[APP][30-Oct-2010] SenseTasks v1.1.1 - Windows Mobile Apps and Games

SenseTasks is an application to manage your Outlook Tasks
This application intends to replace the original Windows Mobile task application, utilizing the SenseSDK to create a HTC Sense Look and Feel.
I created this application because the Windows Mobile task application is not very finger-friendly to use. Furthermore, the WM application didn't allow me to create new tasks on my HTC HD Mini with Windows Mobile 6.5.3. After experimenting with eboelzner's SenseSDK, I decided to create this application.
Many thanks to eboelzner for creating the fantastic SenseSDK!
CHT 1.8.5 Addon created by Co0kieMonster
to allow for an individual task to be directly opened for editing (instead of the tasks list) in the program you have chosen.
Download here (See original post in CHT topic)
For problems with this addon, please consult the CHT topic.
For support with how SenseTasks behaves, please use this topic.
Thanks a lot, Co0kieMonster!
New Version 1.1!
Translated files need to be adjusted to include new application strings.
Windows Mobile 6.x
.NET Compact Framework v3.5
Tested resolutions
Full Outlook/Exchange Synchronization
Task List View
Task Agenda View
Task Details View
Add Task
Edit Task
Delete Task
Co0kie's Home Tab automatic updating (thanks MichelDiamond!)
Editable Properties
Start Date
Due Date
Version 1.1
English (fallback language)
Czech (thanks xMareXx) - [download]
Dutch (thanks jan-willem3) - [download]
French (thanks thejameskiller) - [download]
Greek (thanks jolas) - [download]
Hungarian (thanks spamerr) - [download]
Italian (thanks steami) - [download]
Russian (thanks wire083) - [download]
Spanish (thanks icecubix2 / flipado) - [download]
Version 1.0.1
English (fallback language)
Czech (thanks xMareXx) - [download]
Dutch (thanks jan-willem3) - [download]
French (thanks netdrg) - [download]
Italian (thanks steami) - [download]
Polish (thanks mabussg) - [download]
Polish (thanks dmkpoznan) - [download]
Russian (thanks tor04) - [download]
Spanish (thanks flipado) - [download]
Turkish (thanks techmania) - [download]
To use additional languages, put the additional files into the "Localization" folder.
If you are interested in translating the tool, feel free to do so. Simply grab a language file from the "Localization" folder and replace the last to letters for the file name with the appropriate two-letter-ISO language name.
The list of categories is built by reading existing categories from all contacts, appointments and tasks. If a specific category is not parsed by SenseTasks, you can do the following:
1) Create a temporary task in Outlook and assign ALL categories to it
Insert them manually into the "Categories" section of the settings.xml of SenseTasks
2) Launch SenseTasks and go to Settings -> Reload Categories.
Command Line Parameters
SenseTasks.exe Command Line Parameters only executed on startup,
not when SenseTasks is already running
SenseTasksLauncher.exe Preferred .exe to start SenseTasks with command line parameters
and also control a running instance
-addtask Opens SenseTasks in "Add Task" Window
-oid [OID] Opens the task with the specified OID
-list Opens SenseTasks in List View
-agenda Opens SenseTasks in Agenda View
-nomainwindow In combination with -addtask and -oid doesn't show the SenseTasks main screen
Known Issues
OutOfMemoryException when there are too many tasks (I mean a lot of tasks). Nothing to do here except remove some tasks by, for example, filtering them.
Change Log
* CHT support compatible with v2.0
* CHT support - automatic updating of CHT tasks upon task changes. Thanks a lot to MichelDiamond for his support and expertise, as well as the CHT team for their cooperation!
* Category support - Grouping, filtering and assigning existing categories to tasks
* Startup Parameters - launch in "Create Task", "Show Task", "Agenda View" or "List View" - running instance controllable as well
* Sorted Agenda View by Importance
* Improved handling of start/due/reminder dates in "Edit Task"
* Application minimizable
* Cosmetic changes
* Bug fixing
* fixed start/due date conflicts
With new features there come new language strings. Translated language files will need to be updated in order to have full translation.
CHT 1.8.5 Addon created by Co0kieMonster
to allow for an individual task to be directly opened for editing (instead of the tasks list) in the program you have chosen.
Download here (See original post in CHT topic)
For problems with this addon, please consult the CHT topic.
For support with how SenseTasks behaves, please use this topic.
Thanks a lot, Co0kieMonster!
Co0kieMonster said:
Here's a little addon for CHT v1.8.5 that allows for an individual task to be directly opened for editing (instead of the tasks list) in the program you have chosen.
A little bit of manual reg editing is required though, read the instructions below.
1) Install the cab
2) [not required for SenseTasks]
3) If you're using SenseTasks or pTasks, they will be recognized by CHT, so the rest will be done automatically and you can finish up: restart sense.
4) [not required for SenseTasks]
5) Now restart sense.
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Click to collapse
See original post
If you like this software
Donations are appreciated!
You can also use the Donate button in the application under the About menu.
Please let me know how it works for you and how you like it!

Great program! Thanks for sharing!
Much better then TasksManila, very good Sense-interface!

Look first!!thanks!!!

Thanks for share!

Is there any option to add a parameter to open SenseTasks in 'New Task' screen (I want to use it in action screen)?

Thank you all!
jolas, no, for now I haven't included any parameters. But it's definitely a good idea. I will add that in the future.

Tumys said:
SenseTasks is an application to manage your Outlook Tasks
This application intends to replace the original Windows Mobile task application, utilizing the SenseSDK to create a HTC Sense Look and Feel.
I created this application because the Windows Mobile task application is not very finger-friendly to use. Furthermore, the WM application didn't allow me to create new tasks on my HTC HD Mini with Windows Mobile 6.5.3. After experimenting with eboelzner's SenseSDK, I decided to create this application.
Many thanks to eboelzner for creating the fantastic SenseSDK!
Windows Mobile 6.x
.NET Compact Framework v3.5
Tested resolutions
Full Outlook Synchronization
Task List View
Task Agenda View
Task Details View
Add Task
Edit Task
Delete Task
Editable Properties
Start Date
Due Date
English (fallback language)
If you are interested in translating the tool, feel free to do so. Simply grab a language file from the "Localization" folder and replace the last to letters for the file name with the appropriate two-letter-ISO language name.
Known Issues
OutOfMemoryException when there are too many tasks (I mean a lot of tasks). Nothing to do here except remove some tasks by, for example, filtering them.
Change Log
Fixed start/due date conflicts when editing
If you like this software
Donations are appreciated!
I'm not yet allowed to post outside links, so that I can place my Donate button here. If you want to donate, please use the Donate button in the application under the About menu.
Please let me know how it works for you and how you like it!
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Click to collapse
Definitely I like it!
I attach the Italian translation

Thanks a lot for sharing, steami! I can't yet post links, but I referenced you in the first post.

This is a great app! Thank you very much!
I will post issues or bugs if I can find some, but so far, so good!

Cool app!! I've been waiting and looking for something like this!! If you can add a category creation and sorting would make it perfect!! It runs smoothly and fast in my HTC HD2!!! Thanks a lot!!

looks good!
is there a chance to get a "group by..."-feature in a future release?
i am looking for task application atm, but it will be almost useless to me, if i cannot group by category...dmn, just scrolled up and the category is not editable.
well, still looks good

Translate for russian
Translate for russian

good job!thanks for sharing!

niiiice! it looks good. thanks! sorting by categories would be nice.

great app, much better than ptasks, wich btw went on marketplace few days ago, so this is No. 1 tasks app now.
i wold like to suggest one thing.
Make deletion of tasks easier. If i am not mistaken, now you have to select tasks, click options, select delete, and then confirm.
this is way too much steps if you have 10+ tasks, and want to delete them all at once.
thank you

sting.ray said:
looks good!
is there a chance to get a "group by..."-feature in a future release?
i am looking for task application atm, but it will be almost useless to me, if i cannot group by category...dmn, just scrolled up and the category is not editable.
well, still looks good
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Click to collapse
I agree, this app looks absolutely awesome however beeing able to sort by category is a must have for me. There are good commercial task apps out there but they generally replace your entire PIM. I've been looking for a handy task app like this for a while. Please consider adding the sort by category function.

Nice work. big thanks for this one.
gonna test it now.

Great application. would love to have multiple sort criteria in agenda mode. meaning task should be sorted by priority, which is a must for me.

very nice app!
'occurs' would be nice.
translate for polish

THANKS - good application, perfect sense style! Simply brlilant
This is what i was waiting for! Why doesn´t MS provide such things? Why do we need guys like this one to satisfy us customers?
Once again: Thank you!


[App][June 24 2009] iContact Avian Edition 7.0.6

Submit bugs on CodePlex: http://www.codeplex.com/iContactAE/WorkItem/List.aspx
Request features on CodePlex: http://www.codeplex.com/iContactAE/Thread/List.aspx
I will not fix bugs that are NOT in CodePlex (maybe). Sorry, but CodePlex just makes life much easier!
If anybody out there wants to help me, please PM me. I can easily add new people as contributors to the codeplex project. I really want help with this project!!! Thanks!
iContact AE is a branch of iContact, specifically branched from the final code by truburt that belonged to iContact BE.
iContact AE development is hosted on Microsoft's CodePlex. http://iContactAE.codeplex.com
Coming soon...
Skinning Guide
Needs to be updated and moved off Burt's site, but until then, here it is!
User Contributed Skins
Voyd Black (VGA) - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=543255
To Do
- Finger friendly configurator: Make sure all options are available in it
- Consistent number formatting (maybe) so it all shows up as (xxx) xxx-xxxx
- Suffix in details view too
- More actionable details items (google maps for address?)
- Category selection menu is not very friendly...
- Make use of HTC sensors - maybe the wheel can quickly scroll through the list and swiping left to right can change which number is in the list
- Customize order of items in bottom menu
- Details view needs a scroll bar just like the main view
- When doing a keyboard letter jump and then immediately going into a T9, it will still jump around by scrolling instead of being instant.
- With the "exit on action" option checked, calls initiated thru iContacts AE will INTERMITTANTLY cause the in-call screen to disappear
Current Version: 7.0.6
SEE SECOND POST (not enough room in top post)
Full changelog is included in installation
CAB Installer: http://www.codeplex.com/icontactae/Release/ProjectReleases.aspx
Source Code: http://www.codeplex.com/icontactae/SourceControl/ListDownloadableCommits.aspx
If anybody out there wants to contribute to this edition, I'm very open to it! We can use CodePlex as a central source repository and all develop on it to make this the best version of iContact! Contact me if you are interested.
Latest changes
Current Version: 7.0.6
- You can now disable iContact's ability to dial using the hardware phone dial key (the "green" button) and quit/minimize when pressing the hardware hangup (the "red" button). If, like me, you remap all your hardware buttons, including phone buttons, this will be most welcome. It is enabled by default since most people expect default behavior from those buttons. See below for information about the setting.
- New setting: EnablePhoneKeyHook = Enables hardware phone key support above (enabled by default) <-- Anybody who can add this to the help for other language files (non-english), please PM me the new .clng file.
- Added USSD support for dialing star (*) numbers on phone systems that support it. THIS IS ENABLED BY DEFAULT since it is supported on most networks. Contributed by Constantin Lushnikov.
- New setting: EnableUSSDStarDialing = Enables USSD support (above) <-- Anybody who can add this to the help for other language files (non-english), please PM me the new .clng file.
- Added better birthday / anniversary support. Contributed by Constantin Lushnikov.
- Added the ability to set the ringtone from within iContact AE. Note: Press and hold to clear a custom ringtone. Contributed by Constantin Lushnikov.
- New language file entry (.lng file): selectringtone - Text displayed when selecting a custom ringtone <-- Anybody who can add this to the help for other language files (non-english), please PM me the new .lng file.
- New language file entry (.lng file): ringtonesavefailed - Text displayed when a ringtone cannot be set <-- Anybody who can add this to the help for other language files (non-english), please PM me the new .lng file.
- New language file entry (.lng file): noringtone - Text displayed when the default system ringtone is being used for a contact (no custom ringtone) <-- Anybody who can add this to the help for other language files (non-english), please PM me the new .lng file.
- There are new skin icons associated with the custom ring tone, anniversary, and birthday. All built-in skins have been updated. These are "small icons." Look at the bottom of the default.skn file for skinning info on these icons.
- New skin contribution: OSX Colored.
- If you add a number to a new or existing contact after receiving/making calls from that number, the entry in the call history will now be updated with the correct name in the main list (it always did link to the correct item in the details). This overrides the entry that is actually in the call log. If there is demand, I'll make an option to toggle this, but I can't see why anybody would want out of date information in the call log.
- Call history now updates its entire call log cache after you make changes to contacts. Previously, you had to toggle through call log modes or restart iContact to get certain details in the call history updated, such as pictures.
- Call history now correctly labels all unknown numbers as UNKNOWN in the detail view. There were cases previously where the number would appear in the title.
- Using a new method to detect the SpeedThresh. The previous method used a timer and there was a variable performance depending on when you let go of your finger versus where the timer was in its ticks. The new method uses tick counts during the finger movement events. It seems to be a much more consistent user experience.
- Fixed a bug where when you looked at contact details from the call log view, frequently the details bottom menu buttons would be unresponsive.
- New setting: CallLogDetailsBackToCallLog = When enabled, when you press the back button on contact details from the call history view, it will return to the call history view (as opposed to jumping to the contacts list) <-- Anybody who can add this to the help for other language files (non-english), please PM me the new .clng file.
- In some cases, the SIP would still show if a stubborn 3rd party process made it appear after iContact received activation, but before the user gets a chance to interact with iContact. So, a timer now waits a second after receiving input focus and makes sure the SIP is hidden.
- The installer will no longer ask if you want to use the existing settings.ini on upgrade. If your existing settings.ini is corrupt, then uninstall and reinstall in TWO STEPS where you will be given a chance to use the default settings.ini.
- The installer now sets the registry setting needed by idialer so idialer knows how to find iContact AE when you select iContacts from within iDialer. (This is untested as I don't use iDialer! Please let me know if it works!)
- Added BMP as a valid file type for assigning a picture to a contact.
- Call log database update notifications are now buffered, so that if four or five updates fire in succession, only a single reload operation will occur. This should improve call log responsiveness in certain circumstances when reloading would unnecessarily occur several times in a row.
- Long-tapping bottom menu items now uses the same delay in the settings. It was previously hardwired to 700ms. The main reason for this change is that long-tapping bottom menu items will increasingly do alternate functions in later versions of iContact AE. Currently, most of the time a long-tap is nearly always the same response as a short-tap.
- Fixed a bug where iContact (and possibly the entire phone) would freeze if an empty category is opened. Contributed by Constantin Lushnikov.
- Workaround contributed by [kab] on xda to fix Samsung call history problem.
- New setting: SamsungHistoryWorkaround = (disabled by default) Changes the way the call database is read to workaround a call history bug on certain Samsung models. <-- Anybody who can add this to the help for other language files (non-english), please PM me the new .clng file.
- New setting: OpenSettingsOnLongTap = (enabled by default) Open the icontact config application by long-tapping the contacts button on the main window <-- Anybody who can add this to the help for other language files (non-english), please PM me the new .clng file.
- New setting: MinimizeOnAction = (disabled by default) Causes iContact to go to the back of the window z-order after performing an action. Normally, iContact hides (goes right behind the dialer or whatever). Minimizing will put iContact to the back of the z-order, so it is not the first window to appear after completing an action. This is an alternative to exiting after action if you want iContact to go away, but not close. <-- Anybody who can add this to the help for other language files (non-english), please PM me the new .clng file.
- New setting: UseClearTypeFonts = (enabled by default) Specify whether you want iContact to render fonts using ClearType smoothing. The default is enabled, which is the same as previous versions. Contributed by Constantin Lushnikov. <-- Anybody who can add this to the help for other language files (non-english), please PM me the new .clng file.
- New setting: ShowRingToneInDetails = (enabled by default) When enabled, the ringtone of each contact is displayed in the details view. Clicking on the ringtone allows you to change it. Contributed by Constantin Lushnikov. <-- Anybody who can add this to the help for other language files (non-english), please PM me the new .clng file.
- New setting: T9EnglishAsPrimary = When enabled (disabled by default), T9 search will always use English as the primary keyboard (user language becomes the secondary keyboard). Please note in older versions English was ALWAYS primary. Contributed by Constantin Lushnikov. <-- Anybody who can add this to the help for other language files (non-english), please PM me the new .clng file.
- New language: Swedish. App translation only (no config translation). Contributed by Lilleolov.
- New language: Greek. App and setting translation (no help translation). Contributed by acrocosm.
you are our superman!
ok, i wish you luck with this.
I think that if this Avian edition were to combine BE with the other version's new ability to retain the windows titlebar, it would be the absolute perfect version.
Keep us posted.
chavonbravo said:
I think that if this Avian edition were to combine BE with the other version's new ability to retain the windows titlebar, it would be the absolute perfect version.
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B.E. *IS* able to retain the windows titlebar.
It is much simpler than the other version, since in BE you just have to say so in the config program.
Can you please remove the advertisment
iContact Burth Edition 7.0 beta
strings from the program.
can you expect a date for a first release with wich new implementation?
Hey, this is great news!
I was just looking at the Trubert thread today, disappointed that another new Supbro version had just been released and Burt's edition falling further behind... and was very happy to see you are taking over the development.
Best of luck, and looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
aliumalik said:
Can you please remove the advertisment
iContact Burth Edition 7.0 beta
strings from the program.
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Click to collapse
Less branding would be wonderful.
I have my hands crossed for you.
Thanks for sharing the source code.
Best Wishes,
aliumalik said:
Can you please remove the advertisment
iContact Burth Edition 7.0 beta
strings from the program.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, that will be one of the first things I do.
Sorry, Burt!
spupuz said:
can you expect a date for a first release with wich new implementation?
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Click to collapse
The first step will be finishing the nearly finished Burt's 7.0. He says it's 90% done. Actually, from my testing, the app IS done, it's the finger-friendly config app that needs to be finished, which shouldn't be hard since its mostly just filling in settings. It looks like the engine is (mostly?) done.
Unfortunately, I'm slightly embarrassed to admit, I'm not a super-savvy C++ developer. I'm a super-savvy .Net developer, so getting a handle on some of the C++ stuff will take me time. That's part of the reason I want to solicit as much developer help as possible from others. I would love it if this could be a project with four or five developers working in tandem to add lots of cool new features at a faster pace than in the past. Plus, obviously, having the source code publicly available helps "keep it in the community" should I disappear someday and somebody else want to create their own branch. ;-)
As for an exact date, I don't want to say because then people will say "HEY YOU HAVEN'T RELEASED YET" hahaha. ;-)
Give me some weeks to get a handle on this. I'm working on other projects as well, so my time committment will vary. But if we get more developers, the development will go quicker. That is certain.
Talk to Daniel Herrero (the CommMgrPro guy)...
thx1200 said:
Yes, that will be one of the first things I do.
Sorry, Burt!
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Click to collapse
But please keep showing the version number.
Me personaly I had no problems that at the end of the list there is listed who made it.
But Burt didn't make it. Burt took over the old source too.
Of course this must remain in the documentation, but I don't see why it should be mentioned IN the program.
dingolino said:
But please keep showing the version number.
Me personaly I had no problems that at the end of the list there is listed who made it.
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Click to collapse
It will be a configurable option.
NLS said:
But Burt didn't make it. Burt took over the old source too.
Of course this must remain in the documentation, but I don't see why it should be mentioned IN the program.
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Click to collapse
You are right. I should have been more clear on that. But for the version coming out, the NEW stuff will be 99% Burt, so we should remember who did the work! The version number will be optional on the screen (default: on), so you can keep it or not. The version number will also be available in the config.
thx1200 said:
You are right. I should have been more clear on that. But for the version coming out, the NEW stuff will be 99% Burt, so we should remember who did the work! The version number will be optional on the screen (default: on), so you can keep it or not. The version number will also be available in the config.
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Click to collapse
Most programs list this stuff on an about screen. Never saw any reason to have it cluttering up the most commonly viewed screens.

[APP][VGA][11SEP09]Gen.Y Manila "Revolution" R1.5 VGA Port CFC

"Posts that do not contribute to progress are not useful because they make it complicated to find relevant information for people who can help."
Before we start, my thanks go out to sztupy and 6Fg8 for their amazing tools, without them this port wouldn't have been possible. Another big thanks goes to ChainFire for his amazing CFC GUI which saves alot of storage space.
Thanks also go out to xbmod for his work on the VGA port of the new manila which served as an inspiration for this port, and to Captain_Throwback who has helped me with testing (WM6.5) and cabbing up the package.
While xbmod's vga port was a great feat, it did have some shortcomings since it was based on a beta version. We have all waited a long time for a new version, but since xbmod wasn't able to continue his work, I decided to give it a shot myself. This port was not easy, alot of hours have been spent trying to port the layout to VGA. But it's finally getting ready to be released.
This release will not be perfect, the first release will also have limited landscape support, but the new v2.1 manila is a great improvement in terms of stability and performance that make it worthwile.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Main new features of v2.1 over v2.0:
- New add push page dialog: you can enter your own push page manually, no longer needed to first add it as a bookmark to opera (see screenshot below)
> Also, now a warning will pop up when enabling push page (extra data transfer etc.)
- New messaging screen: thumbnails have been removed to create more space for the messages themselves (see screenshot below)
- Calendar auto-adapts to regional settings: calendar now starts on monday if your regional settings are right (see screenshot below)
- Complete facebook integration: no more connection errors
- 6 more program icons available in start menu/programs tab (+ it's adjustable, so you can even get more/less)
- WM6.1 & WM6.5 compatible!
- Numbers / web links in SMS messages are now pressable
> clicking on a number will open a new screen where you can add to contacts, make a call or send SMS
> clicking on a link will open the web browser
- New text message font in Message tab (Helvetica LT35 Thin)
R1.5 (new Build 38680)
- New "My Location" in Weather Tab
> uses GPS to automatically locate your position and adjust weather tab & world clock accordingly
- Weather Tab now takes date into account and adjust accordingly
Gen.Y Manila VGA Roadmap:
Revolution (R1.5) - Released: 11 Sept 09
> Perfect portrait mode, improved landscape mode
Evolution (R2.0) - ETA: canceled
(kimi_sae_ireba will be picking up from here to release a new version of the port based on the latest 2.1.1920 branch with weatherclock & animated weather on home tab)
The R1.5 Manila kitchen & the unported 2.1.1918 manila kitchen can be found here (fixed link and removed password)
The Next Episode (Gen.Y Sense v2.5)
> ETA: ???
Gen.Y Manila R1.5 VGA CFC Progress Report:
Excel 2007
Google Online Spreadsheet
Gen.Y Manila "Revolution" R1.5
- Restarted with new build 2.1.38680.1
> all decompilation errors have been fixed (all files re-ported again)
- New "My Location" in Weather Tab
> uses GPS to automatically locate your position and adjust weather tab & world clock accordingly
- Weather Tab now takes date into account and adjust accordingly
- G-Sensor switch now compatible with SensorSDKv4 1911!
- Fixed animations in weather tab (fade up/fade down text)
- All Tabs: Fixed double horizontal line in header at the top
- World Clock: Fixed scrolling and missing scroll bar
- Alarm: redid layout from scratch
- Add new push page: pressing on the input box now correctly scrolls up the display
- Album tab: improved layout (pictures are bigger, picture stack now positioned higher)
- People tab: slighty improved layout (picture aspect corrected, positions slightly modified)
- Single Contact View: Message tab now displays the last message correctly when entering (no more scrolling down)
- Add stock & add weather icons and text positons modified to fit all languages
- Weather tab layout improved (slightly bigger text & icons)
- Fixed scrollbar not visible in Weather Tab > Add Location
- Internet Tab: fixed scrolling issues
- Email Tab: fixed bladelist scrolling to bottom
- Calendar Tab: smoother scrolling through months
- Stock Tab > Single Quote Details: scrolling enabled, layout fixed for VGA
- Home Tab: reduced amount of appointments visible to fit screen estate (fixed slider overlapping)
- Add new push page: inputbox & menu items now correctly adapted to landscape mode
- World Clock: Hitzone for clock now corrected
- Stock Add Quote page: inputbox and list now correctly adapts to landscape mode
- Stock Tab > Single Quote Details: landscape layout fixed
- Settings tab: settings tab now fully functional in landscape mode
- Internet Tab: Search bar width now correct, layout adjusted for VGA landscape
- Dialog menu's now are correctly shown (except for music tab)
& many more minor fixes
Please read the progress report before reporting any bugs! (only report bugs that are not yet known)
I would like to express my thanks to all of you who have provided (and are still providing) me with feedback, bug reports and donations.
If u like my work and would like to support further development of the project, you can always donate
Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)
What's this SMS issue about?
- ActiveSync confirmed to be working fine
- Microsoft MyPhone confirmed to be working fine
Possible new solution to PIMBackup!
This solution will screw up some special letters (letters as ç, ü, â etc..)
Kisja said:
Hi, I didn't read all posts, so excuse me if it is already known.
I was able to fix my contacts without readding them (2 SMS send if PimBackup used)!
1. run PIM Backup, select ONLY Contacts for Backup, tap "Next"
2. UNCHECK "Binary Backup"
3. Proceed until finished
4. Unzip the created backup (pib) file
5. Open the contacts_*.csc file with Notepad++ (or any other editor supporting encoding conversion)
6. Select "Format" -> "Convert to ANSI"
7. Save the file
8. Pack the file back into the PIB file (use zip)
9. run PIM Backup again and choose the modified PIB file for restore
10. choose to delete all existing contacts
11. Let PIM Backup assign the columns automatically (";" as separator)
12. Proceed until restore is complete
It worked for me! No SMS bug anymore! So only one SMS is sent!
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* UPDATE: Possible solution to PIMBackup problems HERE (thx go to drake2007)
Manila v2.1 (and newer versions like v2.5) are not compatible with the way PIMBackup restores your contacts. If u do use PIMBackup, you'll most likely face an issue when sending 2 messages after one another to the same person (the first message will be sent, but when u press send after your 2nd message, you'll get a message saying "Text Message cannot be sent"). Those who are using ActiveSync should not experience any problems.
here's the final word on the SMS Issue (taken from Dutty's thread):
Regarding manila v2.1 with sms I think one user who had probs sending and recieving through manila interface as narrowed it down to unicode in contacts so probably htc changed few stuff,
So backing up ur old contacts and using manila v2.1 could give u the sms bug before, probably explained why some user who doesnt get like me as I use activesyc to back up all contacts.
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so basicly, if u have ever restored contacts from pimbackup, you will most probably get the sms bug (even if u use pimbackup, then activesync, then delete contacts and use activesync to restore contacts)
if u have never used pimbackup, you're good to go
if you did, like me, you will probably have to delete and re-add all your contacts (i tried this out, and basicly i deleted a contact, re-added his number, and voila, sms issue is gone)
I have the Manila Start Menu now and i can't acces windows settings? Where is it?
Go to the settings tab and press all settings, voila you're there
Why is there no weather forecast in the calendar tab?
To enable weather forecast in calendar tab day view, u need to add your city in the weather, then go world clock and make sure your city is selected there as well (the forecast will only be visible if the weather city and clock city are the same)
If that doesn't work, change the following registry key (standard = dword:00000000)
I can't open my e-mails, how can i fix it?
superman.namrepus said:
For those of you that are having problems with opening email. This is what I have found...
Look at your registry and see if it reads as follows.
If this true you need to change it to the following and reset your phone and all should be good.
I hope this helps as it did for me. This was a problem some time back and some one over at PPCGeeks came up with the fix. I do not remember who though.
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Registry Tweaks
All registry tweaks apply to [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\HTC\Manila]
; Disable LetterPicker in Weather Tab > Add City
"Weather_DisableRandomAccess"=dword:1 (default = dword:0)
;Modify the standard search engine in the internet tab (default below is Google)
;Disable the search bar in the Internet Tab
"DisableInternetSearch"="true" (default = "false")
;Increase amount of push pages in the Internet Tab
"Internet.DefaultCount"=dword:4 (default = dword:4)
reserved for Mods / Tweaks / Fixes
Be Advised, most (if not all) v2.0 mods/tweaks will not function properly and may crash with manila v2.1
Gen.Y CDMA SMS Fix v2
v2: new SMS fix for "Revolution" R1.5
Fix for CDMA users who can't send SMS using the Manila interface
Copy and overwrite the file to \Windows\
TF3D v2.1 Language Packs
Weather Editor for TF3D2.1
Panoramic Background for Gen.Y Manila
BackgroundAllTabs for Gen.Y Manila
CompactHome for Gen.Y Manila
Four column Program Tab for Gen.Y Manila
Manila v2.5 slider icons
Manila 3D 2.1 Fix for WM6.5.x (BUILD 23034+)
Gen.Y Manila R1.5 VGA CFC by yozgatg [EXT]
Visual Kitchen packages ready for WWE/NLD/ITA/GER roms (other languages need additional MUI files)
WM6.1 Build 21000+ recommended
All WM6.5 builds should work fine
FOR WM6.5 Chefs:
Do not forget to activate the registry switch in manila for WM6.5 compatibility!
Included in OEM
- AudioManager: required for searching and playing music (included in htc stock rom)
> requires DRMMiddleWare
- AudioBooster: required for the AudioBooster link in the music tab (included in htc stock rom)
- EnlargeStartMenu (new version): required for Manila Start Menu
- HTC EmailSetupWizard: required for the mail setup link in settings and the mail tab
- PushInternetEngine: required for push internet
- FaceBookEngine: required for facebook integration
- NewContactCard: required for the edit contact link
> Requires ContactUtilityEngine
- HTCSharedModules: required for Manila & Haptic Feedback
> Haptic Feedback requires DShow from Topaz/Rhodium
> Topaz/Rhodium TouchFlo MUI file(WM6.1 only): required for extra options in TouchFlo settings
- Album v3 (or newer) and MediaToolkit: required choosing contact picture and setting wallpaper
> Album requires HTCScroll (v1 or newer) and ResourceProxy
- SDKCerts
"My Location" (GPS) requirements
- GoogleLocationService
- HTCGeoService
> requires HTCFramework
- SensorSDKv4: required for Manila auto rotation switch*
- Tachi/Topaz or Rhodium VolumeControl: required for single/dual volume control setting
- YouTube v2.5 VGA (by Captain_Throwback)
NOT Included in OEM
- Arcsoft MMS: required for "Send Contact by Message" link
- Tachi/Topaz or Rhodium dialer: required for dialing out from the manila contact page
- Google Maps v3.x: required for pinpointing a location that's saved in a contact's info
Gen.Y Manila R1.5 VGA CFC by yozgatg [OEM]
Thanks to jmckeejr (with some help from hilaireg) for putting these Legacy Kitchen packages together!!
Posted here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=4536837#post4536837
Gen.Y Manila R1.5 VGA CFC by yozgatg [CAB]
WWE/NLD/ITA/GER language packs included
Packages included in R1.5 cab:
Thanks again goes to yozgatg for the port and providing the files to make it easy for me to cab up .
WM6.1 Build 21000+ or WM6.5 recommended!!
NOTE: Tachi/Topaz/Rhodium/Qilin Dialer is NOT included in this package, but is NECESSARY for calling from the People tab of Manila. Download links & information regarding the dialers can be found in the Tachi Dialer thread and in this post.
1) Disable "TouchFLO 3D" from your Today items. Soft reset.
2) Go to System Settings, "Power", and uncheck all of the Options on the "Advanced" tab (see this post for details/screenshots - thanks dharvey4651)
3) From the "REQUIRED" folder, install the "Gen.Y_Manila_R1_5.cab" (install may take 10 minutes or more). DO NOT RESTART.
4) Install the appropriate Language Pack for your locale (0409 is WWE). DO NOT RESTART. NOTE: Languages besides 0407/0409/0410/0413 are included in the "Additional Languages" folder in a single cab file.
5) Go into the "WM6.1" or "WM6.5" folder (depending, of course, on your build) and install the appropriate version of HTC Scroll. NOW SOFT RESET.
Optional Installs (included in R1.5 package):
- HTC Album_3_0_19141129_0.cab (WWE) - This is the Album version from the Tachi, which includes Media Toolkit. This allows you to choose Wallpaper from the Manila interface using Album, and allows you to choose a Contact picture in the New Contact Card using the "Open Album" Menu option. NOTE: 0407/0410/0413 users will need to install the language pack for their locale in addition to the main Album cab file.
- HTC SensorSDK_4_0_19112326_0 - For Manila Auto-Rotation. This can be toggled from the "Settings" tab of the Manila interface. NOTE: If using Album versions older than 3.0, installing this will prevent pictures from rotating on the device, and may also effect the orientation of pictures taken with the Camera.
- HTC Message_Enhancement_1_1_19173323_04.cab - This gives you the option to "Save to Contacts", call people from e-mails, etc. NOTE: This does not work with all ROM versions!!
- HTC DShow_2_0_19151432_0.cab - This is for Tab Vibration in Manila. Most ROMs will have a version of DShow already included, so installing this cab may not be necessary. NOTE: Some other device apps use DShow, so installing this version may cause issues with your device.
- HTC VolumeControl_2_1_19142727.cab - This is a newer version of Volume Control that allows you to choose between Single & Dual Volume control using the "Sounds" option in the Manila Settings menu.
Known Issues:
- Facebook integration no longer gives you an option to sync Birthdays with Facebook contacts.
- If using Message Enhancement, Company Directory does not scroll all the way to the bottom of the page.
Message Enhancement does not work on all ROMs.
When installed on ROMs with a previous TF3D version included, there is an issue with the ability to open e-mails. This is related to Message Enhancement. This cab is the Manila 2.1 WWE install package, not including Message Enhancement (Optional folders & HTC Scroll also not included in this package). This will correct the issue, but it must be installed INSTEAD of (or as a replacement for) the above versions. Confirmed by owlmatt to be working. UPDATE: Megaupload Mirror
R1.1 Optional Installs:
HTC Message_Enhancement_1_1_19173323_04.cab
HTC Volume_Control_2_1_19163532_0.cab
R1 Optional Installs (included in Download package):
Album 3.0 (requires install of language pack for your locale)
Sensor SDK 4
Volume Control (older versions of volume control will not toggle properly between single & dual in "Sounds" menu)
Tweaks: (also included in R1 Download package)
More screenshots..
Frequently Asked Questions (part 2):
Q: What does WWE stand for?
A: World Wide English - If you live in the US and speak English, that's the one you want.
Q: I installed this, and all my Manila tabs now say "IDS_...." on them. What gives?
A: You didn't install the Language pack for your locale. See above question if you live in the US, speak English, but don't know which one to install.
Q: I installed this, and now Opera is loading on boot? How do I fix this?
A: This is because you're using a version of Opera 9.5 that is older than 16277. You can either update your Opera 9.5 version, with one that is newer and that was made for an HTC phone (i.e. one you'd likely find on XDA - 9.7 Beta will NOT work). Those are the ones that will work with Push Internet. Or, you can disable Push Internet by installing this cab: T-Back Disable Push Internet.cab
Q: I have a Diamond. Can I install this?
A: Possibly, but I wouldn't recommend it, unless you're running a ROM with no Manila (TF3D) already installed. A Diamond has limited intermal memory, due to its large Internal Storage; however this Manila MUST be installed to the device memory. I recommend flashing a ROM that already has this included, such as yozgatg's Gen.Y D2 R2 (WM6.1 + TF3D2.1).
Q: Can this be uninstalled?
A: Possibly. ALL Manila-related process MUST be stopped in order to try to do so. That means you will need to disable TouchFLO 3D from the Today items and Disable Push Internet (see above for how to do that). Then, soft reset. Kill any processes linked to Manila (i.e. CommManager, AlbumSearcher, ContactEditor, OOBE, Opera) using a Task Manager such as dotFred or SKTools (actually, SKTools would be better to use to uninstall it). That should get you a clean uninstall.
Q: Is this for GSM or CDMA?
A: Both. This Manila originated from a GSM device, though, so there are some fixes for CDMA users that will need to be applied for everything to work correctly (there are issues with SMS and Weather tab updating that have been reported). yozgatg is aware of these issues and is working on a fix. UPDATE: See HERE for CDMA SMS FIX v1.
Q: This has been installing for almost 10 minutes. Is that normal?
A: Yes. It's a LOT of files . You may want to go into your Power settings, and uncheck all of the boxes on the last tab to ensure your device doesn't go to sleep during the install. That would just make it take longer, and could corrupt something.
Q: My hardware keyboard is vibrating after installing this. How do I fix this?
A: This seems to be a problem only for CDMA users. See here for solution.
Q: Will this work with the "regular" HTC Dialer (i.e. the Slide-to-Answer dialer) that comes with the Diamond/Raphael?
A: No. You NEED the Tachi/Topaz/Rhodium Dialer in order to make phone calls from the People Tab in this Manila. Get it here: Tachi PhoneCanvas
Tenny said:
I have the Manila Start menu, and when I go to the Settings tab and press All Settings it just takes me to the Connections Setting only..
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yozgatg said:
this is because you didn't activate the WM6.5 registry key
Do not forget to activate the registry switch in manila for WM6.5 compatibility!
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slayer69 said:
Auto rotation: I installed the SDK that was sent with the cab and still am unable to get the auto rotation to work. I was wandering if anyone else has noticed this. I can manually switch to landscape with no issues and it looks sweet. Would love to get the auto rotation working.
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Captain_Throwback said:
As it turns out, Manila isn't included in the Whitelist for rotating apps in the version of SensorSDK4 I made that cab from. Here's a nice program that lets you easily add apps to the Whitelist:
[APP] G-Config (Configurator for the new SensorSDK 4)
In the meantime, these are the registry entries that should be added for Auto-Rotation in Manila:
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hvbelton said:
how do you add a new city, one that is not already in the list, to the weather tab?
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A: Manila 2.1 Weather Editor PPC Edition - thanks to JVH3
wmserver said:
Also, for custom city, you'll need this reg entry:
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Alkhal said:
Anyone else having issues with weather not connecting?
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A: Weather Fix:
carzev said:
1. Turn off touchflo3d
2. Go to file explorer
3. My Device
4. Application Data
5. HTC
6. Databases
7. Then delete forecast_cache
8. Restart touchflo3D
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Röchelhilpert said:
why i don´t have a working internet tab .... i have also no internetglobe .... Do you have a new plan ? I read about a file InternetPortal-en-de.xml .... but where to find ?
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zyz696 said:
To resolve the internet tab issue, just copy the "27c65cbd_manila" from the 0409 folder to your language folder....
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Q: I have no audio in YouTube/Video Player, or playback is messed up. Why?
A: This appears to be an issue with the new Full Screen Player. If you cooked this in, try using an older version of Full Screen Player. If you installed the Album cab, Here is a version that doesn't include the Full Screen Player: HTC_Album_3_0_19141129_0. Please try these solutions and report back. UPDATE: The issue appear to be with the DShow package. Here is a rolled-back version of DShow: HTC DShow_2_00_081105_0.cab. Please note that you will lose haptic feedback by installing this version, but video playback should work correctly.
Q: Why don't I see weather in my Calendar?
A: Because you first need to select your local city in the World Clock, and make it the default (or the first city in the list), and then the weather will show up in the Calendar.
Good work.
Side note: anybody know what ever happened with xboxmod? Did real life issues take precedence? Lose interest after the first port?
great work sir. I eagerly await the release so I can go back to TF3D2...
Space for rent. PM for prices!
Can't wait to try it. Thanks for the hard work.
B-E-A-utiful!!!!!!!!! I cant wait... I see the add stock image but I was wondering what the stock tab looks like... I kinda hoped that you ported the GizmoRoot part of the Stock tab. The one in the image below.
I think it blends better with the mail and people tabs... I was looking at the mode9 file and trying to play with it.
yozgatg, if it would be ok can I PM you. I would appreciate some advice. I do not like to bother people unless I have permission. Please PM me if I can get advice or direction.
Thanks for all your hard work... it looks GREAT!!! I can not wait.
You definitly deserved your own thread!! Great work.
can you please be more specific about the improvements? from my point of view...i dont see no improvemets at all
Inmortal said:
can you please be more specific about the improvements? from my point of view...i dont see no improvemets at all
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Are you basing this off of the pictures posted? Because stability isnt really shown in screen shots. It's something you have to experience.
Inmortal said:
can you please be more specific about the improvements? from my point of view...i dont see no improvemets at all
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Have you heard of xbmod?
Don't think you have been following up on anything.
fazalali110 said:
Have you heard of xbmod?
Don't think you have been following up on anything.
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I follow the 2.0 thread daily.. that said. I was basing the call I made on this:
yozgatg said:
This release will not be perfect, the first release will also have limited landscape support, but the new v2.1 manila is a great improvement in terms of stability and performance that make it worthwile.
Main new features of v2.1 over v2.0:
- New add push page dialog: you can enter your own push page manually, no longer needed to first add it as a bookmark to opera (screenshot soon)
> Also, now a warning will pop up when enabling push page (extra data transfer etc.)
- New messaging screen: thumbnails have been removed to create more space for the messages themselves (see screenshot below)
- Calendar auto-adapts to regional settings: calendar now starts on monday if your regional settings are right (see screenshot below)
- Complete facebook integration: no more connection errors
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That was all. I meant to insult by saying what I said... I just read things differently I suppose.
Inmortal said:
can you please be more specific about the improvements? from my point of view...i dont see no improvemets at all
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i've posted the new features of v2.1 in the first post
v2.1 is only a minor update to v2.0, but compared to the beta version (xbmod's manila), the improvements (bug fixes, performance, stability) are huge
also, the port itself is in some aspects improved (at least the portrait mode) compared to xbmod's, for example:
- Completely new VGA calendar picker (see screenshot first post) ported over from Tachi manila
- Letterpicker no longer crushed
- Pile of photos now visible in Photos&Videos tab
- Scrolling issues in many pages fixed (deleting messages etc.)
- Calendar day view scrolls correctly now (see screenshot first post)
and much much more..
yozgatg said:
i've posted the new features of v2.1 in the first post
v2.1 is only a minor update to v2.0, but compared to the beta version (xbmod's manila), the improvements (bug fixes, performance, stability) are huge
also, the port itself is in some aspects improved (at least the portrait mode) compared to xbmod's, for example:
- Completely new VGA calendar picker (see screenshot first post) ported over from Tachi manila
- Letterpicker no longer crushed
- Pile of photos now visible in Photos&Videos tab
- Scrolling issues in many pages fixed (deleting messages etc.)
- Calendar day view scrolls correctly now (see screenshot first post)
and much much more..
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man I sure cant wait bro...u have done amazing work and of course thanks to xbmod,you and the rest of the team.
Great work yoz, i'm definitely subscribing to the post.
Aaron McCarthy said:
I follow the 2.0 thread daily.. that said. I was basing the call I made on this:
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Was questioning Inmortal when he said "...dont see no improvemets at all"
It wasn't directed to you.

Update[APP][11 Dec 09] TitaniumStarter 2.0 [WM6.5][Subfolder search]

Now 2.0 with subfolder search and much more - look at changelog
I made this Plugin, because I think it's very useful for me - and perhaps it's also useful for you.
Another Launcher? No - not like the Launcher, which are already available - I wouldn't have developed it otherwise - and I developed it mostly on my handy, because I hadn't much time the last weeks.
You can define in some Launchers what you want - but what about if you want to start quickly something, which is not in your Favos?
And how about a Keyboard direct in Titanium? (could tease some iPhone-Fans )
And therefore "TitaniumStarter" - to start everything quickly. Together with Favorites Plugin of contable and JMLLauncher from JMHL (and jmltoday) I got a wonderful "Launch suite"
- Keyboard direct in Titanium Panel
- Full animated switching between Keyboard and Results (it should look cool)
- Designed to launch quickly each program in Start Menu with direct accessable different input methods
- Installed by TICS_installer: So it will work in ALL THEMES not only Standard Titanium, also Blizz,Josito,... (if you want to make a special .plg for the keyboard in your favorite Theme, just give it to me, I will integrate it)
- ALL ROM-Languages - no dependencies to a country or WWE-ROM - it knows, where your Start Menu is to find
- Different type modes (left side of keyboard):
-- I = one letter will start search for all Programs in Startmenu with this abecedarian letter
-- II = one letter needs tab on "GO", after two letters automatic search
-- III = type the word as long you want - only "GO" initiates search
- Wildcard-Search - e.g. "*oo" in Mode III would find "Groovefish" as well as "Bluetooth Explorer"
- Launches programs/chooses letter after tab on plugin - possible because of AreaButtons of JMLPanex
- To erase last letter just click backward button in the bottom-right corner under "GO"
- to erase all input just click on current mode on left side
- ...little bit more- just find it out
Changelog & additional Features of 2.0:
- now can search all subfolders of Start Menu
- Search Algorithm written in C - so very fast search
- completely redeveloped data structure
- Adjustable Animation-speed (Set Animation Time not too low, to prevent Timeouts)
- Links can viewed with or without Folder Info
- Extra Design for Folder-View/Non-Folder View
- Context Menu to change Folder-View, Refresh,Animation-Speed
- After Start an Application, Plugin switch to Keyboard and refresh itself
- Skinable - only provide a new /image-Directory
- Little bit more, which I've forgotten now
AddOn: If your Animation is too slow - you can use smaller Images, which has been made by Jumba - just replace the Images with them from Image-Directory of TitaniumStarter.
Download: images_smaller_sizes_by_Jumba.zip
- Mortscript 4.2 or higher *Download Mortscript 4.2*
- JMLPanex >= 2.0 / better 2.10 *Download JMLPanex* for working Titanium-Buttons
I have some ideas for updates or for another usages of this - it's something what I have developed/will develop ocassionally.
TitaniumStarter is free und will stay free - please don't repost it without asking.
Install to Main Memory like every Titanium Plugin and of course: I overtake no responsibility for damaging your device (however this should go )
JMHL for JMLPanex
MattJackson for Keyboard-Image
Mort for Mortscript
Hope you like it and its useful for you (or only to impress a little bit some iPhone-Users )
TitaniumRSS, TICS, TitaniumStarter, JMLLibrary and the other stuff-
Like my work? To spend much more nights, if you want, you can donate a cup of coffee for me.
Wishlist for next Versions:
- also scan Subfolders of Statmenu, that causes implicite: done 2.0
-- possibility to add subfolder-info to panel (on/off - perhaps smaller Font necessary) done 2.0
-- Refresh-Possibility to know Folders to scan done 2.0
-- List of Folders, which shouldn't be scanned
-- Context-Menu to do this done 2.0
- Last 6 runned programs on Page2 of Plugin
- Turn back to Keyboard after Running an app done done 2.0
- special support while installing different .plg's for different Themes
- adjustable Animation speed done 2.0
Wow that looks good Micha, have to try it right away.
Will report how it looks in the different themes.
Greetz Claus
I just installed it and have a question right away, this looks only under start menu and not in subfolders?
I have my shortcuts organized in start menu subfolders, and it does not find them.
Thanx for the nice words - glad that you like it
Look at Post #2: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=4802002#post4802002
I've added a wishlist - and at first I will integrate subfolders, ok? (ASAP)
Animations are ok?
woooow, good jub
keep it up buddy
I just tried a lil,and I'll wate for you to support second language keyboard and second folder
if you want a chinese tester, I can help, just contact me
MichelDiamond said:
Thanx for the nice words - glad that you like it
Look at Post #2: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=4802002#post4802002
I've added a wishlist - and at first I will integrate subfolders, ok? (ASAP)
Animations are ok?
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Animations look very cool, for my taste i would make them just a little bit faster, on my device the panel takes 4 seconds to turn.
i love it already although currently its kind of unusable yet for me.
- subfolder problem as described above it just doesnt find anything
- when using wm 6.5.1 pressing a letter presses much higher than it should due to the bigger bottom bar. seems the settings need adjusting here somehow?
look forward to an update, thanks!!
pencilcase said:
i love it already although currently its kind of unusable yet for me.
- subfolder problem as described above it just doesnt find anything
- when using wm 6.5.1 pressing a letter presses much higher than it should due to the bigger bottom bar. seems the settings need adjusting here somehow?
look forward to an update, thanks!!
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You can adjust the offset in Panex. - to go up and + to go down.
@pencilcase: offset of panex like claus said will solve your problem, and therefore that I have everything in my main folder,I didn't implement it in subfolder.but next version will do it,must only look for the speeed to find files while turning panel
thanx for the nice words
@claus: 4 seconds? ok,then animation speed will be adjustable in next version,too. on my diamond it's 1 second.i hope it's not exactly beetween turning in middle,because there is the folder-crawling,so that the speed of your file system is the cause.
@kane: of course I'd like to have chinese tester - but what do you mean with second language keyboard? what should I do? anothers layout or signs?
@all : only a question: in mode III - how "responsive" is your device? I mean-could you type fast longer text with this keyboard,too?
sorry 4 typos - only from handy online.
MichelDiamond said:
@all : only a question: in mode III - how "responsive" is your device? I mean-could you type fast longer text with this keyboard,too?
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The keyboard is not very fast, immagine due to Panex response, phone keyboard is faster, but as only a few characters have to be typed it is no problem, and visually i like this onpanel keyboard better.
therefore I asked-on my Diamond I could write quite fast also longer notes/text - how much MHz is your processsor or do you have running mortscripts besides,which slow down system performance?
because of subfolder search: I mentioned this would be too sloww while animation in Mortscript.
So I will develop it in C as sub-process to animation.
that's not possible on my handy,so it will take a litttle more time,until I'm back @home.
but then it should be fast enough to search recursively.
@all: please tell me also the responsiveness of the keyboard-together with yyour device type and processsor speed.
Once again great work, Micha !!!
Here is the link to my new thread:http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=4813673#post4813673
for chinese virson i mean the keyboard can also support typing chinese
I know it sounds like almost inpossable....., but if there's a opportunity I'll catch it
but really need this tool to support secend(third, fourth) folder in start menu, this is the most important, and i have to say, good job MichelDiamond , keep it on
@contable: Great FavPeople&Launcher with Multi-Buttons-Plugin - cool! ( & you have a PN)
@Kane: Oh - the chinese keyboard would be interesting. I have 27 buttons - would that be enough? Perhaps we can work together, to get a chinese Variation of it Do you have a screenshot with a comparison of english and chinese keyboard?
And to "second","third" folder - like I said: Mortscript would need roundabout 2-5 seconds to find everything (on my Diamond) - so I have to do it in C... better: had to do it in C - I must think about my last developing of a recursive function, which has to be fast... but I'm roundabout 30ms for 250 Links in Startmenu in all subfolders
But therefore I had/have to change the whole data structure of TitaniumStarter, too... and have to change a little bit the design to make folders visible... and add a Menu to switch on/off Folder expansion.
And that I'm about to do - I had not very much time the last days - but recursion works really fine
From outside - the Panel will look quite similiar to 1.0 - but inside there are very much changes - it's like a new Panel
Need only a little bit time to do this all - but won't take very long - depends on my office
If somebody has more ideas for later, just tell it. Let's see what such a "fun work" will produce
ok, here's 4 of chinese input keyboard , choose one
but i prefer to use the last one for Chinese Traditional and second one for Chinese Simplified.couse the first one and third one there's not much ppl use it
jejeje I know it looks complex,and it really are,chinese input not like english
a=a and if you want to type "apple" you just need to type apple on the keyboard chinese keyboard is like this if you want to type 我(me) you have to type ㄨㄛˇ then there's some words pup up like 我 婐 捰 they all sounds like ㄨㄛˇ
jejeje when i type here I found chinese Variation is almost impossable
but if you can make it possable , please please tell me, I'll do whatever i can to help you
and I have a new suggestion
why just limit this wonderful tool in start menu??
why not let ppl choose what folder they want to search?
and you can set dafult folder in Program Files both in Storage card and main
I suggess this is because there's a lot of non-install apps out there , and it's tired to link them all to start menu
hope you dont think I'm crazy
if you want my MSN skype or google wave, just sent me a PM ok? I'll do what ever i can to help you
That looks very complicated
To make a Keyboard is not the problem - but to know which Key is signed with which Letter. The Filenames are the same?
And your proposal with other search locations: Yes - that's possible with Data structure from 2.0 - but there are expansions needed - e.g. to search or... "what" .exe .* .dll .... and so this should be a new Plugin. The search will also take longer - depends on the size of the files on the search location. Perhaps there should be a favorite Folder-Init... and much more. (already thought about to write SMS with this Keyboard? *g* )
I only have too much projects and work at the moment - ut I won't forget it - perhaps we could do it together (the chinese keyboard, too Would you look a little bit how the keyboard works? Panex can't overgive Parameters to .mscr - so it's easy to read )
Ah - I forgot - 2.0 is finished *g*
It's done - 2.0 is online to free download now!
The Subfolder search is now implemented-was completely rewritten in C, to be fast (Mortscript would have been too slow for such recursive search op's)
Further you now have a Context Menu to adjust animation speed or switch between Subfolder View and Program-only View
much more - see changelog and picture below or in Post #1
Changelog & additional Features of 2.0:
- now can search all subfolders of Start Menu
- Search Algorithm written in C - so very fast search
- completely redeveloped data structure
- Adjustable Animation-speed
- Links can viewed with or without Folder Info
- Extra Design for Folder-View/Non-Folder View
- Context Menu to change Folder-View, Refresh,Animation-Speed
- After Start an Application, Plugin switch to Keyboard and refresh itself
- Skinable - only provide a new /image-Directory
- Little bit more, which I've forgotten now
Have fun - and thanx for the big feedback!
TitaniumStarter V2.0: real improvements !!!
Thanks Micha !
MichelDiamond said:
It's done - 2.0 is online to free download now!
The Subfolder search is now implemented-was completely rewritten in C, to be fast (Mortscript would have been too slow for such recursive search op's)
Further you now have a Context Menu to adjust animation speed or switch between Subfolder View and Program-only View
much more - see changelog and picture below or in Post #1
Changelog & additional Features of 2.0:
- now can search all subfolders of Start Menu
- Search Algorithm written in C - so very fast search
- completely redeveloped data structure
- Adjustable Animation-speed
- Links can viewed with or without Folder Info
- Extra Design for Folder-View/Non-Folder View
- Context Menu to change Folder-View, Refresh,Animation-Speed
- After Start an Application, Plugin switch to Keyboard and refresh itself
- Skinable - only provide a new /image-Directory
- Little bit more, which I've forgotten now
Have fun - and thanx for the big feedback!
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Click to collapse
cool Micha, let me try 2.0
animation is wonderfol
very fast
and I'm trying to set the folder, I can only set one folder right?
mmmm and what can I help you ?

[APP] NotepadWS - Tabbed text editor with online Search feature - updated (2.7)

NotepadWS ver 2.7
NotepadWS is a notepad-like application with TABS feature and some interesting tools such as the WEB SEARCH.
The Web Search (context menu) allows you to get google, wiki or dictionary contents about the word or text selected from NotepadWS,
it could be a good way to perform your search quickly and easily!
- Edit up to four different text files in the same session.
- Switch from one tab to another with just one click.
- Ability to add or remove tool bars at any time.
- Configure each tab separately.
- Online search of selected word or text; google search, wiki search, dictionary.
ver 2.0
- Open and Save dialogs totally redesigned to be more useful and finger-friendly
- Settings page added
ver 2.55
- File association works propely
- Max file size supported increased
- Word-wrap options added
- Copy and paste between different tabs added
- Cmd ExitAll added
- File and Folder Shortcuts feature added
- Start folder option added (if left blank, the folder of last file used is taken)
- Single click option added
- Font and color customization tool added
- Ability to have tabs with different properties (font, colors, start folder, etc)
- Tab character enabled (by pressing tab button you get column alignment)
ver 2.57
- Overwrite related bug fixed
- Read-only related bug fixed
ver 2.7
- External clipboard functions added
tabs improved
Now NotepadWS allows to configure and save the properties of each tab,
so you can have 4 tabs completely different one from another;
each tab has its own font type, size, style and color, background color,
start folder and other properties you can configure through the settings page.
Instead, if you prefer to configure all the tabs in the same way, you don't need
the repeat the setup more times, just setup one and check "apply to all tabs"
in the settings page.
- Windows Mobile 5.0 or later
- Touchscreen device
- VGA or higher resolution screen
- .NET Compact Framework 3.5
Hope you enjoy!
Message for the generous people: If you like this app you can
eur, or
usd, the amount you prefer. Thank you!
xdaid said:
NotepadWS ver 2.0
NotepadWS is a notepad-like application with TABS feature and some interesting tools such as the WEB SEARCH.
The Web Search (context menu) allows you to get google, wiki or dictionary contents about the word or text selected from NotepadWS,
it could be a good way to perform your search quickly and easily!
- Edit up to four different text files in the same session.
- Switch from one tab to another with just one click.
- Ability to add or remove tool bars at any time.
- Configure each tab separately.
- Online search of selected word or text; google search, wiki search, dictionary.
ver 2.0
- Open file and Save file dialogs completely redesigned to be more useful and finger-friendly
- Settings page added
- Windows Mobile 5.0 or later
- Touchscreen device
- VGA or higher resolution screen
- .NET Compact Framework 3.5
Hope you enjoy!
Message for the generous people: If you like this app you can
eur, or
usd, the amount you prefer. Thank you!
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Your program is very interesting, but I can not use just one problem you encounter, and it is important: only lets you open documents in the folder "my documents" in the main memory device. You should modify the program to allow open and save files in any folder on the device memory and the external memory card.
I have not tested whether extensions can also be associated with your program to automatically open when clicking those files from the file explorer program.
If I could use it widely, as I need, I would donate a sum of money for it, in that there is a problem.
jcmm said:
Your program is very interesting, but I can not use just one problem you encounter, and it is important: only lets you open documents in the folder "my documents" in the main memory device. You should modify the program to allow open and save files in any folder on the device memory and the external memory card.
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Very good software
Only thing i could ask extra is word wrap "hope i haven't missed the option"
stylez said:
Very good software
Only thing i could ask extra is word wrap "hope i haven't missed the option"
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True, I had not noticed having to click twice (or press "enter") to run this option to access all folders on the device.
What if I notice that you can not open large files, not size, but more than 100 KB can not be with them.
Nor could I see if you can associate text files "txt" to open this program directly from file explorer.
I've been testing the program further NotepadWS, which I consider a good application, but there are two problems with it:
I have seen two important issues that prevent me from replacing AgileNotesTouch, which is what I use now, for NotepadWS:
1 .- NotepadWS not allow it to associate with files by extension, to boot automatically with this application. For example, if you associate files "txt" with NotepadWS ... file does not start with "txt" open.
2 .- I do not know NotepadWS maximum size allowed, but a file of 100 KB or more does not open properly. AgileNotesTouch allows very large files sizes, without problems.
It is important that NotepadWS could solve these two problems.
short video for your app
NotepadWS new version - 2.5
What's new and cab installer at first post (updated)
xdaid said:
NotepadWS ver 2.5
NotepadWS is a notepad-like application with TABS feature and some interesting tools such as the WEB SEARCH.
The Web Search (context menu) allows you to get google, wiki or dictionary contents about the word or text selected from NotepadWS,
it could be a good way to perform your search quickly and easily!
- Edit up to four different text files in the same session.
- Switch from one tab to another with just one click.
- Ability to add or remove tool bars at any time.
- Configure each tab separately.
- Online search of selected word or text; google search, wiki search, dictionary.
ver 2.0
- Open file and Save file dialogs completely redesigned to be more useful and finger-friendly
- Settings page added
ver 2.5
- File association works propely
- Supported max file size extended
- Word-wrap options added
- Copy and paste between different tabs added
- Cmd exit added
- Editor and menus improved
- Bug on launching online dictionary fixed
- Windows Mobile 5.0 or later
- Touchscreen device
- VGA or higher resolution screen
- .NET Compact Framework 3.5
Hope you enjoy!
Message for the generous people: If you like this app you can
eur, or
usd, the amount you prefer. Thank you!
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Hello Xdait,
Now he has been magnificent NotepadWS v2.5 program. Only one small detail I see in my device (VGA) and is the icon of your program in the file explorer leaves very large, so you see only a quarter of the icon ... only that detail.
I just made a donation through PayPal by using the program, as I indicated. I hope you get well.
Looks interesting, just what i was looking for. Any chance for WQVGA in future?
Thank you a lot JCM!
2.5 -> 2.51
- Now app memorizes the folder of last file used for the next launch
- File shortcuts list added, to open registered files with just one click
QVGA version, probably i will do it, but don't know exactly about the time i need
2.51 cab installer at first post
xdaid said:
Thank you a lot JCM!
2.5 -> 2.51
- Now app memorizes the folder of last file used for the next launch
- File shortcuts list added, to open registered files with just one click
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
@xdaid, appreciate the effort you've put in to this app so far. It has a lot of promise.
I've been playing with it off and on since the 2.0 release. It has not replaced me using AgileNotes (which has its own set of issues for me) on a regular basis, but I look forward to the possibility.
Here are my suggestions and please note I understand you have a life and your own set of requirements when you code, so I know maybe none of these comments might be used...
1. if you can support PWI files
2. if you can handle files with carriage return + linefeed end of line terminator (eg, DOS, windows based text files). Right now, files with CR+LF show up as unprintable characters
3. if you can allow for a default file folder on startup. Use the file shortcut UI you just implemented and apply it to select default, and/or favorite folders. I see you've just implemented it to memorize the last used folder, that is a good start and should be retained unless a default folder is specified.
4. allow for a default file type (eg, TEXT, LOG, etc). Currently always defaults to TEXT when you restart the app.
5. suggest adding or putting an EXIT APP type selection/option in your "cmd" CLOSE action list. Right now it has "X" to only close the active tab, but you have to go to the MAIN MENU to exit the app. Just does not seem intuitive in my opinion.
6. allow the user to select a default background color, font size, and font color if possible (to override system defaults). I realize this suggestion may be difficult or out of scope.
Future wish list, knowing it would likely require extra effort as you may not have the development environment to test on:
a. support the newer WM 6.5.x layout with the STARTMENU and "X" button on the bottom of the screen, or at least detect you are running on the newer versions and keep that bottom bar accessible.
b. use a better file selection UI. Right now, at least on my device, you have to tap on the actual scroll bar to scroll. It should be smooth and fluid like some of the default file selection interfaces in AgileNotes or even Resco File Explorer.
c. allow similar option like Resco or Total Commander for double or single tap to open a directory or file in your selection UI.
Again, thank you for the time and effort you have invested in to this application thus far.
A new version --> 2.55
cab installer and info at first post
It's a quite-big update for NotepadWS, sure not all the stuff listed by powinmo but.. something has been done.
Hope you enjoy
xdaid said:
A new version --> 2.55
cab installer and info at first post
It's a quite-big update for NotepadWS, sure not all the stuff listed by powinmo but.. something has been done.
Hope you enjoy
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Click to collapse
Hello Stefano,
Congratulations !!!... you've made a great program, you've passed this new version. Thanks for your program remains my sole editor in my HTC Touch Pro, I do not need anything else to work.
xdaid said:
A new version --> 2.55
cab installer and info at first post
It's a quite-big update for NotepadWS, sure not all the stuff listed by powinmo but.. something has been done.
Hope you enjoy
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
@xdaid. Sweet! Did a quick test run, and seems you incorporated many of my suggestions. Nice work so far.
Only major concern right now is:
- allowing up/down scroll gestures in the file selection UI without actually having to tap directly on the scroll bars. Trying to do a scroll gesture typically selects the item your finger first lands on - basically seems the filename/directory listing of that UI reacts to single tap picking only.
Other than that, my left overs from my prior wish list post are still items:
(1) pwi support and (a) winmo 6.5.x UI support
Again those are not critical, just something for down the road - if even possible.
It's pretty close to being my daily editor and that's saying a lot. Keep up the great work.
Please re-download 2.55 cab installer
i forgot to include a small bug fix, now the cab is updated.
@ powinmo: scroll gesture in file selection UI should not be a problem, i will implement it soon.
Instead, pwi support could be quite hard to realize, i have some ideas about how
extract text from / save text to pwi files. Just ideas so far, but i can try..
Thx for update works a treat
xdaid said:
Please re-download 2.55 cab installer
i forgot to include a small bug fix, now the cab is updated.
@ powinmo: scroll gesture in file selection UI should not be a problem, i will implement it soon.
Instead, pwi support could be quite hard to realize, i have some ideas about how
extract text from / save text to pwi files. Just ideas so far, but i can try..
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@xdaid - appreciate your continued work on the app! Looking forward to seeing that file selection UI more usable and closer to how others UIs act.
As for pwi support, I would put that priority at the very bottom and address any other items you feel are more important.
I do have one additional request after using your app a bit more now:
- add the ability to recognize a scroll up/down gesture versus highlighting text when editing. Right now, when you try to do that the editor strictly acts as if you want to mark text for an action (eg, copy, looking, etc). To scroll through a long document, you have to literally tap on the scroll bar versus the natural inclination of using a gesture.
Other than that, I'm almost sold on trying to the app as my regular editor. Thank you for being so receptive to user comments and suggestions!
For those who like to use the tab character to get fixed spaces / column alignment:
I added a 2.56 version, it's the same as 2.55 but tab character is enabled.
xdaid said:
For those who like to use the tab character to get fixed spaces / column alignment:
I added a 2.56 version, it's the same as 2.55 but tab character is enabled.
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Hello Stefano,
I think your application becomes an application program is essential to our Windows Mobile devices. You've got an editor and text file reader very versatile and practical, ingenious solutions. Thanks for your good program.
I've been looking for a nice notepad app for a while now, this looks pretty nice . Thanks for sharing!
I have a bit of a request: would you consider adding file 'scheme' functionality. Say you are looking a reg file, the 'scheme' would highlight certain predefined key words or phrases making it more readable. The same could then be true for .xml, .mscr or any other file that can be read by notepad. You think that would be doable?

[APP] OPTasks - Task (todo) list, my way!

I'm reviving an old program of mine, for windows mobile, which I hope is still working on current phones.
I actually do not intend to develop it further, but I thought it might be interesting for this forum users nonetheless.
So here it is (contents taken from my site on http://www.opbyte.it/optasks/):
OPTasks is a Task list (or Todo list) for PocketPC. It is compatible with the windows mobile bundled software (pocket outlook), but it is different because:
- It is more flexible
- The task list can hold more tasks in a single screen because of smaller font
- Same for categories, and the list is scrollable
- Keyboard shortcuts for fast navigation
- Four filters to control task list contents
- Quink insert mode: to create a new task, just type the subject and click enter! (version 0.5 and newer only)
OPTasks is offered to you as freeware. See the application's about box for more info.
download from: http://www.opbyte.it/optasks/download.html
Can someone check if the program works on windows mobile 6.5? Thanks

