Most Stable wm2003se Rom - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

hello, ive been looking thru the forums at the wm2003se roms and im starting to get confused with which one is the best and most stable, there seems to be soo many different verions with so many different extended roms, could someone please tell me which is best wm2003se and extended rom to use please? im on the orange network in the uk )

I too am confused on which one is the best for me. I have a Qtek 2020 and I need an english/USA version. Rom vs. 1.72.00WWE Radio vs. 1.14.00. Please advise me which one will work the best for me.

I have searched high and low and tried to register at the only site that I could find that had the rom upgrade with no success.
[/b]Can someone just please give me the link to a place where I can get and download the latest ROM for my PPC O2 XDA 11...

Hi guys!
There is NOT such thing as the BEST ROM/Ext ROM! It's a matter of taste and needs.
If you made a bit of research, you'll find the qualified opinions of the most experienced users and developers around, and should make your choices: BT Sync? HandsFree profile? Handwriting recognition? Your preferred language? Intellipad? VoiceDial? Landscape? and the hundreds of documented bugs!
My advice: get ONLY what you need. The farther you go, the greater are the chances for something to fail.
Our machines are great, but UNSUPPORTED.
Enjoy your trials!

Ok... I need the autoconfig for Telstra MMS Settings


WM2003SE ROM for T-Mobile Netherlands?

I've been reading all the posts about upgrading to WM2003SE for the last three days but it is still way too confusing.
What I am looking for is to upgrade my T-Mobile MDAII to WM2003SE and the best working radio stack and extended ROM.
It would be real nice if someone has this and would upload it.
Other wise, I would be really gratefull if anyone could guide me through the process.

WM2005 etc. Newbie Questions

I'm the proud owner of a T-Mobile MDA II with vga camera. Half an hour ago I happend to find this interesting forum.
What is this Windows Mobile 2005? I've never heard of it. I searched the Microsoft website, but I didn't find anything.
I have no idea which OS is installed on my MDA... the ROM version is 1.72.01GER (in case that helps).
So... in case I want to upgrade my MDA.... what do I have to do, where do I get the files from etc. And, what is this upgrade all about? Is it a totally new OS, or what is it? I have no idea
Thanks for your help
Hi Bauer,
I too am a newbee. Just joined this forum about a month ago. If I may give you a clue ( though I'm not an expert in it), the Windows Mobile 2005 is supposed to be the next mobile phone OS from Microsoft. It is said to have many more user-friendly features than the one you are currently using. However it has not yet been officialy released in the market (I even doubt if its ready yet). But thanks to our great Buzz Lightyear ( we are fortunate to get the taste of the new promised features. Buzz had managed to create his own version of the said OS and named it the Magneto. Why don't you try to drill further into other area of this forum or go to I'm sure you'll get the idea, and as it happened to me I'm sure you'll like it too. Good Luck.
Hi again Bauer,
Regarding the question as to where to get ROM upgrade, you can try this link to get the copy of the new ROM upgrade. However you are supposed to register yourself first to be able to access the link. There (and in this forum too) you will get a clear description & instruction for the ROM upgrade.
I would also like to get this opportunity to apologize to the forum (especially to Buzz and the development team) for not being polite enough to say 'thank you' for all the work you've done. I've had no significant problem with either the upgrading process or the tweaking around with both hardware and software (incl. 3rd parties). Everything works fine with my machine since day one I did the upgrade. I love the work. Thank you all, and have a nice day.
Hi Bauer,
Spend time reading the wiki site too which will provide you with a lot of background about your new toy and the sort of things you can tweak/ develop or pick up that others have done.
Also learn to use the search function of this website as you can find most of the answers for yourself without relying upon good folk to give the same advice to the next newbee in the queue asking the same questions ('nuff said, we've all been newbees at sometime).
Once you've read relevant parts of the wiki and are comfortable that you want to risk changing your ROM (there are numerous pitfalls you risk (e.g. warrantee invalidation) and ultimately totally killing your machine if you have two left feet/ power surge/ massive bad luck etc) search these forums will educate you to the experiences of others developing/ beta testing/ exploring. Buzz's versions of WM5 are narrated a:
Remember to pay due homage to all his hard work.
Beyond that enjoy.
Viel Glück - Mallow1

Help upgrading ROM on TyTN from France!

Hi, I first want to start by saying I have read through the entire Hermes wiki and have followed the website for about the past year, through my 8125 and now on to my 8525. Thus, I have done the necessary research but now just have a couple of questions that are best answered by the community. I apologize if I did not find a thread out there that answered this particular question, but I assure you that I tried to look for one. ANYWAY....
A couple of weeks ago my father purchased a HTC TyTN in France, I suppose, from my recommendations for my 8525. He is originally from overseas, grew up there, and has fluently spoken French his entire life, but English is the language with which he is comfortable as far as computers and phones go. Although he loves the phone, his one problem is the fact that everything is in French. He says that he can sort of navigate around but claims that most of the translation is not great, and, in addition, it is hard for me to help him out when things are called different things between our two phones.
Basically, my question is what do I have to do to make his phone in English? I am assuming that his phone is the HTC TyTN and, from looking on the ROM upgrading page, that his ROM is currently the " FRA." I know that I will have to upgrade his ROM, but which is the best, most stable one that I should upgrade his phone to? Or, is there officially released ROM's that HTC releases for TyTN users who buy their phone overseas but would prefer an operating system in English, or another language?
Again, I am sure someone will say "Read the wiki before you post something like this," but it is my father's phone (which he paid $600 for there!!) and I want to be sure I know what I am doing when I do it, rather than the way I can just play around with my 8525.
I thank everyone in advance for reading my post and for any help that anyone can provide; a mere recommendation of a ROM to any helpful suggestions would be more than appreciated! Thank you so much again, and thanks to everyone who keeps this place such a valuable community for those seeking help and, of course, those eternally seeking ways to make their phones cooler than that of the person's next to them!
Without going into a discussion on which ROM is "better" and what criteria should be used the decide the "betterness" of a particular ROM, the easiest option is to install the WWE edition of the same ROM version you have installed already.
You will need to either make the phone SuperCID, or better, use the new SSPL method.

Orange SPV M3100

Hi guys,
I am new to this, I have done a few searches, I find some stuff but no clear path on how to upgrade my M3100 to WM6.
Could someone help me out with some instructions and what files I need?
Many thanks
Take a look here, and follow relevant links.
Also don't forget to take note of Mr Vanx's guides!
Thanks for the reply, which version would be better?
Which ROM
Impossible to say which is the best for you really, all of the most recent releases are stable, fast and come with a built in selection of applications and ROM specific tweaks. The "which is the best ROM" threads tend to go on without any resolution, we all have our favorite! There are some ROM polls kicking around that are worth getting a feel for whats popular, i would suggest reading those and then trying a few of the popular ones. I went through three before deciding on one i was happiest with.
There are flavours of ROM's being released left right and centre these days, do a spot of reading over at the cooked ROM's depository and check out the Wiki page for all the information you need:

T-Mobile ROM on unlocked 8525 *FLAME SUIT ON*

Ok, I've searched this site/Google/and 2 other pocketpc forums but I'm running out of time...
My friend was kind enough to let me borrow and testdrive his 8525 that he doesn't use anymore. If I like it and can get it to work on T Mobile, I can buy it...if not, he'll take it back and sale it. Great deal huh?
I've got to make a decision by tomorrow, I've managed to
unlock the device
FINALLY flashed a radio version that seems to work (took 6 tries)
upgraded the ROM
Question: Is there a T Mobile ROM that I can flash that will give me the T Mobile apps/wallpaper/etc? If so PLS post the link. I've found different links that look possible, just nothing that's spelled out in plain English for a noob such as myself. Also, as far as enabling MMS/Picture Messaging, is it just a matter of replacing the AT&T connection settings with the T Mobile settings?
Sorry for the simple question, I'm just out of time.
ROM 2.15.502.3
Protocol 32.80.7020.20H
Ant T-Mob ROM that's not been adjusted or recooked should have all the T-Mob apps and settngs in, inc internet and wallpapers.
Just search the Hermes forum, thread titles only, for t-mob or t-mobile.
As far as enabling MMS etc, the new ROM will do that. If you want to do it seperately, there is a thread somewhere with cabs posted for just about every country and carrier. Was a while ago but a search'll find it.
Sorry I can't just provide the links but I don't use T-Mob.
These are official WM6 Tmo roms:
I've flashed the UK one, but skipped the tmo-customisation. Its running unbelievable fast!
thank you
thank you much!
I've searched with just about every form of "T-Mobile" I could think of...the results were just a bit confusing. I think searching thread title only would've helped. :-}
I also wasn't certain that the UK Tmo rom was universal as I'm located in the States, but I think you've answered the question. I'll give it a shot...
Check the sticky about HardSPL in this forum. That will alow you to flash any ROM.
Got it...did I'm running WM6 T Mobile (from the UK link)
Just have to figure out how to fix the keyboard without having to mess with the registry (a little over my head), now, back to Searching...

