenced you in the first post.
This is a great app! Thank you very much!
I will post issues or bugs if I can find some, but so far, so good!
Cool app!! I've been waiting and looking for something like this!! If you can add a category creation and sorting would make it perfect!! It runs smoothly and fast in my HTC HD2!!! Thanks a lot!!
looks good!
is there a chance to get a "group by..."-feature in a future release?
i am looking for task application atm, but it will be almost useless to me, if i cannot group by category...dmn, just scrolled up and the category is not editable.
well, still looks good
Translate for russian
Translate for russian
good job!thanks for sharing!
niiiice! it looks good. thanks! sorting by categories would be nice.
great app, much better than ptasks, wich btw went on marketplace few days ago, so this is No. 1 tasks app now.
i wold like to suggest one thing.
Make deletion of tasks easier. If i am not mistaken, now you have to select tasks, click options, select delete, and then confirm.
this is way too much steps if you have 10+ tasks, and want to delete them all at once.
thank you
sting.ray said:
looks good!
is there a chance to get a "group by..."-feature in a future release?
i am looking for task application atm, but it will be almost useless to me, if i cannot group by category...dmn, just scrolled up and the category is not editable.
well, still looks good
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I agree, this app looks absolutely awesome however beeing able to sort by category is a must have for me. There are good commercial task apps out there but they generally replace your entire PIM. I've been looking for a handy task app like this for a while. Please consider adding the sort by category function.
Nice work. big thanks for this one.
gonna test it now.
Great application. would love to have multiple sort criteria in agenda mode. meaning task should be sorted by priority, which is a must for me.
very nice app!
'occurs' would be nice.
translate for polish
THANKS - good application, perfect sense style! Simply brlilant
This is what i was waiting for! Why doesn´t MS provide such things? Why do we need guys like this one to satisfy us customers?
Once again: Thank you!

[APP/CHT-Suite][26-June-11] CHTS 2.30 - saves & extends your Sense ( & Loco [1.10] )

[APP/CHT-Suite][26-June-11] CHTS 2.30 - saves & extends your Sense ( & Loco [1.10] )
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
NEW VERSION 2.30 of 26-June-2011 (+ CHTSLoco 1.10) - final versions
(changelogs see below & CHTSLoco-Thread)
Please consider: CHTS & Loco are in ONE .cab!
CHTS extends your CHT & Sense with much features. You can choose, which of this features you want to use and which not. Therefore some users called it as "Swiss Knife" for CHT.
Minimum Requirements:
CHT v2 -> CHT 2 - Thread
Before we start wie the details: Big Thanx to all people who helped for this Release - especially to our CHTS-Beta-Team!!!. Please look into "About"-Box for the Thank-You's and what they've done. We spent much night to make CHTS & CHTSLoco, that you get them in this advanced state, as they are.
Please consider: CHTS is provided as it is. It is tested by CHTS-Beta-Team, but that were not much people and it can't cover all kind of devices, ROMs, Sense-Version,additional Apps - so please help to improve CHTS because of your Feedbacks.
You get much more new Quicklinks for CHT, you can use a scheduled Wallpaper-Switcher, you can save your Sense-/CHT-Layout, you can profile your Device manually, by time of day or by your current location.
Just look below in this Post for the sections, which will tell you more about the main features. There are so many sub-features, that this can't be explained in a thread. Please consult for the start at best the -> QUICK Manual for CHTS <-
Also big Thanx to ebhoelzner for his great Sense SDK
Integrated Languages (sometimes not all translated) : English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Chinese, Slovak, Russian (thx to yaMoPkoBka for that!)
The other languages are to find in Post #3
Changelog 2.30 (and Loco 1.10) :
- Run Modes for a "light CHTS" You can define a Run Mode, which allows you, that you can use CHTS only for the things you personally need and the unused features will be invisible.
Light: Only Day&Night or manually mode, Wallpaper scheduling and simple Data switches
Average: Light + named Sub-profiles + Location event handling + Backlight-Settings
Advanced: Average + All Profiles + Layout switching with profile + ring modes + Execute/Kill Apps
Full: All Features (like former)
User defined: Define the single features for your personally needs
- Icon-Saving You can save/restore different icon-themes for your Layout or simply change them on-the-fly. So if you like Glass Icons in your Sparetime and solid icons at work... no problem. Thanx to osidacz for investigations
- CHT(E)-Saving You can save/restore only the settings, which are mostly the settings of CHTEditor, bit also the most important settings of CHT. Easy & Fast.
- Theme-Saving! Thanx to osiedacz & BHS Interceptor for this outstanding work to create the necessary new xml-files for that! Now there are more than 1000 files are saved, but quite fast restored. Use Theme saving, if you want to change between themes. Otherwise "Standard" is enough for your CHT Hometab.
- Profile copying You can copy each profile over another profile. So you can define one or more "Master Profiles" with much changes and can copy it to another profile for a quick&easy-configuration (you find it in General settings)
- Much more options for Audio-Switches:
-- mp3-files allowed now
-- restrict file list to maximum amount of items (20,50,100, unlimitted) for memory-weaker devices
-- restrict file lists to one or some of: .wav, .wma, .mp3
-- extended check if file really exists, also after deleting some things
- Automatic Audio mode You can not only use Silent, Normal, Vibrate - now also "Automatic", which silents device while entry in calendar. If this doesn't work, you can try MortScripts to toggle settings
- LocoReminder improved! You can add Reminders according to the Location.
It is quick accessible also by Quicklink.
... I think it's easy to understand... you will see
- EMail-Synchronisation by Profile Change improved.
- Improved Options for Wallpapers: . More Sizes and so on
- New Quicklinks: Save Layout, Restore Layout, Loco Reminder. For the full list of all Quicklinks look to Post #3: -->to List of all Quicklinks & Toggles<--
- Improved CHTS Layout-Logging - all files, which are not copied are logged together with the reason, why. Settings in Misc of Main Settings underneath usual CHTS-Logging. Also added Button to delete this Loggs older than 1 day. Logg-Files for Profile Switch are to find in <storage card>\_CHTScheduler\Logging\CHTS_RestoreSense
Fixed all known Bugs (e.g. in Location events) - thanx for the feedbacks and thanx to the great Beta-Group-Members!
- much more fixes and internal improvements. Too much to list all the single things.
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Nevertheless you will find some more helpful informations, e.g. FAQs or hints for Widget-Creators or ROM-Cookers - here's the overview:
Post #2: Configuration Hints & FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions
Post #3: Additional things: Quicklinks-List+Languages+Manuals
Post #4: Graphical AddOn's - CHTS-Icon-Sets
Post #5: Weather Wallpapers 9-/44pics
Post #6: For WIDGET-/Theme-Creators & ROM-Cooks (with Whitepaper)
Post #7: some Screenshots
Post #8: former Changelogs
So let's start with the main parts of CHTS:
You can save your current Layout or your whole Sense.
Baseline: This is the smallest thing - it simply saves the Sense-files of your ROM like a "Layout standard", but without Quicklinks
Layout standard: All items of your HomeTab, so also Widgets, Clocks, Quicklinks, Freelinks, Positions of all of them, configuration,...
Layout extended: All of Layout standard but also much more things of the other tabs, if the Skinner also has added an appropriate configuration-definition (as .xml-file). By Default e.g. the Weather-Animation-Icons are saved in extended
Sense-Saving: All of above, but also all Manila-Files! Therefore, that this is very big, it will be zipped on the fly by CHTS. So Saving doesn't needs much time. Restoring needs a bit more time, because CHTS has to compare each file, if this is already in ROM and has to intelligent restore the correct files. This is often called "Lifesaver" by the CHTS-Users.
Thanx to BHS Interceptor, who made fantastic xml-files, so that each Hometab, Widget, Links are saved in "standard" and also much improvements in Theme-Saving.
And sure: If you can save a Layout... you can switch it with each Profile... Just look to the next main point
Important Notes & Hints:
- After Flashing a new ROM, please make at least a new Baseline. CHTS will name this Baseline according to the name of your ROM
- Recommended also: Saving the whole Sense sometimes. So if something is messed up, then you can get mostly your Sense back = "Lifesaver". This can be the last chance of you before you have to do a Hard-Reset
- Before you add a new Skin or new Widget: Save you Layout (extended) - if something is wrong with the new Skin or Widget... you can easily fall back to the state before.
- With CHTSwitchGui you have access to all saved Baselines, Layouts, Themes and Full-Saved-Sense
- In "Beta-Mode" you can also save Themes, but this will be explained later.
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Switch Sense-/CHT-Layout
Compare with Layout saving: Each Layout cann be assigned to a profile and switched automatically with it. So you get the appropriate Layout according time or your current location. If you prefer manually - simply switch the Layout together with the Profile by Quicklink.
Important Notes & Hints:
- Please be careful especially if you switch Layouts by Location - not that Loco changes Location very often, because you haven't recorded all cells.
- Check, if Layout switching is working also while locked on your device. If not, set "Switch while locked" to off or activate at least "Switch while locked, but no Layout" in CHTS-Settings
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much CHT-Quicklinks, which gives you the opportunity to directly set or control your Sense-/CHT-/CHTS-Settings.
So if you e.g. don't want, that your Device connects via GPRS, then simply activate the NoData-Switch. Or if you need Wifi-On-Standby, then you have a toggle for it. 3G-Only? No problem - use the Quicklink.
Also you can control the current states of your device by a short look to the state of the appropriate Quicklink.
Important Notes & Hints:
- the Links are a seperate .cab, which is also attached to this post. Please look into Installation-Hints in this Post.
- Some Toggles/Quicklinks needs an additional App, which is also linked inside the Installation-Hints.
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The Wallpaper-Changer was heavily extended against the previous version (see Changelog below). The Wallpaper-Scheduler is simple to configure and you can also make different settings for each Profile.
So as example: If you are at home or somewhere, then you can adjust Wallpaper-Scheduler to a low timeout, e.g. 10 minutes, if you are at work you can switch it to e.g. each 4 hours and at night you can switch it off. Therefore that all Porfiles can be manually or by time or by your current Location triggered - you can easy define, which Wallpaper-Scheduling you want.
But nevertheless: If you don't use any Profile-Switching, the Wallpaper-Changer reacts intelligent and battery-friendly. There is an interface together with CHT, which detects user-activity... and if you are inactive and your device is anyway not in use, the Wallpaper-Changer will wait, until you use it again.
You can define different directories for each part of Wallpapers, also you can choose, if the files shall be choosed randomly or alphabetically or by windows-sort (this is device-dependent: sometimes alphabetically, sometimes by date).
You can define filters, e.g. if you choose "grandma*.jpg" for AllTabs, then you should always see different Walls of your Grandma e.g. in your SMS-Tab (or the Grandmaster )
And also a nice feature: Wallpapers according to your Weather. Appropriate 9-/44-weather-wallpaper-packs are to find easily at xda-devs and some are also to find in the follwing Posts here in Thread.
Important Notes & Hints:
- Please make asure, that you defined in CHTS also the Default Wallpaper Directories, that your Quicklinks will work in each Profile, where you haven't defined a special directory for this profile
- Look for the size and dimension of the wallpaper-files. So if you use a directory for e.g. wide-walls, then they should be at best 960x800. Also the filesize should be according to the hints, which can be read in CHT-Thread for the Wallpapers
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CHT-/Sense-/System-Settings &-Tweaks
You can set many things for your different purposes. There you also don't need profiling in any way.
Just define Settings for one Profile (recommended "SaveMyDay" and let it run 24/7 in manually mode)
Just a list of the main (not all! there are more!) Key Feautures of a single Profile:
- Sense scheduling for each profile
-- update times for Weather, Stocks, QuickGPS,...
-- update times for new state Quicklinks of CHT
-- Proximity and more
- Data Scheduling
-- switch on/off/let-it-like-it-is for BT (visible & hidden), Wifi, GPRS, 2G/3G, Radio, Network, Flightmode, Phone
-- Special "Network" switch: Turn off your phone like in Flightmode, but no need for a PIN!!!
-- No Data! So you can diable GPRS for all apps inside a profile
-- Roaming detection and define actions for it, e.g. asking, switching Network on/off, No Data
-- Idle Timeout configurable on your needs in a profile
-- special useful features, e.g. like switching off GPRS, if you activate Wifi manually
- Backlight&Power Scheduling
-- Set Backlight for each profile different. This saves much Energy!
-- Set timeouts, when display shall go off
-- Set timeouts, when device shall be suspended
-- more...
- Assigning Layouts to different profiles!
-- switch them to whatever profile which suits to your current wishes. At work you need Tasks and other quicklinks in front? no problem. In spare time your music player and a totally different outfit? it needs 10 seconds to change it
-- Combine it with all the other key features
- System Scheduling
-- Define Sound profile - normal, vibrate, muted (as expected)
-- independent setable System and Phone volume
-- adjusting InCall-Volume suitable to your needs in a profile
-- adjust Sound-file for Ringtone, Reminder, SMS, Email, Voicemail.
-- adjust popups for reminder & notification popup (no popup, vibrate, sound,...)
-- special settings, e.g. phone volume down if pickup, louder ring in pocket...
- Executing up to 3 apps
-- new Scripts by RoryB: MortScripts to toggle settings
-- easy to configure
-- computing .exe out of a .lnk to faster settings
-- executed after Sense Restart, if you changed the Layout in this profile.
-- also you are able to kill each executeable by defining it here.
- Configure 3rd-party-apps
-- Email-Scheduling for each Account, you have configured
-- service WMLongLife activation/deactivation
-- service MachCell / GPSMod activation/deactivation
-- Windows Live Synchronisation
-- ...more to come
Important Notes & Hints:
- Please have a look, that the settings doesn't interfere with any other 3rd-party-Apps.
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Profile Switching
To close the circle: All things above can be assigned to different Profiles. Profiles can be switched manually (by Quicklink), timed (different for each day) or by Location (together with CHTSLoco).
So if you need vibrating Ring at Work, WiFi at home, Bluetooth somewhere,... and so on - simply configure it. In CHTS-Settings (and CHTSLoco-Settings) you can configure it according to your purposes. The most things are self-explaining - for further things, just consult the Quick-Manual or the whole Manual (which will be updated for the new features somewhen, too.. but nevertheless: Also in the older version of Main Manual the basic functionalities are explained good)
Important Notes & Hints:
- Please look into CHTS-Main-Settings for "Powering Device while Profile Switch", if this works for your device. At best, test Profile change while device suspended. If all is switched correctly, it's o.k.. Most recommended is "smooth" and "regular" powering
- If you have a quite "slow" device, then it could be good to set "Profile Change Delay Rate" to a higher (==slower) value, if some Settings are not applied.
- If you want to change your Profile also while locked, please prefer "Change Profile while locked, but no Layout", if you also want to switch a Layout with this Profile. Much devices are not able to change their Sense-Layout, while they are locked.
Minimum Requirements:
CHT v2 -> CHT 2 - Thread
if CHTS is already installed, otherwise start with step 8:
1 switch to manually mode
2 Sense switching off recommended
3 Save CHTS-Settings
4 Save Loco-Settings
5 uninstall Loco, CHTS & CHTS-Quicklinks (please start with Loco-Uninstall)
6 Soft-Reset
7 at best (not really needed, only there were problems so far) : Remove all CHTS-Quicklinks/Toggles
New Installation
8 If you want to use Location-Switch: Install & Configure MachCell (see also part configuration & CHTSLoco-Thread) - if you have CDMA you MUST use MachCell, if you have GSM, you CAN use MachCell.
Download+Thread here: *GPSMod/MachCell*
9 If you want to use 2g/3G-Toggle &-Quicklinks: Install & Configure WMLongLife (see also part configuration)
Download+Thread here: *WMLongLife*
10 Install CHTS-cab to Main Storage (Loco is inside)
11 Quicklinks-cab to Main Storage
12 start CHTS one time, look only, no save&apply, no language change
13 start Loco one time and exit, then start it again(then import saved settings, if needed)
14 Start CHTS and look, if you have to reassign the Locations. Then save&apply.
15 now you can apply the quicklinks
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Please read FAQs in Post #2 if you have any problems!!! At best before installation
Recommended steps after Installation:
- Save Baseline (left Softkey-Menu of CHTS)
- Save current Layout (left Softkey-Menu of CHTS)
- Save Full Sense (left Softkey-Menu of CHTS)
- Test Location identification by Quicklink, that Locations are correct recognized. Then assign Location to a Profile
- IF you have any problem, then please try to reproduce the problem while CHTS-Logging & Loco-Logging is switched on. All Logs are to find in \<Storage Card>\_CHTScheduler\Logging. Please use .zip (not .rar, .7z,...) for attaching Log here as feedback
QUICK MANUALManual!!! also MANUAL as .pdf-File - redesigned by CLHatch!
Click on pic to download the quick manual or/and manual - now you can easier take it with you on your phone
The Configuration Hints for MachCell, WMLongLife, Windows Live and the most important CHTS are to find in Post #2 due to a better overview.
Link to fast switch to Post #2: *click here for Post #2*
How timed configuration for Profile switching of CHTS works is well explained in Main Manual!
How you can access single features of CHTS is explained in Quick Manual!
Some explainations of the basic functions to understand (please also read FAQs) in following posts) :
Manually Scheduling:
You can switch your Profile - if you want - by CHTSwitchGui or by Quicklink.
If you need for a special space of time another Profile - you will find in CHTSSwitchGui the options for "timeouted" mode, where you can e.g. switch for 2 hours to "SpareTime" and then CHTS shall automatically revert back to manually mode and "SaveMyDay"
Timed scheduling:
1. Manually mode: You have all in your hand. You can see in CHT which profile is active. switch it by Quicklinks or CHTSwitchGui
2. Timeouted mode: You are in a meeting - then you can define a timeout by setting the timeout time or by Date&time and define, to
which mode or profile should CHTS turn afterwards
3. Automatically mode: An easy, intuitive way, you can define your personal rhythm of your day - no need to be think about overlapping times - for each day seperately and fingerfriendly configurable. Please read chapter 4 in manual to learn more.
Location Switching:
This is a new menu-point in CHTS. You can assign a Profile to a CHTSLoco-Location. If Location changes, the Profile changes according to your settings:
-- In assigned Loc no Time Switch: If you are in a Location, which you have assigned to a profile, then CHTS would ignore the timed switch. So you can move where you want also if it wouldn't suit to the timed profile - as long as the Location is known, you will always get the suitable profile
-- ...except in/out of GoodNite: This belongs to " In assigned Loc no Time Switch" - and simply means: If CHTS should activate GoodNite or get out of GoodNite by Time, this switch is made also if all other time switches are ignored because of the assigned Location.
Sounds difficult, ey? But it isn't. It's only not easy to explain for me. The GoodNite-Thing simply makes asure, that you define your Sleep Time and this is mostly in a known location... But mostly the wrong profile to sleep.... and perhaps you don't want location changes while sleeping (e.g. if cells are togglings).
So define your typical minimum sleep time and disable loco changes in GoodNite... and your Smartphone is sleeping with you
-- Time profile in unassigned Loc: If Location is not assigned to a profile (but known), CHTS will switch to the timed profile. If this is off, CHTS does no change in unassigned locations
-- Time profile in unknown Loc: If Location is unknown (mostly marked with a "?") - CHTS will use the timed profile.
The rest is explained in CHTSLoco-Thread. Please keep in mind: What you configure in Loco is used by CHTS to switch profile, if you assigned it. So at best: Don't assign too much profiles at the beginning and observe, if Loco is switching fine your Location and all Cells for one Location are good recorded.
Then look, if the above mentioned Settings are ok. Then begin to assign more Profiles to the Locations.
Therefore that Loco is the only App, which I know, which is able for personal-indoor-location-identification: Please check the possibilities, and what you really need for Profile switching and which Locations are more for Fun.
So e.g. you can identify your Kitchen, Bathroom, Living Room seperately by Loco - but I would assign the same Profile to all of them - otherwise you will get Profile switches very often if you run around your habitation with your device
*click on pic to resize*
So - all together I hope, you think it's useful with its features. Just keep in mind: Each feature can be "single-applied" - so if you need only a Wall-Changer or some Quicklinks or a special configuration for Sense+CHT - then only use this..
Have Fun
*Download CHTS 2.30 (Loco 1.10 integrated) *
(Link to CHTSLoco-Thread: CHTSLoco)
*Download CHT QUICKLINKS 0230*
*Main Manual for CHTS (pdf,zipped, 750kB)*
*Quick-Manual for CHTS - fast start (pdf,zipped, 28 kB)*
*Manual for CHTSLoco - best practises for configuration (rtf,zipped, 100 kB)*
Credits: Please read about box of CHTS for the many helpful people for this App!
If you like my work:
This App is completely free and donations are not expected, but always appreciated. So if you want,
donate for work done
#2 FAQs & Configuration
There are some additional Apps and also some Hints for configuration - collected here. Please also look into FAQs for more.
MachCell / GPSMod (thanx to Mach2003 for this great well-developed App and his help!) :
Download+Thread here: *GPSMod/MachCell*
If you already use MachCell / GPSMod, please only make assure, that also Cell-Location is switched on
If you are new to GPSMod:
- CHTSLoco is compatible to 3.20 and 3.40-Release
- configure your GPS like explained in GPSMod-Thread. You don't need GPS itself - but it should be correct configured.
- Go to Left-Soft-Key-MENU -> Extras:
-- Enable "Service is Running Now"
-- Enable "Enable Cell Service"
-- All other options are not necessary to be switched on for CHTSLoco 1.00
-- Click Button "ReStart Service"
- Open CHTSLoco, go to general Settings and switch Cell-Localization-way to "CDMA with MachCell-Service" or "GSM with MachCell-Service"
To be compatible with the offical Release, Loco only uses the Tower-Number, not country-code. So you see in Loco only "xxx-xxxx-<number>". You can also use newer Beta-Versions of MachCell/GPS-Mod. Loco is developed as seperate App, so it can be updated independent from CHTS. Nevertheless only Loco communicates with CHTS, so an update of MachCell doesn't concern the Localization Assignments of CHTS.
WMLongLife (thanx to chainfire for permission) :
Download+Thread here: *WMLongLife*
If you already use WMLongLife (WMLL), you mustn't change anything
If you only want to use WMLongLife for the 2G/3G-Toggle/-Quicklinks, then you can deactivate all functions of WMLongLife.
Also in each Profile in "Third-Party-Apps" you can disable WMLL-Service.
If you want, that WMLL-Service is stopped after Soft-Reset, then make assure, that current Profile stops WMLL-Service and in Main Settings of CHTS you have switched on "Reapply Profile after Soft-Reset"
Windows Live:
In each Profile you can configure, of Windows Live Synchronisation is setted "manually" or "as items arrive". If this shall work, make assure that start and end time of synchronisation is the same!
CHTS-Settings: Powering Device & Timeouted Message Box
You can configure very much things, what CHTS should do, if a Profile Switch comes.
The "timeouted MessageBox" is simply a Box, which is shown for xx seconds, so that you can deny this switch, if you don't need it at the moment. If you don't answer, then the switch is automatically answered with "Yes", if the xx seconds are over.
Some devices needs a special powering, to switch the Profiles, others can do it also, if backlight is off. Check it out and use the best Power Mode. Here some recommendations:
- if you want to switch Profile while locked, look if suspend settings of your device are not very short, at best 30 seconds or more
- if you change also Layouts with a profile, it's not recommended to "change while locked", better don't allow it generally or at least "change while locked, but no Layout". CHTS will notify you by vibration, that Profile switch is oncoming, but it is running after you unlock your device
- try if "smooth powering" is working for Profile switches, then you have almost no battery usage. But also the other Powerings are not very hard for your battery (except you switch Profile each minute ). For the most devices works "smooth powering" and "regular powering". Not much, but already some device needs "Full Powering" that a Profile Switch is possible. Therefore that this depends on much factors like Device, ROM, other installed Apps, it's not possible to provide only one power-method for all devices. Default after Installation is "smooth powering".
CHTS-Settings: Common things:
- Please look into CHTS-thread, if there is a updated version of your Language available. If something can't be partly translated, you see for this phrases the english original words.
- Please look, if your Storage Card is correct identified. IF not, please change it and don't forget to enclose it with "\"
- For the new option of Connection settings you can use each command-line-App, which has an paramter to switch off and a parameter to switch on the connection for GPRS or WiFi or Bluetooth. With the "Test"-Button you can look, if this works for your device. CHTS will then always use this call instead of the default call - also for profile switching
- The "ignore"-part of Settings is recommended, that all is switch "on" ! Only if you know, what it means, switch some things to off. "On" means, that these parts are not restored while Profile switch - and mostly it's better, not to restore them and to use the current state of the device for it.
- If you have the problem of "jumping quicklinks" from CHT - save your Layout extended and restore it manually or by PRofile. Enable the permission for CHTS, that it is allowed also to restore the Quicklinks
- Some Widgets, which are downloadable at xda-devs, are buggy and overwrites other widgets. So it is recommend to save Layout before installing a new Widget. CHTS has a special feature, that it not only saves/restores blind - it recognizes the Widget and restore your Sense intelligent, if you have installed a buggy widget.
How timed configuration for Profile switching of CHTS works is well explained in Main Manual!
FAQ's - Frequently Asked Questions:
Does I really have to install only to Main Storage?
Not really - but highly recommend, so I say better "Yes". Also it's only tested with installation on Main Memory. CHTS consists of system applications and this is always recommended to be on Main Storage. And don't be afraid: All settings, saved Layouts and so on - this is saved to your Storage card automatically by CHTS.
Must I stick to the installation instructions?
Also not really - mostly it should work by simply installing the .cab's and running CHTS and CHTSLoco once before doing any changes.
The installation instructions are only the safer way. Sometimes also the download at xda-devs doesn't work properly and by sticking to the instructions, you won't get further problems because of this and it's easier to reproduce.
I have a problem after installation that almost nothing works, e.g. no switch of profile, even not computing switch times or so
These sounds like a bad installation or a bad .cab. Please activate in such cases always CHTS-Logging, that I have a chance to reproduce.
But this should help:
- uninstall all .cabs
- Soft-Reset
- Download again all .cabs (CHTS, CHTSLoco, Links)
- Install according Installation instruction according Post #1
(especially: Don't forget to start & exit CHTS the first time with save & apply, before you do a change)
I have an issue, which files do you need to reproduce it?
We need from /<storage card>/_CHTScheduler the file CHTSSettings.xml
Very important: ROM-Version, Device, Manila-Version and which system-near apps are installed! Otherwise mostly no help is possible.
Since 2.20 you have the possibility to logg all things off Profile Switch & Wall Changing - please activate it in CHTS Main Settings -> Misc
If you have a Location issue, please also activate Logging of CHTSLoco in Settings -> "Logging changes"
All Logs are to find in \<storage card>\_CHTScheduler\Logging. Please .zip them and attach them and tell me time, where the issue occured.
Sometimes a CHTStateLOG like described in 108f-posting can also be helpful.
Please use only attachments as default "zip", not "7z" or any other compression format.
What else is to be considered for feedback?
Please read at best this Link - it's very useful: -->Feedback hints<--
I only want to use CHTS for... (save Layout or Wall-Changer or NoData...)
Then at best read the QuickManual. CHTS is like a "swiss knife" - you can also use only one or some feature(s).
How shall I start, if I have no clue of a scheduler, but I like to have some different configurations.
At best - also Start with QuickManual and then read the CHTS-Manual to learn more. You will see - it's not difficult.
Link: ->Quick Manual<-
I see some strange IDS_BLABLA things? Or some english words as while I use another language
Do you have choosen your Language or checked if this language-file is from a former version?
How to reset my settings?
Delete or rename chtssettings.xml on storage card and reinstall the latest .cab of CHTS
Sense "hangs" / "stuck" while restart
Please try other power settings. It's ROM-/Device-/Manila-dependent, how are e.g the suspend timeouts and other things are. So recommended is in Settings -> Powering the value "smooth powering", if e.g. "very smooth" doesn't work.
Also check your suspend settings and try to increase them a bit and look, if you have system apps running or in startup-folder, which could interfere.
Will it also work when no SD Card available (only internal storage)?
Yes, but not recommended. You will get an error message, that SD-Card can't be found. Say Retry and yes - until you are in main menu of CHTS. Then go to Settings->Misc and switch "Only SD Card allowed" to off and apply this.
Then call again CHTS - then choose a new location for storage card to a valid directory, which has at least 5 letters! So far CHTS finds no SD-Card or you are in cradle as USB-Stick, it will temporary save to \NoSD\, which you can afterwards delete or rename to a valid name.
I got a .net Message but not much details
Please apply NETCFv35.Messages.ENU.wm.cab *from here* and read the postings around it.
Old question for Loco 1.00: I get "can't save / load settings, error #xxx..." (and use Location-Feature of CHTS)
If you have Locations assigned to profiles - perhaps you used CHTSLoco 0.85xmas-beta before - in Location names are NO Spaces and special signs allowed. So use only a-z,A-Z,0-9 and nothing else. e.g. "MyPlace" is allowed but NOT "My Place" or "My-Place". So also NO Spaces. This is derived from the internal database behaviour of Loco - but shouldn't be hard, as the name is more internal.
You can use the Rename-Feature in CHTSLoco to rename this Location to an allowed name. Loco 1.00 is checking the name now, if it's allowed
I see "white squares" instead of some of my quicklinks or freelinks?
This is because of the "jumping quicklinks"-issue - and I estimate, you have flashed the ROM and applied a LAyout of the former ROM. There it can be, that some Linsk are not the same. Contact Links are anyway not saveable (they use an unique ID), but for the Links: Simply delete them and apply them again and overwrite the Layout.
My widgets are not fully restored
Compare with "Known issues" in Post #1: An American Time Zone Format-Problem: CHTS suggests as Layoutname by Menu a name with date in format "Layout_yy/mm/dd" - but the "/" are interpreted as subdirectories - so the Layout isn't fully restoreable (mostly widget files). So please in direct save of Layout by menu: Rename default Layout Name to something without "/" or "\" inside. Will be fixed in next version
If I save a Baseline, will I get a security check Message?
No - you will only be remembered to do it. Later I will add a Box, but not necessarily. Only if you already saved a Baseline, then you will be asked, if you want to overwrite it.
What's the different between a Baseline and a saved Layout?
The Baseline is remebered by CHTS, that you should do it as fallback, if you later mess up your Sense. It hase a special name (ROM-Name, CHT-Version) and it is checked against a new ROM-Flash and a new installation of CHT. But it doesn't save your Quicklinks and Freelinks. Also a Baseline automatically backuped by CHTS after a new ROM or CHT-Version.
A Layout saves all - so also Quick-and Freelinks with a name, which you can choose free.
And what's the difference between saving a Layout as "standard" and as "extended"?
There are 2 different definition possibilities, what CHTS shall save. One is for the HomeTab, so all Links, Outfit, applied Skins, WIDGETS,... are saved - that's "standard". "extended" is for saving a whole Sense-Theme, so if e.g. a Theme-Creator writes in his thread "CHTS-compatible" - then he defined a special file for CHTS, which also consists each Sense-Graphic (Manila-File, .png's, reg-settings,...) - so that the whole Sense in all Tabs are saved.
Can I activate a Profile in automatically mode more than one time a day?
Yes, but the system of timing the schedule is different and (We hope also for you) more near to reality scheduling, so just RTFM for know how to.
Are the Layouts, which are shown in the screenshot, also in CHTS-.cab-File?
No, then it would be a very big .cab These are examples, you can schedule EACH Layout. If you know what I mean, if you have made your personal Sense-Layout(s) : WYSIWYG
I get a .net error, that a .xml is not readable, mostly see "FillFromManilaFiles" somewhere in this message
Please copy all \windows\chtwidget*.xml to your storage card and then try to open them with Internet Explorer. If all are ok, then you can read all of them. If not, then one of these .xml's is corrupt.
You can also look where it is corrupt - just copy it then to PC and use there Internet Explorer or XML-Reader-App - it will tell you the corrupt line.
The .xml's origins from CHT or one of the widgets - so please feedback which .xml makes problems. And tell this to the Creator of the Widget and feedback also in CHTS-thread.
Read Whitepaper in Post #6 to learn more, how CHTS internally works and how to make a Widget or Theme switchable.
Can I schedule my wallpaper of my WinMo-Lockscreen?
Yes, simply schedule the Today-Wallpaper.
My today wallpaper doesn't change
try 3 things:
- delete st_water...-graphics completely with total commander in windows
then try again
- if that doesn't help: copy st_water out of windows to main root and copy it back
then try again
- apply a new .tsk (theme) in home settings of windows mobile and choose any wallpaper with .jpg
then try again
I have a problem with Wallpaper Scheduling
Please activate CHTS-Logging, this also loggs Wall-Changes, to find in:
CHTS Main Settings -> Misc
All Logs are to find in \<storage card>\_CHTScheduler\Logging
Please .zip this Logg-Directories and attach them to your issue-post.
What's the difference between "initially" and "permanently" in data?
Initially means, that only at the moment the profile gets active, the settings are applied. e.g. if you initially activate GPRS you can switch it off and on afterwards while this profile is active.
Permanently means settings, which are valid while this profile is active. if you e.g. choose there "GPRS not allowed(No Data)" - then no App or even you can activate it, while this profile is active.
Whats the difference between flightmode,phone and network?
Flightmode: Switches off/on Phone and Data-Connection. It needs a PIN to get it switched on.
Phone: Switches off the Phone. It also needs a PIN to get it switched on.
Network: This is the most recommended feature of this 3. It does almost the same as Flightmode (also in Battery usage also low like Flightmode) and switches off Phone- and Network-Connection. You perhaps see in some taskbars instead of a cross another symbol, which say, that no network is found. But the best: IT NEEDS NO PIN TO REACTIVATE! (and it was not easy to implement)
So I mostly recommend "Network" for Scheduling with CHTS - because of this very nice feature. "Phone" and "Flightmode" are only inside, because you are used to that
only as hint: In airplane use "flightmode" - not because "network" wouldn't be good - I only don't know, if WinMo has something special for some device also to lower down something, which is triggered by Flightmode
I have activated GPRS and Wifi initially, but after switch to profil it doesn't change, why? (also Sense-settings, GPRS-NoData,...)
Have you seen that some items are "3-state-toggles" ? In manual you see what exactly they do and how they work. Simply make ensure that on left side the icon is enlighted, that CHTS knows, that this should be changed
I have problems with 2G/3G-Toggle
Have you installed WMLongLife?
And if yes: IS it configured like the recommendations? Otherwise please scroll up here in Post #2 to "Configuration"
I have defined "Work4Me" from 8am to 4pm and "EnjoyTheSilence" from 7am to 5pm" - why it doesn't switch to Work4Me?
Because the Profile, which is nearer to bottom of the list, has a higher priority. So EnjoyTheSilence has a higher priorization and "overlays" Work4Me totally. Read Manual to learn more. It's intuitive, as soon as you know it.
My Profile hasn't switched (Location also used)
This can have much reasons - you have much options to take influence to Switching. Also there are option, where Timed Profiles should be ignored in know Locations and so on. Nevertheless: We need Logging of CHTS and CHTSLoco. You could also look inside this Logg - it's quite easy to read, why a Location wasn't changed due to a special settings. The Loggs are name by the time. So e.g. 110753.345.txt: this was 11:07,53 seconds.345milliseconds on this day created. Just sort it by date/time in your Explorer to find the newest Logg.
If you have no clue: Attach the Loggs of CHTS & Loco together with your chtssettings.xml to the thread here.
If I install other CHTS icons (cab) and then want to change back to the original ones, will simply uninstalling the cab do the job?
No, it will uninstall properly, but leave you without the icons. We highly recommend also downloading for this purpose the "standard CHTS icon set.cab" to be able to restore the original icons without having to re-install CHTS...
Is there already a possibility to switch to a profile by Quicklink or so?
Yes, it is - but at the moment you must create this quicklink on your own:
<program path>\CHTScheduler\CHTSwitchGui.exe -switchbyuser:sparetime
would switch to SpareTime (please use lower-case).
In one of next versions you can choose these quicklinks directly to apply by CHT Menu
I have a new CHT-Version, why is there no new CHTS?
Because CHTS is configured by CHT to know the basic settings, e.g. for saving Layout. So CHTS is automatically compatible to the lates CHT.
CHTS is only updated because of more features for you or fixing issues - so it's independent of CHT-Version.
CHTS cause drain or it causes Sense to stuck while e.g. looking video
CHTS has no permanently running app, therefore it almost can't cause drain. Also the Wallpaper-Changer is very energy-friendly, but it's better to use a profile, which doesn't schedule the Wallpaper within the next 2 hours, if you look a Video, that no stuck can occur. Better look if you had fixed CHT with at least the chtstate108f - Fix (it's also to find in Post #1 for download as .cab)
Why doesn't CHTS gives me MessageBoxes which always asks me, if I use my device at the moment as USB-Stick?
Because the Settings file as well as your Layouts are saved to storage card. And if you connect it as USB-Stick, WinMo denies your Device the access to it. If you'd use ActiveSync instead of this, it would work without any MessageBox-Reminder.
I have a wish or just want to say thank you
then just write this in the thread - I'm certainly pleased
I could kiss you for this free software.
Send me a photo of you before
I found a BUUUUG
Oh, how horrible. That almost can't be - CHTS has almost only 100.000 LOC at the moment, so I don't think that in this little app is a bug
(btw: I prefer the word "issue" as long we're not sure if the problem is not-RTFM or the problem is between the chair and the touchscreen, but now serious: Please describe it as exact as possible, perhaps with screenshots and version informations of your device)
I have a short d.ck
Let CHTS cause your handy scheduled vibrate in your trousers front bag (or tell me another BUUUUG)
#3 Additional Downloads - Manuals + more Languages + some Addies:
Quicklinks- & Toggles - List:
CHTS Basic Links:
Switch Profile: Shows the current profile and in automatic mode also the next switch time. Calls SwitchGui to change profile on-the-fly.
Switch Mode: Shows the current mode (manually, semi-auto, auto). Calls Windows to switch mode on-the-fly
Refresh Profile: Refreshs / updates the current profile
Switch Wallpapers: Shows in wallpaper scheduling mode the next time, when wallpapers of current profile will be switched. On pressing this change will be done immediately
Location: Shows current Location of the device like configured in CHTSLoco. Calls Loco on press.
Update Location: Re-Computes current Location. If a new Location is discovered, the configured reactions of CHTS and Loco will be triggered.
Loco Reminder: Calls Loco Reminder directly, that new Messages can be fast added for the Location(s)
CHTS Toggles:
Wifi on standby: (De)Activates Wifi also while Backlight is off and shows the current state.
Network: (De)Activates Network and shows the current state. This is quite the same as Flightmode, but doesn't need a PIN to be activated. Shows also the current state.
No Data: (De)Activates all accesses via GPRS to the internet. So if this is off, no application or Sense is able to start GPRS and does unwanted connections. Shows also the current state.
Automatic Backlight: (De)Activates automatic backlight handling of Windows Mobile. You can save much battery by setting the backlight on your own with the backlight quicklinks / by profile. Shows also the current state.
Proximity on Lock: (De)Activates proximity sensor, if device is locked (mostly by CHT Lockscreen). So if device is locked, the proximity sensor is looking, if your device is e.g. in the pocket and switches backlight immediately off in this case. Shows also the current state.
chtstate logging: (De)Activates Logging of CHT. There is much to find out, if you have any issue. The Logs will be written to SD-Card to "chtstateLOG"-directory. This can be uploaded as zipped file to CHT-thread or just look on your own in this Logg to find reasons for any issues. Shows also the current state.
Toggle 2G/3G: Toggles between 2G (red light) and 3G (green light). It's needed to install WMLongLife, that his toggle works. Shows also the current state.
Location Activation: (De)Activates Location Awareness of CHTS / Loco on-the-fly. So if toggle is off (red), no Location switch will occur. Shows also the current state.
Wall change act.: (De)Activates Wallpaper scheduled changes for the current profile, e.g. if you like to keep the current wall for a longer time or won't to be disturbed by a change. Shows also the current state.
CHTS Profile jumps:
Jumps to Day, Night, SpareTime, Silence,... on-the-fly and switches to manually mode. So you can fast activate each profile by Quicklink
CHTS Additional Links:
Automatically Mode: Switch to auto-mode
Semi-Auto-Mode: Switch to semi-auto-mode (only Day&Night)
Manually Mode: Switch to manually mode
Forlayer visibility: Shows/Hides current Forelayer, if you defined one.
New Forelayer/new Home Wall/new Lock Wall/New Today Wall: Like these quicklinks are named - a new wall will be chosen. If nothing is defined in current profile as directory, it will use the configured default directory in CHTS for the certain wall and chooses there a wall randomly
Auto Backlight On: Enables Windows Mobile automatic backlight handling
Backlight --: Deacreases Backlight one step
Backlight ++: Increases Backlight one step
Backlight low: Sets Backlight to low (saves much battery)
Backlight medium: Set Backlight to medium, which is mostly enough also in the sun
Backlight high: Sets highest possible backlight level
3G-auto switch: Sets 3G to Auto-mode, what means, that WinMo is choosing because of the reception, if 3G or 2G is activated. Needs WMLongLife installed.
3G-only switch: Sets 3G only, what means, that 3G is always activated. Needs WMLongLife installed.
2G-switch: Sets 2G only, what means, that "G is always activated. Needs WMLongLife installed.
Save Layout: Jumps directly in the Save-Mask of CHTS, that you can fast save your current Layout
Restore Layout: Jumps directly to the Mask with already saved Layout to switch to this Layout.
CHTS Wallpaper Links:
First Walls: Chooses for all types of Wallpapers the first file (alphabetically order) in the current directory of the profile
Last Walls: Chooses for all types of Wallpapers the last file (alphabetically order) in the current directory of the profile
New Walls 1,10,100 forward / 1,10,100 back: forwards/rewinds all current configured Walls 1 or 10 or 100 pics forwards/backwards in alphabetically order
Home Wall 1,10,100 forward / 1,10,100 back: forwards/rewinds current Wall of Hometab 1 or 10 or 100 pics forwards/backwards in alphabetically order
Lock Wall 1,10,100 forward / 1,10,100 back: forwards/rewinds current Wall of Lockscreen 1 or 10 or 100 pics forwards/backwards in alphabetically order
Forlayer 1,10,100 forward / 1,10,100 back: forwards/rewinds current ForeLayer 1 or 10 or 100 pics forwards/backwards in alphabetically order
Today 1,10,100 forward / 1,10,100 back: forwards/rewinds current Today-Wall (this is also the wall of Start Menu and WinMo-Lockscreen) 1 or 10 or 100 pics forwards/backwards in alphabetically order
Home Wall/Lock Wall/All Tabs Wall/Lock Wall/Forelayer/Today wall random: Chooses for that a new random file in the configured directories
if you want to translate CHTS in your own language, then you can use this template files:
>language_default.txt (2.25)<
>languageloco_default.txt (1.05)<
All languages are possible, not only the Sense ones. please save it by unicode and attach it to this thread.
Arabic by alisultan
Dutch by Bimmer (in CHTS .cab)
German by Bonito77 & saugbaer (in CHTS .cab)
German(Bavarian) by MD (in CHTS .cab)
French by Ric69 (in CHTS .cab)
Hungarian by p34cdc2 (in CHTS .cab)
Italian by Paspa86 (in CHTS .cab)
Russian by vadim_bogaiskov (link 2 post)
Spanish by BHS Interceptor (in CHTS .cab)
Swedish by Leffe T (link 2 post)
Traditional Chinese by Baristaart (in CHTS .cab)
Additional Manuals in not-english languages
Quick Manual in GERMAN from Saugbaer :*Post with german Quick Manual* *Direct download Quick Manual German*
Quick Manual in SPANISH from BHS Interceptor :*Post with spanish Quick Manual* *Direct download Quick Manual Spanish*
#4 Graphics
App icon sets
(click on picture to go to the download post) :
"Billy's" Full-Icon-Set of ForgetfulGuru - newest for 2.25 & Loco
"Chrome" Full-Icon-Set of yaMoPkoBka - new for 2.25 & Loco
Shadowed Semi-Transparent default icons of santodd040
Awesome "Colored" Icons of Dunc001
Quicklink "silver" Icons of saugbaer
"Anastasia Style" Icons of jsmccabe78 - updated now for 2.15&2.16
Themes / Modifications which uses directly CHTS for sharing:
3 CHTS Layouts - Orange Street - by conantroutman
TroutMob Cubism by m0bmentality
several graphics:
Here's some Banners for you from santod040. Thanx for it!
#5 AddOns (Weather Walls, Forelayers,...)
Forelayers - which can be set by CHTS to be semi-transparent over your HomeTab & Lockscreen:
Forlayers from Bonito77:
Weather Wallpapers - which you can use for 9-pics-Wallpaper-Changing and of course how to do your own.
New Links of sv0911- 44-pics - Wallpapers:
(thanx stathis95194 for upload!)
For more 44 wallpapers - just use the same as for Titanium Weather or S2U2 walls of sv0911, e.g.:
Just attach your own creations in this thread or make a new thread, where I can collect it here.
Here's for you from great guys the 9-picwalls:
The great special design of sv0911
[Download -> "Burning Sun" 480x800 of sv0911 <-]
(little hint: These wallpapers are .png's - so if you use wallpaper changer, you can see your wallpaper below - e.g. from AllTab
The great special design of m0bmentality & conantroutman's Street Orange
[Download -> "TroutMob" 480x800 <-]
[Download -> "TroutMob" 960x800 <-]
The other extraordinary Weather wallpapers of sv0911
(posted originally in http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=8369937&postcount=182 :
SV0911 Nightcoloured with the images on top:
SV0911 Nightcoloured with the images on bottom
so that they appear under the flipclock:
SV0911 Fantasy Flash with the images on top:
SV0911 Fantasy Flash with the images on bottom
so that they appear under the flipclock:
SV0911 Crystal Sky (crazy lensflare...) with the images on top:
SV0911 Crystal Sky (crazy lensflare...) with the images on bottom
so that they appear under the flipclock:
#6 Hints for Widget-/Theme-Creators and ROM-Cooks
Here are all informations, you need to know, so that you can make your own Widget or whole Sense-Theme saveable and so switchable by CHTS.
Also how to cook it into a ROM.
I made it as a Whitepaper with all the internals, how CHTS works and interacts with CHT:
->Whitepaper for Widget-/Theme-Creators and ROM-Cooks<-
You can indeed preconfigure your ROM with different Layouts and much more. So also in ROM cooking you can now have your ideas
If you need further informations, feel free to ask here in thread.
#7 Screenshots
#8 former changelogs
* original screenshots of CHT v2.0-Home Tabs - thx 2 conantroutman, m0bmentality, saugbaer, poyensa
Changelog 2.25 (and Loco 1.05) :
- Hometab-saving massively improved! Also basic Theme-Saving! Thanx to BHS Interceptor for this outstanding work to create the necessary new xml-files for that! As user you won't see any differences in CHTS, but you will see it if you save/restore your Hometab, your Theme. Also compatible to the newest Sense-Versions.
- Sense SDK 2.50 integrated. Thanx to ebhoelzner for this update. The UI of CHTS/SwitchGui/Loco works smoother and much fixes. There are some other little new issues with this new SDK, but there is always found a workaround, so you will "feel" the improvement
- LocoReminder! You can add Reminders according to the Location. You will find it in left softkey menu of Loco: You can add any Message to any Location. If you reach this Location, you will be reminded by Loco. This is nice, only some examples:
... you go to supermarket later and want to be reminded to buy Bananas
... you must be reminded to do something in work, while you are anywhere else, so just write it there... next time at work, you will be reminded by Loco
.... or in the other way, if you have something to do at Home or so.
You will be reminded by Sense Message Box or by Notification Bubble (which you know from e.g. Appointments or missed SMS) - so as long as you don't close it, you can access this message by tapping on system tray. Also you can get a vibration for extra reminding.
It is quick accessible also by a new Quicklink.
... I think it's easy to understand... you will see
- EMail-Synchronisation by Profile Change. - to find in 3rdPartyApps. Now you can let CHTS synchronize your Mails, when you want! Not this ... windows settings each 2, 4 hours or one day and at night your phone starts email synchronization sometimes. No - now with switching by profile. And like you know: Profile switching is by time, so you can say exactly, when Email has to be synchronized. And by Location... so if you have a Mail Account for Work... then let it synchronize while coming to work and the other Account while you're at home or whatever you want Oh: Seperately for each Email-Account, which you have configured.
All is made in background (developed fully in C, so also no interference like you e.g. know from other synchronizers, which switch to Email for synchronizing or so)
- Timed Switch now combinable with Location! In each profile, where you can define the times, you can now add up to 3 valid locations, where this switch shall occur. If you are not in one of the Locations at the time it shall switch - the time switch will be ignored. IF you come then a bit later to this Location, then CHTS will recognize this and will do this time switch later, when you really need it.
One example, for what this is nice: You define a usual time for work and only then you want Work4Me as PRofile. But you defined a Location "Work" as only allowed Location for Work4Me. So if you have free and you don't go to work, CHTS won't change to Work4Me. And if you come later to work, the time switch will be done then, if you arrive at work
Easy to configure and understand... but much possibilities
- Loco Locations can now be named in each Language! Reworked the whole database of Loco, so that this is possible now. Therefore this database is not compatible with 2.20, it is needed to reassign the Locations to Profiles in CHTS.
- Kill Executeable with profile switch (to find in "Execute Apps"-Section of each profile). I think not much to say, only that call parameter are ignored and you have a checkbox to switch between Execute-&Kill-Add-Mode there. So if you are nerved by some running apps in background.. just kill it
- New Option for Wallpapers: Switching S2U2-Walls (initial, scheduled, weather). This is provided as feature, which has still to be tested by the users. Please feedback, if all is working fine.
- New Quicklinks: Save Layout, Restore Layout, Loco Reminder. For the full list of all Quicklinks look to Post #3: -->to List of all Quicklinks & Toggles<--
- New CHTS Layout-Logging - all files, which are not copied are logged together with the reason, why. Settings in Misc of Main Settings underneath usual CHTS-Logging. Also added Button to delete this Loggs older than 1 day. Logg-Files for Profile Switch are to find in <storage card>\_CHTScheduler\Logging\CHTS_RestoreSense
- improved: Layout-Switching (also for all the others like ps4, Theme, Sense) - re-written main parts of algorithm to copy things over. There were differences e.g. in compare to Full-Sense Restore and some more things. Result: More stable Sense after Layout switch and improved check, if file has to be copied or not.
- much fixes and internal improvements. Too much to list all the single things.
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Changelog 2.20:
Changelog CHTS 2.20 - Layout-Saving :
- improved / faster Full Sense-Saving
- improved algorithm for Restory Layouts/Sense
- additional informations about Layout saving
- new "Beta-Mode" to access Full-Theme-Saving and some more options for prepare4share
- prepare4share: You can define special options as Skinner, which extracts special files to saves out of windows or an already saved Layout.
- much more... you will see
Changelog CHTS 2.20 -Switch Layouts :
- improved reliability of Layout-switching
- fixed some important thing, where Layout switching didn't work in 2.16
- added Theme-Switching possibility as one additional option in Beta-Mode
Changelog CHTS 2.20 - Quicklinks :
- more Links/Toggles for controlling Backlight
- new Links/Toggles to control Location awareness for CHTSLoco
- new 2G/3G-Toggle and -Quicklinks (needs WMLongLife)
- much Links to control your Wallpaper:
-- different Links for the different wall-parts of your Sense (HomeTab, AllTab, Landscape, Lockscreen, Today,...)
-- Alphabetically ++ / -- Quicklinks: +/-1, +/-10, +/-100 for this wall-parts as well as for alltogether
-- Random- Links for this wall-parts as well as for alltogether
-- Jump to first/last wall in current directory
-- If no directory is defined by the current profile, CHTS will take the default Wallpaper-Dirs of CHTS-Settings (also new)
- All Profiles have an own quicklink, so that you can fast change your Profile without needing to call CHTSwitchGUI
- Location Quicklinks are now also updated in background, if Location changes (CHTSLoco)
Changelog CHTS 2.20 - Wallpaper :
- new Settings: Default Wallpaper-Directories. This will be taken by the Quicklinks, if there is no directory defined for this Wallpaper-Type in your current Profile
- Wallpaper-Switching according to the current Weather now for more types of Wallpapers
- "All Landscape" as general Wallpaper-Type added
- Wallpapers can be sorted randomly, alphabetically or by Windows (alphabetically or by date, depends on your device)
- Wallpapers can be filtered - also with Wildcards. E.g. "B*.png" would only use ng-files, which are starting with a "B"
- Improved reliability of initial wallpaer switching after profile change
- Improved scheduled switching algorithm together with CHT-activity-report to intelligent Wall-switching
- Wallpaper-Change-Logging! If you activate CHTS-Logging, you will also get a Logging-Directory especially for Wallpaper-Changes
Changelog CHTS 2.20 - Settings for 24/7 and/or Profile :
- it's already updated in the general informations for Settings, so only short:
-- adjustable Data-Apps for BT,GPRS,WiFi,... with Test-Button
-- Third-Party-Apps-Control
-- Sounds now also for SMS, Remnders, SMS, Mail, Voicemail settable
-- Popups for Reminders configurable
-- Quicklinks for the most useful new features added
-- much more... you will see
Changelog CHTS 2.20 - Profile Scheduling :
- Change Profile because of Location!!! (CHTSLoco needed)
- Totally rewritten Code for changing Profile (~4000 lines of Code in C) - to be reliable and avoiding side-effect. Also to be extendable for upcoming Events
- much more Main-Settings to adapt Profile Switching to your purposes, e.g. while Soft-Reset, new Powering, reapply icons or files, Data, timeouted MessageBox
- extended / adapted CHTSwitchGui & Timeouted Profile Mode
- so much more, but all is good to understand, I think. In Beta-Tests there were not much questions to understand all without any consulting of manual.
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Changelog 2.16:
Please also compare with Changelog of 2.15 in Post #8
- Fixed Timouted mode - now should work as intended
- New option in Menu: Backup whole Sense ! Your complete Sense together with Layout and Quicklinks-Settings is backuped now. So if nothing more help and your Sense is broken - then this could beware you of a Hard Reset.
The Backup-Files of Sense will be zipped - so they only need <20 MB on your Storage card. On HD2 with Class6-SD-Card the Backup needs ~ 3 minutes.
The restoring takes longer - but this is because it is made "intelligent" - it doesn't only write back the files. It also checks if the ROM-files are better than the saved file and restores only that, what you need to get a clean install. Also it checks for Widgets-consistency and restores the Layout which you have saved with your Sense Backup. No need to apply a .cab for Skinning afterwards again
- Widgets & other internal things of CHT ("slots") are now saved to Baseline, Layouts and Full-Sense-Backup. If there are Widgets, which makes problems for you, you can also now revert back to the previous state. I hope the most not so clean written widgets are so really kicked out and doesn't interfere your Sense again.
- Added new feedback counters in CHTSScheduler and CHTSwitchGui, how much files are already stored / restored. Nothing more to explain - you will see it
- Changed behaviour for Exiting CHTS. Now no more "Save AND Apply" - you still get 2 Message Boxes... the first for Saving, but the second is no more an OK-Message, it will ask you, if you also want to apply the new Settings. So you can save new Settings, but you aren't forced anymore, that they are immediately applied. You can apply them also later by again calling CHTS or simply Reload Profile-Quicklink
- some other Fixes because of your Feedbacks and the tests of CHTS group
- Only as Hint: CHTS_Links_0215.cab is still the latest and full compatible to CHTS 2.16.
To CHTS Beta Team: thanx for all, mates!
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Changelog 2.15:
GENERAL (Highlights) :
- NEW CHT-Quicklinks, e.g. for Backlight, System-Toggles, Direct-Change of Profile or Mode,.. Details see above in changelog
- New Profiles - now up to 21. Added "WakeMeUp", "AfterNoon" and also Special1-9 - all of course renameable and possible to make it invisible.
- Languages updated, in .cab already included: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Hungarish, Bavarian, Dutch, Traditional chinese.
- For more Languages look into Post #3
If you want to translate to your language - just use *the language_default.txt as template*
- Forelayer switching - also for semi-transparent weather graphics!
- CHTMaster-Controlling app is now direct connected to CHT and chtstate while reapplying Profile/Layout
- CHTSettings now can be saved & restored!!! New option in left Menu
- Added save of the Weather graphics (as CHTTheme_...) - so you can also save Weather skins like Atmosfere for a Layout/Profile
- new System-Audio setting: RINGTONE - now your profiles sounds different
- Great Quicklink-/Toggle-Graphics by santod040 - EYE-Candy on all light/dark/colored backgrounds! Great work - thanx Santod!!!
MUCH MORE CHANGES, IMPROVEMENTS - you will see & feel them...
- NEW CHT-Quicklinks & Toggles:
- CHTS Basic Links:
These are the 4 well-known Links of "CHTScheduler"-category. Anyway I have them here, because here they are named now also by language-file of CHTS. So in next CHT-version they can be left out.
- CHTS toggles:
-- Wifi on Standby
-- Network
-- No Data
-- Proximity on Log
-- chtstate logging
-- -- Auto-Backlight toggle (switches on and off)
- CHTS Profile Jumps
Direct Links to all Profiles -> SaveMyDay-NoData
- CHTS Special Profile Jumps
Direct Links to all "Special"-Profiles 1-9
- CHTS Additional Links:
-- Automatic Mode
-- Semi-Auto-Mode
-- Manually Mode
-- Forelayer visibility (shows or hides Forelayer - you will have fun )
-- New Forelayer
-- New Home Wall
-- New Lock Wall
-- New Today Wall (remark: All "walls" won't change the normal timeout - and they only work of course, if you schedule this wall in this profile)
-- Auto Backlight (switches automatic Backlight on)
-- Backlight --
-- Backlight ++
-- Backlight low
-- Backlight medium
-- Backlight high
-- automatic backlight via Lightsensor (Lightsensor is NOT proximity sensor ), it's anyway the usual Sense behaviour that it's on
-- backlight (10-100%, recommend 20-40%)
-- backlight on AC
-- Backlight off after xx sec/min (and not the ugly Sense steps, now you can choose 20,30,40 seconds
-- Backlight off on AC after xx sec/min
-- Suspend Device after xx sec/min/hour (please look, if too short times interferes Layout switching)
-- Suspend Device on AC after xx sec/min/hrs
-- Backlight Hardware Keys timeout (works not on all devices, ROM-/Device-dependency)
-- Checkbox in Backlight-settings -you can also only set the timeouts without changing the Backlight. (Could be also good e.g. for Lumos )
-- And also Quicklinks for them, like already mentioned.
- New Power Mode "Regular Powering" while changing Layout/Profile. This mode is not compareable with the others. It's a new method, which only prevents in 2 very nice ways the device to be powered: It runs in a half-powered mode, but with Backlight on and uses special WinMo6-Event to keep it alive, that it doesn't stuck while unattended Layout change. Please try it all and tell me, what you see. In our massive test, it was to see, that this mode should also work good for ROMs with stranger Power settings
- Reworked "Full Power Mode" - it uses not only Full Power, it also uses the same Event now to work more reliable for it. But the device is full-powered, too.
- "Regular Power" only for MessageBoxes also as new option.
- In Menu "Layout saving" - now also saving can be for HomeTab or the whole Theme ("Standard" and "Extended")
- new Settings-Options "Folders"
- Initial Forelayer Switching
- Scheduled Forelayer switching
- Weather Wallpapers also for Forelayers
- TODAY Wallpaper switching improved
- Wallpaperr changing also more reliable, also if you change Layout and you set "Ignore Wallpapers" the Forelayer in Layout will not only
ignored - it will also removed. So if you haven't set in this new Profile a Forelayer initial/scheduling/weather, then it's away.
- Random algorithm extended for Wallpaper scheduling. Almost no more repetitions possible... "almost" means: If you have 1 wall only in this
directory... then it will be repeated
- Switch option: Change in Lock without Layout
And this could be a very beloved feature. Indifferent if you have a Layout or not assigned to your Profile - it will switch also if locked -
but only the profile.
Later then - if you unlock - it will switch the whole Profile together with Layout.Also I use a very special powering for it (also depends from "very smooth", "smooth", "regular" and "full") - but in a hidden mode if
locked. So in the most power modes without Backlight (for the experts: unattended mode with some device-specific "D0"'s )
- Switch option: Profile Change Delay Rate
This can be a Value between 1 and 40. Default is 10.
It means: CHTS does the changes for a profile sequentially and this must be controlled. Because if CHTS would do that, in dev-language C would come all changes within 10ms... there would also a HD2 has no chance
So - if you e.g. set it to 20 - the timeouts between the single changes is double delayed and so longer. The settings will last longer to be applied. If you set it to 5, the change will be faster.
Now the recommendation:
Use a longer timeout, if your settings e.g. for Sound are applied to early or if your device isn't fast enough for normal speed. Also for Layout changing it's better to use a longer value (ok... on HD2 also the shorter time is working fine )
Use a shorter timeout, if you mostly only change your Profile without Layout. Or if you change often in locked mode. There are the suspend timeouts others - and so a profile switch can "hang", if it takes too long. So try in this case not only another powering, also try a short value here.
- And also here Quicklinks for the Wallpapers, which are scheduled with your profile.
- RINGTONE now chooseable (Folders are defined in settings - for .wav and .wma
- New options (HTC-only) in system-wide settings (volume&Phone) :
-- Quieter ring on pickup phone
-- Ringing louder if device is in pocket
-- Short vibrate, if device is connected for a call
-- Reduce noise in call (nice option if you have to much disturbing background-noise)
- new Data Options for Bluetooth - now "Hidden" and "Visible" seperate options in Initial Data settings-- new Quicklinks and Toggles also changes according to your profile - so you can see, what you have setted
- Direct Layout save by Menu
- Save of the Weather graphics - so you can also save Weather skins like Atmosfere for a Layout/Profile
- Faster & Improved Restore
- Bug, that for american-data-format the initial suggested Filename for Layout was not working
- Bug, that unallowed signs for dates were allowed for LAyout-Name
- SD-Card-Names also now can be only 3 letters long, therefore Chinese SD-Cards haven't worked
- Permanent Data Settings for Roaming/GPRSoffifWifi/WifiOnIFPowered now all working more universally
- Adapted opmode-show to CHT final-notification
Therefore just: No more Issues found while the hard test of great CHTS Beta Team - thanx for all, mates!
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Changelog 2.10:
At first: ALL KNOWN BUGS FIXED! (see bottom of changelog for more details)
- LANGUAGE SUPPORT! All Language possible. Already included: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Hungarish.
If you want to translate to your language - just use *the language_default.txt as template*
- Renameable Profilnames. Use your own description for SaveMyDay, GoodNite,... also you can choose in Settings, if the original profilname should be in Line 1 or 2
- All Icons now skinable! Also 3 different skins for CHTS available - thanx to Santod040, Dunc001 and saugbear!
- New much more eye-candy icons for quicklinks and top-bar-Links as default skin of Santod040
- New QUICK MANUAL if you want use only one feature of CHTS (e.g. Wallpaper switching or Sense Saving) or smooth learn, how to get familar with CHTS
- Direct Layout & Baseline saving by Menu - no need to assign it to a Profile. See new Quick Manual how to use CHTS as your Sense Saver!
- Added FAQs to Post #2
- Fast and very reliable Switch in Automatic Mode. Hard tested by CHTS Beta group!
- Very much improved security against wrong settings, wrong apply of settings,...
- Settings now in finger-/eye-friendly sub-categories
- Choose of Language
- Choose of Storage Card-Location,if you have problems with SD-Card-Name: can be switched off.
- Profile Names+Comments for both Lines in Main Menu
- Ignore-Options for CHTS-Icons, CHTS-Topbar-Icons, saved Wallpapers, Op-Names in Layouts - so you can better choose, what should be restored / scheduled
- For slower devices you can define a timeout, where CHTS isn't allowed to start Sense twice (default: 1 minute)
- Delete Icon Cache improved
- TODAY Wallpaper switching (so also WinMo Wallpaper/Start Menu Background) - initial or scheduled
- Very wide wallpapers schedulable now, too
- Weather Wallpapers according to current weather made faster in reaction after Sense Weather update
- seperated "Initial" (=at start of profile) and "permanent" (=during whole time of profile) Data Settings
- GPRS always on
- more accurate NoData - so no GPRS connection possible, if this is active
- Direct Layout save by Menu
- Faster Restore
- Restoring only of Quicklinks or Quicklinks & Freelinks
- Correct time scheduling and schedule prediction
- .net-Errors for much cases (I don't want to tell 'em all )
- Timeouted Mode works accurate now
- Manually switching no more issues
- Sound settings apply after Sense Restart
- complete review und bugfixed the whole code (70000 LOC!)
- Power Settings improved
- Better interaction with chtstate
Therefore just: No more Issues found while the hard test of great CHTS Beta Team - thanx for all, mates!
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Changelog 2.02:
- FIX of 2.01: If you apply Baseline, then on some ROM's there was no possibility to add Freelinks anymore. This is fixed & tested now.
- Longer delay to apply sound settings, so they are set also after Sense Restart
- Longer delay to apply Sense/CHT settings, so they are set also after Sense Restart (e.g. state mode). Plz feedback with your device name, if delay is now good enough.
- No reapply of random wallpaper after Restart of Sense, if Timeout is not reached
- New settings (often wished and I forgotten in 2.01) : "Restart Sense always after profile change" now activateable in Settings. You will get a timeouted MessageBox, which will ask you, if you really want to restart Sense, so that you are not surprised while e.g. writing a SMS at this moment.
- New settings (because I liked the idea ) : "Show current profile name instead of Operator name" activateable in Settings. It works only with Sense Restart... but this you have now also as new feature also if you have a profile without assigned Layout
- Some little changes because of user wishes.
Of course nothing of your current settings of CHTS will be overwritten. Just install.
Changelog 2.01:
- some nice new features
- all bugs, which were posted *should* be soluted
- now really all Settings are by default "not active" - the start profile is always "SaveMyDay" - but also there nothing is active.
Sure - if you already had settings, then they are not lost - so only for new users. If you want to reset also your settings and CHTS is already installed - just delete before let CHTS running the file "CHTSSettings.xml" in your storage card -> "_CHTScheduler" and then run new installed CHTS the first time.
In Scheduling:
- new "input options" -> Copy Monday-Time to Tuesday-Friday or Tuesday-Sunday
- fixed manually Switch of Profile also without Layout
- time scheduling for automatic mode works now as intended (hard job, but now ok in test)
- time prediction is correct now
In Layout/Settings:
- Registry Home of Manila Quicklinks is renewed by Layout change, what means:
-- counteracts the "randomly moving quicklinks" in CHT. You need an assigned Layout (you can use for all the same) - in automatic mode it will be switched anyway - in manually mode just use "Reload profile"
-- No double Links possible because of their movement after Layout switch / refresh (exception: Contact Links)
- New Settings-Option "Don't change Quicklinks" - it's good as temporary mode - the quicklinks are not touched by a Layout change. So if you are about to add new quicklinks, switch this temporary on until you think, it's time to save a new Layout
- New Settings-Option "Delete Icon Cache" - if you use different Icons for your different Layouts, they are now refreshed after Sense Restart. So you can have the most different themes.
In System/Settings:
- new option "OneVolume" - CHTS detects your current state and use it as default. But now - if your ROM/Device can do it - you can toggle between "One Volume for System and Ringer" as well as "Different Volumes for System and Ringer". HINT: This doesn't work on all ROMS. If your device doesn't support it, this features doesn't take any affect.
- new option in Sound profiles "Automatic" - so if a calendar event is active, the internal winmo feature is used, that your device is vibrating. HINT: This doesn't work on all ROMS. If your ROM doesn't support it, then "automatic mode" acts like "Normal Mode"
- In Settings to find: "Reapply Sound after restart" - this means, if you switch your Layout or do a Sense Restart or a Soft-Reset - CHTS will re-apply your Sound-Settings. Sense originally reverts them, but not more no. Please check,if it's working on your device.
In Wallpapers:
- now "initial wallpapers" are working like intended
- wallpaper timeouts over 1 hour made "strange" re-scheduling time - not more now
In Powering:
- New Power-Mode "Very Smooth power for switch" - if this is enough for your device/ROM/Profiles/purposes, this is the most energy-friendly mode. Default is still "smooth power for switch". Just try it
- ActiveSync no more accidently disconnected while switching Layout in each power mode
- new Manual as new layouted .pdf-File - thanx to CLHatch for this great design. Now you can easier take the manual with you on your device.
- Thanx to our new great CHTS Group in About Box
- better MessageBox-message to understand, what CHTS want to do
- better Layout handling
- faster Profile switching without Layout
- different Lock-States considered
- new shorter, nicer vibrations
- Much more fixes and little features - I have forgotten, which they were exactly - it feels simply better while working in CHTS
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Great idea and great work. Looks fantastic
Waiting the public release
Damn, another "favorite" thread ... F5 F5 F5
Damn, I have no idea what this CHTS is
F5 F5 F5 Kidding, I just subscribed to this thread ;]
Jackos said:
Damn, I have no idea what this CHTS is
F5 F5 F5 Kidding, I just subscribed to this thread ;]
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Hi Jackos,
believe me... In the beginning i was a noob on CHTs with the first betas,
but now it save my life more then once at all tests about the 2.0 versions.
It is magic ... let it say with Queen: it's a kind of magic (sing)
Yes Mike, magic it is.
This app is very well put together and truly includes scheduling so many of the features of CHT and WinMo.
I have also been able to use this to save my butt a few times already in Beta stages, keeping me from having to hard reset because of messing up my sense layout.
Anyhow, congrats on the release Micha.
So... It's kinda a magic backup, do I get you right?
CHTSaver? Maybe CHTScheduler?
So tricky X_x
perhaps a little bit more like that But man... you're the first who soluted the riddle of the “S“
but santod made it easier to get on this But he made the major part of the graphics, so he is allowed to this hints
Totally confused X_X
So the S stands for Saver?
Maybe it restores original Sense state? So it restores all default settings xD
Dunno what it's exactly going to be, but I like the idea ;]
If the S would stand for Scheduler the app could change the home screen based on the time or whatever... This could be useful too... Or load different CHTE settings based on a rule.
So glad this is all out in the open!
Can I post my screen thread now? Lol....
Well done on all your hard work Michel, this is a fantastic app..
Sent From My Toaster Using A Tin Can And Some String
Maybe something to explain what CHTS will be?
(ah, CHT beta thread spilled the beans... CHTSheduler it is )
Let the Server a little bit time to get cope with CHT-Release - as long.. perhaps the changed graphic in Post #1 will explain a little bit more about... CHTScheduler

