Wholesale of Pocket PC Phones - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

Does anyone know where I can find Pocket PC Phone Wholesellers? I'm interested in 50-100 phones to start off with.
Thanks in advance
[email protected]

try www.alibaba.com - you have to register and then you can post trade requests and leads, I do allot business on here.



does anyone has "caller2picture" ?
I have the trial version and I want to buy the full one, but on "pocket gear" I've seen a post of a user that bought the full version but he's still unable to assign more then 3 pictures.
Can I thrust them and buy the software or do I have to forget it ?
check here
I've used the trial version with more or less success, especially displaying a chimpanzee picture when my collegues tried to phone me :lol:
I've got the full version and it works fine. I've got about 10 pictures assigned to contacts.
can anybody explain how i can use it(call2picture)
you may excus me
i cant speak english verey well
xchange your the man...
need more ppl like you here
Caller2Picture Full Version
Can someone point me in the right direction i need to Dload this software but i aslo keep hearing that you are only able to use 3 pictures please email me any info U guys have. [email protected]
Thanks in advance
ALl this administrator going around deleting my posts... are a bunch of ass hole...
anyway, I will start a forum on my own xda forum later.... Which asshole please own up. Don't hide like a DOG
xchange said:
ALl this administrator going around deleting my posts... are a bunch of ass hole...
anyway, I will start a forum on my own xda forum later.... Which asshole please own up. Don't hide like a DOG
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Oh, please, give me a break... We're doing our best to create a fun experience for everyone. And besides, what hidden about the policy of removing warez trading?
This is not acceptable at all.... Xchange man those ppl are receiving us as their guests and why pay them back by insulting them??? 2 days ago this site or this forum has reached its 500 user and all of them are considering themselves as one family sharing and learning and teaching. Please reconsider your attitude as we all are here friends and one happy XDA, o2, QTEK, SX56 (forgot any?) Family...
Thanks for the ppl behind this site thanks for the members in this great forum God bless us all.
I have to agree with XDA developer Peter Poelman
come on xcahnge - $14 is not a lot for software... that is damned useful...
and entertaining, and intuitive. Instead of moaning why not just develop your own version of the software and distribute it as freeware?
I mean if it cost several hundred pounds and you used it three times you'd have cause to grumble.
Dont forget that programmers have mouths to feed - and being a software developer is as worthy a job as a train driver or electrician.
(Apart from Solicitors & Estate Agents)
I am none of these by the way, but I know plenty of programmers!
Dont forget that we need people like this to develop apps for our phones to make them "far more functional" than our friends nokias, or motorolas are.
Hold on a minute you dont like paying 14 dollars, but you have several hundred dollars worth of mobile phone!!!!
Just try it out. add three pics for your best friends and if you like it then just BUY NOW!
no thanks, I already got the serial no... caller2phone. I guess our opinion are different.
xda site
hi all
this is a great site and i normally log in daily i used to have a nokia communicator but the xda is a lot more usefull and the only real website for the xda is my-symbian.com and that started a bit like this site but turned very quickly into a forum for selling software and not really intrested in the people or the product it would be s ahame for this to happen here there is loads of free software out there try downloading bear share and you will get loads of games. anyway keep up the good work on the website.
regards kevin beecher
So... what about sharing the serial!!!!
caller2picture is pants..
I only wanted to be able to select different ringtones... caller2picture adds its bloatware crap and removes another useful feature <sending an sms from the contacts> (or has nobody noticed?)
nobody has made a program with a little box that lets you do the same thing?
Leo said:
So... what about sharing the serial!!!!
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It is useless, because it is generated depending on number on your Register screen. And that one is probably calculated from your name/or other unique parameters of you xda.
Anyone got similar problem. The pictures aren't showing themselves regularly and consistently. They pop up many times less than they don't. Suggest anything, guys? :?
What is frustrating is I bought the full version, but it will not work with WM2003PE.
What is frustrating is I bought the full version, but it will not work with WM2003PE.
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The program does work with my ppc2003. Anyway, you have to remove your sd card before the installation since the system will automatically install the software to sd card even you choose to install on the default location. The Picture2Caller does have some bugs when installed to ppc 2003. That is the software fails to work with all contacts. Anyway, if you feel ok with this, go ahead. Cheers
I want to agree with Arzeb,
This is an AWESOME site, complete with smart helpful people. Please keep up the excellent stuff that gets done here.
xchange: please chill.
THANX to the rest of you.
Tried installing it again withot the SD card, still does not work. What happens is, it does not retrieve the contact's name, and phone numbers.

Anyone have full licensed Pocket PC Software to give away?..

realise the pocket pc software are quite expensive... Anyone want to share their license copy, games, utility etc. I guess all can benefit right?... Rather we all purchase on our own.
Or may be we can all chip in to buy.... We can use services like Paypal to remittance money to each other.
Me interested in the Age of Empires Gold Edition. Anyone got a full license one. Nyditot Virtual Display 3.01 ?...
I'm just speaking for myself here...
I have no major moral objections against copying copyrighted software, but I can also see the point of software companies trying to make a buck. I even co-own a small software company that will be trying to make a buck soon. But please believe me when I say that this is not the reason I'm posting this message.
I would hate to see warez being traded on this system. I've seen what frequent warez trading does to the atmosphere of communities like ours. Before long, professional traders will post requests. People will offer to pay for stuff, warez ftp server addresses 'for-the-day' will be posted, etc. etc. etc.
There's plenty of good forums on Usenet that have plenty of (alt.binaries.)warez posted to them. They have much less good productive atmosphere to waste and they work well.
Well I don't think warezing software is something terribly wrong (it's not a theft usually), but if somebody likes the software, he should buy it. However, nobody can expect a 18 year old czech student to spend 80 bucks for SSH client he uses once a week.
I think those who use software to make money (companies, managers etc...) should buy the software. Those who just "play" with software and install and deinstall applications 5 times a day can get a warez copy. But if I find a great piece of soft I want to keep (forever), I buy it.
(I don't buy software, I'm a poor student and the software fee doesn't repay itself).
And another thing... I would never trade software here - in public, in a tech forum with guest access...
If you can afford an XDA and the phone contracts that go with it, you can afford the software - most programs are only 10-15 USD. A few like AoE are more, and I can tell you worth the extra money.
Basically, i find it rather amusing the comments given. Anyway, my intention is not to spread the so called 'piracy'. The intention was to share files with your so called neighhours. If you think my sharing for example DVD - THe spider man to let the neighhour watch or use, then the whole world must be pracitising that, even your neighhouhood video store is spread 'piracy'. I mean people can always rent it and duplicate at their home right?......
Furthmore, forum is more less like a obtaining information, sharing etc. That's why I use the words like sharing. Wanna to charge those sharing information. If you think this kind actions is bad, I think this forum shall stop hacking the XDA stuff..
I got my new 02 XDA 64MB at US$500 only.... Spend so much $$$ on electronic stuff for what?........ Earniing money is not an easy task. and for you info only a few program is US$10/= Most are more that U$20/=. IF you get 10 how much will it be, and the money is only for 1 version. don;t forget the accessories thats comes with it. If you think u have extra $$$ to spend on this software. Share with it someone who is not as rich as u.
there is loads of free stuff out there if you want it a forum like this is brillant for info but there is a wide range of others out there
My two cents in what seems to become a long thread.
First to answer mac's orignal question. I can't help you (currently :lol: )
In response to XDA developer Peter Poelman's response I want to submit that in order to keep this forum alive we certainly don't need the professional traders.
As for software licensing. I have been/am on both sides. User and author. It's annoying if people just copy whatever they like, especially if they make a lot of money with it.
My justification so far has been. I use 'evaluation copies' for 2 or 3 weeks or so and if it is still in use I buy the software. Is it legal? Probably not? Is this wrong? Probably yes, but I can sleep at night.
We all invent 'our rules' for the world. If you want to be safe, stick with the rules. If not just be prepared to have your [email protected]# kicked every now and then.
Although I sympathise with the argument of being a student, etc etc, that doesn't justify it (nor do my own 'rules' do that). What would you charge someone with 5 children and being a single parent?
And most of the times there are alternatives. For instance in the windows space there is a lot of free software around and some of them are real jewels. If you are curious: www.nonags.com.
Industry responds with free software containing banners and adds, we all hate them, install cracks/patches to get rid of them. Wake up guys. They give it away for free and still we whine. (yes, I hate adds and banners to and I kill them whenever possible). I think we shouldn't whine about initiatives like Palladium if we copying everything we can get our hands on.
Overall my advise is: don't use THIS forum for conducting that behaviour and for the rest live and let live. In my opinion its a forum for undertanding the XDA and its technology. I don't even have one yet ( :evil: ) but I have learned a lot already. One could argue about some of the things tht could be done with the XDA (un-simlocking of accidently locked phones) but it's mainly discussing the device, software and accessoiries.
Being nosy is not a crime.
Having knowledge is not a crime.
But using knowledge could be a crime.
And even the first 2 can be a crime depending on where you live.
Pfffffffffft, I must be PMS'ing. Sorry people :wink:
I think games should be paid for....
but as far as tools etc goes I think it would be fair to follow the GPL...
You pay for what you make money with.
I'm a frequent visitor to alt.binaries....pocketpc and I've probaly downloaded 700mb or so in pocketpc warez since I bought my XDA...
I have an easynews account which archives newsgroup posts from the last 30 days.
That software I downloaded because I thought it looked interesting; not because it was there. Out of those god knows how many programs I have 12 programs that I keep on my xda at all times... these I have registered:
Battery Pack 2003 <<< really good
Resco Explorer 2003
Lextionary <<< prolly the best dictionary tool
Marble Worlds
Diamond Mine <<< addictive as hell
Speedball 2 << we love the Amiga !!
Pocket C64 <speaks for itself>
Small menu <<< damn good btw
The others I played with for a while and then dumped because they were errr CRAP ? or there were other better alternatives (atleast in the power monitoring area)
Diamond mine I downloaded months ago... and only registered yesterday.
I dont believe in buying stuff I dont need.. and downloading them gives me more time to decide whither I'm going to keep it... or fire it onto a DVDRW and forget about it after a month.
I also have a wares copy of Autocad Studio Max 5 on my computer... $5k to buy in the shops...
most people dont learn this program at Uni (atleast the good ones anyways). Most of them pick up a copy when they are in their early teens and continue to learn with it till they master the techniques. After doing so they go to Uni and get the bit of paper... later on they get a job with a company which has bought a license to the application.
Autocad arent missing out on my license... I'd have never considering paying the $5,000 in the first place.
Some people say that 3D Animation is a craft. I've known people who have been 'learning' it for the past 7 years. Where would Autocad get its budding new business licenses if the 3D warez market dried up and only the large software houses could afford them?
Games are different, you cant make money from them.
I bought StarScape the other day for the PC.
download the demo and give it a go
I normaly run games in 1600x1200 or above... but the fact this runs in 640x480 makes no difference.
You might also want to check this site out for some more quality game play... and best of all they are free 8)
http://www.tierraentertainment.com/ (reworked kings Quest I&II)
http://www.back2roots.org/ (shtuff from eons ago)
games from the era of when gaming had gameplay, hand drawn graphics and not just a billion polygons fired at it.
Strange comment from a 3D artist.
hi mac
try bear share there is loads of software on there i dont think we should trade games on here i used to use another site for my nokia communicator and it started to trade software and now it gives very little free and has turned into a business venture about selling software and not the product which it was originally meant to help promote amongst fellow users
Well, we'll be relasing a game soon aswell and i would like to think that if people download the demo and they are happy with it, that they would then go on to buy the full version. Its not like the average pocket pc game costs a fortune.
The way I look at it is if people dont buy software, people will stop writing it, I have purchased many games/apps, and am glad i supported the writers of such software. As a result newer and better versions are released, i prime example is Battery Bar along with Journal Bar, fantastic bit of software.

No More XDA - One Wanted!

Had to hand back my XDA today - company went bust & I got laid off
Sure am going to miss it
Had it running as a SatNav, used it for MSN Messenger, Browsing, VPN & r/c of servers etc via VNC, had a bespoke 2-way data package on it + all the usual phone stuff. My T39/T68 are just not going to replace it
So if anyone has a spare they don't want? Or looking to u/grade?
Give me a call
Or I might just have to find some cash to get an XDA II :?
It is a common practice here in the US (way too common lately ) to give employees the first shot at buying liquidated equipment. The creditors foreclosing on your business will only be able to liquidate your company's technology items for a tiny fraction of their cost. Aside from marketable items like higher-end unix servers and cisco gear, most companies let employees buy their own cellular/handheld/laptop/desktop gear at considerable discounts. I'd ask if I were you, will usually be cheaper than buying a used one on the open market, and you know exactly what you're geting.
Puff, Mad max is right.
By the way u mentioned used the VNC RC. I've been using VNC for months now to remote control out server and some workstations thru my Desktop, but I was not able to used it in my XDA, either GPRS or dial-up.
I hope you could help me
XDA's for sale
I have two XDA's for sale, both with 128Meg memory cards, drop me a line at [email protected] if your interested :wink:
try ebay mate will be best option

TG01 for a Developer

Edit: Closed per OP request. ~TheRomMistress
I purchased the TG01 in February and I have lost my temper with it because it's so horrible, but I know there are a few developers out there looking for a real device to work with, so I thought I'd sell it.
I'm looking for anything over £65, It's in good working order with a few scratches on the screen and it's generally in OK condition, but the speaker is quite quiet.
If you're interested please reply to this thread.
PS, I will consider swapping phones if you want
tjcooper17 said:
I purchased the TG01 in February and I have lost my temper with it because it's so horrible, but I know there are a few developers out there looking for a real device to work with, so I thought I'd sell it.
I'm looking for anything over £65, It's in good working order with a few scratches on the screen and it's generally in OK condition, but the speaker is quite quiet.
If you're interested please reply to this thread.
PS, I will consider swapping phones if you want
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Hold that thought, we might be able to buy it from you for the Android project if we can raise the money. £65 shouldnt be too difficult to raise!
Please dont sell it before speaking to us about it.
I'm in Blackburn Lancashire, whereabouts are you?
bally3 said:
Hold that thought, we might be able to buy it from you for the Android project if we can raise the money. £65 shouldnt be too difficult to raise!
Please dont sell it before speaking to us about it.
I'm in Blackburn Lancashire, whereabouts are you?
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.. is there an Android TG-01 developer fund - I'll contribute if you're able to buy a cheap TG-01
i'll contribuite too..
I have posted in the Android discussion thread and Alex has kindly offered to hold the donations:
decide between yourselves if you will and start a donations thread and get the money rolling. Someone needs to pm tjcooper17 to ask him if hes still got it and whether he's happy to wait until the money is raised.
I'll ask dzo (or any developer users recommend with a track record for Android development) once we have confirmation that the purchase is going to happen.
Best of luck
tjcooper17 can you post some pics of the device since you say it has some scratches and also what comes with the phone, is the box, charger and everything with it and lastly is it sim locked to orange or unlocked?
Hi guys,
I'm in Shaftesbury, Dorset. The device is locked to Orange, I'll post some pictures in just a minute and I'll send it with everything I got in the box:
USB to PC Lead
CD Drivers
I should be able to get you the device including delivery for £70 if that's OK.
Pictures in just a second
I'm having real trouble uploading the pictures at the moment, is there an email address i can send them to?
tjcooper17 said:
I'm having real trouble uploading the pictures at the moment, is there an email address i can send them to?
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why you need to upload pictures ?
endrix said:
why you need to upload pictures ?
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I think he wants to show us the phone.
Well, I believe him anyways
What about making the pictures smaller?
Than you could place them here at xda as an attachment on your next post.
Sorry to butt in on this thread! We have a donation thread for TG01 Android development :
.. and a direct link to PayPal :
.. so far, £15 has been donated
OK I've compressed them quite a bit, didn't realise how big they were.
thanks for the pics.
The thread for the donations has been closed down by mods.. I'll pm the mod on how we can do this without collecting money on here. The only other way I can think of is if enough people pledge to put money towards the phone, then we donate to you directly.
Leave it with me.
TG01 donations thread closure
"the best thing to do is pledge a certain amount and keep a list
then when you have the funds needed then start gathering the pledges amending the list saying who has followed through"
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It appears that the word donations is contentious.
So if we want to do this, the best thing is everyone PLEDGES what they are willing to put towards a device on this thread, once we have enough money and a developer who wants to help, we can pay tjcooper17 someway and get him to send the device to the developer.
Sorry about the mess, I guess these things are there to protect xda users from fraudulent transactions so its probably wise not to ignore them.
On that note, I will say if anyone has any suggestions how this can be done without hickups, please feel free to put your ideas forwards.
Lastly, Endrix is the lead developer here, I have been asked why I am not accepting the device myself, it is simply because I do not possess the reverse engineering skills to take this project forward and neither do I have the time to learn to do so.
I am quite happy to help out where I can and look forward to purchasing a tg01 if android is successfully ported to it which I look forward to being a part of.

TV Box Hack needed

Dear hacking artists,
I really need help. There is this lame TV Box called Omnibox. Years ago, when RadioShack was going through bankruptcies, the manufacturer gave up support and left me with this Omnibox useless. Since it is preloaded with some dumb OS I don't recognize, I can't do anything with this hardware.
You can look at the device on Amazon website and searching for "Omnibox" and it's the second result.
Amazon Product ID is B007NJ6S9S.
I am interested in loading Android on this and I am willing to offer a bounty on it if this forum can allow it.
I will do my best to work with you and provide you with necessary information. If you prove yourself to be capable, I will physically send it to you to tinker.
Please let me know in which forum I can post this request. If you can teach me how to upload photos on this forum, I'd appreciate it too.
Thank you for your time.

