HELP PLEASE: XDA I screen not responding to stylus - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

I bought my XDA I new three days ago, the first day it worked fine, although I didn't use it much (just played around with PocketWord and Solitaire...). The next day the touch screen simply stopped working. I wasn't doing anything unusual. Doesn't matter how lightly or firmly I touch the screen with the stylus, it doesn't respond at all... It has basically made the device useless. Has anyone heard of anything like this, or know of a fix for it?
Thanks very much for your help!

have you try to reset the XDA?
I will reset the XDA see what happen. Softreset first, if it doesn't work, try hard reset( you will loss everything in the memory, so make a backup if you can).

Thanks for your reply, I have tried resetting both soft and hard, neither work. Now I am back to the original 'Tap the screen to setup your PocketPC' message I had when I first used my phone 3 days ago. This screen still isn't responding at all...

Have you fitted a screen protector by any chance,, this can stop the taps working. If not then it looks like a hardware failure as you havent messed with the rom or anything.

try to run a bootloader test and post the result here
Hi can you run a bootloader test see if the hardware is working?
1. hold the power button while softreset the device.
2. click the middle button on the middle button(action button)
3. run a touch test and you will know if your hardware is ok or not.
4. Also can you please do me favor, while you inside the bootloader test screen, can you please also run a Battery test for me. My XDA is currently having a problem.see my post below.

Thanks for the replies everyone, unfortunately I took it back to Optus before I read your post Sam. There was no protector, it must have just been a hardware failure. I ran the touch test a few times, all but once it failed. It was working on and off so I assume theres a loose wire or something similar. It was under warranty still (lucky considering it came off eBay) but does mean it'll be gone for three weeks


Erratic touch screen? Please help!

I have a T-Mobile Pocket Phone Edition,
It's had a rough life but as kept going for over 3 years now.
For the last year I would have to realign the screen 2 or 3
times a week but over the last few months it keeps getting worse.
Sometimes the screen won't respond to anything anywhere,
then after I tap it a few times boom works fine.
Sometimes I'll tap on the “Ok” and the “Start menu” will activate.
Sometimes drawing a line up the center of the screen will end up
shooting all over the screen.
And sometime it will work perfectly!
I thought the problems were to erratic to be hardware so
I hard set after awhile it started again,
So I hard set and installed a different ROM after a coupe hours
the problem was back.
Also sometimes the align program will get stuck in a
loop that doesn't end.
I've searched but can't find an answer? Anyone have an idea?
I've already taken it a part once but couldn't see how to get
any further after I toke the back panel off? Please help!
WOW nobody? So no one was heard of this problem before?
Can anyone direct me to directions on taking apart the Wallaby?
Thanks <><
It's a problem with touch screen. You should check (and fix) it.
Maybe it is necessary to press well screen to the motherboard. (Sorry my english).
Ok, Can you tell me where that connection is?
Toke everything apart, found the connection, cleaned everything (w/ screen wipe)
put it all back together. Still have the touch problem and now the backlight won't work!
I've found if I press the unit in my hand the touch panel works right,
I don't think it's a lose connection to the main board so I think it must be
one on the main board.
If anybody thinks they want it for parts let me know! :?

How-to: Flash a Rom even with a broken power button (Vid)

HI all,
I have made a short how-to video on how to flash one of the many awesome roms (made by our awesome rom-makers) onto a device that doesn't have a power button. I have done it several times and as the question keeps getting raised, I thought I would show some proof.
Some advice before the video.
I have done this myself on an I-mate (Himalaya). It took some trial and error but I am now running WM6.1. In my case though, I had to completely remove the power button from the device. The previous owner dropped it on its head, and I got it for free, unfortunately most of the top is missing, including the power button.
SO, on to how I did it. I took a paper clip (metal) and put it about 1cm down, slightly to the right of where the power button used to connect to the motherboard (in line with the text section of the Contact button on the top left of your XDA). Make sure you have turned your XDA/IMATE on before doing this. You'll find that when you find the right area, your device will turn off, or the screen will go dark (like holding the power button for a second or giving it a quick tap) or it will flash on and off.
If you manage to hold it there for the right period of time, while pressing the other bootloader buttons, then you will be able to enter bootloader.
This took me close to an hour to get just right, on both occasions I have done it, but it eventually worked and you eventually get quicker (5 minutes for me now).
My IMATE was useless without me updating the rom, so I had no worry about frying it if I did something wrong, that is why I was OK with playing around with its insides. BEWARE that you MAY DO DAMAGE to the device.
Good luck.
Here is the video.
Cheers! Hope this helps some people out there get the most out of their Himalayas again.
I have seen the video but somhow I felt that whatever you wanted to show is not getting properly visible. Perhaps the illumination is not that much.
But, I ould very well see the c_shekhar's bootsplash screen. hehe
Thanks for the Video. Worked a treat! Now I can flash my XDA again. Yeah the video was a little dark but I got the jist of it anyway.
Glad it has helped someone other than me. Someone also left a comment on the YouTube page that it worked for them as well, which is also good. Our Himalaya's will live on for many years to come!!!
I agree with my video being too dark (Environmentally friendly fluorescent lights are good for environment, bad for how-to videos). I will try and make a new, lighter video next time C_Shekhar ports a new rom!
Power button
I'm from the philippines. I was able to have my XDAII power button repaired it didn't cost that much. If there are repair shops in your area, maybe you can ask about it.
chinister said:
I'm from the philippines. I was able to have my XDAII power button repaired it didn't cost that much. If there are repair shops in your area, maybe you can ask about it.
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There are only two companies in Australia I know of that can officially fix our XDAs. They are bot hin Rockhampton (about 20 hours from where I live in Sydney).
They are both owned by the same company.
As you can imagine, I would predict that the repair cost would be very high, considering they essentially have a monopoly on the situation, and postage costs, insurance etc
I have a qtek 2020 with the key broken (it misses completely) power. can I perform your procedure?
Hi there,
It is hard to say for sure. The only way to know for sure is to actually try it. This procedure has worked repeatedly (at least nine times now for me) on my Himalaya, and several other peoples. It really is a last resort though, so you may want to trry everything else you possibly can first.
good good good
I have put the qtek in bootloader and I now have the new rom. Thanks.
I have solo another problem: after few second what I don't use it the display goes to standby and I must press strong to reactivate it. is it a problem software or hardware?
Glad to hear you were able to flash the new rom.
As for the restarting, I have not seen that before under this ROM, and I have used it on several devices and tested it fairly thoroughly. Are you sure nothing is still stuck in the top of your phone where the power button was (IE you didn't leave the metal device in the top?) Perhaps something in there keeps shorting it out?
Maybe it is just on a short timeout. Check under Start>Settings>System>Power>Advanced
See what time the settings are set to under here for "Turn off device if not used for..." both on battery and external power.
Also, then click on the "backlight" button at the bottom, and check those settings.
Under "Backlight" click on "Battery power" and change the settings to what you want, then click on "External Power" and do the same again.
Then just hit the OK button (top right corner) twice, and you should be done.
Hope this helps.
Hi Jadel. I just want to say thanks! Your video help me deal with a broken power button when upgrading rom for the first time. Without your help, I would never feel like having a brand new phone for free
I also found a way to hard reset a phone without camera button (or record).
Just connect mtty via usb into bootloader, type:
task 28 0 0
and reset your device as normal.
In my try it corrupted my splash screen but anything other is okay
Why on the HD2 do they make roms for SPL 1.4 when every FREAKIN PERSON on the PLANET has version 2.08 I have NO IDEA! STUPID!
Flashing rom
hi im from india and im using an imate ultimate 8502 mobile and unfortunately when i was soft resetting ma phone my phone was corrupt and it mholds in the boot screen itself whenever i restart my phone it stays in the blue sreen stating i mate it doesnt moves from it and boot loader cant be opened ive tried both the ways like holding power button & volume - key as well as holding fn and red button and reset key even both doesnt respond ive given my ,mobile to service to all of the servise centers in chennai but none of them cant service it can anyone help me out plzzzzzzzzzzzz...........

[Q] Freezing HD2 after lock

I know there are hundreds of threads and articles posted about HD2s freezing with the lock screen but this issue seems different to me. My problem is that whenever I lock the phone the touch screen will freeze entirely. I thought a work around may be to install a different lock screen. After installing that I can get past the lock screen but the touch screen still is not responsive. I have no idea what to do. I already did a hard reset and it still does it. I would like to add that it is completely consistent. It happens every time without fail. In order to even use the phone I have to pull the battery and I get one use out of it before it locks and I have to pull the battery again. Does anyone have any suggestions? I would really appreciate it..
Update: I flashed the original ROM to my phone and the freezing problem still exists.. I have no idea what to do at this point.
Update 2: Narrowed down the problem to being the physical "power/end/lock" button. If I slightly press it but not fully it will go to the honeycomb style menu with all the apps. If I press it fully the screen will go out like normal but then if I restore it, the entire screen is locked up. Nothing will work after that until I pull the battery.
I've directly linked the issue with the power button. I dont know why all of a sudden the power button would have a different function. The work around I found is while the phone is locked and the screen is off I can press the green button to unlock the phone and the touch screen will then function. If I use the power button it will remain frozen. Any ideas what happened?
I got some bad news for you, this issue is actually related to the digitizer (hardware) not software. What i would recommend is called HTC for a repair and send it in, it is covered by warranty, hopefully you have warranty.
A lot of people are having this issue, no-one yet has been able to pinpoint the cause, but here is the link a thread with similar problem:
Thanks for the reply. I do not think I have a warranty on this phone considering I bought it privately. Ill talk to Tmo and HTC and see what I can do. Just a theory, I may be wrong. But I live in PA and its been getting below 20 here lately. I noticed today that my work around didnt work when I was outside working on my car. Then I went inside and used a blow dryer to heat up the phone and it started working again. The end button didn't function properly but I could unlock the phone with the green send button. Perhaps the cold weather is shorting out people's digitizers? I don't really know how they work so that's why i said its only a theory. I bought this phone in the spring and didnt have an issue until now when it started getting really cold.

[Q] Problem with ON/OFF key

After 2 years of using my HTC HD2 I have a problem with ON/OFF key.
It just stop working. I think it's not a key problem, because even if it's not responding if I'm pressing it it's sometimes turn my phone ON or OFF by itself.
I would live with that, letting him to just turn OFF after one minute not using it and turn it ON be pressing any other key but it also drains battery a lot.
Even if I'm not using it (during the night) the battery power in the morning is about 35% (after full charge in the evening).
I thought it might be some OS problem so I have done hard reset and went back to default OS.
This fixed the problem, but after 2 weeks it's back again.
Is there someone out there who had this problem?
Does anyone know any solution?
Ps. Sorry for my English as it's not my native language.
have no idea
i have a problem there too
my hang up button, most of the time cause the touch screen to stop working
mikyyy_123 said:
have no idea
i have a problem there too
my hang up button, most of the time cause the touch screen to stop working
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the same here. this is a hardware fault. i have luck. my hd2 is in warranty. hope yours too.
regards, interceptor
Yeah, it looks like a hardware problem but there is a strange thing. When I take the battery out for an hour or longer and then put it back in, everything works as normal for some time (an hour or so). Isn't it strange?
So now I'm thinking about two solutions.
Disassemble my HD2 and take a look at it from inside
just check and install Android on it (maybe its not a hardware issue)
Do you know where can I find assemble instruction for HD2?
I have unscrewed those 4 screws but don't know what next. Cant find any snaps.
I'm not worrying about disassemble it as I have done it with my previous HTC HD and it's very simple, until you know what to do.
Edit: I have found disassembling and assembling instruction video on YouTube.
I put here links to it if someone need it
Disassembling -
Assembling -
I think it's time to try to fix it.
Or maybe I should get an insurance first?

[Q] Brick or hardware failure?

Hi guys,
I bought a second hand mini pro, and flashed (rooted, unlocked bootloader)it with the help of one of the several guides. with Simplexity and MiniCM7
It seemed to work fine at first, but now something odd happens.
I can only turn the device on (working) when I keep the keyboard slided out. When I start up with it slided in, The screen is turned on but no image appears: It stays black.
When it is turned on (slided out) I can use the phone normally. But when I slide it back in, the screen is frozen and won't react to touches.
Putting the phone in and out of standby (slided out) will have two possible outcomes: Either its usable as normal. Or it simply won't come out of standby at all. The phone seems to react (sounds) to pressing the buttons on the keyboard though.
I used Seus and manual methods to reflash to stock, try other kernels, but the problems remain.
I think it's the hardware that's failing but maybe this can be caused by the flashing as well?
Are there any methods to rule out one or the other?
Cherek said:
Hi guys,
I bought a second hand mini pro, and flashed (rooted, unlocked bootloader)it with the help of one of the several guides. with Simplexity and MiniCM7
It seemed to work fine at first, but now something odd happens.
I can only turn the device on (working) when I keep the keyboard slided out. When I start up with it slided in, The screen is turned on but no image appears: It stays black.
When it is turned on (slided out) I can use the phone normally. But when I slide it back in, the screen is frozen and won't react to touches.
Putting the phone in and out of standby (slided out) will have two possible outcomes: Either its usable as normal. Or it simply won't come out of standby at all. The phone seems to react (sounds) to pressing the buttons on the keyboard though.
I used Seus and manual methods to reflash to stock, try other kernels, but the problems remain.
I think it's the hardware that's failing but maybe this can be caused by the flashing as well?
Are there any methods to rule out one or the other?
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I'm responding to the thread's title : It's a hardware failure.Brick means you can't even power it on/flash mode.If I helped click the "Thanks" button.Also,try using nAa-11 my and x10man's ROM called XMP Rom and tell us if you still have this problem.I understand that you posted this here (If you post it in questions section almost no one will respond )so I won't tell about that.
(Oh, my bad. Mods feel free to move my thread)
I was afraid of that. I'll try your ROM as well, but I'm afraid its the hardware too.
Thankfully I only paid 30 euros for it
I think the flex cable is gone bad, i have the same problem here. My mobile doesnt respond to any touches. First it happened only when i would slide the keyboard. But now its dead as a whole
speedsys said:
I think the flex cable is gone bad, i have the same problem here. My mobile doesnt respond to any touches. First it happened only when i would slide the keyboard. But now its dead as a whole
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The XMP rom didn't fix it, so I guess you're right. Would a flex cable (those are the flat orange ones right?) be expensive?
Cherek said:
The XMP rom didn't fix it, so I guess you're right. Would a flex cable (those are the flat orange ones right?) be expensive?
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I hope you fix it
This is the cable we are having a problem with, i have given my mobile for replacing this stuff as i couldnt get this locally. This board houses the LCD and the digitizer and the buttons connect to this. The black cable goes to the motherboard. Its pretty simple to take apart the phone, but take care while doing so. Another thing its that, when you are opening the display panel, its better to use a guitar pick instead of a screwdriver and open it at the latches, that would avoid damage to the outer plastics.

